Lies and profit with "normal medicine" (part 1)
How medicine after the invention of radiation equipment was driving to the wrong "side" -
profit strategies in medicine business
1. Normal "medicine" which is not medicine but is a competition for more money
2. "Average age": hygiene and surgery increasing the age
3. Infection diseases: detection of bacteria and the war against bacteria - and Pasteur's intrigues
Normal "medicine" is making faked propaganda stating that their "pills" would help, but at the same time more illnesses are caused...
by Michael Palomino (2012)
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Langbein, Kurt / Ehgartner, Bert: The Medicine Cartel. 7 Lethal Sins of Health Industry (orig. German: Das Medizinkartell. Die 7 Todsünden der Gesundheitsindustrie); Piper edition, Munich 2002;
This summary and chronology is made by Michael Palomino
All occasional inventions are indicated as "occasional". The lies in normal "medicine" are precisely presented in a chronology and with the argument chains. In normal "medicine" the factor making career and money is more important than the health of the human. Why do the health insurances pay for this normal "medicine" when there are always more ill persons produced instead of healthy persons?
Michael Palomino
Abbreviations BMJ British Medical Journal (S.276) NIH "US" National Institutes of Health with headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland (p.324) JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association (S.339) RAC Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (S.328) Chapters
1. Normal "medicine" which is not medicine but is a competition for more money
2. "Average age": hygiene and surgery increasing the age
3. Infection illnesses: detection of bacteria and the war against bacteria - and Pasteur's intrigues
Normal "medicine" which is no medicine but is a competiton for more money
Inefficiency with normal "medicine"
According to Langbein / Ehgartner the distribution of money in German health system is like this:
"Right 50% of the payments in clinical daily life are payed for persons which are in the last 2 months of their life." (p.186)
(orig. German:
"Rund 50% der Leistungen im klinischen Alltag werden für Menschen aufgewendet, die sich in ihren letzten beiden Lebensmonaten befinden." (S.186)
In: Le Fanu, J.: Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine. Little Brown and Company, London 1999, S.258
And about 25% of the beds in hospitals are occupied by dying persons (p.186).
In: Higginson, I.J.: Evidence Based Palliative Care. BMJ 1999; 319, S.462-463
Langbein/Ehgartner say it very clearly:
"In the Emergency already every third measure is described as 'therapeutically probably without sense any more'." (p.186)
(orig. German:
"Auf Intensivstationen trägt bereits jede dritte Massnahme das Etikett 'therapeutisch wahrscheinlich nicht mehr sinnvoll'." (S.186)
In: Illich, I.: Und führe uns nicht in die Diagnose, sondern erlöse uns von dem Streben nach Gesundheit; In: Le Monde diplomatique, German edition 4/5, April 1999
Until before 100 years the doctors had the aim recognizing the death and treating the person then as a "dying person" retiring themselves from the dying person. today the "doctors" do all to make the life longer because the law prescribes this in that way (p.186). Common sense of medicine has been lost absolutely, and about the dying person a huge work is made (p.187).
Medicine wants more and more sensational news and shows
Since 19th century medicine has also converted into a show:
-- media want to increase their sellings by "sensational" medical news
-- the scientists and the big enterprises are keen on getting statal funds for more research
-- the big enterprises want to increase their value at stock exchange papers by "sensational" news (p.13).
Regularly in April new medical fantasies are produced in the "USA" because there will be made the budget of the "US" "Health boards" in April (p.13).
So, one can see that this capitalist medicine is not at all a medicine any more, but this medicine is acting in the sense of sellings and value at their stock exchange papers.
There is a medical cartel against 100 billions of cells
The following elements are the main elements of this capitalist medicine:
-- there is no civil courage any more - [because any mistake costs sellings and lets fall the value of the stock exchange papers]
-- there is no control - [because trust into white colored doctors is going on]
-- there is a mafia kind of thinking of groups - [because groups are forming guaranteeing strong stock exchange papers] (p.202).
These big mafia groups in the capitalist "medicine" are:
-- pharma industry
-- industry of medical equipments
-- the doctors
-- and there is also much profit with the insurances (p.361).
The insurances always want a growing "market" [and therefore they want that there are more and more ill persons and they never want healthy persons] (p.361).
A human body consists of 100 billions of cells (p.322) [and normal "medicine" wants to manage all these 100 billion cells].
Langbein/Ehgartner are stating clearly:
Normal "medicine" is a "medicine of plumber" (p.360) and is managing masses of patients without healing them (p.361).
"Top medicine" only provokes more costs
and the efficient basic medicine is reduced or is not possible any more, with prevention, with early recognition and with ambulant services. "Top medicine" is presenting on and on new equipments, new "medicaments" and new "concepts of treatment", and therefore any humanity is eliminated with the treatment (p.192).
But the "incurable" illnesses remain as "incurable"
Until today there are no healing methods of "normal medicine" against the "killers of civilization", but there are only "remedies prolonging life" a little bit, e.g. against heart weakness, cancer, allergies, rheumatism (p.14).
Concerning cancer most kinds of cancer cannot be healed by normal "medicine" until today (p.98).
