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"Moon plays": The Moon Was the Earth - Truth and Lie In the Atmosphere
28. "Moonstones" coming from the Earth -
"lunar probes" were not necessary
Why the "Soviet Union" confirmed the "authenticity" of the secret, "American" moonstones - moon theories and money making of the NASA with artificial "moon dust"
"Moonstone" 05a: Anorthosit [mo05a]
Artificial moon dust 01: "Lunar Soil Simulant".
With this you can make money! [artificial moon dust 01]
by Michael Palomino (2006 / 2021)
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The proof that the "moon landing" was in the moon hall: sand and dust are the same
It seems strange, but sand and dust in the "training" have the same graining size as in the "moon landing". And this is impossible (Wisnewski, p.174)
So this is another proof that the "moon landings" all were in the halls.
This is NO conspiracy theory, but these are the facts, you stupid Wikipedia.
Examples of "moonstones": Stones should give an impression
When you are asking for "moonstone" in the Internet (in German: "Mondgestein"), then you should have the searching word "moonstone", "moon stone" or surprisingly the best searching word is "lunar sample".
Funnily enough the research almost always knows what kind of stone it is and can compare the stones with stones from the Earth, or the stones are almost identical.
And there are mad indications that "moonstones" would be worth more than gold. So, there exist fantasies that there are things on the moon more worth than gold...
Generally: "Moonstones" cannot be proved
"Moonstones" have no possibility to be compared on moon itself, because there is no possibility of a neutral control on the "moon". So, it's permitted for anybody to claim this or that stone would come from the "moon". Also when certain "moon probes" are said having landed on the moon also this is not controllable. And it's not possible to control if these "moon probes" have brought stones or dust from the "moon" to the Earth or not either. At the end the super powers "USA" and "SU" claim together to the public that "moonstones" would be "very similar" to "Earth stones". This "similarity" brings up some new questions (Wisnewski, p.209).
[All in all all shown "moonstones" could be also from the Earth. The indications that "moonstones" would eventually be more worth than "gold" lets rise the fantasy for the greedy, capitalistic society at the same time. When the "moonstones" would be from the Earth so one had lost more than "gold"...]
The stage-managed race for "moonstones"
According to the access into the falsification practice with the planet machinery "LOLA" at Langley and according to the possibilities of radio communication not over some 100 km all flights of the "moon probes" are a lie. And because the transport of "moonstones" was not a neutral, controllable procedure, and because according to the technical data of the little aberration of the landings from the landing points and because of the cosmic radiation (sun storms with many sunspots) the Apollo flights cannot have been performed, the official data about "moonstones" do not seem very reliable. By the "moonstones" one lie supports the other one, in case of the "moonstones" in cooperation with the "Soviet Union".
With the secrecy and with the term "conspiracy theory" against all critics the cock-and-bull story of the moonstones is defended successfully in the propaganda and in the media...
13 July 1969
Start of the "SU" "lunar probe" Luna 15 with the aim of a landing "on the moon" on 21st July
(Wisnewski, p.210)
16 July 1969
Start of Apollo 11 with the aim of a landing "on the moon" on 21st July
(Wisnewski, p.210)
But until now the "USA" have not even brought one single "lunar probe" to the moon and brought back (Wisnewski, p.210).
21 July 1969
"SU": The "lunar probe" is said have crashed "on the moon"
The reasons for the crash are "not known" (Wisnewski, p.210-211).
24 July 1969
Apollo 11 claims they had brought "moonstones" (soil samples) "from the moon"
all in all 20 kg "moonstones" (Wisnewski, p.209,210).
since 24 July 1969
The research on the "moonstones" is only for "elected people"
Research with the "moonstones" is only possible with a proposal and with a detailed justification of the project. Then some milligram "moonstone" are released (Wisnewski, p.211).
14 to 24 November 1969
Apollo 12 claims having brought back parts of "lunar probe" "Surveyor 3" "from the moon"
Astronauts from Apollo 12 claim they had brought back parts of the "lunar probe" Surveyor 3, among others the little camera. But according to indications of NASA the camera shall have contained a terrestrial bacterium which had survived the "stay on the moon".
(In: David, Leonard: Apollo Moon Rocks: Dirty Little Secrets; www.space.com; 26.3.2001; www.space.com/news/spaceagencies/apollo_moon_rocks_010326.html (August 2006); Wisnewski, S.216)
[Then there is the proof that the "lunar probe" Surveyor 3 had never been "on the moon", and that is - again - NO conspiracy theory, but this is logic, you stupid Wikipedia].
