from: Andreas von Bülow: CIA
and the 11 September. International Terror an The Role Of
the Secret Services
[orig.: "Die CIA und der 11. September. Internationaler
Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste"]. Piper edition.
Munich / Zurich 2003]
First attack on the WTC - investigation of John
O'Neill - a laptop is found
-- there is an attack against WTC in 1993 with a car
bomb in one of the basements (p.181)
-- John O'Neill from the New York compartment of the FBI
is investigating and the result are Arab culprits
(p.30), allegedly a Muslim terror group consisting of
Afghanistan veterans
-- but all in all CIA and FBI are covering the Muslim
terror group (p.181).
With the culprits also a laptop is found with alleged
planned hijacking operations of airliners with the plan
to use the airliner as a bomb against the CIA
headquarter at Langley in Virginia (p.75)
It comes out: The instigator was an agent provocateur of
the CIA. This agent is recording the talks with the CIA
leading officer on a band resp. on a video. By this CIA
gets trouble because the proof and the witness cannot be
neutralized in the right time (p.185).
since 1993 / after the first WTC attack
FBI counts with Muslim suicide attacks, also with
hijacked airliners
Process about the first WTC attack
Topics are:
-- the education for suicide missions
-- the laptop owner is charged because of abutment
-- Reed Irvine / Cliff Kincaid: Inexcusable CIA failure;
27 Sep. 2001
-- Christopher Bollyn: CIA, FBI Knew Since 1995 About
Possible Hijack Scheme; American Free Press
-- Michelle Mairesse: Keys to 9/11
Attack in Oklahoma
CIA and FBI try with a big media show to blame the
Muslims for the attack who have fought once in
Afghanistan with CIA support against the "SU" (p.181).
FBI has indications for Arab "American" flight pupils
and takes measures
-- there is an investigation of all flight schools
-- there is a centralization of all data, and the
devices needed are provided (p.52)
[-- and with this the observation of the Arab "American"
flight pupils has probably an end, in 1997 approx.].
since 1995 approx.
Terror circuit by covered payed "intelligencer" -
terror becomes payed work
-- the rates for the recruiting
of "intelligencers" against the Muslim world rise
-- terror in the "Third World" becomes a payed work
because the terrorists get the job as an "intelligencer"
and get cash, in fact they are payed by tax money from the
Western secret services, and the terror leader and their
secret services know well about this
-- to be a double agent gets popular in the Third World,
and it's a big profit in the organized criminality
-- the local Muslim secret services partly can steer the
research of the Western secret services
-- the local Muslim authorities are bribed so the
criminalities can go on an new "information" is created
-- by all this a new fight is created about the leading
role of the secret services
-- terror becomes a part of the high policy: The secret
services begin to live by terror
-- Mossad is dominating the whole Near East, eventually in
the whole Muslim world
-- Mossad has got the power to manipulate "friendly"
secret services specifically when the matter is about
events in the Near East (p.187), e.g. at regular NATO
secret meeting at Brussels, where the Mossad is also
permitted to be part of (p.187-188), so Mossad is
presenting e.g. a wrong picture of the forces and by this
"friendly" services are brought on his line
-- Mossad with it's knowledge can specifically put the
"friendly" secret services on wrong tracks (p.188).
Saudi Arabia: Attack on "US" military barracks -
investigation under John O'Neill
of the New York compartment of the FBI (p.30).
Sudan offers the "USA" the extradition of Bin Laden -
the "USA" refuses
-- whereas Bin Laden is also blamed for the WTC attack in
-- the reason for the refusal: There would be not enough
evidence for a condemnation before an "American" jury
Clinton says Bin Laden
would be a "fool in a blanket" and does not want to
catch him
(In: RTL: Spiegel TV, 3 Sep. 2006,
Nairobi and Daressalam: Attacks on "US" embassies -
investigation by John O'Neill
of the New York
compartment of the FBI (p.30). CIA and FBI blame Bin Laden
for the attacks, the former chief fighter in Afghanistan
against the "SU" (p.181).
with Cruise Missiles against training camps have wrong
The counter attacks under Clinton are missile attacks
against training camps. The attacks are a total failure.
Bin Laden survives, declares war against "USA" and wins
new fighters.
