Lies and profit with "normal medicine" (part 4)
How medicine after the invention of radiation equipment was driving to the wrong "side" -
profit strategies in medicine business11. Cancer: The lies of healing by breast amputation and "prevention"
11.1 Cancer can be healed - normal "medicine" rejecting immunotherapy
11.2 Stress supporting cancer
11.3. Different cases of cancer in normal "medicine"
11.4 Preventive checkup against cancer increasing the operation rate
11.5 Follow-up testing against cancer increasing the operation rate
11.6 Preventive checkup against prostate cancer: without success, but with heavy side effects after super fluent operations
11.7 Preventive checkups against cervix cancer increasing the operation rate
11.8 Epidemiologists prove: Preventive checkups with Pap-test only bring more costs
11.9 New suspicion of cancer by HPV virus infections is well worked out by industry
Normal "medicine" is making faked propaganda stating that their "pills" would help, but at the same time more illnesses are caused...
by Michael Palomino (2004 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012)
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Langbein, Kurt / Ehgartner, Bert: The Medicine Cartel. 7 Lethal Sins of Health Industry (orig. German: Das Medizinkartell. Die 7 Todsünden der Gesundheitsindustrie); Piper edition, Munich 2002; summary and chronology by Michael Palomino
All occasional inventions are indicated as "occasional". The lies in normal "medicine" are precisely presented in a chronology and with the argument chains. In normal "medicine" the factor making career and money is more important than the health of the human. Why do the health insurances pay for this normal "medicine" when there are always more ill persons produced instead of healthy persons?
Michael Palomino
Abbreviations BMJ British Medical Journal (p.276) NIH "US" National Institutes of Health with headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland (p.324) JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association (p.339) RAC Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (p.328) Chapters
11. Cancer: The lies of healing by breast amputation and "prevention"
11.1 Cancer can be healed - normal "medicine" rejecting immunotherapy
11.2 Stress supporting cancer
11.3. Different cases of cancer in normal "medicine"
11.4 Preventive checkup against cancer increasing the operation rate
11.5 Follow-up testing against cancer increasing the operation rate
11.6 Preventive checkup against prostate cancer: without success, but with heavy side effects after super fluent operations
11.7 Preventive checkups against cervix cancer increasing the operation rate
11.8 Epidemiologists prove: Preventive checkups with Pap-tests only bring more costs
11.9 New suspicion of cancer by HPV virus infections is well worked out by industry
Cancer: The lies of healing by breast amputation and "prevention"
Cancer can be healed - normal "medicine" rejecting infection therapy (immunotherapy, fever therapy)
Immune system is always conquering "cancer" - cancer cells are always present, only normal "medicine" is not there
Langbein/Ehgartner tell it clearly:
"Influence by environment like radiations, metabolism or a simple fault in reproduction lead always to a damage of DNA in some cells with the consequence that all control mechanisms are failing and the cells are reproducing without control. But human immune system has learnt by the millions of years to react with extremely complex procedures against such dangers which are coming from the inner of the body. The "immortal" growing cells are identified and are converted to be harmless." (p.260)
Schooling of immune system by infections during childhood
Immune system needs the experience of the traditional infections during childhood getting a good structure for fighting against diseases during the adult period. Immune system is storing all events (p.273-274) and then is very fast in a repeated case. Childhood diseases are necessary for schooling of the immune system. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"Every infect during childhood has got an uncomfortable effect, but has got also a positive side." (p.274)
1870 appr.
Glasgower surgeon Joseph Lister inventing antiseptic operation method
Surgeon Lister is treating the wound with carbolic acid preventing any postoperative infection (= "antiseptic principle"). His manner of operation is copied in whole Europe. Infection rates are drastically falling and surgery in the hospitals can increase it's reputation, and the hospitals have more turnover (p.105).
Surgery is popular now, and some hospital owners are very pleased about the new hospital guests who want to be operated, and therefore the surgeons get a privilege [the surgeons are "half gods"] (p.109). [But woman surgeons do not exist, but women only may be the "servants"].
William Stewart Halsted, "American" student for medicine studying in Germany for 2 years
Halsted is a merchant's son from New York. From 1878 until 1880 he is learning as a medical student in Germany. He learns the surgery techniques and is learning the new concept of antiseptic operation (p.105). After his return to the "USA" since 1881 appr. Halsted is preaching a good sterility during operations. Rubber gloves for example should be compulsory (p.105).
William Stewart Halsted, 28 years old, profile [1] a "specialist" for
breast amputations [2]
1885 appr.
Invention of brute breast amputations: Report from Halsted in the "USA"
According to Langbein/Ehgartner a breast amputation is the most absurd healing method (p.105), and this method is developed by the surgeon William Stewart Halsted (.104-105).
William Stewart Halsted who studied in Germany is also in the groups of breast amputations and is editing a report in 1885 describing breast amputations where also the surrounding skin and fat tissue is removed, inclusive the removing of the lymph pipes in the shoulders (p.106).
Halsted now is also removing "the bigger one of both breast muscles" ("pectoralis major") by the justification that this muscle would be often affected by cancer. Later he is also removing the other breast muscle ("pectoralis minor"), so he is removing both breast muscles. The removing process should be "en bloc" in one time in any case so there has no cancer tissue to be cut which could provoke another spread of new cancer cells (p.107).
At the end of every operation Halsted is removing some skin from the thigh of the patient covering the wound of the breast with it and calls this "the complete method" which would be the German method but "usefully broadened". Halsted claims that with his method 2/3 of all women would be "healed", to the contrary to German women in Germany where are no radical operations and only 25% of the affected women would live on for more than 3 years. Halsted claims that this would be the "healing of breast cancer" (p.107).
In: Halsted, William S.: Developments in the Skin-Grafting Operation for Cancer of the Breast; In: Journal of the American Medical Association 60 (1913), p.416-418.
Halsted - the wrong national hero
Now Halsted with his breast amputations is declared a "national hero" in the "USA", and there are many legends invented about him (p.107):
-- he is said having saved the biliary of his mother by an emergency operation
-- he is said having transfered his own blood to his sister when she was in labor with bleedings
-- he is said to have his own operation theater in his own house so he also could work during his free time (p.108).
These legends are constantly repeated, also when they are a lie [and it seems that these lied legends about him are not important for Mr. Halsted].
Halsted becoming a professor for surgery at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore
but he is without much pedagogic ambition
-- he is a sarcastic person now
-- he is demonstrating his surgery technique live in the operation theater
-- in the society he remains an outsider with horses and dogs at home
-- and he is going on preaching breast amputations (p.106).
1890: Case of breast cancer: Death of Bessie Dashiell by cancer - Rockefeller's girlfriend
Bessie Dashiell, the girlfriend of John D. Rockefeller, is falling ill with a cancer tumor at one hand and then metastases are developing in the whole body (p.264). A colleague of Rockefeller, surgeon William Bradley Coley, is trying all possible operations (p.265), but the young woman is dying within 3 months. As a reaction Rockefeller is founding a cancer center "Memorial Center", the today's "Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center" (p.264).
William Bradley Coley, portrait [3], John D. Rockefeller, portrait [4],
Rockefeller was the owner of Standard Oil, and he was the richest man of the world [web01].
1891: Research of Coley: The case of Fred Stain affected by cancer - infection therapy with Erysipelas healing cancer
Now William Bradley Coley is looking for paralleled cases compared with the case of the death of Rockefeller's girlfriend Bessie Dashiell, and he finds the case of Fred Stein. Stein had an tumor which was operated 4 times, and 4 times the tumor came back, and finally his cancer attacked vital organs so there was no operation possible any more. Add to this came an infection of Erysipelas. Now Stein is transferred to other infectious patients in one room, and now he passes many infection diseases. And now happened a sensational thing: The cancer tumor was reducing. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"With every new attack the cancer tumor was reducing itself, and this was a complete surprise for all treating doctors, the cancer reduced step by step." Stein leaved the hospital as a healthy man at the end (p.265). [By the infections the immune system was taught more and more and got to be that strong at the end so the cancer cells were defeated[.
Coley can find Fred Stein and is talking to him (p.265-266), and Coley means that one cold fight cancer with bacteria precisely. The same manner of research is doing Friedrich Fehleisen in Germany from Würzbourg University, with reports about some trials with dogs and some human treatments (p.266).
Infection therapy with Erysipelas bacteria healing cancer with patient Zola
In 1891 Coley begins reproducing the Erysipelas bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes on a concentrated beef bouillon treating his first cancer patient Zola with this (more names cannot be found in the documents). Zola has got a tonsil tumor and cannot swallow any more, has also got ulcers at his neck and open wounds from an operation (p.266). Erysipelas bacteria is injected directly into the open wound in the neck, and the bacteria have an effect: The tumors are reducing a little bit, but Erysipelas is not breaking out (p.267).
Coley lets send Erysipelas cultures from Robert Koch in Germany and is injecting them in Zola's body. These Erysipelas cultures from Koch have an extreme effect, with until 40ºC fever on the first day, the second day the big tumor is reducing, and within 2 weeks the tumor has completely disappeared and Zola can eat normally again. Then Zola's life is going on in Italy in his homeland and nothing more is known (p.267).
