Lies and profit with "normal medicine" (part 5)
How medicine after the invention of radiation equipment was driving to the wrong "side" -
profit strategies in medicine business12. The fairy tale with gene therapy
12.1 Genetic research: new eugenics are not possible
12.2 Scandal about genetic diagnostics with the fetus and abortions
12.3 Clone baby and "preimplantation diagnostics": creation of humans
12.4 Gene therapy with adenoviruses provoking the death of the volunteer
Normal "medicine" is making faked propaganda stating that their "pills" would help, but at the same time more illnesses are caused...
by Michael Palomino (2004 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012)
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Langbein, Kurt / Ehgartner, Bert: The Medicine Cartel. 7 Lethal Sins of Health Industry (orig. German: Das Medizinkartell. Die 7 Todsünden der Gesundheitsindustrie); Piper edition, Munich 2002; summary and chronology by Michael Palomino
All occasional inventions are indicated as "occasional". The lies in normal "medicine" are precisely presented in a chronology and with the argument chains. In normal "medicine" the factor making career and money is more important than the health of the human. Why do the health insurances pay for this normal "medicine" when there are always more ill persons produced instead of healthy persons?
Michael Palomino
BMJ British Medical Journal (p.276) NIH "US" National Institutes of Health with headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland (p.324) JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association (p.339) RAC Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (p.328) Chapters
12. The fairy tale with gene therapy
12.1 Genetic research: new eugenics are not possible
12.2 Scandal about genetic diagnostics with the fetus and abortions
12.3 Clone baby and "preimplantation diagnostics": creation of humans
12.4 Gene therapy with adenoviruses provoking the death of the volunteer
The invented story with gene therapy
Genetic research: new eugenics are not possible
James Watson, founder of "genetic engineering" (p.145): Since 1990 no gene therapy has left the stadium of tests. The injections with therapeutic genes gets no stable effect. The "Americans" want to replace genes in the egg of the uterus. This would be a creation of new humans eliminating cancer and Alzheimer genes, or for the fight against hereditary overweight or myopia. These new humans would reproduce the varied genes with their children, and then "new humans" would be created (p.144).
This theory is a huge nonsense. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"Only the fewest illnesses can be attributed really to a gene. Most illnesses have many dozens of genes as factors." Therefore there is all together, and the "hope" is an invented story (p.145).
Developing new organs with stem cells
This is possible without limits, and there are 210 tissue types. Organs are said to be produced in gene laboratory (p.145). In Europe any work with embryonic stem cells is prohibited, not so in the "USA". At the end there will be cell kits for organs, but the immune system will reject the artificially produced organ (p.145). Therefore some scientists had the idea to install a deposit of frozen stem cells of every human when it is born. These stem cells would be taken from the umbilical cord, and this reserve will be for the cace of an eventual loss of an organ (p.146).
In an animal test it was possible to create complete animals from stem cells in the incubator, without the mother's body (p.146).
Genetic test for breast cancer costs 2,400 $...
In 1994 Mark Skolnick invents a test claimin that the gene BRCA 1 wold be a breast cancer gene, and 90% of the women having this gene BRCA 1 would fall ill with breast cancer, and 50% of them also with ovarian cancer. One test costs 2,400 $ (p.147).
New genetic tests are presented like an explosion, and there are costs and operations without end
All in all the market for genetic tests is exploding. Every year 100 new DNA tests are invented for until now 800 congenital diseases. The consequences are this way:
-- organ removals are again increasing: removals of ovarians, of uterus, of colon, of prostate etc.
-- the doctors are cutting out healty organs from the body claiming that the illness would be predeterminated (p.147)
-- "genetical defects" are diagnozed always more and more
-- health insurances want access to the genetic statistics and are creating new discriminations for humans with certain genes (p.148).
[Indications about the costs of the genetic tests and the super fluos operations are missing...]
