
Satanism, combined photo with baby killing, woman
sacrifice, skull and bones, sex orgy, animal
sacrifice, herbs, and Satan god Luzifer
by Michael Palomino (2017)
1. Satanistic
Satanistic calendar
baby killing, woman sacrifice, skull and
bones, sex orgy, animal sacrifice,
herbs, and Satan god Luzifer
without photos
January 1: Christian New
Year - "New Year's Night" -- January 7:
"Blood party" -- January 17: sex party:
"Satanist party" with orgy -- January 20:
witch party -- January 20-27: The time of
sacrificial preparation -- January 25: sex
party with human sacrifices: "Great peak -
peak" -- February 2: bitch party - sex party
with human sacrifices and animal sacrifices
-- February 25: animal sacrifice: blood mass
-- March 1: blood mass -- March 21: Spring
Equinox, spring start (day and night are
equal, beginning of spring): "Great
fertility party" -- March 24: Feast of the
Beast: Marriage with Satan -- April:
Satanists on the "Unholy Thursday" --
Satanists at "Easter" (Good Friday) --
Satanists on Saturday evening before Easter
Sunday (Saturday before Easter Sunday) --
Satanists on Easter Sunday ("unholy Sunday")
-- Satanists with a fasting AFTER Easter --
April 19-26: Preparation for the "Great
Victim" -- 24 April: Eve of the day of the
Evangelist Mark (25 April: five weeks and
one day after the spring equinox). --
26.–30. April: Big Sacrifice -- 30 April:
Satan's birthday - [and coincidentally also
Hitler's birthday] - Walburgis Night (also:
Walpurgis Night) -- 21 June: Summer
solstice, start of summer -- June 24: summer
party -- July 1: Satan's feast -- "July 2:
Celebration of Visitation of Mary" -- July
10: "Unholy Day" of the Palladium -- July 20
to 27: preparation of the Big Sacrifice --
July 25: Satanist holiday, eve of the Big
Sacrifice (gigantic sacrificial festival) --
1. August: Lammas (harvest party) -- August
3: Satanistic party -- September 7: Satan's
Wedding -- September 20: "Midnight Mass" --
September 21: Autumn equinox (day-equations
in the autumn of the northern hemisphere) --
October 22 to 29: preparation of a Big
Sacrifice -- October 26: Five weeks and one
day after the autumn equinox -- October 29:
"Holy Evening" (blood party) -- October 30:
Eve of Halloween -- October 31: Halloween --
November 1: beginning of the Samhain year
(beginning of the time of the darkness, (Old
Iris). -- November 1 and 2: celebration of
death -- November 4: Satanist party --
December 21: winter solstice -- December 24:
Demonic Evening
Satanistic calendar with additional data
of Celts and Catholic shit
Satanism: baby killing,
woman sacrifice, skull and bones,
sex orgy, animal sacrifice, herbs,
and Satan god Luzifer
without photos |
Satanist victim survived: Anneke Lucas

Anneke Lucas, portrait, she survived Satanic
child rituals
Name Is Anneke Lucas and I Was a Sex Slave
to Europe's Elite at Age 6: The mother
brings the daughter to satanist sex
parties - high politicians -- Breaking the
personality: eating human shit like a dog
-- Another shock: A fresh dead body in the
cellar -- 20 years old man abusing 10 year
old girl systematically -- Torture with 11
years as a preparation for child murder -
and saved live by a negotiation -- Life is
saved - remembering the dog scenery in Los
Angeles in 1988 -- Outing and the feeling
of self esteem -- The Work: trauma prison
yoga for victims of sex mafia
Witness Mrs. Toos Nijenhuis about
satanists: Alfrink+John Paul
II+Schneerson, prince Bernhard, cardinal
Alfrink, prince Philipp etc.
Witness Mrs. Toos Nijenhuis about Satanists:
cardinal Alfrink, prince Bernhard, prince
Philipp, chief rabbi Schneerson, pope John
Paul II etc. - criminal satanists organizing
torture, gangbang mass rapes and mass murder
with children from 4 years on

Toos Nijenhuis against criminal cardinal
Alfrink+criminal prince Bernhard, and the
castle in Holten
Satanistic victim has survived: Canton of
Berne (Switzerland)
Whoever tells the truth becomes a polluter -
endless character assassinations against the
victim - the KESB follows the cr. father

Case of satanism in the canton of Berne in
cr. Switzerland - the victim survived
The Microsoft company is satanistic:
Canton of Zurich (Switzerland)
The father becomes more and more "colder" -
the mother discovers the systematic abuse
through hematomas, injuries + children's
drawings - the father does not accept the KESB
visiting house and gives the children free
Case with Satanic
Microsoft with crimes in canton of Zurich
(criminal Switzerland) and at the camping
beach Lido di Jesolo near Venice in Italy
Case 05a2: "Nathalie
Case" 01:
Ritual violence and Satanism in
Switzerland and Germany
(Basel-Solothurn and Baden-Württemberg
Churches, altars, ambulances, hearses,
shooting club, poisonous snakes,
predators, concentration camp system
underground, refugees, tunnel systems,
people deliberately run over,
man-eaters / cannibalism, cages,
devils, priests, satanic songs,
satanist perpetrators etc.
Satanismus 06: Völkermord+Entvölkerung mit
Gen-Giftspritzen "gegen Corona19"
-- John W. DeCamp: The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse,
Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska
Zeugen für Bohamian Grove
-- Paul Bonacci, David Shurter,