Lies and profit with "normal medicine" (part 9)
How medicine after the invention of radiation equipment was driving to the wrong "side" -
profit strategies in medicine business
19. Manipulations of normal "medicine" with immune system
19.1 Normal "medicine" does not want to know anything from immune system
19.2 Vaccination: Misleading the immune system - allergies and high mortality rates
19.3 Case: Vaccination against diarrhea with rotaviruses causing death by intestine deformation
19.4 Allergies by too much hygiene and immune system without work: "Jungle thesis"
20. Detection of psycho manipulation with immune system: Psychoneuroimmunology
Normal "medicine" is making faked propaganda stating that their "pills" would help, but at the same time more illnesses are caused...
by Michael Palomino (2004 / 2005 / 2009 / 2012)
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Langbein, Kurt / Ehgartner, Bert: The Medicine Cartel. 7 Lethal Sins of Health Industry (orig. German: Das Medizinkartell. Die 7 Todsünden der Gesundheitsindustrie); Piper edition, Munich 2002; summary and chronology by Michael Palomino
All occasional inventions are indicated as "occasional". The lies in normal "medicine" are precisely presented in a chronology and with the argument chains. In normal "medicine" the factor making career and money is more important than the health of the human. Why do the health insurances pay for this normal "medicine" when there are always more ill persons produced instead of healthy persons?
Michael Palomino
Abbreviations BMJ British Medical Journal (p.276) NIH "US" National Institutes of Health with headquarters in Bethesda, Maryland (p.324)
JAMA Journal of the American Medical Association (p.339) RAC Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (p.328) Chapters
19. Manipulations of normal "medicine" with immune system
19.1 Normal "medicine" does not want to know anything from immune system
19.2 Vaccination: Misleading the immune system - allergies and high mortality rates
19.3 Case: Vaccination against diarrhea with rotaviruses causing death by intestine deformation
19.4 Allergies by too much hygiene and immune system without work: "Jungle thesis"
20. Detection of psycho manipulation with immune system: Psychoneuroimmunology
Manipulations with immune system by normal medicine
One has to know how the immune system of any person is built
Immune system is a complex network of different organs, cell types and molecules working together so intruders are defended or eliminated (these are microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, molds, parasites like worms etc.). This immune system also has got the task to eliminate varied cells or in the worst case to eliminate cancer cells.
Simple beings and plants have got an immune system, the "inherent immune reaction". Add to this vertebrates have developed an additional system which is complex and adaptable, this is the "adaptive immune defense" with "T cells" and antibodies.
So lets distinguish for human beings:
-- there is the inherent immune reaction (does not distinguish the pathogens)
-- and there is the adapted defense (specific immune defense, with a specific defense against certain pathogens) [and this competence is acquired by passing "through" the normal childhood diseases] [web01].
These two immune systems are working together and are then performing the so called "complex immune reaction".
The latter part, the specific immune system, is forming new antibodies against the intruders. As a defense against the intruders there are the following elements:
-- antigen presenting cells (APC)
-- dendritic cells
-- T lymphocytes (for the immune response giving alarm to the cells, also supporting the B lymphocytes)
-- B lymphocytes (for the humoral immunity in the bodily fluid "humores").
[And now comes the decisive thing: How is this immune system "trained"]:
<After an infection [when there are childhood diseases to pass "through"] the specific antibodies and memory cells are preserved, and when there is another second contact with the pathogen, the immune system can defend in a short time with an appropriate defense reaction.> [web01]
(orig. German:[When there is a second attack, the immune reaction is much faster, and in many cases the body does not fall ill any more, and therefore there is an acquired immunity].
<Nach der Infektion [wenn also gewisse Krankheiten in der Kindheit "durchgemacht" werden] bleiben spezifische Antikörper und Gedächtniszellen erhalten, um bei erneutem Kontakt mit dem Krankheitserreger binnen kurzer Zeit eine angemessene Abwehrreaktion zu ermöglichen.> [web01])
The charges for the immune system, scheme [1]: Candida, bacteria, parasites, stress, toxins [poisons], acute infections, vaccinations, hormones and viruses (mumps, measles, Epstein Barr virus EBV, herpes simplex, varicells, rubeola, cytomegalovirus).
Protection barriers of immune system, scheme [2]
Protection barrier 1: skin, mucosal, gastric juice, [defense mechanisms in the] airways
Protection barrier 2 against foreign bodies and pathogens (in the inherent, not specific immune system): humoral mechanism (bodily liquid), substances killing bacteria (lysozyme, complement system, interferones), cell mechanism with phagocytes (granulocytes, macrophages)
Protection barrier 3 against foreign bodies and pathogens (in the specific, adapted immune system, acquiring the immunity): There is a humoral mechanism (in the bodily liquid), and passing "through" the childhood diseases antibodies are formed (lymhocites, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes) and memory cells.
And now comes the bad news: Stupid normal "medicine" does not want to know anything about these mechanisms of immune system, but they are even damaging immune system by "remnants" and pills and vaccines:
Normal "medicine" does not want to know anything from immune system
Normal "medicine" is ignorant and proud and is failing completely concerning the immune system. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"Normal medicine is making many wars against diseased but is just ignoring the decisive conditions which decide if a person falls ill or remains ill. And this is one of the most bitter wrong ways of modern medicine." (p.257)
(orig. German:
"Dass bei dem Feldzug gegen die Krankheit ausgerechnet die wesentlichen Umstände ausgeblendet wurden, die darüber entscheiden, ob ein Mensch krank wird oder krank bleibt, ist einer der bittersten Irrwege der modernen Medizin." (S.257)
All in all it's a wonder that the immune system of mankind has survived all chemical manipulations of normal "medicine" since 1850 (p.257).
There is a dramatic difference:
"In development countries allergies and autoimmune diseases are really less than in the industrial states." (p.299)
(orig. German:
"In Entwicklungsländern sind Allergien und Autoimmunkrankheiten weitaus seltener anzutreffen als in den Industriestaaten." (S.299)
Allergies are an overreaction of immune system
Allergy is an "overreaction of immune system against some natural substances (allergens) that are normally harmless, and the symptoms are inflammations."
(orig. German:[Examples for allergies are hey fever or eczema].
