2013: Sinking
Bangkok 01: Sinking Bangkok is a Titanic
Bangkok was built deliberately on swamp land
- Bangkok takes out it's water from the clay
layer so the clay layer is shrinking - dikes are
for nothing - and Thai government is concealing
all this reality and lets build even a new tube!

Scheme of sinking Bangkok with big houses on
columns on a clay layer which is going down by
sinking ground water level
Gruntep pai pai 20 pi leo leo
Rataban mai pud - rataban mai kid.
Gruntep pai pai 20 pi leo leo
6cm tug pi pi
tamruat tunan kin beer kap uiskiki
securiti dui kap beer kap uiskiki
lae tingtong uitayu duai kin uiskiki
mai rien mai kien mai an mai kid tae taunan kin
Bangkok and the distribution of the
population (Palomino 2013)
Principally there is a state of emergency in
Thailand - but nobody is declaring it
1b. Poem
Thais don't want to see that Bangkok is
sinking (Palomino 2013)
2014: Sinking
Bangkok 02: Thai commanders let sink Bangkok
Circulating e-mail from May 1, 2014:
Sinking rate of 6 cm per year is world record
- the commanders only drinking beer and
whiskey and performing peeping actions and
laughing at sinking Bangkok - a river cannot
flow upwards - peeping state of Thailand,
examples - no responsibility
Sinking rate of 6 cm
per year is world record - and beer straw
peeper secret services are not reporting
anything - Bangkok is sinking since 20 years
already and will be on 0m in 2020 - Praya
River will form a lake - and monsoon rainfalls
around Bangkok will not flow away any more
2014: Bangkok
is sinking and will sink 04: video: Bangkok
is sinking 20 years already - in 2020 on 0m

Thailand ist ein sinkendes Schiff - der
Wert sinkt auf 00000 - Comic in
The maneuvers against my
person in Thailand: CIA, MI6, BND and SND of
Shitzerland are shitting the Thai commanders
-- Criminal secret services - and a criminal
king - Thai satellite data not taken
earnest... -- Thai population and the criminal
King of Thailand - no geography training in
the school -- The principle for saving sinking
towns -- My web sites about sinking Bangkok in
2013 and 2014 -- Nothing happens - Fuck You!
-- Summary: secret services - and the four
criminal old men - and a king let sink Bangkok
-- Secret services, Thai commanders and the
Thai King don't want to learn what is really
important in life
This giant crime
committed by the criminal King of Thailand and
by the secret services CIA, MI6, BND and SDN
letting sink Bangkok is going on without