1 Sinking towns on swamp,
silt or mud or on poles at a coast line
We have
-- sinking Shanghai (in China)
- built on an alluvial fan of silt in the Yangtze delta,
sinking 8.7 mm each year
-- over 50 sinking towns in China - all built on soft
soil with sky scrapers and pulling out groundwater
-- sinking Bangkok (in
Thailand) - built on a swamp at the mouth of Praya
River, sinking 5 to 8 or partly also 10 cm each year
-- sinking Mexico City (in Mexico) - built in a dried
lake on mud soil, stony buildings are sinking into the
muddy soil and also the whole town is sinking
-- sinking Venice (in Italy) - built on poles at a coast
line, sinking 2 to 3 mm per year.
First the town all had only wooden houses and nothing
was sinking then.
Since 100 years there are stony houses, and since 50
years there are skyscrapers and heavy concrete
buildings, and now the towns are sinking because the
houses are too heavy for the spongy soil (silt, swamp,
mud). And pulling groundwater out is even accelerating
this process. Reservoirs and lakes and purification
plants on rivers are missing for a proper water supply
without pulling out groundwater.
And since about 10 years always more and more locations
in polar regions are sinking where permafrost ground is
unfreezing (Russia, Canada, Alaska, China).
Let's see the details:
2 The case of sinking

Shanghai, this is the skyline of a sinking
city [1]

Shanghai was built in a swamp on a soft ground
which is not withstanding all the heavy
skyscrapers any more, and also
groundwater is used and reduced even
accelerating the sinking process of the town

Districts of Shanghai on a map. Most of the
skyscrapers are built in Pudong District [3]
Shanghai is built on silt,
and this is really not a stable ground. Wikipedia says (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai):
<Shanghai is situated
in a big delta at the mouth of Yangtze River at the
East China sea. The whole lowland at both sides of the
river consists in dark, loess free alluvial soil which
was built by the sedimentation of Yangtze River. The
plain consisting of silt is parted by canals and dams
and is one of the most fertile regions of China and at
the same time a main deliverer of cotton.>
(orig. German:
<Shanghai liegt in einem großen Delta, das der
Jangtsekiang bei seiner Mündung in das Ostchinesische
Meer bildet. Das gesamte Tiefland zu beiden Seiten des
Stromes besteht aus dunklem, lößfreiem Alluvialboden, der von den
Sedimenten des Jangtse gebildet wird. Die aus seinem Schlick aufgebaute, von Kanälen
und Dämmen durchzogene Ebene des Deltas ist eines der
fruchtbarsten Gebiete Chinas und gleichzeitig sein
German TV station ARD reported on 23 September 2005 in
teletext on shield Nº 160 with the title "Shanghai
sinking in the mud" (Shanghai versinkt im Morast) that
this town would sink 8.7 mm each year:
<China's metropolis of
Shanghai is sinking slowly into the muddy underground.
In 2004 the 16 million town had sunk by 8.7
millimeters, the daily news "Shanghai Daily" reported
corresponding to geologic investigations. Experts say
that the weight of this town with many skyscrapers is
too high for the alluvial ground.
But at least the sinking tempo has reduced. In 2003
there had been 10.4 mm yet. When the town will sink 10
mm each year experts calculate that the town will be
on sea level in 40 years.>
(orig. German: <Chinas Metropole Schanghai versinkt
langsam im morastigen Untergrund. 2004 sei die
16-Millionen-Einwohner-Stadt um 8,7 Millimeter
abgesackt, berichtete die Zeitung "Shanghai Daily"
unter Berufung auf geologische Untersuchungen.
Experten zufolge ist das Gewicht der Stadt mit ihren
zahlreichen Wolkenkratzern zu hoch für den
Immerhin habe sich das Sink-Tempo abgeschwächt. 2003
waren es noch 10,4 Millimeter. Sollte die Stadt
jährlich 10 mm sinken, wird sie nach
Expertenberechnungen in 40 Jahren auf Meeresspiegel
This news about sinking Shanghai is not a "fly-by-night"
(not a dayfly) but there are more news about sinking
Shanghai. For example there is a report in the review of
"Science" of 21 May 2012 with the title "Soaring to
Sinking: How Building Up Is Bringing Shanghai Down":
There are 3 factors for sinking Shanghai: 1
sinking town on a soft ground; 2 groundwater is pulled
out; and 3 rising sea level.
<Thanks to mass urban
migration, soft soil and global
warming, Shanghai is sinking, and has been for
decades. Since 1921, China’s
most populous city has descended more than 6 ft.>
The sea is already there:
<"If you look at
Shanghai during high tide, you can see the water level
is higher than the streets but separated by the wall,”
Li says. [...] He is especially worried about severe
flooding in the coastal areas, where the majority of
Chinese migrants have settled.>
And an important factor of the sinking of
Shanghai is pulling out of ground water:
<By 1900, the
population had tripled to more than 1 million.
