Metabolism proceedings with blood group B
Balanced gastrointestinal system - vulnerable immune system - unstable glucose level (blood sugar level) - vulnerability for adiposity
Blood group B is the only blood group which is compatible with most of cow milk products, because the basic glucose of blood group B is D galactosamine, the same glucose element like in the cow milk. But high calcium consumption provokes that there will be an imbalance between calcium and magnesium level and therefore fatigue and depressions are following.
One more consequence of the imbalance between calcium and magnesium with blood group B is the vulnerability for virus diseases, for example Herpes simplex: immune system is failing.
Licorice and licorice tea are magic agents: licorice with blood group B is reducing the vulnerability to viruses and autoimmune diseases, is balancing additionally the glucose level (hypoglycemia, lowered glucose level after meals), and has an effect against chronic fatigue syndrome (4 Strategien, p.165).
Some sorts of meat are damaging for blood group B, for example chicken because chicken has a lectin with an agglutinating effect for the blood of type B, and this can provoke even strokes and troubles with the immune system. And also some grains (corn, wheat, buckwheat, rye) are damaging for blood group B. In combination with normal wheat heavy adiposity can be the consequence, with diabetes.
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)
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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen. Das Lexikon für ein gesundes Leben; Piper 2005 (orig. English: Lexicon)
General metabolism proceedings
Ketosis: The body is converting proteins and fats into ketone bodies maintaining the glucose level. According to the blood group the preconditions for a perfect ketosis are different (4 Strategien, p.71).
Low tolerance: When the lifestyle is not a damaging one, negative food is allowed in little quantities (4 Strategien, p.89).
Der Sekretor-Status
Secretor status
Secretor status within a blood group is important to know. 80% are secretors with antigens in the bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, sperm etc.), 20% are non-secretors with antigens only in their blood (richtig leben, p.213, 404).
Therefore one can determine the blood groups of secretors in their blood AND in their bodily liquids (saliva, mucus, sperm). Non-secretors can determine their blood group ONLY in their blood (4 Strategien, p.404).
[This difference between secretors and non-secretors concerns about 40% of the important kinds of food] saying if the food can be proceeded completely or not respectively if there are positive or negative effects with them (richtig leben, p.213).
[Laboratories in Europe had no secretor test testing antibodies in the saliva (2006). The test had to be ordered in the "USA"].
General metabolism characteristics with blood group B
Gastrointestinal system: In general the gastrointestinal system of blood group B is "very balanced [...] with a healthy balance between sour and alkaline elements."
(orig. German:
Magen-Darm-Trakt der Blutgruppe B ist in der Regel "sehr ausgewogen [...] mit einem gesunden Säure-Base-Haushalt."
Therefore the big majority of vegetables and fruits is well proceeded (4 Strategien, p.161), even oranges, mandarins and strawberries (4 Strategien, p.162).
Gastrointestinal system accepts meat only wit limits: Also meat is compatible with blood group B, but with limits. In the intestine the alkaline enzyme phosphatase is working that among other things "is favoring the proceeding of animal proteins ans fats" (richtig leben, p.100-111). According to new investigations with type B, moderate concentrations "of alkaline phosphatase in the intestine can really be proved, and this is protecting the members of type B from damaging consequences of a protein-rich alimentation." (richtig leben, p.101)
(orig. German:
Beim B-Typ sind neueren Untersuchungen zufolge gemässigte Konzentrationen "von alkalischer Phosphatase im Darm eindeutig nachweisbar, und diese schützen die Betroffenen vor den schädlichen Auswirkungen einer proteinreichen Kost." (richtig leben, S.101)
-- is favoring the proceeding of fat
-- is - according to indications - also favoring the adaption of calcium.
Therefore it's well possible that blood group 0 [and to a certain extent also blood group B] will have less ruptures of bones than the blood groups A and AB - because of this easy adaption of calcium which the groups A and AB do not have (richtig leben, p.101).
Fats are proceeded well with phosphatase in the stomach of blood group, only some classes of meat are not well proceeded. Therefore cholesterol levels remain mostly low, and there is only a little danger for heart attacks (richtig leben, p.119).
