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Bangkok is sinking and will sink - Bangkok is a Titanic...
Bangkok was built deliberately on swamp land - Bangkok takes out it's water from the clay layer so the clay layer is shrinking - dikes are for nothing - and Thai government is concealing all this reality and lets build even a new tube!
Sinking Bangkok in a big valley with clay layers and with too much consumption of groundwater [1]
Who is taking out groundwater from a clay layer has not to complain that the town will sink...
The possibility to save Bangkok shifting 95% of the population and installation of an agricultural zone
And Thai government is silent and secret services are not doing anything to save the people.
presented by Michael Palomino (2013)
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The newspaper "Tagesanzeiger" from Switzerland reported (2011): 1 to 3 cm per year
In a news from 7 November 2011 the newspaper "Tagesanzeiger" reported with the title (That's why Bangkok is threatened by it's sinking, orig. German: Deshalb droht Bangkok der Untergang), Bangkok would sink 1 to 3 cm per year:http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/wissen/natur/Experten-Deshalb-droht-Bangkok-der-Untergang/story/19911088
The newspaper "Wochenblitz" from Bangkok reported in 2012, flooding by the sea will be in 2020
In 2012 the newspaper "Wochenblitz" reported that there are new satellite measuring and sinking of Bangkok had been massively underestimated, and from 2020 on Bangkok will be flooded:
Citation (translation):
<Bangkok - Since the unfriendly result of a scientific long term study being published in December 2010, there is the fix perspective that Thailand's capital is sinking steadily and from 2020 has to be aware to be flooded by the sea. [...] Monitoring by Thailand's observatory satellite "Thaichote" resulted that the situation is essentially more threatening than it had been considered. In an interview with the state's TV MCOT Mr. Anon Sanitwong Na Ayuttaya (director of Geo Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency GISTDA) declared that the indications for a steady sinking of the ground never had been taken earnest until today and reactions had been only half-hearted. Now would come the revenge for this behavior because the satellite monitoring would show clearly that any measure taken until today had no effect and the grade of the sinking had been massively underestimated in the previous studies.>
(orig. German:
<Bangkok - Spätestens seit den unerfreulichen Ergebnissen einer wissenschaftlichen Langzeitstudie, die im Dezember 2010 bekanntgegeben wurde, steht fest, dass Thailands Hauptstadt aufgrund der fortschreitenden Bodensenkung ab 2020 damit rechnen muss, vom Meer überflutet zu werden. [...] Überwachungsaufnahmen von Thailands Erdbeobachtungssatelliten "Thaichote" haben nun ergeben, dass die Situation wesentlich bedrohlicher ist, als bisher gedacht wurde. In einem Interview mit dem staatlichen Fernsehsender MCOT erklärte Anon Sanitwong Na Ayuttaya, Direktor der Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA), leider habe man die schon lange vorhandenen Anzeichen einer stetig voranschreitenden Bodensenkung bisher nicht ernst genommen und nur halbherzig auf das Problem reagiert. Dies räche sich nun, denn die Satellitenaufnahmen hätten eindeutig ergeben, dass die bisherigen Maßnahmen versagt hätten und das Maß der Absenkung bei den vorangegangenen Studien massiv unterschätzt worden sei.>)
Thailand Nang Rong: Bangkok was built deliberately on swamp land - sinking of 10 cm per year
Well, now there is SOMETHING: Bangkok was deliberately built on swamp land!!! and is sinking 10 cm per year.
Here is the news from Thailand Nang Rong "Bangkok always sinking deeper" (orig. German: "Bangkok sinkt immer tiefer") from 15 August 2012:
Bangkok was built deliberately on swamp land. Citation (translation):
<By strategical reasons for a better defense against enemies the town was built in the lower swamp land. Also for commercial actions this position was considered favorable. Floods in this region by Chao Phraya River have been at any time and the floods of nowadays are not a result of any climate change.>
(orig. German:
<Aus strategischen Gründen, zur besseren Verteidigung gegen Feinde bauten sie die Stadt im tiefliegenden Sumpfland. Auch für den Handel erwies sich die Lage als äusserst günstig. Überschwemmungen war die Region um den Chao Phraya Fluss schon immer ausgesetzt, dies ist also kein Phänomen der Neuzeit und unterliegt nicht den Klimaveränderungen von denen soviel die Rede ist.>>
Thailand Nang Rong: Bangkok is pouring the groundwater from it's clay layer
Now comes the second SOMETHING: Bangkok is pouring the groundwater from it's clay layer and therefore the clay layer is reducing it's volume.