Langbein/Ehgartner: "Tumor cells developed resistance against all used cell poisons until today." (p.101)
Normal "medicine" has no brain
-- because normal "medicine" is conceiving the "wrong function of an organ" and wants to correct the alleged "wrong function of the organ"
-- add to this school "medicine" has got so much money that they eliminated the integral orientated science almost completely within 100 years
-- normal "medicine" is treating only aberrating factors, not the person as a whole (p.14), and this is a "minute medicine" and the treatments are made "without seeing left or right" with a "tunnel view" (p.15).
And then there has to be stated clearly that any "study" is hardly independent:
-- studies about medical effects of medicaments mostly are financed by pharma industry itself, and then there is Public Relation work, advertising, ad then the mass sellings of the new product starts (p.14) [also when the medicament has got no effect and all study results are wrong...]
-- and the immune system is hardly considered as a factor (p.15).
The result considering the long term effect of school "medicine" is a catastrophe: Health of the persons is mostly not bettering but when there is bettering something some functions of some organs are bettering (p.14).
The consequences of this "health system" are a catastrophe:
-- there is a never ending costs spiral, and in other statal boards there are more limitations because of the high costs of "health"
-- analysis are indicating genetic factors and new eugenics
-- and alternative medicine is hardly controlled and there is no public law for it because it's hardly considered any more (p.15),
Treatment without success in normal "medicine" is never punished (S.16)
Normal "medicine" is "an organized form of public misleading." (p.344)
The doctors and scientists have converted into "sold servants" of the industry (p.346).
Already Voltaire [1694-1778] wrote about "medicine" and poisoning:
"Doctors are prescribing medicaments but do not know much of them, treating human bodies but know even less of them, treating illnesses knowing nothing of them." (p.306)
(original German:
"Ärzte geben Medikamente, von denen sie wenig wissen, in Menschenleiber, von denen sie noch weniger wissen, zur Behandlung von Krankheiten, von denen sie überhaupt nichts wissen." (S.306)
In Voltaire's times there are no objective test proceeding. The treating techniques are:
Voltaire (1694-1778), French enlightener and critics of arrogant French court and of stupefying Jesus church, has got a clear meaning of industrial doctors: They now NOTHING [1].
-- prescribing laxative
-- provoking vomiting
-- provoking sweating
-- frightening people
-- stinging people
-- putting sucker cups
-- putting bloodsuckers (p.306).
Doctors without control are treating people with blood of lizard, excrements of crocodiles, teeth of pigs, sperm of frogs [and among other things were also were treatments with organs and horn splinters of mountain animals like ibex etc.], and most of the patients survived thanks of the placebo effects. And the "doctors" not knowing anything presenting them as "doctors" got their money (p.306).
Since 1870: founding of health insurances facilitating access to hospitals - invention of sound disinfection by Lister
Since 1870 when the surgeon Joseph Lister invented the wound disinfection the operations got very reliable and possible in any big clinic (p.157).
Interesting details (translation Palomino):
Joseph Lister, profile [2], he invented wound disinfection in Scotland and England
<Joseph Lister (1827-1912) was an English surgeon and he had the declared aim to reduce the infections after surgeries. Despite of bettering of conditions during the operations with more hygiene which was put through in the country there were many sepsis cases yet after the operations. After Pasteur had shown in the 1860s that fermentation processes had it's cause in micro organisms, Lister presumed that sepsis could have a similar cause and he began the first time in medicine history with a systematic disinfection of all surgeon instruments with phenol. Despite of the successes a longer time was needed until this method was beginning putting through in the world.> [web01]
First, Lister worked in Glasgow, than in London, and for his striking inventions concerning hygiene in hospitals he got honored Dr. titles and got to be a honorary citizen in many towns [web02]. Details (translation Palomino):
<The application of phenol (in these times called "carbolic acid") was against the fumes of waste water in the town of Carlisle and the use within the new installation of the canalization system in Paris by Georges-Eugène Haussmann provoked the idea that there could be an effect also in surgery and curing wounds with phenol. First a phenol solution was sprayed where the operation was performed - during and after the operations, so the hands of the doctors, the instruments and also the operation wounds were covered with a layer against bacteria. At 1867 he was the first doctor applying phenol bandages on wounds (Lister banding). After having changed to London he introduced an operation method for kneecaps under antiseptic caution measures in 1877, beginning antiseptic bone surgery together with his former Glasgow friend Sir Hector C. Cameron.
By phenol all germs (bacteria) in the banding and on the wound's surface were well killed, new germs were not coming any more to the wound's surface; wound healing was without complications therefore and it was fast. First, Lister only applied phenol sometimes, but then phenol was applied systematically and got a big factor in the hospital's hygiene strategy. Doctors and nurses had to wash their hands with phenol solutions, and also putting cum gloves had a great effect. Introducing the disinfection of surgery instruments and bandages made the surgery operations common and there was no anxiety any more. The death rate of patients sank rapidly. According to the acknowledgments of Ignaz Semmelweis these inventions of Lister lead to the striking new base of thinking about asepsis and antisepsis in the health system. Add to this Lister detected the effect of streptococci provoking curdling of the milk. And after studies with a microscope he detected that knitting a wound was not good with silk and normal thread, but he introduced the catgut thread which is used until today.> [web02]
Appendix operations and gallbladder operation were no death penalty any more. Mechanization of medicine is urging for more centralization and automation of "medicine". Since the founding of health insurance systems all people can have access to hospitals when they are insured (p.156). Since 1914 there is a National Health Insurance Law in Germany. At this time 35% of the persons in Germany are medically insured (p.157).