Als Allergie wird eine "überschießende Abwehrreaktion des Immunsystems auf bestimmte und normalerweise harmlose Umweltstoffe (Allergene) bezeichnet, die sich in typischen, oft mit entzündlichen Prozessen einhergehenden Symptomen äußert." [web02]
Autoimmune diseases are attacks by lymphocytes of the immune system against the own body
When there are autoimmune diseases, T and B lymphocytes are suddenly converted into attackers against the own body and "suddenly tissue of the own body is attacked. They attack for example the periosteum of the joints, kidney cells, or fascia of the skin, as these would be foreign intruders. T and B lymphocytes are fighting them with antibodies treating these elements as enemies." [web03]
Example for autoimmune diseases are:
Not organ specific (systemic) autoimmune diseases
(inflammations and rheumatism diseases)
• rheumatoid arthritis (chronic poliarthritis, "joint rheumatism")
• Lupus erythematodes (SLE) (reaction against several organs)
• Polymyositis (inflammation of the muscular system)
• Sjögren syndrome (AAk against exocrine glands)
• Sklerodermia (induration of fascia of the skin, of vessels and of inner organs
• systemic vasculitides (inflammation of the vessels)
• anti-phospholipid-syndrome (trouble of blood clotting)
Organ specific autoimmune diseases
• multiple sclerosis (reaction myelin sheath of nerval against nerve fiber)
• diabetes mellitus type 1 (AAk against islet cells of pancreas)
• colitis ulcerosa (AAk against intestinal mucosa)
• pemphigus vulgaris (AAk against the first skin layers = epidermis)
• myasthenia gravis (AAk against acetylcholine receptors at the motor end plate [of the nerves]
• morbus basedow (AAk against TSH receptors of thyroid gland) [web04].
[And now this stupid normal "medicine" is making the following: They are inventing pills and vaccinations against these diseases charging immune system even MORE instead of normalizing the immune system].
Vaccination: Misleading the immune system - allergies and high mortality rates
The vaccinations are damaging the immune system even when there are the first vaccinations as a baby, and mostly not one single vaccination is necessary, because many vaccinations only were introduced when the disease was retreating nation wide. Langbein/Ehgartner say it clearly:
"But all classical vaccinations were introduced when the infection disease itself had lost it's horror already." (p.257)
(orig. German:
"Dabei sind praktisch alle klassischen Impfungen erst zu einem Zeitpunkt eingeführt worden, als die Infektionserkrankungen selbst bereits ihren Schrecken verloren hatten." (S.257)
[because there were hygiene measures that had defeated the disease].
-- pestilence was NOT eliminated by vaccinations, but by hygiene in the towns
-- cholera was NOT eliminated by vaccinations, but by filtering the drinking water (p.258).
One can see also the following graphics about the world wide "vaccination development": In 1940 there were 2 vaccinations, in 1980 there were 9, and in 2012 there were 49 vaccination. Therefore the immune system is always harmed more and more, and therefore in "civilization" countries the allergies and autoimmune diseases are always increasing and are not less - and pharma industry has got two profits in one and can sell more and more vaccines, and add to this is selling pills against allergies and autoimmune diseases! That means that pharma industry has a systematic system to harm always more and more, together with WHO, and this systematic bodily injury is NOT torn to justice until today.
"Vaccination calendar" of 1940, 1980 and 2012, a catastrophe damaging always more to the immune system [5]
Baby protection by mother's milk with antibodies - the general learning process of the immune system is a fever
Mothers having passed through all childhood diseases during their childhood is giving antibodies to her baby over the breast milk, the so called "maternal passive immunity". This is given for some months until the immune system of the baby is developed and can defend itself. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"These antibodies [in the mother's milk] are reduced by the time and are not renewed." (p.274)
(orig. German: "Diese Antikörper [in der Muttermilch] werden aber im Laufe der Monate abgebaut und nicht mehr erneuert." (S.274).
Mother's milk during nursing [6] contains antibodies for some months until the baby has developed it's own immune system,
but this only functions when the mother had passed "through" the normal child diseases and has the antibodies!
When a baby has got a fever, this means that it's immune system is learning:
"When a baby has got a fever, this means that the immune system is building up the first resistances [...] Any fever is indicating that there is a full developing process going on in the school of the immune system." (p.275)
(orig. German:
"Fieber beim Säugling heisst, das Immunsystem bildet die ersten Resistenzen [...] Jedes Fieber zeigt an, dass nun Hochbetrieb herrscht in der Schule des Immunsystems." (S.275)
Baby fever: As long it's only a fever it's the work of the immune system
The website www.swissmom.ch says it clearly:
<Fever with red cheeks and hot forehead is always the sign that your baby is fighting an infection. And this is very often the case with babies and little children. Children in the nurseries have an average of seven fever infections per year!
Fever is no illness but is the signal of a defense reaction of the body, and is also an important training for the little organism. Heightened temperatures are also appearing for example when the baby has got a diaper rash or when the teeth are coming. But also too much sun can provoke a fever, or when the baby is in too much clothes, or when the baby has not drunk enough water (thirst fever).
Most of the fever attacks are harmless and are only for some days. When your child is playing and laughing yet, and when there no other symptoms like diarrhea or vomiting, the parents in general should not be worried. But it's important measuring the precise temperature of the fever, for example in the morning, at midday and in the evening. [...]
In the first four weeks of life any fever should be investigates with the doctor. Also when a baby has got more than 39º Celsius fever or when the temperature is rising rapidly (by one or some degrees) a doctor should be informed at once or there should be a date in a hospital. This also counts of course when there are more other symptoms like shivers, fever cramps (seizures), strong screaming or shouting, heavy and/or fast breathing, blue color and/or dermatorrhagias, passivity, fatigue without end or state of exhaustion, sudden eczema or segregation coming from the ear. Also when your baby has got vomiting and/or diarrhea it could be that there is a heavy disease with this.> [web09]
(orig. German:
Fieber an sich ist auch keine Krankheit, sondern Ausdruck einer Abwehrreaktion des Körpers, insofern auch ein wichtiges Training für den kleinen Organismus. Erhöhte Temperaturen treten z.B. gelegentlich auf, wenn das Baby eine Windeldermatitis hat oder Zähnchen bekommt. Aber auch, wenn es zu viel Sonne abbekommen hat, es zu dick angezogen ist oder zu wenig getrunken hat (Durstfieber)
<Fieber mit roten Bäckchen und einer heissen Stirn ist immer ein eindeutiges Anzeichen, dass Ihr Baby eine Infektion bekämpft. Und das ist bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern sehr oft der Fall. Kindergartenkinder haben im Durchschnitt siebenmal im Jahr einen fieberhaften Infekt!
Die meisten Fieberschübe verlaufen harmlos und dauern nur einige Tage an. Wenn Ihr Kind immer noch spielt und lacht, auch keine weiteren Symptome wie Durchfall und Erbrechen hinzukommen, brauchen Sie sich eigentlich keine Sorgen zu machen. Dennoch sollten Sie die genaue Höhe der Temperatur unbedingt messen, z.B. morgens, mittags und abends. [...]
In den ersten vier Lebenswochen sollte grundsätzlich jedes Fieber ärztlich abgeklärt werden. Auch wenn ein Säugling mehr als 39°C Fieber hat oder die Temperatur sehr rasch (um ein oder mehrere Grad) und hoch ansteigt, sollten Sie sofort einen Arzt verständigen oder Ihr Kind in ein Spital bringen. Dies gilt natürlich auch, wenn Sie weitere Auffälligkeiten bemerken, wie Schüttelfrost, Fieberkrämpfe (Krampfanfälle), heftiges Weinen oder Schreien, schweres und/oder schnelleres Atmen, Blaufärbung der Haut und/oder Hauteinblutungen, Teilnahmslosigkeit, Mattigkeit oder Erschöpfungszustände, plötzlichen Ausschlag oder Absonderungen aus dem Ohr. Auch wenn Ihr Baby Erbrechen und/oder Durchfall hat, könnte es sein, dass eine schwerere Erkrankung dahintersteckt.> [web09]
Childhood illnesses are training the immune system - mothers without measles get babies dying with measles
When the training of immune system by fever infections and childhood diseases is omitted, then the consequences are unknown until today (p.259).