Scandal about genetic diagnostics with the fetus and abortion
Creations in the upper and the lower classes
With a fetus test one can investigate abnormities in the fetus - the amniocentesis - this makes possible the genetic test testing mucoviscidosis (pancreatic fibrosis, failing of pancreas), hemophilia (clotting disorder with the blood), and some more hereditary diseases (p.146).
There is a diagnosis of deformations coming up ("amniocentesis"), and this also counts for mongoloism (p.148) when chromosomes for mongoloism resp. Down syndrom are detected (p.149), and this counts also for Spina bifida. Women regularly are in a conflict then having the authority over the child which has not been born yet. These women only are pregnant "on approval". The decision for an abortion is a heavy decision charging the woman heavily (p.146).
There is the danger that the rich are optimizing their genes and the poor cannot do this, until there will be two kinds of humans which cannot be crossed any more (p.146-147).
The invented story of the higher risk when there is no diagnosis - but there is just a higher risk by the diagnosis
In medicine women from 35 years on getting a child are said that the risk for getting a deformed child would be higher. When there would not be an early diagnosis of the fetus ("amniocentesis"), then there would be a risk (p.149). Well, the risk getting a mongoloid baby is 0.25%, but the risk of complications after an amniocentesis is 1% (p.151):
-- because the sharp amniocentesis needle has to get through the abdominal wall and the uterus, and a vein of the placenta or of the fetus could be hurt
-- because there is the danger of an infection after the amniocentesis (p.149)
-- add to this it would not be a simple abortion, but it would be a dead birth when the diagnosis is made later (p.151).
Despite of all the doctors are making believe the women that the situation with an amniocentesis would be better for the future (p.151).
There is this case for example: The hole of the uterus is not shuting any more - the women is kept in teh clinic (p.149) and the woman has to feel how all amniotic fluid is flewing out, the doctors cannot help, and the pregnant woman is suffering a dead birth by artificial labor. The baby would have had a healthy child. Now the mother has always to think having killed a healthy child (p.150).
There is one more case: After the amniocentesis a 35 years old women gets the prognosis of trisomy 21 for mongoloism resp. Down syndrom (p.151), so the pregnant woman is taking the decision for an abortion. But she does not know that this is not a simple abortion, but it will be a dead birth. She has investigated only late and the dead birth is made during the 25th week of pregnancy. The fetus is breathing a short time (gasping) and then the fetus dies (p.151).
Langbein/Ehgartner indicate:
"There is a search for the defect fetus, and then all is accepted to perform the selection, but this selection provokes more victims [...] The society is tolerating many abortive birth for the recognition of a handicapped child inhibiting it's life." (p.151)
There is another case: There are also wrong diagnosis with fetus diagnose. The test can claim that the child is healthy, but the baby is born with a big head and wiht a Spina bifida (p.151-152), has got paralized legs, and has got a passive urinary bladder which requires massafe for urinating (p.152).
Langbein/Ehgartner: "But all in all 95% of all gene defects are detected." (p.152)
There is another case: Mothers let investigate the fetus for hemophilia and the doctors say that there would be no risk of transmission, and then the child is bleeder (p.152-153). This child has to get the clotting substance of factor 8 injection 3 times per week. Langbain/Ehgartner mean: "Since factor eight can be produced, bleeders have a more or less normal life." (p.153)
[Well, this does not seem to be so].
Clone babies and "preimplantation diagnose": creation of humans
Artificial fertilization is changed into a fetus creation laboratory for organ engineers (p.360).
Normal "medicine" has got cone babies in project with compensatory clones in the deposit (p.153-154) and the fetus is even diagnosed when it's not even implanted yet. Langbein/Ehgartner say:
"On the third day in the test tube the fetus has got a body of 8 cells. In this moment the cell membrane is pushed and one cell is taken out for an investigation. The other seven cells can compensate the loss and are normally growing on - when there is no obstacle." (p.154)
And by this getting children with sperma from the hospital database is getting a trip fulfilling many wishes how the child should be. The direct genetic manipulation is prohibited until today (p.154).
