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Appeal: With the available data, one can recognize the Satanists and their actions. The appeal is for these satanic criminals in Europe to finally become normal and celebrate their festivals in a humane way and stop kidnapping, torturing, killing and cannibalism for fun.


1. Text samples from the book "The Nathalie Case"

2. July 4, 2024: An entry in a network about the book "The Nathalie Case"

3. Article in the media about the abuse of Nathalie in the satanic system of the Basel and Baden-Württemberg region - the attempt at clarification from 27.5.2020

4. Small register of the book "The Nathalie Case": from adrenochrome to train system

1. Text samples from the book "The Nathalie Case" (translation)

Text sample: The father tortures the mother
"Ruben came spontaneously, without consultation. He immediately began to insult Sonja for little things, to humiliate her. It was enough if, in his opinion, something specific was missing to eat. Sonja was insulted for hours as the last piece of dirt, as a nothing, as the devil, etc. His favorite word was: Sonja is to vomit (p.21). [...] Physical humiliation and assault were not missing. During this time little Nathalie lay quietly in her little bed. Ruben didn't leave satisfied until Sonja was half dead." (p.22)

and also here:
"Ruben came to visit when it suited him, and he also spent the night in her apartment against Sonja's will. He was not primarily concerned with his daughter, but continued to find pleasure in Sonja's physical and mental humiliation." (p.23)

Text sample: The father planned the murder of the mother from the beginning
"The marriage with Sonja had been a long-planned action. The plan would have been to get rid of Sonja and make Nathalie a successor to Ruben [as a Satanic boss in the Satanist tunnel systems]. Because ritual violence is often passed [within the family] through the succession of generations." ("p.79)

Text sample: Visits to the "father" end with 2x ruptured eardrums, abdominal pain, fever of over 40 degrees and irritated bladder
"The day came when Nathalie turned seven. With regard to the deeply stressful father visits, there was no change in sight. The lawyer from Dornach (canton of Solothurn), whom Sonja had been recommended and who was supposed to stand up for Sonja and Nathalie, missed important submissions and was sloppy and was no help at all. Sonja fought non-stop for Nathalie to be released from these stressful visits. In winter, Nathalie had returned twice with a fever of over 40 degrees and twice with a ruptured eardrum. Nathalie still complained of bad stomach aches and had to go to the toilet every few minutes." (p.44)

Text sample: Tunnel systems with self-firing systems
"Nathalie told [to her mother] Sonja that there are countless tunnel systems underground, larger and smaller. Some have many floors. You can get in through manhole covers, flaps and doors. Nobody, except the insider, knows about it. There are automatic firing systems at the tunnel entrances, i.e. if you are not registered or when you don't know how to register, a bullet is fired." (p.73)

Text sample: Satanists are often in a shooting club
"Sonja [the mother] learned from Nathalie [the abused daughter] that Ruben and some of the perpetrators were in a shooting club. Whether it was an official shooting club or not, she didn't know. On weekends with her father, Nathalie witnessed how living people were shot at in the barred forest." (p.76)

"... Dad is also in a shooting club with the other police officers who searched our house. ... They wore dark uniforms with red buttons. They shot at targets or women and children. Before that, they hunted them." (p.84)

Text sample: Satanists kidnap refugee children for their purposes - cannibalism
"Nathalie has also witnessed countless kidnappings of refugees. She witnessed how KESB employees picked up refugees from refugee camps in many cars with the promise that they would be driven to a better place. But they were taken to a tunnel, tortured, murdered and eaten." (p.77)

Text sample: An altar in Oppenau (Baden-Württemberg) with an inverted cross
"Oppenau [...] There we went to a forest and then passing an entrance to underground. After about five minutes, captive children and women were seen naked in cages. Dad then took some of them out of the cage. We went on to a room where there was an altar with an inverted cross on it." (p.81)

Text sample: A church is not just a church - the trapdoors to the tunnel systems under the altar or in a crypt
"... in some churches you can tilt or push away the altar and thus first get into an often beautifully furnished room and from there into the tunnel. Sometimes the world goes from the crypt into the tunnel." (p.88)

Text sample: The criminal Satanists persecute their victims with espionage and attacks - they harm without end
"June 16, 2022: [...] At the Pratteln service station, where Sonja had parked her car, a whole "committee" of pursuers or kidnappers is waiting. Thanks to video documentation, some could be identified. Fortunately, Sonja was not alone on the way.
That same morning, fire was set in the house of the retired colonel, who is helping in the Nathalie case. Two floors burned. PCs, mobile phones and many documents fell victim to the fire." (p.171)

My appeal:
The criminal Satanists should finally become NORMAL and do something positive. For festivals, you don't have to torture, kidnap, abuse, imprison or kill people.
Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE+ALWAYS PAY CASH - July 7, 2024

July 4, 2024: An entry in a network about the book "The Nathalie Case"

The final blow vs.
                        the criminal church: Under many altars are
                        entrances to tunnel systems. Just move or tilt a
                        little bit! And in synagogues? Mosques?
The final blow vs. the criminal church: Under many altars are entrances to tunnel systems. Just move or tilt a little bit! And in synagogues? Mosques? [2]
(orig. German: Der finale Schlag gg. die kriminelle Kirche: Unter vielen Altaren sind Eingänge zu Tunnelsystemen. Einfach etwas verschieben oder kippen! Und in Synagogen? Moscheen?)

