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Mass murderer, racist and war criminal Eisenhower. Index

Racist Jehova family Eisenhower -- Eisenhower's "Last Days" for Germany: Eisenhower's mass murders with war delay, burning of towns, Rhine meadow camps, deliberately provoked starvation in remaining Germany 1945-1950 and with photo fakes for the calumny against Germany - General Patton against Eisenhower -- mass murderer Eisenhower as a "President" of the criminal "U.S.A."

Half Jew and Jehovah racist Eisenhower playing
                  soccer like a butcher in the West Point Military
                  Academy 1912-1915. But at the end one of his knees was
                  broken...   mass murders against the German
                  civil population with a real Holocaust committed with
                  fire storms e.g. in Hamburg 1943 - by the British
                  (Churchill and Harris) and the "Americans"
                  (Eisenhower)  Rhine meadow camp with German bodies piled on
                  a trailer with "American" soldiers next to
                  it. So these are NO Jews.  Mass murderer, war criminal and racist Eisenhower
                  at his oath of presidency for racist
                  "U.S.A." on January 20, 1953


by Michael Palomino (2013)

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Mass murderer, war criminal and racist Eisenhower - Jehovah racist preparing an "Armageddon" for Germany - faking photos and films from his Rhine meadow death camps blaming Jews and Germany

Chronology (Palomino 2013)

Part 1: Eisenhower family -- meadow camp in Andersonville 1865 -- Jehovah's Witnesses with racist Armageddon principle -- West Point Academy -- a butcher -- half Jew - marriage

The Eisenhower home in Abilene (Kansas), 100% Bible racism in criminal "U.S.A." -- the mass murder of the meadow camp of Andersonville in 1865 as a model for Germany in 1945 -- Brethren and Jehova philosophy with "Last Days"  principle (Armageddon) -- pyramid philosophy of Father David Eisenhower -- religious terrorism in the Eisenhower family with only one book -- military schooling and butcher's reputation

Abilene (Kansas), the Eisenhower
                                home: no access for blacks and natives  Half Jew and Jehovah racist
                                Eisenhower playing soccer like a butcher
                                in the West Point Military Academy
Eisenhower family is a Bible racist family of the "Jehovah's Witnesses" group. Blacks and natives have no access, and for "illoyal" humans and for "non-believers" Mr. "God" has foreseen the "Last Days" ("Armageddon").
Half Jew and Jehovah racist Eisenhower playing soccer like a butcher in the West Point Military Academy 1912-1915. But at the end one of his knees was broken...

Part 2: mass murderer Eisenhower in Europe and in remaining Germany 1945-1950

Part 2: Mass murders committed by Eisenhower in the field by war deferment -- mass murder by the destruction of German towns (Holocaust against the Germans) -- mass murder in the Rhine meadow camps (against German soldiers and civilists) -- faked photos with photos from the Rhine meadow camps with calumny against Germany indicating a faked mass murder of millions against the Jews -- Jewish witnesses describing good conditions in German concentration camps -- deliberately provoked starvation and mass murder in remaining post-war Germany 1945-1950

mass murders against the German
                                civil population with a real Holocaust
                                committed with fire storms e.g. in
                                Hamburg 1943 - by the British (Churchill
                                and Harris) and the
                                "Americans" (Eisenhower)  Rhine meadow camp with German
                                bodies piled on a trailer with
                                "American" soldiers next to
                                it. So these are NO Jews.  post-war era in remaining Germany,
                                life underground in the rubble
-- mass murders against the German civil population with a real Holocaust committed with fire storms e.g. in Hamburg 1943 - by the British (Churchill and Harris) and the "Americans" (Eisenhower)
-- Rhine meadow camp with German bodies piled on a trailer with "American" soldiers next to it. So these are NO Jews. The German bodies were shown in Germany around being presented as Jewish bodies faking photos and Hitchcock films for the calumny against Germany having committed a mass murder of millions against the Jews - which never happened in these dimensions
-- post-war era in remaining Germany, life underground in the rubble 1945-1950: Eisenhower was provoking deliberately a starvation against the German civil population thus underground was occurring hunger and mass death.

Part 3: General Patton against mass murderer Eisenhower

Part 3: General Patton against mass murderer Eisenhower - Patton wants no weak Germany - Patton is replaced - Patton having an "accident" in December 1945 - burial on Christmas 1945 in Luxembourg - Patton Museum in Kentucky

General Patton in his jeep upright saluting his troops in Normandy, 1944  General Patton in his jeep upright
                                saluting his troops in Normandy, 1944

Part 4: Zionist press conceals Eisenhower's mass murders making him a "President" - truth about mass murderer Eisenhower since 1989

Part 4: biography "Crusade in Europe" 1948 not mentioning the death camps and concealing the Zionist lies about a mass murder against Jews in Germany -- first reports about Eisenhower's death camps in 1950 -- "President" of the "U.S.A." 1953 -- Jehovah racism is concealed -- book "Armageddon" -- book "The Politician" 1964 -- biographer Ambrose detecting the hatred against Germans with Eisenhower -- death in 1969 -- investigation about mass murderer Eisenhower is pointedly blocked -- book "Other Losses" in 1989 -- criminal "U.S.A." must be torn to a war tribunal

Mass murderer, war criminal and
                                racist Eisenhower at his oath of
                                presidency for racist "U.S.A."
                                on January 20, 1953
Mass murderer, war criminal and racist Eisenhower at his oath of presidency for racist "U.S.A." on January 20, 1953