Citation (translation) from the same article from Thailand Nang Rong:
<Well, the planners could not know that this capital of the country, Bangkok, would have such a rapid growth and the dwellers would always need more water. Therefore the town nowadays is sinking some centimeters and is only hardly over sea level today. For sure the rise of the sea levels and the huge rain falls of the last years are playing a role with it. But Bangkok has much industries and the number of inhabitants is enormous so always more groundwater is taken out of the clay layer covering the need.>
(orig. German:
<Allerdings konnten die Planer nicht wissen, dass die Hauptstadt des Landes Bangkok, ein so rasantes Wachstum vorlegt und die Bewohner immer mehr Brauchwasser benötigen. Die Stadt sinkt jedes Jahr einige Zentimeter mehr und liegt nur noch knapp über dem Meeresspiegel. Sicherlich spielen der Anstieg der Weltmeere und die heftigen Regenfälle der letzten Jahre eine Rolle. Aber durch die in Bangkok angesiedelte Industrie und die enorm gestiegene Einwohnerzahl wurde ständig mehr Grundwasser hochgepumpt, um den Bedarf zu decken.>)
The clay layer is loosing it's weight-bearing capacity:
<All buildings in this sinking town of Bangkok are built on stable poles, also the sky scrapers. The poles are driven into the soil until they find the hard clay layer. But it seems there is no other possibility for the industries and the population getting enough water. And thus the misery is going on taking out unimaginable quantities of water from the clay layer. And the weight of the buildings is additionally pressing the clay layer and the hard layers loose their weight-bearing capacity.>
(orig. German:
<Alle Gebäude in der versinkenden Stadt Bangkok werden auf stabilen Pfählen gebaut, auch die Hochhäuser. Die Pfähle werden in den Boden getrieben bist sie auf eine feste Tonschicht stossen. Scheinbar gibt es keine andere Möglichkeit, Industrie und Einwohner mit ausreichend Wasser zu versorgen. So werden weiterhin unvorstellbare Mengen Wasser abgepumpt. Durch das Gewicht der Bauten wird zusätzlich Wasser aus der Tonschicht gedrückt und die festen Schichten verlieren an Tragkraft.>)
Certain districts of Bangkok are even now under 0 meter over sea level:
<Some districts are even now under sea level.>
(orig. German:
<Einige Stadtviertel liegen schon Heute unter dem Meeresspiegel.>>
The article of Thailand Nang Rong from 15 August 2012 indicates that Bangkok would sink 10 cm each year - with a position of 2 m over sea level:
<According to the latest calculations Bangkok is sinking around 10 cm each year. As Bangkok is only about 2 meters over sea level today everybody can calculate when Bangkok is definitely sinking. [...] The population of the sinking town of Bangkok hopes for a new canal system now. There have been bets already which town would faster sink, Bangkok or Venice.>
(orig. German:
<Nach neuesten Berechnungen sinkt Bangkok jährlich um zehn Zentimeter. Da Bangkok eh nur noch etwa zwei Meter über dem Meeresspiegel liegt, kann sich jeder ausrechnen, wann sie endgültig versinkt. [...] Die Bewohner der versinkenden Stadt Bangkok setzen nun ihre ganze Hoffnung auf das neue Kanalsystem. Es wurden schon Wetten abgeschlossen, welche Stadt schneller versinkt, Bangkok oder Venedig.>)
The fact that groundwater is taken out deliberately from the clay soil provoking that the clay soil is sinking accelerating the sinking of Bangkok was reported in 2010 already (news from "Thaipage" from 23 October 2010):
Citation (translation):
<"Well drilling has aggravated the situation" Geoffrey Warnes said. Despite of all prohibitions Bangkok population is pulling out 2.2 million cubic meters of water per day from the clay soil for their households and industries. In the east of the town where the density of the population is the most intensive one specially much water is pulled out illegally from the soil. And here the surface is also sinking faster. [...] Some sky scrapers with their base on real stone are indicating this problem in reality giving their own signal. Again and again new steps have to be added to the stairs, and at the same time the town is sinking on and on. All two or three years all accesses to the more or less 500 bridges have to be built again.> (thus the sinking process is about 10 cm in 2 years).
