from: Hans
Ulrich Wehler: Der Aufstieg des amerikanischen
Imperialismus. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen,
beginning of the 1880s
New mission in the "West"
The "Congregational Home Missionary
Society" has got the project to work out a new hand
book for the "inner mission" in the "U.S.A.". The
performance of this new edition is given to the restless
pastor Josiah Strong, a local secretary of the "Home
Missionary Society". He knows about actual problems
and is a striking person by this (p.45).
Book by Josiah Strong: "Our Country" -
propaganda for a world dominance of "U.S.A."
Instead of working out a new hand book for the "inner
mission" this Mr. Strong is editing a completely new hand
book with the title "Our Country. Its Possible Future and
Its Present Crisis" (p.45).

Propaganda book by Josiah Strong "Our Country" with the
prophecy of the extermination of all other races and of an
installation of a 1,000 Year Reich of "U.S.A." [2]
Josiah Strong is proclaiming white
"American" imperialism and racism for a "U.S." world wide
dominance. [With this the book of Strong is headed against
the world dominance of England]. Daily press is printing
parts of this book with the claim that these "U.S.A."
would have the destiny to have the "world wide dominance".
Content of "Our Country": predestination of
"U.S.A." for a global dominance
-- education for a critical thinking about the epochs
-- the book is presenting statistics and popular sociology
without analysis, and there are mission essays
-- the book is giving instructions how moments of danger
can be overcome during the society's development (p.45).
-- Strong is making the prophecy there will be an
"American" global imperialism
-- Strong is mediating mission in civilization
against all natives and against all primary nations
-- Strong is mediating a eagerness in "Christian"
belief and in arrogant racism
-- Strong is making the prophecy that the
capitalist interests in exports of industries and
agriculture will be respected (p.54).
-- Strong is evoking that the future of the "Christian"
belief would depend on the "future of 'America' ": <How
"America" is deciding so the world will decide.>
-- the years of the ending 19th century would be
groundbreaking for the whole world, only the "birth of
Christ" had been even more importance
-- Strong is pretending to the readers that they
would live in an exceptional period and that they would be
a factor for the whole mankind resp. the whole world would
depend from "America"
-- according to Strong the seat of the world empires
is changing always from the east to the west as it had
been described in books of Greek Antique already, and
"America" would stay at the end of this line of
development, because after the "Frontier" [after all land
is robbed from the primary nations] there would be no "New
World" any more, "there would be no West any more, because
at the other side is Asia"
-- "America" would be the goal of world wide
genesis and therefore "America" would be very rich with
-- Strong claims that "God" had distributed the
resources with a wise idea in a way so "America" had got
most of it, just 20 times more than whole Europe has: "20
times as much of the source of force as all European
peoples have" (p.46)
-- [white] "Americans" would be the best inventors of
machinery and the best mechanics because "God" had wanted
this in this way
-- the over capacities of "America" will push to
the world market
-- Strong connects the conversion of the whole
world with the industrial imperialism
-- selling new products will provoke new needs in the
whole world: "Trade is following the missioner"
-- after the development of the markets in Africa
and in Asia nobody can stop these "U.S.A."
again but they will be the "most powerful workshop of the
world (p.47).
Strong is also warning from dangers which will put
the dominance by [white] "America" into question. There
are some points causing "anxiety" for Strong:
-- the Frontier will vanish some day (p.47), Strong
is waiting for the end of the Frontier (p.50)
-- and the yearly rising immigration is a disadvantage
-- immigrants wanted to profit from the political system
and from the possibilities of traveling, but the arrival
and the uprooting of the immigrants would have a
demoralizing effect provoking new criminality, and this
would have a bad effect again to the long lasting dwellers
and this would undermine the base of "U.S.A."