Must read: The Nathalie case (Der Fall Nathalie):
Book "The Nathalie Case. Ritual
                        Violence and Satanism in Switzerland and
                        Germany" (2022) (orig. German: "Der
                        Fall Nathalie. Rituelle Gewalt und Satanismus in
                        der Schweiz und in Deutschland" (2022)
Book "The Nathalie Case. Ritual Violence and Satanism in Switzerland and Germany" (2022)
(orig. German: "Der Fall Nathalie. Rituelle Gewalt und Satanismus in der Schweiz und in Deutschland" (2022)
purchase the book e.g. at Amazon or in every other book shop [3]

There's a lot more in it!
— Ambulances and hearses are used for transporting children p.77
— The Satanists celebrate themselves among other things in the shooting club and they shoot at LIVING PEOPLE killing them by shooting p.76
— Poisonous snakes and predators (carnivorous animals) are set on the victims p.91
— The concentration camp system until 1945 was apparently simply moved underground from 1945 onwards p.74,75
— Refugees become victims and shot in tunnel systems or in forests p. 77,84
— There are tunnel systems all over the world without end, from p.72 to 91 mentioned almost on every page
— People are deliberately run over p.76,82 (as in the West Bank by the IL army)
— Man-eaters / cannibalism: The shot / murdered are eaten up p.82,83,87
— Cages pp.81,83,87
— Badges and rings with the devil on them pp.67,83,86
— Many pastors are among the satanic perpetrators of abuse and murder p.88-89
— Children learn Satanic songs p.61,85

— the Satanist perpetrators are named in the book "The Nathalie Case": "Public prosecutors, judges, lawyers, heads of child and adolescent psychiatric hospitals, KESB employees, police officers, doctors, nurses, undertakers, transport company owners, industrialists, paramedics, artists, athletes, foresters, pastors of all orientations, bishops, community presidents, cantonal councillors, federal councillors, teachers, kindergarten teachers, so-called Christians and also anthroposophists. In many faiths and professions, some of these criminals have established themselves and networked and promoted themselves to high positions. Of course, not all of them belong to this network, but very many. " p.75

And it can be assumed that synagogues and mosques may also have such entrances to underground tunnel systems.

The tunnel systems also run directly under schools with entrances to the schools (p.72 - this was already observed in Germany in 2021 in the Ahr Valley when entrances to tunnels in schools were discovered there after the floods). At the entrances of the tunnels there are supposedly self-firing systems so that unauthorized persons who do not know the decryption will be killed immediately (p.73).

So I mean - this book "The Nathalie Case" seems to be part of the solution to the worldwide problem.

These people should finally become NORMAL and stop their crimes! You have to follow them every step of the way so that they change their minds - without one single shot!

I read the book on the bus and tram on July 2 and especially yesterday on July 3, 2024 and made the index on the last page.
Now the 4.7.2024 is already ooo

My appeal:
The criminal Satanists should finally become NORMAL and do something positive. For festivals, you don't have to torture, kidnap, abuse, imprison or kill people.
Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE+ALWAYS PAY CASH - July 7, 2024

3. Articles in the media about the abuse of Nathalie in the satanic system of the Basel and Baden-Württemberg region - the attempt at clarification from May 27, 2020

May 27, 2020
-- article BaZ 27.5.2020: "Das Martyrium der kleinen Natalie" (Basler Zeitung - 27.5.2020) (p.143)
-- article 20min 27.5.2020: "Der Fall Nathalie: 8-jähriges Mädchen rituell missbraucht: Täterschutz durch Behörden" (20minuten) (p.143)
-- article BLICK 27.5.2020: "Mädchen aus Baselland von satanistischem Vater misshandelt" (Mossad-Antifa-BLICK) (p.143)
-- article by Balz Bruder in BZ 27.5.2020: "Erneut massive Vorwürfe: KESB blieb trotz Meldungen  und Beschwerden untätig" (Berner Zeitung) (p.143)

May 28, 2020
-- article of Balz Bruder in BZ 28.5.2020: "8-Jährige missbraucht - gegen den Vater läuft eine Strafuntersuchung" (Berner Zeitung - 28.5.2020) (p.144)

May 30, 2020
-- article BaZ: "Strafanzeige eingereicht. KESB-Beiständin unterdrückt Hinweise auf Pädophilie: Jetzt kommt raus: Schon vor einem Jahr hat Nathalie angedeutet, sie werde missbraucht. Aber die KESB-Beiständin unterdrückt Informationen, die gegen den Vater zielen. Das belegt eine weitere Audioaufnahme." (Basler Zeitung - S.144)
-- article 20min. 30.5.2020: "Wurde Mädchen (8) gezwungen, pädophilen Vater zu besuchen?" (20minuten) (p.144)
-- article BaZ: "KESB-Beiständin manipuliert Zeugin - Eine Mitbewohnerin hat Missbräuche an der kleinen Nathalie gemeldet. Die Sozialregion Dorneck drängt sie aber dazu, die Gefährdungsmeldung zurückzuziehen. Nun wird Strafanzeige wegen Unterdrückung von Beweismitteln eingereicht." (Basler Zeitung - 2.6.2020) (p.145)

June 2, 2020
-- article 20min. 2.6.2020: "Für die KESB stand fest: Der Vater kann mit seinem Kind machen, was er will" (20minuten - 2.6.2020) (p.145)

June 3, 2020
-- article of Balz Bruder in BZ 3.6.2020: "Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Vater in Dornach: Mädchen wirft ihm Missbrauch vor - Gegen die zuständigen Behörden liegen mehrere Anzeigen vor. (...) Mittlerweile liegt auch eine Strafanzeige gegen die Staatsanwaltschaft Solothurn vor." (Berner Zeitung - 3.6.2020) (p.145)
-- article of Balz Bruder in SZ 3.6.2020: "Fall Nathalie: Noch eine Strafanzeige" (Solothurner Zeitung - 3.6.2020) (p.145)

June 11, 2020
-- article BZ 11.6.2020: [kein Titel vorhanden]. Im Artikel meint Kantonsrätin Stephanie Ritschard, es "herrschen da "teilweise skandalöse Zustände, Befangenheit, Parteilichkeit und Untätigkeit." (p.146)

Criminal pedophile father on June 16, 2020
"Interrogation of the father. On the advice of his lawyer, he refused to make any statement." (p.146)
   (orig. German: "Einvernahme des Vaters. Auf Anraten seines Anwalts verweigerte er jede Aussage.")