(orig. German:
<„Brunnenbohrungen haben zur Verschärfung der Lage beigetragen“, sagt Geoffrey Warnes. Trotz zahlreicher Verbote pumpen die Bangkoker für die Versorgung ihrer Betriebe und Haushalte jeden Tag rund 2.2 Mio. Kubikmeter Wasser aus dem Lehmboden ab. Im Osten der Stadt, wo die Bevölkerungsdichte gross ist, wird besonders viel Wasser illegal aus dem Boden gezogen. Hier sinkt die Oberfläche denn auch schneller. [...] Einige Wolkenkratzer, deren Fundamente auf festen Gestein gebaut sind, verdeutlichen das Problem auf ganz eigene Art. Immer wieder müssen an den Eingängen zusätzliche Treppenstufen angefügt werden, während die Stadt weiter in die Tiefe sinkt. Alle zwei oder drei Jahre müssen die Zufahrten zu den etwa 500 Brücken neu gebaut werden. > (also ca. 10 cm in 2 Jahren).
Bangkok will sink itself. This stupidity of an alcoholic Thai government cannot be more stupid. Beer does NOT make intelligent, and to look football NOT EITHER. To look a porno is at least giving a good blood circulation of all organs without any poison from outside and is NOT damaging the brain but is provoking more brain activity because at the end is a relaxing process provoking new kinds of thoughts.
Thaipage indicates: The soft swamp layer without stability is 15 m high - and dikes are for NOTHING
But now the third SOMETHING comes because when the groundwater is the main reason and the whole clay layer is sinking, then dikes are also for NOTHING because also the dikes will sink! Therefore the town is completely lost because the town will sink also with the dikes, not important what will happen.
Citation from the Thaipage article "Bangkok is sinking" (orig. German "Bangkok versinkt"):<"The clay soil [in the region of Bangkok] is the worst of the world", Vithaya Punmongkol is claiming. The engineer is working with the building up of a new tube for the town with it's population of 10 million persons. "Especially problematic are the first 15 meters", Vithaya says. "This layer is reacting sensible to any pressure from above". Therefore the tracks of the tube are only installed in a deep of 20meters. In other towns 10 to 15 meters are normal.>
(orig. German:
<„Die Lehmböden [in der Region Bangkok] sind die schlimmsten der Welt“, klagt Vithaya Punmongkol. Der Ingenieur arbeitet am Bau der neuen U-Bahn für die Stadt mit ihren zehn Millionen Einwohnern. "Besonders problematisch sind die obersten 15 Meter", sagt Vithaya. „Diese Schicht reagiert sensibel auf Belastung von oben“. Deswegen werden die Geleise auch erst in 20 Meter Tiefe verlegt. In anderen Städten sind 10 – 15 Meter normal.>)
Water pressure of the sea is not mentioned
But there is a fourth SOMETHING:
What the water pressure of the sea will do with this 15 m high layer of swamp is not described in the articles. It can be admitted that the water pressure of the sea will resolve it step by step and all ground of the city will be a liquid at the end.
And in this manner the kingdom of alcohol addiction (Thailand) and criminal mafia groups in Thailand will have a new order. Bangkok will sink in the swamp. Why then the Thai government lets build a new tube in this town which will sink anyway?
How many life lies are permitted in Bangkok? How many manipulations and mafia maneuvers will be permitted in Bangkok? How long this Thai government will be going on drinking beer and organize festivities but pursuing dildos, magazines, films, parties and beautiful underwear defrauding the population at the same time?
Thai government in Bangkok does not know what is important.
Bangkok will be a Titanic...
Saving Bangkok: 90-95% of the population have to go - agricultural zone - new center Chonburi
Saving Bangkok means to adapt the town to the conditions of the ground. That means that 95% of the population have to leave the region of Bangkok.
