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"Moon plays": The moon was the Earth - Lies and Truth in the Atmosphere
29. The "moon landings" at Langley and Houston as a political euphoria strategy of "President" Nixon
How Kennedy and Johnson could not provoke the euphoria - how the criminal "President" Nixon could cover-up his failure in Vietnam up to Watergate with the moon euphoria. Chronology
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2010 / 2021)
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-- Gerhard Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lies in Space]; Knaur 2005
-- Internet reports, above all: Dave McGowan: Wagging the Moondoggie; http://davesweb.cnchost.com/apollo.htm
and: http://en.wikipedia.com: splashdown
The government of the "USA" has three main problems at one time: The horniness for war (not solved), the apartheid against blacks (solved legally) and the front in "space" (is solved by parachute jumps). The situation is escalating with murders of the racist Nazi forces in the "USA", and it escalates in a way that the "US" police is shooting not only against blacks, but also against white people since the 1970s. A big cause for racism, Mickey Mouse, where blacks are never seen, is not recognized.
Kennedy government:
The crises of the "American" existence in concurrence to the "Soviet Union" and with the fight of the races in the inner of the state
[It has to be remarked that "US" banks are financing the "Soviet Union". The "US" banks perform a planned financing of their enemy. CIA knows all about it and is playing his war games all over the world].
1 May 1960
"SU": "US" espionage airplane from Gary Powers shoot down
On 1 of May 1960 "US" policy comes into a big crises when "Soviet Union" shoots down an "US" espionage airplane with pilot Gary Powers. In August 1960 is the public sentence of the spy Gary Powers and he is convicted to 10 years of prison. The government of the "USA" has to find a way out of the bad moo (Wisnewski, p.135-136).
Gary Powers, spy an member of the criminal CIA.
Espionage airplane U2 of the CIA which was piloted by Powers.
Parachute jumper Gagarin is reported from the "SU" as the "first human in space". Gagarin is not more than a parachute jumper... 19 October 1960
"USA": Capture of Martin Luther King - Gagarin and following events
But the policy of the "USA" suffers more blows. After a short capture of Martin Luther King on 19 October 1960 "Soviet Union" announces on 12 April 1961 Gagarin as the "first human in space", and on 17 April 1961 the Bay of Pigs disaster against Cuba follows with "US" espionage troops. 1,500 rebels trained in the "USA" (terrorists) fail at the trial to provoke a revolt on the island and to occupy Cuba because President Kennedy gives not the order for support by the air in the last moment (Wisnewski, p.136).
The troops consist of 1,500 in the "USA" military trained Cubans in exile.
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schweinebucht)
[When they get into a bad situation President Kennedy refuses support to the Cubans in exile...]
Captured Cubans from exile after the invasion at the Bay of Pigs in 1961.
90 of the invaders are killed, 1,200 get into captivity.
Map: Cuba, position of the Bay of Pigs.
In the security council "USA" can avoid a conviction to be an aggressor by veto...
(In: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schweinebucht)
With this Kennedy has made a first step to be killed (Wisnewski, p.136),
[and he has no "moon landing" to "turn" the mood in the country].
Kennedy decorates himself with astronauts - and the further events
On 5 May 1961 astronaut Shepard is declared as the "first 'American' in space" and on 21. July 1961 astronaut Grissom is declared the "second 'American' in space" (Wisnewski, p.136). According to the aberration to the planned landing point of 5.6 km at Shepard and 9.3 km at Grissom both flights are only airdrops and no flights. The rockets started empty, and the capsule with the astronaut has been dropped with a cargo aircraft over the planned landing point as it had been 1,000s of times in training.
(www.en.wikipedia.org: splashdown (August 2006); Wisnewski, p.237).
[The airdrop of Shepard and Grissom corresponds to the airdrop of Gagarin in the "Soviet Union". The media do not ask and are rising their number of copies by sensational reports, resp. it seems that the "President" does not allow any question...]
Kennedy decorating Shepard
Kennedy with Virgil Guz Grissom.
Only 3 weeks later on 12 / 13 Aug 1961 the construction of the wall begins at Berlin, a political defeat for the "USA", because the Western sectors of Berlin are cut off now (Wisnewski, p.136).
Berlin construction of the wall 1961
Kennedy with Glenn in a cabriolet on triumph ceremony
As a little consolation astronaut Glenn is performing the first Earth orbit on 20 February 1962 as a white "American" (Wisnewski, p.136) with his Mercury capsule "Friendship 7": With an aberration from the planned landing point of 75 km this flight seems to be real (Wisnewski, p.237). But on 14 April 1962 already is following the conviction of the "rebels" on Cuba for 30 years captivation. The "humiliation" of "America" is unlimited... (Wisnewski, p.136)
The convicted Cubans of exile are ransomed the same year 1962 with food and medicaments amounting to 53 mio. "US" Dollars.
On 24 May 1962 an alleged space flight of Carpenter with a Mercury capsule "Aurora 7" can bring up a little the mood in the "American" media.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Mercury; Wisnewski, p.136).
With an official aberration of the planned landing point of 400 km the flight seems to be a real Earth orbit (Wisnewski, p.237). [At the other hand the round figure "400" seems to be very suspicious].
On 11 / 12 Aug 1962 "SU" celebrates a successful double mission in the atmosphere with their atmosphere ships Wostok 3 and Wostok 4 (Wisnewski, p.136-137).
Since August / September 1962 the white racist quarrel about the emancipation of the blacks begins at the universities of the "USA". The black student James Meredith is provoking equality. With 8 years service in the "US" army he is admitted as the first black on an university of the "USA". But the white students are not willing to admit him access to the lecture hall. At 10 September 1962 a sentence confirms the university place for Meredith. John F. and Robert F. Kennedy send marshals to protect Meredith at the university to make the studies possible for him. And since this there are ethnic riots of the racist whites of the "USA" against the black population (Wisnewski, p.137).
[In the comics of Walt Disney there are no blacks...]
The "American dream" comes out in reality as a nightmare consisting of hatred, racism and war. The atmosphere flight should cover this and the well managed "missions" should install an superior "success" for the whole country (Wisnewski, p.137).
[Concrete: The faked space flight should pretend successes for the "USA" to "unite" the masses of the population and to avoid a civil war as it was 1961-1965].
Schirra family with President Kennedy.
3 Oct 1962
Faked flight Mercury 8 ("Sigma 7") with allegedly 6 Earth orbits
(Wisnewski, S.138) with "astronaut" Schirra.
According to the aberration of the planned landing point of only 8.2 km Mercury 8 is again a faked flight. There was no Earth orbit, but the rocket started empty and the capsule was dropped from a cargo aircraft over the planned landing point as it had been 1000s of times exercised in training.
(http://en.wikipedia.org: splashdown (August 2006); Wisnewski, p.237).
[The media do not ask, but they rise their number of copies by the sensational reports resp. probably the "President" does not allow any question because he wants to "decorate" himself with the wrong astronauts...]
The quarrel with Cuba is going on for Kennedy. On 14 October 1962 the "American" espionage reports that Cuba is setting up new rocket bases to aim them at the "USA" (Wisnewski, p.137). On 22 October 1962 Kennedy announces the blockade of the island. During this the General Staff is planning an invasion by a provocation with a wrong allegation against Cuba. The "US" media would report a terror attack which would be the reason for the invasion. The General Staff plans this... (Wisnewski, p.138)
[By this the General Staff of the "USA" is not better than the OKW of Hitler which began the Poland campaign also with faked reasons]. But Kennedy is not the General Staff:
Cuba crisis and rocket positions
Map: about Cuba crisis: The "Soviet" range from Cuba against the "USA".
Map about Cuba crisis: The "American" range from Turkey against the "SU".
Cuba crisis: Khrushchev and Kennedy during arm wrestling sitting on rockets, cartoon.
On 28 October 1962 Kennedy makes a rocket deal with "Soviet Union":
-- the "SU" rockets on Cuba aimed against the "USA" will be withdrawn
-.- the "US" rockets in Turkey aimed against the "SU" will be withdrawn
-- Kennedy pledges himself that there will never be an attack of the "USA" against Cuba any more (Wisnewski, p.138).
The "US" General Staff, with his military fraudulent aggressive nature, has to put aside his plans against Cuba. And according to Wisnewski this is another step for President Kennedy to be shoot (Wisnewski, p.138).
since 1962
"USA": The involvement in Vietnam is rising
[The responsibles for this "involvement" are the Nazi orientated, right radical militaries and deputies of the "USA" in Congress and Senate at Washington D.C. They are thinking in dimensions of the Second World War, and they always say yes to the "involvement". The attitude is: "We are the best"...]
Since 1962 the "USA" have working 4,000 "consultants" in South Vietnam and with this "USA" are more and more involved in the proceedings in Vietnam (Wisnewski, p.138). At the beginning of 1963 "US" units suffer a delicate defeat at the battle of Ap Bac: The Vietcong can shoot five "American" fighting helicopters (Wisnewski, p.139).
Again the "space flight" should make forget the defeat in Vietnam:
16 May 1963
Faked flight Mercury "Faith 7" with alleged 22 Earth orbits
The flight with the capsule "Faith 7" with astronaut Gordon Cooper is an airdrop (Wisnewski, p.139). According to the aberration of only 6.4 km from the planned landing point it's again a faked flight. There was not one single orbit around the Earth but the rocket started empty, and the preparated capsule with the astronaut was brought over the landing point by a cargo aircraft and was dropped as it was exercised in training 1,000s of times.
(http://en.wikipedia.org: splashdown; Wisnewski, p.237).
[The media do not ask and are rising their number of copies with the sensational reports, resp. probably the "President" is not allowing any questions...]