Coley is healing 100s of cancer patients with his Erysipelas toxin
More alternative experiments only get the support from Rockefeller (p.268). Because the hospitals don't want to have anything with Erysipelas pathogens in the hospitals (p.267). Now Coley can install an own pavilion. And the treatments show:
-- 2 of 12 cancer patients are dying because Erysipelas is breaking out, but all others do not die
-- immune defense is able to learn
-- new infections have to be found schooling the immune system, but Coley is not doing this, but he is isolating the toxin of the Erysipelas bacteria and is injecting the toxin itself. This is less dangerous, and the immune defense cannot react
-- one patient, John Ficken, is healed with the Erysipelas bacteria toxin from a malicious tumor, and with him also 100s of other patients (p.268).
But there are some not such precise things with this Coley method, some inexactitudes remain:
-- he does not develop a standard
-- he begins with the lowest dose, and then - depending from the reaction of the immune system - there are more injections or not, so he is acting individually
-- [Coley wants to heal, and the proof of the effect is the healed person, and profit seems not so important]
-- the patients are absolutely heterogeneous
-- Coley hardly describes the initial stadium of the patients, but describes the initial stadium of the patients simply with the word "inoperable"
-- and metastasis diagnose is hardly developed yet (p.269).
Cancer healing by immunotherapy (infection therapy, "vaccination") by Coley
We can see these healings of cancer by Coley's immunotherapy (infection therapy, "vaccination") also on other web sites, for example in the English Wikipedia on the Website about Coley:
<William Bradley Coley (January 12, 1862 – April 16, 1936) was an American bone surgeon and cancer researcher, pioneer of cancer immunotherapy. He developed a treatment based on provoking an immune response to bacteria.
Coley developed the theory that it was the infections which had helped patients in the past to recover from their cancer. So he began to treat patients by injecting a brew of Streptococcus pyogenes [of disease Erysipelas] directly into inoperable tumors. This met with much success, even after metastasis.[citation needed] The treatment was most effective when it provoked a fever and a full-blown infection. This observations coincided with similar observations in 1867 by the German physician W. Busch when his patient's tumor became smaller after a high fever.[3] Later, Coley decided to use a mixture of dead Streptococcus pyogenes and dead Serratia marcescens bacteria. According to Stephen Hoption Cann of the University of British Columbia, "He had successes you simply couldn't hope for today, curing even extensive metastatic disease."[4]
On January 24, 1893, the first patient to receive Coley vaccine (aka Coley's toxins) was John Ficken, a sixteen-year-old boy with a massive abdominal tumor. Every few days, Coley injected his vaccine directly into the tumor mass and produced the symptoms of an infectious disease, but did not produce the disease itself. On each injection, there was a dramatic rise in body temperature and chills. The tumor gradually diminished in size. By May 1893, after four months of intensive treatment, the tumor was a fifth its original size. By August, the remains of the growth were barely perceptible.[2]
The boy received no further anticancer treatment and remained in good health until he died of a heart attack 26 years later. Coley published his results and by the turn of the century 42 physicians from Europe and North America had reported cases of cancer that had been successfully treated with Coley vaccine.
And now technical medicine is devaluating these successes of Coley!!!
Roentgen finds "X-rays"
Accidentally during experiments Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen is detecting a new kind of radiation with a cathode ray tube, and this ray can penetrate solid material and also flesh and can show the inner, and therefore the bones are visible. This fascination is growing that fast in the medical circles that there is a discussion if these rays can kill cells (p.111).
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, portrait [5] - was inventing the X-ray equipment with a radiation lamp, with a hand and with a photographic plate [6].
Since 1895: Roentgen lobby making propaganda against Coley and against immune system method - and Rockefeller changing the side
The lobby with it's X-ray equipment - and their members have not the slightest idea of the immune system - this lobby claims now
-- that Coley's method of healing cancer by fever injections would be dangerous
-- that Coley's method would not be scientific
-- and the propagandists of Roentgen are even claiming that Coley's patients never had had cancer before and all would be a lie (p.269).
Coley's supporter Rockefeller believed in the stupefying Roentgen lobby and is changing the side: He leaves Coley with his healings. Coley is not "in" any more, because one cannot prove anything in these times, because one cannot "see" anything [but there are many healings, and these healings can be seen!!!], but despite of all Coley is the founder of immunotherapy (p.270).
[And Mr. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen who is listening all this propaganda against Coley for sure, he just does not overtake any responsibility and leaved Coley also without anything].
since 1895 appr.
Halsted gets a cocaine addiction - Halsted developing an arbitrary and pedantic style of life - Halsted converting into a cheater
Halsted, the breast amputation hero of the "USA", has made experiments with cocaine using it as a local narcotic, and then he got an addiction to it. Halsted passes two psychiatry stays but remains addicted to cocaine, but is continuing with his work as a surgeon, and then he is changing from cocaine to morphine. Halsted has got the character now that he is interrupting arbitrarily his operations leaving the operation theater, probably because of his addiction, but in these times nobody knows about it. All in all Halsted remains to be a pedant in his profession in the operation theater and is also forging his studies presenting better results (p.108).
since 1895
[Invention of the fridge]: Surgery is amplifying with pathology [science of about the origin of diseases]
The tissue investigation is included into surgery. During the first part of the operation is cut a suspicious part of the tissue, is frozen and cut into slices (="frozen slice"). By freezing the chemical fixation and many time is spared. When the result is coming out the next part of the operation is decided. When there are cancer cells, the breast is amputated without asking the patient which is in an anesthesia (p.109).
Applications of X-rays against breast cancer
Roentgen lobby wants to be a help in the healing processes of all diseases, and X-rays are applied against breast cancer, but only in small doses accompanying the therapy (p.111). Add to this little, radiation peaces of radium are implanted into the tumors, according to instructions and books of Pierre and Marie Curie (p.112).
Roentgen is fascinating and is a "surgical revolution" - lying "studies" of radiologists promoting careers
The new Roentgen equipments are fascinating the masses:
-- newly put shoes are X-rayed for "proving" if the foot is fitting the shoe
-- doctors consider X-ray processes as new opportunities for careers and healing possibilities against cancer and they are performing many "studies", but these studies are often manipulated or are a big fraud
-- with many diseases and with a suspicion of cancer many doctors are not proceeding any tissue investigation any more, but they simply are X-raying against cancer
-- the surgeons are defending themselves that the radiologists are getting a higher salary with less work, and they show the manipulations, also with the reason that not everything would be a cancer when radiologist are stating this, and therefore all these studies are not right (p.112).
Since end of 19th century: Alternative science about cancer coming up with immunotherapy
But at the Cancer Research Institute in Manhattan (p.262-263) there is research with immunotherapy (p.263). World wide there are some doctors working with immunotherapy, above all in Germany (p.270) [healing cancer, but there is no industrial support for them, because the method is so simple].
End of 19th century
Mechanic breast cancer research in Germany
Now follow
-- the investigation of cell biological basics
-- the investigation of "surgical techniques"
-- the proof that breast cancer has got a local origin, this comes from the doctor Rudolf Virchow (p.105).
-- is supposing that cancer is spreading in the beginning by the lymph system
-- is supposing that lymph nodes are a filter against cancer cells and can delay the spreading of the cancer cells in the body (p.105).
since 1900 appr.
Thesis that cancer would be incurable - piracy
Normal "medicine" is now spreading the lie that cancer would be "incurable", because cancer would be no infection disease and also hygiene would be for nothing. So, new rumors are coming up what is provoking cancer:
-- too tight clothes
-- skin injuries
and new pirate groups are coming up presenting new wonder remedies and not serious cure therapies (p.110).
[and Coley's successes in healing cancer with the Erysipelas immunotherapy are simply not mentioned any more...]
1905 appr. / beginning of 20th century
Germany: D.P von Hansemann detecting that cancer cells have a different strength
The aggressiveness of cancer cells is different (p.118). [This research result also seems never having been presented in the "USA"].
German doctor Steinthal rating breast cancer tumors into three classes
-- there are locally limited tumors
-- there are tumors having attacked the lymph nodes in the shoulders already
-- and there are tumors having attacked the surrounding breast tissue already, and these tumors are not treated any more and according to Steinthal they are hopeless cases (p.119).
In: Haagensen, Cushman D.: Disease of the Breast. W.B.Saunders, Philadelphia 1956, p.534-535.
[and Coley's successes in healing cancer with the Erysipelas immunotherapy are simply not mentioned any more...]
Haagensen defining also a fourth class of cancer tumor: breast cancer with metastasis in the whole body
Haagensen is operating like Steinthal, he is operating only the first two tumor classes. Therefore 50% of the cases are not operated. Most of other surgeons on the world are operating over 90% of the cases, and Haagensen is even defamed being too conservative (p.119).
In: Haagensen, Cushman D.: Disease of the Breast. W.B.Saunders, Philadelphia 1956, p. 571, 720.