Gene therapy with adenoviruses provoking the death of the volunteer
Since 10 years gene therapy is a money sink. Billions of dollars are given to research centers and no result is coming out, or there are results but not much use with it (p.326).
Case: Ornithine Fall: lack of ornithine transcarbamylasis OTC
OTC is appearing above all with young men, provoked by failing transformation of the nitrogen ammonium in the liver, so that the born child is dying within a few days. Persons with the mild form, can manage OTC with tablets and a diet (p.321).
The "project" of a gene therapist James M. Wilson
James M. Wilson from Pennsylvania University in Philadelphia is dreaming of his project: Viruses should be manipulated and converted "harmless", and these viruses should transport the genes to the organs. Then the viruses should install the new genes into the cell nucleus, and in the negative case the viruses are also doing this (p.323).
There are experiments with new viruses without end. The problem is that the immune system is fighting the viruses. Wilson gets the conclusion, that one should inject the gene manipulated viruses directly into the organs (p.323), and the best would be that the testicals and the ovarius would be manpulated for a reproduction of the changed DNA so the illness OTC would be elimnated for ever. Other changes can be neglected respectively are not consideres with Wilson (p.324). Wilson is speculating in another way: He means that after the OTC could also be healed other illnesses of the liver by "gene therapy". Only then the real profit would turn out (p.326).
Wilson's thesis: One should begin with injections with the babies alread before they are dying by ammonium. Therefore babies are prepared which are absolutely condemned to death. But now the ethic board of the "US" senate is rejecting this. Now, Wilson has to find adult persons first for his virus gene experiments (p.327).
Wilson can convince ADA developer Mark Batshaw of his virus gene experiment against OTC. Batsha is prescribing his ADA medicaments to his OTC patients. But concerning the new project all group members of Pennsilvania University know:
-- viruses in livers are very dangerous
-- the effect can be only some days
and: Many genetic engineers do not work with adenoviruses any more, because the immune system is rejectim them at once, and this is provoking inflammations (p.327).
But Wilson believes always yet that his adenoviruses would be useful, and he is just changing them, taking out some genes, implanting some other genes, as it pleases to him (p.328).
Human victims and monkey victims - the "Ethical Review Committee" lets manipulate itself - and the addiction for profit
The effect of adenoviruses is well known: Applied with rodents the result is an attack of the liver, applied with humans also other organs are attacked: milt, kidney, heart, lung and genitalia (p.332). With another patient the adenoviruses are causing a heavy damage of tghe liver, and 4 rhesus monkeys have died already with the adeno viruses (p.331). Wilson knows about the risk (p.332).
In 1995 the project is presented to the "Ethical Review Committee". The objections are simply ignored. Repeated therapy with the liver provokes a liver damage, but this is ignored. Monkeys have died by adenoviruses in the liver, this is ignored. Wilson is presenting his project to the Ethical Committee in a populist way and with euphoria. The patients should be "heros" of his experiments. And the "Ethical Committee" lets manipulate itself and is yielding (p.328).
And one has to consider the following:
-- over half of the commission has no idea of medicine
-- the enterprises with biotechnology are prising the new economic potential of the new products when the human experiment is successful
-- the volunteers should be warned of the dangers of the experiment (p.329).
Add to this Wilson is working in the managing board of the firm which will sell the gen tech "medicament". Wilson has got all interest that a medicament is reaching the market getting his profit (p.330). On the documents he is only a "scientific adviser" (p.331).
The human experiment: Adenoviruses in the liver of jesse Gelsinger
A 18 years old volunteer, Jesse Gelsinger, with a mild form of OTC, is presenting himself for the human experiment of James Wilson believing of the genetical transfer performed by adenoviruses (p.322). Wilson lied to the olunteer that only low doses would be applied, but the doses are very high (p.321). Gelsinger was NOT warned of the dangers of the experiment (p.329). Gelsinger also does not know anything about the liver damages of the volunteers before and of the 4 dead rhesus monkeys (p.331). Gelsinger should - following the law - give his written consent to the risks, but Wilson is not doing it (p.331-332).
