May 1, 2014: The commanders
of Thailand let sink Bangkok deliberately!!!
Circulation e-mail of May 1, 2014 - 11:44 am
Bangkok on photos of March
2013 (photos by Michael Palomino): The town is
perhaps just 30 cm over the stream gauge, and
every year it will be 6 cm less... - The
following photos are not during the rainy
season (July-December) but during the dry
season (January-July) during March when the
tide was coming in. As one can see there is
always danger of flooding in Bangkok, and in 5
years this will be a lake.

Praya River in Bangkok 01, view to the west
board, March 2013 [3]

Praya River in Bangkok 01, view to the west
board, zoom, March 2013 [4]
Principally Bangkok is in
an emergency state since 20 years already -
but there is simply nothing done for limiting
the population for limiting the ground water
consumption. The same conditions count for the
eastern board of the Praya River. There the
reserve was in March 2013 - as one can see on
the photo, not more than 30 to 50cm, and every
year it is 6 cm less...

Praya River in Bangkok 02, view to the eastern
board, March 2013 [5]

Praya River in Bangkok 02, view to the eastern
board, zoom, March 2013 [6]
<Report for everybody
Michael Palomino
Logic analytic historiography since 1992
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am 2 years in Thailand now. I wanted to see a good
Thailand, but what I see is a disaster.
-- Bangkok is sinking, big parts are under 0 m over sea
level already and in 2020 Bangkok will be also officially
reach 0 m and it will sink everywhere under
0m without end
-- this sinking process comes from overuse of ground
water and then the clay layer on the ground water is sinking
with the ground water level, and the sinking rate of Bangkok
is 6 cm per year, this is world record
-- during the rainy season big parts of eastern Thailand
are even flooded for months already deliberately thus
Bangkok will not be flooded - therefore there is also no big
investment in the countryside
provoked floods in eastern Thailand during the
rainy season keeping Bangkok without floods

Deliberately provoked floods
in Prachinburi in September 2013, eastern
Thailand, for "saving" Bangkok from floods -
during months! [7]

Deliberately provoked floods
in Kabinburi in eastern Thailand, mother with
child in September 2013, for "keeping" Bangkok
"free" of floods - during months! [8]
-- since over 1 year I am warning from this sinking process
in Bangkok on web sites
thus that the ground water consumption in Bangkok would
be reduced so the sinking process could be halted, but Thai
authorities are only laughing (police, security, media,
governments, secret services, mafia groups and their
commanders) because Thai authorities are not working with
reading and learning (I live next to a security center since
2 months in Thailand, I see what they are doing!) but Thai
authorities (police, security, governments, media, secret
services, mafia groups and their commanders) are only
working with beer and whiskey and peeping and making
festivals with it!
-- and I was also making versions in Thai (google
translate) and even giving the printed version to several
locations, but there was no real effect! There was not one
e-mail coming back to me from a Thai authority whereas the
e-mail is indicated on the graphic!
-- thus the Thai authorities are only laughing when
somebody is translating the heavy news about Bangkok from
outside and they are just going on with beer, whiskey and
peeping never learning anything, the old Thai commanders
(over 50) even don't know to handle the Internet or
computers, and the police or security centers have no
Internet for their staff members but money for beer+whiskey
they always have
-- so the situation in Thailand is like on Titanic:
responsibles are alcoholics only laughing at the dangers -
on Titanic the dangers were the icebergs, with Bangkok the
dangers are the big Praya River and the sea (30 km distance
with the mouth of Praya River) which will form a big lake
when Bangkok is under 0m because a river cannot flow up the
-- Thai authorities are going on with beer, whiskey and
peeping as they are doing since 1964 when NATO was
installing it's "restroom" in Thailand for Vietnam War
creating sex tourism first with soldiers and after 1975 with
any other kind of tourist men (mafia, secret services, neo
Nazis, pensioners) [and since then this "business" with
women and children is managed by the criminal secret
services - criminal Swiss secret service is the leader
(situation in 2014)]
-- well, why are the commanders only laughing? Because they
are determinating the rules concerning the brothels and
because they have only joy and because for them there is no
other matter in life. It's a giant crime what is happening
in this Bangkok
-- so the Thai authorities (police, security, media,
governments, secret services and mafia groups) are letting
sink Bangkok DELIBERATELY, and this big
crime should really be reported
-- not only that, but Thai authorities are even building
a big tube system into the sinking clay layer now indicating
that this would be a "progress" - and about sinking Bangkok
which will reach 0m in 2020 is NEVER PUBLISHED ANY
-- they let it sink Bangkok because alcoholics are mixing
the priorities, and in this case they are not taking waters
earnest. There is just no geography, nature nor physics in
the normal school system. For them a river and the sea has
no value but some fishes - well, they will be fishes at the
end... - and they have a lake of beer and whiskey in their
heads not being cured from their alcoholism!
Systematic alcoholism in police
and security system in Thailand, example of a
"Security" in Pattaya
(Photos by Michael Palomino from March and
April 2014)
Beer whiskey security
commander Uinai with a "ward", Pattaya, Thailand