People started consuming more groundwater than the
overlying turf could handle, and the problem
worsened dramatically. By the 1950s and early
’60s, the area started sinking 4 in. per year. The
pace slowed after 1963, when the government banned
a significant number of wells. To take
further precaution, the government also
began pumping water back into underground
reservoirs. Every day, Shanghai is redirecting
60,000 tons of water through 121 wells, China
Daily reported. Even with
these restrictions in place, the city
has descended 16 in. in the last 50 years.>
Groundwater is pulled out and the
weight of the skyscrapers are bringing down the town:
<The only way to
really solve the problem is to reduce — or better
yet, stop — groundwater pumping. Another option
is to decrease the density of buildings, which would
mean fewer heavy skyscrapers, perhaps an unrealistic
solution for China’s rapidly growing cities.>
Well, in Shanghai were wooden houses first of course and
nothing was sinking, but Chinese big capital is building
skyscrapers there since decades in the muddy soil.
Wikipedia tells us (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai):
<The historical center
mainly has yielded to new buildings and the rest is
only a tourist attraction and nothing more. At the
same time the construction of skyscrapers is driven on
and on during 24 hours.>
(orig. German: <Der historische Kern ist weitgehend
Neubauten gewichen und nur noch als
Touristenattraktion vorhanden, während der Bau von
Wolkenkratzern bei 24-stündiger Bautätigkeit
And precisely in this muddy ground of
Shanghai the highest buildings of whole China are built,
tells us Wikipedia (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai):
<Most of the skyscrapers
are erected in Pudong where also the Shanghai World
Financial Center is situated which reached it's final
height with 492 meters and 101 floors on 14 September
2007. Thus this building is higher than Jin Mao Tower
next to it (421 meters) and Oriental Pearl Tower (468
meters), and therefore it is the highest building of
whole People's Republic of China and (after Burj
Khalifa and Taipei 101) it is the third highest
building of the world. In these times (2011-2014)
there is an ever higher skyscraper under construction
with the name Shanghai Tower.>
(orig. German:
<Die meisten Wolkenkratzer werden in
Pudong errichtet, dort steht auch das Shanghai
World Financial Center, das am
14. September 2007 seine Endhöhe von 492 Meter
mit 101 Stockwerken erreichte. Damit ist das Gebäude
höher als der daneben stehende Jin Mao Tower (421 Meter)
und der Oriental Pearl Tower
(468 Meter), und somit das höchste Gebäude und Bauwerk
der Volksrepublik China und (nach dem Burj Khalifa und dem Taipei 101) das dritthöchste
Gebäude der Welt. Derzeit (2011–2014) wird ein noch
höherer Wolkenkratzer, der den Namen Shanghai Tower tragen
wird, gebaut.>)
Well, these skyscrapers are always
sinking and therefore the town's government has given
new rules and skyscrapers have to have long "legs" now,
as the English Wikipedia article says (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai):
<The city's location on
the flat alluvial plain has meant
that new skyscrapers must be built with deep concrete
piles to stop them from sinking into the soft
Well, Shanghai will be on 0 meters over sea level in
2045, and it seams this town is guilty for itself. The
responsibles wanted to have a Chinese New York and in
their eagerness they did not respect any fact about the
soft soil as it seems.
Why for goodness' sake the economic strategists are
erecting heavy concrete skyscrapers in the silt? It's
very simple: The strategists do not take earnest any
nature. But the soil of Shanghai with it's silt is
absolutely inappropriate for the construction of heavy
skyscrapers. There should be built a neighbor metropolis
on safe soil as fast as possible.
Since the 1980s over 50
cities are sinking in China
Up to the 1980s Shanghai was the only sinking town in
China. But since the 1980s there are over 50 towns
sinking in China, always by the same reasons: too many
heavy buildings and skyscrapers on soft soil and pulling
groundwater out, see the news "Soaring to Sinking: How
Building Up Is Bringing Shanghai Down" from "Science"
from 21 May 2012 (http://science.time.com/2012/05/21/soaring-to-sinking-how-building-up-is-bringing-shanghai-down/):
<Shanghai may have had
this problem before the 1950s, but it didn’t start
emerging in other cities until the early ’80s. Now
more than 50 cities across the country face sinking
problems, according to a report by the China Geology
Survey. Three regions in particular have “serious
land-subsidence problems,” including the Yangtze River
delta area, the Fenhe River–Weihe River basin and the
North China Plain. According to CCTV, Cangzhou, a city in north
China’s Hebei province, has descended nearly 7 ft. In
2009, the city had to demolish a three-story building
housing a branch of the city’s People’s Hospital
because the first level sank so low that it fell
The measures are always the same:
Point 1: Heavy buildings and skyscrapers have to be
built where the ground is stable; and:
Point 2: A good water supply is needed with reservoirs
and lakes so no groundwater has to be pulled out.
Eventually a neighboring metropolis is needed on a safe
ground, or neighboring towns can be enlarged.
Towns on the beach are additionally affected by rising
sea level and groundwater will be salted and uneatable.
