The fraud of 11 September 2001
The proofs of manipulation and of cover-up of the
criminal Bush regime
by Michael Palomino (2004-2010)

1. foto: An airplane flying
into a WTC tower. That's a film.
2. foto: A Boeing 767 with a
wing span of 47,6m does not match into the hole of
a length of 36m. And: There is no airplane in the towers because
half of the airplane with the airplane's tail
should stand out, but the hole is empty.
The holes were prepared by bombs which were on the
drones. In not one single film are shown the
alleged air planes.
(information of an aircraft captain of a 747,
3. foto: The towers fall down
in rate of fall: Controlled demolition. 4. foto:
The main profit person: Silverstein. 5. foto: Bush
is always for a "war in Iraq" whereas there were
no Boeings in the towers.
The area was called "Ground Zero". This is the
name for the point of a hit of an atomic bomb
where nothing is growing any more...
Who was it?
It was the criminal Bush regime with CIA and Mosad.
Sell also this film from Dylan Avery "Loose
Change" (second edition with interviews) in English
about the criminal Bush regime and the explosions in
WTC and witnesses, with google video player:
Michael Palomino June 2010
Data from the film
"9/11 Controlled Demolitions"
-- the explosive Termite can melt steal with
temperatures of up to 2500°C
-- the 47 central steal beams in the middle of the
towers were hardly hit by the imaginary airplanes
assuming that the Boeings had hit the towers in the
manner as it is shown in the cartoons
-- it's not possible that towers collapse from the top
to the south
-- the building WTC 7 did not at all collapse there
where the fire had been.
This is no
conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are
facts. You stop thinking? The facts stay!
-- Andreas von Bülow: CIA and 11 September.
International terror and the role of the
secret services (orig. German: "Die CIA und
der 11.September. Internationaler Terror und
die Rolle der Geheimdienste"). Piper
edition. Munich/Zurich 2003
-- internet sources of 2005
Cover of the book by Andreas von Buelow: CIA
and 11 September

1. Geopolitics
Mackinder and Lord Curzon has it's effect
till 2003
Curzon, racist and colonlialist
"strategist" of the 19th century

2. The
of the CIA against the KGB for civil wars,
coups and uprisings
CIA Logo: Since his creation in 1946 CIA
is terrorising the whole world with bribes
and drogue commerce, and it does not stop

3. The
promoting systematically Islam to
destabilize the Soviet Union - the
construction of the WTC - remote control
for aircrafts
The mullah regime with Ayatolla Khomenei
was supported by the "USA" to destabilize
the "Soviet Union" on it's Southern border

4. The
Union shall have a "Vietnam" in
Afghanistan - the Brzezinski plan comes
out even - CIA drug traffic and Muslim
freedom fighters - Taliban
Brzezinski is an ice cold racist
tactitian and lured the "Soviet Union" into
Afghanistan as a "Soviet Vietnam"

5. After the
collapse of the SU:
keeps contact to Osama bin Laden: "US"
strategy, strategy of Israel, wars and
pipeline project
Bin Laden is one of the main beams of
the play of the "USA" against the "Soviet
Union", also after the Perestroica against
Russia, and then against Serbia

6. The
Bush family and the industrial contacts:
Total corruption
George Bush senior maintains best
contacts to the Saudi family until now

7. From
1993 on: Attacks "against" the "USA"?
Attack agaisnt WTC of 1993 - 1996: The "USA"
do not want to have Osama Bin Laden - more
attacks against "American" facilities -
prohibition of O'Neills calculating work by
"US" ambassador Bodine - unexplained death
of O'Neill - promotion of ambassador Bodine
WTC explosion in 1993: It's not so clear who
was the culprit as one means - probably it
was CIA himself

8. Jewish
students" spying in the "American"
fighting against drugs DEA and spying the
later alleged Muslims
Logo of the Drug Enforcement
Administration DEA. Israeli "art students"
wanted to sell cheap art there. Something
must be wrong with it...

