Andreas von Bülow: CIA and the 11
September. International Terror an The Role Of the
Secret Services
Die CIA und der 11. September. Internationaler Terror
und die Rolle der Geheimdienste. Piper edition. Munich
/ Zurich 2003]
since 1986
Breakdown of the "SU"
This breakdown happens thank the CIA underground troops
in Afghanistan, with the support of the father of Osama
bin Laden, and with the support also of Saudi Arabia
New goal of the CIA:
The "SU" should be driven out of the Caspian Sea:
About 200 bn. barrel crude oil - oil production for
the Muslim rebel movements against the "SU" - new
foundation of states
-- CIA is provocating new independence movements in
the region of the Caspian Sea so there are many new
little states found there.
The next goal of CIA is
-- to install "American" military bases in the Caspian
basin (p.239)
-- to exploit and to transport the mineral resources by
"American" companies (p.239-240).
For this aim CIA supports systematically the rebel
movements of the fundamentalist Muslims, one part of it
are the "Afghanis". The financing of the Muslim
fundamentalist mercenaries is going on by drug money
with heroin from Afghanistan (p.240).
Red Army leaving
since 1990
Breakdown of the "SU"
- the Bin Laden troops always find new "work"
-- Bin Laden is a friend of the Saudi secret service
-- the Saudi secret service boss is very interested in
the fundamentalists that they get a spot for acting to
spread Islam
-- at the same time the troops of Bin Laden can serve
the Saudi regime as mercenaries in case of revolution in
Saudi Arabia itself.
->> so, Bin Laden's troops are wanted by many Arab
secret services (p.42).
-- Bin Laden has 10,000 of at least 30,000 secret
service fighters under his order (p.42)
-- Bin Laden's troops are set in all hot spots in the
Arab, Asiatic and in Muslim regions, and only the secret
services know who is paying them
-- the "Afghanis" are fighting in Algeria, in Kosovo, In
Bosnia Herzegovina, in Albania, in Chechnya
-- and suddenly there is in every affected country drug
commerce installed, the international criminality is
rising, and the
machinations are hardly to be fought
-- according to Bülow in the whole world is CIA staying
behind (the "company"), which is manipulating with
"actions" the military positions (p.44).
since 1990s
"USA" pursues a policy of World dominance with
extension step by step - Israel's expansion goal
-- the "US" "policy" has a large base in Congress not
depending on the parties borders
-- the "US" "policy" has a strong support of the
Israeli government with the goal of a "New Order" in
Near East with the goal of a Great Israel and with the
goal that an Israeli expansion will be accepted
Osama turns against "USA"
Osama is against the "US" military bases in Arabia
and calls for a putsch against the Saudi regime
but secret connections with CIA seem to go on
(p.33) [probably with a direction against Russia].
Philadelphia: Meridian Plaza fire with 6 dead and 4
bn. $ damage, careful investigation
In: FEMA Report:
(2005 not actual any more)
until 1992 ca.
The "freedom fighters" stay being puppets of the
secret services for the foundations of states out of
the "SU"
-- Osama bin Laden and Al Kaida are going on being
puppets of the policy of ISI, CIA an the Saudi secret
-- the "Afghanis" are all over the world doing service
of the covered "American" foreign policy with
provocations for new foundation of states in the
Caucasus region up to Chechenia or Yugoslavia (p.227).
In: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: Osamagate. Center for
Research on Globalization (CRG), Montreal
"USA" plan an Iraq invasion [is not realized
whereas the revolting Iraqis would welcome it]
Zbigniew Brzezinski maintains the "USA" had the
right for cheap exploitation of the world wide
mineral resources
-- this right would be the prize for the victory
against Communism
[but Communism only was financed by American banks...]
-- Brzezinski means no geopolitical enemy should rise
again (p.224)
-- with this tactics Brzezinski follows the old
British geographer Mackinder with the thesis from 1900
about: It would be decisive to dominate the axis from
Siberia over Caucasus an the Caspian Sea over Iran to
the Persian Golf up to the Arab peninsula (p.225).
In: book of Brzezinski: Die einzige Weltmacht.
Amerikas Strategie der Vorherrschaft ["The own world
power. Americas strategy and dominance"]
Brzezinski is a man of war yet and admires statesmen
who are not following all rules (p.226).
