Lies and profit with "normal medicine" (part 8)
How medicine after the invention of radiation equipment was driving to the wrong "side" -
profit strategies in medicine business17. Since 1976: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Artificial estrogen is damaging
18. Invention of "high risk delivery" (high risk birth)
Normal "medicine" is making faked propaganda stating that their "pills" would help, but at the same time more illnesses are caused...
by Michael Palomino (2004 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012)
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Langbein, Kurt / Ehgartner, Bert: The Medicine Cartel. 7 Lethal Sins of Health Industry (orig. German: Das Medizinkartell. Die 7 Todsünden der Gesundheitsindustrie); Piper edition, Munich 2002; summary and chronology by Michael Palomino
All occasional inventions are indicated as "occasional". The lies in normal "medicine" are precisely presented in a chronology and with the argument chains. In normal "medicine" the factor making career and money is more important than the health of the human. Why do the health insurances pay for this normal "medicine" when there are always more ill persons produced instead of healthy persons?
Michael Palomino
Abbreviations BMJ British Medical Journal (p.276) NIH "US" National Institutes of Health with headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland (p.324) JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association (p.339) RAC Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (p.328) Chapters
17. Since 1976: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Artificial estrogen is damaging
18. Invention of "high risk delivery" (high risk birth)
Since 1976: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Artificial estrogen is damaging
All hormone replacement therapies are applied only on suspicion (p.220-221).
Estrogen fantasy after climacteric period
Medicine claims that women after the climacteric period without estrogens would be in a higher danger for a heart attack (p.227). Feminine sexual hormone of estrogen is called a protection from heart diseases. All women after the climacteric period get estrogen pills with the following promises:
-- there will be a protection from getting any kind of heart attack
-- there will be a protection from getting any kind of osteoporosis
-- there will be a protection from getting any kind of Alzheimer's disease
-- skin and breasts will be tenser
-- the person will be forever "young" (p.220).
Women over 50 are said to take estrogen pills when they have taken already the anti baby pill for 30 years. Women just should take pills during all her life. Langbein/Ehgartner say:
"Any women over 50 was defined a new patient for getting the new estrogen pill after she had taken the anti baby pill already." (p.227)
(orig. German: "Jede Frau über 50 war damit eine potentielle Empfängerin der Pille nach der Pille." (p.227).
But the official research cannot confirm one single claim of these, and when there is an effect there is only a protection from hot flash (p.220).
Estrogen pills provoke MORE heart attacks and add to this provoke kidney damages
Statistics is proving other facts: Heart attack rate with women who take artificial estrogen pills after their climacteric period have even more heart attacks: Langbein/Ehgartner:
"The basic studies show even a rise of the heart attack rate in the first year because estrogen pills provoke more blood clotting." (p.220)
(orig. German:
"Die zugrundeliegenden Studien zeigten sogar einen Anstieg der Herzinfarktrate im ersten Jahr durch von Östrogen stimulierte Blutgerinnung." (S.220)
Add to this some cases of women taking estrogen pills after the climacteric period show that there are heavy kidney damages (p.220). So, this hormone replacement therapy has reached completely the contrary to that what was the aim officially (p.221).
In: Monster, T.B.M. u.a.: Oral Contraceptive use and Hormone Replacement Therapy Are Associated With Microalbuminuria; In: Arch. Intern. Med. 2001; 161, p.2000-2005
Invention of high risk delivery (high risk birth)
Since 1945 the doctors and war surgeons are coming back from the war to their different countries and are urging into the hospitals and put through there a military drill how they learnt it during the war, and also birth procedures should be militarized (p.242).
Episiotomy with faked propaganda
Propaganda claims that episiotomy would stabilize perinea surrounding against incontinence after the birth. But just the contrary is the case. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"Episiotomy is weakening the pelvic base and with this is favoring incontinence." (p.244)
In: Goer, H.: The Thinking Womens Guide to a Better Birth. The Berkeley Publishing Group, New York 1999, p.15
Against incontinence some simple exercises can be applied reinforcing and tensioning the pelvic base (p.244).
But now comes propaganda for episiotomy
Now since the 1970s the Cesarean delivery is always more and more often applied, and the home birth rate is sinking. Delivery nurses are loosing more and more their work. But Semmelweis Clinic in Vienna is going on with normal births, and Cesarean rate is only 1.03%. But until 2000 a rate of 10% Cesarean births is "normal" (p.243).
Propaganda is leading the mothers to believe that a Cesarean delivery would be a "soft birth" protecting the "love channel", and there is the claim that by normal birth incontinence rate would rise. In Middle and South "America" the women are responding very much to this propaganda. There is a real Cesarean epidemic with rates of until over 80% in private clinics (p.244).
Infection risk with the birth: House birth is the best one can have
During a normal birth the decisive thing is to be relaxed. That's why a house birth is the best one (p.252-256). An infection risk at home is practically excluded, [because there are no other ill persons at home]. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"The project of a house birth has got even the advantage that the risk of complications or lethal cases are less than in the clinics" [because there are no lethal germs at home from other patients].
(orig. German: "Geplante Hausgeburten haben im Gegenteil sogar ein eher geringeres Komplikations- und Sterberisiko als Klinikgeburten", (p.245)
Exceptions are a buttocks position of the child and a riskfull initial situation. In the Netherlands house birth is more and more popular, in combination with women friendly structures.
"In the Netherlands where is a dense delivery nurse network there is the highest percentage of house births of whole European Union, and as a consequence Holland has one of the lowest rates of dead mothers or dead babies after births." (p.245)
(orig. German: "In den Niederlanden, wo ein dichtes Hebammennetzwerk etabliert ist und der EU-weit höchste Anteil der Geburten ausserhalb der Kliniken stattfindet, ist auch die Mütter- und Kindersterblichkeit eine der geringsten in Europa." (S.245)
[because there are no other hospital germs in the own house].
In the Netherlands the Cesarean rate is under 10%. But in most of industrial countries the pregnant giving a normal birth is qualified a high risk patient" now and Cesarean is propagated (p.245).
[Cesarean have heavy side effects, for example there is a long scar on the belly, there are scar pains, difficulties during raising of weights etc.].
Medicine is coming with more technique during birth - but all technique is not making better anything
Normal medicine is inventing more and more machines for birth control controlling the baby during the birth procedure, but there are no advantages. The birth damage rate is not reduced, and add to this all technique is provoking many false alarms. The cause for birth damages has to be at another place, so, and birth itself is not the cause. All technique is only negative and gynecologists are even blamed to be responsible for birth damages. Here normal "medicine" has shot oneself in the foot because there is hardly any profit with the new technique equipment, but the doctors are blamed to be the "culprits" (p.246).
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-- injection into a leg: http://www.pw1.tsn.at/schueler/pirpamer/pirpamer.htm
Photo sources
-- threatening injection: http://www.planet-wissen.de/pw/showdocument,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2236A4DC833B45F2E0440003BA5E0921,,,.html
-- fat addiction: http://www.einslive.de/magazin/specials/2007/09/bier_abc.jsp?pbild=2
-- breast cancer, X-ray photo: http://members.aon.at/manfreda/Brustkrebs-Vorsorge_Mammo.htm
-- operation: http://www.sporttrauma.org/
-- pills without end: http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/wissen_und_bildung/aktuell/?em_cnt=1679115&em_src=649722&em_ivw=fr_wissen
-- inhalator for insulin: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2006/07/13/insulin-inhaled.html
-- Medicine Cartel, cover: http://www.amazon.de/Das-Medizinkartell-Kurt-Langbein/dp/3492044077