When a town is on the beach under 0 meters, sea water is
also pushing forward (by water pressure) and can
dissolve the whole muddy ground. Therefore it's
absolutely important to realize the first two measured
BEFORE a town has got the tendency to sink to 0 meters.
3 The case of the
sinking town of Bangkok
Pulling out groundwater at the same
town provokes that the town is even sinking faster.
Therefore Bangkok is sinking 5 to 8 or even 10 cm each
year and Venice "only" about 2 to 3 mm each year.
In 2012 German speaking newspaper "Wochenblitz" meant in
a general report that there would be new satellite
measuring and sinking Bangkok had been underestimated
massively and from 2020 on Bangkok will be flooded: http://www.wochenblitz.com/nachrichten/bangkok/35963-bangkok-sinkt-schneller-als-erwartet.html
<Bangkok - Since the
unfriendly results of the scientific investigation
which was published in December 2010 it is for sure
that Thailand's capital with it's continuing sinking
process has to calculate being flooded by the sea in
(orig. German: <Bangkok - Spätestens
seit den unerfreulichen Ergebnissen
einer wissenschaftlichen Langzeitstudie,
die im Dezember 2010 bekanntgegeben
wurde, steht fest, dass
Thailands Hauptstadt aufgrund
der fortschreitenden Bodensenkung
ab 2020 damit rechnen
muss, vom Meer überflutet
zu werden.>
There is another report from 15 August 2012 from
Thailand Nang Rong with the title "Bangkok always
sinking more and more" (orig. German: "Bangkok sinkt
immer tiefer") (http://www.thailand-nang-rong.info/allgemein/bangkok-sinkt-immer-tiefer/)
where is clearly said that Bangkok is sinking 10 cm per
year and some parts of Bangkok are even under 0 m and
therefore under sea level. And: Bangkok was built
arbitrarily on a swamp:
<By strategical reasons
for a better defense against enemies the town was
built in the deep swampland.>
(orig. German: <Aus strategischen Gründen, zur
besseren Verteidigung gegen Feinde bauten sie die
Stadt im tiefliegenden Sumpfland.>)
<But industries in Bangkok and the enormous rising
number of population are pulling always more
groundwater out covering the needs.>
(orig. German: <Aber durch die in Bangkok
angesiedelte Industrie und die enorm gestiegene
Einwohnerzahl wurde ständig mehr Grundwasser
hochgepumpt, um den Bedarf zu decken.>
<All buildings in this sinking town of Bangkok are
on stable poles, also the skyscrapers. The poles are
driven into the soil until they have contact with the
firm clay layer. But it seems that there is no other
possibility to deliver water to industries and
population. Therefore unimaginable quantities of water
are pulled out provoking the sinking of the town]. The
weight of the buildings is additionally pressing water
out of the clay layer and all firm layers loose their
loading capacity.>
(orig. German: <Alle Gebäude in der versinkenden
Stadt Bangkok werden auf stabilen Pfählen gebaut, auch
die Hochhäuser. Die Pfähle werden in den Boden
getrieben bist sie auf eine feste Tonschicht stossen.
Scheinbar gibt es keine andere Möglichkeit, Industrie
und Einwohner mit ausreichend Wasser zu versorgen. So
werden weiterhin unvorstellbare Mengen Wasser
abgepumpt. Durch das Gewicht der Bauten wird
zusätzlich Wasser aus der Tonschicht gedrückt und die
festen Schichten verlieren an Tragkraft.>)
Certain parts of Bangkok are under 0 meters today
<Some of the districts are under sea level already
(orig. German: <Einige Stadtviertel liegen schon
Heute unter dem Meeresspiegel.>)
<According to latest calculations Bangkok is
sinking 10 cm per year. Since Bangkok is only 2 m over
sea level everybody can calculate when Bangkok is
sinking definitely.>
(orig. German: <Nach neuesten Berechnungen sinkt
Bangkok jährlich um zehn Zentimeter. Da Bangkok eh nur
noch etwa zwei Meter über dem Meeresspiegel liegt,
kann sich jeder ausrechnen, wann sie endgültig
According to the Wikipedia article
about Bangkok the industries of Bangkok are even
authorized for pulling out much groundwater (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bangkok)
<Many factories in the
region of the metropolis - also many in the
residential zones - are authorized to have their own
wells for their water supply and therefore this
pulling out of groundwater is contributing to a
continuous sinking of groundwater level.>
<Ground water level is sinking much faster by the
risen consumption.>
(orig. German: <Zahlreiche Fabriken in der Metropolregion – darunter
auch in vielen Wohngebieten – dürfen eigene Brunnen
zur geregelten Wasserversorgung errichten, was zu
einem kontinuierlichen Absinken des
Grundwasserspiegels beiträgt.>
<Der Grundwasserspiegel sinkt
durch den gestiegenen Verbrauch immer schneller.>)
4 Strategies for Bangkok:
stopping pulling out groundwater at once -
construction of reservoirs for water supply - new
metropolis on a safe soil
In any case pulling out of ground water should be
stopped immediately, and also a system of water
reservoirs should be built immediately and express
(urgent!), and there should be a new metropolis on a
safe ground (e.g. enlarge Chonburi) and the population,
factories and institutes should be shifted to the safe
ground so there will not be a catastrophe in about 10
years with constant flood, epidemics, dysfunction of
canalization and mass flight - because when this happens
all have go to in one time.