Sep 10, 2020: The mayor of Dornach INVENTS 10 hearings of the child
-- article BZ 10.9.2020: [kein Titel vorhanden]. Im Artikel behauptet der Gemeindepräsident von Dornach: "Jede Partei des Falls haben wir sicher zehnmal angehört. Auch das Kind." (p.156)

"Sonja's brother writes a letter to the editor, but it is not printed. The text: "That's not true. (...) After the child's first hints of sexual abuse, a single conversation took place in June 2019 with Ms. R. from the Dorneck social region. However, she refrained from filing a complaint for abuse and nothing happened. Since then, there has been no conversation between representatives of the Dorneck social region and the child. I can't judge whether the mayor or the ladies from the social region had ten conversations with the perpetrators.
Incidentally, the child's legal counsel provided by the KESB has not yet had a single official conversation with the child and has also done nothing to create a basis of trust with the mother. Her "help" was limited (p.156) to bringing a lawsuit against the mother of the child." (p.157)

Feb 2, 2021
-- article BaZ 2.2.2021: "Je schwerer das Trauma, desto unglaubwürdiger das Opfer" (Basler Zeitung - 2.2.2021)
"Interview mit einem Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie und Experte in Sachen ritueller Gewalt." (p.159)

Feb 16, 2021
-- article of Max Flintorn in the magazine "Kernpunkte" 16.2.2021: "who points out (p.160) that the sculpture "Alpha & Omega" by René Küng (photo link) in front of the Dornach monastery church represents a pedophile symbol, as can be seen from the comparison with a paper of the FBI dated January 31, 2007. During this time, if you went to the website of the municipality of Dornach on the page "Adult and Child Protection" (photo link), you saw a photo of exactly this sculpture." (p.161)
"In the same magazine of Key Points (2/2021), a letter to the editor exposes the lies of the Dornach mayor in the Nathalie case to the press and presents the true course of events." (p.161)

from December 2021: The satanist Mossad TV in Zurich agitates against truthers - and the Basel News (Basler Zeitung) is "corrected" by the criminal-pedophile elite

From December 2021, the diary Basel News (orig. German: Basler Zeitung) is apparently blackmailed by the criminal Satanists to stop reporting on the Nathalie Case, but to portray the criminal-pedophile elite of Switzerland and Germany as "innocent":

Dec 14, 2021
"The Swiss [Mossad] television (SRF) broadcasts the documentary "The Devil in the Middle of Us?" (orig. German: "Der Teufel mitten unter uns?"). With many lies and manipulative false claims, it tries to deny the existence of ritual violence and Satanism and to push everyone into the corner of the conspiracy theory who disagrees. With one exception, all people who considered the existence of ritual violence in Switzerland possible or certain in the documentary are losing their jobs in the following days and months." (p.168)

Dec 17, 2021
"The Basel News Zeitung suspends the chief reporter who had reported on Nathalie." (p.168)

Jan 7, 2022
"The Basel News dismisses the chief reporter mentioned." (p.168)

May 19, 2022
"The editor-in-chief apologizes for (p.168) the reporter's articles in the Basel News : "The father is fully exonerated. And the KESB has done nothing wrong - at least nothing that would be justiciable." (p.170)

4. Small registry of the book "The Nathalie Case" (translation)

Adrenochrome p.74: In addition to torture, adrenochrome is also tapped in the tunnels: "In addition, there were medical experiments, breeding of hybrids, organ trafficking, and the removal of adrenochrome." (p.74)

Medical doctors
-- doctors are manipulating the eyes of the victims with syringes shortly before the murder p.83: With a syringe, the fluid of the eye is drawn out, the eyes turn black and the liquid is sent somewhere: "Before they [the victims] have been killed, they [the cr.sat. medical doctors] pulled out a liquid next to their eyes with a syringe, after which the eyes turned black. Then, my dad filled the liquid into small bottles, packed it and took it to the post office with me. That's the second day I can remember." (p.83)
-- medical doctors with poison injections p.89: pastors are committing serious bodily injury p.89: pastors try to poison the mothers of kidnapped children with drinks in the church p.89: "so she had been very weak and sick and partly paralyzed for a long time after a drink which she had received from this pastor" (p.89) - provoking "liver inflammation" (p.103)
-- criminal, satanic doctors are taking part in organ trafficking and organ harvesting - alive p.90: "Dad also had friends who were medical doctors. They cut out organs from the victims while they were still alive. Then the children and women were not fixed on the altar, but on a table, and then they cut out various organs. They were quickly packed and kept cool, then one of dad's friends had to take them quickly to a hospital. They got a lot of money for that." (p.90)
-- criminal, satanic medical doctors inject pregnant women so that they give birth to half-humans and half-animals p.85: "Dad explained to me how one can make an animal out of a human being. Sometimes I was also with dad in places where the women in the tunnels were given injections and they had strange babies that had several arms or legs. They then also get injections [through the cr.sat. medical doctors] and then later have babies that look more like an animal." (p.85)

Allergy passport and dentist p.80

-- altar in Oppenau "with an inverted cross on it" (p.81)
-- altar with trapdoors in the floor in some churches p.88: In the ground under altars and in crypts there are trapdoors to the tunnel systems: "In some churches one can tilt the altar or push it away and thus first get into an often beautifully furnished room and from there into the tunnel. Sometimes the path also goes from the crypt into the tunnel." (p.88)
-- altars with trapdoors in the floor in some churches p.88: trapdoors in churches under altars and in crypts to the tunnel systems: "In some churches one can tilt or push away the altar and thus first get into an often beautifully furnished room and from there into the tunnel. Sometimes the path also goes from the crypt into the tunnel." (p.88)
-- altar as a "children's table" p.91: Children are tied to an altar and tortured: "Nathalie told how she was tied to an altar several times, how she was tortured, and how her own father let poisonous snakes loose on her." (p.91)

Incitement to murder p.91: The cr. dad Ruben instigates his daughter Nathalie to kill other people or children, but she is refusing: "Ruben wanted Nathalie to kill people too. When she refused, she was locked in cages with the lions as punishment so that she would be eaten. But the lions didn't do anything to her." (p.91)
Articles that appeared in the Mossad media about the Nathalie case, pp.143-146

-- eyes are manipulated before the murder of the victims p.83: With a syringe fluid is drawn out, the eyes turn black and the liquid is sent somewhere: "Before they [the victims] were killed, they pulled out a liquid next to their eyes with a syringe, then the eyes turned black. Dad filled the liquid into small bottles, packed it and took it to the post office with me. That's the second day I can remember." (p.83)
-- Eyes are a delicacy in satanic cannibalism p.82: "Afterwards they ate from the dead people and drank their blood. Special delicacies were eyes, ears, bananas." (p.82)

-- colonel a D has a driver but it's also a spy, cars are sabotaged, 2x attack when they want to run him over, 2 floors of his house are burned down (p.107)

