D - ESP - THAIไทย
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2014: Bangkok is sinking and will sink 03: secret services never reporting sinking Bangkok - the region of 200 to 300 km is in a heavy danger - monsoon rainfalls cannot flow away any more!
Sinking rate of 6 cm per year is world record - and beer straw peeper secret services are not reporting anything - Bangkok is sinking since 20 years already and will be on 0m in 2020 - Praya River will form a lake - and monsoon rainfalls around Bangkok will not flow away any more
Sinking Bangkok is in a valley with a clay layer and too much ground water is used - thus it's sinking 6cm per year - in 2020 it will be on 0m officially [1]
Map: the distance between sea and Bangkok is 20km beeline and 30km with the river - and a river cannot flow upwards and will form a lake! - And in the region of Bangkok within a radius of 200 to 300 km monsoon rainfalls cannot flow away any more then!
Also alcoholic beer straw peeper secret services with their straw heads and peeping spy equipments let sink Bangkok deliberately and the whole region of Bangkok will be flooded with it...
Study by Michael Palomino
(June 21, 2014 / 2015)
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The situation in Bangkok in 2013: high river level during the whole year
This is Bangkok in March 2013 (photo by Michael Palomino): the town is perhaps 30 to 50 cm over the river level yet, and each year it will be 6 cm less. Some news say that the town is sinking even 10cm every year... - The following photo is not taken during rainy season (July to December) but is taken during the dry season (January to June) in March 2013 during flowing in high tide. So one can see that in Bangkok is always "high water" and in 5 years this will be a lake.
Praya river with Bangkok during dry season, view to the west board with only 30 to 50cm distance until flooding, March 2013 [4]
After 2 years (2012-2014) I ended my stay in Thailand, among others because Thai government in Bangkok lets go down Bangkok and whole parts of Thailand deliberately. Since 20 years Bangkok is sinking. The government and the king's family in Thailand know about it but are not doing anything but are going on with their "business as usual" with brothels, beer, whiskey, and drugs. Since 1964 since Vietnam War the alcoholic government in Thailand is celebrating their existence like this since NATO brought soldiers and staff to Thailand and sex tourism was opened with them.
But in the meantime the situation has changed: Since years during the raining season whole parts of Thailand are flooded meters high DELIBERATELY during 3 or 5 months so Bangkok will not be flooded:
from: Wochenblitz online: Angriness about floods is growing (original German: Ärger über Fluten wächst); Sep 28, 2013;
Here is a chronology as an example how the floods are going on in Thailand each rainy season, here in 2013 - these are the news of Wochenblitz about East Thailand and Bangkok region from 2013 to 2014: floods in Thailand 01 (2013 and 2014)
And now there is the following when Bangkok is coming under 0m from 2020 on:
In the region of Bangkok Praya River is passing the town draining into the sea, and 100km in the east of Bangkok another river, Bang Pakong River, is draining into the sea. All in all the affected region is about 200 to 300 km wide.
When Bangkok will be completely under 0m from 2020 on then this Praya River in Bangkok will form a lake, and this will also be in the region of Bang Pakong River when there in the suburb region of the town of Chachoengsao the level is reaching also 0m and underneath. Monsoon rainfalls in the countryside 200 to 300 km around Bangkok will not flow away then any more thus also in the countryside around Bangkok the big standstill will come out.
Map with Bangkok with the region of Praya River and Bang Bakong River [3]
Example of Sa Kaeo: standstill for months during the rainy season of 2013
In the region of Sa Kaeo there is partly a standstill already today during the rainy season when during rainy season the government is deciding that the complete province of Sa Kaeo will be kept under floods so the town of Sa Kaeo cannot be reached by land any more. Here are examples of the flooded region of Sa Kaeo in 2013 where watergates were not opened deliberately for protecting other towns on the lower course of the river and the region of Bangkok:
- Wochenblitz online: Fury about the floods is rising (original German: Ärger über Fluten wächst); Sep 28, 2013;
- Wochenblitz online: Bangkok is kept free from floods and the countryside is flooded - protests against shut watergates should be kept "down": Interior Secretary threatens with emergency laws in flooded regions (original German: Innenminister droht mit Notstandsgesetzen in überschwemmten Gebieten); Sep 29; 2013;
- Wochenblitz online: The whole province cannot be reached any more: Sa Kaeo is cut from outside (original German: Sa Kaeo von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten); Oct 7, 2013.
This policy is a declaration of bankruptcy because principally larger river beds are wanted. Additionally the region of Bangkok is sinking 6 to 10 cm per year (Bangkok is sinking more and more, original German: Bangkok sinkt immer tiefer) and in 2020 it will be on 0m and under 0m also officially (Bangkok is sinking faster than awaited, original German: Bangkok sinkt schneller als erwartet, April 2013) and then nothing will flow there any more because the Thai government let sink Bangkok during 20 years already which is tabooed until today.
