Books and web sites
-- Sacred Wisdom - ISBN 1-56935-055-8 - Phoenix Source
Publishers, Inc. P.O. Box 27353 - Las Vegas, Nevada
89126 - June 1995 - for information call:
-- The Boys on the Tracks: Death, Denial, and a
Mother's Crusade to Bring Her Son's Killers to Justice
by Mara Leveritt
Web site: Facebook group:
for Kevin Ives and Don Henry
#kevinives #donhenry
The main culprits

Criminal Al Gore is protecting criminal
Cocaine Bill Clinton simulating "highest
ethical standards in the White House"

Cocaine Bill Clinton with
Killary Hillary Clinton as Governor in
Arkansas, they are drug lords with cocaine,
contract killings, destruction of files,
manipulation of justice, Whitewater scandal
The career of criminal Mr.
-- he is a cocaine drug addict
-- Attorney General in Arkansas
-- Governor of Arkansas
-- President of the "USA"
-- and his wife is a lawyer and helps him
Article: Mr.
Clinton's drug use, is true, involved the
systematic violation of the law when he
was either a law professor, or in high
office as Attorney General and
later Governor of Arkansas.
(18'10'') |
The witnesses
Bill Duncan, Internal
Revenue Service Treasury Agent in charge
of MENA investigation

Charles Black, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
of Polk County in MENA, Arkansas |

Doc DeLaughter, former Arkansas Police
Investigator in charge of Dan Lasater case |

Don Hewitt, Executive Producer, "60
Minutes" |
Dr. Samuel Houston, former
medical doctor treating Hillary's father
Hugh Rodham and Cocaine Bill Clinton

Gary Johnson, former attorney for Larry
Nichols |

Gary Parks, the son of murder victim Jerry
Parks |

Jean Duffey, former head of Arkansas drug
task force |

Jim Johnson, former Arkansas State Senator
and former Arkansas State Supreme Court
Justice |
![Jim Leach , United States
Congressman [Republicans] Jim
Leach , United States Congressman
Jim Leach , United States Congressman
[Republicans] |
John Brown, former Saline
County Criminal Investigator [in the
town of Benton, west of the Little
Larry Nichols, former
Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]

Larry Patterson, Arkansas State Police
Officer |

Linda Ives, mother of murdered Kevin (16) of
August 22, 1987 |
Voice of Nora Waye, former
business partner of Clinton's stepfather
[the photo is of cocaine Clinton how he
saw himself in real]
Paula Jones, victim of
one of the sexual harassment and
exhibitionism of Cocaine Bill Clinton

Roger Perry, Arkansas State Police Officer |

Russell Welch, Arkansas State Police
Investigator in charge of MENA
investigation |

Scott Wheeler, journalist |

Sharline Wilson, gang member and Grand
Jury witness |

Co victim of Paula Jones, her husband Steve
Jones |

Tom McKenney, Lt. Col., United States
Marine Corps (retired) |

William Dannemeyer, United States
Congressman (1979-1992) |

Winston Bryant, Arkansas State Attorney
General |
Key words
ADFA in Arkansas = Arkansas Development
Finance Authority
Air crash=fancy
cover-up word for murder
BCCI=Bank of Credit and
Commerce International 1972-1991
Bill Clinton=Bill Clinton - cocaine
addicted, first he was a Attorney General in Arkansas,
then governor of Arkansas, then president of the "USA",
a high criminal with drug use, drug trafficking and
money laundering, with the help of his wife Hillary
Clinton and with his half-brother Roger Clinton; Bill
Clinton promotes corrupt drug friends to high posts, and
with the drug money he organizes his staged "election
campaigns" and the competitors have no chance
Grand Jury
Little Rock=capital town of Arkansas
MENA airport=airport where the drugs
from South "America" are coming in
cover-up word for murder
Toga party=party with
toga clothes + a cocaine room + a room for spontanic
Tyson=food company in the "USA"
distributing drugs in the whole country with their
Whitewater Scandal=real estate purchases
on state guarantee, with the taxpayer paying the losses;
some depositors could not fulfill the repayment contract
due to incidents in the end and lost ALL the MONEY, and
Killary Hillary Clinton's law firm collected the money
without an intermediate solution with the mentality
"contract is contract".
1. Cocaine Bill Clinton in
Arkansas - 12 years of a cocaine
governor 1981-1993 with cocaine
smuggling, money laundering, drug
parties, law firm, judicial
manipulations and murders
2. Cocaine
Governor Bill Clinton since August 1987
to 1993 with it's murder series
3. Cocaine Bill Clinton in
in Washington 1993-2001: Silence,
simulations, drugs, food company with
Tyson as a drug dealer
4. Cocaine
Bill Clinton's women in Arkansas: drugs,
romances, mad exhibitionism and sex
attacks - and murder of confident
detective Jerry Parks
5. The
question: Why was it possible that
Cocaine Bill Clinton became a President?
6. Whitewater
affair with bribed lawyers, destruction
of files and murder of Vince Foster
7. Arkansas:
Cocaine Clinton with an own bank BCCI -
collapse of money laundering bank BCCI -
Clifford, Fiske, Cocaine Clintons,
concealed testimonies
8. Appeal:
public hearings to the Congress are
9. Washington
DC, July14, 1994: Distribution of the
movie - July25, 1994: documentation is
distributed - the counter reaction:
witnesses are barred, and a new
propaganda campaign is started
10. Appeal:
Cocaine Bill Clinton has to be removed
as President - impeachment
11. The list
of Clinton's murders 1991-1995 (the list
is incomplete)
1. Cocaine Bill Clinton in Arkansas - 12
years of a cocaine governor 1981-1993 with cocaine
smuggling, money laundering, drug parties, law firm,
judicial manipulations and murders
20.11.1993: Cocaine Bill Clinton becomes a
"president" - the media conceal all his cocaine
trafficking and his cocaine addiction
November 20, 1993: William Jefferson Clinton became
president of the "USA" (7''). But the population knew
hardly anything about the criminal background of this
man (14''). The media reported nothing about it (21'').
Previously, he had been a governor (23''). Within 12
years he had gained complete control over Arkansas
(31''). As a president, he then brought his gang to
Washington. And with that gang the kidnapping of the
"USA" was prepared, with incalculable consequences for
the "USA" (46'').
Title of the movie: Citizens for Honest Government
presents: The Clinton Chronicles (1'2''). Any
information in this movie is secured by documents and is
true (1'14'').
Hot Springs and Governor of Arkansas

Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas State
Supreme Court Justice
Judge Jim Johnson: The Clinton family grew up in Hot
Springs, [in the prairie] (1'37 ''). When Bill Clinton
was elected as a representative, he became ambitious
(2'0 ''). He had ambitions and was a charming man (2'20
''). He has more energy than 10 people together (2'27
''). He could fit in anywhere (2'41 ''). Then he became
a governor and started with his foundation (2'53 '').
Cocaine Bill Clinton with extra maneuvers and he is a
long-term liar

of Nora Waye, former business partner of Clinton's
stepfather [the photo is of cocaine Clinton how he saw
himself in real]
Report by Nora Waye: "Clinton was like a rower on the
street. And he did business with the Russians against
the "US" guidelines, but was never punished for that
(3'29 ''). Clinton lied about being a Rhodes Scholar,
something which he never completed. In Arkansas, he
claimed to have balanced the budget every year, when he
never did it once. He claimed he never raised tax, which
he did 126 times." (3'43'')
Judge Jim Johnson: Clinton was a long-term liar and
always felt good about it, but lost touch with reality
(3'54 '').
ADFA structure in Arkansas - parts of funds diverted
for campaigns and friends
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: Bill was an entrepreneurial personality
(4'46 ''). Clinton organized a "political machine" (5'10
''). He paid wages, rewards for electoral work, etc.
(5'55 ''). Bill Clinton sold the concept of ADFA to
Arkansas (6'16 ''), a vehicle to create jobs and advise
schools and the church (6'19 ''). The reality was
different: large amounts of money were diverted to the
election campaign, and to his closest friends, and to
Hillary Clinton's "Rose Law Firm - a professional
association" (in Little Rock)] (6'31 '').

Bill Clinton with Killary Hillary Clinton, they are drug
bosses with cocaine consumption, cocaine smuggling,
contracted killers, destruction of files, manipulation
of justice, Whitewater scandal, etc.
Details about ADFA:
accounts are filling - and falling to 0
- funds are given for free to clients -
suspicion of drug money laundering
"The Arkansas Development
Financial Authority (ADFA) was set up to help
low-income families afford housing, support
small businesses, schools, and churches. The
agencies expensive legal work went to favorite
law firms, its lucrative underwriting to
select Wall Street houses and local Bond
Brokers. There was no legislative oversight or
public accountability. Clinton himself
appointed the entire board and personally
oversaw every loan from 1985 ton 1992.
After about two weeks Nichols
went to Wooten Epes, President of the ADFA and
said he’d done enough research and was ready
to start marketing the ADFA. Nichols asked
what the criteria for loans, Epes said whoever
Bill wants to give a loan too.
After about a month Nichols
realized he was in the epicenter of Bill
Clinton’s political machine. Where he made
payoffs, where he repaid favors to people for
campaign support. Despite what the ADFA was
supposed to be used for it the vehicle to fund
the Clinton campaigns. In reality, millions of
tax-payer dollars were being channelled into
Clinton’s election campaigns, his inner circle
of friends and his wife Hillary’s Law Firm,
the Rose Law Firm.
This may explain as to why the
ADFA had been drafted in such a manner, to
keep its decision-making processes a secret.
If you needed a million dollars you had to get
your application handled by The Rose Law Firm.
Pay them $50,000. There were five other
companies in the state of Arkansas that were
more qualified in bond structuring and
applications but Rose Law Firm got them all.
Nichols asked Comptroller Bill
Wilson how do people make payments on the
loans, Wilson said him “they don’t” Wilson
thought Nichols knew how the organization
functioned. This was about two months in for
Nichols started staying late
pretending to work on the annual report, and
he started collecting all the documents. He
made copies of them all. For about two months
he watched accounts accumulate money then they
suddenly zeroed out. ADFA was laundering drug
money." [xweb02]
Cocaine in Arkansas - MENA airfield as a hub - 100s
of millions of dollars money laundering PER MONTH
![Larry Nichols, former Director of Marketing
for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance Authority)
[in Little Rocks] Larry Nichols, former
Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols, former marketing of ADFA: Arkansas became
the cocaine hub at the airfield of MENA (7'47''). If you
make 100s of millions of dollars with cocaine, this
becomes a problem in a small state like Arkansas (7'56
''). There were 100 million dollars being washed PER
MONTH (8'1''). By 1989, this had never been done in the
banks of Arkansas (8'6 ''). Money was transferred to
Florida and then transferred to BCCI, the Bank of Credit
and Commerce International (8'15 ''). They transferred
the money to a bank in Georgia, then to New York, and
also involved a bank in Chicago, owned by one of the
owners Dan Rostenkowski, chairman of the House Ways
& Means Committee (8'33 ''). Dan Lasater got the
bonds. He was to become the stockbroker for the bonds
(8'40 ''). He should then resell and transfer the money
back (8'56 '').
DeLaughter, former Arkansas Police Investigator in
charge of Dan Lasater case
Doc DeLaughter: "During the last investigation we had
numerous witnesses for the Federal Grand Jury, ah, had
extensive testimony, ah, people that was connected with
Lasater and drug use and everything else (9'12''). His
cocaine use become used as a tool for sexual favors and
also for business deals and to influence people
(9'25''). And that's when Mr. Lashley become quite
flamboyant with his cocaine use and the ultimately led
to his arrest and commission." (9'37'')
Larry Nichols,
former marketing of ADFA: "Dan
Lasater who was best friend of Bill Clinton, who went to
jail with Roger Clinton for cocaine and by the way, let
me explain something, he didn't sell cocaine, no, they
were giving it away (9'50''). Huge piles in his office,
ashtray upon ashtray full at the parties and they would
give it to young girls (9'58''). That's sick. I mean,
they were given a highly addictive drug to young girls."
Cocaine career in Arkansas under Cocaine Bill
Clinton: youth girl being given cocaine
destroying their learning process

Doc DeLaughter, ex police detective: "One particular one
comes to mind as a 14 year old cheerleader out of North
Laurel Rock, she was a virgin, and ultimately he ended
up a senator to reposition of his, the physician put her
on birth control pills, he used cocaine in order to -
ultimately she lost her virginity and she got addicted
to cocaine (10'40''), and the last I heard of her when
we had her subpoena back to the Federal Grand Jury, she
was a hooker in Lake Tahoe." (10'46'')
Money laundering - 100 millions of dollar of cocaine
profits PER MONTH
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols:
"Dan Lasater contracted the launderer the money. In
addition to this contract to launder the money in
the system that he and Bill Clinton set up to do
it." (10'56'')
Article: Whitewater probe leads to coke
dealer. Ski resort owner ex falon got close to Clinton
after meeting his mother. (11'0'')
Larry Nichols: "Probably what he did, and she took
advantages of the cocaine. That's why he could give it
away (11'4''). They had 100 million a month in cocaine
(11'6''). They wouldn't care if you took a bucketful
that day." (11'13'')
Lasater indicted: Cocaine Clinton had corrupt
policemen as drug "business partner"
Doc DeLaughter, former police investigator: "Lasater was
indicted, I started to receive quite a bit of harassment
from - from my own department, Arkansas State Police
(11'24''). And I knew the reason behind it because
affiliation with the State Police and the governor's
office with ban Lasater and his business associates."
Article: Deals connect Lasater, Rose. Former
bond trader Dan Lasater has business ties with at
least one partner at Little Rock's Rose Law Firm.