Triumph ceremony of Gordon Cooper in 1963 on Patrick Air Force Base after his "flight" which was an airdrop.
[So, it's also possible in the "USA" to become a "national hero" as a parachutist...]
Attacks against black demonstrators demonstrating for civil rights
At the same time in May 1963 during Mercury "Faith 7" in Birmingham (Alabama) the white police attacks black demonstrators with dogs. The children demonstrated for the lift of the apartheid in the "USA". Children are arrested (Wisnewski, p.139). Ku Klux Klan burns down a hotel where foreign demonstrators stay over night. President Kennedy sends troops, then makes a trip through the South and praises the civil rights movement of Martin Luther King (Wisnewski, p.140).
Birmingham (Alabama) 1963: Police dogs against black demonstrators. This tactic of the white racist police of the "USA" was standard in the 1960s.
According to Wisnewski Kennedy's praise for Martin Luther King is again one more step to be shot (Wisnewski, p.140).
[For the white, "American" racists in the "US" government he is "due"].
Vietnam 1963: Self-burning incident of the monk Thich Quang Duc protesting with this against the "US" regime in Vietnam.
June 1963
Vietnam: Self-burning incident of monk Thich Quang Duc
protesting with this against the regime Diem which is supported by the "USA". The Diem regime allegedly persecutes the Buddhist monks without any reason (Wisnewski, p.140).
"SU": First woman in an Earth orbit reported
In the same month "SU" is launching the first woman into an Earth orbit. According to Wisnewski there are certain doubts about this woman (Wisnewski, p.140).
"USA": Murder of the black Medgar Evers
by a sniper (Wisnewski, p.140).
Medgar Evers, portrait
7 Aug 1963
"USA": Death of the new born son Patrick Bouvier Kennedy
This death within the Kennedy family is presented largely in the "US" media (Wisnewski, p.140).
28 Aug 1963
March to Washington under Martin Luther King
(Wisnewski, p.140) with King's speech "I Have a Dream" (http://www.crmvet.org/info/mowhome.htm).
March to Washington
March to Washington, demonstration August 28 Aug 1963March to Washington 28 Aug 1963, demonstration for work for blacks.
March to Washington: Logo with a Handshake between Black and White. For the Republicans this is betrayal of the "fatherland"...
Martin Luther King speech during March to Washington 28 Aug 1963.
[President Kennedy lets happen the march more or less. Now Kennedy is "overdue" for the racists of the "USA"].
22 November 1963
Deadly assassination of President Kennedy at Dallas
Kennedy cannot survive the assassination. The "USA" reach a low point of anarchy with this (Wisnewski, p.140)
[in the fight of the racists against the non racists].
The murder happens with 4 shoots within 6 seconds from several directions.
Kennedy assassination
Map of the Kennedy assassination at Dallas in 1963: The changed route. By this the driver had to come down to walking speed.
Kennedy assassination at Dallas in 1963: Limousine and one of the shooting positions (arrow).
The official investigation claims it had been one single culprit Lee Harvey Oswald who had shoot from the school book depot. More investigations can determine that a tree had covered the sight from the school book depot to the street, and that it's not possible to shoot four times within 6 seconds with the alleged gun. the first autopsy is manipulated by another one in a military hospital to spread the one culprit theory officially. By this the racist multiple delinquent of the white and racist CIA is covered.
(http://www.kennedy.writernetwork.com/index.html; http://www.kennedy.writernetwork.com/photo.html)
Anarchy against the Kennedy family is going on with the murder of the masculine representatives over decades (Wisnewski, p.140).
since 4 Aug 1964
"USA": Direct intervention in Vietnam - diversion by atmosphere flight
Arrival of "US" marines at Danang, 7.10.1964
On 4 August 1964 "US" propaganda maintains that there had been an incident near Tonking. This "incident" which never had occurred is the war reason against North Vietnam (Wisnewski, p.140).
[The short time of the "USA" "without president" is very attractive to begin another war. But there was no "incident", so there are no photos of the incident. And again the "US" government is playing the Nazi principle: Invent an incident and begin with a war...]
At the same time "USA" and "SU" try to fascinate the world by conquering "space". Both are creating a kind of hypnotic situation. The "USA" want to fascinate with "clean, white "American" heroes". In this sense the atmosphere flight is a global psychological operation pretending a "love for peace of the USA" [and of the "SU"] (Wisnewski, p.139).
[And the "SU" is financed by the banks of the "USA", and the government members are in the same lodge, so the "SU" is just the same as the "USA" is, even with the same smile...]
Johnson regime
November 1964
"US" President Lyndon B. Johnson 1964, portrait. Much more important are now the backers in the racist CIA because they are executing the "US" policy.
"USA": "Election" of President Johnson
(Wisnewski, p.141)
Under Johnson the racist carnage in the "USA" is going on. The white racists don't want to accept that blacks or Asian people should be equal human beings. Johnson succeeds to bring up the mood a little by faked Gemini "space flights". The "moon euphoria" is widespread by many comics and science fictions up to the government members. But as Johnson cannot lead the situation in Vietnam into a peace and as the "US" regime never can distinguish between Chinese and Vietnamese mentality the success reports about the alleged Gemini flights are too less for his reelection in 1968.
February 1965
Black civil right fighter Malcolm X is shoot
(Wisnewski, p.141)
Civil right fighter Malcolm X with cap.
Civil right fighter Malcolm X at a speech.
2 March 1965
"USA" in Vietnam with the operation "Rolling Thunder"
President Johnson lets start the operation "Rolling Thunder" against the Communist North Vietnam (Vietcong) which is considered to be the right arm of China. The jungle is annihilated and defoliated in masses. There is the motto "search and destroy" (Wisnewski, p.141)
[and the population is poisoned heavily by the defoliants].
Add to this since 1965 Johnson admits the application of napalm bombs.
[This is pure right radical Nazi politics now, and the faked "moon landings" should cover all this. Interested people look for "defoliant victim" and "napalm victim" what is the effect of defoliants and napalm. The "USA" has never payed one single cent for these Nazi crimes. And Communism was financed by "US" banks. So the "US" government organized well it's enemy and had the reason to destroy the world...]
One has to consider this: Vietnam and Laos never have attacked the "USA". The "USA" are destroying Vietnam and Laos systematicly with bombs more than in Second World War...
"American" presents: Napalm bombs. And the television is showing the contrasting program:
Gemini 3: The pilots Young and Grissom become together "space heroes" celebrating the first double manned flight.
23 March 1965
Atmosphere flight: Gemini 3
(Wisnewski, p.141), with the pilots Virgil Grissom and John W. Young.
According to the aberration of the landing point with 111 km Gemini 3 is a real, manned flight.
(http://en.wikipedia.org: splashdown (August 2006); Wisnewski, p.238-242)
The atmosphere flight is balancing the negative balance of Johnson...
[But the round figure of 111 km seems to be very suspicious].
3 June 1965
Gemini 4 logo: First "US" space walk.
Gemini 4 with the first "American" space walk
(Wisnewski, p.141).
The aberration from the planned landing point of 81 km indicates that the flight was real.
(http://en.wikipedia.org: Splashdown (August 2006).
Flights Gemini 5 to 7
There follow the officially successful missions Gemini 5, 6 and 7.
(Wisnewski, p.141).
But let's see the landing aberrations:
Gemini 5: 170.3 km, Gemini 6A: 12.9 km, Gemini 7: 11.8 km. The missions 6A and 7 are a fake and are airdrops. The landings are both within a 15 km range, an impossibility for real Earth orbits.
(In: http://en.wikipedia.org: Splashdown)
March until November 1966
Faked missions Gemini 8 to 12
(Wisnewski, p.141). According to the landing aberrations all flights are a fake with airdrops (Wisnewski, p.236-238).
The impossible aberrations from the planned landing point are:
Gemini 8: 2 km; Gemini 9A: 0.7 km; Gemini 10: 6 km; Gemini 11: 5 km; Gemini 12: 5 km.
(In: http://en.wikipedia.org: Splashdown (August 2006)
But despite of the official successful "space flights" the situation for President Johnson gets worse and worse. In June 1966 the black student James Meredith is hurt by a shoot on a demonstration (Wisnewski, p.141) [but Meredith survives]. In June 1967 there are race riots in Detroit and Newark (Wisnewski, p.141) and in 1968 there are world wide mass demonstrations against the Vietnam war (Wisnewski, p.142). President Johnson has the whole world against himself which is protesting against his policy of escalation...
[The faked Gemini flights and the faked satellites around the moon bring no profit to Johnson any more. The racist Nazi energy in the "USA" - where it is on power (Republicans and Nationalists) - they let more and more escalate the situation within the "USA" and in Vietnam at the same time...]
Anti war demonstrations 1968
Anti war demonstration at New York 1968, posters.
Anti war demonstration at New York 1968, banners.
Pueblo "incident"
In January 1968 North Korea seizes the "US" "American" espionage ship "Pueblo" (Wisnewski, p.142).
16 March 1968
My Lai massacre
Map of Vietnam with the position of My Lai.
"American " soldiers, lead among others by lieutenant William Calley, kill 100s of civil persons, above all elder humans, women, children and babies. Dozens are driven into ditches and are shoot by automatic fire guns. The number of victim ranges according to the source between 347 and 504. Helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson saves some civilians and lands at the end between the mad "American" soldiers and a bunker where have some more civilians hidden oneself. Thompson threats that he will open fire against the mad "American" killers. By this he saves the remaining civilians.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Lai_Massacre)
[The massacre is hidden secret as well as possible up to the process against Calley].
