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The fraud of 11 September 2001

9. Structural preparations for the 11 September 2001 at WTC and Pentagon -

the Silverstein deal - irregular flight bookings

Larry Silverstein, the
                      greatest profiteer of the WTC collapse. First he
                      is given 3,2, then 6,4 bn. $. Until today there is
                      no investigation...
Jerry Hauer,
                          accomplice at the WTC collapse, with knowledge
                          in biological terrorism. Until today there is
                          no investigation...
Larry Silverstein, the greatest profiteer of the WTC collapse. First he is given 3.2, then 6.,4 bn. $. Until today there is no investigation...

Jerry Hauer, accomplice at the WTC collapse, with knowledge in biological terrorism. Until today there is no investigation...

by Michael Palomino (2004 / 2006)

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from: Andreas von Bülow: CIA and the 11 September. International Terror an The Role Of the Secret Services
[orig.: "Die CIA und der 11. September. Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der Geheimdienste"]. Piper edition. Munich / Zurich 2003]

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9.1. The structure of the WTC towers is said to be safe like all steel structured buildings
9.2. The Silverstein deal: House no. 7 and WTC towers - the insurance against terror attacks
9.3. Building no. 7 is prepared under Jerry Hauer: A "leader's bunker" is installed

9.4. The occupancy of the WTC towers short before 9-11 2001

9.5. The houses no. 5 and no. 6 on the WTC site
9.6. The Pentagon will be prepared for the attacks: Reinforcement of the South West part

9.7. The low and irregular flight bookings for AA 11, UA 175, AA 77 and UA 93 for 9-11 2001

9.8. The death of O'Neill
9.9. The insurances have to pay 3.2 bn. $ to Silverstein - and at the end 6.4 bn.

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The structure of the WTC towers is said to be safe like all steel structured buildings

WTC construction with steel beams in different
WTC construction with steel beams in different massivity

-- the towers are calculated against the crash of airliners of a weight of a Boeing 737

-- the towers have an inner isolation against fire

-- in the core of the towers stand 47 steel beams (p.135), 90 to 36 cm strong cases fused of 10cm thick stainless "special" steel, it is thinner in the upper floors up to 6 mm (p.138)

-- the front side consists of 236 steel beams, 59 each side, fused steel cases 40 to 40 cm in a distance of 1m, encased with material against fire, and with an aluminium shift, between this 13cm thick window glass

WTC construction: the steel beams have different
WTC construction: the steel beams have different massivity

-- each floor is 3.7m high

-- the outer beams are fused on the height of the ceiling with crossed steel panels

-- the floor floors are made of plates of steal and are of concrete, on steel beams reinforced by crossed fixations, linking so the outer and the inner beams (p.138).

Until 11th September 2001 steel structured buildings are said to be fireproof

All fire brigades of the world an all statisticians of the world are convinced that steel structured buildings cannot be brought to a collapse by fire (p.141).

[There is the consequence the other way round: When WTC was not fireproof as a steel structured building so there must not be built any steel structured building any more].

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The Silverstein Deal: House no.7 and WTC towers - the insurance against terror attacks

1975 approx.
Building no. 7 is built under leadership of the New York Port Authority

since 1987
Silverstein purchases building no. 7 at the WTC site
-- this building has in the basement a big hall, about 5 floors high, with

oo two transformer stations
oo 10 transformers which transform down the voltage of the power line from 13,800 voltage down to the local voltage

-- over these transformers are built 60 floors because a relocation of the transformers seemed not to be possible because of lack of space (p.160)

plus: 7 tanks for diesel fuel to work with the emergency generator (p.160)
plus: American Express has got an own tank in the house for an own emergency generator
plus: The town of New York has got an own tank (over 22,700 liters) for 3 emergency generators of 500 kW each for the emergency command center of the mayor in the house
plus: Salomon Smith Barney Investments have 2 tanks with 22,700 liters diesel oil each (p.160).

->> all in all according to FEMA in building 7 are good 159,000 liter diesel oil
->> all in all building 7 has got a capacity with emergency generators of good 20 mega watt with 15 or more generators
->> at the same time FEMA describes the house as a normal block of offices (p.161).

Building no. 7 is an eternal risk for the fire brigade because of the many tanks and the emergency generators in the 5th, 7th and 9th floor  (p.161).

In: Eric Hufschmid: Painful Questions; An Analysis of the September 11 Attack,  S.10

Special things in building no. 7
-- there is the CIA headquarter for a fight against terrorism
-- there is the espionage board against the New Yorker UNO representation of all countries (p.202).