Factories should be shifted on a safe soil and should
have a water supply "from above" with water reservoirs
and lakes or with rivers so the groundwater has not to
be touched.
Well, and now nobody has to be angry, but sinking towns
really only is a bad luck, really a bad luck. In the
case of Shanghai everybody knows it, and in the case of
Bangkok everybody knows it since 20 years. And it seems
a little bit strange that nobody has found this world
wide principle shifting towns and winning best
agricultural soil.
5 Reaching 0 meters
the groundwater will be salty and oversalted
When a town is completely on 0 meters over sea level
there is not only the threat of permanent floods and
dysfunction of the canalization with epidemics and mass
flight, but also the groundwater is in danger being
oversalted. There is the example of the islands of
Micronesia in Southern Sea where groundwater is already
oversalted and uneatable as the article of www.dw.de
shows us clearly with the title "Rising sea level
oversalting groundwater" (orig. German: "Steigende
Meeresspiegel versalzen das Grundwasser":
<Island groups like
Micronesia are in danger being sunk in the rising sea.
The precursors of this threat is already here:
Groundwater is oversalted and drinking water is
scarce. [...] By the rising sea level salty water is
mingling into the groundwater. Thus drinking water
deposits are uneatable and also agricultural
irrigation is more and more difficult. The soil is
also oversalted and cannot be used for years.>
(orig. German:
<Inselgruppen wie Mikronesien drohen in den
steigenden Weltmeeren zu versinken. Die Vorboten der
Bedrohung sind schon heute spürbar: Das Grundwasser
versalzt und das Trinkwasser wird knapp. [...] Durch
die steigenden Meere mischt sich Salzwasser ins
Grundwasser. Die Trinkwasser-Vorräte werden so
ungenießbar und die landwirtschaftliche Bewässerung
immer schwieriger. Die Böden versalzen und sind damit
oft auf Jahre unbrauchbar.> )
How groundwater has been formed? And
how the groundwater system in the ground is working
which one cannot see?
Earth does not consist only of stones and sand, but
there are also many caves and underground waterways in
the ground. In these underground and partly giant caves
the rain water is accumulated which is coming from the
rain passing the porous soil, above all during floods of
meadows and fields. These caves filled with water are
called "groundwater". When the soil remains porous, then
the rain or floods are filling the groundwater again and
again. It can also be that the groundwater is filled
again by natural underground waterways.
When humans are building towns now and are pulling out
more groundwater than rain water, flood water or
underground water comes in, then the groundwater level
is sinking. When the ground is covered with houses and
streets, and when there are no lawns or meadows any
more, then no rain water can penetrate the ground any
more and the groundwater is sinking faster. When the
soft ground is covered with heavy skyscrapers and other
heavy concrete buildings, then the soft ground is
sinking WITH THE GROUNDWATER LEVEL - and the town is
sinking rapidly. It seems that this process is hardly or
not at all presented in the school books in the world,
and thus policy above all in Asia does not know about
it. And policy in Asia also never did publish this
problem in great style because children in Asia are
educated according to the Asian mentality not to speak
about problems.
When in locations without rain - for example in the
desert - groundwater is pulled out, then the groundwater
levels also will sink when the groundwater is not filled
up again by natural underground waterways.
And when a town on the sea with it's groundwater is
sinking under sea level under 0 meters, then the sea
water will push forward to the groundwater salting the
Therefore there is only one
conclusion: One has to omit by all means withdrawal of
ground water, and other systems for water supply of the
big towns and for the industries have to be installed:
lakes, reservoirs, or purification plants on rivers. In
big parts of Europe this is made already, in Asia not
much. In Arab territories desalination plants were
partly installed so the ground water is not touched any
more. A desalination plant is a purification plant
taking out the salt of the sea water in huge quantities
producing drinking water.
6 Historians were
NEVER interested in sinking towns, for the reasons and
for counter strategies
It seems that before my presence in
Thailand NEVER ANY historian was interested in this
topic of the sinking towns really and never did find
this principle of the sinking stony houses on muddy soil
and never was really investigating it propagating a
solution. That means: Is seems that European historians
principally talented in analytic thinking NEVER have
really taken earnest the populations of these sinking
towns. They never tried something out, they never were
looking for solutions, but they have rapidly left the
sinking towns never saying anything - Mexico City,
Shanghai, or Bangkok, or Venice.
36 stratagems: number 37 is missing:
"To change on a safe ground - or install water supply
from outside"
In China there exist "36 stratagems" which are
attributed to Mr. General Tan Daoji. These stratagems
are basic military tactics. But there is one tactic
missing, the tactic against sinking towns. Thus I come
to the conclusion that there is missing stratagem
number 37 "To change on a safe ground - or install
water supply from outside":
Nº 37: When a town is sinking because of
pulling out too much ground water then this
town is on a clay layer and the region is
not appropriate for big towns and according
to the conditions the population has to be
evacuated to a safe ground until the town is
not sinking any more - or drinking water and
industrial water supply have to come from
other regions or from normal waters which
have to be kept clean."