[and Coley's successes in healing cancer with the Erysipelas immunotherapy are simply not mentioned any more...]
Charles P. Child claiming that cancer could be defeated by an "early detection"
above all with breast cancer nodules (p.110).
Foundation of the new sector of "clinical pathology"
The tissue investigations within an operation is included in the schooling of young surgeons (p.109-110). By this every surgeon is getting the "competence" executing a breast amputation when tumor tissue can be found (p.110).
In: Lerner, Barron H.: The Breast Cancer Wars. Oxford University Press 2001, p.28
There is resistance coming up against the breast amputations
since the 1920s
Controversial about breast amputations, and there is e.g. amputation enemy Geoffrey Keynes
Keynes is an English doctor (p.110-111) fighting hard against any breast amputation, because the amputated women
-- have deformed chests with holes under the collarbone and along the shoulder down to the arm
-- often have pains day and night at the scar and have swollen arms, the "lymph edemas" (p.111).
Geoffrey Keynes, portrait [7]
1922 appr.
Death of Halsted - now his addiction is coming out - but his fans are going on adoring him
Only after his death his addiction is coming out. His adorers are honoring him in the "fight" against the addiction instead of condemning his negligence. The case studies of Halsted are turning out as a fake because his methods are not so successful with other doctors as indicated, and they cannot be repeated (p.108).
In: Penfield, Wilder: Halsted of John Hopkins. JAMA 210 (1969), p.2214-2218.
since 1922 appr.
"USA": The pupils of Halsted are operating even more radically
and now they remove not only the breast, but also ribs, breast bone or also a hand eliminating any possible further "cancer center" (p.108).
[and Coley's successes in healing cancer with the Erysipelas immunotherapy are simply not mentioned any more. Normal "medicine" is committing million fold heavy bodily injury with this. And all this is not torn to justice...]
Surgeon Greenough: Brest cancer study about different tumors
Surgeon Robert B.Greenough from Boston presents a breast cancer study with the investigation of more than 73 cancer patients (p.118). Without operation have survived:
Table about breast cancer treatment by Robert B. Greenough, Boston
Tumor was weak
Tumor was middle destructive
most aggressive tumor
In: Greenough, Robert B.: Variable Degrees of Malignancy of Cancer of the Breast; Journal of Cancer Research 9 (1925), S.453-463.
All this indicates that specific treatment is needed (p.119).
[But it seams that this result was not taken earnest by the leading cancer centers].
Daland presenting a breast cancer study about radical amputations and women without amputation: When there is no operation it can pass also well
Surgeon Ernest P. Daland from Boston makes a comparative study about women with breast cancer who are operated or not ("no treatment"), whereas the latter women
-- resigned to an operation
-- or their cancer was that advanced so only an amputation would have been possible
-- or the woman cannot be operated by bodily weakness (p.118).
Diagnosis for the "no treatment" group is a life time of 40.5 months. Statistics after 5 years show the following:
-- 22% of the "no treatment" women lived yet after 5 years
-- 42% of the operated women lived yet after 5 years (p.118).
Whereas a big part of the "no treatment" women were "cases without hope", not even the double of the operated women have survived, and this result is striking for Daland. His conclusion is that many cancer patients can survive for a long time without therapy yet (p.118).
2 Halsted pupils are criticizing Halsted
-- Halsted's victims did not suffer a regression by 6%, but by 30%
-- 420 women were dying after their breast amputation, and 2/3 of them within 3 years (p.113).
Keynes presenting in public the disadvantages of breast amputations
-- Breast amputations provoke a high mortality rate
-- or women surviving a breast amputation are mutilated badly
-- and there is the statement that cancer is not spreading by lymph but by the blood (p.111).
1940s and 1950s
Glorification for Halsted in the books is going on and breast amputations are going on, also in Europe
[Every little writer as it seems wants to make his career with the name of "Halsted", and the editors as it seems accept this. But Coley with his successful cancer healings with Erysipelas injections and immunotherapy are simply not mentioned...]
since 1940 appr.
Surgery enemies grouping against breast amputations, e.g surgeon George "Barney" Crile
-- he saw nonsense surgery and badly equipped war ships
-- he is fighting against the surgeon dogma "The more the better"
-- he is fighting against the American Cancer Union (p.115) and is vociferating against the provocation of anxiety as an education mean which is also applied against cancer (p.115-116)
-- cancer phobia is causing more suffering than cancer itself because there are too many operations and these operations cause many deaths (p.116).
George W. Crile, portrait [8]
In the meantime surgery is regularly operating: skin cancer, mouth cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, uterus cancer and intestinal cancer (p.116).
Critical supporters are requiring comparative studies but cannot put through this idea (p.116).
Invention of mustard gas - experiments against cancer
1940 appr.
Invention of mustard gas in the "USA" - experiments against cancer in Yale do NOT function
"US" research is inventing mustard gas as a chemical combat agent and is presenting a liquid variation for medical experiments with toxic effect against cells which are parting fast then: in the lymph tissue, in the marrow, in the mucosa of stomach and intestine. "US" government is making an agreement with different universities, so research with this mustard gas agent is permitted, also for Yale University (p.99).
At Yale University is working the anatomist Thomas Dougherty making experiments with mustard gas against cancer tumors according to the thesis that cancer cells would be fast growing cells, and mustard gas could have a killing effect. The results are negative: First the tumor is reduced in the mice, and the tumor is softer and is disappearing, but then is coming again with more force and no injection has any effect any more and the mice are dying because of the tumor (p.99).
But the experiment is fascinating the "scientists" so they are making experiments against all possible kinds of cancer (p.99), but the tumors always come again and the second or third injection has no effect any more, so all animals are dying (p.99-100). Against leukemia mustard gas has got no effect at all (p.100).
Mustard gas freighter exploding in Bari - deads and long term diseases
In 1942 a freighter with mustard gas is exploding in Bari provoking many deads and hurt people. The survivors are suffering heavy damages in their marrow. Many are dying because of the long term effects because almost all white blood cells are dying (p.99).
December 1942
Yale: The experiments with mustard gas are continued - the tumor cells are developing resistances
Bu utmost secrecy one person with an advanced lymphosarcom gets an injection of mustard gas. The tumor is melting within 48 hours. In 10 days all trouble has gone, also the swollen lymph nodes in the shoulders have gone and the marrow has recovered. But then the tumor is coming back and all following therapies cannot help anything. The patient is dying (p.100).
This procedure is again that fascinating for the "scientists" that there are more human tests, but without any success (p.100). The tumors are developing resistances. Already the second tumor is much more resistant, and a complete destruction is hardly possible (p.101).
In: Moss, Ralph W.: Fragwürdige Chemotherapie ["Suspect chemotherapy"]; Haug edition 1997, p.41
In 1943 the mustard gas searching group is dissolved. The "searchers" are spreading to other universities spreading the wonder belief that tumors had gone with mustard gas (p.101).
[And Coley's successes in healing cancer with the Erysipelas immunotherapy are simply not mentioned any more...]
Development of "cancer research" since 1945
since 1945
Normal "medicine" wants to find an antibiotic against cancer like against syphilis - experiments without end with chemotherapy
-- now there is a new propaganda for research funds
-- in the "USA" experiments against cancer are executed with over 400,000 different chemical substances: 2,000 toxins are considered to be strong enough for "defeating" the cancer (p.101); this is the election which - according to Langbein/Ehgartner "is today yet [...] rated as cytotoxic [damaging cells] archive for potential cancer medicaments" (p.102).
Critics call these test series as "Nothing-too-stupid-for-no-trying-it-out-program" (p.102).
In: Moss, Ralph W.: Fragwürdige Chemotherapie ["Questionable chemotherapy"]. Haug 1997, p.33
Main propagandist of chemotherapy is Cornelius P. "Dusty" Rhoads
He is a former manager of the "US" Army Service for chemical warfare. Rhoads simply is continuing his war, now against cancer (p.102).
Cornelius P. Rhoads ("Dusty"), profile [9], he wants to defeat cancer with chemotherapy
Sufferings by chemotherapy
This chemotherapy by Cornelius P. Rhoads (alias "Dusty") is connected with much suffering and is principally not at all healing the body:
-- there is vomiting
-- all hair is falling out
-- marrow is destroyed
-- and death follows.
As a consequence chemotherapy is generally rejected in the hospitals (p.102).
[And Coley's successes in healing cancer with the Erysipelas immunotherapy reinforcing the immune system against the cancer cells are simply not mentioned any more...]
since 1945
More operations with breast operations: also inner organs and arms are amputated
Now also arms are amputated, also feet are amputated because the surgeons mean that all metastasis have to be removed by operations. An example is the surgeon Owen H. Wangensteen, the founder of "super radical operations":
-- breast has gone
-- collarbone has gone
-- ribs have gone
-- and breastbone also has gone (p.116).
-- in general also all organs and arms or legs are amputated which are under a suspicion of cancer
-- often also a second operation is executed ("second look" operation) where are prophylactically operated and investigated all organs which have no damage yet (p.117).