Protein-rich alimentation is even good for blood group B and is enhancing the level of alkaline phosphatase in the intestine. Without protein-rich food there will be hardly alkaline phosphatase. With protein-rich food blood group B - like blood group 0 - can lower it's cholesterol level (richtig leben, p.120).
When "medical doctors" claim that a vegan lifestyle would be a prevention against osteoporosis [loss of bones], then this statement is proved to be wrong. The factors for osteoporosis have to be searched in the characteristics of blood groups (richtig leben, p.101). A vegetarian lifestyle is a big risk for blood group B [as also for blood group 0] (richtig leben, p.101-102).
Cow milk products are almost all well compatible with blood group B because the basic buildup-glucose with blood group B is D galactosamine. This is the same glucose like it is in the cow milk (4 Strategien, p.153).
Balance between cow milk products and magnesium products: The organism of blood group B is absorbing calcium that well so there can be an imbalance between calcium level and magnesium level. In this case the vulnerability is rising for
-- virus diseases
-- fatigue
-- depression
-- eventually also for nervous diseases (4 Strategien, p.176).
Vulnerable immune system: Blood group B normally is especially vulnerable for virus and autoimmune diseases (4 Strategien, p.160).
Blood group B
-- is resistant
-- is mentally fresh
-- the organism of blood group B is defending heart diseases and cancer and has a high survival rate (4 Strategien, p.148)
-- but the organism of blood group B is vulnerable for uncommon diseases of the immune system like Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Lupus or chronic fatigue syndrome (4 Strategien, p.149).
Blood group B has idiosyncratic antigens [with a hypersensitivity for certain substances] (4 Strategien, p.278. Blood group B is vulnerable for "bizarre virus diseases like MS and for rare nervous diseases which are sleeping for years and are breaking out then by lectins of certain food (for example by chicken or by corn)." (4 Strategien, p.279).
(orig. German:
Die Blutgruppe B ist anfällig für "bizarre Viruserkrankungen wie MS und seltene Nervenleiden, die jahrelang im Verborgenen schlummern und dann manchmal durch die Lektine in bestimmten Nahrungsmitteln geweckt werden (z.B. in Huhn oder Mais)." (4 Strategien, S.279).
Emotional imbalance with blood group B by the wrong food
When the alimentation is against the blood group the organism of blood group B is showing heavy defects:
-- vaccinations are hardly accepted well
-- general fatigue
-- fluctuating glucose levels and hypoglycemia
-- a weakness of the immune system is always possible with a failing defense
-- overweight is well possible when hostile grain products are eaten, and up to the development to diabetes when hostile grain products are taken in combination with wheat
-- chronic fatigue
-- vulnerability for bladder inflammation
-- lack of concentration
-- vulnerability for depressions.
Damaging hostile food
Hostile food is not proceeded well and in the case of damaging classes of grains the stomach and intestine are depositing the grain products as fat not converting them into energy (4 Strategien, p.149).
The change to blood group nutrition with blood group B
When blood group nutrition is followed the members of blood group B will have a long and healthy life. Alimentation of blood group B is a balanced combination between vegetal and animal products (4 Strategien, p.149).
But changing the food plan can provoke that some cultural limits have to be overcome (4 Strategien, p.153-154).
Religious Jews which are mainly members of blood group B have to reduce their consumption of ritual chicken meat and have to change to turkey or pheasant (4 Strategien, p.151).
Asian population often rejects cow milk products because cow milk comes from the north and was introduced by "Mongol Herds" which are names as "Barbarians". Therefore many Asian people of blood group B like more damaging soya products (4 Strategien, p.154).
Sesame for example has also then a damaging effect when it's a "tradition" in Asian cultures (4 Strategien, p.156).
Blood group B is very rare in Africa. Food change for members of blood group B in Africa can be very striking. Add to this Africans many times have an intolerance for lactose so the introduction of cow milk products can only be worked out at the end of the whole changing process to a blood group nutrition (4 Strategien, p.154).
Metabolism of blood group B
Generally positive food of blood group B are the most sorts of meat, fish and cow milk products (4 Strategien, p.155), with cow milk products inclusive (4 Strategien, p.153).