Vaccination against measles was introduced with the propaganda that is would hold for life, but now adult persons get measles, and they are heavier than before, and normal "medicine" claims that the "vaccination coverage" of the population should be 100% which is impossible because a vaccination never has got a 100%ual effect (p.258).
Measles [7]: Children should pass through measles, so they get antibodies and will give them to their babies
But look what happens when there are measle vaccinations: Suddenly there are new measles dead cases, for example babies of 6 to 14 months
-- because the mothers themselves had no measles and have not formed any antibodies and could not give antibodies with the mother's milk to the baby
-- or because mothers don't give mother's milk any more (p.259).
Therefore the protection from measles is more and more lost for the babies the less children pass through the measles!
Langbein/Ehgartner say it clearly: "Vaccinated mothers [never having measles] have babies with a 3 times higher illness rate than normal babies"
And Langbein/Ehgartner are coming to the precarious statement:
"Actual investigations show that babies of vaccinated mothers in the age of 8 months hardly have any defense force. From mothers who passed through the measles every second baby has defense forces yet at least." (p.259)
(orig. German:
"Aktuelle Untersuchungen zeigen, dass im Alter von 8 Monaten kaum noch jedes sechste Baby geimpfter Mütter natürliche Abwehrkräfte besitzt, in der Maserngruppe immerhin noch jedes zweite." (S.259)
In this case according to the negative effects concerning the vaccination of measles two sources are indicated:
In: De Serres, G. u.a.: Passive Immunity Against Measles During the First 8 Months of Life of Infants Born to Vaccinated Mothers or to Mothers who Sustained Measles; In: Vaccine 1997; 15 (6-7), p.620-623
In: Desgrandchamps, D. u.a.: Seroprävalenz von IgG-Antikörpern gegen Masern, Mumps und Röteln bei schweizer Kindern in den ersten 16 Lebensmonaten; In: Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 2000; 130, p.1479-1486
Vaccination is a misleading of the immune system
When there is a "vaccination", the germs are weakened [by heating] and there is an injection and the germs are intruding the body. The vaccination theory [for example by Robert Koch] claims that the immune system should "learn" about the illness in a weak form and should be "prepared".
But the consequences are others:
-- immune system gets a real illness and never can learn about the illness with a right confrontation!
-- doctors against vaccinations mean that babies should not be vaccinated, and the aim of a vaccination rate of 99% would more harm than would be useful (p.275).
Vaccinations favoring allergies and autoimmune diseases
Langbein/Ehgartner say it clearly:
"The arrogance of normal medicine claiming to be better with their simple pill prescriptions than the intelligent immune system of the human body has probably provoked the dramatic development (p.259) with the sudden growth of allergies (over reactions) and autoimmune diseases (destruction of the own body)." (p.260)
(orig. German:
"Die Anmassung der Medizin, mit ihren einfachen Rezepturen effektiver sein zu wollen als das Abwehrsystem des menschlichen Körpers, hat mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit zu dramatischen Entwicklungen wie dem (S.259) sprunghaften Anstieg von Allergien (Überreaktion) und Autoimmunerkrankungen (Zerstörung des eigenen Körpers) beigetragen." (S.260)
Industrie wants more and more vaccinations - and immune system is more and more weak
The principal aim of industry is that a new vaccination is accepted by the "authorities" and is "recommended" so no publicity is necessary any more for it. And by all this the immune system is more and more manipulated and is getting always weaker and weaker (p.283).
Vaccination is an intoxication of the body with aluminum and mercury - new allergies
In the 1980s already there are several little studies with a result that the "vaccination quartet" against tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis-polio is not increasing the years of life of children but is shortening the life of children. The suspicion is that aluminum hydroxide is the cause for that, which is in the vaccination serum and should provoke the immune reaction. The aluminum hydroxide is harming the active defense (TH 1 cells of the immune system) and at the same time is stored in the immune system with the TH 2 cells. So, a substance is stored with aluminum hydroxide as an "enemy of the immune system" which is not emerging in nature in a natural way any more, and the immune system is reacting too strong when there is a real attack (by a hostile element from the environment), and this is supporting allergies. Langbein/Ehgartner say: "Without TH 2 answer there is no allergy." (p.279)
In the vaccines there is also mercury (p.284):
-- since the 1930s mercury is mixed into the preservative Thimerosal for the conservation of big quantities of vaccines, and when it would not be like this all vaccines should be stored in little dozes
-- mercury is causing heavy damages with nerve cells and is causing kidney intoxications
-- mercury is also passing the blood brain barrier (p.285) [causing brain damages].
The many vaccinations in the "USA" are passing the limit value for mercury given by the environment protection agency (34 microgram) by almost 6 times (187.5 microgram).
Table: Mercury charge by vaccinations with "US" babies of 5 kg
EPA limit value (Environmental Protection Agency)
limit value of WHO
All vaccinations in the "USA" of 14 weeks are giving a charge of
34 microgram
159 microgram
187,5 microgram
What means "charge of mercury"?
When mercury gets into the blood circulation (for example by a vaccination), there will be intoxication symptoms. Wikipedia has got an article about mercury intoxications (orig. German: "Quecksilbervergiftung") and indicates:
Article "Quecksilbervergiftung"
<In the body mercury (above all Hg2+ ions) can be absorbed very well in the intestine. In the blood circulation [for example by a vaccination] these ions can develop different bad effects, f.a. methylation of mercury by methyltransferases. By this procedure the body is harming itself building up strong poisons (dimethyl mercury), which - add to all - can be transported better passing the membranes than only mercury for itself. Therefore a fast spread in the body is possible.