Beer whiskey security
commander Uinai reading newspapers he has
censored himself, but he does not know how the
Internet is working [10]

A security alcoholic passing the beer bottle
entrance of a security ward house next to my house

A security alcoholic passing the beer bottle
entrance, zoom - in some kind this person seems
also to be drug addicted [12]

The entrance of beer whiskey security ward house
next to my house with 100s of beer bottles in the
front garden, Pattaya, Thailand [13]

The entrance of beer whiskey security ward house
with 100s of beer bottles in the front garden,
Pattaya, Thailand, zoom - a location of alcoholism
In the house itself there are
at least three times as many beer bottles, they
were all removed at the end of April 2014 and
the action needed about 3 hours.
Alcoholism of security
members in Thailand is even celebrated in the
street, and there is NO intelligence, and when
there is some then it is only for dirty
intrigues and peeping activities. Any
curiousness for further education is killed
because the alcohol is destroying the brain, and
any will for protecting the country from real
dangers cannot be developed - because the brain
is missing and many dangers or solutions are not
recognized. That means that these bodies for law
and order and for public publication in
Thailand, with police, security, government,
media, secret services, mafia groups and their
alcoholic commanders are absolutely mentally
ill and mad putting the wrong preferences
like alcoholics are just doing and with all this
these alcoholic boards in Thailand are becoming
even a charge for the society and they are destroying
the country for example with sinking Bangkok.

Suite of beer whiskey security
commander Uinai in Pattaya in Thailand,
"ornamented" with beer bottles - a location of
alcoholism [15]

Suite of beer whiskey security
commander Uinai in Pattaya in Thailand,
"ornamented" with beer bottles, zoom- a location
of alcoholism [16]
Report this crime of deliberately sinking Bangkok
You can spread this little report everywhere thus the
world knows why a town is sinking. Pressure against this
beer-whiskey-peeping-Thailand has to come from outside as it
seems. In China there are 50 towns in the same situation,
but Bangkok with 6 cm per year is the worst case.
Peeping state of Thailand: examples
Peeping is a popular sport in Thailand and makes the
authorities mad and mentally ill - because porn and youth
magazines are missing - there are even reported cases from
criminal Thais peeping others:
Thais falling through roofs peeping a friend with his
June 2013 appr.: Thai peeper falling through the
roof during peeping a friend with a girlfriend
from: Wochenblitz online: Polizei erwischt
deutsch-thailändischen "Spanner" mit Marihuana;
June 2013 appr.
or being detected in public toilets of baths
Bang Saen, April 24, 2014: Toilet peeper being
beaten up by the victim
- being a student - because porn and youth magazines are
missing... -
Thai authorities without any responsibility
Thus Thai authorities are not more than that - peepers
and drinkers - responsibility they never learn... Only
pressure from outside can have an effect in this alcoholic
case of Thailand with deliberately sinking Bangkok where the
authorities are only laughing...

Praya River in Bangkok 01, view to the west board, zoom,
March 2013, every year the river level is 6 cm higher
because the town is sinking 6 cm per year and because the
river is connected with the slightly rising sea level [4]
Kind regards,
Michael Palomino
Logic analytic historiography since 1992
Facebook: Michael Palomino Ale
History: (since
Sociology, medicine, energy: (since 2014:
South "America":>
Photo sources
[2] google maps
[3,4,5,6] Michael Palomino April 2013
[7] Prachinburi 2013:
[8] Kabinburi 2013:
[9-16] Michael Palomino 2013