Meat with blood group B
Compatibility of meat
Blood group B has a balanced stomach, and in it's intestine there is working the alkaline enzyme phosphatase that "among other things is favoring the proceeding of animal proteins and fats" (richtig leben, p.100-111)
(orig. German:
Blutgruppe B hat einen ausgeglichenen Magen und im Dünndarm das alkalische Enzym Phosphatase, das "u.a. die Aufspaltung von tierischen Proteinen und Fetten [...] begünstigt" (richtig leben, S.100-111),
and all this is working with moderate concentrations. These moderate concentrations of alkaline enzyme phosphatase in the intestine "is protecting the members [of blood group B] from damaging effects of protein-rich food." (richtig leben, p.101)
(orig. German:
Diese gemässigten Konzentrationen des alkalischen Enzyms Phosphatase im Dünndarm "schützen die Betroffenen [also Blutgruppe B] vor den schädlichen Auswirkungen einer proteinreichen Kost." (richtig leben, S.101)
After fat-rich and protein-rich meals the level of phosphatase is rising regularly in the bodies of blood group B (richtig leben, p.101).
Also red meat is no problem for blood group B. "Chemical pill medicine" which simply claims that red meat would be responsible "for a too high cholesterol level, for heart diseases and for osteoporosis" is forgetting with their statement that blood groups have to be distinguished, and therefore this "chemical pill medicine" does not consider the alkaline phosphatase (richtig leben, p.100).
Beneficial sorts of meat with blood group B
Meat [of the beneficial sorts] for reducing weight
"Meats [the beneficial sorts] are supporting [with blood group B] the performance of their metabolism"
(orig. German:and are automatically provoking a loss of weight. The beneficial sorts of meat for blood group B are:
"Fleisch [bekömmliche Arten] unterstützt [bei Blutgruppe B] die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels" (4 Strategien, S.151).
-- lamb
-- mutton, and
-- rabbit (4 Strategien, p.151).
The same counts for liver of the beneficial sorts of meat (4 Strategien, S.151).
Damaging meat with blood group B
Meat: chicken
The lectin of chicken meat is very damaging for all members of blood group B (4 Strategien, p.389). Flesh of chicken contains a lectin which is agglutinating the blood of blood group B (4 Strategien, p.151), and this can lead to deposits in the veins and arteries and up to strokes and to disturbances of the immune system (4 Strategien, p.152).
But there is a replacement possible for chicken meat for blood group B: turkey (4 Strategien, p.389), or also pheasant. Turkey and pheasant don't have the damaging lectin of chicken meat (4 Strategien, p.151).
Dr. D'Adamo about a person of blood group B:
<Chicken meat contains in it's flesh [muscle tissue] a lectin which is very damaging for members of blood group B. The positive thing is: You may eat turkey [or also pheasant] and can elect from a big variety of sorts of fish.>
(orig. German:
<"Hühnerfleisch enthält im Muskelfleisch ein Lektin, das für Menschen mit der Blutgruppe B sehr schädlich ist. Das Positive ist: Sie dürfen Pute [oder Fasan] essen und können aus einer grossen Vielfalt von Fischsorten auswählen.> (4 Strategien, S.389)
When exhaustion or a weak defense [colds, influenza] are emerging, then beef (neutral) and chicken (should be omitted anyway) should be eliminated of the food plan and the beneficial sorts of meat lamb, mutton and rabbit should be taken (4 Strategien, p.151).
Religions with their prescriptions for taking chicken meat are wanted to adapt their prescriptions to the blood groups (4 Strategien, p.151).
Hen's egg does NOT contain the damaging lectin of chicken meat. Hen's eggs are even positive for blood group B (4 Strategien, p.153).
Pork, bacon and ham with blood group B
Only eat little quantities of these sorts of meat. Pork, ham and bacon provoke - according to Dr. Peter D'Adamo - an "abnormal blood reaction" (Lexicon, p.707).
Fish and sea food of blood group B
Fishes are partly very beneficial for blood group B, above all
-- sea fish with nutrient oils
-- flounder, halibut and black sole with a white, meager flesh, are a high quality protein source for blood group B (4 Strategien, p.152).