As it seems this wisdom is missing in Chinese
population and in Chinese general staff. Thus this
text could be added as a stratagem Nº 37. In the case
of Beijing the authorities are already diverting half
a river, but then 49 sinking towns are remaining
The same counts for Bangkok in Thailand.
"To change on a safe ground - or install water supply
from outside" is an important strategy with sinking
towns evading doom.
Early times: light wooden houses and boiled river
water as drinking water
In the times of Mr. General Tan Daoji there were no
sinking towns yet because in those times the houses
were light wooden houses yet and ground water was not
touched yet. River water after boiling was drinking
water - which today is not possible in China any more.
The strategists meant that an industrialization would
also run without any purification plant, they are
pulling out ground water, and now 50 towns are
7 Venice (Venezia)

Venice with bridge and gondola [7]

Venice with a little pier, houses and
a canal [8]

Map showing the lagoon of Venice with Venice
and more settled islands [9]
Venice is sinking
-- 1 to 2 mm each year (this says the article "Venice
going on sinking" (orig. German "Venedig sinkt weiter")
of Süddeutsche Zeitung of 22 March 2012:
<Sinking tempo is 1 to 2 mm each year geophysicists
are concluding from satellite data from 2001 to
(orig. German: <Die Sinkgeschwindigkeit beträgt ein
bis zwei Millimeter pro Jahr, schließen Geophysiker aus
Satellitendaten der Jahre 2001 bis 2011.>)
-- 3 mm per year respectively 30 cm in 100 years
(according to the article "Venice sinking faster than
expected" (orig. German: "Venedig sinkt schneller als
bisher befürchtet") in the newspaper "Welt" of 20
October 1999):
<The seating has sunk by 30 cm in 100 years.>
(orig. German: <Fundamente sind in 100 Jahren um 30
Zentimeter abgesackt.>)
-- 3 to 5 mm per year (according to the article "Venice,
sinking town" (orig. German: "Venedig, die sinkende
Stadt") from "Könige" from October 1993:
<In former times Venice was sinking about 2 mm per
year, now 3 to 5 mm each year, in Old Venice even 6
(orig. German: <Früher sank Venedig durchschnittlich
zwei Millimeter pro Jahr, heute sind es drei bis fünf
Millimeter, in Alt-Venedig sogar bis zu sechs
Why this?
One part is the rising sea level:
<Sea level is rising a
little bit today already. In the last 100 years this
rise was between 10 and 20 cm. And it's rising always
faster. In the last 10 years the rise of sea level was
3 cm. This is not caused much by the melting ice
shields on earth, but the main reason is the warming
of the ocieans. First the atmosphere was warming by
greenhouse gases [rather by the change of the position
within milky way]. And now also the sea is getting
warmer by the warmer air. And the warmer water
becomes, the more it is extending like every kind of
<orig. German: Ein wenig steigt aber auch heute
schon das Meer an. In den letzten 100 Jahren so
zwischen 10 und 20 cm. Und es steigt immer schneller
an. So waren es in den letzten 10 Jahren schon
ungefähr 3 cm. Nur hat das mit dem Eis noch wenig zu
tun. Der Hauptgrund liegt darin, dass sich das Wasser
der Ozeane erwärmt hat. Zuerst wird zwar die Atmosphäre
durch die Treibhausgase wärmer.
Langsam aber gibt diese die Wärme auch an das Wasser
der Meere ab. Und wenn Wasser wärmer wird, dehnt es
sich aus wie jeder Körper. >
And the other part?
Venice is situated in a lagoon. Originally people was
living in the port town of Chioggia which was pillaged
many times and therefore the dwellers went on the
islands in the lagoon feeling safe.
(orig. German: Venedig liegt in einer Lagune.
Ursprünglich befanden sich die Bewohner in der
Hafenstadt Chioggia, die aber immer wieder geplündert
wurde. Die Bewohner zogen sich daraufhin auf eine Inseln
in der Lagune zurück).
Venice consists of about 120 islands in a big lagoon and
the ground is only mudflat and swamp:
<The locations of Venice
were found on alluvial land which was originated by
rivers after the glacial period. In the mouth of the
rivers lagoons were originating, and the lagoon of
Venice is comprising about 550 km2 and is limited by
sandbars of more than 60 km to Adria. Only about 3 %
of this surface are covered islands, and all the rest
is mudflat and swamp.>
<orig. German: Die
Siedlungen, aus denen Venedig entstand, liegen auf Schwemmland, das
nacheiszeitliche Flüsse hervorbrachten. Die in deren
Mündungsgebiet entstandene Lagune umfasst eine Fläche
von rund 550 km² und wird von rund 60 km
langen Sandbänken gegen die Adria abgegrenzt. Nur etwa
drei Prozent dieser Fläche bedecken Inseln, der Rest
besteht aus Watt- und Marschland.>
Under this mud and mudflat there is a hard clay layer on
which poles can be set:
<The locations in the
lagoon were installed on millions of wooden poles
which were driven into the ground. During early times
was detected that under the mud is a hard clay layer
called "Caranto" ("like rock", from Latin: caris =
rock), and on these poles in this clay layer the
buildings were set. On this first level the bases were
built (zattaron) with two layers of wooden planks of
larch tree which were fixed with bricks. On these
"zattarons" the basic walls are fixed and then the
overground walls are built. For saving weight hollow
clay bricks were used ("mattoni").