Add to this mercury ions possess a high affinity to sulfur which is above all in the proteins. mercury is destroying the proteins by a switch effect with the sulfur atoms, or mercury is splitting sulfur bridges which are indispensable for the complex construction and the functioning of the proteins. Above all nerve tissue is very affected by the latter action, and there are heavy nerve damages with heavy symptoms (damage of functioning of central nervous system). [...] Long term damages are often [also] damages of kidneys and livers.>
(orig. German:
<Im Körper kann Quecksilber (insbesondere Hg2+-Ionen) gut vom Darm resorbiert werden. In die Blutlaufbahn gelangt [also durch eine Impfung], können diese Ionen dann auf verschiedene Art toxische Wirkung entfalten. Hierzu zählt z. B. die Methylierung von Quecksilber durch Methyltransferasen. Hierdurch schädigt sich der Organismus selbst, indem er ein starkes Gift aufbaut (Dimethylquecksilber), das zudem besser durch Membranen transportiert werden kann als Quecksilber selbst. Dadurch ist eine schnelle Ausbreitung im Körper möglich. Zudem besitzen Quecksilber-Ionen eine hohe Affinität zu Schwefel, der vor allem in Proteinen vorkommt. Quecksilber zerstört Proteine durch Wechselwirkungen mit deren Schwefelatomen oder spaltet Schwefelbrücken auf, die für den komplexen Bau und damit die Funktion der Proteine unverzichtbar sind. Besonders Nervengewebe ist von letzterer Interaktion stark betroffen, woraus sich die unten genannten Symptome (Störung der ZNS-Funktion) ergeben. [...] Langzeitschäden sind oft [auch] Nieren- und Leberschäden.>
Mercury is also stored in the following locations in the human body:
- <Dentition (teeth, dental roots, jaw bones)
- spinal cord
- brain (Psellismus mercurialis)
- inner organs
- nerve pathways
- blood
- urine and feces
- mother's milk.>
(orig. German:
- <Gebiss (Zähne, Wurzeln, Kieferknochen)
- Rückenmark
- Gehirn (Psellismus mercurialis)
- Innere Organe
- Nervenbahnen
- Blut
- Urin und Stuhl
- Muttermilch>
Mothers can transmit mercury also to the fetus [web09].
In 1999 the "US" Pediatrician Society required that the mercury additives are removed from the vaccines because the limit of mercury is often violated with the babies (p.284). The heavy metal charges by the many vaccinations cannot be accepted any more. The society required vaccines without mercury, so without Thimerosal (p.285).
Industry did not want to take any responsibility and required that there would no time limits or forced measures (p.286).
In: Vaccine-Advisory Committees der FDA, 14.9.1999, Session 1: Update on Thimerosal, p.9-27
Guinea-Bissau 2000: Proof that vaccinations against tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis-polio provokes a growing death rate: Study of Aaby
In December 2000, Peter Aaby, head of an investigation station in Guinea Bissau is publishing his frightening results in British Medical Journal (BMJ) (p.276) with the question if vaccinated humans will live longer than not vaccinated humans. From 1990 to 1996 he had controlled over 15,000 women and their children in a study and watched them during the first 20 months. Instability factors were eliminated from the study, for example then a mother had lost the vaccination permit (p.276-277).
Peter Aaby giving lecture about vaccinations in Africa, here in Kiel (North Germany) [3]
<Peter Aaby, DMSc, is trained as a social anthropologist and has worked for 33 years in Guinea-Bissau establishing a health and demographic surveillance site called Bandim Health Project following more than 100,000 in the capital Bissau and a similar population in the interior of the country.
Globe with Africa and Guinea Bissau [4]
The main focus of research has been high under-5 child mortality which was around 500/1000 when the work started in 1978. Though the general assumption at the time was that malnutrition was the major cause of severe disease Prof Aaby detected that overcrowding and intensity of exposure were the main determinants of severe and fatal measles infection.
Subsequent research has focused on the real-life effects of vaccinations showing that all vaccines have sex-differential and non-specific effects which may be more important than the targeted effects of these vaccines. For example, the high-titre measles vaccine introduced by WHO in 1989 was withdrawn in 1992 because Prof Aaby's studies in Guinea-Bissau and Senegal showed that this new and effective vaccine was associated with 2-fold higher female mortality than the traditional measles vaccine.
In recent years randomized clinical trials in Bandim (at the coast line of Guinea Bissau [web06]) have shown that measles vaccine and BCG (vaccination with the bacteria "bacillus Calmette-Guérin" [web07]) may reduce child mortality far more than can be explained by the specific prevention of measles infection and TB. In other words vaccines may stimulate the general immune system enhancing or reducing susceptibility to other infections and these effects may be different for girls and boys.> [web08]
Langbein/Ehgartner explain it like this:
During the study of Peter Aaby the vaccination procedure is like this:
-- the first day TB (BCG vaccination) is given (p.277)
-- after 6 resp. 10 resp. 14 weeks the babies get vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio, the "vaccination quartet" (p.277), also called "Tetanus & Co" (p.279)
-- and with 9 months there is vaccination against measles (p.277).
Vaccinated children are all well nourished and come from the middle and upper class. The not vaccinated children also come from poor families with starvation. But the result is another now: Within 20 months the double of the vaccinated babies are dying as not vaccinated children (p.278).
-- the highest mortality rate is during the rainy season
-- the most common reason of death is malaria, diarrhea, inflammation, starvation, and infects of the airways
-- vaccinations against TB and measles are reducing the mortality rate by almost the half, and they are supporting health
-- but the vaccination quartet with vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio are doubling the mortality rate (p.277).
When all children had had the same nourishment the result had even been worse yet because the vaccinated children were better nourished than the not vaccinated children. Inaccuracies are excluded and were deleted from the study (p.278).
In: Kristensen, I. u.a.: Routine Vaccinations and Child Survival: Follow-up Study in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa; In: BMJ 2000; 321, p.1-8
In Guinea TB was vaccinated whereas there is practically no TB in Guinea. With this TB vaccination is not relevant for Guinea (p.279). At the same time the low coefficient of TB vaccinations is well known, for example from India (p.279-280). But all in all a TB vaccination (BCG) is reinforcing the immune system with it's defense against infections (p.280).
Lie of WHO about vaccinations is detected - and claims for compensations are possible
After this result of a well performed study of Dr. Peter Aaby, WHO has to react and is preparing a new study about long term surviving rate after vaccinations (p.278-279). The study of Aaby is a total defeat for WHO and it's "director" Peter Folb because two of his staff members, Kim Mulholland and Mauricio L. Barreto, have well investigated this study of Aaby and they had confirmed the reliability of the results (p.280).
Flag of "World Health Organization" (WHO) in Geneva [8]. But WHO is not making healthy, but is provoking illnesses because otherwise all population on Earth would be healthy already. WHO is spreading lies with pills and vaccinations provoking profits for pharma industry so the stock values are rising, and WHO gets it's profit. There is nothing more what WHO is doing, but there is only self interest, and the world is more and more ill instead of being more healthy. That means that "World Health Organization" should be called principally as a "World Illness Organization".
When WHO has to confess that vaccination harms, then there will be claims for compensation [because vaccinations also were recommended by WHO]. Langbein/Ehgartner consider that WHO now is financing studies and eventually the results are forged evading any claims for compensation (p.281).
[Well, WHO is not controlled from anybody, and they are rejecting responsibility and provoking more and more lethal cases. But at the same time the stock values of the pharma industries are rising, and WHO gets it's profit of it].
The procedure of the effects of the vaccinations is not at all investigated!
Aaby is thinking about the causes of the effects of TB vaccination and of tetanus diphtheria pertussis polio vaccination. There is no investigation about the precise procedure in the body after vaccinations. Some further studies confirm the study of Aaby that vaccination provoke a higher death rate with little children (p.281).