Sea food for blood group B
Shellfishes should be omitted by members of blood group B because of damaging lectins "which are making troubles in the organism of blood group B." (4 Strategien, p.152)
Religious Jews are prohibited to consume shellfishes, perhaps because there is a knowledge about the bad digestibility of them, but without knowing that the great majority of Jews is blood group B (4 Strategien, p.152).
Grains with blood group B
Damaging wheat with blood group B
Wheat with blood group B is slowing down the digestion and metabolism proceedings, is provoking that the food is stored in form of fats and is not converted into energy, and is therefore impeding the effect of insulin (4 Strategien, p.150).
Wheat lectins are provoking gaining weight with blood group B.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Wheat gluten contains a lectin that is installing itself in the muscle tissue. Then the calories are not burnt efficiently, and the speed of the metabolism is slowing down. This again is provoking a reduced effect of insulin and is hindering the proceeding of fats, that means: wheat is provoking a gain of weight with blood group B.> (4 Strategien, p.157)
(orig. German:
"Das Weizengluten enthält ein Lektin, das sich in den Muskelgeweben einlagert, wodurch die Kalorien nicht wirksam verbrannt werden, und die Geschwindigkeit des Stoffwechsels sinkt. Dies wiederum führt zu verminderter Wirksamkeit von Insulin und verhindert die Fettverbrennung, d.h. Weizen kann beim B-Typ eine Gewichtszunahme zur Folge haben." (4 Strategien, S.157)
More damaging grains with blood group B: corn, buckwheat, rye
The damaging sorts of grain for blood group B are corn, buckwheat, lentils and peanuts, and in combination with wheat the metabolism of blood group B is slowed down heavily provoking much gain of weight by wheat consumption [with adiposity and diabetes] like blood group 0 (4 Strategien, p.149).
Corn and buckwheat cannot be proceeded well by the organism of blood group B. They are not digested and converted completely and therefore they are stored in form of fat provoking overweight. When wheat is also eaten, then adiposity and diabetes are not far (4 Strategien, p.149).
Corn: Lectins of corn are provoking an imbalance of insulin supply and metabolism (4 Strategien, p.160).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Corn is impeding the effect of insulin, is reducing the performance of metabolism, is causing hypoglycemia" (drop of blood sugar levels after meals so the metabolism is weak) (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Mais hemmt die Wirksamkeit des Insulins, mindert die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels, verursacht Hypoglykämie" (Abfallen des Blutzuckerspiegels nach Malzeiten, wodurch der Stoffwechsel nur noch schwach arbeitet) (4 Strategien, S.150).
Corn and buckwheat are the worst thickeners for blood group B (4 Strategien, p.157) and are provoking lazy metabolism, "irregularities with the insulin balance" (4 Strategien, p.157-158), are provoking water deposits in the body and fatigue (4 Strategien, p.158).
Buckwheat [mostly pasta!!!]: "is impeding the digestion, is reducing the performance of metabolism, is causing hypoglycemia" (drop of blood sugar levels after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150). Corn and buckwheat are the worst thickeners for blood group B (4 Strategien, p.157) and are provoking lazy metabolism, "irregularities with the insulin balance" (4 Strategien, p.157-158), are provoking water deposits in the body and fatigue (4 Strategien, p.158).
Rye with blood group B is also damaging, is provoking blood diseases, eventually up to strokes.
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<Also rye should be evaded by members of type B because rye contains a lectin which is installing itself in the vessel system provoking blood diseases and possibly also strokes.> (4 Strategien, p.157)
(orig. German:
<Ebenfalls sollten B-Typen Roggen meiden, da er ein Lektin enthält, das sich im Gefässsystem festsetzt und dadurch Bluterkrankungen und möglicherweise Schlaganfälle bedingt.> (4 Strategien, S.157)
Religious Jews with a ritual and stubborn rye bread consumption are intoxicating themselves because almost all Jews are of blood group B. They "get then vessel diseases like 'St. Antonius Fire' [intoxication by ergot alkaloids by ergot in the rye] or 'ergot intoxication'." (4 Strategien, p.157)
Positive types of grains with blood group B: rice, oat, spelt
Positive types of grains for blood group B are among others rice, oat, and spelt, also in form of flakes. A well handled balance between the [positive] grain types is very good for blood group B (4 Strategien, p.158).
