-- Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo / Catherine Whitney: 4
Blutgruppen. Vier Strategien für ein gesundes Leben. Mit
Rezeptteil (Piper 2001) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types, 4
Programs. Live Right 4 Your Type)
-- Peter D'Adamo: 4 Blutgruppen - richtig leben. Das
individuelle Konzept für körperliches und seelisches
Wohlbefinden (Piper 2002) (orig. English: 4 Blood Types,
4 Diets. Eat Right 4 Your Type)
Blood group antigens in
the blood and in the body fluids - blood group
antigens only in the blood
So called "secretors" have blood group antigens in the
blood AND in the body fluids respectively
in the secretions. "Non secretors" have their blood group
antigens ONLY in the blood. 80% of a blood
group are secretors, 20% are non secretors, but about 40%
approximately of the food is affected by this
differentiation. That's why it's important to know the
secretor status (4 Strategien, p.404). Secretor status
withing the blood group is important. 80% are secretors,
20% are non secretors (richtig leben, p.213).
<Most people (between 80 and 85 per cent of the
population) have blood group antigens in their body
fluids. These persons are called "secretors" because they
secrete their blood group antigens into body fluids as for
example saliva, mucus and sperm.> (richtig leben, p.25)
(orig. German:
<Die meisten Leute (zwischen 80 und 85 Prozent der
Bevölkerung) weisen zudem in den Körperflüssigkeiten
frei umherschwimmende Blutgruppen-Antigene auf. Diese
Personen bezeichnet man als 'Sekretoren', weil sie ihre
Blutgruppen-Antigene in Körpersekrete wie beispielsweise
Speichel, Schleim und Sperma absondern.> (richtig
leben, S.25)
Blood group of secretors can be determined by blood AND
body fluids (saliva, mucus, and sperm). Blood group of
non-secretors ONLY can be determined with the blood (4
Strategien, p.404).
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
<With secretors, blood group can be determined not only
with the blood but also with the other body fluids. [...]
Blood group antigens can be found in the fluids of
different body zones, and therefore they also have more
possibilities to proof the blood group than non-secretors.
Humans which have blood group antigens only in their blood
are called "non-secretors" because in the other body
fluids they have no blood group antigens.> (richtig
leben, p.25)
(orig. German:
"Beim Sekretor lässt sich die Blutgruppe nicht nur
anhand des Blutes, sondern auch durch andere
Körperflüssigkeiten bestimmen. [...] Bei Sekretoren
finden sich in verschiedenen Körperregionen
Blutgruppen-Antigene, und deshalb verfügen sie auch über
mehr Nachweismöglichkeiten für die Blutgruppe als
Non-Sekretoren. Menschen, bei denen Blutgruppen-Antigene
nur im Blut, aber nicht in anderen Körperflüssigkeiten
nachweisbar sind, werden als 'Non-Sekretoren'
bezeichnet." (richtig leben, S.25)
The more active saliva
of secretors - less holes in the teeth
<Saliva of secretors contains essentially more variety
and all in all a higher share of carbohydrates than saliva
of non secretors. The carbohydrate structures of the
mucins in the saliva can agglutinate some mouth bacteria
and some thin skin particles and plaque particles. Despite
of the blood group the secretors normally get less holes
in their teeth than non secretors - above all there where
smooth surfaces of the teeth are affected.> (richtig
leben, p.84)
(orig. German:
"Der Speichel von Sekretoren enthält eine wesentlich
grössere Vielfalt und einen insgesamt höheren Anteil an
Kohlenhydraten als jener von Non-Sekretoren. Die in den
Mucinen des Speichels vorkommenden Kohlehydratstrukturen
können einige Mundbakterien und auch Häutchen- und
Plaque-Partikel zusammenballen. Ungeachtet der
Blutgruppe weisen Sekretoren im Durchschnitt weniger
Zahnlöcher auf als Non-Sekretoren - im besonderen dort,
wo glatte Zahnoberflächen betroffen sind." (richtig
leben, S.84)
Studies about the relation between secretor status and
holes in their teeth are for example:
-- Arneberg, P. / Kornstad, L. / Nordbo, H. / Gjermo, P.:
Less dental caries among secretors than among
non-secretors of blood group substance. In: Scand J Dent
Res, November 1976; 84 (6): p.362-366
-- Holbrook, W.P. / Blackwell, C.C.: Secretor status and
dental caries in Iceland. In: FEMS Microbiol Immunol, June
1989; 1 (6-7): p.397-399
-- Kaslick, R. S. / West, T. L. / Chasens, A. I.:
Association between AB0 blood groups, HL-A antigens and
periodontal diseases in young adults: A follow-up study.