According to my knowledge Bangkok with its population of 10 million can only be saved
-- shifting 95% of the population to other towns reducing water consumption by 95%
-- blasting all empty houses and sinking of the heavy rubble in the sea
-- converting the free areas in agricultural zones so the rain water can sink and in this big agricultural zone only little wooden houses will be allowed
-- and maybe the level of the underground water will rise again and the clay layer will rise again and the little remaining Bangkok will be safer than before.
For example Chonburi could be defined as a new mega city when the soil is suitable for this, then many people will have a beach with a sunset as long as beaches exist yet.
The beaches have to be saved with dikes having saved at least the backward part of the beach. When there is no saving of beaches with dikes the sea will eliminate all beaches. This already happened in Pattaya in Thailand and also in Italy, and also in Peru and in Chile many beaches are in danger and half "eliminated" or have completely gone.
Thus there is the following summary:
5 million people have to be shifted to the region of Chonburi, and 4 million to the opposite coast line, with industries inclusive. Then Bangkok will be a town of 1 million people, a town for diplomats. Then comes blasting of empty territories, converting into agricultural zone, and radical water saving programs and desalination plants should reduce the water consumption so the clay layer will not sink any more but the underground water will refill and perhaps the clay layer will even rise again.
Concretely: evacuation of 3,000 people per day
When Bangkok should be saved as a diplomat town with a population of about 1 million, then 9 million have to be evacuated from Bangkok, for example with an evacuation rate of 3,000 people per day, and above all the industries which consume much water.
Industries of Bangkok can be distributed in the whole country so also poverty in the north of Thailand will be reduced at last.
Evacuation should begin today, and also the blasting of the heavy buildings, and the ruins have to be sunk in the deep sea because as a fortification of the beaches these ruins are not appropriate because of the armorings (irons) which can provoke worst injuries.
When these 9 million (of 10 million) don't want to live in another place, then the sea will solve the solution sometimes and then all have to go in one time or will drown.
Estate 2014: Government and responsibles of Thailand let sink Bangkok DELIBERATELY
by Michael Palomino, 9.4.2014
Groundwater using and sinking grounwater levels- Bangkok on a clay layer sinking to 0m officially until 2020
Bangkok is on a drained clay layer. Sinking of groundwater levels provokes a sinking town of Bangkok because the clay layer level is sinking with the ground water levels. Parts of Bangkok are under 0m now already. The heavy houses are on colums on the clay layer and only in rare cases there is hard rock as a base. Already in 2010 sinking Bangkok was reported (thaipage 2010: Bangkok versinkg [1]). According to normal media of 2011 Bangkok is sinking 1 to 3cm per year (Tagesanzeiger 2011: Deshalb droht Bangkok der Untergang [2]). Satellite measuring of 2012 was observing a much faster tempo of sinking, that is up to 10cm per year, and some regions are already unter 0m (Nang Rong 2012: Bangkok sinkt immer tiefer [3]). Partly all 3 years new steps have been put in stairs and access of bridges have to be rebuilt [3]. By this indication (one step=apr. 20cm) one can conlcude that Bangkok is sinking about 6cm per year. This fast sinking process would be a world record. Thai press of 2012 indicates clearly that Bangkok will be on 0m in 2020 also officially and has to project to be flood (Wochenblitz of April 2013: Bangkok sinkt schneller als erwartet [4]).
The responsibles don't want to have information denying sinking Bangkok
As a historian in Thailand I can state (estate April 2014) the following disaster: upper class of Thailand and the "chiefs" of police, of Security, and of the media, are not taking earnest sinking Bangkok. The responsibles partly cannot handle the Internet and they are only reading what is written in the newspapers which are censored by themselves. And in this way the responsibles in Thailand let sink the capital DELIBERATELY instead of beginning the safe resettlement of 8 million people to asafe ground saving a little diplomat Bangkok. They are chancing it. But there are witnesses stating that in the interior of high buildings of Bangkok there are big cracks visible...