-- Strong is following the lines of nativism,
anti catholicism and anti social radicalism
-- the "Anglo Saxons" would be "determined to fulfill high
tasks with global dominance of 'America'" and the
"racist substance" should be "kept pure" and should not be
"spoiled" by immigrants
-- "America" would be the "coming Holy Empire"
After the end of the Frontier and after the last "free
disposable settling land" [land robbed from the natives]
is distributed
-- more limitations for immigration should follow
-- or then the life conditions in the "U.S.A." will be as
bad as in Europe, this is the prophecy of Strong
These indications of Strong are scaremongering
-- Strong is provoking scaremongering from the class fight
which according to Wehler is not so intense in the
"U.S.A." as in Europe where the right of heritage
is by families yet
[Supplement: In the "U.S.A." there is also a right of
heritage - with white skin color, and the class fight
during 19th century is in the whole world a colonial
racial war]
-- Strong is provoking scaremongering from fixed wages,
from political corruption, from the failure of general
-- Strong is provoking scaremongering from high
Well, these conditions are already here since 1873 but the
majority of "U.S.A." are not getting aware of it
yet (p.50).
Sources of dangers for "America" would be: catholicism,
Mormonism and "decay"
In his book "Our Country" Strong is warning
-- that the growing Catholic Church with influence in
private confessional schools would be a "decay of public
life" which should be well considered
-- Mormonism would also be a "development of decay", and
additionally Mormonism would be "dangerous" because this
Mormonism had established in the strategic important part
of "U.S.A." in the West
-- socialist ideas in the "working class" would be another
"development of decay"
-- the most dangerous socialists could be found always
within the new immigrant groups (p.48).
Strong is claiming socially active action
-- the means against worker's poverty had to be presented
-- despotism of industry should be limited, this despotism
would be more depressive than "slavery" before
independence of 1776
-- luxury would provoke arrogance, corruption and
-- the administration of luxury should be performed by
trust of God and the money would be invested only then in
God's sense when it is used for the elimination of social
problems of the present (p.49).
Strong is shouting against the urban development
-- according to Strong a healthy development of society is
not performed in big cities but on farms and in rural
areas as it is described in the social political
guidelines of Thomas Jefferson
-- the town would be a "serious threat of our
civilization": Strong is criticizing the "American" towns
as a center of shameless corruption and not bearable
narrowness for worker's families and even James Bryce
is reproaching failure to the "American" constitution
concerning social life conditions
-- "U.S.A." only can continue existing when the
"revolutionary situations" in the towns during the
economic crisis would be overcome (p.49).
Strong is presenting a huge prophecy for "U.S.A." as a
counter part to the economic crisis: "Thousand-Year
-- Strong makes the prophecy and is invoking a
<1,000 Year Reich of Anglo "American" global
-- this 1,000 Year Reich would be the last step before the
Empire of God on Earth would come (p.50)
-- Strong understands the 1,000 Year Reich as an
"American task for humanity"
-- Strong wants for a "New Frontier" and
this makes him popular [more destruction by the white
racists of "U.S.A." is provoking more "friends" for
-- Strong claims that the thesis of the "elected
people" from the Puritans will be fulfilled and this
prophecy makes Strong even more popular (p.51).
Strong is a racist, imperialist and reformer
in one [thus: a National Socialist]
-- Strong's book "Our Country" is a broad trumpet
signal for thinking about times after the "Frontier"
-- Strong is writing only about western states
where he is acting with mission resp. he lets influence
the "atmosphere" of the "Frontier" into his book (p.50)
-- Strong is requiring for a war against the
outer world for potential exploitation
-- Strong is requiring for a "cultural mission"
of "Christianity"
-- Strong is presenting a predestination doctrine
about "American" global dominance which is only fixed on
the belief about a destination of "destiny".
The intensity of Strong's words provokes a big effect with
the [white] "Americans" [who are able to read]:
-- Strong claims that the "Angelo Saxon" had a
"special relation to the future of Earth"
-- Strong claims that the "Anglo Saxon" had a
"divine order" for global dominance because there is a
high population growth in the "U.S.A.", "higher
than in all continental European peoples", and all
immigrants are counted as newborn humans
-- Strong is showing a population speculation
estimating 373 million "Americans" for 1980 and 667
million "Anglo Saxons" also for 1980, and Europe would
have only 570 million people then
-- Strong is proud that the "Anglo Saxons" are
governing one third of the globe in 1885 already (p.51).