For breads counts the same: Breads made of wheat, corn, buckwheat and rye are really very damaging for blood group B. But Essen bread with wheat germ flour [the germs destroyed the damaging lectins] and bread of the other types of grains are positive (4 Strategien, p.158).
It counts the same: Only pasta made of the compatible types of grains should be eaten, When blood group nutrition is well fulfilled with cow milk products and with the positive sorts of meats and fishes there are so many nutrients in the alimentation so any pasta has to be only a side dish (4 Strategien, p.159).
Cow milk products with blood group B
Cow milk products are almost all well compatible because the build-up glucose with blood group B is D galactosamine, which is the same glucose like the one in the cow milk (4 Strategien, p.153).
Dr. D'Adamo is indicating:
<Persons with blood group B are the only ones of the four types of metabolism that can eat as many cow milk products as they want. This is because the build-up glucose of blood type B is D galactosamine. This is the same glucose which is also in the milk. Cow milk products were included into the alimentation during the heyday of blood group B, and also domestication of animals.> (4 Strategien, p.153)
(orig. German:
"Menschen mit der Blutgruppe B sind die einzigen unter den vier Stoffwechseltypen, die eine Vielzahl von Kuhmilchprodukten unbeschwert geniessen können. Das liegt daran, dass der Grundaufbauzucker beim B-Typ das D-Galactosamin ist, der Zucker, der auch in Milch enthalten ist. Kuhmilchprodukte kamen als wichtiger Bestandteil der Ernährung während der Blüte der Entwicklung des B-Typs hinzu, gleichzeitig mit der Haustierhaltung." (4 Strategien, S.153)
A moderate consumption of cow milk products is no problem for blood group B and is even helping to the organism of blood group B "for a balanced metabolism." (4 Strategien, p.150)
But humans in Africa have an incompatibility for lactose and therefore can introduce milk products only at the end of their change of food plan according to their blood group (4 Strategien, p.154).
Dr. D'Adamo says:
<When you are suffering an intolerance of lactose, then you take a lactase enzyme compound that will enable a digestion of cow milk products. After having eaten according to a food plan of type B you can introduce cow milk products step by step, beginning with sour milk products which are soured by bacteria cultures, for example yogurt and kefir which are possibly more compatible as fresh milk products like ice cream, whole milk and fresh cheese. I could state that persons of type B which are not accepting milk products are often capable to proceed cow milk products after having corrected all other diet problems [with their blood group diet].> (4 Strategien, p.154)
(orig. German.
"Wenn Sie unter einer Lactose-Intoleranz leiden, nehmen Sie ein Lactase-Enzym-Präparat ein, das die Verdauung von Kuhmilchprodukten ermöglicht. Nachdem Sie mehrere Wochen lang die B-Typ-Diät gehalten haben, führen Sie allmählich Kuhmilchprodukte in Ihre Ernährung ein, wobei Sie mit Sauermilchprodukten beginnen, die durch Bakterienkulturen gesäuert sind, zum Beispiel Joghurt und Kefir, die möglicherweise besser vertragen werden als Frischmilchprodukte wie Speiseeis, Vollmilch und Frischkäse. Ich habe festgestellt, dass B-Typen, die keinen Milchzucker vertragen, oftmals imstande sind, Kuhmilchprodukte zu verarbeiten, nachdem sie ihre allgemeinen diätetischen Probleme korrigiert haben." (4 Strategien, S.154)
Cow milk products for loosing weight
"Low-fat cow milk products [also cow milk] are supporting performance of metabolism" and are provoking automatically a weight reduction (4 Strategien, p.151).
(orig. German:
"Fettarme Kuhmilchprodukte [a. Kuhmilch] unterstützen die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels" und führen damit automatisch zur Gewichtsreduktion (4 Strategien, S.151).
Soya products
Soya products should only be a side dish for blood group B because soya is only neutral for blood group B [and sometimes it's rated also damaging] (4 Strategien, p.154-155).