-- with cars the KESB picks up refugees from refugee camps and kidnaps them directly into the satanic tunnels p.77: "Nathalie was also witness of countless kidnappings of refugees. She was a witness how KESB employees picked up refugees from refugee camps in many cars with the promise that they would be driven to a better place. But they were taken to a tunnel, tortured, murdered and eaten." (p.77)
-- with bigger cars [vans] with fake stickers on the sides (oranges) victims are transported, the mouths are plugged and tied shut (p.87-88): "Nathalie was also present when he and his friends bought children and wives: ... There we drove for some time with a white, larger car on which there were posters on it showing oranges (p.87) One would think that it was a car transporting oranges. We drove for a relatively long time (Nathalie was never allowed to wear a watch staying with her father) until we came to a house where children and women were tied up with bread and water. Dad and his friends took two of them each. In the car, their mouths were stuffed and tied. Tears were running from the prisoners' eyes." (p.88)
-- cars for transportation of children: ambulance / funeral car (hearse) p.77:
p.77: "She also learned that paramedics sometimes do not rush to people who need help, but race through the city with sirens and kidnap people in ambulances. No one would ever think this possible and notice it. Trapped children are also driven from place to place in hearses." (p.77)
-- the main perpetrator Ruben is driving a "small gray car", there was a child kidnapping attempt at a bus stop with a small gray car p.157

Car+run over: run over people by car for fun
-- the victims are run over with the car "for fun" e.g. in a barred forest p.76: "The children and women were chased, raped and shot. Some were also run over by car for fun" (p.76)
-- Mrs. H. has run over people with the car as a "pleasure": "I can also remember Mrs. H. since the first day [...] She ran over people in the forest with her car for pleasure" (p.82)

-- Murder of babies p.82: "I can also remember Mrs. H. [from the KESB] since the first day. I was four years old at the time. She was terrible [...] She was a baby specialist. She brought babies to kill." (p.82)
-- pregnant women are injected in tunnel systems so that they give birth to babies who look like half-humans or half-animals p.85: "Dad explained to me how one can make an animal out of a human being. Sometimes I was also with dad in places where the women in the tunnels were given injections and they had strange babies that had several arms or legs. They then also get injections and later have babies that look more like an animal." (p.85)

Members of the authorities p.81
Blood rasping p.86-87: "The victims sometimes had their skin grated like cheese before they were killed, and the blood was bottled. The blood was either drunk immediately (p.86) or stored in a room in the tunnels." (p.87)
Booklet, small red p.86: which every Satanist must carry with him and where the murders are registered (p.86)
Castles with tunnel systems p.74
Corona="the coronation" p.85: "Once dad said in the tunnels: "There will come a disease one day, it will be called 'the coronation'. Then people will also be given similar injections." (p.85)
Drone: Perpetrator Ruben stalks with drone against Nathalie and the mother p.93
Threat: Mrs. H. [from KESB] threatened Nathalie with a pistol so that Nathalie should remain silent p.82: "I can also remember Mrs. H. since the first day. I was four years old at the time. She was terrible [...] She also threatened me with the pistol if I said something to Mom." (p.82)
E-mail p.4,127
Burglary at Sonja and Nathalie's home on Dec 14, 2020 p.159
Electric shock torture by main perpetrator Ruben on his daughter Nathalie (she was in wet condition) before returning home as a warning not to tell anything p.74

Kidnapping / kidnappings
-- refugees are kidnapped from refugee camps directly into the satanic tunnels p.77: "Nathalie was also witness to countless kidnappings of refugees. She testified to how KESB employees picked up refugees from refugee camps in many cars with the promise that they would be driven to a better place. But they were taken to a tunnel, tortured, murdered and eaten." (p.77)
-- victims are kept in houses p.88: "We drove for a relatively long time (Nathalie was never allowed to wear a watch when she was with her dad) until we came to a house where children and women were tied up with bread and water. Dad and his friends took two of them each. In the car, their mouths were stuffed and tied. The tears were running from the prisoners' eyes." (p.88)
-- victims are kept in caravans or huts in the forest p.88: "Sometimes dad and the other women have kept [the women] and children captive in caravans or in huts in the forest. There they were tied up, raped and picked up to be killed when it was time for them." (p.88)
-- after a house search a Swiss prosecutor orders the kidnapping of mother Sonja, who is suffering from a liver disease, and the cr. Swiss police perform the kidnapping p.103: "At the end of the house search, the prosecutor said that they would take Sonja with them right away, and that she would be taken to the Solothurn remand prison. This was a terrible shock. They loaded Sonja into a metal kennel in the storage space of a police car. Sonja suffered from claustrophobia and nausea. She was sick and still had liver inflammation." (p.103)

-- Mrs. H. [from KESB] has strange eating habits p.82: "I can also remember Mrs. H. since the first day. I was four years old then. [...] She had bad eating manners. She smacked and slurped." (p.82)
-- feces / shit to eat p.87: victims (women and children) in cages get feces to eat: "They got feces to eat" (p.87)
-- see also: Cannibalism

Trapdoors in the floor of some churches p.88: In the ground under altars and in crypts there are trapdoors to the tunnel systems: "In some churches one can tilt the altar or push it away and thus first get into an often beautifully furnished room and from there into the tunnel. Sometimes the path also goes from the crypt into the tunnel." (p.88)
Fever over 40 degrees p.44 and p.134: Nathalie comes back 2 times from a "visiting day" with the cr. dad Ruben with a fever of over 40 degrees (p.134)
Cut off fingers: Sometimes, captured women and children have 1 finger cut off, which they then have to eat (p.87)

Refugees become victims
-- the cr. KESB "organizes" refugees p.77: The refugees in refugee camps are picked up by the KESB with false promises for a "better place", deported to the tunnel systems and "tortured, murdered and eaten" (p.77)
"Nathalie has also witnessed countless kidnappings of refugees. She witnessed how KESB employees picked up refugees from refugee camps in many cars with the promise that they would be driven to a better place. But they were taken to a tunnel, tortured, murdered and eaten." (p.77)
-- refugees are murdered during satanic rituals p.84: The ritual murders take place in forests (e.g. "in the forest of Duggingen") or in tunnel systems: "The men had rifles and pistols, but they also did it with bow and arrow. They brought the people first and then they killed them. They were mostly refugees." (p.84)

Torture for fun
-- electric shock torture by main perpetrator Ruben on his daughter Nathalie (she was in wet condition) before returning home as a warning not to tell anything p.74