In. Myers, J.Arthur: Owen H.Wangesteen. Lancet 87 (1967), p.216-228.
The operations are partially totally disfiguring the victims. One surgeon is even calling another surgeon "humanectomy" ["removing the human element"] (p.117).
In: History of Cancer Control Project, UCLA School of Public Health: A History of Cancer Control in the U.S. 1946-1971, Book 1. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1978, p.373.
The catastrophic error: Surgeons have no competence in cancer research
-- the surgeons mean that they would be cancer specialists ans mean that their enemy would be cancer in an analogy to the war stadiums in Second World War
-- surgeons not much operating are getting a warning of his "comrades", for example Cushman Haagensen says the following sentence in a book: "Insufficient removals are nothing more than surgical cowardice." (p.117)
In: Hagensen, Cushman D.: A Technique for Radical Mastectomy. Surgery 19 (1946), p.100-131.
The surgeons are celebrating with "sane" operated people [and the dead simply are not there]. Medical societies are organizing cancer meetings where survivors of cancer operations are shown [but the dead are not shown] (p.117).
1950s appr.
First successes with chemotherapy indicating "prolongation" of the healing phase [resp. surviving phase]
Instead of a reorientation to the Erysipelas injections provoking a healing fever, chemotherapy cannot present little "success" against cancer:
-- concerning leukemia of children
-- concerning children and youths with a Hodgkin's lymphoma
-- and partially the healing seems to be for ever (p.102).
[The 1950s also are the period of the most vaccination damages. The human experiments are absolutely crazy now].
Pressure of statistics against the surgery mafia in normal "medicine"
Statisticians are considering themselves as a counter weight, as "policemen in medical enterprise" against the autocratic surgeons. They are putting through big studies about breast amputations and about other cancer amputations, now in a real scientific order so they can be compared, in Great Britain, in Italy, and later also in the "USA" (p.119). In these studies the operated persons are drawn by lot. Halsted admirers claim simply that all women without radical operation would be damned for death (p.120).
since the 1950s
Campaign against breast cancer: learning of touching the breast herself
These campaigns are instructing the women for learning of touching the breast herself
-- evading any cancer anxiety
-- and the women have to report the first nod, because otherwise other family members would be in danger
-- [women doctors do not exist many yet]
-- and the doctors are not hesitating with amputating a functionally "worthless" breast (p.114), above all after the menopause.
The doctors are comparing the breast amputations partly with a functional "retreat" of the biological function of the woman (p.115).
Early diagnose and amputation are staying for a long time yet as a fixed pattern of thinking (p.115).
[And Coley's successes in healing cancer with the Erysipelas immunotherapy reinforcing the immune system against the cancer cells are simply not mentioned any more... - and there is bodily injury in millions of cases, and all this operation shit is also payed by the health insurances until today... (!)]
Rhoads with his "chemotherapy" claiming now: "We will have the penicillin against cancer soon"
and in New York a Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute is founded, with the boss called Rhoads. According to the media this is the "leading cancer research center" of the word (p.102)
[But penicillin against cancer is never coming, and the well working healing method of Coley with Erysipelas bacteria injections is simply not mentioned].
In: Moss, Ralph W.: Fragwürdige Chemotherapie ["Suspect chemotherapy"]. Haug edition, 1997, p.35
since 1955 appr.
Prevention and self control of breast by touching provoking more operations
The women controlling themselves by touching their breasts are coming to the doctor when they find the most little node, and then an amputation is performed. The investigations and operations are not adopted (p.116).
[And the "health insurances" are mostly lead by men yet paying any breast amputation (!)]
since 1970s
Always more critics against breast amputations
-- all long term studies show that the radical operation only provokes disadvantages and that the maintenance of the breast always would be better
-- and the radiation treatment is also overestimated: By the radiation treatments only the relapse quota is reduced, but there is no advantage for survival (p.120).
23 December 1971
"USA": President Nixon lets start his "War Against Cancer" program
"as a Christmas present to the nation".
"US" President Nixon with a fist in 1971 [10]. When full idiots, mafia members and
lodge members have got the power, only wars are coming out...
For Nixon with his Vietnam war the war against cancer is simply one more war. But now medicine against cancer is lead one more time to a wrong direction:
->> cancer centers get a rain of dollars
->> chemotherapy is developing as a main stream product
->> and the concept is working with the slogan: "The strongest poison against cancer cell" shall "win". But only a little overdose provokes the death of the patient (p.103).
[And again the whole world wide cancer research is going into a wrong direction].
Cancer therapy of normal "medicine" is not changing
-- surgery with removal of tumors is going on
-- damaging radiations are continuing [and radiations are also damaging the healthy cells]
-- chemotherapies are continued [and have heavy side effects] (p.103).
"After first successes these methods got soon to their limits." (p.103)
-- some kinds of cancer are not responding to chemotherapy at all and are resistant to cell toxins, e.g. lung cancer
-- but according to Langbein/Ehgartner testicle cancer can be treated surprisingly well with surgery and cytostatics [substance inhibiting cell reproduction]
-- but the chemotherapists don't know why it is like this (p.103).
1971: Chemotherapy damaging immune system additionally!
It's even worse: This "War Against Cancer" with many "medicaments" and "radiations" is damaging the immune system always more and more. But the "US" health department does not want to believe something what one "cannot see" [whereas the many lethal cases after cancer radiations are well visible, and whereas the many survivors of Coley's healing method with Erysipelas injections are ABSOLUTELY VISIBLE!].
In 1971, Vice Chairman of "US" National Cancer Institute, Sidney Farber, claims that no investigation would be necessary because there would be too many cancer cases every year.
"325,000 cancer patients who will die this year cannot wait. It's not necessary to understand the mechanisms for getting a progress." (p.261)
Sidney Farber, portrait [11], founder of research into aging [web01], he is a person which is absolutely kept in technique world
With all belief of technique the world wide health boards mean that chemical weapons would defeat the tumors (p.261), and alternative ideas - e.g. fever against cancer [as Coley did already 80 years ago] - are never more developed (p.262). In "medical" research the "technical medicine" is putting through against all ideas of working with the immune system (p.272).
[This means a million fold heavy bodily injury and million fold manslaughter with cancer, respectively million fold denial of assistance is going on and the "health insurances" are paying on and on the nonsense of chemotherapy against cancer...].
Technical "medicine" propaganda claims: virus provokes cancer
Now also virus should be guilty for "exaggerated" cell growth (p.262). Virus thesis is turning out wrong in 1980 appr. already (p.262).
Question of journalist Bland why Halsted accepted a high death rate as a positive thing
This question is put in the article of Bland and Cornelia Shaw: The Halsted Mastectomy. In: Jay Katz: The Silent World of Doctor and Patient. Free Press, N.Y. 1984, p.554
Normal "medicine" propaganda: Substances should support the immune system
Now normal "medicine" means that chemical substances could support immune system against cancer like interlenkine and interferon, but in the 1990s turns out that also this "support of the immune system" by "substances" is wrong (p.262).
Propaganda of normal "medicine": Gene therapy against cancer would be possible "changing" cancer cells in a positive way
All cheering news about gene therapy are also turning out wrong (p.262). Gene therapy with trials of vaccinations against cancer, with tumor genetic suppressions and with interferon is all not working (p.270). At the same time interferon therapy has got heavy side effects, but is better than "vaccinations" with gene therapy (p.271).
"Prof." Werner Bezwoda, Johannesburg: He claims an immune system therapy with chemotherapy
With this method Bezwoda wants to heal cancer with metastasis. He is working with that much chemistry so the whole immune system is dead (p.120). Before he had taken stem cells, and with these stem cells he is reinstalling the immune system again. His "studies" seem to be sensational, but
-- 22% of the treated women are dying within 3 months
-- the cures provoke enormous costs and are extremely dangerous, and despite of all this method is a boom called the "modernest therapy"
-- and all warning voices are ignored (p.121).
[Why the perfect cancer healings of Coley with Erysipelas injections should not be "modern", this only heaven knows...]
1990s appr.
Breast cancer preventive checkups finding limepop and they claim that these would be dangerous - more operations
Preventive checkups against breast cancer find limepops in the breast, and radiologists claim that these would be tumors in a preparation stadium, a "ductal carcinoma in situ". "Experts" claim that these limepops would increase the risk of cancer by about 30 up to 70%, because the limepop could transform itself into a tumor. Propaganda of normal "medicine" now is operating also breasts with limepops, and therefore the healing quota of all breast operations is rising. The treatment is:
-- removal of the affected tissue
-- radiations
-- breast amputations (p.104).
Breast amputations now are more often than there are breast cancer cases, "because the ductal carcinoma is more difficult to be operated than a compact tumor", so the indication of Langbein/Ehgartner (p.104).