Murder of Martin Luther King
After a demonstration at Memphis on 3 April 1968 for equality of the black (among others concerning the wages and the right to purchase proprietary) King is assassinated on 4 April 1968 at 18:01 o'clock on a balcony of the Lorraine motel at Memphis from a sniper. An alibi culprit James Earl Ray is arrested. Heavy race riots follow. The backers of the planning of the assassination are never arrested. The delinquent of the FBI [or CIA] can be presumed.(http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King)
[And it can be presumed that the culprit gets a black account on a bank with the prize for the murder].
Burial ceremony of Martin Luther King 9 April 1968 at Atlanta.
Robert Kennedy, March 1968.
Murder of Robert F. Kennedy (RFK)
Under President Kennedy Robert Kennedy had worked out the rights for the blacks. After the victory in the internal pre-elections in South Dakota and in California at 4 June 1968 he is shot on 5 June 1968 by a 24 year old Palestinian in a corridor of a hotel. The murder claims later the murder had been as a sign for the anniversary of the 6 day war against the support of Israel.
[It's much more probable that it was an ordered murder of the racist acting CIA, with a black account for the murder after the release].
["USA" have reached another low point of anarchy by this. "USA" comes out like a terror state which is terrorized by CIA, and the population cannot defend against this CIA terror].
The "news of the year" 1968: Faked "Moon orbit" by Apollo 8
Until this time the media think that the "news of the year" would be the murder of King or Kennedy (Wisnewski, p.142).
Apollo 8, logo with the moon flight fantasy, it's all a lie.
But now in October 1968 the first official manned Apollo flight is coming really at the "right time" for the regime to change the mood in the population, but for President Johnson it's too late (Wisnewski, p.142). Add to this also Apollo 8 has a landing aberration of only 2 km and is a faked flight with an empty rocket and a simple airdrop of the landing capsule over the landing point.
(In: http://en.wikipedia.org: Splashdown; Wisnewski, S.238-243).
But the stupid media change their program, the forget the political murders in the "USA" and present Apollo 8 as the "news of the year". There are organized some felicitation telegrams from Charles Lindberg and President Johnson to the "astronauts" (parachute jumpers). Now, many people of the "USA" develop the feeling that the year 1968 would be "saved" by Apollo 8 (Wisnewski, p.142).
(In: CNN, 20.12.1998: Apollo 8 astronauts look back 30 years after historic flight;
[The system of lie is like a system in the "US" regime now. Without lie the "USA" are not governable any more].
The crews of Apollo 7 und 8 at a reception for parachute jumpers at the White House with President Johnson...
For President Johnson the alleged Apollo "successes" come too late. He cannot hide his failure in Vietnam [resp. he gets the balance of his agreement with the racist forces in CIA and in the military leadership]. He looses the election by a hair. Counter candidate Nixon promises in the election campaign a withdrawal from Vietnam and other things.
(In: Dave McGowan: Wagging the Moondoggie; http://davesweb.cnchost.com/apollo.htm (August 2006); Wisnewski, p.144)
[All in all the population can choose only between two criminals, Johnson or Nixon, and the criminal war apparatus of the CIA remains the same].
Nixon regime
November 1968
Election of Nixon for the new "US" "President" [but CIA is the "President" in fact]
Nixon is the intimate enemy of the Kennedy family. Nixon it a juggler, also called "Tricky Dick". This nickname he got by a counter candidate in an election in 1950 by Helen G. Douglas when Nixon calumniated her as a Communist (Wisnewski, p.142).
Nixon at the speech of his inauguration on 20 January 1969. "The title of the peacemaker beckons America now..."
At 20 January 1969 Nixon's "inauguration" is performed (Wisnewski, p.143).
Nixon's words:
"The greatest honor history can bestow is the title of peacemaker. This honor now beckons America."
(deutsch: "Die grösste historische Ehre, die einem verliehen werden kann, ist der Titel eines Friedensfürsten. Diese Ehre gebührt nun Amerika.")
Johnson (right) and Nixon (left), foto composition of the N.Y. Times, November 1968.[But the banks of the "USA" are financing Communism, and at the same time they are making war. The "USA" has organized the war with the aim to be always the winner. The "USA" would have it in their hands to block the accounts. But the "USA" like to play war themselves...]
Nixon's "space flight"
Officially Nixon does not like the "moon landing program" because it was an initiative of Kennedy (Wisnewski, p.143). But Nixon lets put on stage the "moon landings" now which are a series of "culmination points" against the "Soviet Union" (Wisnewski, p.142). Of course "President" Nixon also has one brilliant performance after another (Wisnewski, p.143). For Nixon the "moon landings" are extremely "helpful" and fit into his political calculations (Wisnewski, p.148).
At the same time Nixon keeps the war policy in Vietnam and reduces the "US" troops only by 25,000 soldiers (from all in all 540,000).
(In: Dave McGowan: Wagging the Moondoggie; http://davesweb.cnchost.com/apollo.htm (August 2006)
This is NO conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are facts.
since 18 March 1969
Nixon's secret bombing of Cambodia
Nixon lets begin the secret bombing of Cambodia, named "Operation Menu".
(http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL&o=4 (August 2006)
30 April 1969
Nixon's credit concerning Vietnam is already finished
The number of "US" soldiers in Vietnam reaches a maximum of 543,000, and until now there are 33,000 deaths, more than in Korean war.
(http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL (August 2006)
15 May 1969
California: Protest camp at Berkeley University is surrounded by Reagan's police
In April the site of the Berkeley University is redefined as a public park. On 15 May 1969 "US" representatives are building a fence around the site and expel 3,000 protesters. These 3,000 protesters try against to reach the site. Reagan, the governor of California, lets organize the national guards. 100s of demonstrators are arrested, one person killed. The town is put under "extreme state of emergency".
(http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL (August 2006)
14 July 1969
Francis Reitemeyer: The planned torture in Vietnam - true or not?
A GI, Francis Reitemeyer, indicates that he had been educated to kill and to torture in Vietnam (Wisnewski, p.144).
Reitemeyer's testimony says he was ordered as an instructor to fulfill a death quota of 50 death per month. Later he withdraws all indications to be educated for torture.
(http://www.suite101.com/discussion.cfm/investing/99415/920947 (August 2006)
Oh, there is a "moon landing". This is just the right time for it:
16 July 1969
Liftoff of Apollo 11 for an alleged first "moon landing"
The torture scandal is put into the background (Wisnewski, p.144). Precisely 6 months after the inauguration there is the start of Apollo 11 in TV to the first manned "moon landing" (Wisnewski, S.143). But the rocket starts empty...
Liftoff of Apollo 11. The rocket is empty. But only about 10 people know this, among them the astronauts. They are under military order and soon shall be "American heroes" when they keep quiet...
Sunspots: According to the strong activity of the Sun a "moon flight" is not probable. The sum of the sunspots from 16 to 24 July 1969 is 585, so 65 sunspots per day (Wolf's number).
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number: http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php (August 2006)
Aberration of the planned landing point: Also according to the data of the aberration of the planned landing point Apollo 11 is a faked flight. The rocket is empty, and the landing is an airdrop with an aberration of only 3.1 km. This precision is impossible for a flight from the moon with a direct landing on Earth without an Earth orbit before (Wisnewski, S.238-243; http://en.wikipedia.org: Splashdown (August 2006).
since 20 July 1969
Apollo 11 with films about the "first moon landing" - the celebration for an airdrop
The films about an alleged first "moon landing" are a propagandistic liberation against the own criminality (Wisnewski, p.135).
[But there has never landed a TV equipment on the moon (apr. 80 kg for one camera with current device at that time), and any live TV broadcast from a "moon landing" over a distance of 380,000 km with a rotating Earth is absolutely impossible because there is no current on the moon. The media are playing along with the impossible "moon landing" though they know about the simulation centers at Langley (Virginia) and Houston (Texas). The "moon films" are blurred films produced in advance from the simulation centers, and the films are played in slow motion. And the "moon fotos" are very beautiful and manipulated so they can only be made by photographers. But there has never been a photographer "on the moon". And investigating the "moon fotos" a little bit it can be detected that almost every "moon foto" is a foto composition, probably from the CIA foto studios in the headquarters of the CIA, which are also at Langley...]
By the Apollo films Nixon gets now worldwide publicity with the monopolized state's media. Juggler Nixon allegedly even speaks with the "moon astronauts" "on the moon" by telephone (Wisnewski, p.144).
Nixon speaking by telephone with Apollo 11 astronauts, probably the astronauts are in a hotel aside...
<I just can't tell you how proud we all are of what you have done. For every American this has to be the proudest day of our lives, and for people all over the world I am sure that they, too, join with Americans in recognizing what an immense feat this is.
Because of what you have done the heavens have become a part of man's world, and as you talk to us from the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to earth.
For one priceless moment in the whole history of man all the people on this earth are truly one--one in their pride in what you have done and one in our prayers that you will return safely to earth.>
(http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=2133 (October 2006)
Armstrong: <Thank you, Mr. President...>
[Perhaps Nixon has in fact spoken with the "moon astronauts" by telephone, but perhaps the "moon astronauts" were in a hotel aside. More lie is not possible: In Vietnam the bombs are falling, against Communism with is financed by the banks of the "USA"...]
The stupid media are full of "moon landing" now and Vietnam is put into the background (Wisnewski, p.144). Vietnam is "forgotten" for days, and the "USA" is evoked a new wave of "pride" and "patriotism" (Wisnewski, p.145).
But all films are a simulation product.
(In: Wisnewski: Lügen im Weltraum [Lied in Space], Knaur 2005:
-- impossible precise landings with only little aberrations from the landing point: S.236-238
-- airdrops like in training: S.242-243
-- simulations: S.276-279).