Torture before killing
-- knife games before killing: "Papa also had a small black ball with a jackknife in it, with which he sometimes threw at the prisoners before killing." (p.86)
-- Scraping skin before killing: "Sometimes the skin of the victims was grated like cheese before killing and the blood was bottled." (p.86)

Horticulture teacher p.90 Footnote 5: The main perpetrator Ruben was also a horticulture teacher at various [Steiner] schools in the Basel region: "He was for a time a horticulture teacher at various schools in the Basel region. One of these schools also has several sheep." (p.90)
Buried money p.87: "Dad [main perpetrator Ruben] always got a lot of money and dug a deep hole with the spade to bury the money. Before that, he put it in a plastic box with a lid. He did this in Thielle (Lake Neuchâtel), Dornach (Basel region) and in the Black Forest (South Germany) and also behind the garden shed when he still lived in Pratteln (Basel region). Dad said he needed the money to buy children." (p.87)
split personality: more victims meet: dissociated personality through ritual violence, some people have a double life "without realizing it" p.96-97
[when a double life is coming out positive there is nothing bad with it, but when it comes to crimes with it, this is BAD and should be treated]

Prison in Solothurn about 80km from Basel p.103-105: a stinking hole as a toilet, with cold torture and clothing torture (only light prison clothes without underwear), hunger torture, drink torture (p.104), questioning torture with "manipulative questions" and repeated questions again and again (p.105), screaming torture because of a "dirty prison blanket" which was not folded up (p.105), bankruptcy torture: Sonja is sent home without organized transport and without money for a trip home of 80km and a family member had to look for her (p.105)

Venomous snakes
-- poisonous snakes bite victims dead in Oppenau (South Germany) p.81: "He tied another woman to a piece of wood lying on the ground and let poisonous snakes loose on her, which bit her to death." (p.81)
-- poisonous snakes against Nathalie p.91: She is not attacked, but the father Ruben has to run away then: "Nathalie told how she was tied to an altar several times, tortured, and how her own father let poisonous snakes loose on her. But these poisonous snakes always turned away from her at the last moment and set course for the father, who ran away." (p.91)
-- Venomous snake found in Pratteln near Basel p.91 Footnote 6: "At the end of May 2015 a worker was attacked in Pratteln by an unknown snake - probably an African spitting cobra. The newspapers reported on it and speculated about the origin of the venomous snake, especially since no one in Pratteln had a permit for such a snake. She was spotted only a few 100 meters away from an entrance to underground facilities [school?], to which Ruben later also took Nathalie. Is this perhaps the solution to the solution for the inexplicable appearance of the snake? (p.91)

Gold in a tunnel system in Oppenau (Baden-Württemberg) p.83
House searches in Switzerland even without a house search warrant p.101-103
Skin hung up p.87 ("There were rooms in the tunnels where the skin of the victims was hung up to dry")
Scraping skin before killing the victim p.86 ("The victims sometimes had their skin scraped before being killed like cheese and the blood was bottled.")
Marriage plan of Ruben with Sonja is also murder plan of Ruben against Sonja p.79
Breeding hybrids with syringes against pregnant women p.74

-- "imprisoned children and women naked in cages" (p.81)
-- Cage with drink p.87: "... the victims in the cages were given liquid to drink like rabbits or guinea pigs with a drinking bottle that was clamped to the grate. But they didn't get water, they had to drink urine and sperm. They were given feces to eat, and sometimes they cut off a finger, for example, and then they had to eat it." (p.87)

Cannibalism / Man-Eater
-- cannibalism in tunnel systems in Switzerland p.77: Refugees are kidnapped from refugee camps directly into the satanic tunnels, "tortured, murdered and eaten": "Nathalie was also witness to countless kidnappings of refugees. She witnessed how KESB employees picked up refugees from refugee camps in many cars with the promise that they would be driven to a better place. But they were taken to a tunnel, tortured, murdered and eaten." (p.77)

-- cannibalism in tunnel systems in Oppenau (South Germany) p.81-82: The perpetrator Ruben nails a woman to a cross and a second one to the ground, who is bitten to death with poisonous snakes, and then the corpses are eaten: "... you could see captive children and women naked in cages. Dad then took some of them out of the cage. We went on to a room where there was an altar with an inverted cross on it. He nailed a woman to the cross. He tied another woman to a piece of wood lying on the ground and unleashed poisonous snakes on her, which bit her to death. In the case of the cross, the woman died while nailing it. He cut her neck so that it hung down. He raped the others and killed them too. There were still members of the authorities who helped (p.81). [...] Afterwards they all ate from the dead people and drank their blood. Special delicacies were: eyes, ears, bananas. They fried the parts. That's the first day I can remember when I was alone with dad." (p.82)
-- cannibalism with deadly biting dogs [shepherd dogs, Rottweilers or pit bulls] in a Swiss ruin [probably the ruins of Dorneck near Dornach, canton of Solothurn, region of Basel] p.82-83: "... The second day I can remember, we didn't go to Oppenau, but to the ruins [when the family still lived in Dornach]. [...] There were wooden stakes on the ground to tie people down. They tied people up and slaughtered them with knives and let loose large "deadly biting" dogs on them. Before the killing action, they raped them yet. Afterwards they roasted parts of the people, ate them and drank the blood." (p.83)
-- cannibalism cutting off fingers+eating p.87 (sometimes the captured women and children have to cut off 1 finger which they then have to eat)

KESB p.76,77 etc.
Kindergartens with entrances to tunnel systems p.74
Children's lawyer: is "assigned" by the KESB p.61; "treacherous" p.76

Churches as satanic crime scenes
-- Churches with tunnel systems p.74
-- Churches with trapdoors in the floors under altars and in crypts p.88: "In some churches one can tilt or push away the altar and thus first get into an often beautifully furnished room and from there into the tunnel. Sometimes the path also goes from the crypt into the tunnel." (p.88)
-- Churches with satanic priests p.88-89 (first they keep the fantasy Jesus mass, and then the fantasy Devil mass)

small red booklet as a killing register p.86: "Papa and the other men all had a small red booklet. Dad always had it in his pocket. There he put down the data when he had killed someone. He always had one with him." (p.86)