12 July 1970
"SU": Start of the "lunar probe" "Luna 16" with the aim of a landing "on the moon"
(Wisnewski, p.211)
24 July 1970
"SU": Flight back of the "lunar probe" "Luna 16" "from the moon" and landing on Earth with ca. 100 gr "moonstone"
This is the official data (Wisnewski, p.211).
since 1970
The superpowers comparing their "moonstones"
Now funnily enough the officially hostile superpowers are comparing their "moonstones" and "accept the authenticity of the Apollo material" of each other.
(In: www.clavius.org; Wisnewski, p.211).
The "SU" legalizes the "American" "moon landings" and gets wheat for it
All in all the "Soviet Union" legalizes the "moon landings" of the "USA" by the declaration that the "moonstones" are the same. At the same time "SU" suffers bad harvests and is depends on wheat deliveries from the West. The "Soviet" regime has no other choice than to do the favour to the "USA" to recognize the "moonstones" and with it the "moon landings" (Wisnewski, p.212).
Researchers claim having found "moon meteorites" in the Antarctic
But the claim for moon meteorites is impossible because until now (2006) nobody can go on the moon and control what "moonstones" really are. The claim is another lie which should support the lie having brought "moonstones" to the Earth (Wisnewski, p.209).
[And the media, greedy for sensations, report the moon meteorites as true fact and rise the number of copies with it...]
since 1972
NASA has stored officially 382 kg "moonstones"
The storing of the 382 kg "moonstones" at the NASA is in boxes filled with nitrogen (Wisnewski, p.214). Nobody has an access, and all is kept "secret" (Wisnewski, p.215).
The "moonstones" are protected from all events, storms and tornadoes...
(In: David, Leonard: Apollo Moon Rocks: Dirty Little Secrets; www.space.com; 26.3.2001; www.space.com/news/spaceagencies/apollo_moon_rocks_010326.html (August 2006); Wisnewski, S.216)
[Earth stones become "moonstones" by special storing...]
The new theory about the formation of the moon: The collision theory
Up to the "moon landings" there are different theories for the formation of the moon. Now the "research" detects that the "moonstones" would be pretty "similar" to the Earth stones.
Since this claim there is only one single theory about the formation of the moon: the collision theory. A little planet is said have hit the Earth and sunk in the Earth. Then a big part of the Earth shall have split and shall have formed a moon in space (Wisnewski, p.213).
Add to this there shall be lots of Earth stones on the moon surface: When asteroids hit the Earth some Earth stones shall have been shot to the moon always again. This stones shot to the moon shall be on the moon's surface in peaces. John Armstrong from the University of Washington at Seattle claims having calculated that by this on a square mile of moon surface 5 tons of Earth stones are lying around .
(In: Britt, Robert Roy: Moon Holds Earth's Ancient Secrets; www.space.com, 23.7.2002; Wisnewski, p.213)
So: Earth stones were brought "from the moon"
The "moon astronauts" shall have collected Earth stones on the moon? When this is true it's not necessary to fly to the moon to find "moonstones". But this conclusion is not allowed officially until today (August 2006) in the media. But the collision theory should explain the similarity of Earth stones and moonstones. The articles in the encyclopedias must all be adapted to this NASA theory...
(In: Heck, Philipp: Der Mond - unser geheimnisvoller Nachbar. Entstehung, Missionen, Aufbau [The moon - our mysterious neighbour. Building, missions, construction]; http://lexikon.astronomie.info/ 7.6.2002; Wisnewski, S.213)
Indexing of the "moonstones" - the "moonstones" are living...
University of Portsmouth [2]
But Andrew Steele, an astro biologist at the University of Portsmouth in England, detects with his microscopic research that there is terrestrial life in the "moonstones" to be found:
-- brush hairs
-- plastic parts
-- nylon parts
-- Teflon parts
-- terrestrial little animals, some of them "pretty snotty".
So, there is the question how the ultra cleaned storage at the NASA looks like. Because the many terrestrial contaminations can only come from the Earth from a time after the building of the moon. The website www.space.com indicates such events as "dirty little secrets".
The question if the "moonstones" come from the Earth is not allowed of course...
-- David, Leonard: Apollo Moon Rocks: Dirty Little Secrets; www.space.com; 26.3.2001; www.space.com/news/spaceagencies/apollo_moon_rocks_010326.html
-- Wisnewski, p.215-216)
The contradiction: "moonstones" are not "similar"
"Moonstone" 13: "Moonstone" from Apollo 15, no. 15415:
"A close-up view of Apollo 15 lunar sample no. 15415 in the Lunar Receiving Laboratory (LRL)"
According to the indications of this article "moonstones" are not at all similar to the Earth stones:
-- "moonstones" shall be very dry
-- "moonstones" shall contain no water molecules
-- "moonstones" shall have no oxidation
-- "moonstones" shall not contain any iron
-- "moonstones" shall be easy to distinguish from Earth stones.