Surgeons are gods
The surgeons don't permit any critical question. There is an absolute hierarchy saving the authority. Patient's questions are rejected as if there would be a dictatorship, and this is also taught during schooling like this (p.157). The justification of the surgeons are like this, for example this standard phrase: "I have got my reasons." And by this way the "gods in white" are created (p.158).
"Charité" hospital in Berlin (here a photo of about 1850 [3]) was a big European hospital,
first founded as a pestilence house, then joined with Humboldt university [web02].
End of 19th century
Germany is rated as the "Mecca of modern medicine"
Germany also is the world wide center for student's schooling in medicine (p.105).
Research in mechanical "medicine" is made without any systematics yet
-- without comparing groups
-- without placebo groups
-- without norms
-- without any proof (p.306).
Since 1945 normal "medicine" is more and more getting to be an industrial machine (p.158) [where doctors and patients are more and more "wheels" for the money].
Manipulation in school "medicine"
Since 1945 "scientific head offices" of mass media are well censoring all bad news only presenting good news because they don't want to loose the contact with the "scientists"
oo because there are huge profits by advertising by pharma industry
oo because there are famous persons in TV speaking about pharma industry
and the journalists don't want to find out any truth but they want to make their career writing their [fantasy] articles (p.97) often rejecting any negative information about this normal "medicine" (p.98).
Films putting into doubt this school "medicine" are well fought by pharma lobby so they are not presented, e.g. when there are bad side effects of chemotherapy and normal "medicine" claims that this would not be any more like this. This happened with the film "Dying Young" in 1991 with Julia Roberts and Campbell Scott (p.98).
In: Moss, Ralph W.: Fragwürdige Chemotherapie [dubious chemotherapy]. Haug 1997, p.41
Film "Dying Young", cover [4]
This film "Dying Young" describes how an employee (Hilary) has to be the sitter for a son (Victor) of a rich family who is suffering cancer. Both get a love couple in a garden's house. When Victor is getting worse he denies this, and also stopping the treatment of chemotherapy is denied. When Hilary detects all she gets a crises but at the end she is swearing that she will accompany him until his death. The end is opened [web03].
[There remains the question why the film maker has not shown that cancer can be healed. It seems that the film maker was believed that cancer is incurable, whereas cancer is absolutely curable (see the chapter about cancer lies)].
By all these circumstances and factors of capitalist media and career world critical voices against destructive school "medicine" are missing in the media (p.89).
since 1945
Logic of "US" mentality means that with much money for "research" will solve all problems
and for any problem there would be a solution with much money [and then "USA" would have always the latest products and the money will be given to the persons presenting the most radical visions and who have their relationships] (p.113).
And consider this: Side effects play a great role: and there have to be invented medicaments against side effects
One dollar spent for the research of a medicament, provokes one more dollar work curing the side effects (p.189). In Germany there are right 200,000 cases of intoxications by medicaments every year (p.190).
In: Thorbrietz, P.: Wirkung ohne Gewähr [effect without guarantee]; In: Die Woche [Week], 17.8.2001, p.25
The death of old patients is partly provoked by "not desired side effects" of medicaments (p.187).
In: Mayer, K.U. / Baltes, P.B. (Hrsg.): Die Berliner Altersstudie [Berlin age study]. Edition "Academy", Berlin 1999, p.160
In Germany for example 96% of the people over 70 years are constantly taking medicaments, with an average of 6 medicaments daily. And 20% are in a hospital every year (p.187).
In: Mayer, K.U. / Baltes, P.B. (Hrsg.): Die Berliner Altersstudie [Berlin age study]. Edition "Academy", Berlin 1999, p.474
First placebo controlled study - normal "medicine" gives a new definition of "medicament"
At British Medical Research Council (p.306) the first study about Tuberculosis (TB) is performed with a controlled placebo study aside. Antibiotics and placebos have a great success. And this provokes new consequences for normal "medicine". Langbein/Ehgartner say:
"Since then any new medicament is only declared as practical when the result of the placebo is significantly better." (p.307)
The war of normal "medicine" against cancer has no success
Normal "medicine" from 1971 to 2001 is a conglomeration of "tricks" (p.360).
Normal "medicine" causes high costs but is hardly solving any problem (p.361).
Since the 1980s normal "medicine" is converting into an industrial machine without any personal patient control
-- backgrounds / case history (anamnesis) are hardly investigated any more
-- technical procedures are paid better than talks! (p.158)
"Most models of loan compensation are not rewarding the doctor who is well investigating coming to a conclusion if there (p.158) will be more action necessary, but the doctors managing the machines" are the best payed ones (p.159).
