General differences between
Patton and mass murderer Eisenhower
Book "The Patton Papers 1940-1945"
with General Patton on the cover [1]
General Patton had an education with a very efficient
thinking. To the contrary criminal Zionist Eisenhower was
prolonging the war again and again because he was waiting
for the atomic bomb against Germany. This caused quarrels
without end. And also after the war in Europe after May 8,
1945, the differences are not ending. The official,
Zionist "American" historiography is claiming again and
again that the quarrels between both would have it's base
with an event with General Patton on Sicily in 1944 where
he had slapped a Jewish soldier allegedly. But this seems
to be more than doubtful because Jews had own battalions
and Jews should not be members of the "American" troops
principally - as also Eisenhower was principally an
"illegal" person in the "American" army. And it's not
probable that a General is slapping a soldier but when
there is a punishment then the General orders a
subordinate to give the punishment. Thus it is probably
all a big lie - but a typical Zionist lie with a
wrong rumor for criminal Zionists to "hose" other
Patton knew about the film fake of Hitchcock, he knew
about the photos and films of the Rhine meadow camps with
the German half-dead Germans and with the German dead
bodies being presented as Jews in German concentration
camps. And Patton even had the possibility to take Berlin
with his army evading the mass rapes and mass killing
actions by the Red Army. But Eisenhower DELIBERATELY let
occupy Berlin by the Red Army and was forbidding Patton to
take it earlier. Patton was also so intelligent to release
his prisoners of war thus the Germans could help at the
harvest. But Eisenhower let deport all other prisoners of
war to the Rhine meadow camps thus 5 million German men
were missing at the harvest work and 1 million was killed
by hunger. Patton wanted to repress Communism, but
Eisenhower let it come! The Zionist purpose of this was
that Communism should destroy as much Christianity as
possible. And Patton also noticed that the starvation in
post-war remaining Germany was PROVOKED DELIBERATELY, and
Patton also noticed that Germany was always more and more
weak against Communism. The criminal Zionist "Americans"
only began with a something like reasonable policy when
Stalin blocked Berlin in 1948 as an answer to the
foundation of racist Zionist Israel (CIA-USrael) in May
1948 which had no definition of border lines. Then the
British were switching drastically in their zone with the
Ruhr area and with Volkswagen giving way to a full German
production - for a strong Germany against Gulag "Soviet
Union", and against the criminal Zionists.
Sicily 1944: Eisenhower replacing Patton by the Jew
Clark because of an alleged slap in the face
For the efficient General Patton comes another "bonehead",
the Jew Mark Clark:
<Eisenhower did not like Patton,
Patton did not share his Zionist-Jewish phobia about
Germans and he had slapped a Jew for cowardice in
battle. Eisenhower used this to replace Patton as
commander of the Italian Campaign with fellow Jew,
"bonehead" Mark Clark. Now two Jews, from a minority of
less than two percent of the American people and less
than two percent of their combat armed forces, commanded
the Allied war effort in Europe, proving this was a
secret Zionist-Jewish war.> [web7]
Since the end of the war in Europe, since May 8, 1945,
General Patton is the most efficient and neutral
administrator and he is making harsh statements against
criminal Zionist mass murderer Eisenhower and his blockage
policy. General Patton is releasing his prisoners of war
quickly for helping at the harvest. Patton likes the
efficient German discipline and German life and is
provoking a reputation for being "German-friendly".
General Patton upright in a Jeep
greeting his troops in Normandy, 1944 [2]
Patton dismissing his prisoners of war, they can go
home - Eisenhower is furious and wants them in his camps
<As soon as the war was over, General George Patton
simply turned his prisoners loose to fend for themselves
and find their way home as best they could. Eisenhower was
furious, and issued a specific order to Patton, to turn
these men over to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do
from history, we know that these orders were largely
ignored.> [web5]
Patton is defending NSDAP members from general
Patton wants to treat surrendering German soldiers as
human beings and does not want any barbarism in the
country after the war [web7]. Patton is defending the
Germans against the order to dismiss all German officials
only because they have a membership in the NSDAP party. He
wants to dismiss German officials only when there are
court decisions about infringements of law. Patton does
not want to pursue SS members in a stronger way because
during the last years of the war many Germans had been
forced to be torn to the SS, and these forced Germans are
not brutally created men principally [web3].