In: J. Periodontol, June 1980; 51 (6): p.339-342
-- Nikawa, H. / Kotani, H. / Sadamori, S. / Hamada, T.:
Denture stomatitis and AB0 blood types; In: J Prosthet
Dent, September 1991; 66 (3): p.391-394
(richtig leben, p.507)
Digestion according to
secretor status
Certain kinds of food can have a very different effect for
secretors or non secretors. At the other side rhesus
factors and status of MN system do not play hardly any
role concerning compatibility of food.
<Their secretor status can have an effect if certain
kinds of food are completely digested and metabolized.
Therefore every list of food is rated also secretors and
non secretors in separate columns. Most humans are
secretors and can follow with a good feeling the column
for secretors, but there can be big differences for the
20% of non secretors.> (richtig leben, p.213)
(orig. German:
<Ihr Sekretor-Status kann sich darauf auswirken, ob
Sie bestimmte Nahrungsmittel voll verdauen und
verstoffwechseln können. Deshalb enthält jede
Nahrungsmittelliste bei der Bewertung separate Spalten
für Sekretoren und Nicht-Sekretoren. Zwar sind die
meisten Menschen Sekretoren und können guten Gewissens
den Empfehlungen in der Spalte für die Sekretoren
folgen, aber die abweichenden Empfehlungen können einen
grossen Unterschied machen, wenn Sie zu den etwa 20
Prozent Nicht-Sekretoren gehören.> (richtig leben,
With blood group A for example the secretors have no
problems processing carbohydrates in their blood group
diet. But non secretors have problems with it (richtig
leben, p.28-39), and therefore non secretors of blood
group A "eventually have to rise their protein share
(for example with deep sea fish and poultry) and have to
reduce the supply of carbohydrates." (richtig leben, p.29)
Antigens in body liquids
are nursing the body's own bacteria
Antigens (sugar connections) in mucus serve as food for
the body's own bacteria - they like this sugar. Therefore
the body's own bacteria are strong enough eliminating
foreign elements. For example the body's own intestine
bacteria strains are converting the blood group antigens
into short-chained fatty acids "which are very healthy for
the colon." (richtig leben, p.175)
Immune system according
to secretor status
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
<Secretor status can have a heavy influence to the
characteristics of the immune system and is connected with
many diseases and metabolism troubles.> (richtig leben,
(orig. German:
"Der Sekretor-Status kann einen merklichen Einfluss auf
die Merkmale des Immunsystems ausüben und ist mit einer
Vielzahl von Krankheiten und Stoffwechselstörungen
verknüpft." (richtig leben, S.25)
Dr. D'Adamo admits that nature with antigens in the body
liquids wants to establish one more protection (richtig
leben, p.26-27).