Table: Example of scheme of the account rating favoring the treatment with technical equipment in Medicare ("USA")
normal investigation
laboratory investigations
gynecological operations
urological operations
Unity of loan compensation
Unity of time needed
In: Hart, J.T. / Dieppe, P.: Caring Effects; In: Lancet 1996; 347, S.1606-1608
It comes like this: Doctors of normal "medicine" get more and more greedy and addicted for money
"Doctors" of normal "medicine" have more and more their wages as their first priority and not their helping function. Normal "doctors" are always less, but specialists are always more (p.159).
"Doctors" overloaded - artist's mistakes - "doctors" getting ill and dependent on drugs - homicide without justice - new diseases
"Doctors" in hospitals in Germany are working up to 36 hours without break (p.167-168). The trick with it is that the "doctor" should sleep after 24 hours, should sleep in the hospital but is always waked up again and again. After 20 hours without sleep the body of the doctor is like the body of a person with 1 per mill of alcohol in it's blood, and in this state operations are performed yet and Diagnose are made (p.168). But despite of all this the "doctors" in Germany have to work 50 million extra hours, without paying and without compensation. The doctors have only yearly contracts. When somebody is rebelling then he is without work at the end of the year, and 8,000 doctors without work are waiting for his job (p.174). The boss in the hospital also can order a faster work. All in all there is dictatorship in Germany's hospitals (p.174).
The doctors of normal "medicine" are almost all smoking, because of the "professional stress". At the same time the doctors consider themselves as not vulnerable (p.160), but are wounding others. In Germany there are estimations that there are 300,000 artificial faults, and 30,000 of them have lethal consequences [these are 83 daily!] (p.168). [This homicide is never torn to justice in any place and is not mentioned either. It also can be assumed that there is a high dark figure and the numbers can be much higher yet].
In the meantime (2012) there are web sites about overtired doctors with clear indications how to recognize an overtired doctor: :
<1. The distance between upper and lower lid is less than 5 mm.2. Conjunctive injections are that tight that they look like a hyposphagma.
3. The bed neighbor in the hospital with an acute alcoholic syndrome has got a hand which is more quiet than the hand of the doctor taking blood of your arm.
4. The doctor passing his visits is walking in a shuffling way, and this way of walking is the same like the one of his 95 years old patient
5. The certificate about ultrasonic heart investigation put in your hand has got the topic of "erection's fracture". "From where he knows this, because that far down he never had been...?"
6. On the trolley head cushion is put at a strategic well position
7. The sister is pushing the doctor from bed to bed passing the visits always saying: "You meant for sure... Mr. Doctor?"
8. During the 3 minutes of visit talk the doctor is forming at least 5 new combinations of your name and family name.
9. The doctor is asking the sister 3 times which is the actual date and day. Then he is passing to the next patient and is asking the same ones more.
10. The doctor has got more coffee spots on his shirt than the old man with dementia on his blanket he is visiting.
11. The doctor is sleeping on the parking field on the driving seat of his car and is found hours later by the ward with open car door and an imprint of the wheel on his front of his face.> [web04]
"Doctors" with aggressions and daily frustrations - all is taboo - faked distributions - drugs as a compensation - psychiatry and suicide
According to their own indications 25 of the overloaded "doctors" are aggressive against the patients up to be violent. But the real percentage could be much higher. Strain is also provoked by bad air and neon light in the hospital halls without windows etc., hospitals as concrete blocks etc. (p.173). The TV series about doctors never show this reality (p.174). Suffering this strain the "doctors" are switching "off" their brain (p.175).
Work with reports (p.177) at least takes 1/3 of the working time (p.178).
The "doctors" are also working in sections not specialized or trained for them but only having a job is important (p.179).
There is hardly any holiday for doctors because holiday is often used for further education. Private life of doctors is tending to zero. "Doctors" are compensating their frustration often with
-- dependence of pills
-- dependence of alcohol
-- or they suffer of psychological diseases
-- and doctors have the highest suicide rate of all professions (p.179).
Doctors are lying calming the patient - wrong Diagnose - bodily harm
"Doctors" are lying to the patients so they don't have to day the truth (p.162-163). Or the doctors are giving a fast Diagnose but mentally they are only with the future meeting in the evening with a nice woman (p.164-165).
Wrong diagnose provoke new illnesses: Error in the laboratory and wrong interpretations of radiographic images or wrong results of investigation without a second test can provoke new psychological and physical damage with huge costs [and all this bodily harm is well payed by the health insurance until today, without being torn to justice!] (p.180).
Operating theater with surgeons in Wagna (near Graz in Austria), we hope that the staff had a good sleep before! [5]
Overfatigue with the medical work can provoke all kinds of "artist's faults" with surgeons: There can remain a rag in the body, or scissors in the body, or it also can happen that with diabetes patients e.g. the wrong leg is amputated, and this happens not only in notorious not developed countries like in Peru in 2010 [web05], but this also happens in Europe, e.g. in Tirol in St John hospital near Kitzbühel in 2010 [web06].
[Many doctors have such a strain with their work that they only can stay this work with cocaine or with other drogues what principally not at all is a life of a doctor any more...]
Doctors with intrigues against other doctors
The psychological war is not only performed by capitalism against medicine, but in the hospitals can happen also heavy intrigues of doctors against other doctors. Therefore any decision has to be saved against intrigue activity of competitive doctors (p.167).
