from: Andreas von Bülow:
CIA and the 11 September. International Terror an The
Role Of the Secret Services
[orig.: "Die CIA und der 11. September. Internationaler
Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste"]. Piper edition.
Munich / Zurich 2003]
10.1 The "flight education" of
Hani Hanjour
Hani Hanjour visits a private pilot school at
Scottsdale, Arizona, without degree
The pilot teachers estimate Hanjour is incompetent
to be a pilot (p.55)
April - October 1999
Hani Hanjour gets a pilot license but fails to go to
the medicinal checkup so the license looses it's value
after 6 months
Middle of August up to 11 Sep. 2001
Hani Hanjour tries three times in vain to be admitted
to steer an airliner on airport Bowie's Maryland
Freeway Airport
-- because he is incompetent for that
-- but on 11 Sep. 2001 he should
have crashed with flight 77 precise into the Pentagon
In: The Prince George's [Maryland] Journal, 18
Sep. 2001
15-31 Aug. 2001
Hani Hanjour flights 3 times a Cessna and gets a
pilot license, but he is not competent to fly alone
-- Hanjour gets no
degree of the Bowie's Maryland Freeway Airport
-- Hanjour wants to rent an airliner but the airport
-- the pilot teacher report to the pilot school director
Marcel Bernard that Hanjour is not competent for
not companied flights, in spite of 600 flight lessons in
Hanjur's logbook (p.55).
18 Sep. 2001
Flight school director Marcel Bernard covers up about
the alleged assassin Hani Hanjour: No capacity to
flight an airliner
Pilot school director of the Bowie's Maryland Freeway
Airport Bernard says:
Hanjour had flown three times a Cessna, he had the pilot
license, but the final degree of the airport he did not
receive, and for lonely flights Hanjour had no
competence, in spite of 600 pilot lessons (p.55).
->> FBI speaker and special agent Pete
Goulatta is silent about Hani Hanjour with the
indication of current research (p.55).
10.2 The "flight educations" of
Mohammed Atta and Marwan-Al-Shehhi
"USA": The "USA" give pilot education on "American"
military bases for foreign officers
-- among others 5 of the 19 blamed Muslims from 11
Sep. 2001
-- three of the five blamed Muslims have their address
in the "USA" at the marine's base Pensacola, Florida
-- Mohammed Atta studies at the International Officer's
School on the Maxwell Air Force Base at Montgomery
In: Daniel Hopsicker: Terrorists Trained at US Bases,
Germany: Mohammed Atta and some of his friends are
working for starvation wages in a computer company
-- Mohammed Atta, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ramzi
Binalshibh are working at a computer service in
the Lauenburg district near the former inner German
-- all in all there are 7 people, the other four are
alleged supporter
-- the wages are 15 DM an hour
-- circles of the secret service maintain e.g., it would
be a letterbox company (p.106).
In: Daniel Hopsicker: New developments raise troubling
questions about "Pied Piper" of terrorist pilots; In:
The Mad Cow Morning News.
1997-2001 approx.
Germany: Mohammed Atta and 4 more of the alleged
hijackers are studying at Hamburg Harburg at the
Technical University (TU)
1998-1999 approx.
"USA": Florida: Pilot lessons of Atta and
Al-Shehhi without success
-- Mohammed Atta and Marwan-Al-Shehhi take pilot lessons
with the company "Huffman Aviation" at Venice,
-- both take each 100s of pilot lessons, without success
-- both take flight lessons at the International airport
Sarasota Bradenton at the pilot school Jones Aviation
Flying Service Inc., also without success
-- the pilot teacher reports Atta as a very nervous type
with only short capacity to concentrate
-- both cannot pass the entrance test "pursue and catch"
-- after a clearing talk both had left the Jones
Aviation Flying Service Inc. (p.56)
In: Washington Post, 19 Sep. 2001,
S. A15
Germany: One group of Arab students with Atta has
residence in Germany for a longer time
-- among them are some of the later alleged of the
attacks of 11 Sep. 2001
-- CIA is spying at Mohammed Atta and other Muslims in
Germany over months, but is not reporting anything to
the German authorities (p.68).
In: Berliner Zeitung, 24 Sep. 2001
Spring 2000
Germany-"USA": Atta gets a visa by the "US" embassy
at Berlin for an entrance to the "USA"
though he was supervised by CIA before. It seems he
is not suspicious (p.68).
since spring 2000 approx.
"USA": Florida's pilot schools with Muslim
pupils and with CIA and FBI observation
and: Preferential treatment for entrance of foreign
pilot students in Florida: Rudi Dekkers' Huffman
-- the pilot school has a direct authority to organize
the entrance for the further education
-- Atta gets an "interim visa" by the "US" embassy at
Berlin or eventually a tourist visa which is initiated
by the pilot school
-- all in all 9 up to 11 of the 19 alleged Muslims pass
a pilot education at Huffman Aviation (p.59)
Florida Flight Training Center
An other alleged Muslim is learning in the
neighboured Florida Flight Training Center because the
center is formally owned by a Dutch (p.59).
Migrating circus as CIA supervising center near the
pilot schools
Near Venice a migrating circus is the base for the
CIA for important research. In the migrating circus are
working high ranked former members of the CIA (p.59).