1990: Study of Abel: Fever infections during childhood are reinforcing immune system against cancer
Medicine biometrician Ulrich Abel was investigating many clinical histories and clearly finds out:
-- people who are cancer patients had only few fever infects during their life
-- people with "3 or more simple fever infections per year" have "a five fold lower risk for falling ill by a cancer." (p.313)
Der Spiegel ("Mirror"), no.33 of 1990 reporting about the study of Ulrich Abel
Ulrich Abel, portrait [12]
The study of Ulrich Abel "Cytostatic chemotherapy of advanced epithelial tumors. A critical report" (orig. German: "Die zytostatische Chemotherapie fortgeschrittener epithelialer Tumoren. Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme", edition Hippocrates, 112 pages) shows a balance of more than 1,000 investigations about cancer and chemotherapy. And the balance of chemotherapy against cancer can be described by only one single word: "Devastating" (orig. German: "Niederschmetternd"). The dogma that cancer could be healed by chemotherapy is wrong. Life is not extended much by this treatment, and life quality is hardly improved. Chemotherapy is failing with almost all kinds of organic cancer, above all when there are metastasis already. And often the tumor is shrinking but is coming again. By chemotherapy only the following cancer classes can be healed: Lymph cancers, Morbus Hodgkin, leukemias, sarcomas, and testicle cancer. All in all cancer therapy is in a complete "dead end", and the structures for therapies are that fixed so a change is hard to realize.
And what was with immune therapy how Coley applied it with Erysipelas injections? Ulrich Abel says in the review Spiegel ("Mirror"):
<Alternative treatments like immunotherapy are hardly considered in the therapy comparison studies, because many doctors don't know about it. "Ideas for studies with this element", as Abel had to recognize in the years of his work as a consultant, are hardly considered in new investigation projects.> [web02]
[So, one has to imagine that the "health insurances" are paying the nonsense with chemotherapy but despite of all the affected persons are dying with it...]
And one has to remember also this: The more antibiotics one takes suppressing fever infections, the more the immune system is WEAKENED (p.313).
People mean they live well when they never have any fever infection, and then they get cancer because they never had any fever. (p.314)
[Immune system is schooling itself against cancer by fever infections].
But there is the successful fever therapy in Germany against cancer:
Fever therapy against cancer by doctor Wolfgang Wöppel: All cancer patients are healed!
Doctor Wöppel is working in Bad Mergentheim [in Baden Wuerttemberg in Germany between Stuttgart and Würzburg, he died in 2006]. He healed cancer
-- with bacteria injections
-- with change of food
-- with more alternative therapies
and in this way he healed any cancer (p.314).
Dr. Wolfgang Wöppel, portrait [13], he healed 100s of cancer cases with an integral method
Hufeland clinic for alternative integral cancer healing in Bad Mergentheim [20]
Dr. Wolfgang Wöppel-- decisive is the metabolism which is influenced by hormones, ferments, carbohydrates, agents active on the surface, substances with redox potential and substances having the capacity building up bioelectric potentials for the determination of the intensity of metabolism and above all of the respiration of tissues. When the metabolism is always in trouble, this has consequences:
Dr. Wolfgang Wöppel is the founder of Hufeland clinic in Bad Mergentheim (clinic for integral, immune biologic therapy with cancer and other chronic diseases, http://www.hufeland.com).
Wöppel is the founder of a soft, naturopathic cancer therapy, and there are great successes. His principles of cancer treatment are the followings:
-- it's not possible simply killing all cancer cells
-- integral concept of cancer procedures were described in the 1950s already by Issels, Zabel, and Seeger, but they were hardly considered
-- cancer is a symptom of a general bodily trouble of bodily life, and in such a weak body tumor cells can grow what is not possible in a healthy body
-- trouble of extra cellular liquid provokes inevitably troubles with other cells, but a microscope does not see the trouble of the extracellular liquid
-- there will be <troubles of functions of different cells and organs, troubles of detoxification of the organism, troubles of the humoral surrounding, trouble of the normal vegetative regulation procedures in the body, there will be changes of membrane behavior of any cell with side effects affecting the cell metabolism and at the end provoking a weak defense.>
(orig. German:-- complex regulation troubles in the immune system provoke transformed cancer cells and at the end a tumor
Es kommt zu <Funktionsstörungen verschiedener Zellen und Organe, Störungen der Entgiftungsleistung des Organismus, Störung des humoralen Milieus, Störung der normalen vegetativen Regulationsvorgänge im Körper, Veränderung des Membranverhaltens der einzelnen Zelle mit sekundärer Auswirkung auf den Zellstoffwechsel und schließlich Abwehrschwäche.>
-- and <a great signification have also the mental influences, hereditary influences, and physical chemical influences (environment charges, "electro smog", radiation charges, charges by medicaments).>
(orig. German:-- <All these factors have an individual effect on the regulation procedures of the body, blocking these regulation procedures and therefore comes the preparation for the illness. Therefore an integral cancer therapy means to recognize and to eliminate the individual harming factors and the elimination of the damages provoked by these harming factors.>
und <Von großer Bedeutung sind aber auch seelische Einflüsse, erbliche Einflüsse und physikalisch-chemische Einflüsse (Umweltbelastungen, „Elektrosmog", Strahlenbelastungen, medikamentöse Belastungen).>
(orig. German:
<Alle diese Faktoren wirken individuell unterschiedlich auf die Regulationsvorgänge des Körpers ein, blockieren diese und bereiten so den Weg für die Krankheit. Ganzheitliche Krebstherapie bedeutet deshalb, Erkennung und Beseitigung der individuellen Schädigungsfaktoren und der durch sie verursachten Schäden.>)
There are testing methods for the immune system:
<The system of basic regulations according to Pischinger can be revised by the methods: There is thermo regulations diagnose according to Schwamm and Rost, and there is decoder dermography, and there is SEG etc.>
(orig. German:Thermo regulations diagnose according to the model of Heidelberg can for example can state with over 90% if a tumor of breast cancer or lung cancer is benign or is malignant [web03].
<Das System der Grundregulation nach Pischinger zu überprüfen, möchte ich nennen: Die Thermoregulationsdiagnostik nach Schwamm und Rost, die Decoderdermographie, das SEG u. a.>
Add to all this one has to consider that with Wöppel's therapy every person is considered as an individual system because any immune system has got it's personal composition (p.314). Therefore the healed cancer patients come from all social layers: There were terminally ill persons, not so ill persons, health apostles, depressive people who only drank and had made their festivity for the "end" of their life etc. They all were healed of their cancer by the doctor Wolfgang Wöppel in Bad Mergentheim (p.314-315).
-- also Wolfgang Wöppel does not mention the healing successes of Coley with Erysipelas injections
-- according to Dr. Wolfgang Wöppel a standard fever therapy is not possible, but any chronic disease (e.g. cancer) needs a personal treatment adapted to the individual person
-- normal "medicine" does not accept individuality of human beings until today (2012), but the "health insurance" is paying the nonsense of normal "medicine" giving it the first priority, and also the nonsense of chemotherapy gets the first priority, instead to indicate the healing possibilities with fever therapies
-- the media suppress all healing successes against cancer because it seems that the media are payed by the pharma industry which wants to go on selling their pills].
1992: Coley's works are revised by Stornes - Coley is rated as equal to normal "medicine"
With an analysis of C.O. Stornes the result comes out that the method reinforcing the immune system with mold (fungus) liquids has to be rated as equal. The 5 years surviving rate is with Coley 47%, with the technical methods it is 10 to 50% (p.269).
In: Stornes, C.O.: Coley's toxins; In: Nature 1992; 360, p.23
But Coley's works are further on ignored by pharma industry (p.269) [because pharma has cancer "medicaments" on the market with much profit, but these pills hardly or never heal, but they bring money].
Works of Klaus Kölmel about immunotherapy
The Coley toxins made of molds (fungus) are not produced any more (p.270). Some doctors are working yet with immunotherapy, the last was for example Klaus Kölmel, the head of Skin Clinic of Göttingen University in Central Germany (p.270). In his study about Coley's toxins treating 15 cancer patients the result was clear:
Patients whose immune system did not react to the Coley's toxins
Patients whose immune system is partly reacting to the Coley's toxins
Patients with a high fever reaction to Coley's toxins
they are all dying
survive with relapse
are cured, there are 3
In: Kölmel, K.F. / Abel, U. / Kuhn, B. / Vehmeyer, K. / Wieding, J.U.: Treatment of metastasis malign melanomas with an endotoxin containing bacterianlysate - result of a pioneer study [orig. German: Behandlung des metastasierenden malignen Melanoms mit einem Endotoxin enthaltenden Bakterienlysat - Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie]; In: Waclawiczek, H.W. u.a. (editor): Malign melanoma - The today's state with diagnose and therapy [orig. German: Das maligne Melanom - Derzeitiger Stand in Diagnose und Therapie]. Springer, Berlin 1991, p.238-239.
Kölmel is convinced of the factor fever against cancer. The fever is teaching the immune system and by this schooled immune system the cancer is hindered. There are surveys:
Table: Study of Kölmel about cancer free life after infections
Persons without cancer
Cancer patients
had many infections
had only seldom an infection
had over 2 fever infections within 5 years
had only 2 or less infections within 5 years
cancer risk: factor 1
cancer risk: factor 10 (90% higher cancer risk)
In: Kölmel, K.F. / Gefeller, O. / Haferkamp, B.: Febrile Infections and Malignant Melanoma: Results of a Case-control Study; In: Melanoma Res. 1992; 2, p.207-210
According to Langbein/Ehgartner "fever is worsening the life conditions of bacteria. But the life conditions of the immune agents is bettering." All these events can be proved by electron microscope (p.312).