Wilson, gang member and Grand Jury witness
Sharline Wilson: "Mr. Lasater's cocaine involvement at
Thomas was very heavy, then at times he was very - cool,
calm, mediocre (11'47''). He was - he was very careful
as all of them have been for quite some time." (11'54'')
Lasater in a luxury jail for 6 to 8 months - Cocaine
Bill Clinton granting
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "Lasater, he was convicted, he went to a
minimum-security prison, a holiday hotel, we call him,
he spent I think it was six to eight months, and he got
out unbeknownst to anybody (12'4''). Bill Clinton - the
day after he got out - granting him a full and complete
pardon (12'8''). So, if you think he's tough on crime,
think about a man that pardons a man, that gives cocaine
to the kids." (12'18'')
Clinton's fake commercial movie for a "better future"
- but he himself HAS PROVOKED fear and violence
Cocaine Bill Clinton also made commercial movies for his
campaigns against fear and violence which he had
provoked himself with his drug trafficking in Arkansas.
Here is one of his commercials:
Cocaine Bill Clinton says: "Fear and
violence is robbing our children of their future. We
must take away that fear and give them hope. We must
give Alicia and all our children back their childhood.
Working together, we can." (12'30'').
Comment's voice: "Do something now. Call 1-800, we
prevent." (12'34'')
Cocaine addicted Bill Clinton becomes a "President"
![Larry Nichols, former Director of Marketing
for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance Authority)
[in Little Rocks] Larry Nichols, former
Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "And then he became President, the
President of the United States, not only was a part of
the system that was laundering millions of cocaine
dollars (12'48''). Your President signed off on, he
can't deny that he did, you see because there's one
little catch (12'56''). Every loan at me. Bill Clinton
himself had signed off more than Bill Clinton (13'4'').
You better identify the people in the loop at the
drug-running. Yo better identify the people in the loop
for money laundering (13'12''). And what you will find
there is that people go straight to Washington."
Arkansas: Education law (law 1062) -
company POM with Web Hubbell - ethic law for
Arkansas: Education law for schools and universities
of [cocaine] Bill Clinton - it was only a law for
money laundering!
[So the drug money was invested now]:
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols:
1062: If you look at it, it says that ADFA was
developed and created to provide low-interest bond
loans for churches, schools, colleges, so, look what
happened in our legislature (13'30''): They voted on
the bill creating at, thinking that they were
getting money to colleges and schools, to buy books
and so forth (13'37''), for a better way to run
thousands of tens of millions of dollars (13'43'').
Laundry, clean it up, and used the cover of a state
agency to do it (13'48'').
Arkansas: parking meter company "POM Incorporated" -
Web Hubbell organizing first loans for POM
Larry Nichols: "The first loan made it was made to Parco
Meter Company, being called Park O Me (13'55''). Seth
Ward was the owner. As I started looking I found out
that the secretary treasurer was Web Hubbell (14'3'').
Then I found out [that] Web Hubbell was Seth Ward's
son-in-law. Guess who drafted the legislation creating
act 1062 which created the Arkansas Development Finance
Authority: Web Hubbell (14'18''). Guess who introduced
the legislation to our legislatures and got it passed
through our house: Web Hubbell (14'26''). Guess who got
the first loan: Web Hubbell (14'29''). Imagine this:
Guess who did the audit and the evaluation of the
application: Rose Law Firm, you guessed it (14'36'').
Who signed it? Web Hubbell, Hillary Clinton. You see
that's against the law in Arkansas: You cannot
investigate yourself, when the good faith and credit of
the state of Arkansas was involved in a bond issue
(14'47''). He broke the law." (14'48'') Web Hubbell has
distributed subsidies to itself, which is a violation of
the law." (14'53'')
Arkansas 1988: Clinton with drugs - Ethic Law does
not count for the Clinton Family
Film speaker: "Ironically, Web Hubbell, a senior partner
at the Rose Law Firm, was chairman of the Conflict's
Committee at Rose. In 1988, he successfully advanced the
Ethics and Government Act which required Arkansas
legislators to report governmental conflicts of interest
(15'10''). Incredibly this law specifically exempted
governor Bill Clinton, his appointees and his
relatives." (15'18'')
Cocaine Clinton as a "President" Hubbell
has to resign in 1994 already
1993-2001: Cocaine Clinton as a "President - Web
Hubbell as a Vice Minister of Justice -
Hubbell resigns in March 1994 because of overbilling
clients of Rose Law Firm
Film speaker:
"Clinton's appointment of Hubbell to the "U.S."
Justice Department (Vice Minister of Justice
[web04]) exemplified the administration's total
disregard for Legal Ethics." (15'27'')
[And then this Web Hubbell was resigning in March
1994 already]:
Article: Hubbell Resigns, Key Justice Post
In Surprise Move (15'30'')
Film speaker: "Hubbell's hasty
resignation in March 1994 for overbilling of Rose
clients was merely a ploy [maneuver] to remove Hubbell
from the limelight [stage] before extensive criminal
charges could be brought against him." (15'39'')
Arkansas: Parking Meter Company POM gets a loan of
2.85 million dollars - boss is Web Hubbell - it's all
money laundering - never payed back
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "Let me tell you about Park O Me. The
first loan was 2.85 million dollars. Never was opinion
to pay back. As the newspaper people started inquiring
about the Parkometer loans, what they found was that
Parkometer was actually building retrofit nosecone
compartments (16'7''). They were being shipped to MENA
(16'10''). We found out that the nose cones were
actually being used to smuggle boat back into the
country." (16'16'')
The connection of POM company with
airfield of MENA - and Barry Seal
Arkansas: POM with rocket nose parts and little
airplanes for cocaine smuggling
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols:
what is scary, what's so scary, it's the same cast
of characters: Web Hubbell, the Rose Law Firm, are
guilty, I say to you, of conspiring to defraud the
state of Arkansas, the Federal Government, and they
conspired to solicit the sales and the laundering of
money - for illegal drugs (16'43''). This is your
president. This is a circle of power. These are the
people when he got elected president, he did not
pass go, he took him straight to Washington with him
(16'55''). In all things holy. I think he was
planning to set up and do the same thing in
Washington." (17'1'')
[So, this Clinton came to Washington to the White House
and went on with his drug activities making parties and
organizing money laundering].
Arkansas 1982: Cocaine dealer Barry Seal installing
drug smuggling on MENA Airport - Clinton with drugs in
his office - airplanes and pilots for cocaine
Film speaker: "In 1982 cocaine trafficker Barry Seal set
up one of the largest drug smuggling operations in the
"United States" in MENA (Arkansas) (17'10''), under the
approving eye of Governor Bill Clinton." (17'14'')
Larry Nichols,
former marketing of ADFA: "Barry Seal
had a bunch of planes and supposedly had pilots
(17'19''). Barry Seal was a drug smuggler, he tried to
set it up in his home state of Louisiana but they
wouldn't let him (17'28''). He had to come to a state
that had a sleazy governor, hooked on cocaine, and
everybody knew it (17'37''). Yeah, Bill Clinton was
hooked on cocaine." (17'40'')
Article: Clinton 'took cocaine while in
office'. (17'37'')
Arkansas: Cocaine toga paries etc. with
cocaine addicted Cocaine Bill Clinton
Arkansas: Bill Clinton sniffing cocaine, it's just

Wilson, gang member and Grand Jury witness
Sharline Wilson: "I live in Littler Rock (Arkansas), ok,
and I worked at a cup called base, the bistros, and I
met Roger Clinton there, [with] governor Bill Clinton,
so a couple of his state troopers that went with him
wherever he went (17'59''). Roger Clinton - I - had come
up to me and he had asked me: 'Could I get have some
coke?' - you know - and asked for my one-hitter which -
a one-hitter is a very small silver device - ok - that
you use to stick up into your nose, and you just squeeze
it in it, I snorted cocaine, it goes up in there."
Article: Mr. Clinton's drug use, is true,
involved the systematic violation of the law when he
was either a law professor, or in high office as
Attorney General and later Governor of Arkansas.
Sharline Wilson:
"And ah, I watched Roger, him, what I had given him,
to Governor Clinton, then he just a kind of turned
around and - walked off and - that's one specific."
Arkansas: drug addicted Cocaine Bill Clinton as a
Governor was brought at least 1 or 2 times in hospital
because of an overdose
Samuel Houston, former medical doctor treating
Hillary's father Hugh Rodham and Cocaine Bill
Dr. Samuel Houston:
"I am [..] medical doctor at Medical Center here in
Little Rock, is taking care of Bill Clinton for his
sinus problems, which may indeed be drug-related to
cocaine use as they destroy the sinus passages
(18'50''). Governor Bill Clinton was taken into the
hospital I believe it was the Medical Center on at least
one or two occasions (18'57'') for cocaine abuse and
overdoses in which he actually had to be cared for at
the hospital." (19'5'')
Arkansas: Cocaine Bill Clinton's cocaine mafia with
policemen with toga parties with girls, sex and

Wilson, gang member and Grand Jury witness
Sharline Wilson: "It
led to - ahm - toga parties,
Cocaine and toga parties: Clinton stands accused
and if you are not sure on what a toga party is, I had
to clarify this in the past: toga party is where you
wrap yourself in a sheet, most the time (19'22''). Ah,
the people at the toga parties were governor Clinton,
now President Clinton, Attorney General Steve Cart, ok,
he was there a few times, members of the Arkansas State
Police, you know, along with Roger and, you know, other
people (19'44''). They began to dance around, do the
cocaine in one room, have sex in another room, because
[...] the rooms were joining, you know (19'55''), and,
to be quiet truthful, you end up with somebody in
particular and you nine times out of ten ended up having
sex (20'7''), and, ah, there was cocaine there, I, I
know, I'm, I'm the one that made sure it was there."
Arkansas: Neighbors and population wanted a hearing
at the Congress because of Cocaine Bill Clinton's drug
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks] John Brown,
former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown: "I talked to the manager, to the assistant
manager, for the apartment complex where Roger Clinton
[the half brother of Bill Clinton] used to live
(20'19''). They have all said, Bill Clinton did drugs.
They saw him (20'24''). I talked to a lot of other
people who of all - just like the people at the
apartment complex - said: 'Hey John, get us to a
congressional hearing. Yes, we will sign sworn
affidavits.' (20'38'') - These people want to be sure
when they come forward. That has something to be done
about it, because they fear for their life (20'45'').
But they really want the truth to get out." (20'47'')
Arkansas: Cocaine drug party in the Governor's Palace
of Little Rock
Sharline Wilson ex gang member: "I was there with Roger
one night [in the Governor's Mansion], and back in the
back part of the mansion there - there is a kind of like
a living quarters type thing, and, we were all get
together out there and - do cocaine - you know (21'5'').
And, no Miss Clinton was there at the time." (21'8'')
Arkansas: Drug smuggling at MENA

Map of Arkansas
with it's capital Little Rock and the airfield of MENA
Arkansas: Investigations against drug smuggling at
MENA airfield since 1983

Welch, Arkansas State Police Investigator in charge of
MENA investigation
Russell Welch, detective MENA airfield: "In 1983, I was
made aware that Sheriff had a way, and one of his own
ancillary deputies - Tarique Part - were investigating a
smuggling operation going on at the MENA Airport
(21'22''). They had an inside source of information."
Arkansas MENA: Mr. Seal installed the drug
smuggling at MENA airfield and money laundering also
at the same time
Bill Duncan, Internal
Revenue Service Treasury Agent in charge of MENA
Bill Duncan, revenue service: "Mr. Seal - as it was our
understanding - was the one who had brought the
operation into the MENA Airport, and that had initiated
the beginning of the money-laundering and the illegal
activity." (21'40'')
Arkansas MENA: There were many little airplanes - all
for cocaine smuggling
Russell Welch, detective MENA: "He [Barry Seal] said in
1983 was his most profitable cocaine smuggling period
ever, ah, he said that he - the airplanes that he had
placed at the main airport there were four of them, a
couple of Senecas, and a couple of Panthers, and one or
two Stragglers, here and there are different airplanes
(21'56''). He said they were purchased solely for the
purpose of cocaine smuggling." (22'0'')

Winston Bryant, Arkansas State
Attorney General
Winston Bryant: "There was - in my opinion - more than
enough evidence to prosecute a number of people for
crimes regarding the Barry Seal case at MENA." (22'9'')
Arkansas, Flugplatz MENA: Everybody could see that
drugs were loaded there

Doc DeLaughter, former Arkansas
Police Investigator in charge of Dan Lasater case
Doc DeLaughter: "I snagged around, crawled through the
bushes, thinking that I would really have to hide, just
him unloading the dope (22'16''). The net, and you could
walk right up to the airport and they'd unloaded it
right in front of you." (22'20'')
Article: Money Laundering Alleged. According
to an Arkansas official who investigated this case,
there was "plenty" of evidence that illegal money
laundering was going on, but no indictments ever came
down on those concerned (22'26'')
![Larry Nichols, former Director of Marketing
for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance Authority)
[in Little Rocks] Larry Nichols, former
Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Nichols: "They would unload it, they would offload it,
thank you!" (22'26'')
Arkansas MENA: money laundering in the Barry Seal
Russell Welch, detective MENA: "They ain't here a
certain degree of money-laundering had taken place - ahm
- among these people that were associated with Barry
Seal (22'30'').
Arkansas MENA: The connection with ADFA was not seen
- Cocaine Bill Clintons remains free
Doc DeLaughter: "What had not been done was to connect
the dotted lines to ADFA, when she connected the dotted
lines to ADFA you had actually connected the dotted
lines to Clinton." (22'41'')
Arkansas MENA: dropping locations for money and
Film speaker: "In addition to the operations at MENA,
small clearings and other parts of the state were used
as drop points for money and cocaine." (22'49'')
Arkansas, MENA airfield: manipulated doors,
dropping of drugs and money during the flights

Welch, Arkansas State Police Investigator in charge of
MENA investigation
Russell Welch: "They got special cargo doors installed
in the side without without FAA permission, so that
these doors could be opened in flight (23'2''). They had
pull in slied back and - and the cocaine can be dropped
outside in flight." (23'7'')
Article: THE MENA CONNECTION. Reed said he
left Toshiba in December 1982 and a month later placed
a classified advertisement in the Daily Oklahoman in
Oklahoma City, offering his 1978 twin-engine Piper
Arrow airplane in a ...) (23'7'').
Article: Feds interested in Mena link (23'18'')
Arkansas: The population can see the big drug
smuggling, indictments and negociations - but NEVER
any conviction
Duncan, Internal Revenue Service Treasury Agent in
charge of MENA investigation
Bill Duncan: "We have a public which is aware of an
ongoing criminal enterprise which - when you have an
international cocaine smuggler who is high profile - and
a lot of people know that they are operating in a small
area - a lot of people knew about the money laundering
(23'25''). It was common gossip on the street because it
was so blatant, and they see investigations ongoing for
several years, and they keep watching for indictments
(23'38''). They know Grand Juries are convening, they
know that witnesses are supposed to be providing
evidence ot the Grand Jury, yet year after year after
year and no indictments are returned (23'48''). People
loose confidence in the system." (23'50'')
Article: Attorney general to check into Mena
drug case progress, Alexander says (23'38'')
Arkansas: Cocaine Bill Clinton installed corrupt
police, judges and politicians - all is working fine,
Film speaker: "Clinton had integrated a number of
corrupt cops, judges, and politicians into high-level
positions to ensure the continued success of the drug
smuggling money laundering operations (24'2''), always
going well until a fateful night in the fall of 1987."
The Clintons 01-2: Cocaine Governor Bill
Clinton since August 1987 to 1993 with it's murder
Arkansas, Aug.22, 1987: Double murder to
2 youths having observed air drops of drugs - and
cover-up by Cocaine Bill Clinton
Arkansas double murder of 2 youths 1987: Coroner
Malak is lying - labs reject a second meaning

Linda Ives,
mother of murdered Kevin (16) of August 22, 1987
Linda Ives, mother of Kevin (killed with 16):
"On August 22, 1987, Kevin had spent the night with his
friend Don Henry, they left Don's home around 12:30 or a
quarter to 1, on August 23, and early morning hours, and
the next thing we knew, they had been run over by a
train (24'27''). There seems to be a small airstrip in
the area, there have been sightings and reports of
smaller airplanes flying very low with lights off in the
area (24'40''). I believe they saw something they
shouldn't have seen (24'43''). Three weeks later their
deaths were ruled accidental by the state medical
examiner [coroner] Famy Malak (24'50''), and we
disagreed with this ruling because we thought the
evidence pointed to homicide (25'0''). At that point we
had a lot of questions and no answers, and the facts
didn't add up to what he was telling us. So we decided
to get a second opinion (25'8''). And [we] met with
resistance from all fronts, both with our local law
enforcement, with the state crime lab, with everybody
that we turned to (25'22''), we obtained court orders,
we were requesting samples of everything that the crime
lab had for a second opinion, and Famy Malak resisted
court orders (25'35''). He refused to obey them."
Arkansas double murder of 2 youths 1987: mafia
between coroner Malak+Cocaine Bill Clinton+corrupt
police "fixing" the cause of death - Malak is
protected (!)
Film speaker: "It was proven that Don Henry had been
stabbed in the back, and Kevin Ive's skull had been
crushed prior to their placement of their bodies on the
railroad tracks (25'46''). However, Malak stood by his
ruling that the boys had simply fallen asleep on the
tracks." (25'52'')
Clinton's Ties to Controversial Medical Examiner
Questiones (25'55'')
Film speaker: "Malak had been kept in office at the
insistence of Governor Clinton for a number of years,
despite vigorous public outcry to have him removed
(26'0''). As long as Malak's rulings pleased the
governor's office or State Police, they were left to
stand, no matter how implausible (26'8'').
Article: Disputes trail medical examiner
Article: Governor Bill Clinton ordered Malak to
apologize, saying Malak "was obviously stressed out.")
Arkansas: Coroner Malak with decapitated victim
James Milam deciding for "natural reason"
Film speaker:
obvious lack of medical knowledge reached a pinnacle
when he ruled that James Milam - who had been
decapitated - had died of natural causes (26'18'').
Yet Clinton who had the power to remove Malak from
office insisted his stay." (26'23'')
James Milam was one of the witnesses having
observed the murders of Kevin Ives and Don Henry