The cognitions of Aaby:
-- the unspecific effect of vaccinations are more important than the principle effect against the illness
-- but Aaby wants to solve the enigma about vaccinations: "It's high time that we really know about all the procedures." (p.282)
2001: Press media boycotting the study of Aaby
Press media lobby is retreating the publication of the study (p.281) [probably on the order of CIA which is managing half of world wide industry].
Case: Vaccination against diarrhea with rotaviruses causing death by intestine deformation
From 1998 to 1999 industry wants to introduce a new oral vaccination which should be against 4% of all diarrhea during childhood. Drinking much the children survive this diarrhea and are immune. These diarrhea cases require in the "USA" 500,000 visits with doctors and 20 to 40 children are dying every year, but there was never watched precisely because of what the children are dying (p.286). The vaccination was created for the "Third World" because there is more diarrhea. But "Third World" cannot bay all costs, so also "First World" should be vaccinated for getting in the costs (p.291).
The authorities are performing series of tests. The vaccine with rotaviruses provokes dramatic cases of invaginations (p.289), when intestine is folding itself into the colon. The ratio of cases is 1:5,000 (p.288). When there is no treatment there is a bowel occlusion and the intestinal wall is breaking, and there is a complete infection and death is following (p.289). Operations are removing a part of intestine, and recidivism rate is 10% (p.290).
In: Intussusception Among Recipients of Rotavirus Vaccine-US 1998-1999; In: MMWR 48 (27); p.577-581 (16.7.1999)
Since 15 July 1999 rotavirus vaccine is prohibited, but only after this most of the cases are coming up. And Brussels wanted also to introduce this rotavirus vaccine, but it was prohibited in the last moment (p.290).
Until today nobody knows about the effect how could be the invaginations. In the "USA" over 100 babies had to die because of this, only because industry wanted to get back the cost for their research. But now industry is not reacting with a block of the vaccination, but is claiming that there will be "better" vaccines (p.291) with the argument of a high mortality because of rotavirus diarrhea in the "not developed countries" (p.292).
[Well, who is the "not developed country" then?]
Allergies by too much hygiene and immune system without work: "Jungle thesis"
In 1980 about 10% of the population in Germany was suffering allergies (p.292).
Antibiotics hinder the learning process of the immune system
Antibiotics trouble the immune system during it's learning work during childhood and are eliminating the complete intestinal flora, so the immune system cannot learn the real fight against the diseases (p.293).
Case of GDR: Air contaminant don't provoke allergies
The air contaminants in former East Germany (German Democratic Republic GDR) provoked no allergies, because GDR had only half of the allergies as West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany FRG) (p.293). But there was more bronchitis in GDR (p.294).
All in all children in Munich of 1989 are 2.5 to 3 times that sensible as the children in towns of East Germany: concerning domestic dust, birch pollen, hairs of cats (the standard allergens). One can see the following table:
Table: Comparison of allergies in West and East Germany in 1989
Map with the partition of Germany with Federal Republic (West) and German Democratic Republic (East, communist), until 1989 [10]
West Germany is educating the babies at home. East Germany is educating the babies in nurseries with many infections, and the immune systems learn more with many infections.
West towns
East towns
Hey fever rate
adults of 20 to 44 years
adults of 20 to 44 years
Breakout of hey fever
Asthma attacks
adults of 20 to 44 years
adults of 20 to 44 years
The differences between West and East Germany are since the age group of 1950. Therefore the reason for the doubled or even trippled allergy rate in West Germany has to be searched in the 1950s and 1960s (p.294). What was done in another way in Western Germany?
Differences: The "jungle thesis" - nurseries in East Germany are provoking the necessary infects for the formation of the immune systems
-- in West Germany the children mostly are kept at home, without much contact to other little children
-- in Est Germany 90% of the little children are given to nurseries and the children have many infects or also worm parasites (p.294), for example by collective toilet (p.295).
Nursery in East Germany, common toilet [11]
Nursery in East Germany with playing apparatus next to a coal power station in Vetschau [12]
Nursery in East Germany, a big buggy [13]
Nursery in East Germany, lunch table in Kramsdorf [14]
By the many infections the immune systems of children of East Germany are better formed than the immune systems of children in West Germany passing their baby time mostly at home without hardly any infection.
The searchers conclude a "jungle thesis":
-- hygiene in West Germany leaves the immune systems without training
-- immune system of babies of West Germany is suffering an "identity crises" and gets crazy searching arbitrarily new enemies
-- immune system is strong where hygiene is not so important [so in East Germany, in "not developed countries" with earth roads etc.]
-- people with allergies have a higher concentration of the defensive molecule immunglobuline E (IgE), the agent against parasites
-- when there is no work the immune system is searching new work and is searching new enemies [like the policy of the "USA" is searching always new "frontiers"], and these enemies are
oo proteins
oo traces of nickel when there are jewelries of when rheumatism medicaments are applied etc. (p.295)
oo the traces are well stored and the next time the immune system is converting it's work into an allergy (p.296).
With pollen, domestic dust and food ingredients the immune system is supported by the messenger substance of histamine provoking an allergy, because histamine provokes that the vascular walls are more porous, and when the vascular walls are more porous, this has consequences which are typical for example for hey fever:
-- more liquid is coming out
-- the tissue is swollen
-- the eye lids are getting heavier
-- the humans have got a swollen face (p.296).
The research from 1995 to 2002 about comes to the following result: animal excrements are main factor for the immune system
According to Langbein/Ehgartner (2002) there were "intensive researches about allergies in the last years":
-- by a study group in Basel with Charlotte Braun-Fahrlander
-- by a study group in Salzburg by Josef Riedler
-- by allergy searchers in Munich with Erica von Mutius.
All in all over 10,000 children were investigated (p.299), and the results are striking for this "civilization":
Table: Spread of allergies in the population - factor excrements of animals
Children in towns
Children in the countryside
Children in the countryside on a farm
Children with cow's milk consumption
when the pregnant woman is working in a barnstable
Working in a barnstable [15] is forming the immune system best
high allergy rate
low allergy rate
even lower allergy rate
Allergy rate and asthma rate are 70% under the average level.
lowest allergy rate: no asthma with children until 3 years
Decisive is the composition of bacteria in the excrements of the animals: Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which can be found everywhere in a farm, also in the houses of the farm.
So, one has not to be so often in a barnstable getting it's immune system well trained, but a "vacation on a farm" is not enough for it either (p.300).
[Therefore immune systems are also trained when there are little animals in the house, Guinea pigs for example, well cured and with some excrements every day].
Ill population of this "civilization"
In 2000 20% of Germany were suffering allergies. All in all there are almost 20,000 substances [allergens] provoking allergies [in well polished, over vaccinated, and over medicamentated Germany]. The rise cannot be explained by genetics or by psychiatry (p.292).
Hygiene madness is turning into negative because the immune system has no task any more and there are no informations any more which is the real enemy (p.301).
