from: Andreas von Bülow: CIA and the 11
September. International Terror an The Role Of the
Secret Services
[orig.: "Die CIA und der 11. September.
Internationaler Terror und die Rolle der
Geheimdienste"]. Piper edition. Munich/Zurich 2003]
"American"-Spanish war: The "US" media are polarizing
between "Good" and "Bad"
about 1900
Theses of the British geographer Mackinder about
-- Mackinder is the founder of the London School of
-- Mackinder means that a combination of land powers
could replace the English dominance as a Sea power
-- decisive should be the dominance of an axis from
Siberia over Caucasus by the Caspian Sea through Iran
and the Persian Golf to the Arab peninsula (p.225).
1903 approx.
GB: Foreign secretary Lord Curzon names the states
South from Russia as "stones on a chess board"
in a game about the world dominance: Turkmenistan,
Afghanistan, Persia etc. Curzon is "Vice king of India"
at the same time (p.180).
In: Lord Curzon: Russia in Central Asia
[from1920 on approx.
Oil is found in the Near East and colonization -
important "stones on the chess board"
By the fund of oil the states in the Near East and
in the south of Russia become more important yet in the
eyes of the European and "American" geopolitics (p.181).
Second World War: "US" media are polarizing between
Good and Bad - Pearl Harbor as an instrument to get
the psychological war preparedness
The entrance of war after Pearl Harbor has been
permitted intentionally by president Roosevelt although
the Japanese attack had been known. 2,000 "Americans"
have been victim of the psychological warfare (p.230).
-- the "American" defense had decoded any Japanese code
-- president Roosevelt and the tops of the army know
about the attack and omit intentionally all information
to the commandments on Hawaii
-- after the bombing there is a catalytic accelerating
effect to be ready for war in the "US" population