Will be built new rivers around Bangkok then? Or will Cambodia take the rainwaters from the rainy season from Thailand only because the commanders in Thailand let sink Bangkok during 20 years? The communist states of Laos and Vietnam will only watch how Thailand will sink which was the big assist of NATO since Vietnam War since 1964 with carpet bombings and agent orange actions destroying Laos and Vietnam. Thailand has committed so many sins against their neighbors Laos and Vietnam thus there will not come much help.WARNING FROM SINKING BANGKOK ARE FOR NOTHING!!!
Since April 2013 I am warning publicly from sinking Bangkok in German, English, and in Thai language,
respectively Bangkok will be a Titanic (Thai Tanic): http://www.hist-chron.com/as/thailand/Bangkok-will-sink-ENGL.html
and I wrote that a little Bangkok can be saved when a big part of it will be evacuated on save ground:
- but the government of Thailand was acting with a manhunt against the author even installing a radio against him which was making propaganda in the neighborhood. Thai mafia and Thai propaganda were busy then above all with the word of "fuck" which means in the street only "shit", thus they were presenting their sex problems during 2 years in this way! This means that the government and the commanders of Thailand let sink Bangkok deliberately and they are playing with their sex problems and they are playing with lives of millions, and this was stated clearly in April 2014 then:
The commanders let sink Bangkok deliberately:
And with all this the government of Thailand is turning out as HYPER CRIMINAL. The dimensions are really much bigger than "only" a sinking Bangkok: The case is including Bangkok AND the whole region of 200 to 300 km. Bangkok will be a lake and the water of the rainy season in the region - where will it flow then? It cannot flow away any more! And in this way the whole region of Bangkok will be converted into an inland sea. More cruel a poker game in Bangkok against nature cannot be...
In this case Bangkok will be a lake, the watergates of the channels in the region will be kept closed and the floods in the region of 200 to 300 km will be a constant condition:
2013: Deliberately provoked floods in the east of Bangkok during rainy season saving Bangkok from floods
Deliberately provoked floods in Prachinburi in September 2013, East Thailand near Bangkok for "saving" Bangkok from floods - for months! [5]
Deliberately provoked floods in Kabinburi in East Thailand near Bangkok showing a mother with a child, in September 2013, for "saving" Bangkok from floods - during months! [6]
Media of the whole world should report sinking Bangkok at least and the lethal danger for the whole region of Bangkok. In this way Thai government can be provoked forbidding ground water use in Bangkok and evacuating parts of the population from Bangkok to a safe ground at least - otherwise there will be really an end there in Thailand in 2020.
Additionally there is mentioned here that Thai mafia is hunting the author also in Germany trying to manipulate the masses against the author. This means that behind this manhunt seems to be CIA where the members mean that Thailand would be a strategic partner. Well, since 2020 Thailand is PAST when all is going on as before. Then the center of Thailand with Bangkok and the whole region of Bangkok with a radius of 200 to 300 km will be an inland sea and Thailand has to perform emergency evacuations then for 10 or 15 million people and not only for 5 to 8 million - this ally will be in the complete disaster for decades... "USA" are with a sinking ship...
More factors in this theater are rising sea level and rising amounts of rainfalls by climate change.
Thus the truth with sinking Bangkok is always clearer coming out:
The case is not only about Bangkok, but about the whole region of Bangkok with a radius of about 200 to 300 km.
Media of the whole world are called to REPORT this danger thus mankind can concentrate on the important things of life stopping their wars at least.
In China just 50 towns are sinking in the same way simply a little bit slower. I presented the principle of sinking towns on clay layers with overuse of ground water in 2013 in 5 languages, also in Thai and in Chinese:
but there was no effect until today. It would be just time to spread this news in broad circles. Shanghai has to be protected with walls already during high tides, it's sinking 9mm every year and sometimes also there the end will come.
Secret services of the world are not reporting sinking Bangkok and the danger for the region of Bangkok
The worst is that the criminal secret services of the world (criminal CIA, criminal English MI6, criminal Swiss P-27, criminal Swiss SND, German BND which is a slave of CIA and so on) they are rejecting working with sinking Bangkok because as it seems they are collaborating with criminal Thai government in Bangkok with human trafficking, brothels, drug trafficking and weapon trafficking or also with money laundering in Thailand.
Well, the data about sinking Bangkok are Thai satellite data, there is nothing faked with it...
Factor of alcohol in Thai police and security - drunken Thai commanders
There is another factor yet in this story: Why Thailand's commanders are acting like this? Because they are alcoholics and there is no brain left and they just don't know how to handle the Internet and they don't know how to realize big projects because they have no spirit for complex connections because partly they even cannot write any more and because they mean that working would only consist in drinking beer, whiskey or chattering.