Nixon's "America" celebrates Apollo 11
Nixon before the Apollo 11 astronauts
which are kept in quarantine.
The Apollo 11 astronauts at the hero ceremony in a Cadillac in the Canyon of Heroes at N.Y.
Beatles 1969
[Beatles as a factor 1969-1975
End of 1969 there is also another euphoria: The Beatles. The combination with the whizzing music and the "moon landings" is producing a strange sensitivity to be against to the criminalities of the "US" regime in Vietnam. But some circles are generally not interested in politics any more. Also by this it's avoided that the primitive "American" election system is changed].
Liftoff of Apollo 12 to a new alleged "moon landing"
and against Vietnam is forgotten in the stupid media for days (Wisnewski, p.145)
Sunspots: According to the strong activity of the Sun a "moon flight" is not probable. The sum of sunspots between 14 and 24 November 1971 is 1087, so this makes 98.8 sunspots per day (Wolf's figure).
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number: http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php (August 2006)
Aberration of the planned landing point: Also according to the data of the aberration of the planned landing point Apollo 12 is a faked flight. The rocket is empty, and the landing is an airdrop with an aberration of only 3.7 km. This precision is impossible for a flight from the moon with a direct landing on Earth without an Earth orbit before (Wisnewski, S.238-243; http://en.wikipedia.org: Splashdown (August 2006).
15 November 1969
Washington: Greatest peace demonstration in the "USA" with estimated 250,000 persons
(http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL (August 2006)
since 17 November 1969
Revealment of the "American" massacre in Vietnam in the village My Lai
(Wisnewski, p.145). The massacre comes out during the process against lieutenant Calley.
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Calley (August 2006)
But the media cover-up the massacre almost completely with the "moon landing" of Apollo 12...
March / April 1970
The "USA" [resp. absolutely criminal CIA] overturn Prince Sihanuk and install another puppet regime
(Wisnewski, p.145)
30 April 1970
"US" invasion in Cambodia and further escalation of Vietnam war
(Wisnewski, p.145)
But there is again a "moon landing" to divert the population from escalation in Vietnam war:
11 April 1970
Liftoff of Apollo 13 for another alleged "moon landing"
(Wisnewski, p.208)
Liftoff of Apollo 13, romantic foto, but the rocket is empty. But only about 10 people know it, among them the astronauts which are under military order, and soon they will be "American heroes" when they keep quiet...
Sunspots: According to the strong activity of the Sun a "moon flight" is not probable. The sum of sunspots from 11 to 17 April 1970 is 891, this makes 127 sunspots per day (Wolf's figure).
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number: http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php (August 2006)
Aberration of the planned landing point:
Also according to the data of the aberration of the planned landing point Apollo 13 is a faked flight. The rocket is empty, and the landing is an airdrop with an aberration of only 1.9 km. This precision is impossible for a flight from the moon with a direct landing on Earth without an Earth orbit before (Wisnewski, S.238-243; http://en.wikipedia.com: Splashdown (August 2006).
14 April 1970
Revealment of details of the Phoenix torture program
(Wisnewski, p.145-146)
The alleged "accident" at Apollo 13
Now Nixon applies a political device that is only possible when the moon landing are performed in the simulation centers. Apollo 13 shall have an accident. This accident is simulated as it was exercised in training. Now the whole world is only thinking and staring at Apollo 13 and Vietnam is forgotten another few days (Wisnewski, p.145-146).
17 April 1970
"Rescue" of the astronauts of Apollo 13
The "rescue" of the astronauts is provoking high spirits in the "USA" and in the "Western countries" for the whole rest of the year (Wisnewski, p.146). But it was not at all a rescue. It was a normal airdrop as it was in training before executed 1000 times before...
Landing of Apollo 13
Apollo 13: Splashdown. The whole world thinks they had a heavy accident...
President Nixon speaking on Hickam Air Force Base presenting the crew of Apollo 13 and decorating the astronauts with the highest civil decoration. The astronauts get the "Medal of Freedom": James A. Lovell (commander), John L. Swigert Jr. (pilot of the command module) and Fred W. Haise Jr. (pilot of the "Lunar Module").
(http://www.apolloexplorer.co.uk/photo/html/AS13/10075543.htm (August 2006)
According to the data situation Apollo 13 never flew: The accident on Apollo 13 was a normal simulation within the simulation programs of the simulators in the moon studio at Houston (Texas) (Wisnewski, p.175-176). The accident was not a real accident, and the flight was no real flight, but the rocket was empty, and the landing was an airdrop with an aberration from the planned landing point of only 1.9 km. This was an airdrop as it was exercised in training 1,000s of times. This precision at a landing from a flight from the moon without an Earth orbit before the landing is impossible (Wisnewski, p.238-243; http://en.wikipedia.com: Splashdown (August 2006).
Two weeks after the "rescue" of the astronauts, who had performed only an airdrop and are classified now as "national heroes", the truth about the massacres in Vietnam and Cambodia are coming up on 1 May anti war demonstrations, and the police kills 4 students in Kent:
1 May 1970
Heavy 1 May protests against the war in Cambodia and Vietnam at the university campuses
The demonstrations are keeping for days.
(http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL (August 2006)
Anti war demonstration at the University of Iowa, May 1968.
4 May 1970
Kent (Ohio): Four shot white students
The national guard fired into the student's protest at the State's University of Kent (Ohio) and the shots are killing four white students and wounding nine more.(http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL (August 2006)
Map with the position of Kent, Columbus, Ohio.
KentFour: The dead students are: William Schroeder, Alison Krause, Jeffrey Miller and Sandra Scheuer. As a consequence the following student's protests are escalating in the whole "USA" against the war regime of the Nixon regime.(http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=2308 (August 2006)
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Kent_State_massacre.jpg (August 2006)KentFour: Mary Ann Vecchio screaming with open arms beside the body of the student Jeffrey Miller who is lying on the campus of the State's University of Kent with the face downwards, 4 May 1970.
The dead victims of the Kent demonstration: William Schroeder, Alison Krause, Jeffrey Miller, Sandra Scheuer, at once named "KentFour" ("Kent4").
Mary Ann Vecchio is 14 years old. Jeffrey Miller is shot by an unknown soldier of the Ohio National Guard into the mouth. The killings are shocking the world.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings (August 2006)
On 6 May 1970 the scene comes up again and the police expels the demonstrators with teargas.
(http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=2308 (August 2006)
Anti war demonstration 6 May 1970 at Seattle.
Claim for atonement for the four dead students of Kent,
demonstration at Seattle 6 May 1970.
On 7 May anti war activists intervene at the university itself, make the lectures impossible and force the students to a student's strike. When the activists cannot achieve the blockade of the campus' University entry they begin with making noise, with throwing stones and smashing windows. The police is called to install order. Police in civil uniform ("vigilantes") are beating civil persons at the university.
(http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=2308 (August 2006)
At 8 May 1970 mayor Wes Uhlman (born 1935) lets block the express lines on the freeway I-5 to give way to a protest march from the State's University of Washington at Seattle to the Federal Court building in the old town of Seattle. The university gives this day free as a memorial day of the killed students at Kent. The acting police chief Frank Moore condemns the "vigilantes" who searched the university site the night before.
(http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=2308 (August 2006)
9 May 1970
Washington: Mass demonstration against the war with 100,000 demonstrators
Claim for a dismissal of Nixon
The Democrats of King County say yes to the meaning of the afro "American" Carl Maxey about the acting senator Henry M. Jackson and go along with the appeal for an impeachment against President Nixon. The radio stations KUOW provides radio time to the striking students.
(http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=2308 (August 2006)
In some way the world does not need new "moon landings" now but a new policy for humans.
11 May 1970
Time magazine questions the Cambodia invasion
Cover of Time magazine of 11 May 1970: Doubts because of Nixon's invasion in Cambodia.
[For Cambodia this is one of many invasions, the last one had been the Japanese invasion 1941-1944].
James Earl Green, murdered at Jackson by the police (21).
Philip Lafeyette Gibbs, murdered at Jackson by the police (17).
14 May 1970
Jackson (Mississippi): 2 shoot students
during protests against the war at the Jackson State College.
(http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL (August 2006)
Map with Jackson in the State of Mississippi.
The situation in the traditional black secondary school at Jackson is escalating during the days before 14 May 1970 by white car drivers driving again and again through the campus,
(http://www.heroism.org/class/1970/green.html (August 2006)
and the white drivers are shouting racist slogans and hurt a black woman who was crossing the through road Lynch Street.
(http://www2.kenyon.edu/Khistory/60s/webpage.htm (August 2006)
On 13 May 1970 there is coming up a rumour that the brother of the murdered civil right fighter Medgar Evers, Charles Evers and his wife had been killed. The students are protesting and arrange a fire on the own collage site.
Black boys who are not demonstrating use the unrest to throw stones against the cars of the white drivers.
Fire brigade is called and comes and is extinguishing the fires soon. But for their own protection fire brigade calls the police. Then the fire brigade leaves but the police stays with carbines, machine guns and other war equipment. So it comes to the situation before the women's dormitory entrance where the police is insulted by about 100 students and bottles are thrown against the police. There the police is shooting for about 30 seconds into the students and killing the two students Phillip Lafeyette Gibbs (21) and James Earl Green (17) by this.
[The white and racist police wanted to prohibit the blacks having contacts with black women as it seems, and this intervention in private life is not acceptable. There is the question why the white and racist police did not go home for the night].
House front of the university at Jackson "Alexander West Hall", shoot by the police, 14 May 1970.