Original text:
"Compared with terrestrial samples, all lunar rocks are oddballs because they are so dry," Ryder said. "They contain no molecules of water, they're not oxidized and they contain no ferric iron. They're easy to distinguish from rocks on Earth."
(Hoversten, Paul: 30 Years Later, Moon Rocks Retain Their Secrets;
www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/moon_rock_analysis_000522_MB_.html (August 2006).
Conclusion: All thesis about "moonstones" are worthless
By this any thesis about "moonstones" is invalid because the statements are absolutely controversial that no thesis is reliable any more. But the media reported all as a sensation to rise their number of copies and to rise their number of viewers, and the "research" has opened a new researching field "moonstones" which is paid by the tax payer again with millions of $ and Euros... for nothing.
(Conclusion Palomino)
This is NO conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are facts.
NASA's business with "artificial moon dust"
Examples for "moon dust"
"Moon dust" 01: The "moon dust" on the moon shall be 7 cm deep.
"Moon dust" 02: Exhibition of "moon dust" in GB 1969.
"Moon dust" 03: Colour "moon dust" for face painting.
Artificial moon dust 01: "Lunar Soil Simulant"1991-1993
NASA's "moon dust" program
NASA gives the order to produce 25 tons of artificial "moon dust" under the name "lunar regolith simulant". The purpose is secret (Wisnewski, p.217).
[Oh, there is more tax money wasted...]
since 1993
NASA dispatches the "artificial moon dust"
The artificial "moon dust" is sent to researchers and universities. "Science" shall confirm the similarity of Earth and moon, and by this the building history of the moon is fixed in the encyclopedias, and indirectly the "moon landings" are fixed in the encyclopedias one more time (Wisnewski, p.217).
[The tax money is a good investment: A new lie supports the main lie of the moon landings...]
Comparing research of Earth stones and "moonstones": The moon is said to consist of 50% Earth stone
NASA claims that the relation between oxygen isotopes in the "moonstones" and in the Earth stones is similar (Wisnewski, p.214).
But then the "research" finds out that also the relation between the elements niobium ant tantalum would be the same in the "moonstones" as in the Earth stones. Max Planck institute for chemistry [probably at Munich as the headquarters] claim, niobium would solve under high pressure in the metal core of big planets like the Earth, but not in the moon because the moon would be too little. When is coming out that in the "moonstones" are the same circumstances as in the Earth stones, Max Planck institute claims simply that the moon would be of 50% Earth stone.
(In: Max-Planck-Institute for chemistry, July 2003; In: www.sternwarte-singen.de/mond_entstehung1.html; Wisnewski, p.214).
[So, it's not at all necessary to go "to the moon" to get some "moonstones"...]
2005 apr.
NASA orders the production of big quantities of "Mars material"
(Wisnewski, p.217)
[This will be a new invention and costs again millions of $ or Euros...]
February 2005
"USA": President Bush announces a new "moon offensive"
(Wisnewski, p.216)
16 March 2005
Wall Street Journal: NASA produces 34 different sorts of "moon dust"
Wall Street Journal [diary of New York stock exchange] reports that NASA produces for new preparations of "moon missions" 34 different types of "moon dust" to simulate the different conditions "on the moon". The different conditions were determined by telescope observation and meteorite research:
<In preparation of new Apollo missions NASA produced 34 types of artificial moon dust to simulate the different conditions which can be awaited by telescope research. Add to this meteorites were searched which are believed to be similar to moonstones.> (Wisnewski, p.216)
(orig.: <In Vorbereitung auf die Apollo-Missionen stellte die NASA 34 Typen künstlichen Mondstaubes her, um die unterschiedlichen Bedingungen zu simulieren, die Beobachtungen mit dem Teleskop erwarten liessen. Darüber hinaus untersuchten sie auch Meteoriten, von denen sie glaubten, dass sie Mondgestein ähnlich sein könnten.> (Wisnewski, S.216)
So: Apollo is not needed - "lunar probes" are not needed either - the chain of lies
It seems the "moonstones" and the "lunar probes" are not relevant any more. This brings up new questions. So, all other "lunar probes" Surveyor 1 to 5 had never landed on the moon (Wisnewski, p.216).
Then also the over 85,000 fotos from the Surveyor "lunar probes" would be fotos from the moon halls (Wisnewski, p.216), and this would be an easy task with the planet machine "LOLA" at Langley, and the "moonstones" of the "lunar probes" would be from the Earth.