General Patton on a cover of Life
Magazine of January 1945 [3]
Ambitious "American" military
members want to see Germany suffer
"American" military members want to make career
provoking conditions letting suffer Germany. But General
Patton will never accept this destructive mentality. But
other Generals want Patton to be also in the anti-German
"camp". For example brigadier general Philip S. Gage
writes Patton a letter with the recommendation, that
also Patton should let suffer and starve the Germans and
he should not be "soft":
"Of course I know that also your forces are limited but
I really hope that wherever possible and whenever
possible you will let suffer and starve the German
population. For God's sake you should not be oft in this
respect. For Germans nothing can be bad enough." [web3]
(orig. in German: „Natürlich
weiß ich, daß selbst Ihre weitreichenden Kräfte
begrenzt sind, aber ich hoffe doch sehr, daß, wo immer
und wann immer Sie können, Sie die deutsche
Bevölkerung leiden lassen werden. Um Himmels willen,
werden Sie doch nicht weich in dieser Hinsicht. Für
die kann nichts zu schlecht sein.“ [web3]
Patton about East European Jews coming as Displaced
Persons into the "American" zone
There were over one million surviving Jews coming from
Poland into the "American" zone searching housing, and
they had the final goal for a further emigration. [This
affects above all the "American" zone in Austria in Vienna
and the town of Munich]. Patton is inspecting some of the
DP camps. And these Jewish Displaced Persons (DPs) are not
clean but are piling their garbage in rooms, and toilets
are not used as toilets but they use the floor as
latrines. [This is just the cultural difference: When they
only had vegetable waste on the farms in Poland piling it
and when there were no toilets on the farm, then they were
piling vegetal waste also in the DP camps and they did not
trust to any toilet. Perhaps next to the Jewish farm in
Poland was also a "Christian" farm and the vegetal waste
could be used for swines. But Jewish farmers had no swines
because according to Tora swines are "impure"].
General Patton has to follow orders from Eisenhower
privileging Jews from DP camps chasing Germans from their
houses giving housing to the Jews who often could not
handle a toilet [because there was none on the Polish
farms yet] [web3].
Patton's logic thinking remarks the manipulation, but the
Zionist culprits privileging all Jews he does not see The
web site by News Group My News (Newsgruppe
Meinews) writes:
<And in the diary he wrote: "Today we got the order
that we have to give special housing to the Jews. When for
Jews - why not also for Catholics, Mormons and so on? ...
We also give the French some 100,000s prisoners of war for
slavery in France. It's absolutely striking that we [white
people in the "U.S.A."] were making the revolution for
human rights [against England in 1776] and we made a civil
war for the abrogation of slavery [in the "U.S.A." in
1864-1865], but now we gave up both principles.">
(orig. in German: <Und in sein Tagebuch
schrieb er: “Heute bekamen wir Befehle, mit denen uns
gesagt wurde, wir müssen den Juden spezielle Unterkünfte
geben. Wenn für Juden – warum nicht für Katholiken,
Mormonen und so weiter? …Wir übergeben den Franzosen
auch mehrere Hunderttausend Kriegsgefangene zur
Sklavenarbeit in Frankreich. Es ist belustigend, daß wir
die Revolution zur Verteidigung der Menschenrechte und
den Bürgerkrieg zur Abschaffung der Sklaverei
ausfochten, und nun haben wir beide Grundsätze
aufgegeben.”> [web28]
[Here one can see that General Patton has no idea about
the connections of lodges and orders working in the
background of the world with intrigues. The "U.S.A." are
nothing more than a state dominated by lodges, and with
the abrogation of slavery in 1865 slavery was not at all
abrogated but was going on, not in irons and chains, but
simply with famine wages and with discrimination in the
"white towns" and with discrimination in the law].
Patton rejecting the destruction of German
infrastructure - Germany should be strong against
Patton is rejecting the orders of Zionist Eisenhower to
blast production plants because Patton means that when the
machinery is destroyed then the empty production halls
could be used for the suffering population. Patton is also
warning again and again that Germany's industries should
not be destroyed otherwise Communism would spread over
whole Europe being the next big enemy of the "U.S.A."
because the Communists will exploit all weak points of the
enemy. The Germans would be the only decent folk in
Europe, and the "American" army in Germany is always more
and more demoralized when they could see that Germany will
loose it's strength and Gulag Communism would win more and
more strength and whole Europe would be in danger already.