According to other versions white car drivers are said having called the police with the indication that the demonstrators had thrown stones against their cars. And: The police always indicates that the students had shot first. A student from the women's dormitory had given the first shot against the police.
[When the police had gone home for the night no shoot would have been].
Philip Lafayette Gibbs (21) is hit four times: Tow times in the head, one time under his left eye, one time in his left axle.
The second death victim, James Earl Green (17) is a pupil who was on the way home and he was killed by one single shot. 15 other students are wounded. On the walls of the school can be counted 160 bullet holes. All in all the police gave 460 shots. The bullet holes of the police at the university are visible until today (2006).
The racist government of Jackson wants to cover-up the incident. Fotos of the death victims are not published. Gibbs' blood is investigated and "proved" that he must have been drunk at the time of death, and justice is not pursuing one single of the racist and murdering policemen, also after the foundation of an fact-finding commission by Nixon since June 1970 not. In 1974 the "US" appellate court determines that the police had an overacted but could not be blamed for the death of the two killed students. In 1982 two "US" supreme courts reject a hearing of the case. The single measure is the closure of the Lynch Street through the campus for the transit traffic and the building of a Gibbs Green place with a monument (Gibbs Green monument).
The black students are celebrating so the Lynch Street festival every year.
18 May 1970
Newsweek defines Nixon's new "Home Front"
KentFour: Newsweek defining "Nixon's Home Front", cover 18 May 1970.
15 Sep 1970
Nixon gives his OK for the overthrow in Chile
[The racist CIA is capable for all. CIA is kept in his picture of the enemy against all what looks like to be "Communist". The word "middle course" is not existing for Nixon and CIA. Allende and 1,000s of Chileans become victims of the following dictatorship of Pinochet after 1973...]
"... After considering the manner of death, four rifle barrols, I took these symbols of destruction and turned them into four NEW emblems for the viewer to ponder:
1. A trumpet of deliverance, judgment, and freedom ... the ancient Hebrew Ram's Horn, Shofar
2. A dialogue between Man and God. The central unit of the memorial is the symbol: it faces directly upwards, stating the unity of God, also our submission to his will. On the large outward facing arms are small hooklike attachments which together with the large forms, form the ideogram
four times, another reminder of Him at the moment of death. El Shaddai, the All Nourisher...
3. (a) Signs of personal, private grief: four small flame elements enclosed by two large arms of steel
(b) Signs of public grief, four outward-facing flame elements.
4. Individual, but grouped memorial flame containers, indicating that man dies alone: however, in this instance, death was identical [personal] and communal."
Also in Jackson a monument is erected:
Memorial for the two shot students of Jackson (Mississippi)
Memorial stone (1971) in remembrance of the demonstration at Jackson of the 15 May 1970: James Earl Green and Phillip Lafayette Gibbs, two martyrs.
since 1971
The peace movement analyzes the events and the murders at Kent
why the demonstrations lead to deaths, who should have acted otherwise etc. Many books come out with analyzes with the claim to reopen the Kent case.
Books with analysis of the demonstration at Kent with four deads of 4 May 1970
Book about the Kent demonstration: "Thirteen Seconds Confrontation at Kent", description of the demonstration, 1970 Book about the Kent demonstration "The Kent Affair. Documents and Interpretation", reports, cartoons and letters, 1971
Book about the Kent demonstration "Truth About Kent State. A Challenge to the American", analyzes, 1973
Book about the Kent demonstration "I Was There. What Really Went On at Kent State", the only police report of a policeman, 1974
Book about the Kent demonstration "Kent State May 4 / Echoes through a Decade", reports of affected people.
One sees the "USA" is busy with all other things than "moon landings". But Nixon needs "successes" to divert from his "difficulties" in the internal politics. So, "moon plays" are always good for him...
William Calley, profile
January 1971
Impeachment against colonel William Calley because of war crimes at My Lai
He is blamed having ordered and supervised the mass murder at My Lai.
(Wisnewski, S.146).
Concretely he is demonstrable blamed for responsibility of the the murder of 109 Vietnamese civil persons near the village My Lay, near the settlement Song My. But the "US" press fixes their reports with the word My Lai.
[It's strange but there is never a war tribunal against the Nazi "USA" with their invented war reasons, with their napalm bombs and defoliants. But they still have veto in the "security council"...]
Apollo 14, liftoff of an empty rocket. But only about 10 people know this, among them the astronauts who stand under military order. They will be "American heroes" soon, if they keep quiet...
31 Jan 1971
Liftoff of Apollo 14 - total media interest for the next alleged "moon landing"
Now the whole world wants to know after the allegedly failed flight of Apollo 13 if the mission Apollo 14 will succeed (Wisnewski, p.146).
Sunspots: According to the strong activity of the Sun a "moon flight" is not probable. The sum of the sunspots for the days from 31 January until 9 of February 1971 is 781, this means per day 78,1 (Wolf's number).
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number: http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php)
Aberration of the planned landing point:
Also according to the data of the aberration concerning the landing on Earth Apollo 14 is a faked flight. The rocket is empty, and the landing is an airdrop with an aberration of 1.1 km, an impossible precision for a flight from the moon with direct landing on Earth without an Earth orbit before (Wisnewski, p.238-243; http://en.wikipedia.com: Splashdown (August 2006).
Daniel Ellsberg announcing the Pentagon Papers.
9 Feb 1971
Landing of Apollo 14 (fake with an airdrop)
(Wisnewski, p.208)
13 June 1971
N.Y. Times unmasks Vietnam policy as a network of lies
by the beginning of the publication of the "Pentagon Papers" (Wisnewski, p.146).
[It's strange that N.Y. Times cannot unmask the faked moon landings in the simulation center at Langley].
The "Pentagon Papers" are published by Daniel Ellsberg in a series. The "Papers" discover the secret activities of the "USA" in South East Asia.
Nixon as a Nazi warmonger
At least now with the publication of the Pentagon Papers the regime of the "USA" is unmasked as a Nazi group operating with an annihilation strategy against the humans and not for the humans, but only for their own interest. The following poster was circulating in 1971 in L.A.
But it is possible to arrange another "moon landing":
Apollo 15 Liftoff, but also this rocket is empty, and again only about 10 people know about, among them the astronauts who are under military order. Soon they will be "American heroes" when they keep quiet...
26 July 1971
Start of Apollo 15 for another alleged "moon landing"
(Wisnewski, p.208)
Sunspots: According to the strong activity of the Sun a "moon flight" is not probable. The sum of the sunspots between 26 July and 7 August 1971 is 808, this makes 62.2 sunspots per day (Wolf's number).
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number: http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php)
Aberration of the planned landing point: Also according to the data of the aberration of the planned landing point Apollo 15 is a faked flight. The rocket is empty, and the landing is an airdrop with an aberration of only 1.9 km. This precision is impossible for a flight from the moon with a direct landing on Earth without an Earth orbit before (Wisnewski, S.238-243; http://en.wikipedia.com: Splashdown).
The popularity of Apollo rises now even more because there is a car "on the moon" (in the simulation halls of Houston). The car is built by Boeing, weight of 210 kg, electric motor, name "Rover" ("Lunar Roving Vehicle" LRV), and it's said to cruise "on the moon"...
Apollo 15 fake, NASA photo no. AS15-85-11471: Astronaut Scott driving the Lunar Rover Vehicle LRV (Rover, Rower) "on the moon, without any wheel track.
Better: In the Houston simulation center. was taken the landscape, and in the NASA photo studio in Langley were put the car, the "astronaut" and the foot steps into the photo. The wheel tracks were forgotten. The photo is an incomplete photo composition...
Apollo 15 fake, NASA photo no. AS15-88-11901: The car "on the moon" "Lunar Rover Vehicle" is "well parked", without wheel tracks.
The wheel tracks leading to the "parking place" are missing. The landscape was taken in the moon hall in Houston, and in the NASA photo studio in Langley the car and some foot steps were put into the photo. The wheel tracks were forgotten. The photo is an incomplete photo composition...
At the front on the low beam is said to be fixed a TV camera which can transmit signals over 380,000 km. This camera seems to be a little bit little for that, an the antenna too...
And there is said to be a big reflector on board.
But fact is that a laser beam on the moon is already 7 km large, and the precise coordinates of the moon landings are not known. So it's not possible to locate the reflector at all. And longer distance measurings to the reflector are not possible because of the rotation of the Earth. Add to this the lunar surface is reflecting and reflectors are not needed at all. So, all is a big nonsense, well payed by the stupid tax payers...
(Conclusion Palomino)
7 Aug 1971
"Return" of Apollo 15
(Wisnewski, p.208)
The show of the Nixon military regime is going on until he is stuck in his lies...
February 1972
Nixon in China
Handshake of Nixon and Mao. Two mass murders are meeting. Who is playing with whom here?
Nixon speaking to a Chinese girl, Hangchow, 26 February 1972. He spoke Chinese with the girl?
[Banks of the "USA" are financing the Communist system at Moscow with credits up to the end. The "USA" are organizing their wars up to the end themselves, also the split in Europe...
The Mao clique is organizing famines and forced labour in the own country to "discipline" the population, really in the original Communist Lenin style.
And up to the end the "US" policy does not realize that the Vietnamese - supported by China in military things - actually have nothing in common with the Chinese mentality. So, there were many possibilities to make peace considering the Vietnamese mentality which is against China].
March / April 1972
Vietnam: Massive offensive by North Vietnam - massive "American" bombings and mines at the North Vietnamese ports
(Wisnewski, p.146)
Flight of South Vietnamese from Hue before the Vietcong, April 1972.
Now many South Vietnamese have to take their flight from the town of Hue because Vietkong is entering in April 1972.
