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Lies and profit with "normal medicine" (part 6)

How medicine after the invention of radiation equipment was driving to the wrong "side" -

profit strategies in medicine business

13. Life expectation for a healthy life

14. Life expectation and fairy tales
14.1 Fairy tale of the merits of normal "medicine" for a rise of life expectation

14.2 Medicaments shortening life expectation!

15. Psycho terrorism in hospitals against all

Injection into the leg
Threatening injection Addiction to fat
Breast cancer, X-ray
                            photo Operation theater, but mostly only
                            fighting symptoms Pills of normal "medicine"
                            like sand on the beach Insulin inhalator only fighting
Normal "medicine" is making faked propaganda stating that their "pills" would help, but at the same time more illnesses are caused...

by Michael Palomino (2004 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012)

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Langbein, Kurt / Ehgartner, Bert: The Medicine Cartel. 7 Lethal Sins of Health Industry (orig. German: Das Medizinkartell. Die 7 Todsünden der Gesundheitsindustrie); Piper edition, Munich 2002; summary and chronology by Michael Palomino

All occasional inventions are indicated as "occasional". The lies in normal "medicine" are precisely presented in a chronology and with the argument chains. In normal "medicine" the factor making career and money is more important than the health of the human. Why do the health insurances pay for this normal "medicine" when there are always more ill persons produced instead of healthy persons?

Michael Palomino
Boook The Medicine Cartel, cover

BMJ British Medical Journal (p.276) NIH "US" National Institutes of Health with headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland (p.324)
JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association (p.339) RAC Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (p.328)

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13. Life expectation for a healthy life

14. Life expectation and fairy tales
14.1 Fairy tale of the merits of normal "medicine" for a rise of life expectation

14.2 Medicaments shortening life expectation!

15. Psycho terrorism in hospitals against all

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Life expectation for a healthy life
The factors for a good health in old age are
-- continence
-- a good and firm system of values
-- one should always to go on to be curious
-- and one should foster a good social and family life (p.183).

Vaillant is performing a long term study and comes to the result of 7 preconditions for a successful life during the old age:

-- a positive manner solving problems
-- regular movement
-- from time to time some wine or beer
-- not smoking
-- not having an extreme overweight
-- not having depressions (p.183)
-- having firm partnerships and constant contact to the children (p.184).

When these conditions are fulfilled with 50, then the old age will not be a heavy thing (p.184).

In: Vaillant, G.E. u.a.: Successful Aging; In: Am. Journal of Psychiatry 2001; 158, p.839-847

-- money and status are not important as a first priority
-- the education level and the active role in the family are more important
-- the medical supply is only important for the basics
-- and it's very important not to develop any addiction, but one can well apply domestic remedies (p.184).

Characteristics of cancer patients are

-- weak self confidence
-- missing emotional proximity to the parents
-- a negative picture of the parents
-- losses and separations before being 17 years old (p.315)
this says a "US" study (p.315).

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Life expectation and fairy tales

Fairy tale of the merits of normal "medicine" for a rise of life expectation

School medicine has not at all a great merit for the rise of life expectation
Doctors of normal "medicine" claim that within 100 years the life expectation had been risen by 30 years because of the medical "successes" (p.184), but the part of normal "medicine" is only 5 to 5 1/2 years with it. And the contribution of preventive medicine is only 1 1/2 years (p.185).

In: Noak, R.H.; In: Wilkinson, R.G.: Ill society, social balance and health (orig. German: Kranke Gesellschaften, soziales Gleichgewicht und Gesundheit). Springer edition, Vienna, New York 2001.

Table: Contributions increasing life expectation 1900-2000


number of days, months, years

Change of lifestyle

many years

regular preventive testings of cancer

+ 25 days

making sports regularly

+ 6.2 months

no smoking any more since 35

man: + 8 months
woman: + 10 months

vaccination of measles

+ 2.7 days

vaccination of mumps

+ 8 hours


In: Wright, J.C. / Weinstein, M.C.: Gains in Life Expectancy from Medical Interventions-Standardizing Data and Outcomes. The New England Journal of Medicine, August 6, 1998; 380, p.386

Life expectation in the "USA" is even going back for certain levels of ages (p.185).

Table: Today's situation about life expectation according to Langbein/Ehgartner

positive factors

negative factors


epidemics of chronic diseases


diabetes (1/6 of the "US" population): 10.3 million registered, and 5.4 million are living with it without knowing it

stop smoking, no nicotine


autoimmune diseases [the immune system is attacking the own cell tissue]

asthma with almost 50% of the children: 1/3 of the emergency cases are in connection with acute asthma attacks.


In: Diabetes. A Serious Public Health Problem at a Glance 2001. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Internet: http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/glance.htmgrowing

According to Langbein/Ehgartner the prescription for a long health can be given with the following words:

"Man can much more than he believes. Most of them never get the news about it because they have not the courage to perform a new thing or to perform an unfamiliar thing."

