Lies and profit with "normal medicine" (part 7)
How medicine after the invention of radiation equipment was driving to the wrong "side" -
profit strategies in medicine business16. Heart attack and cholesterol - the Ornish program
16.1 The first study in Framingham about lifestyle in 1948
16.2 Lies about high cholesterol levels - "cholesterol reducers" bring much profit
16.3 Since 1962: war against fat is a war against the body - "Light" products have no effect at all
16.4 Diabetes: Sugar is a new "enemy"
16.5 Body Mass Index (BMI): Now the whole body is an "enemy" - but the population is getting fater despite of all
16.6 The first lifestyle program of Dean Ornish against heart attacks
Normal "medicine" is making faked propaganda stating that their "pills" would help, but at the same time more illnesses are caused...
by Michael Palomino (2004 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012)
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Langbein, Kurt / Ehgartner, Bert: The Medicine Cartel. 7 Lethal Sins of Health Industry (orig. German: Das Medizinkartell. Die 7 Todsünden der Gesundheitsindustrie); Piper edition, Munich 2002; summary and chronology by Michael Palomino
All occasional inventions are indicated as "occasional". The lies in normal "medicine" are precisely presented in a chronology and with the argument chains. In normal "medicine" the factor making career and money is more important than the health of the human. Why do the health insurances pay for this normal "medicine" when there are always more ill persons produced instead of healthy persons?
Michael Palomino
Abbreviations BMJ British Medical Journal (p.276) NIH "US" National Institutes of Health with headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland (p.324)
JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association (p.339) RAC Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (p.328) Chapters
16. Heart attack and cholesterol
16.1 The first study in Framingham about lifestyle in 1948
16.2 Lies about high cholesterol levels - "cholesterol reducers" bring much profit
16.3 Since 1962: war against fat is a war against the body - "Light" products have no effect at all
16.4 Diabetes: Sugar is a new "enemy"
16.5 Body Mass Index (BMI): Now the whole body is an "enemy" - and the population is getting more fat despite of all
16.6 The first lifestyle program of Dean Ornish against heart attacks
Heart attack and cholesterol
The first study in Framingham about lifestyle in 1948
Since 1945 economic growth in the "USA" is producing "economic miracle paunches", and heart attack rate is increasing in the same way with the paunches (p.222).
The first long term study in Framingham
In 1948 1/4 of the causes of death with men in the "USA" is a heart attack. Before 1939 this cause of death was hardly mentioned, but could hardly be diagnosed either. In 1948 a research team under leadership of Josef Mountin takes a resolution for a long term observation in the town of Framingham in Federal State of Massachussets (p.222). The study is supported by the state only with 500,000 dollars. That is that much as for the research of the Long Island potato beetle (p.223).
Map with Massachusetts and Framingham [1]
Framingham is a little town on a river behind Boston in Federal State of Massachussets [found by the white imperialists]. According to Wikipedia the town of Framingham has got 28,086 habitants in 1950, and 68,318 habitants in 2010 [web01].
Joseph Mountain, portrait [2]
Joseph Mountin (1891-1952) studied at Marquette University and during First World War was an Assistant Surgeon General, and got to be member of United States Public Health Service USPHS). During Second World War he was responsible for the control of malaria. Then he was head of the heart study in Framingham, and he was the driving force for the development of Centers for Disease Control, CDC). He was always very active, fast and efficient. Then he suffered a sudden death with 61 years [web02].
The dogma of normal "medicine" of these times in the "USA" [and this old dogma is incredible today] gives the following guidelines:
-- "fat is for nutritiousness and taste"
-- "flesh means welfare and is the best food at all"
-- smoking is relaxing and supports the concentration
-- smoking is recommended by doctors against cardiovascular problems
-- high blood pressure is rated as "harmless in the old age"
-- fat people are considered as "comfortable"
-- fat people are advised to save their heart and should not move much (p.224).
The volunteers of Framingham - the invention of the "check-up"
The volunteers of the study in Framingham
-- have all checks for free
-- have much to tell in the society (p.224)
-- and with this program the "check-up" in the medical office is invented, and this "check-up" is filling the medical offices now filling the pockets of "medical" industry (p.225).