Patton states clearly that the Germans would be the best
folk of Europe and that one had destroyed the wrong state
considering the behavior of the Communist soldiers with
their mass shootings and mass violations. [The French]
General Alphonse Juin was uttering just the same thing
during a meeting with Patton in France mid of September
[1945]. [web3]
July 21, 1945
Patton regrets that Berlin had been taken by the Red
Army and that they had violated and murdered German
women without end there
The web site "Newsgruppe Meinews"
<After a visit in destroyed Berlin he wrote to his
wife on July 21, 1945: "Berlin has put me over the edge.
We destroyed it what could have been a good population
and we are proceeding to replace them with wild Mongols.
And whole Europe becomes communist. There are reports
that in the first weeks after the Red Army had taken
Berlin old women were shot in the streets, and when they
were not shot then they were raped. I could have taken
it [Berlin] in place of the Soviets when I had been
permitted to do so."> [web28]
(orig. in German: <Nach einem Besuch im
zerstörten Berlin schrieb er seiner Frau am 21. Juli
1945: “Berlin hat mir den Rest gegeben. Wir haben das
zerstört, was ein gutes Volk hätte sein können und sind
im Begriff, es mit mongolischen Wilden zu ersetzen. Und
ganz Europa wird kommunistisch. Es heißt, daß in der
ersten Woche, nachdem sie Berlin einnahmen, alle Frauen,
die auf der Straße waren, erschossen und wenn nicht,
vergewaltigt wurden. Ich hätte es anstelle der Sowjets
nehmen können, wäre es mir erlaubt worden.”> [web28]
Patton in a jeep with his dog [4]
August 1945
Patton's feeling of being abused by an unknown power is
confirmed by French General Juin
Quotation of "Newsgruppe Meinews" and
"Yahoo clever":
<The conviction that the politicians had abused him
[Patton] and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose was
rising. When Patton had a common meal with the French
General Alphonse Juin in August [1945] Patton was
surprised that also the French were thinking like this.
His diary entry from ... August is quoting General Juin:
"Indeed it is a bad event, Mr. General, that the English
and the Americans were destroying the only decent folk in
Europe - and I don't mean France with this. Therefore the
way is free now for coming Russian Communism."> [web28,
(orig. in German: <Die Überzeugung, daß die
Politiker ihn [Patton] und die US Army zu einem
kriminellen Zweck gebraucht hatten, wuchs.Bei einem
Essen mit dem französischen General Alphonse Juin im
August [1945] war Patton überrascht, den Franzosen in
Übereinstimmung mit sich zu finden. Sein Tagebucheintrag
vom ... August zitiert General Juin: "Es ist in der Tat
ein Unglück, mon Général, daß die Engländer und die
Amerikaner das einzige anständige Volk in Europa
vernichtet haben – und ich meine nicht Frankreich.
Deshalb ist der Weg nun offen für das Kommen des
russischen Kommunismus."> [web28, web29]
General Patton in a jeep somewhere in
Germany [5]
August 31, 1945
Patton cannot be with Russians
The web site "Newsgruppe Meinews"
<On August 31, [1945] he [Patton] writes to his wife:
"In fact the Germans are the only decent folk which exists
in Europe yet. There is the choice between them and the
Russians. I like more the Germans."> [web28]
(orig. in German: <Am 31. August [1945]
schrieb er [Patton] an seine Frau: “Tatsächlich sind die
Deutschen das einzig anständige Volk, das es in Europa
noch gibt. Es bleibt die Wahl zwischen ihnen und den
Russen. Mir sind die Deutschen lieber.” > [web28]
September 2, 1945
Patton regretting that Germany will be destroyed and
Gulag "Soviet Union" will take whole Europe
<And on September 2 [Patton writes to his wife]: "What
we do is the destruction of the only half modern state in
Europe thus Russia can take all."> [web28]
(orig. in German: <Und am 2. September
[schrieb Patton an seine Frau]: “Was wir tun, ist die
Zerstörung des einzigen halbmodernen Staates in Europa,
sodaß Rußland das Ganze schlucken kann.”> [web28]
September 14, 1945
Patton is privately against the dispatch of prisoners
of war where they only die
<On September 14, 1945, he said to his wife: "Openly
speaking I am against these maneuvers with war crimes.