The words of Dr. D'Adamo:
<It's not clear why there are secretors and
non-secretors. But it can be presumed that the secretor
status has something to do with nature's will installing
an additional protection shield (richtig leben, p.26) the
first humans did to have. There are some indications that
the non-secretor status is elder than the secretor status,
and that the non secretor status was more compatible with
the digestion system of the hunters and collectors.>
(richtig leben, p.27)
(orig. German:
<Weshalb die einen Menschen Sekretoren sind und die
anderen Non-Sekretoren, ist bislang noch nicht eindeutig
geklärt. Es ist aber zu vermuten, dass der
Sekretor-Status irgend etwas mit dem Bemühen der Natur
zu tun hat, für einen zusätzlichen Schutzschild (richtig
leben, S.26) zu sorgen, über den unsere Artgenossen er
allerersten Frühzeit nicht verfügten. Manches deutet
darauf hin, dass der Non-Sekretor-Status genetisch älter
ist als der Sekretor-Status und mit dem Verdauungssystem
der Jäger und Sammler möglicherweise verträglicher
war.> (richtig leben, S.27)
Secretor status is a barrier more against "troublemakers"
-- bacteria
-- pollutants
-- irritants (richtig leben, p.27).
With the secretors these intruders are even "attacked" in
the saliva. With the non-secretors the agents can intrude
into their body and are only killed by the organism itself
(richtig leben, p.27).
Less blood clotting with
Blood clotting with secretors is always less as with non
secretors. Secretors of blood group 0 have the lowest
blood clotting rate of all blood groups (richtig leben,
Diseases according to
secretor status
Basedow with non-secretors: People without
antigens in their saliva (non-secretors) have a
significantly higher illness rate with Basedow illness
(hyperthyroidism) richtig leben, p.84).
More mucus illnesses with
non-secretors: Secretors have a higher protection
against germs and lectins. Lectins producing superfluous
mucus can coagulate for example in the saliva with
antigens and are excreted. so, secretors have less mucus
-- allergies
-- illnesses of respiratory ways
-- ear infections (richtig leben, p.85).
Secretor gens on
chromosomes 11 and 19
The secretor gen can be found on the chromosomes 11 and 19
and has effect on the organism:
Dr. D'Adamo:
<At the other side of 9q34, on the chromosomes 11 and
19, are the important cousins of the blood group gen - the
secretor gens. They are independent from their blood
group, but the secretor gens have effect varying the blood
groups.> (richtig leben, p.25)
(orig. German:
"Gegenüber von 9q34, auf den Chromosomen 11 und 19,
sitzen die überaus wichtigen leiblichen Vettern des
Blutgruppengens - die blutgruppenspezifischen
Sekretor-Gene. Obgleich unabhängig von Ihrer Blutgruppe,
beeinflusst Ihr Sekretor-Gen die Art und Weise, in der
sich Ihre Blutgruppe offenbart." (richtig leben, S.25)
Secretor test according
to the Lewis system
The secretor test is performed according to the Lewis
Lewis a+ b- are non secretors
Lewis a- b+ are secretors
Lewis a- b- are Lewis negative, 6% of the
white population, 16% of the black population, they are
counted to the non-secretors
Lewis a+ b+ is very rare (richtig leben,
Dr. D'Adamo:
<Secretor status can be determined fast and without any
difficulty using the Lewis System, a blood group system
which is connected with secretor genetics. The same gen is
responsible for the secretor type and also for the Lewis
System. This Lewis System can be found on chromosome 19.
Two different antigens are possible there, with the names
Lewis a and Lewis b [...].>
(richtig leben, p.25)
(orig. German:
"Der Sekretor-Status lässt sich rasch und mühelos
bestimmen, und zwar mit Hilfe des Lewis-Systems, eines
Blutgruppensystems, das mit der Sekretorgenetik insofern
funktionell verzahnt ist, als dasselbe Gen sowohl für
den Sekretor-Typ als auch das Lewis-System zuständig
ist. In dem auf Chromosom 19 angesiedelten Lewis-System
können zwei mögliche Antigene zustandekommen, und zwar
mit der Bezeichnung Lewis a und Lewis b
[...]." (richtig leben, S.25)
<There are three groups to differentiate: Lewis a+
b- (richtig leben, p.25), Lewis a- b+
and Lewis a- b- (the fourth variation - Lewis
a+ b+ - is very rare). [...]