Then Strong is presenting his arguments why England would
not be the last of the seats of world empires whereas it
had occupied more territory:
-- the "more sensitive nerval system" of the "Americans"
would be foreseen for a "higher culture"
-- the "American mixture of [white] populations" would be
superior because they all had Germanic roots
-- the "Anglo Saxon acquisitiveness" ["American racist
capitalism] will have "great boom" in the "U.S.A." than
the English acquisitiveness in the colonies [with English
racist capitalism]
-- the "American energy" would be greater than the English
energy because of food, climate and social constitution so
the "genius of colonizing" in the "U.S.A." would have more
force (p.52).
[resp. "U.S.A." has the worst power of destruction and of
racism in the whole world].
Strong makes the prophecy of a Thousand-Year
Reich of "U.S.A."
-- actually the education of aggressive
characteristics for the "final race fight for which the
Anglo Saxons are trained in present times" is already
-- spread of "pure Christianity, of the greatest freedom"
will come over Mexico, Central and South "America",
Pacific Islands, Africa up to Asia
-- the strongest race is the "American" one and will win
the racial fight
-- minor races will die out as a "preparation for a
supreme race". Quotation of Strong:
"The extermination of minor races seems to be very
-- remnants of races will "mix" and "mankind will be made
an Anglo Saxon mankind"
-- "U.S.A." will be the "home" for Anglo Saxon
race (p.53)
-- the present times are like "the period of Gibraltar"
[the decisive period as Gibraltar was decisive for the
dominance of the Mediterranean]
and in these times could be the decision for the world
wide dominance of "U.S.A." (p.54)
Other observers thinking about the end of the Frontier
require that the end of the Frontier should be followed by
a limitation of immigration (p.50).
This book is partly conceived like a sermon
and it's also interpreted like this, above all by Prof. Austin
Phelps, a sermon scientist from the "Andover
Theological Seminar" (p.45).
Austin Phelps means about this propaganda book
"Our Country":
-- Strong is writing about his vision of future of
-- the future of "America" would depend on the "victory of
Christianity" in the federal states in the west of
Mississippi River
-- for "America" a decisive battle would come [...]
[against the natives and primary nations] as it was the
civil war before the battle of Gettysburg
-- "U.S.A." would be "the main force" for the conversion
of all peoples of the world for Christianity (p.45).
Second edition of "Our Country"
-- with the counting of 1890 (p.54,303)
-- contains the appeal against immigration from southern
and eastern Europe (p.303).
The book of Strong "Our Country" is sold
160,000 times already
And Strong is making propaganda with more books yet:
Josiah Strong: book "The New Era or the Coming

Propaganda book of Josiah Strong "New Era of the coming
Kingdom", 1893 [3]
-- partly whole passages are copies
from "Our Country"
-- perfection is praised as integrity of God
-- Strong is idealizing the virtues of cultures of
Israel, Greece (Hellas) and Rome, and all other
cultures are degraded and rated as worthless.
expressed even more extremely:
-- for Strong the "Anglo Saxons" are incorporating
the exponentiated form of virtue of Israel, Hellas and
Rome [and thus all other cultures are for
-- Strong claims that the "Anglo Saxons" had a "special
order to give way to the coming "Divine Empire" by a
unique union on earth under their leadership" (p.54)
-- Strong claims that the "Christian" religion would be
supported best when one would support the "American"
expansionism (p.55)
-- in the second half of the book Strong is analyzing
questions about modern protestantism (p.304).
Just in the same year of 1893 40,000 books are sold
Dramatic sociological events in the "U.S."
-- there is a intensified feeling of crisis (p.49)
-- and the Frontier of "U.S.A." has "ended" at the West
Coast: Ending of the frontier by the counting
authorities (p.50).
Strong is greeting the "American" expansion
["U.S.A." are not big enough for the racist governments
(with their poker fighter lodges Skull&Bones, Free
Masons etc.). The criminal and fascist governments of
"U.S.A." are beginning now to manipulate the world into
new wars systematically for performing new occupations and
installing dependent areas. The beginning for this is the
war against Spain in 1898].
Strong: book "Expansion Under New World

Josiah Strong: Another racist propaganda book
"Expansion Under New World Conditions", 1900 [4]
[Racism against the whole world has
become a program of state now in these "U.S.A.". Expansion
of "U.S.A." is beginning... and with it's not stopping
with it's fascism and destruction of the world step by
step until these "U.S.A." will drown at last...]