Eggs with blood group B
"Eggs [only hen's egg, other types have to be omitted] are supporting the performance of metabolism" and are leading automatically to a loss of weight (4 Strategien, p.151).
(orig. German:
"Eier [nur Hühnerei, andere Arten sind zu meiden] unterstützen die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels" und führen damit automatisch zur Gewichtsreduktion (4 Strategien, S.151).
Oils with blood group B
Olive oil is supporting digestion and excretion. Blood group B should eat at least one table spoon of olive oil all two days. Add to this ghee [batter fat] can be used for cooking (4 Strategien, p.155).
A table spoon of olive oil mixed with lemon juice is a good laxative within 12 hours.
(from: http://www.paracelsus.de/frames.html?/specials/tips/tip_27.html)
Lectins of sesame oil, sun flower oil, and corn oil are damaging digestion with blood group B (4 Strategien, p.155).
Nuts with blood group B
Blood group B is hardly compatible with nuts (4 Strategien, p.156).
Peanuts cannot be proceeded well by the organism of blood group B. They are not smoothly digested and proceeded, and therefore they are stored as fat and are provoking overweight. When also wheat is eaten, then adiposity and diabetes are not far any more (4 Strategien, p.149).
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
"Peanuts [in bodies of blood group B] are reducing the performance of metabolism, are reducing the effect of metabolism, and are causing hypoglycemia" [drop of glucose level in the blood after meals, and metabolism is becoming weak by this], "and are inhibiting the function of the liver" (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Erdnüsse hemmen [im Körper der Blutgruppe B] die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels, mindern die Wirksamkeit des Stoffwechsels, verursachen Hypoglykämie" [Abfallen des Blutzuckerspiegels nach Malzeiten, wodurch der Stoffwechsel nur noch schwach funktioniert], "hemmen die Leberfunktion" (4 Strategien, S.150).
Moreover, lectins of peanuts are inhibiting insulin production [reducing the work of pancreas] with blood group B (4 Strategien, p.156).
Seeds with blood group B
Blood group B is hardly accepting seeds (4 Strategien, p.156).
Sesame seeds cannot be proceeded well by the organism of blood group B. They are not smoothly digested and proceeded, and therefore they are stored as fat and are provoking overweight. When also wheat is eaten, then adiposity and diabetes are not far any more (4 Strategien, p.149).
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
"Sesame seeds are reducing the performance of metabolism and are causing hypoglycemia" (drop of glucose level in the blood after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150).
Lectins of sesame seeds and sun flower kernels are interfering insulin production [reducing the work of pancreas] with blood group B (4 Strategien, p.156).
Vegetables with blood group B
Dr. D'Adamo recommends for blood group B that members of group B should eat 3 to 5 times little portions of vegetables per day. The main part of vegetables is beneficial or neutrally compatible for blood group B (4 Strategien, p.159).
Leafy vegetables
"Leafy vegetables are supporting the effect of metabolism" and are automatically effecting a loss of weight (4 Strategien, p.151).
Leafy vegetables have their up-building effect for blood group B with it's magnesium against virus and autoimmune diseases. Magnesium is an important anti viral agent (4 Strategien, p.160).
Olives with blood group B
Moldy substances can cause allergic reactions with blood group B (4 Strategien, p.160).
Vegetables of nightshade family (Solanaceae) with blood group B (aubergine, potato, tomato etc.)
Bye bye tomato: The tomato lectin is agglutinating in the bodies of blood group B so there are always irritations of gastric mucosa (4 Strategien, p.160).
Beans and pulses with blood group B
Pulses with blood group B
In general members of blood group B should not eat too much beans and pulses. Asian people of blood group B are suffering not much harm by beans and pulses, but Europeans and Africans are suffering more (4 Strategien, p.156).
Damaging beans and pulses with blood group B
Lectins of certain beans and pulses are inhibiting insulin production [reducing the work of pancreas] with blood group B:
-- lentils
-- chickpea
-- pinto beans
-- cow pea / black-eyed pea (4 Strategien, p.156).