Bosses for example love the confirmation of their "authority" writing to inferior doctors wrong medicaments on the medicament documents and then they can reproach to this subordinate doctor during the group session that he had prescribed the wrong medicament. But investigating the hand writing it can be found out that the boss himself wrote this. In these cases the boss is playing with the patient's life (p.176).
In Canada for example the hierarchies are really not so shaped like in Germany (p.178).
Racism in the operating theater: There is hardly any woman surgeon
Men are always preferred in the operating theater for being the surgeon (p.163). The distribution of operations is happening by the way secretly. Woman surgeons hardly exist, but women only are the "servants" (p.164).
Tumor patients are "the last thing" for the "doctors" of normal "medicine"
The "doctors" have no feelings for tumor patients because with a treatment of normal "medicine" they almost all are dying. Therefore any mental work or feeling for the patient is for nothing (p.172). Doctors of normal "medicine" really do not want to treat cancer patients any more because many of them are dying instead of the "treatment". When there would be a mental connection the "doctors" could not stand it any more (p.197-198).
Since the 1990s: Industry is enslaving "medicine" and humans
Up to the year of 2002 a medicament needs 10 years of tests paying 500 million dollars for it (p.317). In three phases this new "medicament" is probed, and only some few are accepted for a big trial with humans which is phase no. 3 (p.318).
With this, "medicine" is completely sold out. Marketing is decisive for the selling figures, and not the healing effect. High selling rates are leading the "health system" into bankruptcy [because the side effects are provoking always more "treatments"], and "medicine" only wants to sell and does not want to heal any more (p.334).
Pharma industry is buying professors for their propaganda tours
Pharma industry has got the aim to "civilize" the world converting all humans into patients. The whole world should fall ill. The professors depending from the big enterprises are even collaborating with the big enterprises speaking according to the propaganda making speeches on PR festivities of the pharma enterprises getting good wages with it. The big enterprises also are manipulating complete newspaper leading boards with their "medicine journalists" (p.335). In this way "a world of intrigues in medicine science" is created, say Langbein/Ehgartner. Studies are manipulated, side effects are concealed, or the healing effect of a medicament is exaggerated in the propaganda selling it for a higher price than others (p.336).
Pharma industry is looking for "scientists" as references
According to a study of Mildred Cho and Lisa Bero "scientists" are absolutely the slaves of pharma industry. When "scientists" are testing the medicaments for the industry 98% of their evaluation are positive. Then, media can announce that the test executed by "scientists" got a very good result and the references are published. But when the test is not coming from pharma industry, the positive evaluations are only 79%, but yet 79% (p.339).
[Who has got a negative meaning is threatened by loss of his job. That's it. In politics it is just the same].
In: Cho, M.K. / Bero, L.A.: The Quality of Drug Studies Published in Symposium Proceedings; In: Ann Intern. Med. 1996; 124 (5), S.485-489
Corrupt doctors
Pharma industry is paying a medium value of 10,000 Euro corrupting every doctor for pharma industry (p.340).
In: Wazana, A.: Physicians and The Pharmaceutical Industry; In: JAMA 2000; 283, S.373-380
Gifts like medication for free, or trips to conferences without any scientific base get their effect. According to studies after luxury trips declared as "formation trip" the prescriptions of certain "medicaments" of the sponsor enterprise are tripled (p.340).
In: Orlowski, J.P. u.a.: The Effects of Pharmaceutical Firm Enticements on Physician Prescribing Patterns; In: Chest 1992; 102 (1), S.270-273
"Former education" of pharma enterprises mostly is only a stupid propaganda for new medicaments. Questions are not allowed. There is "pure frontal education" for 96% (p.341).
[Well, health system of normal "medicine" is like a Communist system].
In: Einseitiger Lehrer [Unilateral Teacher]; In: Süddeutsche Zeitung [South German Newspaper], 8.2.2000
The purchased scientific journals
There exists a rating list of "impact factors" how much articles are cited in other locations (p.341).
They can be manipulated, or they don't want to stay friends with pharma industry, or they are lazy, or they have no special knowledge (p.342), and add to this they cost much and are vulnerable concerning their character (p.343).
The case of Herrmann and Brach: faked work for being a professor
Faking system is going that far that a cancer searcher, Friedhelm Herrmann, and his woman employee and "trusty", Marion Brach, faked data, photos and robbed data for their career until an wink of an insider provoked the detection and the scandal of the professor came up. This happened - in Germany (p.343-344).
False hopes for genetic therapy - lethal victims and prohibition with gens on adeno viruses
The hope applying genetic therapy is provoking a run for "medicaments" provoking the foundation of new firms etc., and all is financed with credits, almost all by private money. But the pressure for success is very high and the propaganda by not critical [or censored] newspaper reports is also expensive, but investors should be manipulated giving more capital for this (p.318).
Genetic therapy with the idea changing genes by the help of adeno viruses provokes lethal victims and is prohibited in March 2000 completely (p.321-326).
Capitalist development with "medicine" has tragic consequences for rare diseases
As the "market" for rare illnesses is a little one, there is no research for these rare diseases, and whole "medicine" is absolutely unbalanced (p.318).