In: Secret CIA. Site in N.Y. Was Destroyed on September 11; In: N.Y.Times, 4 Nov. 2001

-- there are offices of the CIA
-- there are offices of the Ministry of Defence
-- there are offices of the Security and Exchange Commission
-- there are millions of documents about ongoing criminal researches against the mafia, against banks, against the international drug commerce, against washing money, against terrorism
-- there are offices of the "American" customs inspection with documents about contrabandism cases of the last 10 years [probably the CIA] where the customs inspection had been ordered to close both eyes, this means

oo heroine deals with radical Islamistic groups as Al Kaida in Pakistan (p.161)
oo transport of heroine in commercial airlines

-- documents of the Security and Exchange Commission about the criminal behavior of large concerns in the 1990ies, e.g. "air bookings" in the Enron case (p.162).

A fire and a collapse of building no. 7 could be very good for many criminals and professional criminals worldwide, it could be a liberation for them (p.162).

since 1997 appro.? - June 2001 approx. / some weeks before the 11 Sep. 2001
WTC: Installation of the Jewish shipping line from Israel "Zim" in the WTC
The leasing contract is ending at the end of 2001 (p.216)

In: Christopher Bollyn: Israeli Company Mum About Perfect Timing Of WTC Pullout; American Free Press, 5 Sep. 2002

Possible Mossad connection with the "Zim" company in the WTC
According to Bülow could "Zim" e.g. be a collaborating firm for the Mossad at WTC as other transport firms also [and by this all manipulations in the WTC buildings and around the WTC could be installed imperceptibly to be performed on 9-11 2001] (p.217).

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End of the 1990ies

Building no. 7 is prepared under Jerry Hauer: A "leader's bunker" is installed

Jerry [Jerome] Hauer, manager of the WTC, lets install in the 23th, 24th and 25th floor a bunkered Emergency Management center with the claim that this would be projected as a leader's bunker of the supreme mayor (p.202-203), as a primary control unit in case of a terror attack resp. in case of an anthrax attack of Saddam Hussein (p.203); all in all 4640 m2 office floor (p.203-204).

-- the "leader's bunker" is safe against conventional and biological weapons (p.203)
-- there is an own air condition with own filter supplies
-- there is an own water supply of over 40,000 liter water
-- the front is enforced for storms of over 260 km/h
-- there are 22,000 liter oil in the tanks for emergency generators (p.204).

The fire brigades from New York are protesting already during planning this nonsense because the emergency center should be situated over all generators and oil tanks which are planted in the building, but the protests have no effect (p.204).

The emergency center is situated
-- over generators of 13,000 voltage
-- over diesel tanks with 159,000 liters of Diesel oil
-- it's one of the most dangerous places of New York, so (p.204).

The planning of Jerry Hauer is perverse and until now (year 2003) an official mystery (p.204).

Remote control: The attacks against the WTC towers are steerable with remote control from the "leader's bunker"
-- the sight from the 23th floor gives a total sight over the WTC site (p.205-206)
-- it is a perfect spot to fix times for explosives in the WTC towers (p.206) and for placing the remote control for the steering of the airplanes and the blasts (p.209)
-- the windows and the front are made bombproof and will be not damaged when the towers and the steel beams come down
-- the safe air condition will protect the inmates of asbestos and concrete dust (p.206).

-- Hufschmid: Painful Questions
-- More Questions And Coincidences; In: Rense, 10-1-1

This would mean that the preparation for the attacks of 9-11 2001 began with the planning of Giuliani's  leader's bunker (p.206) [with Saddam and Anthrax as a pretended argument, and this would mean also that the Clinton administration also knew about this mass murder project of 11 September 2001].

since 1999
Jerry Hauer is managing the WTC
-- at the same time he is employee with Silverstein
-- Hauer is promoting the construction of the Emergency center for the "supreme mayor" Giuliani in building no. 7 (p.210).

Silverstein, "Investor" at New York, is responsible for the campaign accounts of the Republicans
-- Silverstein has a big influence on New York with it's Republican government
-- Silverstein has a big influence on the national and political circles at Washington (p.159).

26.4.2001 approx.
Silverstein concludes a leasing treaty for the WTC

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey leaves the leasing of the WTC to the New Yorker "Investor" Silverstein, Silverstein himself owns the company Westfield America. Leasing conditions are:

-- leasing for 99 years
-- 100 mio. $ payment a year (p.159).

In: Insurers Debate: One Accident or Two?; In: International Herald Tribune, 10.10.2001

-- Silverstein's company Westfield America is leasing the business part of the WTC
-- Silverstein himself is leasing the part with the office buildings (p.159)

-- and: There is a certificate of insurance for the WTC with a sum of 3.2 bn. $ for the whole complex with the first recognition of terror attacks as a loss (p.159)

-- at the same time Silverstein means that in the WTC would not be used the full capacity, and the buildings would be also 30 years old, and a destruction of the buildings would be possible, and he would plan 4 new towers (p.160).

New York: Silverstein ceremony for the legalization of the leasing treaty of the WTC with hand-over of keys
precisely 7 weeks before the blasts of the towers on 9-11 (p.159-160).