-- victims at the nudist beach in Thielle on the board of Lake Neuchâtel are "tied up and beaten, raped and smeared with excrement" (p.67)
-- victims (women and children) in cages get feces to eat: "They got feces to eat" (p.87)

Ambulance / funeral car (hearse) for the transport of children p.77: "She also learned that paramedics sometimes do not rush to people who need help, but race through the city with sirens and kidnap people in ambulances. No one would ever think this possible and notice it. Trapped children are also driven from place to place in hearses." (p.77)
Inverted Cross p.81
Crucifixion plays e.g. in Oppenau p.81: "To the cross he [the main perpetrator Ruben] nailed a woman. [...] In the case of the cross, the woman died while nailing her." (p.81)
Crypt p.88: Trapdoors in the floor in some churches under altars and in crypts to the tunnel systems: "In some churches you can tilt or push away the altar and thus first get into an often beautifully furnished room and from there into the tunnel. Sometimes the path also goes from the crypt into the tunnel." (p.88)
Curator (woman) at Dornach p.161

Concentration camp (cc)
-- "Nathalie was witness of torture as if she had been in a concentration camps" (p.74)
-- Question: "Were the concentration camps not finished at all, but only moved underground and further developed?" (p.75)

Body parts
-- body parts which "remain" after murder and cannibalism p.84: "... What was not eaten by the dead was thrown into a fire or put into a container with liquid or buried. Some corpses were buried in already existing graves" (p.84)
-- body parts in Oppenau p.160 (Body parts were buried, Nathalie describes the crime scene at the police in Offenburg, the police do nothing)

Lions against Nathalie p.91: There are lions in tunnel systems for locking victims in lion cages where lions should eat the victims, but Nathalie survived the lions in the cage, she was left in peace by them (p.91)

Mouse torture: Before the ritual killing, a dead mouse is sometimes put in the mouth of the victims p.87
Shooting people as a satanic ritual p.76,82,84

People are run over by car at ritual sites
-- the victims are run over with the car "for fun" (p.76): "The children and women were chased, raped and shot. Some were also run over by car for fun" (p.76)
-- Mrs. H. has run over people with the car as a "pleasure": "I can also remember Mrs. H. since the first day [...] She ran over people in the forest with her car for pleasure" (p.82)

Human experiments p.74: In addition to torture, brutal medical experiments are also carried out in the tunnels: "In addition, there were medical experiments, breeding of hybrids, organ trafficking, and the purchase of adrenochrome." (p.74)

Man-eaters: see cannibalism

Human trafficking in tunnel systems: "People are traded like animals" p.73
Human trafficking in supermarkets etc.: "Entrances to tunnels are also located in shops and other businesses that are involved in this human trafficking. Fruit or vegetable trade is sometimes associated with human trafficking. This means that the trucks that transport fruit have partly (p.73) people in their cars, whom they then load directly into a tunnel in their company. (p.74)
Human trafficking with the joy of torture of the victims p.74
Human trafficking with a lot of money p.87: "Papa [main perpetrator Ruben] always got a lot of money and dug a deep hole with the spade to bury the money. Before that, he put it in a plastic box with a lid. He did this in Thielle (Lake Neuchâtel), Dornach (Basel region) and in the Black Forest (South Germany) and also behind the garden shed when he still lived in Pratteln (Basel region). Dad said he needed the money to buy children." (p.87)

Human trafficking observed by Nathalie p.87-88
"Nathalie was also present when he and his friends bought children and wives: ... There we drove for some time with a white, larger car on which there were posters on it showing oranges (p.87) One would think that it was a car transporting oranges. We drove for a relatively long time (Nathalie was never allowed to wear a watch staying with her father) until we came to a house where children and women were tied up with bread and water. Dad and his friends took two of them each. In the car, their mouths were stuffed and tied. Tears were running from the prisoners' eyes.
Dad had also kidnapped children, but this had not been in Switzerland... [so probably in Baden-Württemberg in Germany]
Sometimes dad and the other women and children were imprisoned in caravans or huts in the forest. There they were tied up, raped and picked up to be killed when it was time for them." (p.88)

Knife games p.86: The perpetrator Ruben likes to shoot knives at his victims before a murder: "Papa also had a small black bullet where a knife came out [jackknife], he sometimes threw it at the prisoners before killing." (p.86)

Murder / murders
-- Murder of babies p.82: "I can also remember Mrs. H. [from the KESB] since the first day. I was four years old at the time. She was terrible [...] She was a baby specialist. She brought babies to kill." (p.82)
-- Murder of dolls p.86: "Dad also had dolls at home which he cut out their hearts and cut off their necks and said to me "that's mommy" (p.86)
-- Murder recorded in the book / murder book ("small, red booklet) p.86: which every Satanist has to carry with him and where the murders are registered: "Papa and the other men all had a small red booklet. Dad always had it in his pocket. There he put down the data when he had killed someone. He always had one with him." (p.86)

Attempted murder of his own daughter
-- attempted murder with poisonous snakes by the cr. dad Ruben p.91: "Nathalie told how she was tied to an altar several times, tortured, and how her own father unleashed poisonous snakes on her. But these poisonous snakes always turned away from her at the last moment and set course for the father, who ran away." (p.91)
-- attempted murder with lions by the cr. dad Ruben p.91: "Ruben wanted Nathalie to kill people too. When she refused, she was locked in cages with the lions as punishment so that she could be eaten. But the lions didn't do anything to her." (p.91)

Near-death experience p.80
Nathalie clairvoyant p.92

Colonel (ret.):
-- his driver is a spy, cars are sabotaged, 2x attack when they want to run him over, 2 floors of his house are burned down (p.107)
-- he mentions the case of Nathalie again and again, this is the legacy of a deceased policeman friend (p.108)
-- fire is set in the house on June 16, 2022 and 2 floors burn out: documents, PC and cell phone are destroyed (p.171)

-- ears are plugged p.76 (Nathalie's ears are plugged so that she doesn't hear anything about conversations between the KESB children's lawyer and the main perpetrator Ruben)
-- ears are a delicacy in satanic cannibalism p.82: "Afterwards they ate from the dead people and drank their blood. Special delicacies were eyes, ears, bananas." (p.82)

Offenburg Public Prosecutor's Office p.77-78: gets the testimony of Nathalie, but the public prosecutor's office doesn't take anything seriously + doesn't act (p.77-78)