The overhasty conclusion by the Framingham study: A war against cholesterol is created
By some stupid reasons or presumptions the following thesis are made:
-- high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels are said to support heart attacks
-- Virchow has found even in about 1860 some calcareous plaque in the vascular walls of dead people who have died by a heart attack (p.225).
"Research" of normal "medicine" is presenting now the claim that the more cholesterol can be stated - the more heart attacks will be, and in one moment a new enemy is found (p.225), and the consequences are drastic, because capitalist normal "medicine" is organizing its profit with it:
->> millions of new patients are defined with too high levels of cholesterol or blood pressure, and this provokes millions of turnover
->> normal "medicine" is demonizing [healthy] butter and egg, and instead of this [bad] margarine is propagated
->> but cholesterol is important for life for the production of cytoplasm, above all produced in the liver and in the small intestine (p.225).
Langbein/Ehgartner say it clearly: "Normally cholesterol turnover in the body is in a balance: There is produced as much as is needed." (p.225).
Now "US" doctors are claiming:
-- persons with overweight often have higher cholesterol levels
-- and fats contain cholesterol.
And now the "doctors" simply take the conclusion that all persons with an overweight should eat less fat and would reduce cholesterol by this (p.225).
[Normal "medicine" is thinking in an absolute naive way as the human body would be a Lego house].
Lies about high cholesterol levels - "cholesterol reducers" bring much profit
Normal "medicine" is fighting cholesterol now: Using the fixed idea that only cholesterol would be the cause for overweight, "US" health authorities are fixing new blood levels and therefore all persons with higher levels are defined as ill persons, and this is a "prevention". In the concrete case the level of cholesterol is lowered to 200 mg/dl cholesterol in the blood (p.217). The statistical average value of the "American" men between 40 and 59 is 240 mg/dl (p.217-218). With this method pharma industry is defining all men between 40 and 59 as new "patients" (p.218).
In: Borgers, Dieter / Berger, Michael (editor): Cholesterol risk for prevention and health policy (orig. German: "Cholesterin-Risiko für Prävention und Gesundheitspolitik." Berlin 1995
"In the 1960s and 1970s millions of cholesterol reducers were prescribed, but the lethal rate of cardiovascular events was not changing." (p.218)
(orig. German:
"In den 60er und 70er Jahren wurden millionenfach Cholesterinsenker verordnet, ohne dass dies an der Herz-Kreislauf-Sterblichkeit etwas änderte." (S.218)
Example of a super fluent "cholesterol reducer", the pill "Lipopharm" [3]
Well, "cholesterol reducer" are not only reducing cholesterol, which principally should not at all be reduced, but these "cholesterol reducers" have absolutely heavy side effects. That means, the side effects are the main effects:
-- "cholesterol reducer" Clofibrat produces cancer and lethal rate is increasing
-- further "cholesterol reducer" give millions of profit because the limit value is so deep, and because the agent hardly costs anything [and because the bosses of the health insurances are also speculating on the stock exchange with pharma stocks...]
-- propaganda even is allowed to claim that "cholesterol reducers" would be useful (p.218).
A German web site (www.hausmed.de) gives the following story about Clofibrat:
<Clofibrat is part of the agents of "Lipid reducers". Definition:
Lipid reducers are medicaments for the treatment of troubles with fat metabolism and are a prevention against cardiovascular diseases.>
(orig. German:But then also natural lipid reducers are indicated:
<Clofibrat gehört zur Wirkstoffgruppe "Lipidsenker". Definition:
Lipidsenker sind Arzneimittel zur Behandlung von Fettstoffwechselstörungen und zur Vorbeugung von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen).
<Natural lipid reducers are:
- polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids: in fish oil
- garlic
- artichoke
- green tea
- turmeric from Java
- and grain provoking mucilage: Indian psyllium
- guar
- red rice
- cinnamon.>
(orig. German:
<Natürliche Lipidsenker
Mehrfach ungesättigte Fettsäuren/Omega-3-Fettsäuren: Fischöl
Javanische Gelbwurz
Schleimstoffdrogen: Indischer Flohsame
- Guar
Roter Reis
(Zimt)> [web03]
But why pills are sold when there are so many natural lipid reducers? This only knows the stock exchange quotation.