- [1] http://www.thaipage.ch/bangkok/versinkt_0505.php
- [2] http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/wissen/natur/Experten-Deshalb-droht-Bangkok-der-Untergang/story/19911088
- [3] http://www.thailand-nang-rong.info/allgemein/bangkok-sinkt-immer-tiefer/
- [4] http://www.wochenblitz.com/nachrichten/bangkok/35963-bangkok-sinkt-schneller-als-erwartet.html
6.10.2017: Sex- und Massagesalons in Bangkok verbrauchen endlos Wasser - sind Mitverursacher des Versinkens von Bangkoks - [die von Kommandanten betrieben werden]
Sex lässt Bangkok im Erdboden verschwinden
"Bangkok – In den Bangkoker Bordellen und Massagesalons wird derartig viel Wasser benutzt, dass diese Etablissements eine Mitschuld am Absinken Bangkoks tragen.
In der Hauptstadt pumpen Massagesalons (eine Umschreibung für kommerzielle Sex-Etablissements) fürs Baden und Duschen illegal Grundwasser ab. Das ist so viel, dass diese einen Anteil daran haben, dass Bangkok jedes Jahr einen Zentimeter absinkt [die offiziellen Satellitendaten von 2013 besagten aber viel mehr].
Das Problem ist laut Aranya Fuengsawat von der Behörde für Grundwasser länger bekannt. Daher gingen Beamte dazu über, Geldstrafen von Etablissements zu verlangen. Daraufhin wurde die illegale Grundwasserentnahme beendet.
Aranya sagte, dass diese Praxis jetzt aber wieder an der Tagesordnung sei, ohne die Namen von Etablissements zu nennen.
Der ehemalige Massage-Tycoon Chuwit Kamolvisit, der vor dem Putsch Parlamentsabgeordneter war, bestätigte Aranyas Aussage. Die Bordelle benötigten große Mengen an Wasser, was die Wasserrechnungen in die Höhe treibe.
Daher bedienten sich die Etablissements heimlich am Grundwasser. „Sie pumpen es aus 100 Metern Tiefe hoch“, sagte er.
Chuwit, ein Experte auf dem Gebiet Massage, sagte, die „Badewannen“ seien eher wie kleine Schwimmbassins und benötigten um die 1000 Liter Wasser. Ein Zimmer wird dreimal die Nacht benutzt, das wären 3000 Liter. In einem Etablissement gibt es 100 Zimmer, das wären 300.000 Liter Wasser – jeden Tag. Das ist die Menge, die drei Swimmingpools durchschnittlicher Größe benötigten.
Ein Polizeisprecher sagte, die Polizei könne nicht allein überprüfen, ob ein Etablissement heimlich Grundwasser entnimmt."Translation:
Oct. 6, 2017: Sex and massage parlors in Bangkok using endless water - causing also sinking Bangkok - [which are presidedby commanders]
Sex lets sink Bangkok
"Bangkok - In the brothels and in the massage parlors of Bangkok so much water is used so these establishments are also guilty for singking Bangkok.
In the capital these massage parlors (a word for commercial sex establishments) arepumping underground water illegally for bathing and showers. This is that much that they have a guilt for the fact that Bangkok is sinking every year 1cm [official satellite data of 2013 were indicating much more].
According to Aranya Fuengsawat from Groundwater Board the problem is known since a long time ago. Therefore officials were changing to a habit to give fines to these locations. Then the illegal taking of groundwater was ending.
Aranya went on telling that the old habit had reinstalled now being normal without uttering any names of establishments.
Former Massage King Chuwit Kamolvisit who was a Deputy of Parliament before the coup is confirming Aranya's statement. Brothels ned a lot of water, and water bills are high.
Therefore these establishments are taking groundwater secretly. "They are taking it from 100m of deepth", he said.
Chuwit, an expert concerning massage, said that the "bathdubs" would be rather like little water basins and would need1,000 liter water. One room is used 3 times per night, thus one room needs 3,000 liters of water in one night. One establishment has 100 rooms, thus one establishment needs 300,000 liters of water - per day. This amount is as much as for 3 normal swimming pools.
Police speaker said that police couldn not control alone if an establishment takes groundwater secretly."
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Photo sources
[1] http://museumca.org/creeks/z-groundwater.html