
The map of Germany with the Rhine meadow camps
of Summer 1945 [1]
The map of Germany with the
Rhine meadow camps of Summer 1945
1. Büderich
2. Rheinberg
3. Wickrathberg
4. Remagen
5. Sinzig
6. Siershahn
7. Andernach
8. Diez
9. Urmitz
10. Koblenz
11. Dietersheim
12. Heidesheim
13. Hechtsheim
14. Winzenheim / Bretzenheim
14. Biebelsheim
15. Bad Kreuznach
16. Ludwigshafen
17. Böhr-Iggelheim
18. Heilbronn (am Neckar)
<The complete truth about the giant
lie> (orig. German: <Die ganze
Wahrheit über die grosse Lüge>)
Video: <The
complete truth about the giant lie>
(orig. German: <Die ganze Wahrheit
über die grosse Lüge>)
Install: <iframe width="600" height="480"
Germany is not a sovereign state and digging for
German bodies in the country is forbidden
this video the matter is also the debate about Germany
and about what will be when sometimes will be a German
sovereignty.> (0-10sec.)
(orig. German: <In diesem
Video geht es um die Deutschland-Debatte, und um das,
was da auf uns zukommt, sollte irgendwann einmal eine
Souveränität vorhanden sein. (0-10sek.)

Discussion about German sovereignty, for example at a
conference of Compact of 2011 with correspondent Peter
Schollatour [2]
There is the impression that corresponding to this topic
there are many fantasies and illusions but are hardly
justified. Because in the case of a sovereignty of
Germany there would also be a sovereignty for digging
form deads of the war in Germany itself and masses will
be found. Until nowadays German Federal Republic was
making attention that nobody was digging at the wrong
spot. But in the case of a sovereignty this will not be
the case any more (44sec.).
(orig. en alemán: Es
besteht der Eindruck, dass in Bezug auf dieses
Thema sehr viele Schwärmer und Illusionisten
gewisse Hoffnungen knüpfen, die möglicherweise
durch nichts gerechtfertigt sind. Denn im Falle
einer Souveränität würde die Kriegsgräberfürsorge
auch im Inland nach Kriegstoten suchen und diese
auch in Massen finden. Bisher achtet die BRD mit
Argusaugen darüber, dass niemand an der falschen
Stelle gräbt. Aber im Falle einer Souveränität
wird das nicht mehr der Fall sein (44sek.).

Jackets from German concentration camps in the "U.S.A."
Family members in the "U.S.A." are administrating the
remnants of the German prisoners of war when they landed
in the "U.S.A." as German prisoners of war, and then he
has such a jacket and this should be given to a museum
or so (1min. 50sec.)
But persons having a certain knowledge about the
circumstances in those times know that German prisoners
of war NEVER had such clothes of German concentration
camps and were never landing in the "U.S.A." as a German
prisoner of war with these jackets. It was not a captive
from a German concentration camp either having such a
jacket coming to "U.S.A." This can be absolutely
excluded. Thus it had to be a German prisoner of war who
was brought to "U.S.A." in clothes like this jacket and
was remaining in the States then (2min. 20sec.).
The point for a better understanding what really
happened is the question who are these emaciated humans,
one should say, "carectic" humans, here on the next
photo (2min. 33sec.).
(orig. in German: Angehörige
in den "USA" verwalten den Nachlass eines deutschen
Kriegsgefangenen, der als Kriegsgefangener in den
"USA" landete, und in seinem Besitz befindet sich eine
solche Jacke, und diese soll nun gespendet werden an
irgendein Museum oder so. (1min. 50sek.)
Wer nun ein bisschen Kenntnis hat von den Umständen,
die damals herrschten, weiss, dass deutsche
Kriegsgefangene mit Sicherheit NICHT mit KZ-Klamotten
in den "USA" landeten als deutsche Kriegsgefangene.
Völlig auszuschliessen ist die Möglichkeit, dass es
sich hier fälschlicherweise um einen KZ-Häftling
handelt, der seine Kleidung noch anhatte und so in die
"USA" gelangte. Das ist völlig ausgeschlossen. Es muss
also ein deutscher Kriegsgefangener gewesen sein, der
mit solcher Kleidung in die "USA" gebracht wurde und
dort blieb. (2min. 20sek.)
Dreh- und Angelpunkt, zum besseren Verständnis, was da
wirklich los gewesen ist, ist die Frage, wer sind
diese dünnen, zu Tode abgemagerten Menschen, man
müsste sagen, "karektische" Menschen, die hier auf dem
Bild zu erkennen sind (2 min. 33sek.).