In 1978 all Clofibrat medicaments were forbidden because of heavy side effects, according to some news in the review "Spiegel" ("Mirror") from 25 December 1978 [web04].
Medical investigations with a comparison group show concerning "cholesterol reducers" clearly: The cardiovascular risk is hardly lowered by the application of "cholesterol reducers" (p.218-219). Considering 1,000 treated persons 7 lethal cases are evaded. So, the fact is one more time like this:
-- industry of normal "medicine" is getting it's profit
-- and "cholesterol reducers" have got heavy side effects:
-- congestion
-- side effects up to liver damages
-- and in rare cases also muscle damages (rhabdomyolysis, RM) can appear and this provokes lethal cases (p.219).
According to Langbein/Ehgartner "cholesterol reducers" are "gold" for the industry, until Lipobay from Bayer comes provoking 387 cases with rhabdomyolysis (RM, destruction of the fasciated muscle fibers [web05]) with over 50 lethal cases (p.219).
Criminal cholesterol reducer Lipobay [4]
In 2001 Lipobay had to be eliminated from the market [web06]. A report by n-tv from 17 August 2001 describes that there were 52 lethal cases until that date provoked by the destruction of muscles (rhabdomyolysis) which was caused by Lipobay. And in the whole world 6 million people are taking Lipobay, according to the indications of Bayer [web07].
A further report of the review Stern ("Star") of 26 February 2003 indicates that Bayer has reached an extrajudicial agreement paying 125 millions of dollars for compensations [web08].
And it's clear that in the case of the "cholesterol reducers" the lethal rate of persons of over 65 years is rising:
Elder persons from 65 years on are suffering a higher death rate (mortality rate) by "cholesterol reducers"
The effect of "cholesterol reducers" is only proved with persons until 65 years. But cholesterol reducers are also applied with persons of over 65 years. But the side effect is heavy: Mortality rate in the group of over 65 is rising! (p.219)
[This is calculated manslaughter, but nothing is torn to justice].
In: Schatz, Erwin u.a.: Cholesterol and All Cause Mortality in Elderly People from the Honolulu Heart Program; In: Lancet 2001, p.358
1961: Birth of the term "risk factor" - and huge profits
From this year on the word "risk factor" is applied for all diseases, and therefore a huge quantity of new enemies is born (p.226).
1962: Now comes the final report of the Framingham study: "diseases of civilization"
The collection of data of the long term study of Framingham shows clearly that the risk for heart attacks is rising with
-- smoking (p.226): cigarette is detected as a factor for heart attacks, but cigarette industry is rejecting all (p.228)
-- lack of movement
-- overweight.
Factors favoring heart attacks are: smoking [5] - lack of movement watching TV [6] - overweight and fatness [7]
These three factors are indicated as charging the heart and leading to blockage of blood vessels (p.226).
Then the study requires the following for a bettering of the situation with the heart attacks:
-- barbecue with fat meat should be evaded
-- cars should not be used for shopping
-- and smoking should be stopped (p.226).
But instead of analyzing the nutrition precisely, normal "medicine" is only reacting in another destructive war reaction:
Since 1962: War against fat is a war against the body - "Light" products have no effect at all
Animal fats are very important for the admission of vitamins
It's proved by medical proof that animal fats are one of the basic transmitters of the body. A war against fat is absolutely destructive, and the cause for adiposis has to be in another section. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"Vitamins A, D, E, and K are only admitted by the body in connection with normal fats passing the intestinal wall reaching the blood. Without fat in the alimentation the vitamins would be simply dropped out. Fats have an essential task as storage of energy, as transport molecules, and as an insulation material." (p.229)
(orig. German:
"Nur in Verbindung mit Fett werden die lipophilen Vitamine A, D, E und K über die Darmwand in die Blutbahn transportiert. Gäbe es kein Nahrungsfett, würden sie einfach wieder ausgeschieden. Somit haben die Fette als Energiespeicher, Transportmolekül und Isoliermaterial eine existentiell wichtige Aufgabe." (S.229)
Fat (e.g. with the meat [8] or in the butter [9]) are transmitting entities so the body can admit vitamin A, D, E, and K.
