The Rhine
meadow camps in summer 1945, index

Auschwitz fake: photo with "American" soldiers and
German dead bodies on a lorry in a Rhine meadow camp.
Auschwitz was liberated by the Red Army - German women
in a Rhine meadow camp in remaining Germany of 1945
von / by Michael Palomino
The Rhine meadow camps in summer
Part 1: basic
Map of remaining
Germany with Rhine meadow camps of

2: Video: <Rhine meadow camps
- incredibilities> (<Die
Rheinwiesenlager -
Unglaublichkeiten>) (35min.)
Original films, testimonies -
about 1 million lethal victims -
10,000s of German bodies under the
Rhine meadows - 100,000s of German
bodies in Belgium
"American" soldier guarding
Germans in a Rhine meadow camp
in a cage with barbed wire
A field of dead
bodies with German bodies,
guarded by an "American"
soldier in a warm coat:
24min. 36sec.
3: German bodies from the Rhine
meadow camps presented as Jewish
Video: The complete truth about
the giant lie (Die ganze Wahrheit
über die grosse Lüge) - German
bodies from summer 1945 were
presented as Jewish bodies - cc
Auschwitz was an armament factory -
Wehrmacht was not participating in
partisan warfare in eastern Europe -
Jews had fled mostly to other places
- mass murder after a war is normal
for "U.S.A." and GB

Auschwitz fake: photo with "American"
soldiers and German dead bodies on a
lorry in a Rhine meadow camp. Auschwitz
was liberated by the Red Army
Headline of a German newspaper: Letters
discover: Hemmingway shoot 122 German
prisoners of war in Summer 1945
Point 1: Rhine
meadow camps with emaciated German
soldiers and with piles of German
bodies -- Point 2: Hitchcock
presenting emaciated German soldiers
and piles with German bodies as Jewish
victims -- Point 3: The principle of
the cut in the films of criminal Mr.
Hitchcock -- Point 4: Jews telling
from German concentration camps:
music, theater, soccer -- Point 5:
Effect of the faked Hitchcock films
about German concentration camps on
the Nuremberg Process - where is the
war tribunal for criminal "U.S.A."? --
Point 6: No mass murder against the
Jews in German concentration camps -
but other sites with mass death
Alfred Hitchcock,
portrait of 1953, a betrayer, a faker,
and a calumnist against Germans
Liberation of Bergen
Belsen, well nourished Jewish
detainees with German striped detainee
suits and caps on a cold day in wet
and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945
[5]; other web sites state that this
photo would be from Dachau.Dead bodies
without uniforms of German
Dead bodies torn by
SS men on the way to the mass grave
01, the clothes are NO striped
uniforms of detainees in German ccs,
and there are NO tattooed numbers, and
there are NO remnants of earth on the

Camp of prisoners of war in Buglose in
Bordeaux region, the entrance gate
Books by James Bacque about mass
murderer Eisenhower: "Other Losses"
and the German translation "Der
geplante Tod"
Part 6:
Eisenhower's death camps: The last
dirty secret of World War II
Article in Saturday Night 1989
about the Rhine meadow camps
POW Helmut
Liebich is transported from camp
to camp - Eisenhower inventing the
status without rights for
detainees DEF - Eisenhower
blocking all tents and food aid -
horrible conditions in the
"American" prisoner of war camps
for German soldiers - map with the
camps in Germany, Belgium, and
France - testimony by Luttichau
and Iff - kinds of death according
to eye witnesses - "American"
testimonies - the calculation by
General Lee - rations and nothing
at all - "U.S." reports from
military medical corps -
Eisenhower blocking all aid from
Switzerland and from Italy - the
camps in France since July 1945 -
inspections by French captain
Julien - comparison with films
about Buchenwald and Dachau -
August 40, 1945 all remaining POW
are rated down to be DEF without
rights - destruction of proofs -
probably over 1 million killed
Germans in the camps

Eisenhower mass murderer with 750,000
killed Germans in Rhine meadow camps and
with a hunger regime in remaining
Germany blocking all help from southern
Europe and from Switzerland
mapf of Germany, France, and Belgium
with the death camps for the German
soldiers under Eisenhower's supreme
command 1945-1948
Rhine meadow camp of Sinzig Remagen with
"Aerican" ward and probably with a
chlorine tank
Literature about
Rhine meadow camps
Rhine meadow camp
of Andernach
meadow camp of Rheinberg
(Nowak). Index
from: Josef Nowak: Seeded on the
field. War prisoner in the home
(German: Mensch auf den Acker
gesät. Kriegsgefangen in der
Heimat. 1956)
about Rhine meadow camps
Gesamtdarstellungen über die
Rheinwiesenlager 1945-1948:
-- Kurt W. Böhme: Die deutschen
Kriegsgefangenen in amerikanischer Hand
(mehrere Bände)
-- James Bacque: Der geplante Tod
Berichte von Überlebenden von einzelnen
Lager Bad Kreuznach:
Fritz Lippbacher: Meine Erlebnisse
in der amerikanischen
Kriegsgefangenschaft. Bericht über das
Lager Kreuznach 27.4. - 25.6.1945
Lager Bretzenheim:
-- Erich Werner,
Kriegsgefangenenlager Bretzenheim,
Bretzenheim, 1998
-- Rolf Spenner, Tränen, Tod und tausend
Qualen, Kriegsgefangenenlager
Bretzenheim, Pfaffen-Schwabenheim, 4.
Auflage, 1995
Lager Büderisch:
-- Paul Jäger: S. Lager Büderich
Lager Remagen und Sinzig:
-- Wolfgang Gückelhorn / Kurt Kleemann:
Die Rheinwiesenlager von Remagen und
Sinzig. Fakten zu einem Massenschicksal
1945. Eine Dokumentation
Das Buch bestreitet die Angaben, dass es
bei den Rheinwiesenlagern eine Million
Tote in den Rheinwiesenlagern gegeben
habe und bezieht sich auf einen
"Ehrenfriedof" in Bodendorf mit 1212
Lager Rheinberg:
Heinz Janssen:
Kriegsgefangener in Rheinberg
Josef Nowak: Mensch auf den Acker gesät
Photo sources
German women in a Rhine meadow camp in remaining
Germany of 1945: back of the book "Verschwiegene
Schuld" ("Crimes and Mercies) by James Bacque