Oh, during this defeat of the "US" troops a "moon landing" can help diverting population!
16 April 1972
Liftoff of Apollo 16 to another alleged "moon landing"
(Wisnewski, p.146), again with a car...
Apollo 16: Moon race of racing astronaut Young on the "racing Rover". Why shall the astronauts have handled the highly sensitive technique in this way? Why not the cameras on the car are demounted for the race? One sees here: The game is for nothing, resp. the moon car probably consists of cases, and all is a show. With "moon races" Nixon is keeping his popularity and the "astronauts" were "heroes", and the mass believes all...
The film of the "racing Rover" is said to be from a video film which was made allegedly by astronaut Charles M. Duke Jr. with a 16 mm Maurer hand video camera "on the moon".
But there is a big doubt if there were hand video cameras with coloured films in 1972 already...
Sunspots: According to the strong activity of the Sun a "moon flight" is not probable. The sum of the sunspots from 16 to 27 April 1971 is 854, this makes 72.2 sunspots per day (Wolf's number).
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number: http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php)
Aberration of the planned landing point:
Also according to the data of the aberration of the planned landing point Apollo 16 is a faked flight. The rocket is empty, and the landing is an airdrop with an aberration of only 5.6 km. This precision is impossible for a flight from the moon with a direct landing on Earth without an Earth orbit before (Wisnewski, p.238-243; http://en.wikipedia.com: Splashdown).
27 April 1972
"Return" of Apollo 16
The "return" is every time really the only thing of the "moon landing" which is right. The "USA" celebrate new "heroes" (Wisnewski, p.146) [who came again by airdrop...]. The stage-managed state ceremony is held always in the same way:
Apollo 16 is also said having brought many "moonstones"...
May 1972
Nixon lets bomb Hue massively - withdrawal of Vietcong
4,000 South Vietnamese defend the town, enforced by "US" special forces. There are counter attacks with support by "American" B-52 bombers. The Vietcong has to withdraw.
GB cartoon 1972: Nixon finds a secret peace plan (which is on his table since 1968 already).
[The political schizophrenia of a "world power" named "USA"
The emotional up and down in the "USA" between Vietnam war and the pretended "moon landings" is like a political schizophrenia, and the population cannot defend itself against this policy terror. By this the showmen have an easy game, and by distress the blues music is winning more and more signification in the whole population].
17 June 1972
Election campaign: What is doing Nixon's staff in the Watergate hotel?
Nixon lets burgle at the rooms of the Democratic Party in the Watergate hotel to get more information about their election campaign (Wisnewski, p.148), resp. the police determines with the arrested people technical devices which are indications to install bugs and to make fotos of documents.
September 1972
Nixon's election campaign without conscience
and also the "Americans" don't want to have a conscience...
7 Nov 1972
Reelection of warmonger Nixon with a landslide victory
Now Nixon has reached his reelection by the "moon landings". But after the election more and more personal crimes are coming out.
Despite of the huge election victory there is an impeachment going on. The victory and all manipulations with "moon landings" in the simulation centers at Langley and Houston have no effect any more (Wisnewski, p.148).
Map of the election results of Nixon and McGovern 1972.
December 1972
Peace talks about Vietnam
(Wisnewski, p.147)
From the first prenegotiations since 1968 up to the beginning of the peace talks it needed over 4 years.
(http://www.wku.edu/Library/onlinexh/ sanders/pages/imagery/dove_vietnam.html#)
The many death victims, Agent Orange victims or phosphor bomb victims are not mentioned in the cartoon. The soil should be paved with them.
(Conclusion Palomino)
But at the end another beautiful "moon landing" in TV!
7 Dec 1972
Liftoff of Apollo 17 to another alleged "moon landing"
(Wisnewski, p.208)
Also Apollo 17 is said having brought home a lot of "moonstones".
Sunspots: According to the strong activity of the Sun a "moon flight" is not probable. The sum of sunspots from 7 to 19 December 1972 is 700, this makes 53.8 sunspots per day (Wolf's number).
(In: SIDC: Daily Sunspot Number: http://sidc.oma.be/sunspot-data/dailyssn.php)
Aberration of the planned landing point:
Also according to the data of the aberration of the planned landing point Apollo 17 is a faked flight. The rocket is empty, and the landing is an airdrop with an aberration of only 1.9 km. This precision is impossible for a flight from the moon with a direct landing on Earth without an Earth orbit before (Wisnewski, S.238-243; http://en.wikipedia.com: Splashdown).
14 Dec 1972
"Start from the moon" without engine flame...
Apollo 17 foto no. S72-55421: Liftoff from the moon without engine flame. This is impossible. Probably the "start" is performed at the simulation center at Langley on the moon crane or with the sky crane helicopter "Sikorsky", and the rope in the film is painted out in black so one cannot see it.
(Conclusion Palomino)
The start "from the moon" shall have transmitted live by the RCA TV camera on the Rover over a distance of 380,000 km to the Earth.
[But a live TV broadcast over a distance of 380,000 km is not possible, and also its impossible by the Earth's rotation].
18 December 1972
Breakup of the peace talks and new Nixon bombs
After the start of Apollo 17 the "USA" under the criminal President Nixon are affording the breakup of the peace talks about Vietnam and let drop their bombs heavily one more time with all sorts of mass murder on 1,000s of humans, to get a "better negotiation position" against North Vietnam (Wisnewski, p.147).
Operation Linebacker II end of December 1972: B52 bomber full of "American presents" at start: Bombs, bombs, bombs...
Following the order of President Nixon a new campaign starts against North Vietnam. The "Operation Linebacker Two" is lasting 12 days, within a 3 day bombing with 120 B-52 bombers. The surgical and strategical hits [officially] are against airfields, transport lines and storage dumps in and around Hanoi and Haiphong. There are dropped more than 20,000 tons of bombs, 26 airplanes are lost and 93 members of the "US" air forces are killed, arrested or missing. North Vietnam indicates 1,300 to 1,600 deaths.
[This operation is a revenge for the many deaths that had suffered the "USA" by Vietcong. Nixon felt humiliated to receive dead "Americans". What was avoided during the "space flight" (dead "Americans") Vietnam brought home...]
"Doctors without frontiers" are operating hurt and burnt Vietnamese on the sea
The "Doctors without frontiers" are present during the Vietnam war with hospital ships. They operate the almost not rescuable mutilated persons as well as possible. From this above all mutilated and half burnt up to almost burnt women and children can profit.
Of course also "American" hospital ships are on the sea near the coast of Vietnam, but only for "American" soldiers and not for the burnt, Vietnamese civil population...
(Internet websites)
19 Dec 1972
"Return" of Apollo 17
(Wisnewski, p.208)
"Return" of Apollo 17
Apollo 17 Splashdown with only 1.9 km aberration, really good for an airdrop. Apollo 17 foto no. S72-55937: The astronauts get a triumphal ceremony on the aircraft carrier USS Ticonderoga (Cernan left, Evans back, Schmitt right). The parachute jumpers become "national heroes of the USA"...
The tactic of the Nixon regime is functioning. The "USA" is celebrating the triumph of the "returning" astronauts. The whole country is in a high spirit (Wisnewski, p.147).
But also Apollo 17 is a faked flight: The rocket was empty, and the landing capsule has got an aberration from the planned landing point of only 1.9 km. So this is a perfect airdrop.
(http://en.wikipedia.com: Splashdown; Wisnewski, p.238).
Signing the peace treaty between the "USA" and Vietnam, Paris, 27 January 1973. But the colour of the tablecloth is similar to the colour of the game tables at Las Vegas...
Peace treaty and armistice about Vietnam
In the following time many GIs return home, but the [criminal and racist] CIA is continuing his war for the "USA" (Wisnewski, p.147).
Rejection to further Apollo "missions"
There are more Apollo "missions" planned, but it's strange that there is never heard of it any more. The "moon landings" seem to have fulfilled their function during Vietnam war (Wisnewski, p.147). Nixon is the "President of all men of the moon" (Wisnewski, p.148) [respectively of the men of the moon hall].
[The "moon plays" have provoked an euphoria in the whole country and have avoided a civil war between racists and non-racists like 1861-1865 without the government had lost it's "face". Add to this the "moon plays" were a guaranty for Nixon's reelection. He himself was behaving like an astronaut in a Cadillac at the end. The population could not defend itself against this political schizophrenia with heroism "on the moon" and total defeat in Vietnam. The political system is going on to be a servant of the dominating class].
But during the Watergate investigations the freedoms of Nixon are more and more restricted up to the end:
9 August 1974
Nixon's demission: The end of the show
On 9 August 1974 Nixon is demissioning as President of the "USA" (Wisnewski, p.148).
Demission of a criminal president, title page of the London Herald at the
9 August 1974 with the headline "Nixon Quits".
[Democracy has won against the criminal Nixon. But since now every "American" President is acting with the aim not to end like Nixon ended. So: The secrecy will by optimized, not the truth...]
The brainwashing by the faked Apollo "missions"
Frank Borman young and old
NASA boss historian Dr. Steven J. Dick.
According to Frank Borman, ex head of the "fact-finding commission" of Apollo 1, the "moon landings" are like a "compensation for a dolorous epoch of the "American history" (Wisnewski, p.147).
Stephen Dick, NASA boss historian, claims that the "moon landings" gave new "inspiration" (Wisnewski, p.147-148). The "moon landings" should show that the "USA" can produce positive things yet.