Since 1989: And then comes a study about West Germany and Ex GDR: The difference has gone
Since 1989 the nurseries in former East German territories were abrogated and the children were nursed "alone" now like in West Germany. Now the schooling of the immune system with colds or fevers in the nursery was eliminated since 1989. And when the children are 2 years old they have also allergies now, also in the ex communist German territories (p.302). [Unfortunately there is no title and no year of the study].
The first three years are forming the immune system
Erika von Mutius presumes that the first 3 years in life are decisive for the forming of the immune system (p.302).
A contact with earth or mud is rated positively (p.301).
Angelika von Mutius [16], woman doctor at children's hospital of Munich
Normal "medicine" wants to invent mud injections now: Rook [there is no forename indicated] even has the thesis that one could inject mud in a controlled way as a replacement for playing in the mud.
And of course there is another question yet, if the immune system can catch up it's learning periods (p.301).
2000 appr.: Investigations about allergies in Germany, Austria and in Switzerland
-- asthma have 11% of the children
-- hey fever have 13% of the children
-- some higher sensibilization have 1/3 of all children (p.292).
Add to this there are more factors like:
-- allergies against medicaments
-- allergies against food
-- allergies against poisons against insects
-- allergies against some chemical substances (p.292).
[Why is this? Nurseries are missing, and vaccinations and antibiotics are hindering the forming of immune system].
Case: Autoimmune disease with intestine inflammation Morbus Crohn: The immune system attacking intestine
= Crohn illness (S.297), = intestine disease with fistulas (S.296), with gastrointestinal cramps and with diarrheas (p.298)
Morbus Crohn is an inflammation of intestine [9]. Because immune system did not learn to handle worm diseases, the immune system
now is attacking the intestine itself, because the immune system is bored.
In Europe the Morbus Crohn rate is 6 to 100,000 persons, and there is no medicament. In the extreme case the complete colon has to be removed (p.297).
The reasons for Morbus Crohn are antibiotics:
-- since the 1930s deworming of nematode worms by antibiotics is leaving the immune system without work (p.297)
-- and then the immune system is forming antibodies against the own enteric flora attacking the intestine.
->> intestine is reacting with heavy inflammations
->> and the immune system is acting with self destruction of the body, the immune answer is badly formed and is attacking where it should not do so (p.297).
Experiment with Morbus-Crohn: worm eggs are healing it in mice and humans - the immune system needs worm eggs to be "trained"
Doctor Joel Weinstock is performing a mice experiment confirming a connection between Morbus Crohn and eggs of worms (p.297-298). A dose of worm eggs is healing mice and also humans of Morbus Crohn. In Weinstock's experiment 5 of 6 Morbus Crohn patients are healed, and symptoms are reduced with the 6th patient (p.298).
Weinstock presumes also a connection between nematodes worms and Multiple Sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis (p.298).
Conclusion: Civilization with too much hygiene, vaccinations and antibiotics is performing it's self destruction
Langbein/Ehgartner indicate it clearly:
"Hygiene, vaccinations and antibiotics have done their service, but there is a high price: The immune system of many humans has lost it's balance and is exaggerating the reaction in form of allergies or is heading against the own body provoking auto immune diseases." (p.297)
Detection of psycho manipulation with immune system: Psychoneuroimmunology
1975: First proof of connections between mind and body
In a rat experiment in 1975 is proved first that nursing of mind can be a factor with the constitution of the body: Rats get some time sugar water together with a toxic injection, and then they only get sugar water. The rats mean that the sugar water would be toxic and then they are dying because of sugar water. They cannot separate any more the sugar water from the toxic injection (p.311).
[In this sense the sugar water is a placebo with a negative effect].
With this it's proved that the cell metabolism can be influenced psychologically. And with this psychoneuroimmunology is born (p.311).
Mind has it's effect on the immune system and can cause illnesses - but can also heal suddenly (spontaneous recovery)
Science about psyche and immune system was neglected during decades and is hardly considered until today. Psyche is having a say concerning the outbreak of diseases. Langbein/Ehgartner:
"This new research about mind and immune system (psychoneuroimmunology) has well proved that all processes in the soul have a direct or indirect effect on the immune system, and they are at least a factor when an illness is breaking out and how the chances for a healing are." (p.260).
(orig. German:
"Die neue Forschungsrichtung der Psychoneuroimmunologie hat eindeutig belegt, dass sämtliche seelische Prozesse sich unmittelbar oder mittelbar auf das Immunsystem auswirken und damit zumindest mitentscheiden, wann Krankheiten auftreten und wie gross die Heilungschancen sind." (S.260)
Example of a placebo effect: ritual and belief
Ritual and belief can provoke a reaction of the organism in the cell and tissue structures:
-- substances are segregated in the body similar to morphine
-- stress is blocked by a placebo alarm, so allergic eczemas are disappearing
-- immune system elements are getting more force by mental influence by placebos, and now the immune system is defeating bacteria and also can heal obstinate gastric ulcers
-- hairs are growing again, with a placebo effect of a precise hormone modulation (p.307).
Dance ritual of natives in Brazil, Kayapo primary nation [17] - ceremony of Mapuche natives in Chile [18]
These rituals by natives healing humans had their reasons, is not a superstition, but:
The belief on medicaments of normal "medicine", this is a superstition!
The brain as a psychical factor for healings
When the immune system can be influenced in this manner, so it is clear that the brain has got a decisive role with it if there will be a healing or not. The brain is influencing also the effect of real "medicaments". The factors are the expectation and the experiment of other patients. The brain is combining 50 peptides, 30 substances of immune defense and 10 neurotransmitters (p.308).
The solution: Central Nerve System is acting with over 100 hormones
The connections are only known of some few hormones. But according to Langbein/Ehgartner it can be said:
"The immune system can be active by itself sending substances giving fast information to the nerve system" (p.311-312).
(orig. German:
"Das Immunsystem kann aber auch von sich aus aktiv werden und Botenstoffe aussenden, um seinerseits dem Nervensystem (S.311) rasch Informationen zukommen zu lassen." (S.312)
Experiment: Blood investigation after euphoric and depressive mood
The experiment who psyche has got it's effect on the blood is well executed by actors. They are performing euphoric and depressive scenes,and there are blood investigations before and after the scene. And the result is that the defense cells are more alive after an euphoria than after a depression:
Immune system and blood
after euphoria
after depressive scene
Killer cells
Defense cells
more alive, rejuvenating effect
are weak, aging effect
[Now one can think why some people like to see soccer games or other great games: The euphoric mood is healing! But with much alcohol consumption this is damaging at the same time].