"Average age": Hygiene and surgery increasing the age
Table about the average age development world wide
medium age reached
year 0 (birth of a certain "Jesus")
during Bismarck government in Germany
man 45
woman 48year 2000
"industrialized countries": man 75, woman 80
"Third World": 37
(e.g. Afghanistan, Sambia)
And now normal "medicine" is bluffing with their "doctors" that this increase of the average age would be provoked by their medical work and inventions. But this change of the average age has got his decisive reasons only by a change of the conditions of life, and principally this normal "medicine" hardly contributed anything for it.
-- in the past the houses were dark, wet and narrow, and where the houses were narrow there was also starvation and polluted water, and on the working places there were no protection measures
-- under these bad conditions the most frequent cause of death was a pneumonia, an influenza, tuberculosis (TB), diarrhea diseases, and there was a high death rate of the babies (in 1900 it was 20%, in 2000 it was 0.5%) (p.18).
For this rise of the average rate any vaccination nor antibiotics hardly play any role (p.18-19).
In: Study of epidemiologist Thomas McKeown: An Interpretation of the Decline of Mortality in England and Wales During the Twentieth Century. Population Studies 1975; 29, p.391-422.
The measures rising the medium average age are others:
-- measures for hygiene and the measures at the workstations provoke that the rate of all infection diseases are going down
-- normal "medicine" with it's pills and operations has no effect on this, but
-- the decisive facts are the surrounding conditions.
The factors for a maximum of age is made with food, water, air and with social standards (p.19).
In: Ilich, Ivan: Die Nemesis der Medizin [nemesis of medicine]. Edition Rowolt 1977, S.22-26.
McKeown prescribes the big medical nonsense:
-- prolongation of life only is provoked by accident surgery, by general surgeons and by heart surgeons
-- all other medicine has got hardly any effect and is in vain, for example "medicine" against cancer, rheumatism, asthma, allergies etc., because normal "medicine" - according to McKeown - is without any power concerning the complex long term diseases (p.19), and this has not changed since 100 years
-- concerning cancer with normal "medicine" only the number of diagnosis has increased, and until today this normal "medicine" is looking in vain for a cancer gene or a cancer molecule (p.20).
Infection diseases: Detection of bacteria and the war against bacteria - and Pasteur's intrigues
Pasteur proving the germs on leaven cells and wine - "pasteurization"
Louis Pasteur is watching that fermentation of wine is not regular. Complete age groups of wines are lost when the wine is turning to be sour and bitter. Pasteur is investigating the leaven cells and wine fermentation, the micro organisms (p.25), spreading on dust particles. In the mountains there is less dust, so the growth of leaven is slower there (p.26).
Pasteur comes to the following conclusions:
->> Pasteur proves that air can be kept pure and that there is growth of microbes when the air is not filtered
->> Pasteur proves the existence of germs as a cause for fermentation and rotting processes (p.26)
->> Pasteur detects the "pasteurization" (p.27) heating the liquid up to 55º Celsius (p.26) killing ferments (p.27) so any wine can well be stored and is durable (p.26).
Louis Pasteur, portrait [6]
Pasteur's house of living and laboratories in Arbois in France between Dole and the Swiss frontier [7]
Louis Pasteur, born in Dole in 1822, died in Villeneuve-L'Étang near Paris in 1895, was one of the most important researchers concerning chemical and medical processes, but also made big mistakes like the German always competitive scientist Robert Koch. Pasteur was professor for chemistry in Dijon, Strasbourg, Lille and then at Sorbonne University in Paris. In 1881 he was honored no a national level with a "Big Cross of French Honored Legion", and in 1883 with the national prize of "Mérite agricole". In 1887/88 he founded the Pasteur Institute [web07].
1871: Nationalism in biological research between France and Germany - Robert Koch detecting anthrax rod cells - the "revenge beer" of Pasteur
In 1871 after the French military defeat against German Bismarck troops Pasteur is swearing revenge against his German profession friend Robert Koch in a "national" sense and is rendering his Doctor title of University of Berne (p.32). At the same time Koch is purchasing a huge microscope chasing germs detecting anthrax rod cells. And he is looking for the proof that this would be the cause of illness making experiments with infected sheep blood done to mice founding the base of modern "bacteriology" (p.35). In 1873 Pasteur can present counter inventions, for example the patented invention for the beer conservation with the name "Beers of National Revenge" (p.32).
Robert Koch, portrait [8]
Koch occasionally detected some things, but all in all he more blocked science by rejecting systematically anything about immune system and therefore this blockhead could not detect the causes for many diseases. That means: He was first detecting some bacterias, but he NEVER got the whole process of health. He meant that the body would be like a machine, like a Lego building system. His successes with vaccinations also were more occasionally and there was nothing systematical with it.
He was called a national hero against Pasteur and had a national leading position as a bacteriologist. He was called to "Empire Health Department". Founding of Robert Koch Institute (RKI) was in 1891 [web08].
Pasteur presenting his "germ theory" ("théorie des germes") - and the invention of Schwann is concealed
Pasteur describes in his "germ theory" the fermentation and decomposition processes with wine, beer and the decomposition process of meat. But Pasteur conceals this very well that Theodor Schwann was the chemical scientist detecting the rotting process of meat by beings before (p.24,26).