These alcoholics from police and security in Thailand are just that alcoholic that they cannot even play badminton any more because their blood circulation is not strong enough any more and because their brain is so reduced that coordination is missing - their brain is eliminated by alcohol. I had these people as neighbors during 3 months and I could see it with my own eyes...
Systematic alcoholism in police and security in Thailand: example of a "security" in Pattaya
(photos by Michael Palomino from March and April 2014)
Beer whiskey security commander Uinai with a "guard", Pattaya [7]
Beer whiskey security commander Uinai reading newspapers he is censoring himself - and he cannot handle the Internet [8]
A security alcoholic passing the beer bottle entrance of the guard's house directly next to my house - a center of alcoholism [9]
A security alcoholic passing the beer bottle entrance of the guard's house directly next to my house, zoom - this person seems to be also drug addicted in some way [10]
The beer bottle entrance of the guard's house directly next to my house - a center of alcoholism, Pattaya, Thailand [11]
The beer bottle entrance of the guard's house directly next to my house with 100s of beer bottles in the front garden, zoom, Pattaya, Thailand - a center of alcoholism [12]
And in this way the Thai alcoholic commanders in Bangkok let DELIBERATELY sink Bangkok. They are absolutely mentally ill, they are setting wrong priorities as alcoholics are just doing it, and with this behavior these alcoholic authorities of Thailand are even a charge for the society: They are tearing not only themselves to the ground by alcoholism but they are tearing Bangkok with them to the ground and they are even laughing about it!
Living room suite of beer whiskey security commander Uinai "decorated" with beer bottles [13]
Living room suite of beer whiskey security commander Uinai "decorated" with beer bottles, zoom [14]
Summary: brothels, beer, whiskey, drugs - and 20 years no measure against sinking Bangkok - soon the inland sea will come
Let's make a summary:
Since 20 years Bangkok is sinking (see satellite data) and all knew about it but nobody was taking measures against it for stabilizing Bangkok. In 2020 Bangkok comes down to 0m completely (big parts are under 0m now already9 because of overuse of ground water thus the clay layer under Bangkok is sinking with the whole town on it. Other regions in the region of Bangkok are under 0m now already. Counter measures are NOT taken but a big drainage system but this will not be enough when waters from the river AND from the sea will flood Bangkok. Thai government is only going on celebrating it's
-- brothels
-- beer
-- whiskey
-- drugs
-- 80% of Thai population are alcoholics, practically the complete police, security and commanders are alcoholics, in the countryside practically 100% are alcoholics
-- at the same time the commanders are the owners of the secret Thai brothels where children are sold, and they are leasing these brothels to brothel mothers, and all are collaborating with the selling action of sold children making their profits with them
-- at the same time the chronically alcoholic and mentally ill commanders of Thailand just don't know how to handle the Internet and they are going on with their propaganda against foreigners for profiling
-- at the same time the criminal secret services and mafia groups in the whole world are using this Thailand with it's alcoholic Thais managing human trafficking and drug trafficking in Thailand never helping to the poor principally but they are making their profit and they want that Thailand remains poor and the prostitutes cheap, and they are never warning from the coming disaster with sinking Bangkok and when this disaster will come then the prostitutes will be even cheaper for the mafia groups...
-- and the king's family of Thailand and the secret services of the world are collaborating never warning that big parts of Thailand (it's center with Bangkok and the whole countryside of Bangkok with a radius of 200 to 300 km) will be converted into an inland sea soon.
And in China just 50 towns are sinking - all is proved with satellite data.
So why one has satellites and satellite data when the warnings about sinking towns are not taken earnest?
[web01] floods in Kabinburi, September 2013: from: Wochenblitz online: Fury about floods is rising (original German: Ärger über Fluten wächst); Sep 28, 2014;
Photo sources
[1] Santa Clara Valley in California, illustration by Kim Long modified by Michael Palomino describing sinking Bangkok:
[2] map with Bangkok and with Praya River:
[3] map of Thailand with Praya River with it's drainage basin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chao_Praya, modified with Bang Bakong River by Michael Palomino
[4] sinking Bangkok during dry season, Praya River only 30 to 50 cm under flooding action: photo by Michael Palomino in March 2013
[5] floods in Prachinburi, September 2013: from: Wochenblitz: Flood situation is becoming more dangerous (original German: Hochwasserlage verschärft sich weiter); Sep 24, 2013; http://www.wochenblitz.com/nachrichten/bangkok/43574-hochwasserlage-verschaerft-sich-weiter.html#contenttx
[6] floods in Kabinburi, September 2013: from: Wochenblitz online: Fury about floods is rising; Sep 28, 2013;
[7 to 14] photos from alcoholic ill security in Thailand are by Michael Palomino, spring 2014