Damaging lentils with blood group B
Lentils cannot be proceeded well by the organism of blood group B. They are not smoothly digested and proceeded, and therefore they are stored as fat and are provoking overweight. When also wheat is eaten, then adiposity and diabetes are not far any more (4 Strategien, p.149).
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
"Lentils are inhibiting the adaption of nutrients, are reducing performance of metabolism, are causing hypoglycemia" (drop of glucose level after meals) (4 Strategien, p.150).
(orig. German:
"Linsen hemmen die Nährstoffaufnahme, mindern die Leistungsfähigkeit des Stoffwechsels, verursachen Hypoglykämie" (Abfallen des Blutzuckerspiegels nach Malzeiten) (4 Strategien, S.150).
Fruits with blood group B
Pineapple with the enzyme bromelain is optimizing digestion of blood group B and has got an effect against winds and gases (4 Strategien, p.161).
Juices with blood group B
are mostly compatible (4 Strategien, p.162).
Herbs, spices and sweetener with blood group B
Damaging spices with blood group B
-- white and black pepper contains problematic lectins for blood group B
-- sweetish spices have got the tendency of irritating the stomach of blood group B: the irritating products are sweeteners made of barley malt, corn syrup, corn starch, cinnamon (4 Strategien, p.163)
-- tomato ketchup contains incompatible tomato lectins for blood group B and has to be eliminated from the food plan (4 Strategien, p.164).
Neutral spices with blood group B
Neutral for blood group B are: brown sugar, honey, molasses. Consumption is without problem. Chocolate should be eaten only in little quantities, not as a main dish (4 Strategien, p.163). Also vinegar is neutral for blood group B (4 Strategien, p.163-164).
Positive spices for blood group B
Warming spices are the best for blood group B, for example ginger, horseradish, curry, cayenne pepper (4 Strategien, p.163).
Drinks with blood group B
Teas with blood group B
Members of blood group B mostly don't need healing teas for balancing their body (4 Strategien, p.396). Most teas have a neutral effect. But there are some specialties (4 Strategien, p.165):
Ginger tea: has got a warming effect with blood group B (4 Strategien, p.165).
Peppermint tea: is calming the gastrointestinal system of blood group B (4 Strategien ,p.165).
Ginseng [in Peru "maca"] has got a positive effect on the nervous system of blood group B, is stimulating, and is no evening tea! (4 Strategien, p.165).
Licorice tea: is reducing the vulnerability to viruses and autoimmune diseases with blood group B, is additionally balancing glucose level (regulating hypoglycemia, drop of glucose level after meals) and has also got an effect against chronic fatigue syndrome (4 Strategien, p.165).
Green tea: contains theine and has got "some antioxidant qualities" (4 Strategien, p.166).
Wine is neutral for blood group B, but one should not exaggerate it's consumption (4 Strategien, p.166).
Nutrient supplements with blood group B
Blood group nutrition of blood group B is working without problems and contains the necessary vitamins A, B, C, E and also enough of minerals calcium and iron [ferrum]. Therefore blood group B does not need any supplement compounds ow vitamins or minerals [when blood group nutrition is fulfilled] (4 Strategien, p.176).
There are supplement compounds
-- refining the already balanced meals
-- enforcing the effect of insulin
-- enforcing the defense against virus infections
-- supporting the mental clearness and power of concentration (4 Strategien, p.175).
Risk with vitamin B compounds
Vitamin B compounds can be dangerous because of their fillers, binders, and eventually there are also damaging leavens or wheat germs in them (4 Strategien, p.99).
Magnesium compounds with blood group B
Organism of blood group B is absorbing calcium that well so an imbalance between calcium level and magnesium level is possible. In this case the vulnerabilities are rising for
-- virus diseases
-- fatigue
-- depression
-- eventually also for nervous diseases (4 Strategien, p.176).
Possible are also magnesium compounds with 300 to 500 mg in all kinds of forms. Magnesium citrate has the tendency to develop a laxative effect. Magnesium compounds should also always be taken with calcium-rich food so an imbalance between magnesium and calcium will be omitted (4 Strategien, p.176).