Low fat food should be better than food with much fat? Until today there is no proof for that, say Langbein/Ehgartner (p.229). Until today not one single long term study about low fat food and normal food has been performed. Why? Because there is no lobby. All short time studies indicate NO increased risk when there is a normal fat consumption. Langbein/Ehgartner even mean that low fat foot is a great risk: "One of the studies showed a clear increase of apoplectic strokes in the diet group."
(orig. German: "Eine Studie zeigte einen Anstieg der Schlaganfälle in der Diätgruppe." (S.230)[Reducing the fat in natural food provokes also a reduction of the adaption of vitamins. This really has no sense. Therefore there must be other reasons for fatness. But pharma industry wants the way of most profit!!!]
1962: Invention of "Light" food - and the profit with it
All in all now all fat persons are defined as ill persons, so food industry is inventing a new branch of products: "Light" products. Half of the nutrition value is sold "for the same money" (p.226), and butter is damned, but Diet Coke is produced and there is also a breeding of pigs without fat etc. (p.226).
But despite of all measures the population in the "USA" is always growing more fat and more fat (p.228)...
Light products with less fat or completely without fat [10] have NO effect for loosing weight
[Partially people is also purchasing the double of products as before, so the lower fat rate is balanced again as there had been purchased normal products, for surviving!]
The newspaper "Abendblatt" reports at 13 August 2012 in the article "10 lies about food" (orig. German "10 Ernährungslügen richtig gestellt") the following truth about criminal Light products. Fat rate is reduced, but calories and other ingredients are increased:
<Light provokes a slim line? That's not right. In many Light products only the fat rate is reduced, but the calories often correspond to the normal full fat product. The reason: As a compensation there is more sugar in the product or the rate of natural ingredients is increased presenting a good taste of the product. Add to this the consumption of Light products often provokes a greed for food loaded with calories.>
(orig. German:
<Light macht schlank. Stimmt nicht. Bei vielen Light-Produkten wird nur der Fettgehalt verringert, die Kalorien entsprechen aber oft fast dem Vollfett-Produkt. Der Grund: Stattdessen wird mehr Zucker zugesetzt oder der Anteil an natürlichen Zutaten erhöht, damit das Produkt überhaupt schmeckt. Außerdem löst Light-Genuss oft Heißhunger auf deftige Kalorienbomben aus.>)
Further Framingham long term studies concerning heart attack
In 1967 one more Framingham long term study confirms that moving reduces the risk for heart attack (p.226).
In 1971 there is one more long term study in Framingham, but now only the eventual hereditary factors are considered (p.226).
Since 1974 also blood glucose level is included into Framingham studies (p.226).
In 1981 a Framingham long term study can prove that also the filtered cigarette is a factor for more heart attacks (p.226).
Since 1981 smoking and lack of movement are again confirmed as factors for a higher risk of heart attack (p.226).
[Over weight can be reduced mostly by blood group nutrition of Dr. D'Adamo. But pharma industry never tells this, because there would be healthy persons].
Diabetes: Sugar is a new "enemy"
Normal "medicine" claims that sugar would be responsible for diabetes. Diabetes is responsible for many vessel diseases.
Since 1974 diabetes is said to be a main factor for normal "medicine": Suddenly a new enemy is found, the high blood sugar level and according to Langbein/Ehgartner "the harmless sugar of old age" (p.227).
Body Mass Index (BMI): Now the whole body is an "enemy" - but the population is getting more fat despite of all
"US" medicine claims that the quotient between weight and size should be with 25, and this would be the "Body Mass Index". In 2001 Framingham "experts" are reducing this weight quotient of Body Mass Index (BMI) from 25 to 22, and by this new definition about 30 million persons are defined to be new patients for the weight reducing pills of Xenical or Reductil etc. (p.228).
But the development is the contrary again, because since the introduction of BMI the "American" citizens have increased their weight with an average of 10% (p.228).
[Principally this Body Mass Index cannot at all applied, because there is no distinction between men and women, pregnancies are not considered etc.].