But normal "medicine" is against the healing of cancer by Kölmel. Normal "medicine" wants to go on useless cancer pills, and therefore there is only one reaction:
Normal "medicine" of Ontological Society is boycotting Kölmel
In 1/3 of the cases the sudden healings of cancer were provoked by fever infections. But Ontological Society is hardly reacting. Kölmel now wants to repeat the Coley study. The Ontological Society is blocking this. Normal "medicine" is boycotting Kölmel's therapy with bacteria because the mode of action "would not be clear". At the same time normal "medicine" has not one way to heal cancer, and has not at all better ones. This says Ulrich Abel from Heidelberg, professor and medicine mathematician (p.272).
A "US" study about psychological preconditions for cancer
According to this "US" study, statistic show clearly that cancer is coming up with persons with the following elements in life:
-- low self esteem
-- missing emotional proximity to the parents
-- negative picture of the parents
-- loss and separation before being 17 years old (p.315).
First scientific description of the "ductale carcinoma in situ"
Limepops were investigated and there is a clear proof that any limepop does not at all mean that there will be a cancer (p.104).
Repetition of Kölmel's study in all Europe
Again there is proved the connection between cancer and infect showing that a trained immune system is fighting cancer better (p.271).
In: Kölmel, K.F. / Pfahlberg, A. / Gefeller, O. u.a.: Infections and Melanoma Risk: Results of a Multicentic Case-control Study; In: Melanoma Res. 1999; 9 (5), p.511-519
Now the fraud of Bezwoda is revealed: there were invented persons!
About the cure of immune system of Bezwoda there are many more studies now, and the new studies all end with a very negative result. When a "US" research team wanted to perform a meta study [a study about teaching theories] in Johannesburg with "Prof." Bezwoda, all frauds in his "study" are revealed:
-- some patients do not exist
-- some patients never got the indicated treatment
-- some patients never had been a patient of Bezwoda (p.122).
In: Grady, Denise: Breast Cancer Study Shows Signs of More Serious Fraud. N.Y.Times, 10 March 2000
Copenhagen: Peter C. Goetzsche, director of Cochrane Center, is criticizing X-raying of breast as a preventive checkup
Peter C. Goetzsche, portrait [14].
Goetzsche is clearly indicating that the preventive checkup with breast cancer has a very bad effect causing more lethal cases [only by the negative psychological effect], and it would be better to abolish all preventive checkups.
Logo of Cochrane-Center with the stress for collaboration
-- 6 of 8 studies about breast preventive checkups have no scientific value, and partially these preventive checkups are "at the border to be manipulations"
-- and precisely these two by gynecologists and radiologists criticizing studies are the best, so Goetzsche: Precisely these two studies are rejecting any screening (p.72).
The main statement of Goetzsche is that women with mammography checkup are dying more than women without this checkup, analyzed by percentage:
"Also when the criticized (Swedish) studies are not considered as a fake well considering them, data are showing that per 1,000 women over with mammography checkups every 6 months during 12 years, one lethal case of breast cancer was hindered, but the complete rate of lethal cases was increased by 6 cases." (p.72)
(orig. German:
"Auch wenn man die kritisierten (schwedischen) Studien als nicht verfälscht ansieht und einbezieht, zeigen die Daten, dass pro 1000 Frauen, die über 12 Jahre hin halbjährlich zur Mammographie gehen, ein Brustkrebs-Todesfall vermieden, die Gesamtzahl der Todesfälle aber um sechs erhöht wird." (S.72)
In: Goetzsche, P.C. u.a.: Is Screening for Breast Cancer with Mammography Justifiable?; In: Lancet 2000; 355, p.129-134
So, there is the clear conclusion that a preventive checkup with X-raying is damaging more than it's useful (p.72).
2001: Total defeat of normal "medicine": There is no technical progress in cancer research 1971-2001
The balance for "cancer research" in 2001 / 2002 is a catastrophe: [Despite of all billions of costs for "research"] normal "medicine" can NOT offer more chances for healing to their cancer patients as in 1971 (p.262). The "science" in the "USA", the head of National Cancer Institute of the "USA", Richard Klausner,
Richard D. Klausner, portrait [16]
has to confess:
"The best way getting a progress [in healing of cancer] is to declare the end of the war and getting to know that cancer is a complex puzzle." (p.262)
Cancer: Advanced cancer can hardly be treated better by normal "medicine" than in 1971
When the cancer is in an advanced stadium, mostly follows the death within 5 years when the cancer patient is getting an treatment by normal "medicine". Prevention is the only thing what normal "medicine" can offer. The appeals are:
-- don't smoke
-- avoid overweight
-- avoid physical inactivity
-- to to the preventive checkups (p.104).
[Balance of normal "medicine" with cancer:
All cancer research centers have only spread much suffering, but hardly any progress. Alternative medicine can heal cancer better, but is simply ignored by normal "medicine"].
Cancer can be healed by fever infections and reinforcement of the immune system
-- Coley's method of injections with mold toxins (fungus) with Erysipelas bacteria stimulating the immune system has got the effect that the tumors are eliminated completely within some months (p.269)
-- the individual fever therapy of doctor Wolfgang Wöppel in Bad Mergentheim (Baden Wuerttemberg, South Germany) against cancer has got a success rate of 100% (p.314)
-- C.O. Stornes is confirming Coley's works and is rating the method with mold toxins (with 47% 5 years surviving rate) at least as an equal method to normal "medicine" (with 10 to 50% 5 years surviving rate) (p.269)
-- and the last doctor working with mold toxins (fungus) and fever infections is Klaus Kölmel in Göttingen, and in 1/3 of the cases the cancer tumors are suddenly healed (p.270).
[Well, there are also healers healing cancer, for example healer Braco from Zagreb healing with a view making his tours in whole Europe, without big costs].
Stress supporting cancer
Stressed immune system: missing fever - missing recognition of cancer cells
Stress in the office, cartoon [17]. But this cartoon is only the pre stadium for more, because stress is blocking the activity of the immune system and therefore is favoring cancer.
-- stress increases the number of natural killing cells (NK cells)
-- shortly after the stress event the level of natural killing cells (NK cells) is falling under the normal level, so the body is getting weak and vulnerable (p.312)
-- the big problem for the body then is the chronic stress.
[This also means that one should always sleep enough, above all when there are "full" working days].
With an experiment of Johannes Reul from Medical Hannover University the following result comes out: When rats are put under CRH stress hormones during two weeks and then a bacteria infection is put, so the stress rats don't get a real fever any more (p.313).
There is the conclusion by Langbein/Ehgartner:
"Chronic stress is damaging the fever reaction of the organism." (p.313)
[Therefore the immune system remains without action, and therefore the cancer cell can spread].
Chronic stress
-- is weakening the immune system
-- the immune system cannot recognize malign variations any more
-- the immune system cannot stop the malign variations any more in time during the initial stadium (p.313).
[And by this eternal stress situation cancer is coming up more and more, above all when there is a combination with full working days and only few sleep].
Different cases of cancer in normal "medicine"
Case: Fall: Salivary gland tumor is growing again after a radiation treatment
The tumor is growing again and is as big as never before paralyzing one complete half of the face, which is confirmed by computer tomogram (p.170). There follow one more chemotherapy to reduce the tumor, and then follows another operation (p.170-171), and from the beginning the operation is almost without any success because the tumor has reached a facial nerve already (p.171).
[A simple fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen) had been more successful].
Case: Atomic bomb test in Nevada with side effects
The atomic bomb tests [in Nevada] produced many cancer cases during decades, for example multiple myeloma (p.195).
[Well, in the "USA" any fever therapy against cancer is systematically concealed... - and also Russia has atomic bomb test areas with many cancer cases].
Case: Promised healing
There is a young woman with cancer and she is prescribed a chemotherapy. And there are old cancer patients and they don't get any chemotherapy. And then the doctor promises to the young woman: "With you we are banking on healing." (p.195)
[But the side effects are simply accepted and the most favorable and most effective fever therapy is simply ignored].
With a nurse the truth comes out: "70% of the patients have 5 years calm, and 30% are cured." (p.196) There is given a chemotherapy in high doses, and stem cells should grow again (p.196-197). But the side effects are heavy:
-- there is nausea every day and night
- the mouth has always to be douched with an anti mold agent
-- despite of quarantine the is an infection and antibiotics have to be taken [and these antibiotics are reducing the force of the immune system, so the immune system cannot fight the cancer cells...] (p.197)
[A simple fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen) had been more successful].