Theodor Schwann, portrait of 1857 [9]
Theodor Schwann (born in Neuss in 1810, died in Cologne in 1882) was the son of an editor's family, studied in Bonn, Würzbourg and Berlin and was the detector of the pepsin (in 1836) and in 1839 he proved the cell structure of all life of animals and humans. He also proved the existence of leaven and fermentation processes of sugar and starch as a living processes. Also science with muscle contractions ans cell structures were his area. Add to this he created the term "metabolism" describing transforming processes in living tissue with it, and he detected the base for embryology with the development of an egg converting in a living being. Together with Matthias Schleiden, Schwann also detected the distinction of multicellular and unicellular organisms, of membranes and cell cores. His cell theory was published in 1837 already. In 1845 he got the Copley medal, and in 1875 he got the prize "Pour le mérite" [web09].
Well, and now the Frenchman Pasteur means that a German like Schwann would not be so important robbing Schwann's detection of fermentation of meat by living beings. This is not at all polite of Mr. Pasteur...
2 June 1881
Pasteur presenting a vaccine in Paris against the sheep epidemic anthrax
(p.21); but Pasteur is not presenting an invented recipe, but this recipe for a vaccine is robbed from Jean-Joseph Toussaint which is muzzled (p.22).
Jean Henry Toussaint, portrait [10]
Toussaint was born on 30 April 1847 in the Vosges Mountains (France, in the little village of Rouvres-la-Chétive), and he died on 3 August 1890 in Toulouse [South of France]. He studied veterinary medicine in Lyon and after is diploma in 1869 he got to the veterinary school of Toulouse [south of France] where he also got the education for being a teacher. Since 1876 he was professor for anatomy, physiology and zoology at the veterinary school of Toulouse. In Lyon he took his doctoral degree in natural sciences and humane medicine and was teaching the latter since 1878 also in Toulouse. Since 1881 his capacities were going down by a nerve disease which never was detected. In 1887 he was suspended from teaching service. He got many rewards before dying with the age of only 43.
Toussaints research in the beginning got their focus about anthrax agents. He made several experiments with bunnies, guinea pigs and sheep where he stated the same effect. Add to this he stated that the spread of the agent was with the food, and that the bodies of the animals had to fulfill special conditions for being affected. Add to this Toussaint was working on fowl cholera (avian cholera with birds) where he could state that this would be an illness spread by microbes, similar to a septicemia [web10].
Vaccine experiments against anthrax were performed since 1880 with badly filtered blood were failing first with many dead animals. Then pasteurized anthrax blood (heated on 55º Celsius for 10 minutes, a heating sterilization) was used, liberated from fermentation factors, but at the same time 0.25% phenol was added. This vaccination was functioning with dogs and muttons, so his indication. With this Toussaint had detected the anthrax vaccination and presented this to the Academy of Sciences. The trick of his vaccination was the weakening of the agent by phenol so the animals got more time to fight the infection. In 1881 last works followed about anthrax and vaccination processes against fowl cholera (avian cholera), and there were four works about tuberculosis (TB) [web10].
And now Pasteur's frauds only are detected more than 100 years later:1995
Presentation of all documents about Louis Pasteur: working books - detection of his fakes and frauds
Only now since 1995 there is publicly stated that Pasteur has robbed the vaccine against the sheep epidemics anthrax from the doctor Jean-Joseph Toussaint and has muzzled him (p.22).
In: Geison, Gerald L.: The Private Science of Louis Pasteur. Princeton University Press, 1995
[Well, whole France liked Pasteur and no other scientist was loved because he had found the pasteurization method so no wine was rotten any more. Pasteur had saved the wine to the Frenchmen...]
Example for Pasteur's kind of thinking: Investigating the killing process of silk worms - definition of "parasitic" beings and fear created from germs (bacillus)
From 1865 to 1868 Pasteur is investigating among other things the killing process of silk worms and defines that a unicellular parasitic being and bad food would provoke the killing process of silk worms (p.27).
By this experiment Pasteur creates the word of "parasitic", and since this time Pasteur wants to eliminate all microbes on dust particles (p.27).
But Pasteur is developing an even worse behavior: Pasteur is demonizing any bacteria in general now and is stating that bacteria would be the destroyer of any cell tissue (p.27-28) and means that only sterile cell tissue would be normal (p.27).
[And now this normal "medicine" is on another wrong way for 150 years because the more sterile education the more allergies are coming because the immune system is not well trained during childhood...]
Another Example for Pasteur's kind of thinking: Vaccination against Avian influenza and anthrax - Pasteur is neutralizing scientist Toussaint
In 1879 Pasteur detects that the immune system can be "immunized" by an infection with 6 months old bacillus cultures. Then Pasteur states that this application would also be possible for other illnesses (p.29). But in his experiment the bacillus had been weakened by oxygen, and this process is called "oxygen attenuation" (p.30). But Pasteur never indicates how this immunization of the chicken had been processed precisely (p.31).