Until the year 2000 Light products for weight reduce have not at all any positive result. Langbein/Ehgartner say it clearly:
"Whereas Light production wave is dominating the market since a long time, the population is still gaining weight and more fat and more fat." (p.228)
(orig. German: "Obwohl die Light-Produktion-Welle längst den Markt dominiert, werden die Menschen immer dicker." (S.228)[because people are eating more Light products instead of the normal quantity with normal products].
Heart attacks in the "USA" are not less, whereas there is less fat in the food
From 1980 to 1999 fat rate in the food in the "USA" is reduced from 40 to 33%, but the quantity of heart attacks is remaining the same, and over weight is increasing (p.231).
In 1999 American Heart Association (AHA) is withdrawing it's recommendation for fat free food and is now recommending a balanced alimentation with fresh fruits and with fresh vegetables, with much movements, and without smoking (p.230-231).
2002: Dead end with gene therapy against heart attacks
Since 2002 normal "research" is "finding" new factors as a causer for heart attacks, and with this also new medicaments are found, and the doctors are trained with new equipments (p.231). Add to this there is the thesis of heredity of heart attack vulnerability, and there is the thesis if it's possible to replace the damaged genes (p.231-232).
2002: Normal "medicine" has failed completely against heart failure: as there was the failure against TB in about 1900
"Mortality with cardiovascular diseases in Germany and Austria has increased to a rate of TB in the beginning of the last century." (p.232)
(orig. German:
"Die Sterblichkeit an Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen hat heute in Deutschland und Österreich ein Ausmass erreicht, das ungefähr jenem der berüchtigten TB Anfang des vergangenen Jahrhunderts entspricht." (S.232)
A strategy against sudden cardiac death does not exist by normal "medicine". Normal "medicine" is going on wasting billions of dollars with "repair medicine" (p.232). There is not even a unity how to rate the causes of cardiovascular diseases. But "medicaments" are well on the market provoking much profit for pharma industry, also when these medicaments have hardly no effects:
-- "medicaments" for the "reinforcement of the heart" are sold
-- "medicaments" reducing "blood pressure" are sold
-- and there are "medicaments" sold for the reduction of the blood fat (p.233).
Add to this food industry is getting also a profit by cholesterol hysteria.
And add to this there is a fitness boom with new products, new producers, and with fitness studios (p.233).
But the facts are these:
-- agents reducing cholesterol are NOT helping when blood vessels are calcified
-- agents reducing blood pressure have NO effect concerning the frequency of mortality by heart attacks (p.233).
When there is a bypass operation: Next blockage is coming soon
Bypass operations as a prevention against a heart attack is a high risk, and after the operation the next vessel will be blocked soon.
Langbein/Ehgartner say it clearly:
"At an average rate of 5 to 7 years - this show long term studies - these bypasses are blocked again." (p.233)
(orig. German: "Durchschnittlich nach 5 bis 7 Jahren, so zeigten Langzeitstudien, verschliessen sich die neuen Bypässe wieder." (S.233).And also the balloon method has often only a short effect because with 40% of the cases the old blockage comes again within 6 months (p.233).
Until 2001/2002 sudden cardiac death rate remained as high as in 1971 despite of all methods of normal "medicine". The only effect is that the effect comes a little bit later (p.234) [and pharma industry gets billions of profits, but cannot present any healing].
The first lifestyle program of Dean Ornish against heart attacks
Dean Ornish, portrait [11]
Ornish group in a meditation [12]
Dean Ornish was born in 1953 in Dallas (Texas), studied medicine in Houston and in Boston and was at Massachusetts General Hospital and was always searching with cardiovascular diseases. Today (in 2012) he is member of medical faculty of California University in San Francisco, and he is President and Director of Research Institute for Prevention Medicine near Sausalito.
He performed a long term study with a special diet:
In 1984 he was performing a study with 22 heart patients in San Francisco for one year, a first "lifestyle heart study", with comparison groups. A combination of low fat diet with stress management should heal the heart patients. His "Ornish diet" is vegetarian, with only 10% fat per 100% calories. Cholesterol should be adapted only 5 milligram per day. The rate of carbohydrates should be 75%, of protein 15%. As animal products only low fat milk and egg albumen are allowed. Sugar is only allowed with little quantities. Coffee and tea are omitted. But there are dietary supplements, and multi vitamin preparations, folate, selenium, linseed oil for women and fish oil for men. Yoga and meditation are for relaxation.