The injection is directly injected into the liver (p.331). The volunteer Gelsinger is falling into an extremely dangerous coma, then is suffering a failing of kidneys of both kidneys, the blood is coagulating, a pulmonary edema is coming up etc. (p.320). Well, James Wilson wanted a first "success" against OTC applied on humans by genetic transfer (p.322). The patient cannot be saved any more. The coagulation of the blood is going on. The brain is blocked of the blood supply, adn Gelsinger is dying (p.331).
The investigation of the manslaughter against Gelsinger - stop of all adenovirus programs
The investigation against Wilson is made by FDA and NIH (p.331). In January 2000 FDA is stopping all test rows of Wilson. Wilson orders all 80 employees to find arguments probing a justification (p.332). In March 2000 FDA is stopping Wilson's human experiments for all future (p.332).
Autopsy of the dead body of Gelsinger
There can be stated:
-- only 1% of the prepared viruses has reached the liver
-- the viruses have attacked almost all other organs
-- the reproduction of the manipulated cells has not been performed in any location of the body with a measurable result (p.333).
->> With this investigation of adenoviruses the genetic therapy with adenoviruses is excluded (p.333).
More human victims with adenoviruses
Other laboratories have to confess that there are more lethal cases with them:
-- all in all there are 6 lethal cases under hte "stars of the scene", so the indication of Langbein/Ehgartner
-- among other things with projects under leadership of Ronald Crystal of Cornell University of New York
-- and with projects under leadership of Jeffrey Isner from Tufts University in Boston (p.333).
Crystal and Isner had founded their own firms with the illusion that it would be possible to let grow bloodvessels as a bypass for blocked arteroes- But these bosses were concealing well and the "genetic therapists" have performed the autopsies themselves (p.333).
Well, seing these connections "medicine" is completely sold to money (p.334).
Case: Shortage of ADA (shortage of enzyme): there is no defence against germs - and then a "genetic therapy" is tried
Another pioneer fo "genetic gherapy" is William French Anderson of California School of Medicine in Los Angeles. he is fighting for a "genetic therapy" with humans manipulating polititions (p.324).
When there is a shortage of ADA, there is no defense of immune system any more. Any germ can kill the body then (p.324). Children have to wear an astronaut suit (p.324-325). But it exists synthetic ADA, and according to Langbein/Ehgartner an "almost normal" life is possible with it. But "genetic therapists" want to heal "genetically", e.g. William French Anderson from California School of Medicine in L.A. and Von Blaese [forename is missing]. They are building T cells prepared with ADA (p.325).
Anderson and Blaese will ruin a complete "class of professions" of the "genetical therapists" when their experiment is no success. First should be installed a little quantity of manipulated cells into an affected body, and then the body should produce itself ADA. This step is successful. But then the defense cells are rejecting the foreign cells (p.326). The gene manipulated cells are eated. A repetition of the experiment has no chance. The patient has to live on with ADA medicaments becasue the genes cannot be changed (P.326).
But Anderson wants to go on with it (p.326).
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Photo sources
-- injection into a leg: http://www.pw1.tsn.at/schueler/pirpamer/pirpamer.htm
-- threatening injection: http://www.planet-wissen.de/pw/showdocument,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2236A4DC833B45F2E0440003BA5E0921,,,.html
-- fat addiction: http://www.einslive.de/magazin/specials/2007/09/bier_abc.jsp?pbild=2
-- breast cancer, X-ray photo: http://members.aon.at/manfreda/Brustkrebs-Vorsorge_Mammo.htm
-- operation: http://www.sporttrauma.org/
-- pills without end: http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/wissen_und_bildung/aktuell/?em_cnt=1679115&em_src=649722&em_ivw=fr_wissen
-- inhalator for insulin: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2006/07/13/insulin-inhaled.html
-- Medicine Cartel, cover: http://www.amazon.de/Das-Medizinkartell-Kurt-Langbein/dp/3492044077