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2014: Bangkok is sinking 05: graphics and news
Rising sea level - rising quantities of monsoon rains and rising floods by Praya River - and Bangkok is additionally sinking yet - Thailand=00000
Thailand=Thai-Tanic=00000 - cartoon
News by Wochenblitz (Week Flash) from April 2013: Bangkok is sinking and in 2020 will be on 0m completely
Presentation by Michael Palomino (Sept. 6, 2014 - translation May 1, 2015)
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Bangkok is sinking and the secret services let it sink deliberately... - Thai-Tanic is coming
Bangkok is a sinking ship which will be on 0m completely in 2020 - two cartoons
Sea level - monsoon rains - sinking Bangkok - secret services are not doing anything - the new code for Thailand is 00000
Secret services and commanders of Thailand are never reporting sinking Bangkok and are not warning either. Also rising sea level and rising monsoon rains by climate change are never reported but the secret services and the commanders really want the big catastrophe in Thailand or it's just not important for them because they are all beer whiskey alcohlics as it seems.
By all this the value of Bangkok and of Thailand will be reduced to 00000 because all investments in Bangkok and 10 million people are in an absolute danger. Additinoally Bangkok is built on mud soil and everybody can imagine what will happen when a mud soil is flooded during a longer period. This ground will not exist any more and will convert into swamp as it was before Bangkok was built. Additionally this will not only be a swamp but there will be a lake - Bangkok Lake - because a river cannot flow up when Bangkok is under 0m.
But the secret services and the commanders of Thailand are not taking anything earnest but the principal occupation of secret services and of the commanders in Thailand is managing brothels and having fun peeping and spying tourists. Therefore the value of Bangkok and of Thailand will really be reduced to 00000 - this is the new name for Thailand. Thailand is really a Titanic - a Thai Tanic. One can only evade Thailand because the Thai population are treating their country in an absolutely criminal way as no other people is doing it. As in Thailand the whole police and security section are alcoholics only chattering and spying around they will never be responsible for what they are doing and they will always blame the foreigners for this doom of Bangkok never taking any measures! And therefore there is only one expression for this behavior of Thai authorities: Fuck You Thailand!
Tourists will find much better conditions in Vietnam concerning responsibility of the population and concerning responsibility concerning the administration of the country. In Vietnam there are just some limits concerning banking (Western Union is not working sending money abroad like in Venezuela), and public transports are not so developed in Vietnam yet.
The decisive news about sinking Bangkok from 2011 and 2013
Daily News of Switzerland (Tagesanzeiger) from Nov. 7, 2011: "Experts say: These are the reasons for Bangkok's doom" (original: "Experten: Deshalb droht Bangkok der Untergang" - Nov. 7, 2011)
Here is the news from Swiss Daily News (Tagesanzeiger) from Nov. 7, 2011: Rising sea level and rising monsoon rains provoking more floods by Praya River let Bangkok go under water - Bangkok has not even to sink for this:
News of Tagesanzeiger from Nov. 7, 2011: Bangkok is in danger by it's doom, reasons are rising sea level and rising monsoon rains provoking more floods by Praya River
Week Flash from Thailand (Wochenblitz): "Bangkok is sinking faster than awaited" (original: "Bangkok sinkt schneller als erwartet" - April 2013)
This is the dramatic news from the newspaper "Week Flash" ("Wochenblitz") of Thailand from April 2013 indicating that Bangkok is additionally sinking and will be on 0m officially in 2020:
Graphics and maps about sinking Bangkok - when nothing is done the whole region is in danger because nothing will flow away any more
News of "Wochenblitz" from April 2013: main statement sais: in 2020 Bangkok will end
News of "Wochenblitz" from April 2013: the main statement is saying: in 2020 Bangkok will end
Here is the complete news by Wochenblitz from April 2013: in 2020 Bangkok will end, and the authorities mean that satellite towns would be the solution
The complete news by Wochenblitz from April 2013: in 2020 Bangkok will end, and the authorities mean that satellite towns would be the solution
Bangkok is built in a swamp - well drillings are taking the underground water - stairs and access roads to bridges have to be completed all 2 to 3 years
Here is one more news from August 14, 2014 describing how Bangkok is sinking rapidly: Bangkok is built in a swamp area, stairs have to be completed with new steps regularly, and all 2 to 3 years the access roads to the over 500 bridges have to be rebuilt:
News from "Thaipage" from August 14, 2013 with the title "Bangkok is sinking with an alarming speed" (original: "Bangkok versinkt in Besorgnis erregender Geschwindigkeit"
The text is describing how Bangkok was built in a swamp, how well drillings are taking out the underground water, how stairs have to be completed with additional stairs regularly, and how all 2 to 3 years the access roads to the over 500 bridges have to be reconstructed:
News from "Thaipage" from August 14, 2013 with the title "Bangkok is sinking with an alarming speed" (original: "Bangkok versinkt in Besorgnis erregender Geschwindigkeit" - the text is describing how Bangkok was built in a swamp, how well drillings are taking out the underground water, how stairs have to be completed with additional stairs regularly, and how all 2 to 3 years the access roads to the over 500 bridges have to be reconstructed
Graphics and maps showing how Bangkok is sinking since 20 years already - 2020 on 0m
Sinking Bangkok is in a big valley with a clay layer, and the underground water under the clay layer is overused - therefore the whole system is sinking by 6cm per year - in 2020 the whole town will be on 0m also officially [1]
Map: the distance between Bangkok and the sea shore is 20km of linear distance and 30km is the river - and the river cannot flow up and will cause a lake! [2] - map with drainage area of the region of Bangkok with Praya River and with Bang Bakong River: monsoon rains in the region of 200 to 300km - nothing will flow away any more then [3]
The conditions in Bangkok in 2013: high tide during the whole year
The photo below is showing Bangkok in March 2013 (photo by Michael Palomino). The tide is about 30 or 50cm under the level provoking floods, and every year the town is sinking about 6cm so the distance is reducing every year by about 6cm. There are even some news indicating a sinking rate of 10cm per year... - the following photo is not from the rainy season (July to December) but from the dry season (January to June) in March 2013 when high tide of the sea was entering. So there is the clear conclusion that Bangkok has "high tide" during the whole year, and in 5 years will be a lake here.
Praya River with Bangkok during dry season, view to the western shore with only 30 to 50cm distance for being flooded, March 2013 [4]
Photo sources
[1] Santa-Clara Valley in California, illustration by Kim Long, modified with sinking Bangkok by Michael Palomino:
[2] map with Bangkok and Praya River: google maps
[3] map of Thailand with the drainage baisin of Praya River, modified with the drainage basin of Bang Bakong River by Michael Palomino:
[4] sinking Bangkok during dry season, Praya River is only 30 to 50cm under the distance from flooding the town: photo by Michael Palomino from March 2013