After one year the study presented a success: With 82% of the volunteers the vasoconstriction had been reduced by a medium rate of 2.2%. The loss of weight was about 10 kg. The comparison group with 20 volunteers nourishing according to the program of "American Heart Association" was claiming an amplification of the stenoses with an average of 3.4%.
Then Ornish performed one more study ("follow-up study") of 4 years, with 20 members in the test group and 15 in the comparison group. And now the differences were more visible: Arteriosclerosis in the Ornish group was reducing by 7.9%, and cholesterol levels had reduced within 5 years by 20%. Weight reduction was 5 kg yet. Withing 5 years there were 25 cardiovascular events. Former development of cardiovascular diseases was mainly stopped in the Ornish group (investigation by positrone emission tomographic scan).
In the comparison group arteriosclerosis was increasing despite of the consumption of cholesterol reducers. But at the same time cholesterol was also reduced by about 20%. The weight was hardly reduced. The number of cardiovascular events within 5 years was 45.
Independent studies could NOT confirm the success of the Ornish diet. The harsh regulations against fat could hardly be fulfilled, and other diets like Atkins diet had the same success [web09].
[It can admitted that "independent studies" have neglected sports and above all the stress management with enough sleep, meditation and yoga].
Dean Ornish was forming two groups with heart risk patients: There is a group with Ornish's concept of integral treatment, and another comparison group with normal chemical treatment (p.234-235). Ornish's treatment is a new strategy about points of views in life and about feelings (p.236). Generally heart patients are very closed persons (p.237).
Heart risk patients of Ornish's concept
-- they all are walking well on the treadmill despite there are partially vessels blocked (p.235), and all patients are surprised that they should walk
-- the patients of the Ornish group are all "new sportsmen", most of them are performing walking, or go swimming, or are biking, during 4 years 30 minutes daily, at least 3 hours per week
-- many become aware that they can be fit, and they feel better then, and the attacks with angina pectoris are reduced (p.236).
Dean Ornish is only using normal "medicine" when it's really necessary (p.240). [This is the right point of view: Normal "medicine" should have the last priority. So many side effects and wrong medicamentation and organ damages are evaded].
Discontent and depressions are supporting cardiovascular diseases
According to epidemiologists it's proved that the following conditions are supporting cardiovascular diseases:
-- bad mood
-- depression
-- failing support in social relations
-- stress in the profession
-- feeling to be without power (p.237).
In: Ornish, Dean / Scherwitz, Larry u.a.: Intensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease; In: JAMA 1998; 280, p.2001-2007
New organization of life, reduction of stress in life, having time
-- Ornish is introducing psychical accompaniment of heart patients talking about stress reduction in life [this concerns above all time for enough sleep, and men should generally reject any excessive demand]
-- there are therapists performing relaxation exercises on gymnastic mats
-- there is vegetarian food (p.237) with cooking courses in groups (p.238)
-- eating is a group event
-- group is supporting the persons
-- suddenly time is there for relaxation and fostering relationships and pairs
-- prejudice that vegetarians and meditation would be only something for "weak persons" is soon recognized as wrong (p.238).
Cancer risk patients of Ornish group after one year
-- they lost weight
-- they live and feel more healthy
-- feeling for eating is under control without any operation (p.238)
-- the whole group has changed their life with an average age of 50 years yet what had been considered impossible until that time
-- fat quota in the food was reduced from 30 to 7%
-- sports are performed regularly for 40 minutes every day, with anti stress elements the complete exercise is 77 minutes (p.239)
-- psychical stress is reduced, anger in life is going back, conflicts and over reactions are reduced (p.239).
The case of Dwayne Butler is an example for that (p.235,239): Cholesterol level was reduced from 310 to 149, betablockers are not necessary any more, the pains in the breast by an Angina pectoris have gone, Angina Pectoris attacks have reduced from 6 per week to 1 all two weeks, and he has lost 9 kg of weight, and he can drive a car the first time without anger attacks (p.239).