<orig. German: Die Orte
der Lagune wurden auf Millionen von Holzpfählen
errichtet, die man in den Untergrund rammte. Man hatte
früh entdeckt, dass sich unter der Schlammablagerung
fester Lehmboden, der Caranto (spätlat. caris,
Fels) befand, und dass sich auf Pfählen, die man in
diese Schicht hineinrammte, Gebäude errichten ließen.
Auf dieser ersten Ebene ruhte der so genannte Zattaron,
eine Art Ponton aus zwei Schichten von
Lärchenbohlen, die mit Backsteinen befestigt wurden.
Auf den Zattaron stützen sich die Grundmauern und
schließlich das oberirdische Mauerwerk. Die Bauten
selbst wurden, um Gewicht zu sparen, aus leichten,
hohlen Tonziegeln, den mattoni, erbaut.
In the beginning there were only wooden houses, and
only then came stone houses:
<The population fled
from Langobards and Huns to the Venetian swamp land.
Above all the sons and descendants of Roman senators
felt well and save in this impassable territory.
There were over 100 islands, biger and little ones,
with wooden huts first, and since 11th century the
construction with stone houses and brick houses
began. [...] The wooden trunks are always under
water and during the centuries become as hard like
<orig. German: Die
Menschen flohen vor den Langobarden und den Hunnen
ins venetische Sumpfgebiet. Vor allem waren es die
Abkömmlinge römischer Senatoren, die sich ob der
Unwegbarkeit dort sicher fühlten. Es gab über 100
Inseln, größere und kleine, auf denen anfangs
Holzhütten gebaut wurden, ab dem 11. Jahrhundert
begann man mit Stein- und Ziegelbauten. [...] Da
diese Baumstämme immer unter Wasser sind, wurden sie
im Laufe der Jahrhunderte hart wie Stein.>
Pulling out ground water from underground groundwater
provoked heavy sinking processes. English Wikipedia
article about "Venice" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venice)
is indicating that artesian dwells were shut in the
1960s [which consumed much groundwater] and therefore
the sinking process has reduced considerably:
<The sinking has
slowed markedly since artesian wells were banned in
the 1960s.>
And there are also general manipulations in the lagoon
of Venice:
<The currents of the
sea water by the tides was influenced badly by
building of deep fairways for crusers and tankers
and freighters for the port of Marghera so basements
were undermined. Additionally flats in the old town
of Venice are massively more expensive than flats on
the coast line and thus are empty and not
<orig. German: Das
Strömungsverhalten von Ebbe und Flut wurde
zusätzlich durch das Ausbaggern tiefer Fahrrinnen
für die Überseeschiffe, die den Hafen von Marghera
ansteuern, ungünstig beeinflusst, so dass Fundamente
unterspült wurden. Schließlich sind Wohnungen in der
Altstadt erheblich teurer als auf dem Festland und
daher vielfach unbewohnt.>
And sea level is
additionally rising. Well, what's up to do for saving
Saving Venice: reduce
pulling out of groundwater to 0 - water supply with
lakes and purification plants - reduce dwelling
Big stone buildings are not
good on a clay layer, and rising sea level will not
save Venice either. Therefore all dwelling houses
should be replaced by wooden houses, or one should
limit the dwelling houses at least to one floor
discharging the clay layer in the ground of Venice.
Pulling out of groundwater has to be reduced to 0.
Representative buildings can stay. This should be
enough for hindering any more sinking of the soil and
may be the soil will rise again. Or one makes new
constructions with swimming houses which are fixed on
But see the circumstances of Venice: There is no
canalization (2013) but is only under construction.
And groundwater is going on being pulled out until
today (2013) without end and Venice is going on
sinking. Watergate system of Italian Government
closing the lagoon will block all currents of the
lagoon changing the lagoon massively or even provoking
silting of the lagoon. And when the watergate system
is lowering the water level too much the trunks can be
seen and will rot with the reaction of the oxigen in
the air (http://www.dumontreise.de/artikel/stirbt_venedig.htm).
Therefore for Venice cannot
be other things than
-- stop pulling out groundwater down to 0
-- install a water supply with reservoirs, lakes and
purification plants on rivers, or install desalination
-- install lighter houses (wooden houses) or reduce
the heavy stony houses limiting them on one floor.
8 The case of Mexico
And Mexico City ?