1.-11 Sep. 2001
Safety guards: New York: Preparations for the blasts of the towers of 2001 9-11

-- the safety guards are organized by the Federal Emergency Management Administration FEMA
-- chief Joe Allbaugh is leading a subordinate group "National Urban Search and Rescue" (p.212)
-- Joe Allbaugh is a Bush confident: He was in the government of Oklahoma when the attack against the  Federal Building was (p.264), and he was in Texas chief of staff of George W.Bush as governor, then he was manager of the campaign of George W.Bush (p.265).

In: Allan B.Colombo: Did Our Intelligence Community Really Fail Us?

It seems almost logic that president George W. Bush would be at least a confident, or even the organizer of the attacks of 9-11 2001. There is no investigation against the president until now...]

before 10 Sep. 2001
John O'Neill is mediated by Jerry Hauer to Silverstein as new security chief of the WTC complex

10 Sep. 2001
First day celebration for the new security chief of the WTC John O'Neill - presentiments
During the celebration O'Neill rumors that on 9-11 "something great" would happen (p.212).

In: Mark Ames John: John O'Neill: An Unbelievable Life

10 Sep. 2001
Safety guards: Safety chief Joe Allbaugh takes his group "National Urban Search and Rescue" already now into the positions in New York
under leadership of Tom Kennedy (p.212-213)

In: Allan B.Colombo: Did Our Intelligence Community Really Fail Us?

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The occupancy of the WTC towers short before 9-11 2001

WTC: The occupancy in the North tower
-- 50% of the empty floors are over the 70th floor
-- 25% of the empty floors are over the 90th floor (p.212)

In: Hufschmid: Painful Questions, p.102

WTC: The occupancy in the South tower
There is full occupancy with exception of the floors underneath the 30th floor

In: Hufschmid: Painful Questions, p.102

-- all in all the bank Morgan Stanley has rented over 50 floors in WTC
-- all in all the bank Oppenheim Stocks also has rented over 50 floors in WTC

In: Peter Bonnell: World Trade Center Part IV; TIDBITS, 10/28/01 [28 Oct. 2001]

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Houses on the WTC site no. 5 and no. 6

In building 6 are installed:
-- the "American" customs administration
-- the state's Export Import bank ("Ex-Im-Bank")
-- probably with a main part of documents over arm's deals of president Bush senior with Iraq and with Saddam Hussein (p.164).

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The Pentagon will be prepared for the attacks: Reinforcement of the South West part

1999 approx.-2001
Pentagon: The South West part is reinforced as a protection from terror attacks and this part is empty

shortly before the 11 Sep. 2001
Pentagon: The South West part is reinforced and nobody has moved in yet

Pentagon: Business trips for 9-11 2001 are canceled in groups

In: Newsweek, 24 Sep. 2001

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The low and irregular flight bookings for AA 11, UA 175, AA 77 and UA 93 for 9-11 2001

-- the airplanes have not at all a good occupancy and have gaps which are not at all usual
-- by the abnormal often rebookings before the 11 Sep. 2001 many window seats are free whereas the window seats are booked first normally
-- by the abnormal rebookings there is an irregular distribution of the passengers between cockpit and the tail whereas normally there is an attention on a constant occupancy (p.213)
-- the occupancy plan for AA11 shows this e.g. in Hufschmid (p.213).

In: Eric Hufschmid: Painful Questions, S.81

There must have been an internal information for certain user groups not to use these flights. Have the passengers been questioned who did a rebooking?]

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The death of O'Neill

19 Sep. 2001
O'Neill is found under the rubble and is identified by Jerry Hauer
-- O'Neill should be security chief of the WTC
-- O'Neill was ex FBI terror expert (p.210)
-- there is no autopsy (p.32).

Why the body of O'Neill could be identified yet when he was crashed under the rubble?
The autopsy can be made yet now. Is there an investigation if it was murder of nor?]

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since 11 Sep. 2001

The insurances have to pay 3.2 bn. $ to Silverstein - and at the end 6.4 bn.

-- affected are the reassurance companies, among others Allianz in Germany
-- Silverstein claims it had been two damage events so he had the right to get two times 3.2 bn. $
-- the New Yorker district court resigns to his claim and says it had been only one damage (p.160)

In: Fintan Dunne: Wag the WTC II; The Blockbuster Part II Of Exposing The WTC Bomb Plot

[-- in 2005 the higher instance decides that Silverstein is right so Silverstein will be payed 6.4 bn. $ for two damage events...]

[-- in 2006 according to Swiss-Re a last instance at New York decides that there is only one damage event so Silverstein gets "only" 3.5 bn. $].

Why the reassurance companies are paying this? It's clear since the first moment that WTC was blasted and it was a capital crime with mass murder with several 100 firefighter witnesses. Why is there no process about that money to cover up the truth? Silverstein knew all and let pass the mass murder...]

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Picture credits
-- Larry Silverstein: (June 2005)

-- Hauer: (June 2005)

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