[By chance the headquarters of the CIA are at the same place where the planet machine "LOLA" was: at Langley...]
Further news about "moon rockets"
Amsterdam 27.8.2009: <Mondgestein entpuppt sich als altes Holz>
aus: bazonline.ch; 27.8.2009;x
Amsterdam 27 August 2009: <Moon rockets turning out as old wood>
from: bazonline.ch; 27 August 2009;http://bazonline.ch/panorama/vermischtes/Mondgestein-entpuppt-sich-als-altes-Holz/story/30830902
<Jahrzehntelang glaubte das Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, einen kleinen Brocken Mondgestein der Apollo-11-Mission zu besitzen. Doch die Attraktion stellt sich jetzt als ganz und gar irdisch heraus.
Nur versteinertes Holz: Das Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam nimmt es gelassen
Bei einer Überprüfung stellte sich das Exponat schlicht als versteinertes Holz von der Erde heraus. Das Museum will das Stück dennoch behalten und als Kuriosität ausstellen. «Wir können darüber lachen», erklärte Museumssprecherin Xandra van Gelder.
Kurios ist allemal die Geschichte der Herkunft des vermeintlichen Mondgesteins. Laut Van Gelder wurde es im Oktober 1969 vom damaligen US-Botschafter in den Niederlanden, William Middendorf, an den seinerzeitigen Ministerpräsidenten Willem Drees übergeben. Anlass war eine Rundreise der drei Apollo-Astronauten drei Monate nach der ersten Mondlandung. Middendorf erklärte unlängst, er habe den Stein vom US-Aussenministerium erhalten, könne sich aber an keine Einzelheiten mehr erinnern.
Nasa hat kein Mondgestein verschenkt
Drees starb 1988 und vermachte den Gesteinsbrocken ans Rijksmuseum, das keinerlei Zweifel an seiner Echtheit hegte. Erst 2006 erfuhren die Kuratoren, dass die US-Weltraumbehörde Nasa so kurz nach der ersten Mondlandung wohl kaum Mondgestein verschenkt haben dürfte. Die meisten Mondbrocken in ausländischen Museen stammen von späteren Apollo-Missionen. Daraufhin wurden Geologen der Universität Amsterdam eingeschaltet, die die Wahrheit an den Tag brachten.
Zu sehen war der ominöse Stein allerdings schon in der Vergangenheit nur bei Sonderausstellungen. Das Rijksmuseum ist in erster Linie eine Gemäldegalerie für die Werke von Rembrandt und anderen niederländischen Künstlern.
<For decades Rijks museum of Amsterdam believed to have a little rock of moonstone from Apollo 11 mission. But this attraction has turned out absolutely terrestrial.
Only petrified wood: Rijks museum of Amsterdam takes it easy
At an inspection the exhibit turned out as simple wood from Earth. Nevertheless the museum wants to keep the peace and wants to exhibit it as curiosity. "We can laugh about it", museum speaker Xandra van Gelder decleared.
But at least the history of origin of the alleged moon rocket. According to Van Gelder it was given in October 1969 by the US embassador in the Netherlands, William Middendorf, to the president Willem Drees. The three Apollo astronauts were touring three months after their first moon flight. Middendorf declared recently, he got the stone from US State Department but could not remind details.
Nasa did not give moonstones as a present
Drees died in 1988 and gave the stone to Rijks museum which had no doubt that it would be a moonstone. But in 2006 the management got to know that NASA did not give moonstones shortly after the flight. Most of moon rockets in foreign museums came from later Apollo missions. That's why there were geologists engaged for investigations and they turned out the truth.
But one could see the strange stone only on special exhibitions. Rijks museum for the main part is an art gallery for works of Rembrandt and other Dutch artists.