Ives, mother of murdered Kevin (16) of August 22, 1987
Linda Ives: "There were allegations of tampering with
evidence in some murder cases." (26'29'')
Article: Malak to be called before grand
jury (26'29'')
Arkansas coroner: Cocaine Clinton granting wage rise
of 41% for corrupt coroner Malak
Linda Ives: "There
were allegations of perjury in different cases
(26'35''). It didn't seem to matter what Malak did,
Clinton protected him, he made excuses such as:
'He's overworked' (26'43''), 'He's just stressed
out'." (26'45'')
Article: Clinton says Malak 'stressed out'
'He's underpaid'." (26'48'')
Article: Committee slices 41% raise for
Malak (26'47'')
"Ah, they gave him a $14,000 raise which was an insult
to my family as well as a lot of others in the state who
to this day are struggling with asinine rulings and the
deaths of children and other loved ones (27'3''). I was
outraged that protecting a political crony [criminal
friend] of Clintons was more important in fact that two
young boys who had been murdered." (27'13'')
Arkansas: Criminal lawyer Dan Harmon provoked that
the case was never sold - lawyer Harmon with fury
threatening all
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks] John Brown,
former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown: "Dan Harmon was just a
local attorney in the town of Benton (Arkansas), and
after Don Henry and Kevin Ives were killed and the
bodies placed on the tracks run over by train, he
approached Linda Ives and the Henry family, about
trying to help them (27'34''). He's a manipulator,
gives a great closing argument in court (27'39'').
He's been trained for years to play the game. He knows
how to do it. He's very good at it (27'48''). Mr.
Harmon can win your confidence, make you think he's
the greatest guy in the world (27'53''). He did that
to Linda Ives, he helped lead them down a path that
absolutely led to nowhere on this case (28'5''). I got
involved in this case and immediately Harmon tried to
discredit me without even knowing me (28'15''). You
can figure it out." (28'18'')
John Brown going on: "I run across a young lady named
Charlene Wilson who told a horror story that I didn't
really believe at the time (28'26''). So I started
searching for evidence to substantiate just parts of
what she had said (28'31''). Harmon went ballistic,
called me, threatened me, threatened sheriff Pridgen,
threatened captain Gene Donnell, all because I talked to
this one woman (28'47'').
Witness Sharline Wilson about the murders: there were
Dan Harmon, Keith McCaskill, Larry Rochelle - the guys
wanted to know what is dropped there

Wilson, gang member and Grand Jury witness
Sharline Wilson: "The people at the track that night to
my knowledge were Dan Harmon, Keith McCaskill, Larry
Rochelle (28'58''). I do know that the boys were
watching the drop site, ok, and they got curious as to
what was being dropped there." (29'9'')
Article: Story of boys' deaths unfolding
slowly (29'10'').
Arkansas double murder 1987: Cocaine Clinton
promoting the concealing coroner
John Brown, criminal investigator Saline County: "The
fact is, we know who killed these kids. The whole reason
this case it's been slowed down, stopped wherever we are
at (29'22''). They can't do anything with it as long as
[the] Clinton's [are] in office (29'26''), because the
tracks go right back to Bill Clinton being involved in
the cover-up (29'32''). He took care of everybody that
ever covered anything up in this case. Everybody got
promoted." (29'40'')
The Boys On The Tracks (29'41'')
Arkansas double murder 1987: At the end both
murderers are also murdered
Film speaker: "A number of people approached the police
with information about Don and Kevins' murderers and
consequently were murdered themselves." (29'47'')
[The bosses of the crime: CIA, lodges, Committee of
This means: this method of killing the murderers too
is the same method as it was applied in the Kennedy
case. So that is the signature of the satanic CIA
and the high satanic lodges and the high satanic
Committee of 300 in London who are operating with
Bill Clinton this drug action to drug the "USA"
Arkansas: murder of McCaskill in 1988

Linda Ives,
mother of murdered Kevin (16) of August 22, 1987
Mother Linda Ives: "Shortly before Keith McCaskill was
murdered he - he knew that he was fixing to be murdered,
he told his family goodbye, told his friends goodbye
(29'56''). The night of elections in 1988 he took [a
coin of] two pennies out of his pocket and threw him on
the bar, there, at the Wagon Wheel [pool pizza
restaurant] and said: If Jim state loses this election
my life isn't worth two cents (30'8''). And he was
murdered that night." (30'10'')
Entry of the murder chronology: April, 1989.
JEFF RHODES. Burned body found in a dump after telling
relatives he had information on the Henry and Ives
deaths) (30'10'').
Arkansas: murder of Jeff Rhodes in 1989

Linda Ives,
mother of murdered Kevin (16) of August 22, 1987
Mother Linda Ives:
"Jeff Rhodes was a young man from
Benton who was murdered in 1989. Shortly before his
death he made a phone call to his dad in Texas and
told him he needed to get out of Benton (Arkansas),
that he felt he knew too much about the boys on the
railroad tracks and the death of Keith McCaskill
(30'30''). A couple of weeks later Jeff was found
dead, he'd been shot in the head, now they had
attempted to cut off his head and hands and feet
(30'39''), [they have] set him on fire in a dump."
Film speaker: "A total of six people with information
about the boy's murders were eventually murdered as
well." (30'46'')
Chronology of murders in Arkansas: summer
-- Summer 1988: Keith Coney. Young dealer killed in a
motorcycle wreck, maybe while being chased
-- November 1988: Keith McCaskill. A known informant in the boys'
deaths, brutally stabbed at his home
-- Januar 1989: Gregory "Fat Greg" Collins: Wanted for
questioning in the train deaths, found murdered, shot
in the face (30'50'').
Arkansas drug task force: Attorney leading drug task
force is threatened and expulsed
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of
Benton, west of the Little Rocks] John
Brown, former Saline County Criminal
Investigator [in the town of Benton, west of
the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown, criminal investigator Saline County: "Jean
Duffey was the head of the Seventh Judicial District
Drug Task Force (30'53''). She was leading a team of
narcotics investigators into a drug trail in Saline
County that led her right straight to Dan Harmon
(31'2''). This information she shared with a 1990
Federal OSA Deaf Team that was investigating and
targeting corruption and drugs in Saline County and
Central Arkansas (31'13''). From her involvement in
that, she was literally threatened." (31'24'')
Ex-prosecutor now fugitive (31'22'')
"[She was] forced
to leave the state of Arkansas and go into hiding."
Arkansas drug task force: Attorney Jean Duffey
reporting criminal officials in the Cocaine Government
of Cocaine Clinton

Jean Duffey, former head of Arkansas
drug task force
Mrs. Jean Duffey: "I had no idea, just how dangerous
certain elected officials thought me to be, until a
brutal media campaign was launched against me."
Article from Oct.7, 1990: Saline County:
Prosecutor faces ethics charges (31'38'')
"For months there
were daily allegations of everything from misfunding
funds to ordering illegal arrests (31'41'').
2 agencies audit drug task force
"Every attempt was made to keep me
from running the drug task force." (31'46'')
Drug task force audit reveals legion
of ills (31'46'')
"We were even shut down completely for several weeks
during a bogus state police investigation." (31'52'')
Drug task force workers investigates.
Undercover licenses targeted (31'52'')
"In spite of
crippling disruptions the task force was making
significant discoveries about trafficking in Central
Arkansas (32'0''). Some of which led to the very
people who were conducting the massive media crusade
against me." (32'7'')
Harmon demands firing of drug director
"We discovered that drug trafficking
in Arkansas was linked to government officials in
frightening proportions (32'13''). A great number of
people came to me with testimony about astonishing
criminal activity of very high-level public officials.
Many were willing to testify before the Federal Grand
Jury." (32'26'')
Arkansas 1990/1991: Manipulated Grand
Jury listening to witnesses, but lets free all
criminal officials and the main culprit Cocaine Bill
Arkansas 1990:
Grand Jury listening to witnesses - but there is
NEVER any decision
[As it seems, the criminal Clinton family has bribed the
Grand Jury with millions of dollars].

Wilson, gang member and Grand Jury witness
Sharline Wilson: "Robert Govar and Chart Banks were the
"US" attorneys for the District of Arkansas at that
time. I was subpoenaed to testify on behalf the drug
trafficking and the cartel more or less is what it was
(32'44''), that had to do with Dan Harmon and what I
call "company", because their whole - the whole bunch of
them are involved." (32'55'')
Govar: Testimony to implicate Harmon
"I was asked quite
in-depth about the drug trafficking that went on
with Dan Harmon, Mr. Clinton, Roger Clinton."

Jean Duffey, former head of Arkansas
drug task force
Mrs. Jean Duffey (Drug Task Force): "Although there was
an abundance of evidence, and word kept reaching me from
members of the Grand Jury that they were ready to
indict, no indictments came (33'15''). Mr. Govar also
insisted that he was ready to prosecute at least two key
figures, but the holdup was his boss, "US" attorney
Chuck Banks (33'26'') who repeatedly delayed requests
for indictments." (33'30'')
John Brown, criminal investigator Saline County: "Harmon
had paid a visit to Chuck Banks, the "US" District
Attorney, who was in charge of that district (33'38'').
Recorded, he signed in, he was there approximately 30
minutes and up until that time everything appeared to be
running fine with the Grand Jury." (33'48'')
[Suspicion: here is offered a bribe of 10 million
dollars or something like this. For the criminall
cocaine boss Bill Clinton, this is a pocket money].
Arkansas 1990/1: Investigation about double murder of
1987 with changes of the staff - "finishing" the case
in February 1991: all witnesses and proves are
qualified as "implausible"

Jean Duffey, former head of Arkansas
drug task force
Mrs. Jean Duffey (Drug Task Force): "Then in November
[1990?], Banks removed to go far from the case, and I
was fired from the task force." (33'56'')
Drug task force fires 'too
controversial' chief (33'56'')
"From this point
the ordeal [torture] turned really ugly (34'0''). In
January 1991, one of the key targets of Govar's
investigation - Dan Harmon - took office at the
seventh Judicial District prosecutor (34'11'').
Harmon immediately called a State Grand Jury to
investigate the allegations against me." (34'18'')
Harmon lashes out at Duffey agency
seeks leaks' source (34'13'')
Article: Duffey's
family says she fears for her life (34'20'')
"To avoid being jailed in Hotspring
County which would have put me in serious danger I
left the state (34'26''). In the mea time, Banks,who
had taken over the federal investigation, attempted to
give the appearance of carrying the investigation
forward - while systematically destroying it
(34'37''). He harassed witnesses, suppressed evidence,
and finally announced in February of 1991 that the
investigation had disclosed: no credible witnesses or
evidence against any public official." (34'51'')
Arkansas: Threats against woman witness Sharline
Wilson - wrong guarantee of prosecution service for
witness protection - murdered key witnesses

Wilson, gang member and Grand Jury witness
Sharline Wilson,
gang member: "I received a phone call
- ah - and they told me - ahm - that I had made a very
big mistake, and I was assured by the "US" Attorney's
Office that my name, that my testimony, that my
statements, that the people that were on that witness
list would never ever be revealed (35'16''). Well, haha,
you know, someone in the "US" Attorney's Office had
given Mr. Harmon a list of the effective witnesses, you
know, some of the witnesses over a period of time have
came up dead or missing or have never been heard again
(35'36''). That don't give you a very good feeling. I am
scared of these people. I am very scared." (35'44'')
[Cocaine criminal Bill Clinton set up death squads to
kill all people who knew of his drug crimes and moved
"in the wrong way"].
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks] John Brown,
former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown, Saline County: "Yes, they arrested her. Dan
Harmon, the very guy, that she says, turned her on to
drugs, now has her arrested." (35'53'')
Arkansas: Imprisonment of Sharline Wilson is
protecting her from killing squads of Cocaine Bill
Wilson, gang member and Grand Jury witness
Sharline Wilson, gang member: "Dan Harmon, he walked to
me, handed me what was supposed to be a search warrant,
and he said: 'Bitch' - excuse me of saying that - 'I
told you: If you ever ever brought my name up, or
brought anything up about the past dealings that we've
had, did, I take you down' he said (36'15''). 'You are
going to prison. I am going to put you in prison.' - He
did, I am here!" (36'23'')
Arkansas: Culprits were protected with suspended
sentence - witness Sharline Wilson gets NO probation
![John Brown, former Saline County Criminal
Investigator [in the town of Benton, west of the
Little Rocks] John Brown, former Saline
County Criminal Investigator [in the town of
Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
John Brown, former Saline
County Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown, criminal investigator Saline County: "I mean
I've watched second third offense of people for walk
around with probation on top of probation on top of
probation (36'30''). Not this lady: First time she's
been arrested for drugs, they allege that they found in
her home (36'40''). She gets 30 years. Sure? Everybody
ought to be able to see through this (36'46''). This
[criminal Dan Harmon] is a man that totals in two hours
[of trial] forty years [of prison sentence]. We are
going to get to the bottom of your son's death
(36'54''). Yet when I started making progress it looked
like the people I talked to starts getting time in the
penitentiary (prison) (37'1''). Linda says it's business
as usual in Saline County." (37'7'')
Arkansas: The affected families were naive - and
after the murder of Kevin the awakaning process was

Linda Ives,
mother of murdered Kevin (16) of August 22, 1987
Mother Linda Ives: "There arent' any words makes you
feel as a parent or is this - ahm - capable of doing -
ahm, you know I think we were just kind of naive, common
ordinary people, got up, went to work everyday and came
home and went to bed (37'34''), and assumed that
everybody else did the same thing and trying to do what
was right, and I think Kevin's death has been the rudest
awakening that any body could ever have to see what
really goes on." (37'50'')
Son's death thrusts Ives into politics
Arkansas: There are lots of proves for criminal
activity of Cocaine Bill Clinton

Jean Duffey, former head of Arkansas
drug task force
Frau Jean Duffey: "I can provide information that has
tentacles [of drug trafficking] to Governor Clinton's
administration (37'57''). It is apparent to me that a
congressional investigation is the last hope (18'1''),
not only for the people of Arkansas. [There are the]
implications of illegal activities in it who has left in
his wake and found vulnerable to the powers of a probut
[prove] for the people of our nation (38'14''), who are
now vulnerable to the powers of a president who has left
in his wake implications of illegal activities and
serious improprieties [this comes with bribes from his
earnings from his national "US" drug traffic]."
Film speaker: "Meanwhile Welch and Duncan's
investigation into the operation at MENA was about to
derail." (38'30'')
Arkansas MENA: The investigation is not going on (!)