Oppenau (Baden-Württemberg) ritual site
-- with Black Forest Rambo, a friend of Ruben (p.77), he is called Yves Rausch (p.151,153,154,160)
-- multi-storey tunnel systems are being "cleaned" (p.77-78)
-- 81,111,116,151

Organ trade
-- Organ trafficking p.74: Besides the torture there is also organ harvesting and organ trafficking in the tunnels: "In addition there were medical experiments, cultivation of hybrids, organ trafficking, removal of adrenochrome." (p.74)
-- organ trafficking and organ harvesting when people are alive p.90: "Dad also had friends who were medical doctors. They cut out organs from the victims while they were still alive. Then the children and women were not fixed on the altar, but on a table, and then they cut out various organs. They were quickly packed and kept cool, then one of dad's friends had to take them quickly to a hospital. They got a lot of money for that." (p.90)

Pedophile scripture and pedophile symbols p.76

Penis: Penises are a delicacy in satanic cannibalism p.82: "Afterwards they ate from the dead people and drank their blood. Special delicacies were eyes, ears, bananas." (p.82)

-- Priests are schizophrenic: Priests first play the philanthropist, and after the sermon they are Satanists. They preach sermons for the devil by replacing the word "Jesus" with "Devil" p.88-89:
"... A Christian pastor has sometimes practiced for hours in an underground room how to pray the service, and when the word Christ comes, he calls the Devil. He practiced this directly under (p.88) his Christian church. Upstairs in the Christian church he played the good pastor and right downstairs he practiced how to call on the Evil. He abused above all boys." (p.89)
-- priests perform Satan's masses p.89
-- priests commit serious bodily injury p.89: priests try to poison the mothers of kidnapped children with drinks in the church, "that she had been very weak and sick and partly paralyzed for a long time after a drink which she had received from this pastor" (p.89) - provoking "liver inflammation" (p.103)

-- some Policemen are with the Satanists: "Among the policemen there are some who know about it" (p.76)
-- criminal police commandos in Switzerland are arbitrarily making house searches to steal documents from the KESB victims (p.84)
-- criminal police commandos in Switzerland are kidnapping children to their criminal pedophile fathers with "police violence" (p.101)
-- the criminal police commandos who are carrying out house searches and kidnappings are also actively involved in the tunnel systems with ritual acts, also some policeWOMEN are taking part there (p.102-103)
-- police in Offenburg (South Germany) does nothing: body parts buried in Oppenau, Nathalie describes the crime scene to the police in Offenburg, the police does nothing (p.160)

Predators / carnivorous animals

-- Predators deadly biting dogs p.83: "On the ground there were wooden stakes to tie people down. They tied people and slaughtered them with knives and let loose large "deadly biting" dogs on them. Before killing them, they raped them." (p.83)
-- Predators in general p.91: "In the tunnels there were also predators in cages in some places, which were let loose on victims for pleasure." (p.91)
-- Nathalie survives in a cage with lions p.91: "Ruben wanted Nathalie to kill people as well. When she refused, she was locked in cages with the lions as punishment so that she would be eaten. But the lions didn't do anything to her." (p.91)
-- Predators venomous snakes: see: Venomous snakes

Satanic rituals
-- with disguise p.85: "During the torture and killing actions the perpetrators disguised themselves and the men put on an artificial beard like St. Nicholas. The women often did not disguise so much. Everything was filmed." (p.85)
-- Satan's Ritual p.89-90

Satanic Songs
-- Nathalie sings satanic songs in front of the psychiatrist p.61
-- Satanist songs with Satanists p.85 (Satanists dance around a fire and sing Satanist songs)
-- Satanist songs with singers p.85 ("Singers also came to Satan's festivals and sang their songs during the killing actions")

-- the main perpetrator of the book Mr. Ruben also likes to rape sheep p.90
-- sheep at [Steiner] schools in Switzerland, where Ruben worked as a horticultural teacher: "One of these schools also has several sheep." (p.90)

Shooting club
-- Satanists usually meet in the shooting club, also Ruben and other perpetrators, they then shoot at living people in the forest as a target p.76: "On weekends with her father Nathalie witnessed how living people were shot at in the barred forest. The children and women were hunted, raped and shot. Some were also run over by car for fun." (p.76)
-- Ruben has colleagues from the shooting club search the house of Sonja and Nathalie p.84: "... Dad is also in a shooting club with the other policemen and policewomen who did the house search at our home" to steal documents on the Nathalie Case (p.84)
-- mass murder in the shooting club for fun p.84: "... They wore dark uniforms with red buttons. They shot at targets or women and children. Before [before the murder] they were still chasing them, for example they said they had to run ten times from here to there and that they could live longer for that, but they got a shot in the face when they ran back. This happened in the forest of Duggingen [canton Basel Countryside near Aesch BL] and also in the tunnel systems. [...] The men had rifles and pistols, but they also did it with bows and arrows. They brought the people and killed them. They were mostly refugees." (p.84)

Swimming pool [prob. Riehen]: A criminal Satanist, colleague of perpetrator Ruben, pursues Nathalie in the swimming pool in the pool water, he has tattoos like socks: a Satanist in the Basel region has tattoos on his feet, imitating socks p.94
Sect with ritual violence, as the victim Lydia experienced it: Victim Lydia was forced to give birth to 11 children in 13 years, the first at 13, one was sold, the teacher and headmaster  is also in the sect, at school it was simply said that the weight gain came as a side effect from medication p.97
Silver in a tunnel system in Oppenau (Baden-Württemberg) p.83
Sperm-urine mixture for drinking for the captured women and children in cages p.87: "The victims in the cages were given liquid to drink like rabbits or guinea pigs with a drinking bottle that was clamped to the grate. But they didn't get water, they had to drink urine and sperm." (p.87)
Prosecutor Satanist is also active in tunnel systems p.102-103: A public prosecutor from the canton of Solothurn, who carries out arbitrary house searches without a house search warrant, is a Satanist and actively involved in the tunnel systems: "Despite Sonja's pleas to refrain from doing so, they still broke into the parents' apartment. This was done unlawfully, as there was no corresponding house search warrant. There, Sonja's father got such a shock that he trembled for days. Ten days later he died of a heart attack (p.102). Nathalie whispered in her mother's ear that she knew all the policemen - except one policewoman - as well as the prosecutor was well known from the tunnels." (p.103)