[and it's a pity but there are also other "men of war"
who are following and believing the Brzezinski shit,
e.g. the "consultants" of a later "US" president
George W.Bush].
The "American" power elite thinks in big parts like
Brzezinski and Bush
-- independent from parties
-- in this political egoistic line are also thinking
the national media of the "USA" (p.232)
[These ideas are absolutely
destructive and anti democratic, cruel and trash. But
look precisely what is happening now: Bin Laden headed
against "US" imperialism, and now Saudi Arabia is
heading against Bin Laden]:
Saudi Arabia cancels the payments to Bin Laden
following the pressure of the "USA" (p.42)
Saudi Arabia suspends Osama bin Laden's citizenship -
expulsion - confiscation of his accounts
but the secret connections between CIA and Osama bin
Laden seem to keep on (p.33) [probably considered as an
energy reserve].
1995 ca.
Afghanistan: Taliban and the "American" oil company
Unocal speak about a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan by
Afghanistan up to Pakistan
-- as a consequence Unocal supports the Taliban to have
"good friends" there (p.46)
-- the project has got a value of 2 m. $
-- also Saudi oil company Delta Oil Company is part of
it which also wants to have the Taliban as a "good
friend" there and supports Taliban, too.
The purpose is that Turkmenistan should get the
independence from Russia and shall have own profit by
selling 2 bio. m3 gas every
day, and Russia shouldn't have any profit of it any more
since 1995 ca.
"USA": A Republican "Think-Tank-Project" (S.235)
plans a "Project for a New American Century"
under George W.Bush
-- this project is sponsored by the arm's lobbyists, by
the ammunition industry, by the oil industry, by the gas
industry, and by the mineral resources industries
-- the "thinkers" have been members of the Pentagon, of
the State Department and of the arm's industry for many
years partly
-- these "thinkers" are living in an illusion that the
"USA" had landed a victory against the "evil" three
times: Germany 1918, Germany 1945, the "Soviet Union"
[this is a big illusion, because "US" troops have not
done much:
-- in 1917 "USA" entered the war only at the end when
France had fought the main part
-- in 1941 "USA" entered the war but began to fight
against Germany only in 1944 and Russia had fought the
main part
-- Soviet Union had not been fought at all, there was no
war between "USA" and Russia at all, and moon landing
was a big lie and Russia was better in space than
-- these "thinkers" maintain the "USA" had served a
world peace, a "Pax Americana"
[but there were the
banks of the "USA" financing the big wars in the world,
and there were the "USA" selling weapons to Hitler and
Stalin at the same time, and there were the "USA"
provoking the war in Vietnam etc. etc.]
-- these "thinkers" admit that the "USA" should keep the
world dominance (p.232).
[But the world dominance is only in TV with faked films.
So, one can see, the "thinkers" cannot think but they
only are called like that].
"US" blueprint of the Republican "Think Tank" for a
new "Safety policy" for Israel: There are no talks
about Jerusalem - Syria eventually has to be deleted
The Republican thinkers have
a colonialist and racist kind of thinking with their
projects for Middle East:
-- the base should be
peace for giving back land
-- Israel has a right for territories as a dream which
is 2,000 years old, "legal and noble" at the same time
-- Israel's right for existence is not negotiable
-- there will be no compromise with the Palestinians
about Jerusalem
-- Israel's army should go on to be present in the
Palestinian territories
-- precise attacks against the Israeli neighbor states
are recommended, attacks against Syria, when Damascus is
not cooperating in Lebanon concerning the fight against
-- there will be no discussion about Golan heights
-- Syria will disappear perhaps from the map when it
will not cooperate: There is a plan of a common war
Israel with Turkey with Jordanian against Syria
-- Israel should integrate his neighbor states in a
balance of power
-- it's an important goal of the Israeli policy to get
rid off Saddam Hussein (p.234)
In: Study Group on a New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000
["Studiengruppe über eine neue israelische Strategie im
Hinblick auf das Jahr 2000"]; The Institute for Advanced
Strategic and Political Studies.
[One can see that this
"Institute" is not at all a peaceful one and by this is
not at all advanced what are doing the Stupid States...]
Bin Laden fights in Bosnia with his troops against
the Serbian army
always with "American" support (p.227)
In: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky: Osamagate. Centre for
Research on Globalization (CRG), Montréal
since 1997 approx.