(In: Roach, John: Apollo Anniversary: Moon Landing "Inspired World"; National Geographic News, July 16, 2004; Wisnewski, S.148)All in all the "moon landings" are a global brainwashing (Wisnewski, p.148),
[for hiding the criminalities of the "USA", for example for well planned military Nazi escalation policy of the "USA" in a foreign country named Vietnam by the claim to spread "Freedom". But Vietnam never has threatened the existence of the "USA", so there was never any reason to be active against Vietnam with military actions].
This is NO conspiracy theory, you stupid, "America" friendly Wikipedia, but this is logic.
Watergate documents about the Nazi military Nixon regime and the criminal activities
Book "Watergate Files", cover
<From the Break-in to the Impeachment and Resignation of President Richard M. Nixon, Historic Document Reproductions, FBI Chronology of Events, Biographical Sketches, Timelines, Judge Sirica, Burglars, White House Tapes, Senate Hearings, Senator Ervin, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Dean, Hunt, Liddy, Cox, Plumbers Unit, Saturday Night Massacre, President Ford Pardon (Ring-bound)>
(deutsch: Von der Aufdeckung bis zur Anklage und zum Rücktritt von Präsident Richard M. Nixon. Reproduktion historischer Dokumente, FBI-Chronologie der Ereignisse, biographische Darstellungen, Chronologien, Richter Sirica, Verbrecher, Tonbänder des Weissen Hauses, Senatsanhörungen, Senator Ervin, Haldeman, Ehrlichman, Dean, Hunt, Liddy, Cox, Installationsbeschreibungen, Massaker am Samstagabend, Entschuldigung von Präsident Ford (geringter Band).
Conclusion: The "US" policy cannot come away from the moon euphoria and from the old fashioned political system - the Donald Duck structure of the "USA" should be abolished
The films about the faked "moon landings" were sugar during the time of the worst Vietnam war.
Book: The Nixon Years, 1999, cover. But all analyzes are for nothing when the political system will not change.
But the moon euphoria partly remains in the heads until today. Certain circles sell even territories on the "moon" and plan even new "moon landings" though there are many proofs that "moon landings" were performed at Langley and Houston in the simulation centers, and that trips into space are not possible for humans because of the cosmic radioactive radiation. The wast of money and the spread of wrong visions in the style of Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse and of Wernher von Braun is persisting, and "America" and the stupid media don't want to see it...
All in all the policy of the "USA" has learned nothing new by the show with "lunar probes", "space flights" or "moon landings", but the frauds and the criminalities in the regime are continuing in the style of Mickey Mouse. The "USA" has not found the policy with truth until now (2006), and this is tragic for the whole world. The primitive political system which is determinated alone by money remains unchanged and is loading by new manoevres, by new wars and by new definitions of enemies always new guilt which is to be cleared off some day.
We are waiting for a "moon gate", for a Perestroika in the military NASA. This Mickey Mouse organization finally has to release the truth how the whole world was fooled with "moon landings".
We are waiting for a "bank gate": The banks of the "USA" financed Communism themselves, and by this the "USA" financed their enemy. There would be necessary a change of the structures at Washington and in the banking center at New York. By this the Cold War could have been avoided.
But also after Nixon "America" remains "as stupid as before". Nixon (Vietnam war) is repeated by Bush (Iraq war), thanks of a primitive election system which does not give any chance to intelligent people without money. Mickey Mouse (population) an Donald Duck (President) resemble directly the "American" policy, among others in Disney Land with white puppets.
New data and science: Watergate was a Bilderberg maneuver
All proofs are a fake
According to the book by Daniel Estulin "The True Story of The Bilderberg Group" (2005, the complete chapter 7) this Watergate affair was ARRANGED by the Bilderbergers and ALL proofs (documents and tapes) are a fake. Washington Post was systematically making propaganda against Nixon and was always referring to the faked proofs. Here is the book by Estulin:
Reason for the affair: rejected GATT agreement - destabilize more the "U.S.A." - complete damage to the "President"
The reasons why Nixon was "blocked" respectively was paralized by interior policy are indicated in Estulin's book: Nixon had rejected the program of the criminal Bilderberger - to deindustrialize the "U.S.A." and to sign the GATT agreement. Additionally the Watergate intrigue with faked "proofs" could be used to destabilize "U.S.A.", and the Bilderbergers wanted to damage the President of the "U.S.A." in general for shifting more power to the Bilderbergers. Clear is only this: Nixon was promising to stop the war, and then he broke his word and was broadening the war to Laos instead of finishing the war. Until today (2015) this "Foreign Minister" of Nixon (Kissinger) is one of the criminal main leaders of the Bilderbergers (the three criminal old men are Rockefeller, Rothschild, Kissinger). It seems that Kissinger just wanted another President and remained "Foreign Minister" under Gerald Ford, or Kissinger just liked to have an intrigue.
Kissinger and more maneuvers and murdering actions
Kissinger is also responsible for the murder of Aldo Moro (contract kill), also for the overthrow of Margaret Thatcher (because of resistance to give in to give sovereignty away), and for the formation of the criminal European Union (EU) (as a "step" of many steps for forming a one world government NWO under corrupt UNO and criminal NATO) etc. Until today (2015) the investigation of the Watergate affair is rejected in the "U.S.A.". Bilderberger truth is also concealed because 80% of the media are managed by the Bilderbergers themselves. So one should take earnest this book by Estulin (an insider Bilderberg journalist).
Michael Palomino, April 15, 2015
"USA" remaining a state of lies
In reality the "Soviet Union" resp. the successor states of the GUS are leading concerning atmosphere flights ("space flight"). NASA results as a lying institution taking the money from the "American" tax payer and has more and more no quality.
The structure of the "USA": Criminal rich Uncle Donald (President) and many Mickey Mice (population)
Criminal rich President uncle Donald (Dagobert). Of course he is white, and never black.
The Mickey mice represent the stupid white population of the "USA". And where are the blacks? And also the natives are missing...
format line
As long as the population of the "USA" remains like Mickey Mouse, and as long as the President can behave like Uncle Donald (Dagobert) there will be no change. And when the population of the "USA" will not allow oneself a better democratic system, the "USA" will never been governed in a cleverer way than by new Uncle Donalds, so there will come always new Dagoberts...
Said in another way: The denazification after 1945 has not been performed in the "USA", and the Nazis in the "USA" as Walt Disney and Wernher von Braun formed together with the Nazi racist Republican leadership a clique which is ended only when they all have died. In Russia there is the same phenomenon after 1945 under the name "Communism". At the same time the sons of the fathers of these cliques are the danger of today, see Bush.
It's up to the "USA" to change something on it's Donald Duck structure which was managed not only by the racist Walt Disney but also is absolutely racist and always and only white. Actually this racist Mickey Mouse culture should be prohibited worldwide: Abolish Disney Land, and this would be a big task for the spiritual step forward of the "USA", but essential to create an integral world.
And: Vietnam has never threatened the "USA". Until now there was never a threat of the "USA" by Vietnam, and there was also no war declaration of the "USA", and no compensation... (time 2006). But Donald Duck (the President) also would never pay any compensation. But for sure he would finance films about "moon landings" which never have happened for staying President...
This is NO conspiracy theory, you stupid "America" friendly Wikipedia, but this is logic.
