Chemtrails and
HAARP to destroy the Earth
belong to the madness of the Want-to-be-Gods, who
work together in military, science and politics
for ruling the world and thereby, they accept to
destroy the earth and endanger your life, or even
destroy it (2'44'')
Chemtrails and HAARP are a
project to destroy the world [19]
The book: "War Weapon
(orig. German: "Kriegswaffe Planet Erde")
And there are more [books] (2'50'')
The book by Mrs. Rosalie Bertell: "War Weapon
(orig. German: "Kriegswaffe Planet Erde") [20]
So they have decided: They want to melt the
Arctic (2'56''), because they want to get to the
mineral resources. There they are, aha (2'59'').
So [for reaching this goal] they made a program
with their claims and so on (3'2'')
Mineral resources in the
Arctic: oil and gas and more minerals... (3'4sek.)
The goal of the criminal
governments is robbing all minerals of the Arctic
Map of the Arctic with it's
mineral resources [22] (3'7sek.) |
The Soviets were
already planning to melt down Siberia in order to
dominate the world's agriculture
Claudia von Werlhof going on
telling: And in the 1960's there was still a
discussion in the Soviet Union that they wanted to
warm up Siberia again in order to do agriculture
there and use the huge area for themselves
The Soviet Union was planning to
thaw Siberia as early as the 1960s [23]
The trick of the world governments was
to simulate getting colder - and then getting
warmer - the Eskimos and researchers don't know
the cause of HAARP
At that time it was called: "Cooling" was the
name of the book: It's getting colder (3'34''),
and you actually have the fear that it's getting
colder (3'36''). And then these experiments were
started for reaching a warming in reverse
(3'43''). It happened then in reality (3'44'').
So, half of the Arctic has already melted
(3'47''). But no one knows. Even those who are
living there. I always go crazy when I see movies
where the Eskimos are questioned and the
Greenlanders and so on (3'55''), why all this is
melting away, and what is going on now, and they
don't know anything about it since ever (4'0'').
Even the researchers don't know this (4'3''). This
is almost unbearable (4'4'')
Geoengineering is destroying the
Unbearable, yes... when you understand
-- what is HAARP...
-- what [is] this insane chemtrail spraying,
-- [what] the impossible word "geo-engineering"
actually means to all of us! [24] (4'6'')
And the book [War Weapon
Planet Earth - orig. German: Kriegswaffe Planet
Erde] is now 6 years old - well, since when? 11?
5 years on the market, 10,000 copies, this is
the third edition (4'21'') - book by Rosalie
Bertell: War Weapon Planet Earth (4'23'') - and
nobody has read that, I don't understand at all.
It's all in there, ok? (4'28'').
Claudia von Werlhof with books
and moderator Vogt from Cross Thinking TV
(German: [25]
The Arctic is
melting, the Antarctic is partially melting, but
partly the ice cover is also increasing
So: The Arctic is melting,
active, not Antarctica, but the Arctic (4'35'').
The Antarctic is partly melting, partly not,
there is also new ice formation, and then the
earth tries to compensate for this again and
again (4'41''), so to speak: Where something has
gone, it does something else and so on (4'46'').
All this we don't know. We don't know what is
being researched about it (4'49'').
The presenter Mr. Vogt from
Cross Thinking TV
(German: [26]
HAARP antennas: Ionospheric heaters heat
up the high atmosphere (ionosphere)
Well. And then there are
these ionospheric heaters [HAARP antennas],
which really heat up, but heat up the ionosphere
at the top, not at the bottom (5'0''). There are
now at least 2 dozen [HAARP antenna fields] of
it [worldwide] (5'3''). The latest were Moors
were installed on Sicily Island, but they are
more for the whole drone..., well, these are
just radar installations, you see (5'10''). For
steering drones worldwide (5'12''). In the
meantime the people made a huge uprising and it
was temporarily closed and so on (5'17''). And
then I read, but I wasn't there yet: In Marlow
near Rostock there is supposed to be a huge
thing. - Moderator Vogt: Yes (5'23'') - which is
even bigger than HAARP, and they are
collaborating with the Swedes: "Lois" in
southern Sweden (5'27''), with the Dutch
(5'29''), then there should be another one on
Greenland, and since a longer time there is one
in Tromsø in northern Norway, the Icecap
The Max Planck Institute is involved in
the HAARP mafia
This [the HAARP facility in
Norway] is run by the Max Planck Institute, ok?
So then I just ask Mr. Franz-Peter Dürr, who was
chairman of the Max Planck Society (5'42''), and
then [answering my questions] he didn't suspect
it at all... (5'46'') So Hans-Peter Dürr has
already died (5'48''). But he was mostly
considered an alternative scientist (5'51''). I
say, "And what did your company do with the
HAARP plant in Norway?" (5'57'') And so he
didn't answer the question and talked about
something else (6'1'').
Hans-Peter Dürr concealed
Hans Peter Dürr - may he rest in peace - made no
reply. He must have known why he was evasive. Is
this the science and research we want? An
authoritarian science that can keep its secrets to
itself whenever it's good for them? A supposedly
ethically "clean" science that does not have to
give honest answers to concrete questions?!
Mr. Hans-Peter Dürr of the Max Planck Institute
concealed the truth about HAARP [27]
All governments are
involved in HAARP - all the way to the South Pole
So that means: There are a
lot of people here, the Israelis, South Africa,
and Brazil and China and Japan and all of them
have such facilities, ok? (6'25''). Rosa
Libertell said before she died, the biggest one
is now at the South Pole (6'30'').
Claudia von Werlhof with
moderator Mr. Vogt from Cross Thinking TV
( [28]
- the world manipulation project of the WHO:
psycho manipulation, weather, earthquakes etc.
The so-called HAARP
project (High Frequency Active Auroral Research
Program) heats up the ionosphere with gigantic
energy guzzlers (up to 100 billion watts). With it
you can make a nation dance on one leg, transmit
cancer information or other disease information
worldwide, and you can do it with pinpoint accuracy,
you can drive a whole city crazy, influence
the weather, shift the earth pole,
trigger earthquakes etc. (6'44'').
There's really nothing you can't do with it. Anand
HAARP enables: Psycho manipulation, weather
manipulation and earthquake manipulation and much
more [29+30]
Absurd, synergetic effects as a "side
effect" that are not allowed to be mentioned
Well, there are completely absurd, synergetic
effects, which then mutually reinforce or cancel
each other out (7'8'') and create completely
uncontrollable phenomena (7'13''). So: Nobody
knows. That's unknown, ok? (7'17''). But creepy.
Absolutely creepy (7'20'').
Total weather control
with chemtrails and HAARP antennas [31]
Keywords in the titles of articles are, for example:
"Cloud seeding", chemtrails, geo- and climate
Secret experiments in the sky (7'24'')
The original video was made on Jan
29, 2017
See the original video broadcast from Cross Thinking
TV (QUER-DENKEN.TV) from Jan 29, 2017 [32]:
Claudia von Werlhof: Geoengineering - the "big
transformation" of the planet?
(orig. German: Claudia von Werlhof: Geoengineering -
die "grosse Transformation" des Planeten?
(not there any more in 2024)
in the Internet Archives (2024):