Case: Tumor in the head, and then in the leg
First a cancer patient with a tumor in the head is operated ant the tumor is removed (p.194-198). Then another tumor is growing, now in the thigh. The doctor means:
"Well, you have tolerated the high dose chemotherapy more or less, so we do this a second time now. Then you have calm for some years, and then we see if there is perhaps something new." (p.199)
After the operation of the leg up to 80% of the thigh bone are eliminated (p.199), the patient gets a titanium spike in the bone as a reinforcement (p.201) and then he has great pains from the thigh to the knee (p.199) and a natural movement of the leg is not possible any more but the patient has to drag his leg always and can hardly walk any more (p.201).
Then a doctor claims, that a "foreign cell therapy" of a familiar member would be the "right thing". But another doctor is advising against this because this "method" has a mortality rate of 70%, heavily handicapped remain 25%, and the healing rate is only 5% (p.200).
[A simple fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen) had been more successful].
Case in Essen I. (Central Germany): Breast cancer in the "family" - children are waiting for it - and the breast has to be removed fast
The doctors want to have found something in the breast, and the expectations of the patient has fulfilled (p.203). The doctor wants immediately "eliminate" the breast and then make a reconstruction with silicon adapting to the second breast, but there is no precise investigation or discovery (p.204).
The radiation treatment has got side effects, among others there are inner burnings and the tumor is growing again (p.205). But one has to consider that this tumor was only a mini tumor of a diameter of 4 mm. And despite of this the whole breast is removed, with the lymph nodes (p.206). The more lymph nodes are removed and investigated, the more salary gets the doctor and the laboratory, and the more the health insurance has to pay (p.207).
When lymph nodes would also be affected, there would be metastasis. But perhaps there had never been any cancer there (p.207).
[A simple fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen) had been more successful].
Case in Essen II. (Central Germany): Operation without a second diagnosis
In another case in Essen there is not made any second diagnosis because the doctors are urging for the operation. Again breasts are amputated and lymph nodes are investigated, and again no metastasis can be found (p.208). The clinic doctors state carcinomas, but the women's doctor not (p.209).
[A simple fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen) had been more successful].
Then the cancer wave in Essen is discovered - and a pathologist is committing suicide
The women's doctors in Essen are becoming aware of the cancer wave in the clinic center in Essen, but they don't put any question. Only a young gynecologist wants to stop this swindle (p.210). He requires tissue probes of his patients from the pathologists, but after a long discussion he receives faked probes as is later stated by DNA tests (p.211). Then the pathologist is putting fire in his office burning important tissue probes. This scandal is published in the German review "Stern" ("Star") in 1996, but the review is making propaganda against the enlightener (p.212). Only now many women in Essen are becoming aware of the breast fraud and are reporting this. And then the pathologist of the Essen Clinic Center is committing suicide. He is drunken and sets fire in his office a second time (p.213).
[When this Essen Clinic Center had had information about the simple fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen), so all had been more successful].
New caution level introduced in cancer diagnostics
This cancer avalanche was payed by the "health insurances", from the first X-ray photo up to the final breast amputation. Now new warning levels are introduced:
-- a second diagnose is compulsory now
-- and a radiography and an ultrasound investigation is also compulsory now (p.214).
But all in all the quota of wrong diagnosis in Germany is very high yet, with 10 to 1. That means that 10 of 11 tissue probes (biopsies) are too much (p.214). So, this early diagnosis of cancer is a total nonsense (p.215).
In: Bert Ehgartner: Worry about the early diagnosis [orig. German: Sorge mit der Vorsorge]; In: profil, 28 February 1999
[All in all the cure of the immune system and the recognition of the wrong war against bacteria is neglected during 100 years].
[A simple fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen) can be very successful].
Preventive checkup against cancer hardly lowers the cancer rate - but lets increase the operation rate
-- according to a study of Göran Sjönell from 1999 (a Swedish cancer expert) the mortality rate of cancer is sinking applying preventive checkups only by 0.8% instead of the expected 30%
Göran Sjönell, portrait [18]
-- add to this any screening has new side effects (p.123)
-- 1/6 of the women passing a preventive checkup got a cancer indication which was no cancer
-- and 1,000s of useless tissue probes were made, 100s of breast removals / mastectomies were performed (p.124)
In: Sjönell, G. u.a.: Hålsokontroller med mammografiminskar inte stödlighet i bröstcancer [Screening does not mean that harmfulness of breast cancer is less]. Läkarfidningen 1999; 96, S.904-913
Follow-up testing against cancer increasing the operation rate
In 1975 appr. follow-up testing was invented for a prompt recognizing of a tumor which is growing again ("relapse") (p.124). The differences are:
normal follow-up testing after a cancer operation
intensive follow-up testing after a cancer operation
1 time a year a mammography
1 time a year a mammography
clinical investigations
clinical investigations
regular X-raying of the thorax
scintigraphic investigation of the bones (investigation of the activation spread with a scanner)
ultrasound investigation of the liver
blood investigations
In 1994 a study about follow-up testings comes to a horrible result:
-- metastasis and relapses are detected a little bit earlier
-- but the survival rate up to 5 years is hardly different (p.125).
In: The Givio Investigators: Impact of Follow-up Testing on Survival and Health-Related Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients; JAMA 1994; 271 (20), p.1587-1592
The same can be said about intestinal cancer according to studies of 1997 and 1998.
So, there is only one conclusion: People not passing the special follow-up testing can feel healthy for a longer time (p.125).
But now the technique philosophers of normal "medicine" are rebelling again always inventing new screening methods (p.125).
[And therefore another time this normal "medicine" is provoking fear in the whole population and by this the immune systems are systematically weakened again].
Preventive checkup against prostate cancer: without success, but with heavy side effects after super fluent operations
A test against prostate cancer (PSA, prostate specific antigen) is indicating cancer in 2/3 of the cases where is no cancer at all. This test has no influence concerning the mortality rate [but only has an effect on the costs of the health system] (p.125). In general 50% of the men of over 50 years have got cancer cells in their prostate, but there is no development of tumor. Langbein/Ehgartner saying it clearly:
"The tumor mostly is growing that slowly that the owner are dying before the tumor is threatening their life." (p.126)
But now more and more prostate tumors are operated without being a threat for life.
But then there are heavy side effects after these operations:
-- about 50% of the operated men are incontinent
-- 2/3 of the men with a prostate operation are impotent, because nerve pathways were cut during the operation.
As a consequence in Great Britain any prostate preventive checkup was deleted in the health system (p.126).
[A simple fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen) can be very successful].
Preventive checkups against cervix cancer increasing the operation rate
The Pap test of Papanicolaou
-- this test was invented by George Papanicolaou, a Greek laboratory assistant at Medical College of Cornell University in New York
-- in 1928 Papanicolaou claims that any variation of a "normal" cell structure would be a pre stadium of cancer. But this claim gets no echo, because only the cells of the surface of uterus surface were investigated as an "uterus swab", but the inner tissue was not investigated (p.128)
-- Papanicolaou himself is leaving this investigation stopping his experiments making other work
-- since 1940 Papanicolaou is making new "uterus swabs" as a normal work, and in 1943 he claims that he had found 179 uterus tumors, and 127 of them had been in the cervix
-- and now this Papanicolaou also claims that his method of a "vaginal swab" would be reliable (p.129).
In: Papanicolaou, George: Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer by the Vaginal Smear. Commonwealth Fund, New York 1943.
Stupid normal "medicine" of the "USA" takes this Pap test
The colleagues of Papanicolaou remain critical because the principle change of tissue would be not palpable, and the varied cells should be cancer cells first. Now "US" Cancer Society is stepping in propagating the "new detection" claiming that this method of Papanicolaou would be a "preventive checkup", and despite of all doubts is starting a campaign for a compulsory preventive checkup for all women when they have passed 40 years, and this checkup should be all 6 months. The Papanicolaou test is propagated as "Pap-Smear" (p.129).
But the tests have a high error rate because there are impurities by the doctor or by the nurse. At the same time the laboratories are fighting for the market. When there are many tests, so the profits are high (p.129):
-- critical probes are concealed
-- there is hardly any control of quality how the doctors are performing these tests
-- the health insurances in Germany for example are paying 5.6 Euro for every smear, and this means that the doctors do not work well for such a low salary
-- there is work with masses, with wrong ratings by stress of time
-- according to an "US" study, independent pathologists are rating about 50% of the cases in another way than the clinic centers, respectively the independent pathologist are rating less dramatic (p.130)
The main question if cell variations develop as cancer cells, remains without answer (p.130).
-- many cell variations are disappearing again without any trace
-- and despite of all these contraindications this Papanicolaou is performed "for safety" removing tissue ("biopsy"), and often the whole uterus is removed (p.130).
[A removal of the uterus provokes more salary for the doctor. When the test would be presented with a negative result, the doctor had no work...]
Evaluation of statistics with cervix cancer: There is also cancer which is not recognized - instead of all prevention checkups
The evaluation of statistics performed by Paul Shaw investigating the prevention checkups in Leicester come to the result, that women's doctors mostly do not recognize the cancer at all (p.126), and that 1/3 of the smears give a wrong result rating ill women as healthy women etc. (p.127).
