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"Moon plays": The moon was the Earth - Lies and Truth in Space
15. The Apollo plans: The schema of the "moon landing" by the fantasy of Wernher von Braun
How the Apollo missions can be seen as a Walt Disney film by the schema already
Cover of a moon comic. All this is absolutely unreal, but dangerous for the fantasy...
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2010 / 2021)
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from: Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies In Space]; Knaur 2005
The fantasy of Wernher von Braun determines the heads of the media of the "USA" until now (2010)
The whole procedure of the "moon landing" is invented by the rocket Nazi Wernher von Braun. His moon fantasy with his book "Trip to the moon" (1961) and in the book with Willy Ley "Start Into Space" (without year) fixes a scenario with rockets and Lunar Modules in the public that has influenced above all Walt Disney (and his science fiction films). Until now this moon fantasy determines the heads of NASA and of the media. Then from 1969 to 1972 the stupid media - greedy for sensations - presented "moon landings" in their newspapers to rise their number of copies and to be not as a "grinch".
It's strange but since then all people who are presenting the contradictions and impossibilities of this scenario of the "moon landing" are designated to be members of a "conspiracy theory" until now. They are insulted (e.g. at http://en.wikipedia.com) without any justice would interfere. The term "conspiracy theory" hinders NASA with the media and with the encyclopedias to recognize the facts and the impossibilities of the scenario of the "moon landings"...
Moon comics: The "Team of Monkeys" also performs a "moon landing" today already, beyond any reality.
The propaganda is implanted into the children's heads already...
Schema: The atmosphere ship
Apollo is a capsule manned with 3 astronauts in a conical cockpit with a service module with electronics and supplies fixed behind. The data of the atmosphere ship (propaganda says "space ship"):
-- 4 m diameter
-- 11 m long
- weight 30 tons (Wisnewski, p.95).
The atmosphere ship "Apollo"
Apollo comic: Command Module CM
Apollo comic: Service Module (SM) with Command Module, CM
Apollo comic: Lunar Module LM
Schema: The booster rocket
The booster rocket is said to be a new booster rocket "Saturn V", about 110 m high, with a weight at start of 3,000 tons and with a push of 3,400 tons, with three stages, with an atmosphere ship ("space ship") (Wisnewski, p.110) and with a "rescue tower" over the capsule with solid rockets for the emergency case to pull away the capsule from the launch pad when the rocket on the ground would explode (Wisnewski, p.111).
Schema: The Lunar Module
The Lunar Module is said to be in the third stage of the rocket behind the atmosphere ship ("space ship"). Before the moon landing is said to be a docking manoevre: On the capsule of the atmosphere ship is said to be docked the Lunar Module and by this torn out from the rocket stage. This complicated manoevre is hardly exercised (Wisnewski, p.96).
The Lunar Module is said to consist of a descent stage for the landing and of an ascent stage for the return flight (Wisnewski, p.110).
The schema functions in the comics but the reality is another thing...
Schema: The Apollo flight
-- in a height of 56 km the first stage is separated at about 10,000 km/h, the second stage is fired, the rescue tower is dropped
-- in a height of hardly 200 km the second stage is separated at about 24,000 km/h, the third stage is fired
-- swiveling in of the "remaining rocket" in an Earth orbit with about 28,000 km/h
-- then a moon flight is said to be performed with another firing of the third stage (Wisnewski, p.111).
Apollo comic: The third stage is in the Earth orbit before heading "to the moon" (comic).
The realists mean that the reality with the "moon landings" was the following one:
-- the third stage remained in the Earth orbit and during being in the Earth orbit the simulation films were shown in the state censored TV
-.- the whole rocket was unmanned and crashed somewhere into the sea as it is shown in the film "Enterprise Capricorn" and as it is performed in the Discoverer / Corona project with espionage satellites (Wisnewski, p.111).
The schema for a "moon landing"
-- the third stage is said to fly to the moon
-- the capsule and the service module are separated together from the rest of the rocket, are turning around and are docking on the Lunar Module and tear it out of the loading space of the third stage.