And another lie:
22 October 2010: Claims of some silver in the "moon dust" - it's all a lie
The article claims that in 2009 a lunar probe has hit the moon provocating a big cloud of dust. This seems strange because during the "moon landings" there was never any cloud of dust but the dust was under the lunar module and there was no dust on the feet of the lunar module. This contradiction allready eliminates any credibility of the following news. The claim of silver in the moon dust is another lie of NASA to sell more lots of land of the moon and to make money with the claim it would be possible to fly "to the moon". But read yourself:
aus: n-tv online: Raketeneinschlag bringt es ans Licht: Silberstaub auf dem Mond; 22.10.2010;
orig. German:
<Die Mondoberfläche ist reichhaltiger als gedacht. Das zeigt die Analyse des gezielten Einschlags der NASA-Mondsonde "LCROSS" vom 9. Oktober 2009. In dem aufgewirbelten Mondstaub stießen die Forscher nicht nur auf das gesuchte Wasser, sondern auch auf Kohlenmonoxid, Kohlendioxid, Ammoniak, Stickstoff - und überraschenderweise auch auf Silber.Allerdings fanden sich von dem Edelmetall nur Spuren - nicht genug, um hinzufliegen und es abzubauen, wie Peter Schultz von der Brown University in Providence in Rhode Island betont. Schultz stellt zusammen mit mehreren Teams Analysen des Einschlags im US-Fachjournal "Science" vor. dpa>
<Moon surface seems to be richer than thought until today. This shows an analisis of the hit of NASA lunar probe "LCROSS" of 9 October 2009. In the cloud of dust scientists did find water, and also carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ammoniac, nitrogen - and silver as a surprise.
But there was only little silver in the dust - not enough to fly there and to exploit it, as Peter Schultz from Brown University in Providence in Rhode Island said. Schultz is compiling analisis of the hit in the professional journal "Science" with several groups. dpa>
The chain of NASA lies is functioning like this: NASA is inventing an impact on the moon. Then NASA also has the power in the university institutions, and also has the power over the journal "Science". The dust itself seems to be from Chile. It's simple.
2014: Moon stones were produced by NASA artificially?
"Rolf Jaeckel" <htrj@inbox.com>
Nov. 1, 2014
Rolf Jaeckel reports in an e-mail:
"NASA" [was] producing just officially artificial "moon stones" for special use allegedly."
(original in German: "Die NASA [hat] ganz offiziell künstliches "Mondgestein" herstellen lassen, angeblich für besondere Anwendungen.")
Picture sources
[1] Graham Ryder, portrait: http://www-curator.jsc.nasa.gov/lunar/lnews/LNMar02/GRyder2.htm
[2] University Portsmouth: http://www.archibus.com/success/portsmouth.htm
[3] moonstone 13 allegedly from Apollo 15: http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/solarsystem/moon_rock_analysis_000522_MB_.html
[4] Wall Street Journal, Logo: http://www.typedesign.com/logos/wsj.html
[5] police car: http://www.polizei.so.ch/wir/10PolizeiKantonSolothurn/170Sicherheit/172mop.htm
[mo01] moonstone 01: http://www.mgb-home.de/Mondlandung.html
[mo02] moonstone 02: Moonstone allegedly from Apollo 16 from a giant crater museum at Nördlingen: http://www.urbin.de/fakten/fa_086.htm
[mo03] moonstone 03: Moonstone allegedly from Apollo 16: http://www.uni-ulm.de/uni/fak/zawiw/ries/natur.htm
[mo04] moonstone 04: Basalt allegedly from Apollo 12, year 1969: http://www.dhm.de/lemo/objekte/pict/KontinuitaetUndWandel_mondgestein/index.html
[mo05] moonstone 05: Anorthosit: http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/MCanli6235/Astronews.htm
[mo06] moonstone 06: very similar to basalt: http://www.morgenwelt.de/279.html
[mo07] moonstone 07: Aristarchus crater with stone with oxygen: http://www.stern.de/wissenschaft/kosmos/548095.html?nv=ct_mt#
[mo08] moonstone 08: A big "C" on a moonstone on the "moon soil" on a "moon foto": http://www.zdf.de/ZDFde/inhalt/14/0,1872,2320686,00.html
[mo09] moonstone 09 der Academy of Sciences in San Francisco: http://www.westkueste-usa.de/mn_GoldenGatePark.htm
[mo10] moonstone 10: Regolith of the "lunar probe" Luna 24: http://www.geokhi.ru/exhibition/expo2000/10g.htm
[mo11] moonstone 11: Parts of Regolith of the "lunar probe" Luna 16: http://www.geokhi.ru/exhibition/expo2000/10g.htm
[mo12] moonstone 12: Basalt fragmentary rocks as little moon meteorite: http://www.wissenschaft.de/wissportal_static/sofi99/themen/sofi_5.html
Moon dust
[moon dust 01] moon dust 01: The alleged moon dust is said to be 7 cm deep on the moon: http://mallits.de/gbuch.php
[moon dust 02] moon dust 02: Exhibition of alleged moon dust in GB 1969: http://www.ph.qmul.ac.uk/history/images/moondust.jpg
[moon dust 03] moon dust 03: Colour to paint the face:
[artificial moon dust 01] artificial moon dust 01: Lunar Soil Simulant: http://berlinadmin.dlr.de/HofW/nr/100/