Welch, Arkansas State Police Investigator in charge of
MENA investigation
Russell Welch: "We had been so busy investigating, just
concentrating, focusing that - it took a while to
register that nothing was going to happen." (38'41'')
Arkansas: Lots of proves against the circle of Barry
Seal - but the Grand Jury NEVER indicts these cocaine
Bill Duncan, Internal
Revenue Service Treasury Agent in charge of MENA
Bill Duncan: "We could not understand what was
happening. Neither Mr. Welch nor I were ever subpoenaed
to testify before the Grand Jury and present massive
amounts of evidence of wrongdoing by associates of Barry
Seal (38'59''). No indictments were ever returned
against any of the individuals, and I can tell you:
There was EXTENSIVE evidence." (39'8'')
All is a cover-up - and there is a responsible
Black, Deputy Prosecuting Attorney of Polk County in
MENA, Arkansas
Charles Black, Polk County: "Third: definitely was some
suppression of evidence and definitely a cover-up of an
investigation, and somebody should be held accountable
as to why that happened." (39'22'')
Arkansas MENA: 10 years cocaine trafficking in MENA -
and NEVER any drug lord was busted
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks] John Brown,
former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown: "Not one major cocaine bust was ever made in
Arkansas out of MENA Arkansas. Now imagine that ten
years nearly in it's running. Never one truckload ever
got caught." (39'37'')
Arkansas 1992: Staff of Cocaine Bill Clinton warn
Attorney General Mr. Winston Bryant - and he has to be
Charles Black, Polk County: "During the 1992 Attorney
General's race in Arkansas a member of Clinton's staff
had approached Mr. Bryant and had asked him to stay away
from the MENA affair or the MENA matter." (39'52'')

Winston Bryant, Arkansas State
Attorney General
Winston Bryant describes: "I have done quite a bit of
investigation at MENA remaining berries." (39'57'')
Winston Bryant is excusing like this: "MENA it is quite
frankly a federal problem (40'2'').
Russell Welch, Police Inspector MENA: "He took office,
Bill told me that he was no longer allowed to discuss
the MENA Airport investigation (40'10''), from the
attorney general's office." (40'14'').
Winston Bryant is excusing like this: "Ah, the Attorney
General's Office is not like most of Attorney General's
offices across the country. We do not have the authority
to convene a Grand Jury and initiate criminal
prosecution." (40'26'')
John Brown, criminal investigator Saline County: "A lot
of people have said that the MENA Operation stopped in
1986 when Barry Seal was gunned down. It's not true [the
crime with cocaine trafficking by criminal Bill Clinton
was simply going on] (40'35'').
A trail of persistent rumors leads to
Mena - Scandal could dwarf Whitewater (40'36'').
3. Cocaine Bill Clinton in in Washington
1993-2001: Silence, simulations, drugs, food company
with Tyson as a drug dealer
Cocaine Bill Clinton in Washington
1993-2001: airfield MENA is concealed - simulated "war
on drugs" - abrogation of drug tests in the White
House etc.
Washington with Cocaine Bill Clinton: does not feel
obliged for MENA airfield (!!!)
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks] John Brown,
former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown:
operations are still going on in MENA Arkansas today
(40'42''). Now, if you stop and think back when Bill
Clinton was a governor, he was asked about MENA
(40'48''), he said: 'Well, that's a federal problem.
I'm not gonna get involved in it.' You know, he is
not the governor of Arkansas any more, it's the
President of the United States (40'59''). We still
have operations at MENA Arkansas, this is his golden
opportunity to take care of it. My question is: Why
doesn't he?" (41'9'')
[And another question comes up: Who is managing the
cocaine importation by the airport of MENA in
Arkansas now?]
Washington with Cocaine Bill Clinton: the state had
done "everything" in the MENA case (!!!)
Bill Duncan, Internal
Revenue Service Treasury Agent in charge of MENA
Bill Duncan: "I have always thought it would be a
wonderful thing to be able to serve a country as a
federal law enforcement agent, and for 15 years I did
not encounter anything like the corruption which I
encountered after the MENA investigations began."
Clinton: State did all it could in
MENA case (41'22'')
Washington with Cocaine Bill Clinton: affirming a war
on drugs which he himself is blocking
Film speaker: "President Clinton's verbal commitment to
a War On Drugs has been negated by his actions."
Washington with Cocaine Bill Clinton: abrogation of
drug tests for White House staff - legalization of
drugs is the aim
Film speaker:
"During his first weeks in office Clinton
revoked (deleted) random drug testing for White
House staff members. He eliminated 121 positions of
the Office of National Drug Control, and he
appointed Jocelyn Elders as "US" Surgeon General, Despite her well known
desire to legalize drugs." (41'48'')
Article: Elders
still firm that legalizing drugs an option. Stumping
for health-care plan, top doctor fields PB
[phenobartital], LR queries. (41'48'')
Cocaine Bill Clinton with Cocaine Don
Washington, Killary Hillary Clinton winning
99,000 dollars with an investment of 1,000 dollars
with James Blair, associate of food
company Tyson Foods
Film speaker: "One of Hillary's
investments under the direction of Tyson Foods
counselor James Blair netted almost a 500,000 Dollars
on an initial 1,000 Dollar investment (42'4''), an
nearly impossible feat [lucky punch], using legal
methods [officially] (42'7'').
Mrs. Clinton Turned $1,000 Stake Into
$99,000 Profit" (41'58'').
Article of USA Today: First lady's quick profits have
the experts puzzled (42'6'')
Killary Hillary Clinton: "I can't read their minds or
speculate, but I had absolutely no reason to believe
that [I would be forced to install myself in a
horizontal position] - I got any favorable treatment."
Governor has demonstrated he will
abuse power of office (42'17'')
Washington with Cocaine Bill Clinton: Arranged laws
for the Tyson Foods company for an "investment" in
Film speaker:
"Coincidentally Governor Clinton enacted a number of
state regulations allowing Tyson Foods to grow into the
largest industry in Arkansas." (42'27'').
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Voice of Larry Nichols: "Don Tyson could in 6 to 700,000
Dollars all told, in all of Bill Clinton's campaign
Critics say Tyson rules USDA roosts
Arkansas with Cocaine Tyson: getting a
winning of 10 million dollar - cocaine consumption and
cocaine trade (!)
Voice of Larry Nichols:
"Guess, what he got out of it: He got
10 million dollars, guess from where: the Arkansas
Development Finance Authority (ADFA), and he never
payed a dime for it." (42'48'')

Doc DeLaughter, former Arkansas
Police Investigator in charge of Dan Lasater case
Doc DeLaughter: "I
had heard rumors of Don Tyson in his allege cocaine
use in distribution, and I went through the
intelligence files and come up with enough that I
thought was sufficient mounting evidence to launch
investigation on Mr. Tyson, out simply out of
Arkansas State Police (43'9'').
Intelligence files [which] have been accumulated for
years." (43'11'')
Document: Source for cocaine is a Don TYSON
Document: DON TYSON, white male, [...] be
involved in drug traffic (43'11'')
TRAFFICKING - 2-8-80 - INV. SANDERS - On 2-6-80,
Investigator Sanders along with SA Bob Morris
interviewed a confidential source at the FBI office in
Fayetteville, AR, relative to Drug trafficking in the
DON TYSON FOOD COMPANY. The reliability of the
information is unknown and dissemination should be
restricted to CIO personnel. The CI [confidential
information] advised that several individuals whom he
refused to identify are distributing amphetamines to
the personal in TYSON FOOD COMPANY, mostly truck
drivers. The source further stated the pills were
being brought in on TYSON's business plane. However
the source did state that he had only been told this.
Arkansas with Cocaine Tyson: Journalist Scott Wheeler
speaking with Arkansas criminal investigators - it's
not allowed to catch Tyson

Scott Wheeler, journalist
Journalist Scott Wheeler: "A great deal of criminal
investigation files were surfacing with Don Tyson's name
mentioned and there is being involved with some drug and
narcotics trafficking activities (43'22''). So I
interviewed some of the investigators who worked on the
Tyson case. Most of them felt that Tyson should have
been indicted, but the investigations were always
sabotaged, oftentimes from within [bribes of millions of
dollars are flowing bribing the officials making them
acting this way against the law] (43'38''). One
particular undercover narc agent told me that another
criminal investigator in that department named Doug
Fogley was
furnishing Don Tyson with photographs of the undercover
narcotic agents that were working on his case."
Document mentioning Doug Fogley (43'44'')
Article: Independent
Counsel Sought in Espy Case (43'56'')
Arkansas with Cocaine Tyson: Investigation of the
cocaine distribution system
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks] John Brown,
former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown: "Donald Smaltz was actually hired to look
into the allegations that Tyson had given bribes to
different people." (44'48'')
Independent counsel to probe ties to
Tyson, Espy predicts (44'5'')
John Brown: "
Specifically to the
Secretary of Agriculture Mike SP, and what came out of
this investigation was very remarkable: drug abuse,
drug distribution, money laundering, even murder for
hire." (44'24'')
Some of TYSON'S drugs (44'18'')
"DON TYSON needs no introduction to the State Police
CIO or for that matter any law enforcement agency in
Northwest, Arkansas. He is an extremely wealthy man
with much political influence and is involved in most
every kind of shady operation especially narcotics,
however, has to date gone without implication in any
specific crime)" (44'20'').
Article: Hit
man for DON TYSON (44'25'').
John Brown: "Now, Smaltz collected all this stuff, he
compiled it, he put it in proper order (44'30''). Can he
approach [the Ministry of Justice] Mrs. Janet Reno and
said: 'Look, you know I need to broaden my
investigation. I'm finding more here than just simple
payoffs (bribes)". (44'42'') - What do you think
happened? Well, but now, most of you already know: He
was turned down." (44'48'')
Reno bars expansion of Espy-Tyson
probe (44'47'')
John Brown:
exactly what we expected to happen happened."
Tyson Foods Inc. Joins Effort to Quash
Subpoena Issued in Espy Investigation (44'53'')
Cocaine Bill Clinton with Cocaine Tyson are
installing their cocaine dictatorship against the
middle class
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks] John Brown,
former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
John Brown:
"I mean: Tyson already
hired lobbyists, attorneys, who all approached
Congress trying to get everybody to stop Smaltz
(45'4''). Why is it in this country today - you have
got a little money, you walk away. Why is it you can
create the pressure to stop investigations? (45'14'')
- And I promise you, [Minister of Justice Mrs.] Janet
Reno has stopped this one. You look at these and you
wonder how could this happen. You will have to someone
elude (take away) prosecution with reams (lots of)
investigative reports. How does it get stopped?
(45'30'') - Some say it's Bill Clinton." (45'33'')
TYSON: Questions Raised About Clinton
Alliance (45'31'')
Cocaine duo of Cocaine Bill Clinton + Cocaine Don
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols:
"Don Tyson was in the middle of the cocaine just like
Bill Clinton, just like Dan Lasater, just like Roger
Clinton [half brother of Bill Clinton], and all the
others (45'43''). So you see: All of this incest, so,
all of this drug running, all of the trafficking drugs
sending them all over the nation, in a little MENA
(Arkansas), right under the nose of a little governor
Billy Clinton (45'59''). I went to Bill, and I said:
'Bill, you've got two weeks to tell the truth. I'm going
to tell him: You are breaking the law and I can't be a
part of it. You made a mistake. I'm not one of your
buds. At least I'm not that bigger Betty." [?] (46'16'')
The revelation disclosures of Larry Nichols - a shock
for the public - the media present it

Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas State
Supreme Court Justice
Judge Jim Johnson: "When Larry Nichols made his
disclosures, made them public, the Clinton spin doctors
treated him unmercifully (46'27''). It shocked those of
us who had been kept in the dark through the years in
Arkansas politics (46'35''). The Arkansas news media had
done little if anything to uncover anything derogatory
about Bill Clinton (46'46''), and for these disclosures
to come out of the blue was so shocking, that the
spin-doctors attacked the messenger (47'1''). The
[Clinton] brothers then tried to answer the charges that
Nichols had made (47'5''). And they did such an
efficient job that it called me and others to look with
less and favor on Larry Nichols as an individual because
all we knew about him was what they were telling and the
press was printing." (47'22'')
[Idea: The Clinton cocaine clique with the media
It can be assumed: Cocaine Clinton manipulates the
cocaine media by giving them cocaine cheaply and bribing
them with millions of dollars.
May be some "journalists" became very
rich in those times?].
Cocaine Clinton lets pursue Larry Nichols
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "You see, Bill Clinton is an attorney.
And when a witness comes out against what's the first
thing an attorney does? He tries to discredit that
witness (47'35''). They accuse me of everything under
the Sun, day-in and day-out, every week, every week
there was some news scandal in the paper (47'45'') that
I was involved (47'47''). 6 to 8 weeks later they print
a retraction ("excuse"), [now they said]: wasn't me -
but to this day people in Arkansas think that I'm some
evil person." (47'56'')
Larry Nichols is rehabilitated by new proof against
Cocaine Bill Clinton and MENA airfield
Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas
State Supreme Court Justice
Judge Jim Johnson: "As a result of that the boy had to
pay a higher penalty. In his credibility he had to pay a
higher penalty in his acceptability (48'11''), and then,
when the new evidence came out, that supported
everything that Larry Nichols had said (48'21''). He
finds himself I think probably in the position of
knowing that he had been exonerated, but he has not been
exonerated in the minds of the people generally in my
view (48'36''). And he finds himself probably in the
position of wondering where he goes now (48'41''). He
will get his good name back." (48'42'')
A trail of persistent rumors leads to
MENA (48'12'')
[He did not organize resistence with a small newspaper,
leaflets or with an own radio].
Arkansas: Cocaine dictator Clinton controlled [and
blackmailed] justice, judges, attorneys, and banks
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "A lot of people wonder how Bill Clinton
could control the state [with] the size of Arkansas with
the absolute authority that he did (48'50''). It's not
hard, you see after 12 years after kissing the people
that had the money, Bill Clinton controlled the legal
system, he controlled the judges, he controlled the
attorneys, he controlled the banks." (49'5'')
Arkansas with Cocaine Bill Clinton became a one-party
Gary Johnson, former
attorney for Larry Nichols
Gary Johnson: "Arkansas is just a small state, a
one-party state, what tends to happen in small states
like that I think is the longer the person remains
governor - that - I think, the greater the abuses are,
and I think the abuses were very very widespread under
Bill Clinton." (49'32'')
Cocaine Bill Clinton had no house - filling the bags
of his friends
Larry Nichols, marketing ADFA: "One thing that's very
difficult for people to understand: Bill Clinton doesn't
care about money, he cares about power (49'37''). All he
needed ad for to do was to channel money to the big
players financially. I got tickled when the reporters
during the campaign camer her: They were looking trying
to find out where Bill Clinton property (49'49''). He
didn't. He profited by putting money into his friends
pockets." (49'54'')
Arkansas: Loans of ADFA was only scandalous
Gary Johnson, former attorney of Nichols: "The way they
were doing these bond issues and just the whole
political atmosphere - quite frankly - was a scandal.
That's the way things had historically been done in
Arkansas." (50'5'')
ADFA's return to lending fraught with
controversy (50'1'')
Cocaine Bill Clinton caring his power circle - and
with taxpayer's money he financed his love trips
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "Imagine the power this man has in
Washington DC. Imagine what he can do to this nation, if
he gets that circle of power going there as he did here
(50'20''). Nothing I can do, nothing you can do, can
stop you, no see he'll have the absolute power and
believe me: He will use it to have you investigated, to
have you arrested, to have your company audited
(50'32''). That's what happened when your circle of
power is complete [being bribed with Toga Parties with
cocaine, sex, and Rock music in the White House]
(50'36''). When I worked at ADFA, it was not uncommon
for Bob Nash to call me up and say: 'Hey Nichols, the
governor needs about 5 grand [5000 Dollars] transferred
to his travel counseling go see his ladies (50'48'').
And we would at ADFA transfer five to ten thousands
dollars for him to go see his girlfriends in either L.A.
or New York (50'56''). He used so much travel money to
go to see women out of his regular travel budget he
would even have to borrow money from ADFA, not to
mention the fact that adverse budget was not quite as
scrutinized [revised] as the governor's budget, but he
literally used the money (51'12''), add for money, the
people of Arkansas, taxpayers money, to conduct
liaisons." (51'19'')
[And the women let themselves be used].
Arkansas 1990: Nichols' lawsuit against Cocaine Bill
Clinton is rejected - media rejecting publishing the
Film speaker: "During the 1990 Arkansas gubernatorial
race, Larry Nichols - in a last-ditch attempt to alert
the public - boldly filed a lawsuit against Bill Clinton
(51'28''). As expected, the lawsuit was eventually
quashed, sealed, and illegally dismissed by a Clinton
appointed judge (51'36''). What Nichols didn't expect
was a complete media blackout of the facts he
presented." (5'42'')
Larry Nichols, marketing ADFA: "Back in 1990 after all
the damages they had done to me, I did something that
most people wouldn't do in Arkansas. I sued Bill Clinton
(51'50''). That's very important to note, that in that
lawsuit I brought out the names of five women (51'56'').
When October 19, the only press conference I have ever
held in my life, was on the Capitol steps of Arkansas
(52'4''). Every news organization in Arkansas,
newspaper, TV, radio, were there on the steps. I read
the names of the five women. I read and talked about
ADFA. No one had ever made such a cold callous statement
against Bill Clinton (52'24''). We named the women. When
I got through with the press conference, I went through
the center door and I walked off with the camera crews
with me, and I walked all the way to the end, to the
governor's office (52'37''), and I left the press
release right on the governor's Secretary's desk. Not
one bit of the press release made it into the local TV
or the local newspapers, anywhere. It didn't show up
anywhere (52'49''). The reason I tell you that, is
because in those days, he had the circle of power
complete in Arkansas." (52'55'')
[One can assume: The media in Arkansas was only eager to
get millions of dollars in bribes from the criminal drug
Bill Clinton, and there came another hush money!]
Film speaker: "Eventually every allegation stemming from
Nichols 1990 lawsuit in press conference would prove
valid regarding Clinton's taxpayer-financed
-- sexual liaisons,
-- his drug usage,
-- and his criminal activities relating to ADFA and
-- Whitewater." (53'12'')
4. Cocaine Bill Clinton's women in
Arkansas: drugs, romances, mad exhibitionism and sex
attacks - and murder of confident detective Jerry
Cocaine Bill Clinton having an affair
with Jennifer Flowers
Film speaker:
the woman who had carried on adulterous affairs with
Clinton began to emerge (53'17''). The first was
Jennifer Flowers, who like all those close to
Clinton, was faced with a decision: either keep
quiet and receive a government job, or go public and
face character assassination in the press."(53'30'')
[The chief criminal cocaine Bill Clinton also did
negative character assassination marketing against
confidants: He hired a criminal woman to persecute and
destroy confidants: for example all his former love
affairs - just one more kind of behavior of satanic
upper class]:
Betsy Wright, responsible for propaganda campaigns,
lets pursue 26 women
Film speaker:
"Betsy Wright,
Clinton's former chief of staff, admitted [that] she
had been hired to conduct media smear campaigns
against anyone planning to tell the truth about the
governor's sexual habits (53'42''). She was prepared
to go after at least 26 women who had the potential of
destroying Clinton's chance at the presidency."
1992: Cocaine Bill Clintons chief of staff Betsy
Wright against Nichols - Gary Johnson helping Nichols
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols, marketing ADFA: "During the 1992
presidential campaign I was getting bludgeoned by the
media, because Jennifer Flowers had come ouf of my
lawsuit (53'59''). A man called me on the phone on the
Monday, his name was Gary Johnson. He was an attorney.
He told me that he felt bad because I was being
bludgeoned, and he wanted to talk to me about him in my
case, well I was craving an attorney, any attorney to
help me." (54'12'')
Gary Johnson, former
attorney for Larry Nichols
Gary Johnson: "You know, I saw Larry out there, doing
battles so to speak on his own, and I felt like he
needed some help." (54'20'')
Larry Nichols, marketing ADFA: "I met him on a Tuesday.
He was a special attorney. I didn't even know it. He
said he lived next door to the Jennifer Flowers."
Film speaker: "For security purposes Gary Johnson had
installed a video camera near the front door of his
Quapaw Tower condominium." (54'36'')
Gary Johnson: "Looking at someone in front of my door it
got a perfect shot of them in front of - ah - Jennifer
Flowers' condominium, and it wasn't my intention ever to
take pictures of Bill Clinton going in to see Jennifer
Flowers (54'59''). I could care less the Bill Clinton
goes to see, but it just so happened, she lived next
door to me and I mounted the camera there." (55'10'')
Larry Nichols: "Guess what he caught on tape: Bill
Clinton walking into Jennifer Flowers' apartment on
numerous occasions, with a key." (55'18'')
Gary Johnson: "I actually saw him go into her
condominium. It wasn't that I was standing there looking
out my peephole, watched Jennifer Flowers condominium,
it had nothing to do with Bill Clinton (55'35''). It's
just that I had got the camera, I had the camera before
Jennifer Flowers moved in (55'43''). And when she moved
in, she just happened to have some very interesting
house guests." (55'49'')
Nomination of Cocaine Bill Clinton in
New Hampshire - by the help of "60 Minutes"
Larry Nichols: "Go
back to 60 Minutes when Bill and Hillary were loving
and giving kisses. They stood up, in lay down [?],
Bill said that he had never been to her apartment,
that he had only called her once from the kitchen
and from his office (55'59''). That's an absolute
lie and these tapes proved it." (56'2'')
Article: "Clintons on '60 Minutes'"
Film speaker: "The 60 Minutes interview had been
designed specifically to save Clinton's campaign, not
necessarily to get to the truth." (56'10'')