In: Futtermann, A.D. u.a.: Immunological and Physiological Changes Associated with Induced Positive and Negative Mood; In: Psychosom Med, 1994; 56(6), p.499-511
Nursing is stimulating the immune system
Human contact has got a successful effect on the immune system which is reinforced. Brain and stress searcher Gerald Hüther (Germany) is saying clearly:
"The more intensive the doctors are caring the volunteers, the higher is the placebo rate." (p.310)
(orig. German: "Je intensiver sich die Ärzte um die Studienteilnehmer kümmern, desto stärker ist die Placeborate." (S.310)
Gerald Hüther, portrait [19]
Neurobiologist and brain searcher Prof. Dr. Gerald Hüther is head of Central Board for Neurobiologic Prevention Research of Göttingen University and Mannheim/Heidelberg. His sector are experiments for brain research. Gerald Hüther investigates how certain factors can have effects on the brain. This works with anxiety and stress, with nutrition and the pills, psychotropic drugs and drugs. Another focus is brain development during childhood and the influence of psychosocial factors. Aside he has publishes many publications and popular scientific books [web10].
[So: Nursing and caring and mutual aid and humorous meetings are reinforcing the immune system
The more is caring, the more the placebos are healing by stimulation of immune system. And therefore an active and humorous family life is good, or positive group events are good (but not every day please!), and they are keeping the bodies alive, with festivities, theaters, concerts, films, or visits in a public bath, in museums, or also a visit on a market place. That's why also teachers in schools are important not spreading a bad mood but can interpret in a positive an humorous way. The same counts for coaches, conductors or camp leaders. Military forces unfortunally have not realized that they principally are not needed. Some grinning or smiling is like "gold", not only spreading a good mood, but also activating the immune system. Therefore a teacher has a great influence on the immune systems of the pupils. Also clowns in hospitals have best healing successes activating immune systems of children by humor and laughing].
Clown in a hospital, for example Shriner Hospital in Chicago [20] singer Reinhard May with grinning [21], Claudio Abbado conducting with a smile in the face [22]
Partly even very simple rules between the humans have got a positive effect on the immune system like
-- having time for talks
-- an optimist basic position etc. (p.310)
-- [or also only normal mutual aid in life].
[But take care: Only "positive thinking" is not good either - problems have to be solved
When there is only positive thinking and problems are rejected, there will be a permanent stress of suppression, and the problems are solving themselves like a shock then with heavy consequences].
Shock as a healing - work of actors
Shock events can heal patients provoking a "shock" in the brain [and the brain is giving hormones for healing]. "Faith healers" are applying this method with patients - [and one can see that they are not "faith healers", but now one knows that the effect is stimulating the brain and the immune system]. The "faith healers" are first well working actors. Shock healings for example are performed when a patient is shown a rotten piece of meat.
[Further shock events getting the humans back into reality are
-- when somebody is with an experience of a dead birth
-- or when somebody has the experience of a heavy accident
-- or when he/she is working half a year in an old age home or in agriculture (civil service)
-- or when one is passing one year in a "non developed country" where criminal and corrupt governments are governing and leave the population without help etc.]
"US" psychiatrist Dan Molerman:
"He [the "faith healer"] only has to know to get a positive stimulus to the defense forces of his patient." (p.309)
(orig. German:
"Er [der "Wunderheiler"] muss bloss imstande sein, den Abwehrkräften seines Patienten einen ordentlichen Schub zu versetzen." (S.309)
Healing of pains and healing of paralyzations by gestures
At Exeter University, Prof. Edzard Ernst was performing an experiment with actors. These actors had to learn the gestures of "faith healers" and could heal pains and paralyzations then (p.309).
Edzard Ernst, portrait [23]
Doctor Ernst is merited professor of Peninsula Medical School at Exeter University (since 1993), had he has also a German diploma for human medicine and Rehabilitation at Medical University of Hannover and is also active at Vienna University as a head of the section for rheumatism diseases. In Exeter he was director of the Center of Complementary Medicine of the University creating there the first seat for complementary medicine in Great Britain. He was in Medical Commission for Medical Products of Great Britain (1994-2005) and also in Scientific Committee for Herbal Medical Products in Ireland. As a writer he has published over 1,000 special articles and over 40 books. Add to this he wrote dozens of chapters of other books, and was active with more or less 500 guest lectures. He is founder of two medicine journals "FACT" (Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies) and "Perfusion".
All in all he got 13 scientific rewards and two visiting professorships [web11].
Gestures of faith healers are for example the following ones:
Theo Bullinger, faith healer [24] - with a gesture of the two palms aside of both sides of the patient's head
A "Christian" healer [25] - holding the head of the patient right up and left down
Peter Poppof, Christian healer [26] holding the hands to the sky "recollecting" energy
Healer's hands on a patient's head [27], this time from behind in a symmetry with the thumbs on the back part of the head and with the three central fingers on the level of the eye socket
Healer in the Amazon with fumes [28] [fumes are the connection to the higher spheres]
Healer with a child [29] holding a child with one hand on the head, and with the other hand holing one of his arms
Healer blessing a patient with a bunch of grain [30]
Amazon, healer with hands to the sky [31] recollecting energy from the spirits
Healer in Peru prising the leaves (in the background Machu Picchu can be seen) [32]
Placebos can heal
Placebo has got it's sense because psychical manipulation is stimulating the immune system in a strong way so there is a healing effect (p.309).
Prof. Edzard Ernst says:
"Some Placebos have got a strong effect, better than the real medicament." (p.309)
(orig. German:
"Manche Placebos sind so wirksam, wie man das Arzneimittel nur wünschen kann." (p.309)
[Therefore normal "medicine" is searching in just the wrong way].
Belief in healing is moving "mountains", and this is proved by the placebos (p.305).
Example of a cancer patient: He suffers death after knowing that all was only a placebo
The horse serum remedy "Krebiozen" is working only as a placebo, but this placebo effect is healing. When the patient got the news that all was only a placebo, he is dying withing two days (p.308).
Prejudgment with a death warrant lets die the patient earlier - psychological care is extending life
Cancer doctor Keith Block from Detroiter Block Medical Center [northeastern "USA"] says:
"Patients given a hopeless diagnose are dying faster than patients in the same stadium of the illness but with a more positive diagnose without a death warrant." (p.310)
(orig. German:
"Patienten, die mit einer hoffnungslosen Prognose eingeliefert werden, sterben viel schneller als Patienten, die im selben Krankheitsstadium sind, denen aber niemand das Todesurteil ausgesprochen hat." (S.310)
Keith I. Block, portrait [33]
Keith I. Block studied at Medical University of Miami, graduated there, and then was working with nourishment sciences, was working in many clinics and schools and then universities, is member of many commissions and professional societies, above all in Illinois and in Chicago [web12].
A test gives the result that a group of breast cancer patients getting psychological care is surviving the double of the time as a not cared breast cancer group (p.310). [Unfortunately there is no indication of the study].
Acne and psoriasis are also caused psychologically - soul and immune system are factors
A study of George Murphy of 1994 proves that acne and psoriasis are caused also psychologically. Nerve cells are influencing the mast cells, and these mast cells can distribute substances supporting inflammations (p.303).
With this study it's the first time where soul and immune system are measurable, for normal "medicine" a forcing change of it's point of view of the human being (p.303).
[Unfortunately the title of the study is missing].