Picture sources
-- Gary Powers: http://home.sandiego.edu/~landeros/KGBCIA/CIA%20Funded%20Operations.htm
-- U2 airplane: http://www.answers.com/topic/u-2-crisis-of-1960
-- Power's process in the "SU": http://www.answers.com/topic/u-2-crisis-of-1960
-- Gagarin as first man in space reported: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap010414.html
-- map: Cuba, position of the Bay of Pigs: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schweinebucht
-- captivated Cubans in exile on Cuba after the invasion 1961:
-- Kennedy decorating Shepard: http://www.geocities.com/~sbeck/gallery.htm
-- Kennedy with Virgil Guz Grissom: http://www.asininity.com/archives/A2004111/
-- Berlin, construction of the wall: http://www.lsg.musin.de/gesch/Start-G/dtl-index.htm
-- map of the sectors of Berlin with the wall since 1961: http://www.wall-berlin.org/gm/carte07.htm
-- Kennedy with Glenn in a cabriolet during triumph ceremony:
-- Carpenter calling by telephone with Kennedy: http://www.csuchico.edu/pub/inside/archive/03_05_01/05_rocket_rider.html
-- logo of the double mission "Wostok 3 - Wostok 4": http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wostok_3
-- James Meredith, portrait: http://ahmedarshi.nomadlife.org/past/2005_08_01_archive.aspx
-- University of Mississippi with James Meredith with protection of marshals: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Meredith
-- Schirra family with Kennedy: http://library.thinkquest.org/3670/gather/m8imag.html
Cuba crisis
-- ranges of rockets, maps: http://www.kssursee.ch/schuelerweb/kalter-krieg/kk/kubakrise.htm
-- cartoon: Khrushchev and Kennedy during arm wrestling:
-- battle of Ap Bac: http://www.stibbens.com/war.htm
-- Cooper triumph ceremony: http://www.nasa.gov/centers/kennedy/about/history/mercury7.html
Birmingham 1963
-- fire on black demonstrators: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/jaskaran/newsItems/departments/1984;
-- police dogs against black demonstrators: http://www.cerritos.edu/soliver/Student%20Activites/LtL_outrage.htm
-- Vietnam: Self burning by Thich Quang Duc: http://www.bentkid.com/archive/2003_06_01_bent_arch.html
-- Medgar Evers, portrait: http://www.africawithin.com/bios/medgar_evers.htm
March to Washington
-- demonstration 1963: http://classes.design.ucla.edu/Fall04/161A/projects/j2/exercise_b/march_on_washington.html
-- demonstration for work: http://www.crmvet.org/info/mowhome.htm
-- handshake logo: http://www.africanamericans.com/MarchonWashington.htm
-- Martin Luther King, speech of Martin Luther King at Washington August 1963:
Kennedy assassination
-- Kennedy assassination changed route: http://www.kennedy.writernetwork.com/photo.html
-- Kennedy assassination, limousine and shooting position: http://www.kennedy.writernetwork.com/photo.html
-- newspaper headline: http://brainerddispatch.com/history/pages/;
-- arrival of the "US" marines at Danang: http://www.talkingproud.us/HistoryBreakerPatrolB.html
-- president Johnson 1964: http://www.americasstory.com/jb/modern/jb_modern_launch_2_e.html
Civil right fighter Malcolm X, 1965 murdered:
-- with hut: http://www.infed.org/thinkers/malcolm.htm
-- at a speech: http://www.africawithin.com/bios/malcolm_x.htm
-- Gemini 3, pilots Young and Grissom: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemini_3
Rolling Thunder
"US" bomber
-- http://avstop.com/news/rolling.html;
-- http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL&o=4
-- fire after napalm bomb deployment 1966: http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Napalm
-- Napalm bombs: http://edition.cnn.com/US/9804/20/napalm.train/
-- Gemini 4: First "US" space walk, logo: http://mek.kosmo.cz/pil_lety/usa/gemini/ge-4/lka.htm
-- Anti war demonstration, New York 1968: http://oldhippie.jimgreenlee.com/antiwar/index.htm
-- Anti war demonstration University of Iowa May 1968: http://www.vietnamwar.com/politicalprotests.htm
-- ship "Pueblo": http://www1.korea-np.co.jp/pk/058th_issue/dprk50thann/98090201.htm
-- burial ceremony of Martin Luther King: http://www.fwmoa.org/01/EducationalResources/gow-free6.htm
-- Robert Kennedy March 1968: http://www.aameps.com/dancer/PhotoCV.asp
-- Apollo 8 logo: http://www.spacefacts.de/mission/english/apollo-8.htm
-- Apollo 7 and 8 astronauts, reception in the White House with President Johnson:
-- speech at the inauguration: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/object/article?f=/c/a/2002/06/09/MNCFTIME3.DTL&o=3
-- Johnson and Nixon on a foto, foto composition of N.Y. Times:
Apollo 11
-- liftoff: http://www.apolloprojekt.de/downloads/bilder.php; http://www.apolloprojekt.de/bilder/11start.jpg
-- Nixon speaking by telephone with Armstrong on the moon, lie, foto no.: 69-H-1400: http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/BROWSE/ALLGRIN_78.html; http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/IMAGES/SMALL/GPN-2000-001672.jpg
-- Nixon before the Apollo 11 astronauts in quarantine, foto no. S69-21365: http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/BROWSE/ALLGRIN_98.html; http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/IMAGES/SMALL/GPN-2001-000007.jpg
-- Apollo 11 astronauts in the Canyon of Heroes in N.Y.:
-- Beatles: http://home.att.net/~chuckayoub/1969_year.htm
My Lai
-- map with the position of My Lai: http://edition.cnn.com/WORLD/9803/16/my.lai/;
Apollo 12
-- Nixon with his wife during liftoff: http://www.astrolink.de/m001/m001029/m001029_p03_08.htm
-- commentator during liftoff: http://www.astrolink.de/m001/m001029/m001029_p03_09.htm
-- liftoff of the empty rocket: http://www.astrolink.de/m001/m001029/m001029_p03_12.htm
Cambodia war
-- Nixon announces in TV the invasion into Cambodia: http://www.vietnamwar.com/politicalprotests.htm
-- title page of Time magazine with doubts about Nixon's Cambodia invasion:
-- Daniel Ellsberg announcing the Pentagon Papers:
Apollo 13
-- liftoff, romantic foto: http://www.apolloprojekt.de/missionen/ap13.php
-- splashdown: http://www.apolloexplorer.co.uk/photo/html/AS13/default.htm;
-- Nixon's speech with Apollo 13 astronauts: http://www.apolloexplorer.co.uk/photo/html/AS13/default.htm;
Anti war demonstrations and deaths since 1 May 1970
-- Kent: Shoot Jeffrey Miller at Kent on the soil: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings;
-- Kent map: http://edition.cnn.com/2000/US/05/04/kent.state.revisit/
-- the death victims of the Kent demonstration: http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/4may70/box109/109.html;
-- Anti war demonstration 5 May 1970 at Seattle at the federal court building:
-- Anti war demonstration 6 May 1970 at Seattle: http://www.historylink.org/essays/output.cfm?file_id=2308
-- claim for compensation for the four dead students of Kent at Seattle 6 May 1970:
-- Time questions Cambodia invasion 11 May 1970: http://www.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,19700511,00.html
-- Jackson University victims of 14 May 1970, Gibbs und Green and house front:
-- map of Jackson in the state of Mississippi: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_US-MS.aspx
-- Newsweek defined Nixon's Home Front 18 May 1970: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings;
-- memorial stone for 2 deaths of the demonstration of the 14 May 1970 at Jackson:
-- Kent books: http://www.may41970.com/Books%20and%20Sources/books_and_reference_on_may_4.htm
-- Kent memorial, Paul Keane lighting the memorial: http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/4may70/box109/109.html;
-- Kent memorial, lighted: http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/4may70/box109/109.html;
-- Kent memorial of Paul Keane with memorial tablet: http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/4may70/box109/109.html;
-- Kent memorial of Paul Keane, memorial tablet: http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/4may70/box109/109.html;
Process William Calley
-- Calley portrait: http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/mylai/mylai.htm
-- cartoon against Nixon with Hitler and swastika: http://www.art-for-a-change.com/content/nixon.htm
-- cartoon against Nixon as a hawk taking Laos:
Apollo 14 (31 January - 9 February 1971)
-- liftoff: http://knxv.com/gallery/gallery.asp?action=viewimage&categoryid=11&text=&imageid=331&box=&shownew=
Apollo 15 (26 July - 7 August 1971)
-- liftoff: http://www.honeysucklecreek.net/msfn_missions/Apollo_15_mission/hl_Apollo15.html
-- car "on the moon" "Lunar Rover Vehicle": http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/BROWSE/apollo15_1.html;
-- Astronaut Scott driving the Rover "on the moon" without tracks, foto composition:
-- GB cartoon 1972: Nixon finds a secret peace plan: http://www.learningcurve.gov.uk/coldwar/G6/cs2/s7.htm
Nixon in China
-- handshake Nixon-Mao: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/newsweek/diplomacy.htm
-- Nixon speaking to a Chinese girl, Hangchow, 26 February 1972:
-- flight of South Vietnamese from the Vietcong: http://www.pbs.org/battlefieldvietnam/timeline/index3.html
Apollo 16 (16 to 27 April 1972)
-- Training foto: Astronauts with a parked Rover, Foto-Nr. 72-h-249:
-- racing Rover, proof that there is no special sensitive technique in the rover: http://www.apolloexplorer.co.uk/photo/html/as16/default.htm;
-- astronauts: http://www.angelfire.com/fl/Jacqmans/paap16.html
-- Nixon with Dr. Fletcher and Apollo 16 actors: Foto-Nr.: 72-HC-522: http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/BROWSE/ALLGRIN_109.html; http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/IMAGES/SMALL/GPN-2002-000104.jpg
Vietnamese war victims and war deaths:
-- bomb victims: http://collections.ic.gc.ca/boatpeople/gallery/gallery.html;
-- Agent Orange victims: http://collections.ic.gc.ca/boatpeople/gallery/gallery.html;
"American" war deaths
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-- war deaths from Vietnam war in a coffin in a flag: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/1073318.stm
-- war deaths: Obsequies with unwrapping of a coffin: http://www.countryjoe.com/vietarchive.htm
-- Nixon's election campaign Philadelphia September 1972: http://iraq-kill-maim.org/prezsec/prezsec-eyeball6.htm
-- election victory of Nixon 1972, map: http://xenohistorian.faithweb.com/northam/elections.html
-- peace dove on the Eiffel tower: http://www.wku.edu/Library/onlinexh/sanders/pages/imagery/dove_vietnam.html#
Apollo 17 (7 to 19 December 1972)
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-- Cernan steering the Rover in a stiff position and with transparent seat, foto no. AS17-147-22526: http://grin.hq.nasa.gov/BROWSE/apollo17_1.html;
-- Operation Linebacker II: B52 bombers full of bombs at start: http://www.teleproductiongroup.com/12_72.html
-- liftoff from the moon without engine flame:
-- Apollo 17 splashdown:
-- Paris: Signing the peace treaty "USA"-Vietnam:
-- demission of Nixon at 9 August 1974, title page of London Herald with headline "Nixon Quits":
-- Frank Borman, portrait young: http://www.spacefacts.de/bios/large/astronauts/borman_frank.htm
-- Frank Borman, portrait old: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/tothemoon/borman.html
-- NASA leading historian Dr. Stefen Dick, portrait: http://www.hsc.edu/academics/physics/scrapbook/nasa.php
-- book "Watergate Files", cover:
-- book "Nixon Years", cover: http://www.abbeville.com/Products/Product0789206102.htm;
Structure of the "USA":
-- uncle Donald a a criminal rich President of the "USA":
http://www.glaubeaktuell.net/community/index.php?Href=http%3A//www.glaubeaktuell.net/community/ portrait/portrait_out.php%3FUID%3D0%26tx%3D1136613257%26chat%3D%26IDU%3D52
-- Mickey mice as stupid population of the "USA": http://www.treasurekingdom.com/thestore/prods/2004DD.html