<As many other buildings of
the town also the cathedral is sinking slowly but
steadily into the swampy soil.>
(orig. German: <Wie zahlreiche andere Gebäude der
Stadt versinkt auch die Kathedrale langsam im
sumpfigen Boden.>)
Swampy soil of Mexico City only can
bear wooden houses as it seems.
But also in Mexico City groundwater is reduced provoking
that the complete town of Mexico City is sinking more
and more. See the English Wikipedia
<[Mexico City is also] a
sinking city due to overextraction of groundwater, groundwater-related
[...] This sinking is causing problems with runoff and
wastewater management, leading to flooding problems,
especially during the rainy season.The entire lake
bed is now paved over.>
Therefore also in the case of Mexico
City all conditions are determinating that a neighboring
metropolis on safe soil has to be built or neighboring
towns have to be enlarged saving the population of
Mexico City from it's sinking town which can be
converted in big parts into a fertile agricultural zone.
9 The historical
principle of spongy soil - building of neighboring
metropolis - muddy soil for fertile agricultural zone
Therefore we see that sinking towns are
a historical principle: first there were only wooden
houses on alluvial land or on swamp, and the soft soil
cannot bear heavy stony houses and skyscrapers, and
extraction of groundwater is even accelerating the
sinking process. And we can be lucky that there are
not more towns in this situation. The population has to be
shifted to safe ground, and water supply has to be secured
from the mountains, and the muddy soil will be a very
fertile (!!!) agricultural zone (minerals!). When this is
performed the catastrophe will not come. Bangkok has a
tropical rainy season with monsoon and parts are already
under 0 meters and rain will always be stronger with
climate change because clouds can take more humidity with
higher temperatures. Thus the parts in Bangkok which are
under 0 meters of sea level principally are in heavy
danger already. And also Shanghai is in a tropical monsoon
climate zone. Also Shanghai should begin with the clearing
and should build up a neighbors metropolis on a safe
In this case of sinking towns the historians have
generally "slept" because sinking towns were never
considered and they left politics alone with it. But I
will not sleep.
And there is one more thing: Because there are even
sinking more localities:
10 Polar regions
(above all Russia, Canada, Alaska, and China):
defreezing permafrost ground is bringing new swamp and
villages are sinking
permafrost ground and the effects

Defrozen permafrost ground: house with cracks
without end in Chersky, Russia [14]

Defrozen permafrost ground: deformed house in
Siberia [15]

indicating permafrost territories on
northern hemisphere of Earth [16]. There the
soil is defreezing

permafrost ground: sinking mail
building in Wiseman, Alaska, "U.S.A." [17]

Defrozen permafrost ground: sinking house in
Irkutsk, Russia [18]

Defrozen permafrost
ground: inclined house in Dawson, Yukon,
Canada, former Flora Dora Hotel [19]

permafrost ground: overturned house by
erosion on the river side when the defrozen
ground was eroded by the river, Shishmaref,
Alaska, "U.S.A." [20]
A muddy ground can be provoked
also "from the other side" when climate change is
provoking that permafrost soil is defreezing. Those
villages and towns which were built in a climate of
always under 0 degrees are in a heavy danger now when
the defrozen soil is converting into mud and houses are
sinking in it. There are reports like the following one
about northern Russia (Siberia) with a defrozen
permafrost soil in Spiegel of 21 November 2012 with the
article "Defreezing permafrost: Towns in the north are
threatened by mud death" (orig. German: "Tauender
Permafrost: Städten des Nordens droht der Schlammtod"):
<For example the Russian
town of Yakutsk is completely situated on permafrost.