And now happens the following: The experiment of a vaccination of sheep against anthrax fails. The anthrax spores remain with the same vitality also treated with oxygen, but Pasteur cannot see this because the spores are too little (p.30).
At the same time the veterinarian Jean-Joseph Toussaint is investigating the processes with dead germs by heating them, by potassium bicromate and by carbolic acid. Pasteur states in public that he would consider that the dead germs had no value and is only searching with his oxygen attenuation (p.30), but secretly is also watching all what is happening with the dead germs vaccines theory applied with potassium bicromate, and at the same time he is ridiculing Toussaint in public (p.31).
Then when Pasteur was experimenting against anthrax with 50 sheep of veterinarian Hippolyte Rossignol there is said that Pasteur had applied the not reliable oxygen method. Pasteur takes a copy of Toussaint's dead vaccines of his staff member Chamberland, then Pasteur is presenting this copy of dead vaccine as his own invention (p.31) concealing this fraud also to his staff members (p.32).
During the following vaccination action with oxygen attenuation again 1,000s of animals are killed because the vaccine are oxygen attenuated anthrax spores which cannot be reduced in their activity (p.32).
Another example with Pasteur: In 1882 he claims in Geneva that there is "principle of "vaccination"
and at the same time Pasteur is concealing the failed experiments with anthrax (p.33). His principle claims that an immunization of all beings would be possible (p.34).
But Koch in Berlin knows precisely:
-- Pasteur's vaccines are full of micro organisms
-- Pasteur is concealing the failing experiments
-- Pasteur is even not a doctor (p.33).
Rabies: Pasteur is presuming something - Koch watching the isolating of the animals
Pasteur assumes a possibility to fight rabies by oxygen attenuation and by vaccination whereas he cannot find not one single virus, and he has vaccinations with human beings even in project (p.32). Robert Koch in Berlin is watching the hindering of spread of rabies by watching, disclosure obligation, disinfection, isolation and knocking off the agent by these measures (p.34).
Pasteur is rejecting the high Prussia reward medal "Pour le Mérite"
[Well, this can be understood because Pasteur does not want to be germanized. But principally it would be a reward for only a big fantasy...]
Sterility provoking death
since 1945 about
After the detection of bacteria, normal "medicine" claims that a sterile life would provoke a safe life without diseases. At the same time antibiotics are created for selling (p.20).
In the 1950s experiments are performed with animals which have grown up in a sterile surrounding and have got sterile food. After some days they are dying. Now the "germ" is defined the cause of the death. Normal "medicine" is founding a new sector of research with "bacteriology". In the population a fear of bacillus is created because [with the new technical equipments] one can find bacillus everywhere (p.28).
[This misbelief of "sterility" is provoking allergies and vulnerable immune systems until since the 1990s there is more and more detected that the immune system of the children needs schooling with germs and also playing in the dirt or on a farm gives the result of very strong resisting immune systems...]
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[web01] http://www.chemgapedia.de/vsengine/popup/vsc/de/biography/l/li/lister_00045joseph_000451827_0004504_0004505.bio.html
[web02] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charit%C3%A9
[web03] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entscheidung_aus_Liebe
[web04] http://assistenzarzt.wordpress.com/2007/11/30/woran-erkenne-ich-ob-der-arzt-vor-mir-ubermudet-ist/
[web05] http://www.larepublica.pe/26-01-2010/medicos-amputan-pierna-sana-paciente-diabetico-de-86-anos
[web06] http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/tirol-aerzte-amputieren-frau-falsches-bein-a-704381.html
[web07] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Pasteur
[web08] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert-Koch-Institut
[web09] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Schwann
Photo sources
-- injection into a leg: http://www.pw1.tsn.at/schueler/pirpamer/pirpamer.htm
-- threatening injection: http://www.planet-wissen.de/pw/showdocument,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2236A4DC833B45F2E0440003BA5E0921,,,.html
-- fat addiction: http://www.einslive.de/magazin/specials/2007/09/bier_abc.jsp?pbild=2
-- breast cancer, X-ray photo: http://members.aon.at/manfreda/Brustkrebs-Vorsorge_Mammo.htm
-- operation: http://www.sporttrauma.org/
-- pills without end: http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/wissen_und_bildung/aktuell/?em_cnt=1679115&em_src=649722&em_ivw=fr_wissen
-- inhalator for insulin: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2006/07/13/insulin-inhaled.html
-- Medicine Cartel, cover: http://www.amazon.de/Das-Medizinkartell-Kurt-Langbein/dp/3492044077
[1] Voltaire, portrait: http://www.slideshine.de/19370
[2] Joseph Lister, profile: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Lister,_1._Baron_Lister
[3] Charité Hospital in Berlin at about 1850: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charit%C3%A9
[4] film "Dying Young": https://www.videobuster.de/titledtl.php/entscheidung-aus-liebe-64373.html
[5] operating theater with surgeons in Wagna: http://www.lkh-wagna.at/cms/beitrag/10011640/2226576
[6] Louis Pasteur, portrait: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Pasteur
[7] Pasteur's house and laboratory in Arbois: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Pasteur
[8] Robert Koch, portrait: http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1905/koch-bio.html
[9] Theodor Schwann, portrait: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Schwann