It's not decent and it's semitic. I also reject to
dispatch prisoners of war as slaves to other countries
where they will only die by hunger."> [web28]
(orig. in German: <Am 14. September 1945
sagte er zu seiner Frau: "Ich stelle mich offen gesagt
gegen dieses Zeug mit den Kriegsverbrechern. Es ist
nicht anständig und es ist semitisch. Ich bin auch
dagegen, Kriegsgefangene als Arbeitssklaven in andere
Länder zu schicken, wo man viele verhungern lassen
wird."> [web28]
September 1945: Patton is transferred
Patton rejects consequently to accept the racist Zionist
line of Eisenhower and Morgenthau:
-- Patton is not organizing a propaganda chase "against
Nazis" [web3]
-- Patton is not performing barbaric mass murders against
Germans [web7] and
-- Patton rejects to convert Germany into an agrarian
state as the racist Zionist Jews under Morgenthau want
-- and Patton knew about the death camps of Eisenhower and
could discover anything at any moment [web7].
Therefore General Patton is attacked in the "American"
press [web3] which is steered by the criminal racist
Zionists with monopolies [web7]. Eisenhower is
transferring Patton in September 1945 and Patton is only
commander of the 15th army now [web3].
In other words (here the German Wikipedia's article about
<After Patton had called NSDAP on September 22, 1945, a
"normal party" and had comparing it with US "American"
parties [where was dominating just the same racism and the
same war philosophy], then Patton had to leave the command
of his 3d US Army and was transferred to the 15th Army in
Bad Nauheim [North of Francfort].> [web27]
(orig. in German: <Nachdem Patton am 22.
September 1945 die NSDAP
als „normale Partei“ bezeichnet und mit den
US-amerikanischen Parteien verglichen hatte [wo genau
derselbe Rassismus und dieselbe Kriegs-Ideologie
herrscht], wurde er durch Eisenhower von seinem
Kommando über die 3. US-Armee abgelöst. Er wurde danach
zur 15. Armee in Bad Nauheim [nördlich von
Frankfurt] versetzt.> [web27]
[Patton had recognized: NSDAP was not more nor less racist
than the whole criminal "U.S.A." in the 1940s and 1950s
being racist against black people and against natives. And
Eisenhower - was an absolute Bible Jehova racist].
Patton wanted to push back the Soviets
General Patton waned to push back the Soviets, and
according to some reports he was preparing German troops
for fights to push back the Soviets [web5]:
web site "Zionist Butcher Eisenhower's German
Genocide" states:
<Patton was keen to fight the Soviets, and reportedly
kept some German units prepared to move against the
Soviets...> [web5]
Other web site "Yahoo clever" even means:
<Patton could anticipate the cold war with the Russians
and he wanted to chase back the Red Army back to the Ural
Mountains. British Monti did not do it because he was too
narcissistic.> [web19]
(orig. in German: <Patton sah den Kalten
Krieg mit den Russen voraus und wollte die rote Armee
über den Ural zurückjagen. Der Brite Monti hat's in
seiner Selbstverliebtheit versaut.> [web29]
[And now Patton made a huge mistake. Instead to flee to
England telling the truth there about Eisenhower's death
camps he remains in Germany where Eisenhower is
controlling him].
October 1945
Mass murder in the Rhine meadow camps is going on
Mass murder in the Rhine meadow camps under Eisenhower is
going on yet, and since August 1945 all remaining German
prisoners of war are without any rights being degraded to
Disarmed Enemy Forces [web5].
October 1945 appr.
Patton in private is against Eisenhower's occupation
The web site "Newsgruppe Meinews"
<In another letter to his wife he remarks: "I was at a
conference of the military government in Frankfurt. When
this what we do with the Germans, should be freedom, then
give me the death."> [web28]
(orig. in German: <In einem weiteren Brief
an seine Frau vermerkte er: "Ich bin zu einer Konferenz
der Militärregierung in Frankfurt gewesen. Wenn das, was
wir den Deutschen antun, Freiheit ist, dann gebt mir den
Tod."> [web28]
November 1945
Eisenhower is called back to the"U.S.A." - the
"American" press celebrating mass murderer Eisenhower
Eisenhower is becoming Chief of Staff of the Army, CSA,
and is representing "the demands of the US Army in the
Joint Chiefs of Staff" [web1].