Don Hewitt, Executive Producer, "60
Don Hewitt:
"And they came to us because they were in big trouble in
New Hampshire (56'14''). They were about to lose right
there and they needed some first aid, some bandaging,
they needed what they needed was a paramedic. So, they
came to us and we did it [one can assume: with a big
bribe of millions], and that's what they wanted to do
(56'31''). When I told Tim Russert that I was persona
non grata at the White House [with the Clinton
government], he said: 'Why?' I said: 'The Jennifer
Flowers Interview'. He said: 'You got him the
nomination.' I said: 'I know that' (56'41''). As far as
I know from the conversations, I've had, Bernie Nussbaum
do that, Gergan knows that, Lloyd Cutler certainly knows
it because Lloyd had a hand in his coming on there that
night (56'54''). You know, it was strong medicine the
way I edited it. He was a very sick candidate, he needed
a very strong medicine. And I'm not in the business of
doctoring candidates, but he got up out of a sickbed
that night and walked to the nomination, and as I said
to Mandy 'You know, if I had edited it [in] your way,
you know where you'd be today? He would still be up in
new Hampshire looking for the nomination." (57'17'') -
He became THE candidate that night." (57'22'')
[Idea: Don Hewitt became a confidant of a Clinton fraud
maneuver and that's why Clinton kicked him out from the
White House which is not at all white but bloody red].

Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas State
Supreme Court Justice
Judge Jim Johnson: "When the Jennifer Flowers story
broke, that story was a 100 times more creditable than
the story that literally knocked Gary Hart out of the
campaign." (57'32'')
Romance Cocaine Bill Clinton-Jennifer Flowers:
stopping the movie as a proof: blackmail against
attorney Nichols
Gary Johnson, former
attorney for Larry Nichols
Gary Johnson: "
had been Jennifer Flowers' neighbor, I knew that
Bill Clinton wasn't telling the truth about that
(57'41''). Bill Clinton - I think - would do just
about anything to save his political hide."
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "He got threatened phone calls. He asked
me. He said: 'Well they hurt me'. Well, they hadn't hurt
me. I don't know why I didn't worry more about that."
Johnson, former attorney for Larry Nichols
Gary Johnson, attorney of Nichols: "
Basically what they said was: 'You mind
your own business', and all it did was [it] made me
mad (58'17''). How I would I never thought in a
million years that anybody would follow up on it."
Romance Cocaine Bill Clinton with Jennifer Flowers:
attorney Gary Johnson is hit by the Clinton gang and
heavily injured - [this may have been CIA]
Larry Nichols, marketing ADFA: Without the request for
the subpoenas on Thursday, Saturday morning we found
Gary Johnson beaten and left for dead (58'35''). Without
getting into gory [bloodthirsty] details both elbows
were dislocated, his collar bones were broken, his
spleen and his bladder were ruptured with hose the size
of half dollars in him, his nose sinus cavities were all
crashed, he had been beaten by Clinton's people."
Gary Johnson with interviewer: "Were they very large?" -
"Yes, they were." (59'2''). "Did they say: 'Where is the
tape?'" - "Yes they asked me for the tape." (59'12'')
Larry Nichols, marketing ADFA:
"Now what's it: is the man gave them
the tape and and then they went and broke his
elbows, punctured his spleen, punctured his
bladder." (59'23'')
[It seems, no copy of the tape was made].
Gary Johnson, ex-attorney of Nichols:
"They looked like
state troopers, I say that." (59'26'')
Jim Johnson, judge:
"Clinton can be a very dangerous
individual in the state of Arkansas." (59'34'')
Romance of Cocaine Bill Clinton with
Sally Perdue
Movie how Cocaine Bill Clinton is brought to the
house of Sally Perdue
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols:
"In my lawsuit in
1990 is named a lady Sally Perdue as having an
affair with Bill Clinton. Sally had an apartment in
Little Rock, and the Clinton security guards would
drop him off at her apartment and go park in the
woods (59'55''). When Clinton got through doing his
business he was flicked [filmed] and they had known
to come and get him (1h0'0''). She started coming
out, started talking. Believe it or not: Before she
could talk, Clinton's people got to her and offered
her a federal job - or break their legs - whichever
one was the best." (1h0'13'')
Some love trips to Sally Perdue on taxpayer's costs
Film speaker:
"Sally Perdue
former Miss Arkansas and radio talk show host
carried on a sexual relationship with governor
Clinton between August and December 1983 (1h0'23'').
State troopers and government vehicles were used at
taxpayer expense to shuttle Clinton back and forth
to Sally's home. Perdue who today [1994] supervises
a home for people with Down's syndrome was offered a
60,000 Dollar a year federal job to keep quiet - she
refused." (1h0'41'')
Sally Perdue is threatened - and never brought in
Larry Nichols, Ex-Marketing ADFA: "
You say that's illegal. You can't offer
a federal job to get someone to hush [keep quiet]."
'I was threatened after Clinton
affair' (1h0'46'')
Film speaker:
"Following her attempt to go public, Miss Perdue
lost her job and started receiving threatening phone
calls in letters." (1h0'53'')
The threats that followed my fling
with Bill Clinton (1h0'53'')
Film speaker: "Live ammunition was
found on the seat of her car, and the rear window of
her vehicle was shot out (1h0'59''). Even though a
number of witnesses have corraborated her story, the
"American" press has refused to print it (1h1'6'').
Durinng the 1992 presidential campaign, interviews
with [the TV and radio stations] ABC and NBC as well
as an appearance on the Sally Jessy Raphael show were
taped - but were never aired." (1h1'16'')
[Presumption: The broadcasters were happy not to
broadcast anything, because then again a bribe of
millions was paid. Bribery counts, and Clinton did not
find a mental balance, he never found Mother Earth and
never expanded his knowledge with other studies - his
science consisted only of vaginas + drugs].
Larry Nichols: "This was right after the New York
Primary (1h1'21''). Did you know the TV stations around
the country blacked out that program and wouldn't show
it?" (1h1'25'')
[Presumption: another time with a bribe of millions].
Troopers tell of arranging Clinton
trysts. Lindsey says president denies report about
days as governor (1h1'27'')
since 1993: Former bodyguards from
Arkansas busting Clintons romances: government vehicle
and guarding of hotel rooms for romances etc. - all on
taxpayer's costs
Former bodyguards publishing details
Film speaker:
December 1993 former bodyguards of Bill Clinton came
forward with detailed information regarding the
governor's sexual encounters with a number of women.
Larry Patterson and Roger Perry both veteran
Arkansas troopers boldly spoke on the record."
Troopers Say Clinton Sought Silence on
Personal Affairs. The White House [Red House] calls
their allegations about the President's private life
'ridiculous'. (1h1'43'')
Film speaker: "
other troopers who were initially spoke off the
record were later identified as Danny Ferguson and
Ronnie Anderson (1h1'49''). In April 1994 a fifth
trooper LD Brown came forward and corraborated their
stories adding the Clinton sexual partners numbered
over 100 during the period he was employed by the
governor." (1h2'2'')
Clinton confronts troopers' charges.
Tells media allegations are "not so" (1h2'6'')
Example: police officers had to "provide women" for
Cocaine Bill Clinton
Film speaker:
troopers official duties included approaching women
to obtain their phone numbers for Clinton, driving
him to rendezvous points in state vehicles guarding,
guarding him during sexual encounters, securing
hotel rooms, and lying to Hillary about his
whereabouts (1h2'18''). Phone logs and other corroboraitng
evidence fully backed these reports." (1h2'22'').
Telephone Records. Patterson said
fears developed that Clinton's relationship with the
[romance] woman might be revealed through records of
state telephone calls, particularly those made on
cellular phones, which register every number called.
Example: Cocaine Bill Clinton has fun, police officer
has to block a road

Larry Patterson,
Arkansas State Police Officer
Larry Patterson: "
saw on several occasions Bill Clinton engaging in
sexual while I was either blocking the road or
working security at the governor's mansion I saw
them with my own eyes take place, so it's not a
rumor, it's first hand." (1h2'40'')
Example: Cocaine Bill Clinton 2 hours in a car with
police officers - only speaking about sex

Roger Perry, Arkansas
State Police Officer
Roger Perry: "
entire conversation inside a vehicle in a two-hour
drive - from one point to another - would be totally
about sex and women, are jokes (1h2'52''). He would
actually ask people how they performed oral sex on
women in cars (1h3'0''). I had been in that
conversation. He would ask if you had ever had two
to three women at one time in one bed, things like
this (1h3'8''). Bill Clinton was obsessed with
that." (1h3'13'')

Larry Patterson,
Arkansas State Police Officer
Larry Patterson: "
The first or second
time that you are with him and you are alone and you
see some attractive woman, he would say: 'Hey Larry,
what would you like to do to her?' (1h3'21'') - And,
you know, this is the governor of the state of
Arkansas." (1h3'27'')
During an election year Cocaine Bill Clinton is "more
Roger Perry, Arkansas State Police Officer: "
The majority of his off time was spent
trying to figure out ways to be with women that he
wanted to be with - ah - it was more discrete during a
campaign year than he was in a routine year as
governor an off-year." (1h3'41'')
Example: overtime and blocking roads - certain
officers were ordered to certain women

Larry Patterson,
Arkansas State Police Officer
Larry Patterson, Arkansas State Police Officer: "
We were required to work overtime, so, we
could set outside some place and blocked the road or
set in some driveway, or said: It's some - you know -
apartment complex while he went in to take care of his
- his female friends (1h4'4'') - you know, state money
was utilized." (1h4'10'')

Roger Perry, Arkansas
State Police Officer
Roger Perry:
"He had certain
troopers that he used for certain women, and Larry
Patterson and Danny Ferguson were used for two women
in particular." (1h4'20'')
Example: recollecting data of women in the crowd
Larry Patterson, Arkansas State Police Officer:
"He would tell you: 'Larry, the
blond-headed lady in the green outfit, go get her name
and her telephone number for me.' He would
say, she has that come hither look, and was verbiage
(blabla) that he used quite often and on several
occasions I have gone out into the crowd (1h4'41''). I
never had one of the females to refuse to give me her
name and her address." (1h4'48'')
Example: Cocaine Bill Clinton picking out a
"beautiful woman" - and she makes career in Clinton's
election campaign team

Roger Perry, Arkansas
State Police Officer
Roger Perry:
one occasion it was a Christmas parade of 1989 in a
small town in Northeast Arkansas, and he picked a
lady out of the crowd and asked me to find out who
she was, he just carried on about how beautiful she
was, how good-looking she was, ah, how bigger
breasts were and things like this (1h5'15''), and I
found out that she was interested in a state job,
and ah, she gave me her name and number and I said:
'Well, maybe the Governor will call you, or can I
call you?' (1h5'28'') - and ah - when we got in the
card, I gave the Governor her name with her phone
number, and I said: 'You will like this, she is
interested in a state job.' (1h5'37'') - And he said
all: 'Good good good good good.' (1h5'39'') - The
next time I saw that lady, she was working for Bill
Clinton in his presidential campaign, ah, the night,
he announced his candidacy for President."
Example: police officers with the task isolating the
crows from Clinton's romances - women get good jobs
Roger Perry: "
was told by Bill Clinton that this was part of my
job, to keep people from finding out about his
affairs." (1h5'59'') - Perry: "Most of the women
that Bill Clinton had sexual affairs with were well
taken care. They have good jobs, or their husbands
ended up with good jobs, they were well taken care
of and the actual time spent trying to cover up
these affairs while he was Governor was nothing like
it was when he announced that he was running for
President." (1h6'31'')
Example: Police officers present the truth to the
media - reputation agents (spin doctors) of Cocaine
Bill Clinton inventing an assurance fraud
President: Troopers Charge Clinton
Sought Their Silence (1h6'30'')
Film speaker: "
an attempt to silence the officers the Clinton
administration launched an elaborate counter-attack
[media campaign] (1h6'37'')
Wright urged 3rd trooper to alter
story (1h6'37'')
[probably with a harsh threat of being treated like
the man with his tape].
Film speaker: "
which included urging
Ferguson to change his story, and levying false
accusations of insurance fraud against Perry and
Patterson." (1h6'45'')
2 troopers entangled in traffic-crash
suits (1h6'44'')
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols
"When Larry Patterson and Roger Perry came out -
Clinton security guards - they substantiated
everything that I'd alleged in the lawsuit. These
people there were his body guards (1h6'56''). Watch
what happened: The same thing that happened to me,
they planned to do to them: They roasted them in the
media. They said they were committing insurance
fraud." (1h7'7'')

Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas State
Supreme Court Justice
Judge Jim Johnson:
"The evidence of that - ah, these state
policemen have brought forward relative to Clinton's
womanizing (1h7'17''). Judge Jim Johnson:
"It's being questioned by the spin doctors as not
being credible. Yet, it is more credible than the
evidence on 90% of the people who are - who are
confined now on death row across America."
Article: President: White House Calls
Troopers' Charges 'Ridiculous' (1h7'18'')
Article: Judge drops suit involving two who accused
Clinton (1h7'44'')
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols:
"Is this fair? Did
you all see the papers saying that the troopers were
telling the truth who were found innocent? (1h7'46'')
- Here to the stories they were telling have a basis,
since they are not the scumbags (bad men) that the
spin doctors for Clinton tried to make them out to
be." (1h7'55'')

Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas State
Supreme Court Justice
Judge Jim Johnson:
"These two have -
have had the courage to come forward, and the evidence
that they have presented, ah, has not only been
credible, but it's been overwhelming (1h8'7''), and
the truth is: I'm convinced that it's just the tip of
the iceberg." (1h8'11'')
Arkansas, May 8, 1991: Sex attack and
exhibitionism of Cocaine Bill Clinton - the victim
Paula Jones
Film speaker: "On May 8, 1991, Paula Jones, a state
employee with the Arkansas Industrial Development
Commission was working at the registration desk for the
Governor's quality management conference at the
Excelsior Hotel. Governor Bill Clinton was to be the
main speaker." (1h8'27'')

Paula Jones, victim
of one of the sexual harassments and exhibitionism of
Cocaine Bill Clinton
Paula Jones: "I was approached by one of Bill Clinton's
bodyguards named Amy Ferguson, and I was given a number.
And I asked him, what it was. as I held up my hand and
he said: 'It's a number to a hotel room that the
governor would like to meet with me.' (1h8'43'') - Well,
I was surprised and I talked it over with my - with my
coworker, and we, we didn't have any reason to believe
that we couldn't trust him, so I agreed to go up to the
room and meet with Mr. Bill Clinton (1h8'59''). I got to
the room, and Governor Clinton he opened the door to
meet me. It was a room that did not have any bed in it,
it had couches and stuff like that (1h9'7''). It was
more like a meeting type room, and he had asked me about
my job, and how I liked it and who my boss was, and I
told him (1h9'19'').
And he mentioned that he liked the way that my curves
were on my body, and he liked the way that my hair went
down my back, the middle of my back (1h9'27''). And then
he tried to lean over and he grabbed me, tried to put
his hand up my leg, which I - just it happened so fast -
and he tried to kiss me on the neck. It would happen so
fast, but he tried to bend over and kiss on the neck, as
he was his hand at my... and I backed off. I said: 'I
don't want to do this' and I said: 'I think I need to be
going' (1h9'46''). And then, he got up before I even
knew it and dropped his pants, and Bill Clinton asked me
to perform oral sex on him (1h9'58''), which I declined
and I jumped up, and I told him: 'I need to go
immediately'. That's when he went to say: 'If you have
any trouble whatsoever, you have be heyday here in your
vallet, contact me immediately' (1h10'12''). I said:
'Well I'm leaving', and I started to proceed down the
hall to the door, and he followed behind me, he said if
we could try to keep this between ourselves (1h10'20''),
and I went down the elevator, went back to my
registration desk, and I told Pam the whole story."
Ex-Arkansas State Worker Says Clinton
Harassed Her. Politics: White House denies that then
governor made sexual advances to her in 1991. Trooper
says the two met hut [?] that she was willing to meet
again (1h10'0'')
victim of Paula Jones, her husband Steve Jones
Steve Jones, husband: "
I can't understand how somebody can
take advantage of somebody like that in, and then he
had the audacity to drop his - drop his pants, you
know." (1h10'37'')
I'm not gonna dignify this by coming
on Paula (1h10'42'')
Cocaine Bill Clinton means: "I'm not gonna dignify
this by coming on Paula." (1h10'41'')
Victim Paula Jones: The news is prepared at
Washington Post - the reaction: the writer Mike
Isikoff is suspended
gave the exclusive to the Washington Post, and Mike
Izikoff, we were going to be as open as we could
with the Washington Post (1h10'48''), and Mike told
Paula that as far as he was concerned that he
believed Paula, and he thought it was the story
should be told (1h10'58''), and Mike said, they were
ready to put the story out, and they were going to
go to the editors and present the story to him
(1h11'6''). We heard that Mike got suspended from
the Washington Post, and there was a big fallout
between the editors of the Washington Post and
Mike." (1h11'16'') -
Clinton sought sex, woman says
Sex harassment suit accuses Clinton
Victim Paula
Jones: Lawsuit of Paula Jones
against Cocaine Bill Clinton because of sexual
harassment - provoking press campaign against Paula
Film speaker: "Paula Jones filed a
lawsuit against President Clinton claiming sexual
harassment. The same day a massive media smear
campaign against Paula Jones was launched."
Front page of the review "People": The
President's Accuser (1h11'22'')
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "Think about a man
that has no more regard for women than Bill Clinton
does. They are just sex things (1h11'36''). I don't
understand the dimness movement being behind Bill
Clinton. He hangs women on his wall like trophies."
Sex claims again threaten to embarrass
Bill Clinton (1h11'39'')
[If this cocaine Clinton was so interested in vagins,
then with just a little bit of natural medicine he could
have found the coconut oil for them].
Some sex partner of Cocaine Bill Clinton
make career with Cocaine Bill Clinton
Film speaker: "A number of women who have had sexual
relationships with Bill Clinton have allegedly been
given major career boost in exchange for silence
Beth Coulson received a judicial appointment
to the Arkansas Court of Appeals from Clinton
Regina Blakely landed a job with CBS National
in Washington covering the White House (1h12'2'').
-- Likewise
Deborah Mathis secured a lucrative
job with a White House press corps (1h12'7'').
Susan Whitacre was made the liaison between
the Arkansas State Capitol and the White House
Elizabeth Ward obtained a position with the
Clintons' close friends Hollywood producers Harry
Thomason and Linda Bloodworth-Thomason (1h12'22'')
-- And
Jo Jenkins was given a high-level
position with AP&L (Arkansas Power and Light
Company) (1h12'26'').
September 1993: Murder of confidant
private detective Jerry Parks
This murder was executed in September of 1993 in Little
Rocks, the capital of the federal state of Arkansas
Film speaker: "One of the most harrowing stories of
Clinton's attempt to keep his promise hidden involves
Jerry Parks, a private investigator and former chief of
security for Clinton's campaign headquarters."

Parks, the son of murder victim Jerry Parks
Son Gary Parks:
"My father was Luther Gerald Parks, aka Jerry Parks.
He was the head of Clinton Security for Clinton's
inaugural campaign whenever he's running for
President (1h12'50''). My father was brutally
murdered. He was on "Chenal Parkway" and Arkansas
Highway 10. This is one of the most elite parts in
Little Rock, Arkansas. Someone pulled along side of
him and started shooting at him. They cornered him
and stopped him on Highway 10 as he was turning left
off Chenal Parkway. They stepped out of the car to
block his path and shot him five times -- once in
the leg, once in the arm and three times in the
chest (1h13'15'').
Article: Clinton Campaign Headquarters
Security Chief Gunned Down (1h13'15'').
Son Gary Parks:
"My father had a file on Bill Clinton's infidelity
and his affairs. It ran approximately from '82-'83
to somewhere about '90-'91. The file consisted of
pictures, times, dates, places -- of where Bill
Clinton was at, where Roger Clinton was at, the type
of drug use that Bill Clinton and Roger Clinton were
involved in. I was the only person that would ever
go with him on private investigative work
(1h13'48''). And I remember four to five times that
I was with him and that was what he was keyed-in on.
I saw Clinton with a lot of different women, a lot
of different types, sizes, shapes, colors -- one of
them being Jennifer Flowers. You know, I was just
like 'WOW!' It was a little more 'neat' than
anything else, that, yo know, somebody that is this
famous, this big-wig, can get away with this --
which just 'blew my mind'." (1h14'6'')
Film speaker:
"Shortly before
Jerry's death the phone lines at his home were cut.
The security system was disconnected and the Cinton
files were stolen." (1h14'14'')
Article: Roland
man's death, ties to Clinton spark interest
Gary Parks: "I believe my father was
assassinated because he was the one link that could
actually close everything and completely shut it. I believe Bill Clinton had my father
killed to save his own political career (1h14'30''). When I did contact Little Rock Special
Investigative Services, they told me that they had
been pulled off the case three weeks prior to that.
That just blows my mind on how, when I hear they are
making progress, I hear they are pulled off the case.
Something is not right there." (1h14'48'')
White House since 1993: Sex festivals
under Cocaine Bill Clinton without end
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "Bill Clinton has been the way he
is, ever since I've known him. He hasn't changes; he
WILL NOT change. People inside the White House, today,
tell me that he is running sex-capades in and out of the
White House like has never been there before. It is a
disgrace to America." (1h15'5'')
5. The question: Why was it possible
that Cocaine Bill Clinton became a President?
Arkansas before 1993: Media have failed
completely - did never public important things

Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas State
Supreme Court Justice
Judge Jim Johnson:
"If we had known of his bimbo
background, the people of Arkansas would have never
elected him as a Governor of this state. I'm
charging the media of this state for not doing their
duty and exposing these things that have since
become matters of FACT." (1h15'25'')
Cocaine Clinton: womanizer, always on
drugs, a liar and slacker
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "He's a womanizing, dope-smoking LIAR and
a draft dodger. I don't remember those being in the
"Constitution" as being exactly the model qualities we
want in the President." (1h15'43'')

Roger Perry, Arkansas
State Police Officer
Roger Perry: "I think the media has been part of the
covering up of the actual true story of and character of
Bill Clinton (1h15'51''). I believed - with all my heart
- that the "American" people had the right to know what
they had been sold (1h15'59''). Bill Clinton is not the
person that they voted for." (1h16'5'')
Arkansas before 1993: Lying media
simulating a "good President" Cocaine Bill Clinton -
Newsweek even applauding the cover-up (!)
Film speaker: "Voters who depend on the media for
unbiased [neutral] information regarding political
candidates have been betrayed. Much of the information
concerning ADFA (Arkansas
Finance Authority), Whitewater (housing
speculation) and Clinton's sexual promiscuity was known
by the media as early as 1990 (1h16'22''), yet was kept
hidden." (1h16'25'')
page of Newsweek: Newsweek front page: Clinton's
Trillion Dollar Cure (1h16'25'').
"The media's heavy pro-Clinton bias (blind love) prior
to the 1992 election was best summed up by "Newsweek"
when they candidly states:
'Truth is, the press is willing to cut
Clinton some slack because they like him and what he
has to say'. (1h16'32'')
In May 1994 "Newsweek" added:
'The National Press has been restrained in
its accounts of Bill Clinton's private life -- and
with good reason. Most of those who have made charges
against him have been despicable people -- jealous and
stunted sorts." (1h16'53'')
Media Protecting Their President
Arkansas before 1993: Cocaine Bill
Clinton was trained: viewing the camera, having nice
teeth, believe in the own lie
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols:
"What an indictment about the media. They knew the
truth about Bill Clinton -- they just didn't like
George Bush. I know Bill Clinton, probably as well
as anybody. We trained him how to look straight into
a camera and lie through his teeth. And you see,
part of Bill's pathological lying is the fact that
we tought him how to believe the lie, that he's
telling. Once he believes the lie then he can sell
it to YOU as the truth. The world is at risk when
the commander-in-chief of the United States of
America is a man that will look at another
government, who will make trade deals, and lie
through his teeth." (1h17'35'')
Washington 1993-2001: Cocaine Bill
Clinton was a puppet: he never said something wrong -
but he remained a drug addicted without feeling for
any duty

Tom McKenney, Lt. Col.,
United States Marine Corps (retired)
Tom McKenney, Lt. Col., United States Marine Corps
can get us involved in hopeles quagmire (swamp),
easily, in Europe, in Africa, in North Korea, in any
number of places because, not only because of his
ineptness and his lack of understanding, but his
contempt for military things (1h17'52''). This goes
back at least as far as the '60s in his college days
when he not only attended, and participated in,
anti-American rallies, but organized them. By the
way, those were not anti-"war" rallies. Those were
anti-American rallies.
Document: There was shout "Down with USA"
He has no loyalty
to this nation, he has no loyalty to its fighting
men. He hasn't enough integrity to have any loyalty
to its population (1h18'19''). He konws how to 'say'
the right things but he has lied for so long that I
really don't think he knows the difference, anymore,
between the lie and the truth." (1h18'28'')
Cocaine Bill Clinton=dishonest type

Roger Perry, Arkansas
State Police Officer
Roger Perry: "Bill Clinton was a dishonest on a daily
basis I mean, there's more dishonesty in his life than
there is honesty. I mean, it's - ah - maybe being
a politician in these days and times you have to tell
one group of people what they want to hear and another
group what they want to hear, and if the truth conflict
and then so be it." (1h18'46'')
America thinks Clinton is lying: ONLY
38 per cent of Americans believe President Clinton's
denials of sexual harassment and only 45 per cent said
he had the honesty and integrity they expect in a
president, according to a pull by Newsweek magazine
yesterday). (1h18'48'')
NWO media protecting the dishonest Cocaine Bill
Clinton - Killary Hillary Clinton about Whitewater-
Cocaine Bill about "ethics"
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "The media has not been able to
ascertain, today, that there is a human being sitting in
the Presidential chair of the United States of America
that lies with EVERYTHING he says (1h18'59''). They
still believe somehow in the Office of the Presidency."
Film speaker: "Attempts to keep the criminal activities
of Whitewater concealed were largely successful prior to
the 1992 election (1h19'15'').
Article: Why the
secrecy about Whitewater? (1h19'13'')
Film speaker: "After that, however, the raging
Whitewater rapids could no longer be contained
(1h19'20''). What the Clintons claimed as a simple
"money-losing investment,
was in
actuality a series of complex business transactions
and cover-ups ultimately costing the "American"
taxpayers more than 60 million dollars." (1h19'34'')
First lady says she, president
truthful about Whitewater loss (1h19'24'')