Heart risk patients with only chemical treatment
Comparison group with chemical treatment of normal "medicine" can show this balance:
-- 30% fat in the food is constant, the members are doing 20 minutes of movements daily and relaxation exercises of 4 minutes daily
-- the average weight has increased by 1.5 kg
-- the Angina Pectoris attacks have increased from 1.5 to 4 per week (p.239).
Table: Risks for a heart attack according to Dean Ornish
1st half 50%
2nd half 50%
high blood pressure
emotional stress
lack of movement
feeling to be isolated
social isolation without family
suppressed aggression
weak self confidence
Anxiety losing the status is increasing the risk for a heart attack by the factor 5
Langbein/Ehgartner are clearly indicating:
"Feeling oneself isolated and with fear to loose his social status by lacking performance, these persons have a five times higher heart attack risk. This says a study from England. According to this study workers are more in danger for suffering a cardiac death than managers. Lower status also provokes more feeling of stress." (p.240)
(orig. German: "Wer sich isoliert fühlt und in Angst lebt, seinen sozialen Status wegen mangelnder Leistung zu verlieren, hat ein fünffach erhöhtes Risiko, an einem Infarkt zu sterben, ergab etwa eine Studie in England. Demnach sind Arbeiter weit mehr vom Herztod bedroht als Manager. Je niedriger der Sozialstatus, desto eher fühlen sich Menschen gestresst." (S.240)
Persons in danger of heart attack according to Ornish
According to Ornish the following factors are provoking a danger for the heart:
-- fight for recognition at the working post [means: eternal stress by competition]
-- only few good friends [there is not much balance in the energies by communications]
-- problems in relationships [means: eternal stress when no solution in private affairs can be found]
-- problems with self confidence [provoked by the missing recognition, missing friendships, and by the relation problems]
-- strong smoking [smoking in general is reducing oxygen adaption by the lung]
-- and free time is passed passively, but without relaxation [without movement, but mentally tense] (p.241).
The success of the Ornish program against heart attacks
The success is performed above all
-- by the group activities [giving more safety and perspective to the persons]
-- by considering the psychological affairs in life [personal talks are relaxing] (p.241).
After one year 21 of 28 patients are continuing the test group (p.241) [for a 4 years follow-up study]. And the results after 5 years are the following:
Table: Patients with a risk of heart attack in the Ornish study after 5 years
Test group
(integral treatment with Ornish)
Comparison group
(chemical treatment)
rate of fat 8%
rate of fat 30% Sports
40 minutes of movement daily
20 minutes of movement daily Relaxation
33 minutes daily
4 minutes daily
exercises of meditation are impressing
Stress management
yes, stress is reducing
yes, nature gets a part of life
more than before 5 years
same as before 5 years
Table: Medical balance for patients with a risk of heart attack of the Ornish study after 5 years
,medical component
Test group
(psychical integral)
Comparison group
at the beginning
after 5 years
at the beginning after 5 years Vasoconstriction
43% 54% Cholesterol level
-20% without medicaments
-20% with medicaments
Balloon activities for expansion
unity 1
unity 2 suffered heart attacks within this time
In: Ornish, Dean / Scherwitz, Larry u.a.: Intensive Lifestyle Changes for Reversal of Coronary Heart Disease; In: JAMA 1998; 280, p.2001-2007
Psychological treatment facilitates the change of health damaging habits, or can even reduce diseases like heart attacks (p.242).
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[web01] Framingham (MA): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Framingham,_Massachusetts
[web02] Joseph Mountin: http://www.epi.umn.edu/cvdepi/bio.asp?id=124
[web03] http://www.hausmed.de/medikamente/wirkstoff/clofibrat
[web04] Clofibrat products are forbidden: http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-40348505.html
[web05] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhabdomyolyse
[web06] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2846377.stm
[web07] http://www.n-tv.de/politik/52-Todesfaelle-weltweit-article137106.html
[web08] http://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/boerse/pharma-lipobay-skandal-kostete-bayer-bisher-125-mio-dollar-504444.html
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Photo sources
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