(In: RTL: Spiegel TV, 3 Sep. 2006, 22:10-23:10)
1998 approx.
"USA": Book by Samuel Huntington, Prof. Harvard
The Clash of
Civilizations and Remaking of World Order
Some thesis:
-- the Christian Jewish
civilization would fight against the Muslim civilization
and the other way round
-- the clash of the civilizations would be a genetical
inherent constraint
-- hatred becomes also in the democratic Christian Jewish
world the only device to force the feeling to belong
together to force against the common enemies
-- hatred will be the only device for coherence and for
-- after the collapse of Communism only Islam can be the
new common enemy (p.182)
-- the democrat societies of the Christian Jewish
civilization need a new "hatred enemy" after the Soviet
union, these are the Muslim states and civilization
[not mentioned:
There is only the sign missing which makes the Islam to
seem a threat].
until 28 Aug. 2001
Yemen: "US" ambassador is Barbara Bodine
-- a "pupil" of Kissinger
-- she is coordinating the fight against terror in an
outer post (p.31).
Attack on the "US" destroyer "Cole" in the port of Aden
- investigation of John O'Neill
from the New York department of the FBI (p.30)
-- the destroyer was driven into the port despite of
safety doubts, but the "American" ambassador Bodine said
it's possible
-- then is performed the attack against the ship which is
in the harbor
-- O'Neill's investigation is hindered by the "US"
ambassador, she intervenes at the Ministry of Justice and
at the top of the FBI at Washington and is claiming
about O'Neill's working stile
-- the ship had allegedly been attacked by an Al Kaida
suicide group (p.30)
-- O'Neill means the reason for not catching Bin Laden had
been "American" oil interests (p.31).
CIA and FBI blame Bin Laden for the attacks, one of the
chiefs in the Afghanistan fight against the "SU",
supported by CIA (p.181).
[One has to consider that
all the attacks from 1993 (WTC) up to the attack against
the destroyer "Cole" probably are executed by CIA himself
to manipulate the atmosphere against Muslims in
before 11 Sep. 2001 /
July 2001 approx.
"USA": The Bush regime prohibits the FBI to investigate
the terror connections to the Bin Laden Family
->> the New Yorker FBI department chief, John
O'Neill, is not allowed to travel again to Yemen, the
"American" ambassador Barbara Bodine hinders him to travel
in again. By this she probably hinders his capture (p.30).
July 2001 approx.
FBI meeting at Tampa/Florida: O'Neill is missing his
bag for 1/2 hour with most secret material
-- the bag is found within 30 minutes
-- there is a disciplinary inquiry and against O'Neill and
he is banned from the investigations against Bin Laden
August 2001 approx.
New York Times and Washington Post report O'Neill's bag
missed for 1/2 hour
whereas normally such events are regulated in an
intern way.
->> O'Neill quits at the FBI, after 30 years, and he
applies for a job at the WTC as security boss (p.31).
28 Aug. 2001
The Yemen ambassador in the "USA" is going back to
plus: Saudi Arabia: The Saudi secret service boss with
friendly relationships to Bin Laden is dismissed (p.31).
10 Sep. 2001
Beginning of O'Neill's work as security chief at the
with a salary three times the salary at the FBI (p.31).
11 Sep. 2001, 9:03 o'clock
Impact in the South tower - O'Neills telephone calls
and the detection of the destroyed FBI headquarter
-- O'Neill telephones with his son and with one employee
-- then O'Neill detects absolutely massive devastations at
the New Yorker FBI headquarter in the base floors of the
South tower which have nothing to do with the airplane
impact (p.31)
-- employees of the FBI are buried under massive rubble,
O'Neill saves an employee
-- then O'Neill is leaving the building and stays missing
19 Sep. 2004
O'Neill's dead body is found in the burning
rubble - there is no autopsy!
since October 2001 approx.
"USA": Ex ambassador Bodine is listed by the Bush
regime for an important administration post in Iraq
since October 2002 approx.
Baghdad: Ex ambassador Bodine is acting as De Facto
mayor at Baghdad
since middle of 2003 approx.
"USA": Ex ambassador Bodine is torn back from Baghdad
to the "US" foreign ministry