9. Structural
for the 11 September 2001 at WTC and at
Pentagon - the Silverstein deal - abnormal
flight booking figures
9.1 The
structural analysis of the WTC towers is
said to be safe as all steel frame
9.2. The
Silverstein deal: House no. 7 and WTC
towers - the insurance against terror
9.3. House
no. 7 is prepared by Jerry Hauer as a
leader's bunker
9.4. The
occupancy of the WTC towers
9.5. Houses
No. 5 and 6
9.6. The
Pentagon is prepared for the attack
9.7. The low
and abnormal flight bookings for AA 11, UA
175, AA 77 and UA 93 of 2001-9-11
9.8. The dead
of O'Neill
9.9. The
insurances have to pay 3,2 bn. $ to
Silverstein [corresponding to an order of
a court from 2005 6,4 bn. $ have to be
the leasing treaty of the WTC Silverstein
included a paragraph against terror attacks.
At the end he wants 6,4 billion dollar.
Something must be wrong here...

10. The
"flight educations" of the so called
assassins - the spying by the CIA - no
detentions - rumors and impossibilities
10.1. The "flight
education" of Hani Hanjour
10.2. The
"flight educations" of Mohammed Atta and
The alleged Arab "hijackers" could not fly
more than a Cessna, and sometimes not even

11. Insider
at the bourse before 2001-9-11
The company Alex Brown Investment makes
it possible that people can make stock
exchange operations anonymously. This
company performed the insider trading before
2001 9-11.

12. The
holes, blasts and mass murder of 11
September 2001
The airplane impact of the South Tower of
the WTC: The hole is empty, there is no Boeing
stuck there. The North Tower has the same
situation. The films with the Boeings flying
into the towers obviously are products of the
CIA film laboratories. It can have flown only
little airplanes into the towers which after
the explosion hardly can be reckognized. No
Arab was part of it.

Terms and
Defence Advanced Projects Agency
Drug Enforcement Agency
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Emergency Management
Administration (p.269)
Pakistani Secret Service (p.269)
MI 6
British Secret Service (p.269)
North American Aerospace Defense
Command (p.173)
National Security Agency
Security and Exchange
Commission (p.271)
This timeline shows
clearly that the "American" government under George W.
Bush are blaming a group of Muslims to be the
delinquents of the attacks of 11 September 2001. But
another possibility for the attacks is much more
probable: the remote control of "American" airplanes.
It strikes to oneself that the "American" government
has cancelled all research which indicate the remote
control of the airplanes (e.g. the data from the air
space control are secret until now, respectively the
air space control has not been present in the decisive
half hour).
Other inconsistencies can be added: At the pentagon
e.g. never has landed a Boeing airplane -- and the
insider trade before 11 September has not been
researched until today -- the data of the telephone
companies which shall give a proof for the telephone
calls from the airplanes are secret until today
because probably these telephone calls never have
happened -- and all is indicating that the WTC towers
have been specifically blasted.
It seems that all is a specific manipulation in favour
of Iraq war and of oil, with backers as e.b. Mr.
Silverstein. The "American" government is the
delinquent, and the Muslims are the scapegoat. To have
a scapegoat that's a typical biblical behaviour from
the Jewish Mose books in combination with the ideology
of the secret associations of Machiavelli: To produce
a possibly big damage gives the power over the whole
population. But the "USA" will collapse on their own
manipulations. Reason: the mountain of debt.
Specifications about secret associations and the
Machiavelli ideology are shown in the work about the
"USA": "The longest crusade".
Example of an "American" Website with shows the theme
of 11 September in the same manner in a
-- survey of the themes :
-- Andreas von Bülow: Die CIA und der 11. September.
Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der
Geheimdienste. Piper-Verlag. Munich/Zürich 2003
-- internet sources 2005
Michael Palomino, August 2004 / June 2005, translation
Picture sources
-- Cartoon: A Boeing flies into a tower:
is not matching into the hole, and there is no
(June 2005)
Larry Silverstein:
(June 2005)
-- Bush:
-- WTC in rubble with framework:
-- Curzon: