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Digestion according to blood groups

Every blood group and every secretor type has got a different digestion system

Any blood group has
                        got it's own digestion mechanisms and their own
                        gastrointestinal tract
Any blood group has got it's own digestion mechanisms and their own gastrointestinal tract which is projected for certain kinds of food. Industry simply does not want to accept this...

by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2012)

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-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4 Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)

General indications about digestion according the blood groups

The organism has to get the right "fuel" - for his type of blood group and for his secretor status. With the right "fuel", metabolism can maintain a healthy balance in the digestion system." (richtig leben, p.82)

Every single digestion procedure is a decisive one for the blood group. Factors are from the beginning the smell of the nutrition up to the end with excretion, above all when also saliva, mucus and secretions contain blood group antigens (secretors). And there is more: Also gland function and stomach juice secretions are determined by the blood group (richtig leben, p.83).

[So we have: digestion - gland function - juice secretions determined by the blood groups].

Chemical procedures of digestion during chewing - secretor's saliva is more active than saliva of non-secretors

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<During chewing the nutrition this is the first shredding process, but not only this: saliva is beginning to work with it's enzymes, is splitting sugars and starch, and a little part of it is really adapted by mucosa of the mouth into the organism.

Non-secretors have a definitive disadvantage. Saliva of secretors contains an essential greater variety and all in all a higher level of carbohydrates than saliva of non-secretors. Carbohydrate structures in mucins of the saliva can agglutinate some articles of cuticles and plaque.> (richtig leben, p.84)
(orig. German:
"Während die Nahrung durch Kauen zerkleinert wird, beginnen im Speichel vorhandene Enzyme mit der Aufspaltung von Zuckern und Stärken, und ein kleiner Teil davon wird tatsächlich durch die Mundschleimhaut in den Organismus aufgenommen.

Als Non-Sekretor sind Sie definitiv benachteiligt. Der Speichel von Sekretoren enthält eine wesentlich grössere Vielfalt und einen insgesamt höheren Anteil an Kohlehydraten als jener von Non-Sekretoren. Die in den Mucinen des Speichels vorkommenden Kohlehydratstrukturen können einige Mundbakterien und auch Häutchen- und Plaque-Partikel zusammenballen." (richtig leben, S.84)

Gastrointestinal tracts are DIFFERENT - chemical procedures and digestion according to blood groups

Decisive is the digestion of proteins:
-- chymus is passing esophagus and then is reaching the stomach
-- chymus is irritating the nerves of the stomach mucus wall, and then the secretion of stomach juice begins (consisting of water, hydrocloric acid and enzymes), with many blood group antigens in it [with secretors]
-- hydrocloric acid is destroying germs in the nutrition and therefore is protecting intestine from infections
-- when there is gastric pyrosis, this will destroy esophagus by the hydrocloric acid in the chymus
-- in the stomach itself, stomach juice is mixed with the chymus and gets a little bit alkaline by this
-- this provokes in the stomach the liberation of gastrin and acid
-- the proteins are split now among others with the aid of the enzyme pepsin (also called peptin), at the same time acid level is rising
-- from a certain level of acid on, liberation of gastrin is stopped and also secretion of stomach acid is stopped
-- when the stomach acid level is too low, then the peptin remains inactive and the proteins of the food are not proceeded well (richtig leben, p.87).

Digestion of blood group A and AB: always shortage of stomach acid
Blood group A and AB have always a bacteria problem when there is a shortage of stomach acid. They have an "overwhelming growth of bacteria in the stomach and upper intestine zone"
(orig. German:
"überschiessendes Bakterienwachstum im Bereich von Magen und oberem Dünndarm",

and this is often a chronic problem (richtig leben, p.88).

Digestion of blood group A: inactive pepsin - hardly any split of proteins
Blood group A has always got a problem with it's digestion: According to investigations the A antigen in it's stomach juice is connecting with the pepsin and is therefore inactivating the split of proteins additionally (richtig leben, p.87-88).

Chemical procedures of digestion in the intestine

Nutrients are reabsorbed from the chymus (richtig leben, p.88).

Intestine: factor of alkaline phosphatase for meat consumption: well with blood group 0 and B, not with blood group A
Intestine of blood group 0 is excreting alkaline enzyme of phosphatase in big quantities. Phosphatase is splitting proteins of meat and fish well and therefore the split proteins can be well proceeded (richtig leben, p.100). In the same way phosphatase is splitting any fat of meat or fish (richtig leben, p.101).

With blood group B alkaline phosphatase is available in medium quantities, and with blood group A hardly. That's why for blood group B a medium meat consumption is possible, but with blood group A no one (richtig leben, p.100-101).

Alkaline enzyme phosphatase has got "mainly the task [...] of splitting cholesterol and fats of food." Therefore cholesterol levels with blood groups 0 and B are always low. Above all secretors of blood group 0 and B have high phosphatase levels, A and AB low ones. Therefore blood groups A and AB can process less fats of food, and therefore they also have higher cholesterol levels and a higher risk for heart attacks (richtig leben, p.119).

Blood group A has got only few of enzyme phosphatase, and this little quantity is just deactivated by the own A antigens. Non-secretors have 20% of phosphatase of secretors. And therefore the gastrointestinal tract of blood group A is not at all made for meat consumption (richtig leben, p.101).

Factor of alkaline phosphatase for the adaption of calcium and for bone fractures: well with blood group 0
Alkaline phosphatase is favoring not only the split of fat, but is also favoring - according to indications - also the adaption of calcium. Eventually it's because of the big quantity of phosphatase in bodies of blood group 0 that they have less bone fractures and less osteoporosis than other blood groups (richtig leben, p.101).

Conclusion: different blood groups need different food

The different proteins are processed in different ways according to the blood groups, and when not the matching food is eaten, then "this can make troubles with the function of the digestion system, with your metabolism and with the immune system." (richtig leben, p.88)
(orig. German:
Wenn nicht die passenden Nahrungsmittel gegessen werden, "kann dies die Funktion Ihres Verdauungssystems, Ihren Stoffwechsel und das Immunsystem beeinträchtigen." (richtig leben, S.88)

Many lectins prefer certain sugar compounds and are therefore matching to certain blood groups (richtig leben, p.88). When lectins and blood groups do not match together, so the proteins are not metabolized (richtig leben, p.88-89).

Dr. D'Adamo says:

<Many lectins are specific to blood groups because they prefer quite clearly certain sugar compounds and automatically are matching to the antigen of one or the other blood group. Because of this specific character matching to certain blood groups, the lectins are connecting to the glycoconjugate antigen of the (richtig leben, p.88) preferred blood group. The rest of the blood group antigens is absolutely untouched.> (richtig leben, p.89)
(orig. German:
"Viele Lektine sind insofern blutgruppenspezifisch, als sie ganz eindeutig eine bestimmte Zuckerverbindung bevorzugen und automatisch zum Antigen der einen oder anderen Blutgruppe passen. Aufgrund dieser blutgruppenspezifischen Eigenschaft heften sich die Lektine an das Glykokonjugat-Antigen einer (richtig leben, S.88) bevorzugten Blutgruppe, während die übrigen Blutgruppen-Antigene völlig unbehelligt bleiben." (richtig leben, S.89)

[Does anybody claim now that blood group nutrition would not be important? We need a secretor test immediately for optimizing our alimentation].

More details with chemical analyses about digestion are here:

Digestion: Effect of food lectins according to blood groups

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Photo sources
-- gastrointestinal tract, scheme: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gastroenterostomie