Eisenhower is called back to the "U.S.A." German Zionist
newspaper "Spiegel" (
"General for Life"
(orig. in German: General auf Lebenszeit, Spiegel, Feb
2,1948) celebrates him also writing that he
comes with
<36 decorations, one sword with 194 pearls and 46
tourmalines, a present from queen Wilhelmina from the
Netherlands, with a sword from Napoleon given from de
Gaulle, and with a huge experience in military, economy
and foreign policy.> [web20]
(orig. in German: <36 Orden, ein Säbel mit 194
Perlen und 46 Turmalinen von Königin Wilhelmina der
Niederlande, der Degen Napoleons von de Gaulle und
eine Riesenmenge Erfahrungen militärischer,
wirtschaftlicher und außenpolitischer Art.> [web20]
Already in November 1945 Eisenhower is offered
presidency of the "U.S.A." but he rejects. Spiegel
writes in 1948:
<Already during the last weeks of his strategic work
Ike had best chances becoming a President of the United
States. But he did not want. He indicated that other
General William T. Sherman also rejected presidency when
the Republican Party wanted him as a President in 1884:
"When I will be nominated then I will not accept. When I
will be elected I will not work."> [web20]
(orig. in German: <Noch in den letzten
Wochen seiner strategischen Arbeit hatte Ike die besten
Chancen, Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten zu werden.
Aber er wollte nicht. Er verwies auf seinen
Generalskollegen William T. Sherman, den die
republikanische Partei 1884 zum Präsidenten machen
wollte: "Wenn ich nominiert werde, werde ich nicht
annehmen. Wenn ich gewählt werde, werde ich nicht
arbeiten".> [web20]
Lieutenant Colonel "Jack" Mohr is recognizing the
manipulation by the Zionist press in the "U.S.A."
celebrating a mass murderer and is stating it like this:
<Eisenhower returned to the States, made a hero by
the controlled prostitute press of America, and his
popularity from a populace he had betrayed, was such
that he became the 34th President of the United States
in 1953. Eisenhower was quoted at lie war's end as
saying: ''I hate war as only a soldier who has lived
through it can only as one who has seen it's brutality,
it's futility, it's Stupidity" But he did not hate it as
much as he hated Germans, and he took a terrible Jewish
revenge on over a million surrendered German soldiers
and civilians when the war ended. Praised by the media
and the ''kept'' historians, this man was directly
responsible for one of the most reprehensible acts in
the history of civilized warfare. One which should put
him in the same class with Attila the Hun and other
barbarians.>) [Lt. Col. Mohr, web23]
And for General Patton his return to the "U.S.A." was
foreseen for December 10, 1945 [web4].
But one day before the return home there is an
December 9, 1945: Patton suffering a car accident in
Mannheim at a railroad crossing - death or murder in the
Only General Patton should have been
injured heavily in this accident, and all other people
in the limousine should only have suffered light
injuries. This seems impossible!
German Wikipedia states on it's web site about Patton:
<On December 9, 1945, one day before the projected
return to the "U.S.A." the general was together with his
Chief of Staff, General Major Hobart R. "Hap" Gay on the
way for a pheasant shooting. Around 11:45 hours the car,
a Cadillac Model 75, with the private (PFC) driver
Horace Woodring, had an accident on a railroad crossing
in Mannheim-Käfertal District with an American lorry
with the driver Technical Sergeant Robert L. Thompson, a
frontal crash. General Gay and the driver were not hurt,
but Patton suffered a cervical fracture with a
paraplegia. It can be submitted that he was hitting the
inner wall in the car. He died on December 21, 1945 in
the Heidelberg Military Hospital because of a pulmonary
embolism.> [web4]
(orig. in German: <Am 9. Dezember 1945,
einen Tag vor seiner geplanten Rückkehr in die USA,
begab sich der General gemeinsam mit seinem Chef des
Stabes, Generalmajor Hobart R. „Hap“ Gay auf
Fasanenjagd. Gegen 11:45 Uhr stieß der Wagen, ein Cadillac Model 75, gefahren von PFC
Horace Woodring, auf einem Bahnübergang in Mannheim-Käfertal
mit einem amerikanischen Lastkraftwagen, am Steuer der
Technical Sergeant Robert L. Thompson, frontal zusammen.
Während General Gay und der Fahrer unverletzt blieben,
erlitt Patton einen Halswirbelbruch mit einer Querschnittlähmung,
vermutlich weil er auf die Trennwand im Wagen aufschlug.
Er starb am 21. Dezember 1945 im Heidelberger Militärhospital
infolge einer Lungenembolie. > [web4]
[Until today there is no investigation of the dead body.
It could be stated fast if there had been any cervical
fracture or not. An investigation of murder with Patton's
body did NOT take place until today. Another possibility
would be that Patton was sitting on the side and the other
ones were sitting in normal positions looking forward and
when the accident came Patton was hitting the wall in the
car by his side. All those investigations are missing or
documents probably can be investigated in the National
Archives in Koblenz].