Psychotherapy as a factor extending live with cancer
Psychotherapy extends life of cancer patients [because the relaxing manner managing live is helping the immune system for relaxed work]. Dr. David Spiegel from Stanford University (California) did not want to believe it
Dr. David Spiegel from Stanford University, portrait [34]
and he organized an own study against it and the aim was to prove the contrary. But by his own study he was taught in a better way. The result was that a self hypnosis gave a doubled extension of life duration.
Psychotherapist group sessions with self hypnoses for pain controlling have the effect that the hopeless breast cancer patients can survive the double of the time like women without it (p.304).
[But for cancer there is a guarantied healing method: Cancer can be healed by fever therapy by 100%, see the works of Coley, or Dr. Wolfgang Wöppel in his clinic in Bad Mergentheim in northern Baden Wurttemberg in South Germany, or see the cancer healings of Dr. Klaus Kölmel in Göttingen in Germany].
Spontaneous healings
By psychological influences [prayers, success events, surprises in life etc.] also spontaneous healings are possible, when the immune system gets a stimulus by it, and in this way cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS) or paralyzations can be overcome (p.305).
[Well, also for these diseases is a healer: Chronic illnesses and paralyzations can heal Reiner Niessen in Naklua district in Banglamung in the region of Pattaya in Thailand within 10 days with meditative gymnastics, derived from karate and Zen techniques].
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[web01] immune system: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immunsystem
[web02] allergy: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allergie
[web03] auto immune diseases: http://www.lupus-selbsthilfe.de/autoimmun.htm
[web04] auto immune diseases, examples: http://www.imd-berlin.de/kompetenzen-autoimmundiagnostik.html
[web05] Prof. Peter Aaby: http://www.enrecahealth.dk/conference/speakers/aaby/
[web06] position of Bandim: http://www.bettensuche.com/search-hotels/city/gw/bandim.html
[web07] BCG vaccine: http://www.patient.co.uk/doctor/BCG-Vaccination.htm
[web08] Prof. Peter Aaby, study report about Guinea-Bissau: http://www.enrecahealth.dk/conference/speakers/aaby/
[web09] baby fever: http://www.swissmom.ch/baby/medizinisches/ihr-baby-daheim/medbabyfieber.html
[web10] Gerald Hüther, brain searcher: http://www.planet-wissen.de/alltag_gesundheit/psychologie/emotionen/interview_huether.jsp
[web11] Edzard Ernst: http://www.scienceinmedicine.org/fellows/Ernst.html
[web12] Keith I. Block: http://www.blockmd.com/aboutus_staff_mdir.htm
Photo sources
-- injection into a leg: http://www.pw1.tsn.at/schueler/pirpamer/pirpamer.htm
-- threatening injection: http://www.planet-wissen.de/pw/showdocument,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2236A4DC833B45F2E0440003BA5E0921,,,.html
-- fat addiction: http://www.einslive.de/magazin/specials/2007/09/bier_abc.jsp?pbild=2
-- breast cancer, X-ray photo: http://members.aon.at/manfreda/Brustkrebs-Vorsorge_Mammo.htm
-- operation: http://www.sporttrauma.org/
-- pills without end: http://www.fr-online.de/in_und_ausland/wissen_und_bildung/aktuell/?em_cnt=1679115&em_src=649722&em_ivw=fr_wissen
-- inhalator for insulin: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2006/07/13/insulin-inhaled.html
-- Medicine Cartel, cover: http://www.amazon.de/Das-Medizinkartell-Kurt-Langbein/dp/3492044077
[1] charges of immune system, scheme: http://www.bioresonanzinfo.de/de/web/artikel/view_object.php?kapitel=7&catID=33&subCatID=37&we_objectID=136
[2] immune system, scheme of protection barriers: http://www.webmed.ch/Aktuell/Immunsystem.htm
[3] Peter Aaby at a lecture: http://www.ifw-kiel.de/konfer/esf-ifw/newtech_0507/session4/aaby.jpg/view
[4] globe with Guinea-Bissau: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guinea-Bissau
[5] vaccination calendar comparing 1940 and today: Klaus Schmidt on Facebook, 4 May 2012
[6] giving mother's milk: http://www.aponet.de/aktuelles/forschung/stillen-foerdert-babys-gehirn.html
[7] measles: http://diepresse.com/home/panorama/oesterreich/374832/Masern_Zweite-Welle-koennte-ueber-Oesterreich-rollen
[8] flag of criminal WHO: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weltgesundheitsorganisation
[9] Morbus Crohn, intestine inflammation: http://www.internisten-im-netz.de/de_was-ist-morbus-crohn_631.html
[10] map with West and East Germany: http://necyklopedie.wikia.com/wiki/Soubor:Brd_ddr.jpg
[11] nursery in East Germany, common toilet: http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/andruck/913391/bilder/image_main/
[12] nursery in East Germany with playing apparatus next to coal power station in Vetschau: http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/sub_image.cfm?image_id=2433&language=german
[13] nursery in East Germany, a big buggy:
[14] nursery in East Germany, lunch table in Kramsdorf: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Datei:Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-1989-0407-015,_Kramsdorf,_Krippenkinder_beim_Essen.jpg
[15] farm stable: http://www.ferienhof-rossweid.ch/Der-Betrieb.215.0.html
[16] Angelika von Mutius, children's clinic of Munich:
[17] native dance ritual of Kayapo primary nation in Brasil:
[18] ceremony of Mapuche natives in Chile: http://nuestrasraicesmapuches.blogspot.com/2010/05/aspecto-cultural.html
[19] Prof. Gerald Hüther: http://www.planet-wissen.de/alltag_gesundheit/psychologie/emotionen/interview_huether.jsp
[20] clown in hospital: http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/early_shrine_photographs.htm
[21] Reinhard May grinning: http://www.ndr.de/fernsehen/sendungen/hitlisten_des_nordens/hitlisten303_item-21002_liste-71.html
[22] Claudio Abbado conducting with a smile in the face: http://jymalmasson.fr/claudioeng.html
[23] Edzard Ernst: http://www.scienceinmedicine.org/fellows/Ernst.html
[24] Theo Bullinger, faith healer:
[25] Christian healer: http://groupsects.wordpress.com/2009/08/
[26] Peter Poppof:
[27] healing hands on a patient's head: http://womenshealthency.com/c/
[28] healer in Amazonas basin with fumes: http://www.corazondeayahuasca.org/sobre-magno-zambrano
[29] healer with child: http://www.portaldesalta.gov.ar/curanderos.html
[30] healer blessing with corn bushle: http://www.portaldesalta.gov.ar/curanderos.html
[31] Amazonas shaman with hands to the sky:
[32] healer in Peru with leaved: http://maestrocuranderoinca.blogspot.com/2010_09_01_archive.html
[33] Keith I. Block, portrait: http://www.blockmd.com/aboutus_staff_mdir.htm
[34] Dr. David Spiegel, portrait: http://cancerpen.stanford.edu/survivorship/