In: Daniel Hopsicker: Mohammed Atta & The Venice
Flying Circus, 13 Nov. 2001
The Jewish "art students" from Israel aside the
Muslim pilot pupils
A Jewish news group of the Jewish army in Israel is
taking residence aside the Muslim pilot pupils and
pretends to be a group of "art students". The "art
students" are covered up by investigations of the Drug
Enforcement Agency and by the local FBI office (p.60).
The Muslim pilot pupils are supervised day and night
-- and when it had been competent flight terrorists
so there could have been an intervention immediately
-- but they were incompetent "beginning pilots" who can
be blamed for the attacks later (p.60).
spring 2001 approx.
Group stay of a part of the Muslim hobby pilots in
San Diego
-- there are Nawaq Alhamzi, Khalid Al-Midhar, Hani
Hanjour, later the alleged hijacker of AA77 into the
-- at San Diego Alhamzi and Khalid Al-Midhar visit a
pilot school for a short time, but they fail because of
their poor English knowledge and because of their bad
results in their tests
-- two pilot lessons of the two on the local airfield
Montgomery Field end with the immediate breakup
oo because they don't speak English so it could be
oo because the pupils have no mechanic capacity (p.56).
In: Washington Post, 24 Sep. 2001,
S. A7
spring 2001
CSR: Mohammed Atta
should have had a meeting with a resident of the Iraqi
secret service at Prague
There are indications of "US" officials who maintain
this news would be an indication of the Czech secret
service, and this secret service had recognized Atta on
fotos (p.108)
->> This should be the proof for a connection
between Mohammed Atta and Saddam Hussein (p.108).
In: James Bamford: Bush wrong to use pretext as excuse
to invade Iraq; "USA" Today, 29 Aug. 2002
at the same time:
CIA: Atta should have been in Virginia and not at
maintain higher ranks of the CIA in autumn 2002
approx. (p.108).
Mohammed Atta can impossibly have been at two spots
at the same time, or he had a double.
26 April 2001
FBI: Mohammed Atta should have caught in a traffic
control without driving license
and Atta should not have been at the court hearing,
and by this there should have declared a warrant of
arrest on 4 June 2001 (p.107).
No assassin would commit such a fault before a big
plan, this would be an unnecessary conspicuity.
June 2001
FBI: Mohammed Atta takes a trip to Las Vegas
overnight in a motel next to an FBI office
(p.107). Atta is checking in with a driving license
from Florida with an address at Coral Springs, Florida
July 2001
FBI: Mohammed Atta allegedly tries to pay at a kiosk
with an invalid credit card
It is allegedly an invalid credit card from the
Government Printing Office at Washington. He allegedly
wants to buy the Air Force Magazine (an official
publication by the government). During the registration
Atta allegedly should have said his address from Egypt
In: Indication of the speaker of the Government Printing
Office, Andrew Sherman
No assassin would wand to stand out by such an
July 2001
Spain: Mohammed Atta should have met with other
Islamic extremists at a beach hotel near Barcelona
In: Spanish newspapers
End of August - 10 Nov. 2001
"Witnesses" maintain:
Motels for Arab groups
-- 5 Arabs are in a motel near Washington all the
time, among others with Mohammed Atta
-- Ziad Jarrahi and Nawaq Alhamzi should have been in a
neighbored motel (p.107).
11 Sep. 2001
WTC collapse because of
blasts and mass murder by the Bush regime of almost
3000 Americans
16 Sep. 2001
Pentagon is reacting very arrogant concerning the
contradictions about the flight education of the
alleged assassins
-- allways saying the set phrase that Pentagon had no
authority to say who had visited which pilot school
-- the question that only from "friendly" states people
could visit "American" schools the speaker of the
Ministry of Defense is commenting like this: This is
e.g. not the same Mohammed Atta
-- questions for the curriculum vitae of Mohammed Atta
the Pentagon categorical refuses (p.58).
In October the German authorities
The criminal Germans say that Mohammed Atta, Marwan
Al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrahi should have been members of
a terror cell
with the aim of attacks against "USA" (p.107).
17 Oct. 2001
Report that 5 of the 19
blamed Muslims had been trained at "American" military
bases for officers
-- 3 at the marine's base Pensacola, Florida (p.57)
-- Mohammed Atta studied at the International Officer's
School on Maxwell Air Force Base at Montgomery (p.58)
->> after denying it the Pentagon admits these facts
->> the Muslims have to be rated as "members of
friendly states" and they must have been listed for the
education by these states (p.57-58).
December 2001 approx. / months after 11 Sep. 2001
New visas for Mohammed Atta and Marwan Al-Shehhi
The visas are sent by the immigration board to the
addresses in Florida, though according to the FBI Atta
and Al-Chehhi are dead since 11 Sep. 2001 since the collapse of the WTC and the
attack on Pentagon (p.58)
In: Dan Eggen / Marc Beth in der Washington Post, 13
March 2002, S. A01
There is the suspicion that the blamed were not at all
in the airplanes but there had been another form to kill
them or to neutralize them. This method to eliminate
persons was also applied during the operation Moon
Landing when some persons wanted to tell the truth that
there was no landing on the moon...].