Apollo comic: The Apollo "space ship" separates from the third stage (comic). The drawing is wrong. The Lunar Module should stagy in the rocket yet.
-- the Lunar Module and the atmosphere ship ("space ship") are docked and by firing the main engine they are brought into a moon orbit
Apollo atmosphere ship ("space ship") with the docked Lunar Module (comic).
-- two of the three astronauts are said to change into the Lunar Module and to separate from the capsule and to land on the moon by a landing engine, without parachute
[because on the moon is no air so a parachute would be useless].
On the moon will be a big cloud of dust by the landing engine.
Apollo comic: Landing of the Lunar Module with a big engine flame and a big cloud of dust (comic).
-- the third astronaut is said to make moon orbits in the atmosphere ship and is said to wait until the other two come back
-- the astronauts are said to make fotos, to collect stones and to perform experiments on the moon
Bloomhead comic: Astronauts are said having walked on the moon and handled a hand camera, absolutely unreal 01.
Bloomhead comic: Astronauts are said having walked on the moon and handled a hand camera, absolutely unreal 02.
Reality: Moon actor in a moon hall with a moon camera fixed on the chest, Apollo 17, actor Jack Schmitt.
-- then the astronauts are said to start from the moon with the upper part of the Lunar Module (ascent stage) which is blasted from the landing part (descent stage), they are said to fly back to the atmosphere ship ("space ship") which made the moon orbits always
Apollo comic: Start from the moon with a big engine flame and with big cloud of dust (comic).
-- after the docking manoevre and the change back into the atmosphere ship the rest of the Lunar Module is separated and crashes on the moon
-- the flight back is said to be performed with the main engine of the atmosphere ship
-- then it's said that the service module is separated and only the capsule is said to enter the Earth atmosphere, parachute landing (Wisnewski, p.112).
-- all in all this are "tightrope walks" in space which seem hardly possible (Wisnewski, p.113).
[But this is the version from the rocket Nazi Wernher von Braun, and this version is defended by the "USA" and with military secrecy until today...].
Comic moon landing: As it would be this simple
One has to know: Moon landing is nothing but a bad comic. And this comic fantasy was sold very well.
The risks of accident in space can be estimated with the events of the "Lunar Probes"
From 7 "US" probes "Surveyor" which are said having landed "on the moon" 1961-1966 officially only 5 landings are a success (Wisnewski, p.113),
whereas also the "lunar probes" and the pictures "from the moon" are probably a fake and never a probe has landed on the moon (Wisnewski, p.286-288).
The "Soviet Union" with their alleged "lunar probe" "Luna" has also a series of official accidents:
-- partly the lunar probes remain in the Earth orbit
-- partly the lunar probes miss the moon
-- partly the lunar probes crash on the moon
-- only a little part is said having landed on the moon without any harm: Luna 9 is said to be the first probe having landed on the moon successfully on 31th January 1966
-- the "SU" claims that even the restart from the moon with "moon stones" would be possible.
(In: Leitenberger, Bernd: Das Luna-Programm, www.bernd-leitenberger.de/luna.html; Wisnewski, p.113).
So, why with the Apollo program has all been perfect with only one exception of Apollo 13? Why was there never a crash "on the moon"? The Apollo program with not one single crash is very suspicious
Picture sources
-- moon comics cover: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0316358460/104-6894309-3528761?n=283155
-- moon comics "Team of monkeys": http://www.teamofmonkeys.com/public_html/index.php
-- moon landing comic of Bloomhead / Sassier: "Occupation of Space" (orig. German: "Die Eroberung des Weltraums"), Eddy Krähenbühl, 1992
-- camera fixed on the chest: http://www.raumfahrer.net/news/astronomie/03022006201324.shtml
-- schema of "moon langings" by Wernher von Braun: book by Wernher von Braun: "Manned Space Flight" (orig. German: "Bemannte Raumfahrt"), 1963