Best magnesium food for blood group B are
-- all beneficial and neutral leafy vegetables
-- all beneficial and neutral grains
-- all beneficial and neutral pulses (4 Strategien, p.177).
Leafy vegetables with it's magnesium have a building up effect with blood group B against virus diseases and autoimmune diseases. Magnesium is an important, anti viral agent (4 Strategien, p.160).
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
is "having effect in at least 4 fields":
-- against stomach ulcers [above all with blood group 0]
-- against herpes virus as an anti viral agent
-- against chronic fatigue [above all with blood group 0 and B]
-- against hypoglycemia [falling blood sugar level after meals with blood group B] (4 Strategien, p.177).
As a chewing tablet "DGL" (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice) and as licorice tee it can be taken without any danger. Other compounds should be taken only with medical assistance. Too high dosage can provoke sodium deposits provoking hither blood pressure. In this case licorice is working like a poison (4 Strategien, p.177).
Digestion system of blood group B: bromelain during a diet change
Digestion enzymes can be important in the beginning of a diet change when meats and cow milk products are introduced. Suggested is the pineapple enzyme bromelain in form of a compound.
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
<When you take a digestion enzyme as a supplement for dishes, then your organism can balance easier it's new activity with the concentrated proteins. Bromelain is an enzyme from pineapple and can be bought in many health shops in form of supplement compounds, normally in a four fold concentration.> (4 Strategien, p.177)
(orig. German:Adaptogenic herbs for blood group B [herbs which are well adopted]
"Wenn Sie eine Zeit lang ein Verdauungsenzym zu den Mahlzeiten einnehmen, kann sich der Organismus leichter auf die konzentrierten Proteine einstellen. Bromelain, ein in der Ananas vorkommendes Enzym, ist in vielen Reformhäusern in Form eines Ergänzungspräparats erhältlich, normalerweise in der vierfachen Stärke." (4 Strategien, S.177)
-- are increasing power of concentration, which is a general defect with blood group B
-- are increasing the memory power, one more general defect with blood group B (4 Strategien, p.178).
Best adaptogenic herbs against lack of concentration and a weak memory are
-- Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus)
-- ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) supporting blood circulation with blood group B [thinning the blood - don't use it for blood group 0 which already has thin blood] (4 Strategien, p.178).
Lecithin granulate for blood group B
Lecithin is an agent forming blood which is mainly in soya. Lecithin
-- supports the mobility of B antigens on the cell's surfaces
-- and is supporting therefore the immune defense (4 Strategien, p.178).
Mixed beverage with lecithin enforcing immune system and nervous system of blood group B
As a nutrition supplement Dr. D'Adamo recommends additional to the blood group nutrition a mixed drink with lecithin granulate which can be bought in health shops. Lecithin is "a lipid from animals and plants which enforces the characteristics of metabolism and immune system." (4 Strategien, p.162)
(orig. German:This lecithin drink for blood group B is going like this:
Lecitin ist "ein in Tieren und Pflanzen vorkommendes Lipid, das den Stoffwechsel und das Immunsystem stärkende Eigenschaften hat." (4 Strategien, S.162)
1 table spoon linseed oil + 1 table spoon lecithin granulate + 180 to 240 ml fruit juice, mix and shake well and drink it (4 Strategien, p.162).
Lecithin drink is reinforcing the immune system and the nervous system of blood group B. Lecithin is emulsifying the oil so it will mix well with the juice (4 Strategien, p.162).
Therefore this lecithin drink is enforcing the immune system. Soya itself has not this concentrated effect (4 Strategien, p.178).
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Photo sources
-- depression: http://www.thedacare.org/thedacareweb/Templates/Basic/Default.aspx?ContentId=ce403ec3-dba3-4f06-8a99-331ea4eb9250
-- virus: Herpes simplex: http://www.medienwerkstatt-online.de/lws_wissen/vorlagen/showcard.php?id=4397&edit=0
-- licorice: blossom: http://www.uni-graz.at/~katzer/germ/Glyc_gla.html
-- licorice: http://www.fruktogront.se/modules/produkter/produkt.php?pageId=565
-- women with adiposity: http://www.oddpic.com/showphoto.php/photo/1255/limit/recent