Cocaine Bill
Clinton with Killary Hillary Clinton, they are drug
bosses with cocaine consumption, cocaine smuggling,
contracted killers, destruction of files, manipulation
of justice, Whitewater scandal, etc.
Killary Hillary Clinton says:
"When this is all over it's going to be the
same story we've been telling for two years, we made a
bad investment, we lost money - ahm - and there's
really not much more to add to it." (1h19'44'')
Cocaine Bill Clinton is lying about his Cocaine ethics:
"We have and we have enforced higher
standards against the ethical conflicts than any
previous administration." (1h19'51'')
6. Whitewater affair with bribed
lawyers, destruction of files and murder of Vince
Property speculations were destroyed by not following
the prescription of a time limit in the treaty. The web
site Spencorp reports:
"As soon as Clinton was elected
governor, he and Hillary formed a partnership with
Jim & Susan McDougal in the Whitewater Land
Deal. The McDougal’s would manage the business and
wear most of the risk and liability while Bill and
Hillary would still enjoy 50% ownership. In 1979 the
Clintons donated a small parcel of land near a river
that flowed through to the State Gaming and Fishing
Committee. The donation was contingent on
construction of a boat ramp. Once the ramp was
completed, a paved access road funded at tax-papers
expense, was built from Highway 101 to the ramp.
This added substantially to the value and overall
marketability of the river front and home sites.
Bill Clinton had used the power of
his office to enhance the value of his real estate
speculation. Many elderly buyers invested in
Whitewater, because it was owned by the Governor and
his wife, however, they made the mistake of not
reading the fine print of the Real Estate contact.
As many of them would find, if they defaulted on
their monthly payments for more than thirty days,
they would lose all of their equity in the land.
Regardless as to how much they had put down or paid
in. The results would be devastating for more than
half the people who put money down lost their land
and all their equity payments." At least 16
installment payers could not go on paying because of
illnesses etc. and lost EVERYTHING. And a murder: "Jim McDougal died
during the 1990’s, while in custody waiting to
give evidence in the Whitewater case."
Abuse of state system by Whitewater affair and the
Cocaine family of Clinton
![Jim Leach , United States Congressman
[Republicans] Jim Leach , United States
Congressman [Republicans]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness010-Jim-Leach-republican-deputy-44pr.jpg)
Jim Leach , United States Congressman
Jim Leach is presenting the facts systematically:
"1) Whitewater may have begun as a legitimate real
estate venture, but it came to use to skim directly or
indirectly federally insured deposits from an SNL and a
small business investment corporation. When each failed,
the United States taxpayer became obligated to pick up
the tab.
2) The family of the former governor of Arkansas
received value from whitewater, well in excess of
resources invested.
3) Taxpayer guaranteed funds were in all likelihood used
to benefit the campaign of a former governor
4) The independence the United States government's
regulatory system has been flagrantly violated in an
effort to protect a single American citizen."
Drug Bill Clinton means:
"People should not be able to raise
questions and erode people's moral authority in this
country." (1h20'47'')
Article of Arkansas Democrat Gazette: Trying
to calm Whitewater fury. Gore leads defense team on TV
Counter stategy of Cocaine Clinton against Whitewater
truth: step 1) meetings with extreme Christians
Film speaker: "It quickly became obvious that Whitewater
would engulf the Clinton Administration if ignored
(1h20'53''). A two-fold counter-attack was put into
action. 1) The first was to win sympathy from the
conservative populace, who are among his chief critics
(1h21'1''). Cocaine Clinton embarked on a series of
appearances partly promoting himself as a "born-again"
Christian, who supports and practices traditional
Biblical family values (1h21'11''). While the uninformed
may have been fooled, those who realized what was
happening were outraged at the blatant hypocrisy."
Strategy on Whitewater shifts to
damage control (1h21'19'').
[And then this Cocaine Bill Clinton is even holding a
speech before these extremist Christs]:
Cocaine Bill Clinton is speaking: "This is
a place where I have come to seek Divine Guidance and
Support and Reassurance." (1h21'26'')
Some politics of Cocaine Bill Clinton
Washington: Clinton with Presidential Orders for
abortions and gay homos in the army
[There are manifestations against Cocaine Bill Clinton.
Here is a voice of a demonstration leader]:
Randall A. Terry, Director, Loyal Opposition: "You know,
after Bill Clinton was in office for two days, he signed
five Executive Orders shedding more innocent blood --
the blood of innocent babies. Then he went on to try and
get homosexuals in the military (1h21'39'')."
Article of May 21, 1994: "Clinton
Attempting to Combine Moral Vision With Political
Message. Government: President recently began
referring to miracles and personal responsibility. But
reaction is mixed." (1h21'39'')
Randall A. Terry:
"He put Jocelyn Elders 'in' trying to distribute
condoms to our kids. His AIDS czarina was promoting
all kiinds of vileness and yet his church pastor has
not rebuked Clinton. He is still in close contact
with him, he still stands by him and still says, 'He
is a great Christian man!' This is an affront to
Clinton Calls for Special Counsel to
Probe Land Deal (1h21'49'')
Counter strategy of Cocaine Clinton against
Whitewater truth step 2) naming of a "special
attorney" Fiske- and destruction of files with
Whitewater documents with a shredder and a fire
Film speaker: 2) "The second phase of the counter-attack
was to appoint Robert Fiske as special prosecutor to
head up the investigation into Whitewater. That same
week the Rose Law Firm began shredding documents."
Shredder: Inquiry set, then did it
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "A lady came to me, scared to death. She
wanted to come out and tell the truth. I asked her:
'What's the matter?' - She said: 'They are shredding
documents at teh Rose Law Firm.' (1h22'11'') - Well, I
tried to tell the media. The media said there was no way
that could be going on (1h22'18''). Then in came an
journalist from a Washington newspaper and he goes over
and investigates what I told him and you know what? The
very week he investigated, guess what they were doing?
Shredding documents, right there at the Rose Law Firm."
Two Who Shredded Documents at Rose Law
Firm Resign (1h22'29'')
Statement of staff member Mr. Jeremy Hedges who was
shredding files:
"They had his initials printed all over them
-- everything from the box to the manila files to
everything -- I even saw his signature [of Vince
Foster?] on the Rose Firm letterhead." (1h22'33'').
Larry Nichols, marketing ADAF:
"You see, all of the Whitewater
documents, they're getting rid of. They are getting
rid of them as fast as they humanly can. It is the
nerve and audacity that those two people, Bill and
Hillary Clinton, have to shred documents, to destroy
evidence in a Federal case..."
Change of scenery: There is a demonstration at the
entrance of Rose Law Firm and leader Randall A. Terry is
shouting by megaphone:
"That is why we are here in front of
the Rose Law Firm -- because of the works of
darkness that have gone on. Documents have been
shredded here -- what else is going on here? I'm
telling you that there are people inside this
building and right now they are saying, 'If they
only knew -- if they only knew!' "
Worthen Bank: destruction of files with a fire
[In the bank just one floor was burning, just ONE
Film speaker:
"During that same week
there was also a fire at the Stephens owned Worthen
Bank Building." (1h23'16'')
[Pictures show
opened and emptied files, desks and everything
junked and then every inch of the room burned --
obviously AFTER having been ransacked!] (1h23'22'')
Larry Nichols: "This fire was on
the fourteenth floor and supposedly was started by a
space heater. I want you to look at this, will you,
and tell me if you think it was an accidental fire
started by a space heater (1h23'32''). This is a CPA
firm (certified public accounting) and the documents
that were in this office were important documents
relative to Whitewater." (1h23'43'')
Destruction of files about financing of
election campaigns of Cocaine Bill Clinton
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "If
you go back to Arkansas and you look at the
Secretary of State's office, everybody that's ever
run for office in recorded history, you can find out
who their major campaign contributors are since day
one -- except for one person -- Bill Clinton. Bill
Clinton's records at the Secretary of State's office
disappeared. You see, they did it then and they'll
do it now. All information pertinent to Whitewater,
any notes left by Vince Foster, any personal
documents that would lead anywhere to any type
of criminal activity, they're just going to be
destroyed." (1h24'21'')
Rose aide tight-lipped on contents of
Foster files he shredded (1h24'7'')
Article: Shredder
busy taking care of U.S. secrets (1h24'17'')
Arkansas, Rose Law Firm: The murder of
confidant Vince Foster
[And the "special lawyer" Fiske also blocks all reports
of Foster's death so that he can keep the only monopoly
on news - he is the inept expression of the Clinton
cocaine dictatorship]:
adviser Fiske with file destruction - and a
"suicide" by confidant Vince Foster
Film speaker: "Fiske's initial
assignment was to quell rumors regarding the alleged
suicide of Vince Foster (1h24'27''). Foster was a
senior partner with Killary Hillary Clinton and Webb
Hubbell at the Rose Law Firm prior to his appointment
as White House Deputy Counsel." (1h24'35'')
Fiske Acts to Block Release of Reports
On Death of Foster (1h24'21'')

Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas State
Supreme Court Justice
Judge Jim Johnson:
"In fact he was handling the Clinton
personal legal matters while he was in the position
as Assitant to the President, in violation of a
conflict of interest at that time."
New Doubt on Foster 'Suicide'
Film speaker: "
the outset the investigation into the death of Vince
Foster has been marred by controversy. At Bill
Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno's insistence
responsibility for the investigation was turned over
to the park police, even though Foster's death fell
within the jurisdiction of the FBI." (1h25'8'')
Additional facts from the
book "Secret Wisdom"
"A number of key questions remain in the
death of Vince Foster. According to the
official report Mr. Foster shot himself in
the mouth at Ft. Marcy Park on July 20,
1993. If this were true there would have
been large amounts of blood at the scene.
However, initial paramedic reports disclosed
very little blood on or around the body.
There was no gunpowder residue in his mouth
or on his face and there were no broken
teeth or damaged lips. Initial reports also
indicate there was no exit wound and yet,
remarkably, no bullet was ever found.
In addition, the gun was still in Foster's
hand which would be highly unlikely due to
the natural reflexes occurring in this type
of suicide. Incredibly, the death was ruled
a suicide BEFORE an autopsy or ballistics
test had been performed. As expected, Bill
Clinton has expressed no interest in finding
out what really happened to his life-long
[web05] |
White House misled media on Foster
papers (1h25'11'').
The "report" with the "conclusion" "suicide" - the
facts of the coconer's analysis say clearly murder by
shooting the head
Film speaker: "Not until his
death had sufficiently developed and will
full-fledged scandals seven months later with
the FBI be allowed in (1h25'17''). The results
of the FBI's investigation along with the
findings of the Park Police and the coroner were
incorporated into a report issued by Special
Counsel Robert Fiske (1h25'28''). The report
released June 30, 1994, confirmed "suicide" as
the cause of death (1h25'34''). However, a
careful examination of key pieces of evidence
taken directly from the report itself indicate a
number of alarming contradictions, inconsistent
with the reports own conclusion that Foster took
his life." (1h25'48'').
Film speaker: "The official coroner's report
depicts a large gaping one-inch exit wound
located three inches below the crown of
Foster's head (1h25'57''). According to Fisk,
the area surrounding the body at the park was
meticulously searched to a depth of 18 inches,
but no brain tissue or skull fragments were
found (1h26'7''). An FBI analysis found none
of Foster's fingerprints on the gun, despite
the fact the gun was found in Foster's hand
(1h26'15''). However, the FBI did make one
extraordinary discovery: 'One latent
fingerprint was visible on the underside of
the right pistol grip, approximately two
inches from the base of the grip.' (1h26'27'')
- This print did not belong to Foster. No
attempt was made to determine the identity of
the person whose print was found in the guns
hand grip (1h26'36''). Gunpowder was found on
Foster's clothing which did not match the gun
found in his hand. Fiske speculated that
gunpowder of a different type was accidentally
blown under Foster's clothing by an exhaust
fan in the Park Police laboratory (1h26'51'').
However, once again, Fisk was not able to
support this theory with any evidence."
In the park any bullet is missing matching to
the gun in the hand - the neighbors of the park
are NOT questioned
Film speaker: "One of the most
crucial pieces of crime-scene evidence, the
fatal bullet, has yet to be found. A thorough
FBI search of the area which even uncovered
artifacts dating back to the Civil War yielded
over 70 pieces of metal, including 12 modern-day
bullets. Yet, none of them matched the gun found
in Foster's hand (1h27'19''). Against standard
police procedure not one resident living nearby
was ever contacted during the investigation to
find out if a gunshot was heard (1h27'29'').
Even though Fiske insists that Foster killed
himself leading forensic experts from around the
country, now agreed: 'It is highly unlikely he
pulled the trigger himself'." (1h27'40'')
Forensic Experts Doubt Foster
Suicide Finding (1h27'36'')
Additional facts from
the book "Secret Wisdom": left handed
- fake photo with brown leaved -
robbery of documents in Foster's
Nichols: "Any credible forensic
pathologist will tell you, in a second,
that the man didn't shoot himself -- the
way they describe it. Well, if he didn't
shoot himself the way they describe it
-- then is it not murder?"
Film speaker: "In March 1994 the White
House released a photograph which they
claim proved beyond any doubt that
Foster killed himself. However, the
photo depicted a gun in Foster's RIGHT
hand even though he was LEFT-handed. It
also showed the body surrounded by brown
leaves, yet Foster died in mid-summer --
before leaves had begun to fall. And
numerous reporters on the scene
confirmed that there were no leaves on
the ground. - More puzzling is the fact
that sources for the FBI and Park Police
originally announced that no photos had
been taken at the crime scene. - Most
disturbing was the reluctant admission
by the White House, five full months
after the event occurred, that four
members of Clinton's staff had ransacked
Foster's office the night he died."
White House: Clinton's mafia is robbing
documents from Foster's office
Film speaker: "Within minutes
of the verification of Foster's identity the
Park Police issued orders to seal Foster's
office at the White House. David Watkins,
Clinton's administrative assistant, assured the
police he would take care of it. He lied.
Immediately, high-ranking members of Bill and
Hillary's staff began ransacking his office,
removing important and possibly incriminating
documents." (1h28'6'')
Cocaine Bill
Clinton with Killary Hillary Clinton, they are
drug bosses with cocaine consumption, cocaine
smuggling, contracted killers, destruction of
files, manipulation of justice, Whitewater
scandal, etc.
Whitewater, other papers taken
from Foster's office (1h28'4'').
The people entering the office included
-- Bernard Nussbaum, counseled to the President;
-- Patsy Thomason, White House Administration
Director; and
-- former assistant to cocaine distributor Dan
Lasater; and
-- Margaret Williams, Killary Hillary Clinton's
chief of staff (1h28'21'').
Additional facts
from the book "Secret Wisdom":
"National Security" as a reason
for robbing documents - and the
true reasons
Nichols: "And they said it was for
'National Security'. Well, not any of
those people would have that much
interaction with national security. Let
me tell you specifically why they were
there: Nussbaum was there, with his
personal secretary, to scour the office
and to look for anything that he might
have had relative to Whitewater. Why on
earth would Hillary's personal secretary
be there? That makes no sense because
what would she have to do with national
security? She was there for one reason:
and that was to check and see if there
were any love notes or personal notes to
Hillary from Vince, etc." [web05, p.46]
White House: the duo for the drug
distribution: Dan Lasater+Patsy Thomasson
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in Little
Larry Nichols: "Patsy Thomasson was the top aide for DAN
LASATER when he was running his company and doing all
the dope. You don't need to say that she was there
taking care of Dan Lasater's interests in the White
House." (1h28'35'')
7. Arkansas: Cocaine Clinton with an own
bank BCCI - collapse of money laundering bank BCCI -
Clifford, Fiske, Cocaine Clintons, concealed
[The bank of BCCI
BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) was
founded in 1972 being registered in Luxembourg, got
over 400 branches in 78 countries, with a fund
administration of over 20 billion dollars, in those
times this was bank no. 7 world wide [web02].
Film speaker:
mentioned earlier, the Arkansas Development Finance
Authority had been laundering its drug money through
the Bank of Credit and Commerce International
(BCCI)" (1h28'44'')
facts from the book "Secret Wisdom": BCCI
is Clinton's bank!
speaker: "founded by Clinton's chief
financial backer, Jack Stephens [!!!]"
[web05, p.46]
BCCI Accord May Spur More Legal
Actions (1h28'44'').
Film speaker: "
collapsed in the early 1990s. Millions of depositors
and taxpayers lost billiions of dollars, making it
the worst banking scandal in history." (1h28'54'')
Film speaker: "
up BCCI was former defense secretary, CLARK
CLIFFORD. The overwhelming criminal charges against
Clifford were eventually dismissed by President
Clinton. - The attorney for Clifford and BCCI was
none other than Robert Fiske. Fiske knew that a
thorough investigation of Whitewater would
eventually lead to ADFA and his former client, BCCI.
Fiske also knew that he would never be able to
complete his investiagion, since it is illegal to
prosecute a former client. Fiske was not suggested
by the Justice Department to investigate Whitewater,
at all, but to simply subpoena documents and
testimony, making sure they never see the light of
day!" (1h29'35'')
Kokain-Clinton am Rednerpult:
"The investigation of Whitewater is being
handled by an independent special counsel whose
appointment I supported. Our cooperation with that
councel has been total." (1h29'45'')
["Cooperation is total"? They are sniffing drugs
Man ties shredding, naming of counsel.
Law firm courier says Foster papers destroyed after
investigator picked (1h29'46'')
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "Nothing, just for a moment. If there are
papers that prove you did nothing wrong, then why would
you destroy them so that they don't come out?
(1h29'55'') - Why would yo hide behind subpoenas in the
cloak of secrecy? Honestly Bill and Hillary have
something to hide, and only through a Congressional
Hearing does this nation have a snowball's of that truth
coming into the light of day." (1h30'11'').
Additional facts from the
book "Secret Wisdom": Systematic
destruction of documents with "subpoenas"
Nichols: "So you see, Robert Fiske is a scam
(fraud). He knows all that. He knows more
than we do about what is leagl and what is
not. He has one little trick and that is
'power of subpoena'. He gets anybody with
any documents anywhere that he can find and
he subpoenas those records and they are
never seen again." [web05, p.46-47] |
Fiske subpoenas Foster documents from
White House (1h29'54'')
Article: Paula
Jones suit delayed: settlement may be near (1h29'54'')
Article: Clinton
presidency filled with secrets. From health care to
Whitewater, this administration lacks openness
8. Appeal: public hearings to the
Congress are missing