The explanation of the connection between secretor status
and Lewis System is the following: secretors are
converting their Lewis a -antigens into the
Lewis b -form (=Lewis b+), but
non-secretors don't do that (Lewis a+ is not
But this test has a little flaw. For members of the type
Lewis a- b- this test is not appropriate.
Their organism is not capable to form the Lewis
substances, and therefore neither in their blood nor in
their body fluids can be found markers of +a or +b. These
persons can be secretors or non-secretors in respect of
blood group substances, but concerning parts of the Lewis
System they will be always non-secretors.> (richtig
leben, p.26)
(orig. German:
"Der Sekretor-Status lässt sich rasch und mühelos
bestimmen, und zwar mit Hilfe des Lewis-Systems, eines
Blutgruppensystems, das mit der Sekretorgenetik insofern
funktionell verzahnt ist, als dasselbe Gen sowohl für
den Sekretor-Typ als auch das Lewis-System zuständig
ist. In dem auf Chromosom 19 angesiedelten Lewis-System
können zwei mögliche Antigene zustandekommen, und zwar
mit der Bezeichnung Lewis a und Lewis b
[...]." (richtig leben, S.25)
"Unterschieden wird nach drei Gruppen: Lewis a+ b-
(richtig leben, S.25), Lewis a- b+ und Lewis
a- b- (eine vierte Variante - Lewis a+
b+ - kommt äusserst selten vor). [...]
Erklären lässt sich die Verbindung zwischen
Sekretor-Status und Lewis-System folgendermassen:
Sekretoren wandeln ihre Lewis a -Antigene in
die Lewis b -Form um (=Lewis b+),
Non-Sekretoren hingegen nicht (es bleibt bei Lewis a+).
Allerdings besitzt dieser Test ein kleines Manko. Für
Angehörige des Typs Lewis a- b- ist er
nämlich ungeeignet. Ihr Organismus ist nicht imstande,
Lewis-Substanzen zu bilden, und deshalb sind weder in
ihrem Blut noch in ihren Körperflüssigkeiten +a - oder
+b -Merkmale zu finden. Diese Personen können zwar, was
Blutgruppen-Substanzen angeht, Sekretoren oder
Non-Sekretoren sein, sind aber in puncto
Lewis-Bestandteile immer Non-Sekretoren." (richtig
leben, S.26)
Diseases according to
secretors and non-secretors
Non-secretors are more vulnerable for immune diseases,
above all for infectious diseases (richtig leben, p.131).
Dr. D'Adamo indicates:
<In general non-secretors have a much higher risk to
suffer with immune diseases than secretors, especially
when this illness is initiated by an infectious organism.
Non-secretors have genetically difficulties to eliminate
immune complexes from their tissue, so they are more
vulnerable to "attacking" tissue which is surrounding
them. IN other words: Non-secretors have a tendency to
perceive their own tissue as an enemy.> (richtig leben,
(orig. German:
"Im Allgemeinen haben Nicht-Sekretoren ein sehr viel
grösseres Risiko, an einer Immunkrankheit zu leiden als
Sekretoren, und zwar besonders dann, wenn diese
Krankheit durch einen ansteckenden Organismus ausgelöst
wird. Nicht-Sekretoren haben genetisch bedingte
Schwierigkeiten, Immunkomplexe aus ihrem Gewebe zu
entfernen, was ihre Anfälligkeit gegenüber
'angreifendem' Gewebe erhöht, das sie umfasst. Mit
anderen Worten: Nicht-Sekretoren neigen eher dazu, ihr
eigenes Gewebe als feindselig wahrzunehmen." (richtig
leben, S.131)
Diseases in connection
with the immune system with higher vulnerability for
Non-secretors suffer more diseases than secretors:
-- more inflammations
-- more diabetes (type 1 and 2)
-- with diabetes of type 1 there are more problems with
yeast fungus of Candida albicans (above all in the mouth
and in the upper zone of the gastrointestinal tract)
-- more fibromyalgia with all non-secretors of all blood
groups (80% of the affected with fibromyalgia are
non-secretors) [above all women with combined symptoms
like heavy pains, bodily and psychical exhaustion,
troubles with sleep, concentration and memory, and
irritable colon and irritable bladder].