(orig. German:
"Der Mensch kann viel mehr, als er glaubt. Die meisten erfahren das aber nie, weil sie nicht den Mut aufbringen, etwas Fremdes und Ungewohntes auszuprobieren." (S.191)

Advice for a long life:
-- evade stress
-- have a balanced nutrition
-- movement
-- don't smoke (p.232).

[not mentioned: Evading stress evading the solution of problems, to these persons the problems will be solved and this will provoke much more stress, and also a loss of reputation].

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Medicaments shortening life expectation!

The nurses don't know much or DON'T know anything about the combined effects or side effects of "medicaments", and students working in the hospitals not at all. Langbein/Ehgartner:

"Most of the medicaments are never probed with elder men", because pharma enterprises never expect positive news from these tests (p.187), for example with Parkinson or with the "specially aggressive cancer medicaments". Therefore medicine is producing these diseases (p.188).

According to Langbein/Ehgartner with the elder men there is a "over medicamentation". Remedies provoke 18.2% of the lethal cases in the hospitals. 10% of the medicaments are given in a wrong dose, or the prescription of "not useful medicaments" is the cause (p.188) [and this manslaughter is not torn to justice].

In: Ebbesen, Just u.a.: Drug-related Deaths in a Department of Internal Medicine. archives of Internal Medicine 2001; 161, p.2317-2323.

The most dangerous medicaments for elder persons are
-- cardiovascular medicaments
-- anti thrombosis medicaments
-- medicaments amplifying the vessels
and one has to consider that men are killed earlier by these medicaments than women (p.188).

Further dangerous medicaments for elder persons are:
-- remedies for sleep and calm of the benzodiazepines, these are even promoting an addiction
-- there are also many cases of under supply or over supply
-- principally nobody is interested how the elders are supplied, and therefore less than 50% of the elder persons get a right medicamentation (p.189).

In: American society of Consultant Pharmacists: The Silent epidemic. In: http://www.ascp.com/medhelp/silentepic.shtml

Every year in the "USA" are dying 106,000 persons in hospitals because of their medicaments. Langbein/Ehgartner say it clearly:

"Every year in the "USA" are dying 106,000 hospital patients because of their medication."

(orig. German: "Jährlich sterben in den "USA" 106.000 Krankenhauspatienten an ihrer Medikation." (S.189)

in: Lazarou, J. u.a.: Incidence of Adverse Drug Reactions in Hospitalized Patients. JAMA, 1998, 279; 5, S.1200-1205

Wrong medicamentation is getting the fourth rank of lethal causes, and this rank is even higher than diabetes and pneumonia (p.189).

[And this manslaughter by normal "medicine" is never torn to justice...]

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Psycho terrorism in hospitals against all

Psychotropic drugs are calming the patient and cause accidents
-- the aim in a hospital is to calm all patients so the overcharged nursing staff is discharged, so all elder persons are manipulated with psychotropic drugs calming them (p.190)

[So there is only one conclusion: The elder persons are fought instead of being nursed!]

And there are heavy side effects:

-- psychotropic drugs "increase the danger of falling and can convert the affected persons into beings similar to zombies"

-- after returning home the patients are under the effect of these psychotropic drugs, and then there is a fall they at once are in hospital again (p.190).

And there is arbitrariness in the hospital

-- many different nursing persons are irritating the elder patients totally, because there is no familiar reference person, and in many cases the competences are not clear (p.190)
-- the uniform of the nursing staff is also irritating
-- in the rooms no calendars or clocks can be found, and this favors the mental decline
-- when elder persons are 4 weeks in hospital their intelligence quotient is sinking by about 20% (p.191).

In: Spannagel, E.: Elder person - Has he got a chance yet? Study within a two years further education for general nurse and nurse of children. Municipal schooling institute for nursing, Munich 1999

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Photo sources
-- injection into a leg: http://www.pw1.tsn.at/schueler/pirpamer/pirpamer.htm
-- threatening injection: http://www.planet-wissen.de/pw/showdocument,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2236A4DC833B45F2E0440003BA5E0921,,,.html
-- fat addiction: http://www.einslive.de/magazin/specials/2007/09/bier_abc.jsp?pbild=2
-- breast cancer, X-ray photo: http://members.aon.at/manfreda/Brustkrebs-Vorsorge_Mammo.htm
-- operation: http://www.sporttrauma.org/
-- pills without end: http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/wissen_und_bildung/aktuell/?em_cnt=1679115&em_src=649722&em_ivw=fr_wissen
-- inhalator for insulin: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2006/07/13/insulin-inhaled.html
-- Medicine Cartel, cover: http://www.amazon.de/Das-Medizinkartell-Kurt-Langbein/dp/3492044077