Taliban government in
-- the Taliban expel the chaotic drug warlords, even
the "lover" of the CIA and ISA who manipulated against
the "SU": Hekmatyar
-- Taliban are first welcome by the population because
they install an "order"
-- CIA plans the expansion of the Taliban up to
Tadzhikistan's, Turkmenistan and Usbekistan for
another destabilization of Russia (p.45)
-- the Taliban shut the girl's schools in Afghanistan
-- the Taliban introduce the compulsory tshador
(gurka), prohibit music, TV, even paper is prohibited
because it could be recycled Koran paper (p.46)
->> the women of the whole world are fighting
against the Taliban regime - with a worldwide protest
CIA has not calculated (p.45)
->> all women's organizations of the world
organize a resistance with the claim to stop all help
for Afghanistan
-- but: The "American" oil company Unocal is friendly
to the Taliban take-over of the power (p.46).
-- and the Taliban prohibit the cultivation of poppy
for heroine production (p.239): The poppy crop falls
from 4042 tons to about 82 tons within 18 months after
the publication of the prohibition (p.266)
CIA: Taliban should go on to destabilize ex "SU"
but the Taliban are afraid of these states: As a
consequence the Taliban have no big influence in the
ex "SU" republics (p.244).
[The manipulation of the world and
racist colonialism of the "EUA" with "geopolitics" do
not stop, now another Bush is coming]:
since 1997
The "thinkers" of the Bush clique are working out a
scenario for an Afghanistan occupation
Afghanistan: CIA is friendly to the Taliban because
of the pipeline project
since 1998
CIA is presenting Osama bin Laden in the media as a
In: ABCNews; In: Chaim Kupferberg: The mystery
surrounding the death of John O'Neill: The propaganda
preparation for 9/11 ["Das Geheimnis um den Tod von John
O'Neill: Die vorbereitende Propaganda für den
The Bush administration gives
a definition of the "New American Century"
-- because Bush regime thinks there must not exist a
counter power in Eurasia (p.224-225)
[but this counter power "Soviet Union" had been
financed by "US" banks, the Bush administration is
working with unreal data...]
-- Zbigniew Brzezinski stresses: "USA" should have the
power over the oil and gas fields of the Near and
Middle East, also the Caspian basin, and in this
position Africa can be dominated (p.225).
IL: Strategy paper of the Likud regime with the
Jordan as IL frontier: "New strategy 2000 for the
State of Israel": Palestinians should live in
separate villages
-- this plan is worked out by the Institute for
Advanced Strategic and Political Studies in Jerusalem
and Washington
-- every compromise with the Palestinians is
interpreted as weakness (p.234)
-- Jordan river should be the new frontier of Israel,
and militant Jewish settlers will realize to take the
-- the Palestinians will be citizens of second class
in special villages (p.236).
[This is the expression of the Israeli racism, and
Jordan river is only a step of more steps. Jewish
racism is dominated yet by the thoughts of Herzl that
the Palestinians could be expelled like the Indians in
North "America"].
since 2000
The Bush government thinks like Brzezinski: There is
a right for cheap exploitation of the mineral
-- the employees of the Bush clan are above all:
William Kristol, neo conservative
Richard B.Cheney, vice president under Bush (p.232),
managing director of the giant oil supply company
Halliburton (p.266)
Donald Rumsfeld, defense minister under Bush
-- Wolfowitz, second defense minister under Bush
-- Richard Perle, leader of the consultant circle of the
Pentagon for defense policy (p.232)
-- Richard Armitage, second foreign minister under Bush
-- Jeb Bush, brother of president George W.Bush,
governor of Florida
-- the ambassador of the "US" embassy in Afghanistan
September 2000
"USA": The Bush strategy paper for a new "American
Empire" is published
-- with this paper a new strategy is fixed "Rebuilding America's Defense. Strategy,
Forces and Resources for a New Century" (p.233)
[it's a new colonialism against the whole world,
nothing more]
-- the paper refers to the directions of Paul
Wolfowitz for the Reagan regime with defense minister
Dick Cheney (p.234)
-- the paper says the "USA" had to secure the military
dominance for another 100 years
-- in regional dimensions the "USA" should keep the
military, economical, technological and industrial
-- "USA" has to build a defense against attacks from
-- the SDI program should have high priority and
should be realized
-- the ABM treaty with the armament restriction
measures should be deleted
-- the "USA" should have the domination of cyber space
-- the "USA" should have the capacity to make several
wars at the same time
-- the technological dominance of the "USA" concerning
the weapon's development should be safe
-- nuclear weapons to break bunkers are to be saved
-- underground nuclear tests should begin again
-- biological weapons should be further developed
-- the "American" population should resign to the
"peace prize" after the collapse of the "Soviet Union"
[So, this is the world
dominance program of a Nazi America, and the world does
not see it. "America" becomes terrorist no. 1 on the
Bush government wishes a
catastrophe for a quick realization of the program
-- the plan of world
domination and of a "Pax Americana" will be only
possible when armament's payments are much higher
-- the program can begin only
in little steps, only when there is a second "Pearl
Harbor like 1941 the program will be realized quick
(p.234): "Some catastrophic and catalyzing event" is
needed (p.266).
Some claims in the
program: Removal of Hussein - send troops in the
Middle East
-- removal of Saddam Hussein
-- implantation of a
permanent "American" military presence in the Arab
-- dissolve the spots of the
Cold War time by time, to remove the troops to new spots
of "war": to SE Asia and SE Europe (p.234).
In: Rebuilding America's
Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New
Century. A Report of The Project of the New American
Century ["Wiederaufbau der amerikanischen Verteidigung:
Strategie, Streitkräfte und Ressourcen für ein neues
Jahrhundert. Ein Bericht über das Vorhaben im Neuen
Amerikanischen Jahrhundert"]. September 2000
The "American" expansion
is coordinated with the Israeli expansion
-- because the Bush regime
supports in public statements strongly the Likud policy
of Sharon and Netanjahu (p.234)
-- the Israeli government
considers partnership, communication, balance and
disarmament as weakness and degradation (p.236).
January 2001
The Bush regime begins
it's "work"
July 2001
The "US" regime announces
the Afghanistan war for middle of October
to Pakistan's former
foreign minister Niaz Naik and to the government of
India (p.241)
In: (2005 not actual
any more)
since 8 July 2001 approx.
Dubai: Osama bin Laden is
in an "American" hospital for several weeks because of
a heavy kidney trouble
(p.33) resp. Bin
Laden is in bed in the hospital for more than a week
12 July 2001
Dubai: Osama bin Laden is
visited at the hospital bed by the local CIA resident
Larry Mitchell
according to French
sources also a Saudi prince, the chief of the Saudi
secret service, is with him (p.33), prince Turki al
Failal Al Saud (p.228)
In: The Top 150 Subpoena list
for the 911 Commission ["Die neueste Liste der
Vorladungen für die Kommission zur Untersuchung des 11.
September"]; In: Global Free Press
12. July 2001, evening
Mitchell is boasting in
his friend's circle that he had visited Osama bin
Laden in hospital
(p. 228)
13. July 2001
Mitchell is questioned at
the headquarters of CIA about Osama bin Laden
In: Alexandra Richard: The
CIA met Bin Laden while undergoing treatment at an
American Hospital last July in Dubai ["Der CIA traf Bin
Laden während einer Behandlung an einem amerikanischen
Spital letzten Juli in Dubai"]; in: Le Figaro,
August 2001
Florida: Talks between a
Taliban delegation and a high ranked representative of
Talks between the Taliban
delegation and the "US" government
A vehement
representative in favor of the Taliban in the "USA" is
the nice of the former CIA director Helms (p.47)..
until 1 Sep. 2001 approx.
Taliban relationships to
the "USA" because of the oil and gas pipeline through
-- it's the absolute
goal of the bush administration to prevent a pipeline
construction over Russia and Iran
-- so until the last minute
of 9-11 2001 are talks with the Taliban with
authorization of the highest government ranks (p.228).
since 11 Sep. 2001
Change in Afghanistan:
Drug lord Gulbuddin Hekmatyar becomes decisive partner
of the "USA" in the fight against the Taliban
"USA" and GB cannot find
biological weapons in Iraq
which were delivered
for Saddam against Iran in 1980 (p.36)
Brzezinski means even
today [in 2003], Afghanistan had been a decisive part
of the collapse of the Soviet Union as a "Vietnam" for
the "SU"
-- according to Bülow
this is not right
-- but in Brzezinski's way
the brains of CIA employees are structured (p.41)
All camps in Afghanistan
are former sites of the "American" CIA operations
against the former "SU"