Non-secretors suffer more immune diseases than secretors:
-- Spondylitis ankylosans
(Spondylitis ankylosans is also called Spondylarthritis
ankylopoetica or ankylozizing spondylitis. An older name
is Morbus Bechterew. All these names stand for an
infectious disease of the bands and joints of the spine,
of the rib joints and of some tendons and enthesis of
peripheral joints. Also the eyes and in rare cases the
inner organs can be affected. Spondylitis ankylosans is a
chronic disease.
-- reactive arthritis
(Reactive arthritis
are inflammatory processes in the peripheral joints
(hands and feet) and/or of the spine, in combination
with general symptoms and inflammatory changes with
other organs. These inflammations are coming after an
infection of urine or sexual organs or after an
infection of the intestine zone.
-- Arthritis psoriatica
(Arthritis psoriatica is emerging mostly
between 20 and 40 years. In many cases the affected
persons are suffering psoriasis since many years already.
Characteristic is that this arthritis psoriatica is
attacking the final joints of the fingers, and the middle
or final joints of the toes, and the knees. In well 40
percent of the cases the spine is also part of the
illness. During the first stadium the illness is making
itself felt by heel pains. Add to this there is often a
second inflammation, the inflammation of the iris in the
-- Sjögren's Syndrome
(Sjögren's Syndrome is an inflammation of glands of tears
and saliva, and of glands of mucosal. By the inflammation
the glands are damaged, and they are giving less liquid
then. When the tear glands are attacked, there is less
lacrimal fluid, and the conjunctiva of the eye is
irritated. The eye is red then and one has the feeling
having sand corns in the eyes. When saliva glands are
attacked, so the quantity of saliva is reduced and the
mouth is dry. Attacked saliva glands are swollen and can
also provoke pains. Burning eyes and dry mouth are the
most often symptoms of Sjögren's Syndrome. When mucosal
glands are attacked this also can provoke dry zones, for
example in the nose and in the genital zone.
Sjögren's Syndrome can limit itself on the attack of gland
tissues. Then the patient "only" suffers the symptoms
mentioned above. But the illness can also spread and can
develop for being a general disease, with fever, fatigue,
muscle pains, joint pains, eventually also with a
polyarthritis - an inflammation of several joints. More
complicated the illness will be when it is developing
within an illness which is existing already. Mostly this
is a chronic polyarthritis or a Lupus erythematodes. This
form of Sjögren's Syndrome is also called "secondary"
Sjögren's Syndrome.
-- multiple sclerosis
-- Graves disease [Morbus Basedow, with many symptoms by
over or under function of thyroid gland, see]
More illnesses with special vulnerabilities for
non-secretors are
-- often repeated infections of urinary ways
-- or a "complex" disease pattern: 80% of the affected
people with "complex" disease pattern are non-secretors.
Diagnose is difficult, and healing processes are slowly
(richtig leben, p.132).
Therefore it's important to know the secretor status with
a test [and until today (Effective 2006) industry and
laboratories in Europe and Asia have no such a secretor
test available. One has to order it in "America",
it's a catastrophe].
Inflammations of urinary
ways with blood group B
Non secretors of blood group B are especially in danger
for chronic inflammations of their urinary ways. The
complete alimentation has to be well adapted against
bacterial infections (richtig leben, p.132).
Inflammations of urinary
ways with blood group A
Blood group A has got a high risk for inflammations of
urinary ways. Non-secretors have a higher risk by 25%
(richtig leben, p.132).