Table: Efficiency of prevention checkups against cervix cancer in Leicester
checked women
passed a regular prevention checkup
not recognized, but cancer broken out (with cervix cancer tumor)
radical operation without radiation therapy or chemotherapy, because cancer was not recognized before
lethal cases
These mistakes happen everywhere. Add to this the mortality rate with cervix cancer is generally falling. Cancer medicine claims that this would be the merit of the prevention checkups (p.127). But in Canada in 1972 approximately, cervix cancer rate was falling in the whole country and also there where no preventive checkups had been performed. This was a bad result for [stupid] normal "medicine" [with their mostly useless machines] (p.128).
Epidemiologists prove: Preventive checkups with Pap-test bring only more costs
Epidemiologists are proving that any prevention checkup is for nothing. This nows does not match to the ideas of normal "doctors", and screening is never put into question principally. In 1971 Nixon is just starting his "war against cancer". So, screening is continued without any doubt and a revision of uterus screening is even called as unethical (p.128).
-- Pap test indicating a positive result means only "possible pre cancerous cells" ["cells in a pre cancer stadium"]
-- the advantages of screening by the Pap test are not proved until today (p.130)
-- and there was never any warning from side effects (p.131).
High damage by Pap screening
-- a positive result can provoke heavy effects to the mental health of the woman (p.130) and can even provoke depressions or preparations for a suicide (p.131)
-- there are wound of biopsy (wound by the removal or tissue) and these wounds are only healing slowly
-- when there is a "scrape" in the uterus a general anesthetic is needed
-- eventual laser treatments are combined with heavy bleedings.
All in all 6 to 8 weeks of stay in the hospital are "normal" only because of this preventive checkup (p.131) [and all this nonsense is paid by the "health insurance"].
In: Britten, N.: Personal View. BMJ (1988); 296, p.1191
Psychosis is coming up with the investigated women: Fear of death, and they are believing in the operation instead of great healing chances without operation
Many women which get the result of varied cells by the Pap test, and when they had been operated, they mean that they had had died without this test. But a big majority had survived without any operation, because varied cells are mostly disappearing by themselves:
From 25,000 investigated women there were 15,000 women with varied cells, but there was only a mortality rate by cervix tumor of about 40 (p.131).
In: Raffle, Angela: Informed participation in screening is essential. Reader's letter in BMJ 1997; 314, p.1762.
Pressure by normal "medicine" for Pap tests - and there is pressure by industry
Recommendations by [corrupt] European Union are claiming that younger women should pass this Pap test all 3 years, and women between 40 and 65 years all 5 years checking if there are varied cells at the cervix (p.131-132). But in Germany, Austria and in the "USA" the authorities let test every year, by pressure of the gynecologists and of the women feminist politicians (p.132).
Pap tests made in short time intervals is also an economic factor of "Pap industry": Many parts get their profit with these cervix smears: doctors, laboratories, suppliers, and these parts are even supported by the "pressure groups" (p.132).
[But one can heal cancer with success applying fever therapy according to Coley or Wöppel (Bad Mergentheim) or Kölmel (Göttingen). Pap test is not at all needed].
New suspicion of cancer by HPV virus infections (by humane papillom viruses) is well worked out by industry
There are 100s of different wart viruses, and no. 16 and 18 are rated as dangerous. The doctors claim that no. 16 and 18 would provoke cancer and would be capable to develop "pre stadiums of cancer". Normal medicine is calling for a combined Pap HPV test. A virus test costs 30 to 50 Euros, and there are "follow-up testings" needed. The producers of the test, Digene, is investing millions in these testing methods (p.133) inventing also a HPV vaccination (p.134).
Statistic investigations give the following result:
-- the combination of visual investigation (VIS) and HPV test have all in all a high hit ratio indicating a pre stadium of cancer with 63%
-- the combination of HPV and Pap test only has a hit ratio of 43%
-- and the combination of a visual investigation (VIS) with the Papanicolaou test is the worst one with a hit ratio of only 37% (p.134).
In: Blumenthal, Paul et al.: Adjunctive Testing for Cervical Cancer in Low Resource Settings with Visual Inspection. HPV, and the Papanicolaou Smear. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2001; 72, p.47-53.
The unreliability of the HPV test because of a diagnose without use
But all in all the detection of HPV is no cancer diagnose, because the tests are absolutely unreliable because nobody can say if a cell variation will develop to a cancer cell or not, and also a biopsy (tissue removal) or a colposcopy (an enlarged tissue investigation) don't change anything with this (p.134).
Topic of a compensation: Program costs
The costs for compensations, which are awarded by justice to patients [e.g. when there were removals of uteri without reason], these costs are a big part of the costs of the program (p.134).
But in many cases the cell variations do not convert at all into cancer cells. The best one can to is: Don't do anything (p.135)
[but have a well balanced life with balanced food and movement, the best according to blood group nutrition from Dr. D'Adamo in combination with many stays in fresh air so the cells always get enough oxygen].
Strategy of "industry" of normal "medicine"
It's an industry which wants to sell tests and operations. This sadistic industry does not want to heal (p.135).
[And the "health insurances" are giving yet first priority to this sadistic normal "medicine"].
The strategy of normal "medicine" is a war tactic against the healthy population:
Provoking fear + provoking a moral pressure (with the argument of "health") = occupy the market, and the health insurances are paying all (p.136).
The producer and the doctor have the profit in common, and the more work the higher the fame of the doctor [and the higher his salary is]. Investigation and efficiency is not wanted any more (p.136).
[Cancer: Normal "medicine" is shining with denial of assistance
Let's repeat:
Cancer can be healed by fever infections which are reinforcing the immune system so the cancer cells are eliminated
-- Coley's method with injections of mold toxins stimulating the immune system (Erysipelas bacteria) lets shrink the tumors within some months completely and the cancer is completely healed (p.269)
-- fever therapy against cancer of doctor Wolfgang Wöppel in Bad Mergentheim is successful with a rate of 100% (p.314)
-- C.O. Stornes confirms Coleys work and rates the method with mold toxins (with 57% 5 years survival rate) as at least equal method compared with normal "medicine" methods (with 10 to 50% 5 years survival rate) (p.269)
-- the last doctor working with mold toxins and fever infections is Klaus Kölmel in Göttingen, and the cancer is suddenly healed in 1/3 of the cases (p.270).
The punishment for normal "medicine" and their false "doctors"
Normal "medicine" has systematically boycotted these healing successes worked out by the doctors Coley, Wöppel and Klaus Kölmel, and by this behavior, normal "medicine" is principally guilty of denial of assistance in millions of cancer affected persons and is guilty of manslaughter in millions of cancer affected persons. This principally means for all cancer researcher and cancer "institutes" that they should be shut and get a lifetime prison sentence, also for certain presidents or woman presidents who simply are not believing to the persons who really can heal cancer until today].
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[web01] Sidney Farber: http://www.childrenshospital.org/gallery/index.cfm?G=49
[web02] study of Ulrich Abel about useless chemotherapy against cancer, in Spiegel ("Mirror") no. 33 / 1990: http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-13500786.html
[web03] statements about naturopathic immunotherapy against cancer of doctor Wolfgang Wöppel: http://www.hufeland-klinik.de/index.php?id=51
[web04] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serratia_marcescens
Photo sources
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-- threatening injection: http://www.planet-wissen.de/pw/showdocument,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2236A4DC833B45F2E0440003BA5E0921,,,.html
-- fat addiction: http://www.einslive.de/magazin/specials/2007/09/bier_abc.jsp?pbild=2
-- breast cancer, X-ray photo: http://members.aon.at/manfreda/Brustkrebs-Vorsorge_Mammo.htm
-- operation: http://www.sporttrauma.org/
-- pills without end: http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/wissen_und_bildung/aktuell/?em_cnt=1679115&em_src=649722&em_ivw=fr_wissen
-- inhalator for insulin: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2006/07/13/insulin-inhaled.html
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[3] William Bradley Coley, portrait: http://www.precepta.com.br/blog/usando-sistema-imune-combate-ao-cancer/
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[10] Nixon with a fist:
[11] Sidney Farber, portrait: http://www.childrenshospital.org/gallery/index.cfm?G=49
[12] Ulrich Abel, portrait: http://www.polymvasurvivors.com/what_you_know.html
[13] Wolfgang Wöppel, portrait: http://www.hufeland-klinik.de/index.php?id=51
[14] Peter C. Goetzsche, portrait: http://www.cochrane.org/news/blog/mammography-screening-ten-years-reflections-decade-2001-review
[15] Cochrane-Center, logo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cochrane_Collaboration
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[18] Göran Sjönell, portrait: http://www.expressen.se/halsa/tusentals-drabbade-av-nya-varhostan/
[19] map of Baden Wuerttemberg with Bad Mergentheim: http://www.welt-atlas.de/karte_von_baden-w%C3%BCrttemberg_1-193
[20] Hufeland clinic for alternative cancer healings in Bad Mergentheim: http://baden-tour.de/de/bad-mergentheim/medizin/Hufeland-Klinik-Bad-Mergentheim.html