Most of houses are on concrete poles so the soil is
not defreezing by the warmth of the houses. "But when
permafrost is defreezing in such regions the ground
will be muddy and many populated houses are in danger
to collapse. Also infrastructure will be in danger
with it", Lantuit says.>
(orig. German: <So liegt beispielsweise die
russische Großstadt Jakutsk vollständig auf
Permafrost. Die meisten Häuser stehen auf
Betonpfeilern, damit der Boden darunter nicht von der
abgestrahlten Wärme aufgetaut wird. "Wenn der
Permafrost in solchen Gegenden taut, wird der
Untergrund matschig und die Häuser vieler Menschen
wären einsturzgefährdet. Auch die Infrastruktur bekäme
direkte Auswirkungen zu spüren", sagt Lantuit.>
There are already many sinking villages in Russia and the
young generation has partly left these villages as the
following traveling report shows us
<Russia during a spring
day: this was a never ending trip on mostly miserable
asphalted road passing a boring landscape which is
changing it's character only step by step. There are
huge fields, dry meadows and flooded meadows by melt
water, hidden swamps which can be very dangerous and are
not a location for a neighboring place, there are bright
birch forests yet without any foliage which are
provoking a fury because they never end, and there is
dark taiga, meadow hills in a harmony in Burjatien, and
then the idyll of Baikal Lake. And again and again there
are sinking villages in the mud where it seemed they are
populated only by the elders. Where nothing else but
sour Russian bread and Coca Cola and Fanta could be
bought. And the young generation had taken their flight
(orig. German:
<Russland im Frühling: das war für uns eine nicht
endenwollende Fahrt auf meist miserablen Teerstrassen
durch weite eintönige Landschaften, die nur allmählich
ihren Charakter veränderten. Riesige Felder, verdorrte
und von Schmelzwasser überschwemmte Wiesen, verborgene
Sümpfe, die man zur Nachtplatzsuche tunlichst meidet,
helle Birkenwälder, noch unbelaubt, die man irgendwann
einfach nicht mehr ausstehen kann, finstere dunkle
Taiga, harmonische grüne Wiesenhügel in Burjatien und
dann die Idylle des Baikal Sees. Und immer wieder
armselige, im Schlamm versinkende Dörfer, in denen es
nur noch Alte zu geben schien. Wo es ausser einem sauren
russischen Brot und Coca Cola und Fanta nichts zu kaufen
gab. Die Jungen hingegen sind schon lange
When global warming is going on like this, until 2200 two
thirds of permafrost soil will be defrozen. This reports
the newspaper "Die Welt" in the article "Two thirds of
permafrost soil will defreeze until 2200" (orig. "Zwei
Drittel der Permafrostböden schmelzen bis 2200") from 17
February 2011
<US scientists were
publishing the latest calculations according to world
wide ice defreezing and climate protection aims are put
into question now. The study of the University of
Colorado indicates that until 2200 two thirds of
permafrost soil in the world will be melt.>
(orig. German: <US-Forscher haben mit neuesten
Berechnungen zur weltweiten Eisschmelze bisher gültige
Klimaschutzziele in Frage gestellt. Der Studie der
University of Colorado zufolge werden im Jahr 2200 bis
zu zwei Drittel der Permafrostböden der Welt geschmolzen
And now one has to see where is permafrost soil in the
world in the polar regions, not only in Russia, but also
in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and also in parts of
Mongolia are affected by defreezing permafrost soil (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permafrostboden)
<20 to 25% of the surface
of the Earth are permafrost soil, Greenland with 99%,
Alaska with 80%, Russia with 50%, Canada with 40 to 50%,
and China up to 20%. [...] Geographically seen these are
big parts of northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland and
eastern Siberia. The most southern permafrost soil is
reaching to Mongolia.>
(orig. German: <20 bis 25 % der Landflächen der
Erde sind Permafrostböden, wobei Grönland zu 99 %,
Alaska zu 80 %, Russland zu 50 %, Kanada zu 40
bis 50 % und China bis zu 20 % aus
Permafrostböden bestehen. [...] Geographisch gesehen
handelt es sich um große Teile Nordkanadas, Alaskas, Grönlands und Ostsibiriens. Nach Süden reichen
einige Permafrostgebiete bis in die Mongolei.>
11 Conclusions for
sinking towns and villages: act fast and right: build up
neighboring metropolis and a safe water supply with
reservoirs - install the rich agricultural zone on the
We can see that sinking towns ans villages are NO singular
case but fast action is needed because oversalting
groundwater has to be omitted in any case. There is
nothing else but to reconstruct the towns on a safe place
again, or to enlarge neighboring towns, and any action has
to be omitted for a further sinking ground. Nobody should
lose it's courage with this, but firm and resolute
measures heading for a safe ground are wanted:
-- stop all pulling out of groundwater
-- install a water supply with reservoirs and lakes and
purification plants on the rivers or with desalination
plants in dry regions on the sea, and keep all waters
-- shift the water consuming industries to lakes and
rivers for not using underground water
-- shift the affected populations on a safe ground
installing efficient dwellings on safe soil or enlarge
neighboring cities and locations, always with houses with
flat roofs so more floors can be built on it
-- in the affected muddy soil zone all heavy houses should
be destroyed discharging the soil and clay layers
-- muddy soil can be converted into best agricultural
zones (is very fertile and containing minerals!)
-- generally NEVER ANY skyscraper should be built on a
river side or near a beach
-- a swampy soil, an alluvial soil or a muddy soil of a
lake or a muddy soil are not made for stony houses
-- on such "spongy" soils only wooden houses should be
constructed and only every 100th house should be a stony
-- wooden houses should not be built near to each other
evading big fires.
What will happen when nothing
happens and the towns will be on 0 meters over sea
-- oversalted groundwater (in towns near the sea)
-- permanent floods and eventual big lakes will be in
the town
-- canalization will not work any more and feces will
swim around
-- there will be a heavy danger of epidemics (dysentery,
typhus) and when the ground water is infected the
epidemic will spread rapidly
-- there will be a chaos and mass flight because all
want to flight in one time.
Or they want to install refugee camps for 10 million
persons in the monsoon rain? This will not work!
And from defreezing permafrost ground one only can take
it's flight until a warmer climate has formed a good
earthy ground there. This will last as I estimate about
200 to 500 years. Who had sent people to live in
permafrost climate in Russia? It was Stalin's terror. So
the flight from there is only something for more life!