-- pill to manipulate Natalie p.74: so that she loses memory: she threw away the pill if possible: "[The cr. dad] Ruben had given Nathalie a pill at the beginning of the visitation day, which she had to swallow, but whenever possible she threw it away. The few times she couldn't do this because Ruben covered her mouth, she didn't remember anything about the days after." (p.74)
-- inventing pills and side effects p.97: adolescent girls in sects are forced to pregnancies and they claim that the weight gain is due to side effects of medication, this is their protective claim: victim Lydia was forced to give birth to 11 children in 13 years, the first at 13, one was sold, teachers and headmasters are also in the sect, in school it was simply reported that  the weight gain would come from side effects of medication (p.97)

List of criminals / perpetrators (unfortunately their names are missing) p.75
"Who is involved in these crimes? Sonja got one shock after another. They were not secret societies, no, she knew many of the names Nathalie mentioned.
There were public prosecutors, judges, lawyers, heads of child and adolescent psychiatric clinics, KESB employees, police officers, doctors, nurses, undertakers, transport company owners, industrialists, paramedics, artists, athletes, foresters, pastors of all orientations, bishops, municipal presidents, cantonal councillors, federal councillors, teachers, kindergarten teachers, so-called Christians and also anthroposophists. In many faiths and professions, some of these criminals have established themselves and networked and promoted themselves to high positions. Of course, not everyone belongs to this network, but a lot of them." (p.75)

-- Devil earrings p.67: in the nudist area in Thielle on Lake Neuchâtel: "During the rape action the men wore clip earrings with a devil on them." (p.67)
-- Picture with devil in the tunnels in Oppenau (Baden-Württemberg) p.83: "In the room there was also an altar, but not a cross, but a picture of a devil licking blood." (p.83)
-- Ring with devil on it p.86: "He [main perpetrator Ruben] often wore a ring with a tiny devil on it." (p.86)
-- Devil on Earth p.78: "A part of the earth has literally fallen into the hands of the devil, and the normal citizen does not know anything about it or does not want to admit it." (p.78)

Thielle nudist beach on Lake Neuchâtel: p.65-67 (with rape of young people on Lake Neuchâtel, guarded by a "team of guards")
Transhumanism: with injections against pregnant women who got babies as half-humans and half-animals p.85: "Dad explained to me how to make an animal out of a human being. Sometimes I was also with dad in places where the women in the tunnels were given injections and they had strange babies that had several arms or legs. They then also get injections and later have babies that look more like an animal." (p.85)
Eardrums p.44 and p.134 (Nathalie suffers twice during the "visiting day" with the cr. dad Ruben a ruptured eardrum, cause "unknown")

Tunnel systems / tunnels / tunnel plants
-- tunnel systems the places p.72: under the school of Nathalie: "Later Sonja should learn that directly under the school [of Nathalie] there is a tunnel system with human trafficking." [Steiner School Birseck] (p.72)
-- tunnel systems the places p.73 ("countless tunnel systems underground")
-- tunnel systems the places and train system p.73: "tunnels under the cities, in which there are huge facilities for fast trains and other means of transport, with which one can get from A to B in the shortest possible time" (p.73)
-- tunnel systems the places p.74: "Also under Christian churches, under schools, kindergartens and old castles there are tunnel systems with imprisoned children and women in cages." (p.74)
-- tunnel systems the places p.88: are reachable among other things through trapdoors in churches under altars and in crypts p.88: "In some churches one can tilt or push away the altar and thus first get into an often beautifully furnished room and from there into the tunnel. Sometimes the path also goes from the crypt into the tunnel." (p.88)
-- tunnel systems in Oppenau (Baden-Württemberg) p.77-78: multi-storey tunnel systems are being "cleaned" (p.77-78)
-- tunnel systems with torture: physical torture p.75 (thesis: as a continuation of the concentration camp systems in Europe, just installed underground since 1945)
-- tunnel systems with torture: noise torture p.85 ("In the tunnels there was often insanely loud, terrible music. You almost fainted" [Techno?])
-- tunnel systems with predators p.91: Unleashing predators against the victims: "In the tunnels there were also predators in cages in some places, which were let loose on victims for pleasure." (p.91)

[You remember something? Just this was performed in Iraq during Iraq War since 2003 - pretext: invented arms of mass destruction].

-- tunnel systems with predators p.91: Children are given to the lions in the cage, but Nathalie survives: "Ruben wanted Nathalie to kill people as well. When she refused, she was locked in cages with the lions as punishment so that she would be eaten. But the lions didn't do anything to her." (p.91)
-- tunnel systems with mass murder p.84: "This happened in the forest of Duggingen and also in the tunnel systems. It was like a labyrinth there. The women and children had to run through the corridors, then they were raped and shot. The men had rifles and pistols, but they also did it with bows and arrows. They brought the people there and killed them. They were mostly refugees." (p.84)

-- tunnel systems as storage room for private belongings p.86: "Dad seemed to be an important man in the tunnels, there were even places in the tunnels that were named after him. Dad had the keys to all the entrances. He had devices that looked like cell phones that could be used to see if an ordinary person was coming by foot near an entrance. He also had rooms in some tunnels that belonged only to him. This was where his main possessions were located. There was almost nothing of him in his room of the shared flat." (p.86)

Watch p.88 ("Nathalie was never allowed to wear a watch being with her father")
Urine and sperm mixture to drink for the captured women and children in cages p.87: "The victims in the cages were given liquid to drink like rabbits or guinea pigs with a drinking bottle that was clamped to the grate. But they didn't get water, they had to drink urine and sperm." (p.87)

Forest p.84 (forest of Duggingen (canton of Basel-Land behind Aesch BL); p.88
Woodland p.76
Signposts: There are clear "signposts to the meeting places of pedophiles and Satanists", i.e. to entrances to the tunnel systems p.76
[Suspicion e.g.: fountains with naked little boys]

Train system in tunnel systems: "blazing fast trains" p.73

My appeal:
The criminal Satanists should finally become NORMAL and do something positive. For festivals, you don't have to torture, kidnap, abuse, imprison or kill people.
Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE+ALWAYS PAY CASH - 7.7.2024

The register was installed on Aug 4, 2024.

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