Thesis: Patton was murdered

Book by Robert K. Wilcox: "Target Patton" with the
thesis that Patton had been murdered [9]
According to other sources this curious accident was
provoked deliberately for eliminating Patton [web3] [who
was a confidant about the mass murder against the
Germans]. There is the suggestion that Patton knew too
much about Eisenhower's death camps. Quotation from the
web site from
"It may well be that Patton’s untimely and curious death
may have been a result of what he knew about these
wretched Eisenhower DEF camps." [web5].
<Unsurprisingly he was killed - after the war - in a
'car crash', just like Lawrence of Arabia was conveniently
bumped off, in a similar manner, for his 'pro-fascist'
views.> [web5]
Zionist headlines
of San Francisco Examiner: Patton "suffers Spinal
Injury" [10]
Other rumors say that Patton was only hurt lightly but
then was killed in the hospital. Pete means (in: Richard
Eastman; In: Unmasking 'IKE' - The Terrible Swedish
Andere Gerüchte besagen, Patton sei beim Unfall nur
leicht verletzt worden, aber dann im Spital getötet
worden. Pete meint (In:
Richard Eastman; in: Unmasking 'IKE' - The
Terrible Swedish Jew):
am in total accord with your belief that 'Ike' had
General Patton 'offed'.. as I recall, Patton's jeep at
the end of the war was involved in a minor accident, in
which the General sustained a minor injury... after
being transferred to a military care center, he
mysteriously died while in the care of the medicine
men.. Hmmmn.. was he poisoned??
Eisenhower ordered the assassination of Gen.
Patton - I'm certain.>) [web11]
[Thesis: The spine was broken in the hospital -
secret Zionist commandoes
When Patton only had a light injury and was brought to the
military hospital in Heidelberg because of this then in
the hospital his spine was broken by Zionist secret
command and then the broken spine was reported and then he
was poisoned as a paralyzed baby by the hospital staff.
And then one could invent all causes of the death in the
documents. This is just a normal method for eliminating
persons and for concealing murders. It can be admitted
that the Zionists were bribing and intimidating the
hospital for the execution of this maneuver. And one can
imagine who was the commander of the secret Zionist
commands in remaining Germany: Eisenhower, Morgenthau,
Baruch etc.].

Book by Ladislas Farago: "The Last Days of Patton" [11]

Zionist Book
by Michael Elkins "Forged in Fury" about
criminal Zionist commandoes in Germany after
1945 [18]
Criminal Zionists believed at the end that their
own lies against Germany would be true. Brain
washing was not executed yet because they are
also censoring the media world wide - yet...
At this time Jewish Zionist revenge commandos were indeed
performing terrorism in post-war remaining Germany, and
they could have chosen Patton as a "target". The web site
of "News Group My News" (
Meinews) writes:
<One has to consider that at this time of the accident
Jewish "revenge" commandos were terrorizing Germany
murdering disagreeable persons. In 1971 the Israelite BBC
correspondence Michael Elkins describes this in his book
"Forget in Fury". He is describing the Zionist terrorism
referring to statements of the criminals: "Wherever it was
necessary and useful the attacks were arranged with the
result that it was looking like an accident, like a
natural death, or like a suicide."> [web28]
(orig. in German: <Man bedenke, daß zur
Zeit des Unfalls jüdische "Rächer"-Kommandos durch
Deutschland zogen, um unliebsame Personen zu ermorden.
Der israelische BBC-Korrespondent Michael Elkins schrieb
dazu 1971 das Buch "Forget in Fury". Unter Berufung auf
die Aussagen der Täter hieß es dort: "Wo immer es nötig
und nützlich war, wurden die Anschläge so arrangiert,
daß es nach einem Unfall, einem natürlichen Tod oder
nach Selbstmord aussah.">) [web28]
Burial of Patton
Patton's burial is on December 24, 1945, in Luxembourg
where members of his army are buried at <
American Cemetery and Memorial in
Hamm, Luxembourg alongside
other wartime casualties of the Third Army, per his
request to "be buried with my men."> (Wikipedia:
Patton, [web36])
The memorial cemetery is in Hamm in Luxembourg, 50 Val du
Scheid, L-2517, Luxembourg [web37]. Sometimes the hedge is
red, but mostly green.
General Patton got an own museum at Fort Knox in [the
ethnic cleansed Federal State of] Kentucky:
Patton-Museum in Fort Knox in
Kentucky [17]
Investigation of the death of Patton with it's dead body
is missing!