Jim Johnson,
former Arkansas State Senator and former Arkansas State
Supreme Court Justice
Jim Johnson, Richter: "
That's the reason it's so imperative
that the Congress of the United States rise to the
occasion and meet their responsibilities to hold
public hearings, relative to this matter, during
this period of time, our objectives will never be
done." (1h30'33'')
Marketing Nichols appeals: Don't be afraid any more
of this Cocaine puppet Bill Clinton - and Cocaine Bill
Clinton should change so far
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Larry Nichols: "Lots of people that come to me that want
to tell the truth, they come to me, but they are afraid.
They are afraid of losing their jobs. They are afraid of
family members, are themselves being hurt. Don't be
afraid anymore (1h30'48''). Bill Clinton don't only
work, he ain't scare me, he should not scare you
(1h30'55''). I wish all of you all would do what I have
done. Stand up! Stand up for the country! I want my
daughter to know that if you stand up and tell the
truth, you are okay (1h31'11''). Right now she sees if
you stand up and tell the truth, you will be destroyed.
If you are a pathological liar, lie through your teeth,
ever breathed, hope people needlessly, you will get to
be President (1h31'27''). You don't want that, I don't
want it. If I had anything to say to Bill Clinton, you
know what it would be? Its bound to be a great burden
work around lying form one thing to another, never tell
the truth (1h31'41''). Bill, tell the truth, come clean,
although you may not get to be brave (1h31'47''). But
the truth sets free, and set all upstream, and it will
save the nation." (1h31'54'')
Quotations of Cocaine Bill Clinton and Al Gore: All
is in "order"
Cocaine Bill Clinton is commenting his behavior at a
press conference like this:
have still talked of being accused of anything
wrong, because I haven't done anything, and I'm
not going to do anything wrong." (1h32'2'')
Cocaine Bill Clinton: "
I haven't
done anything, and I'm not going to do anything
wrong." His crimes are: cocaine
consumption, cocaine smuggling, threats, ordered
killings, money laundering, destruction of files,
manipulation of justice, and Whitewater scandal,

Al Gore (could be also
on cocaine?) affirming there are "highest ethical
standards in this White House":
"We have the highest ethical standards in
this White House. You can be assured of that."
[The drivers of the government should be questioned].
[Because these ethical standards of the Clinton mafia
are: cocaine consumption, Toga partys, sex partys,
child sex abuse on Epstein Island, money laundering,
intoxicating the population with drugs, psychological
terrorism selling drugs in the streets, enrichment
with drog trafficking, destruction of documents,
manipulation of justice, bribes, defamation for
destroying truthers and whistleblowers, blackmail,
murder attempts, murders, spreading fear in the
complete country etc. This is only a summary of what
is presented in this documental].
9. Washington DC, July14, 1994:
Distribution of the movie - July25, 1994:
documentation is distributed - the counter reaction:
witnesses are barred, and a new propaganda campaign is
Film speaker 2: "Although the documented information
contained in the Clinton Chronicles continues to be
reported in England and in other countries, here in
"America", the media blackout continues (1h32'25'').
July 14, 1994, copies of the Clinton
Chronicles video were hand-delivered to every member of
the United States Senate and the House of
On July 25, 1994,
documentation supporting the film was presented to
Congress at their request. Whitewater hearings were
scheduled to begin the next morning. However, the then
House and Senate majority leaders, plotting with Robert
Fiske to withhold evidence, refused to allow any of this
documentation to be admitted." (1h32'52'')
The Fiske Coverup (1h32'50'').
Film speaker 2: "In addition, eyewitnesses willing to
testify under oath who could confirm Clinton's
involvement in the Arkansas drug smuggling / Money
Laundering operations were flown in to Washington but
were barred from giving any testimony (1h33'6''). Once
again, the constitution of the "United States" was
undermined and the "American" people were not allowed
access to the truth (1h33'12''). That same day, a
media smear campaign was launched
against the Clinton Chronicles. Time Magazine, Newsweek,
"US" News and World Report, and major newspapers around
the nation simultaneously published false information
about the video in an attempt to diminish it's
distribution." (1h33'29'')
Fiske Ousted in Whitewater Case; Move
Is Surprise. Investigation: Federal three-judge panel
names Kenneth Starr as new special counsel. Switch is
seen as prolonging probe. The action stuns Clinton's
advisers. (1h33'29'')
Fiske is fired, investigations are reinstalled
Film speaker 2: "Nevertheless, members of Congress point
to the Clinton Chronicles as playing a major role in
bringing about the firing of Robert Fiske, as well as
the reopening of the investigation into the death of
Vince Foster." (1h33'40'')
Fiske's Exit Reopens Hope on a
Mystery. The new prosecutor must be tougher. Start
with suspicions about Vincent Foster's death)
Cocaine Bill Clinton after the
distribution of the movie: maneuvers against key
[See here, how the criminal Cocaine clique of Bill and
Killary Hillary Clinton is handling the truth]:
August 3, 1994: Maneuver against Larry Nichols: faked
detention, defamation, 3 murder attempts
![Larry Nichols, former Director of
Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas Development Finance
Authority) [in Little Rocks] Larry
Nichols, former Director of Marketing for ADFA
(Arkansas Development Finance Authority) [in
Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness012-Larry-Nichols-ex-marketing-ADFA-44pr.jpg)
Larry Nichols,
former Director of Marketing for ADFA (Arkansas
Development Finance Authority) [in Little Rocks]
Film speaker 2: "On August 3, 1994, Larry Nichols was
arrested on false charges of writing two bad checks and
failing to obey a yield sign seven years earlier
(1h33'49''). The "American" media reported the arrest.
When the Arkansas Police admitted that the checks and
traffic violation were fabricated, charges were dropped
-- yet, the media failed to report it (1h33'59'').
Nichols has suffered three attempts on his life since
the release of the video." (1h34'3'')
Detention and torture of Bill Duncan - forced faked
testimony and rejection - dismissal
Bill Duncan, Internal
Revenue Service Treasury Agent in charge of MENA
Film speaker 2: "Federal Agent Bill Duncan, a 15-year
IRS veteran (Federal Tax Board: Internal Revenue Service
- IRS) with a permit to carry a gun, was arrested for
carrying a weapon, then hand-cuffed to a pipe in the
basement of the Washington DC Police Station and later
released (1h34'17''). This incident effectively brought
the MENA drug smuggling / money laundering investigation
to a halt (1h34'21''). Duncan was later instructed by
his superiors to lie to a Federal Grand Jury regarding
the results of his investigation (1h34'28''). When he
refused, he was forced to resign." (1h34'30'')
Attempted murder against Russel Welch with anthrax

Welch, Arkansas State Police Investigator in charge of
MENA investigation
Filmsprecher 2:
State Police Investigator Russel
Welch nearly died after being poisoned with military
grade anthrax (1h34'36''), a poison available only
through the "US" government." (1h34'41'')
Doc DeLaughter forced to resign

Doc DeLaughter, former Arkansas
Police Investigator in charge of Dan Lasater case
Film speaker 2: "Arkansas State Police Investigator Doc
DeLaughter, who successfully led the investigation
against cocaine distributor Dan Lasater, was forced to
resign after attempting to reopen the cocaine
trafficking investigation into Don Tyson." (1h34'52'')
Murder detective John Brown being forced to resign
![John Brown, former Saline County
Criminal Investigator [in the town of Benton,
west of the Little Rocks] John Brown,
former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]](Clinton01-video1994-d/d/compl/witness011-John-Brown-ex-criminal-detective-in-Saline-County-44pr.jpg)
Brown, former Saline County Criminal Investigator [in
the town of Benton, west of the Little Rocks]
Film speaker 2:
"John Brown,
Saline County Homicide Detective in charge of
the Ives-Henry Murder Investigation, was
removed from the case after providing Congress
with information linking the Cocaine Clinton
Administration to drug trafficking in MENA,
Arkansas (1h35'6''). Brown was forbidden by
his superiors to discuss Clinton's connection
to the Ives-Henry case, and after his refusal
to do so, was forced to resign." (1h35'15'')
February 1994: Journalist LJ Davis beaten in
the hotel and information about Rose Law
Firm and ADFA is robbed
Film speaker
2: In February 1994, veteran
journalist L.J. Davis was beaten in his Little
Rock hotel room. His attacker tore pages from his
notebook which contained information about the
inner workings of the Rose Law Firm and the
Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA)."
March 1995: Wayne Dumont castrated and detained
because of wrong violation reproaches
Film speaker
2: "In March, 1985, Wayne Dumont
was castrated and subsequently imprisoned for
allegedly raping Bill Clinton's 17 year-old cousin
(1h35'37''). Even after evidence had proven that
Dumont had been falsely accused and was completely
innocent, Clinton blocked his release from
prison." (1h35'45'')
Film speaker
2: "Today, every case which
would link Cocaine Bill Clinton with any criminal
activities have been effectively shut down by
various governmental agencies." (1h35'51'')
10. Appeal: Cocaine Bill Clinton
has to be removed as President - impeachment
William Dannemeyer,
United States Congressman (1979-1992)
The one office that all of us universally look up to,
irrespective of what party or political philosophy we
espouse, is the Presidency of the United States. Since
the election of Bill Clinton in 1992, we Americans, with
sadness, have learned week after week to have different
stories come out from around the country pointing up the
reality that we have in the White House today [1994] a
draft-dodging, womanizer who is a pathological liar
(1h36'28''). It's a very dangerous thing for "America"
and a dangerous thing for the world (1h36'35''). I can
only, you know, conclude that the responsible course for
the House of Representatives to do is to introduce a
resolution of impeachment against Bill Clinton. It is
with sadness that I make this statement because this
action will introduce something that we Americans don't
want to see in our political process, but we can't
continue down the course of what we see unfolding before
our eyes almost every week or almost every day. And the
best thing and let the chips fall where they may
(1h37'13''). Under our Constitution, the House
introduces a resolution of impeachment and the U.S.
Senate is the place where the trial takes place. And I
think for the good of the country, for the good and the
peace of the Western World, this is the course that
Congress should take." (1h37'29'')
11. The list of Clinton's murders
1991-1995 (the list is incomplete)
Since Bill Clinton is also a cocaine "president", he has
had many of his friends and loved ones killed -
President Clinton is a mass murderer:
The Victims: Dan Casolaro August 10,
1991 -- Victor Raiser & Son July 30, 1992 -- 4
bodyguards February 28, 1993 -- 4 bodyguards May 19,
1993 -- John A. Wilson May 19, 1993 -- Paul Wilcher
June 22, 1993 -- Vincent Foster Jr. July 20, 1993 --
Jon Walker August 15, 1993 -- S. Heard and S. Dickson
Sept. 10, 1993 -- Luther "Jerry" Parks Sept. 26, 1993
-- Ed Willey Nov. 30, 1993 -- Herschel Friday March 1,
1994 -- Ronald Rogers March 3, 1994 -- Kathy Ferguson
May 11, 1994 -- Bill Shelton Dec. 6, 1994 -- Calvin
Walraven July 28, 1994 -- Alan G. Whicher April 19,
Since August 1991, an alarming number of Clinton
associates have died of unnatural causes. The following
is a partial list:
-- Dan Casolaro: Journalist
Investigating ADFA and Mena - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF
DEATH" Suicide, 8/10/91 (1h37'33'')
-- Victor Raiser and son: Chairman,
Clinton's Presidential Campaign Finance
Crash, 7/30/92 (1h37'40'')
-- C. Le Bleu / T. McKeahan R. Williams / S.
Willis: Clinton Bodyguards - "OFFICIAL
CAUSE OF DEATH" Gunfire during raid on Waco, 2/28/93 (1h37'41'')
-- W. Barkley / B. Hassey S. Reynolds / T.
Sabel: Clinton Bodyguards - "OFFICIAL
CAUSE OF DEATH" Helicopter Crash, 5/19/93 (1h37'49'')
-- John
A. Wilson: Washington D.C. Councilman
preparing to expose Clinton - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF
DEATH" Suicide, 5/19/93 (1h37'56'')
-- Paul Wilcher: Washington
D.C. Attorney investigating Mena - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF
DEATH" Suicide, 6/22/93 (22.
Juni 1993)
-- Vincent Foster, Jr.: Deputy
White House Counsel, Clinton's childhood friend -
"OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH" Suicide, 7/20/93 (1h38'13'')
-- Jon
Walker Senior: RTC Specialist
investigating Whitewater - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH"
Suicide, 8/15/93 (1h38'21'')
-- S.
Heard / S. Dickson: Members, Clinton's
Health Care Advisory Committee - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF
DEATH" Plane Crash, 9/10/93
-- Luther
"Jerry" Parks: Chief of Security,
Clinton's Campaign Headquarters - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF
DEATH" Murder, 9/26/93 (1h38'37'')
-- Ed
Willey: Manager, Clinton's Presidential
Campaign Finance Committee - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH"
Suicide, 11/30/93 (1h38'45'')
-- Herschel
Friday: Member, Clinton's Presidential
Campaign Finance Committee - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH"
Plane Crash, 3/1/94 (1h38'53'')
-- Ronald
Rogers: Killed while en route to interview
for this film - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH" Plane Crash,
3/3/94 (1h39'1'')
-- Kathy
Ferguson: Former wife of Clinton bodyguard
Danny Ferguson - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH" Suicide,
5/11/94 (1h39'9'')
-- Bill
Shelton: Arkansas State Police Officer,
Fiancee of Kathy Ferguson - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH"
Suicide, 6/12/94 (1h39'17'')
-- Calvin
Walraven: Police informant in Jocelyn
Elder's son's cocaine distribution trial - "OFFICIAL
CAUSE OF DEATH" Suicide, 7/28/94 (1h39'25'')
-- Alan
G. Whicher: Clinton's Chief of Security,
former Clinton bodyguard - "OFFICIAL CAUSE OF DEATH"
Oklahoma City blast, 4/19/95 (1h39'33'')
Appeal: "Americans must contact their representatives
daily and insist that unrestricted public hearing begin
immediately". (1h39'41'')
Clear statement: "If any additional harm comes to anyone
connected with this film, the people of America will
hold [Cocaine] Bill Clinton personally responsible")
The Clinton Chronicles Book contains documentation of
the allegations presented in this video. To order the
book or additional copies of the video call:
1-800-828-2290) (1h40'12'').
Ffor further information write: Citizens for honest
government - P.O. Box 220 - Winchester, CA 92596 (Bürger
für eine ehrliche Regierung - Postfach 220 - Winchester
- California 92596 (1h40'32'').
Copyright: MCMXCIV (1994) Citizens for honest government