Piles of dead bodies of carectic humans, according to the
"Americans" these are dead Jews, but according to new
research these are dead German soldiers 1945 [5]
Concentration Camp of Auschwitz with good
living and working conditions
The official version says that these would be captives of
German concentration camps. But people investigating a
little bit more will have difficulties to find real original
proofs of captives of German concentration camps suffering
so much hunger for being emaciated. But one can find photos
like the following ones (2min. 51sec.)
(orig. in German: Der offiziellen Darstellung
nach wären das KZ-Häftlinge. Wer sich allerdings mit dem
Thema auseinandersetzt, wird Schwierigkeiten haben,
wirklich belegbare Original-Fotos von KZ-Häftlingen zu
sehen, die zu Tode abgemagert waren. Stattdessen findet
man dann solche Bilder wie diese (2min. 51sek.)

Concentration camp Auschwitz with factory, work hall with
forced laborers for German armament industry [7]
because Auschwitz was a production plant and emaciated and
carectic human beings cannot work well. Or there is the
following photo where also humans can be seen with a normal
nourishment (3min. 13sec.)
(orig. German: weil, Auschwitz war eine
Produktionsstätte und abgemagerte, karektisch abgemagerte
Menschen können keine Leistung vollbringen. Oder wie
dieses Bild, wo auch ebenso Menschen zu erkennen sind mit
normalem Ernährungszustand (3min. 13sek.).

Concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau, people with normal
nourishment [8]
[Polish process indicates 300,000 victims at the
Auschwitz process above all because of epidemics by
contamination of ground water - red cross indicating about
50,000 lethal victims for Auschwitz
According to the Polish Auschwitz process the concentration
camp of Auschwitz had about 300,000 lethal victims, and this
was a high death rate because the rinking water was
contaminated there. Teh concentration camp of Auschwitz was
built in a marsh. Deads were buried in the marsh and then
the drinking water was contaminated provoking three big
epidemic waves in Auschwitz. Many people deported to
Auschwitz were selected at the ramp for industrial work or
for agricultural work. Children and elder people were sent
to farms. Many were also deported to the Russian Gulag. And
others were deported back to the tunnel constructioning
sites in the Reich where they died in the tunnels or they
were surviving and came to the DP camps organizing their
emigration to Palestine, New Zealand, Australia or "USA" or
Canada or to other destinations. Red Cross and the Zionists
always had the control in the Auschwitz camp. Red Cross
indicates about 50.000 lethal victims for Auschwitz].
A letter from a Jewish boss from Bergen-Belsen in
March 1945 yet
Nobody doubts that this letter is real. The letter comes
from a Jewish boss, Jup Weiss, or Joseph Weiss (3min.
Die Authentizität dieses Briefes wird nicht in
Zweifel gezogen. Es handelt sich um einen Brief des
Judenältesten, Jup Weiss, oder Joseph Weiss (3min. 22sek.)

Letter by a Jewish boss Joseph Weiss from the
concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen from March
1945 [9]
and he was writing on March 20 yet, thus 14 days before the
liberation of Bergen-Belsen, thus of another concentration
camp, he was thanking for the delivery of 4,700 food
parcels, 500 woolen blankets, and he is pleading for 20,000
Reichsmark yet for customs taxes because the concentration
camp wold be liberated after a short time then. It is stated
that this letter had been written under pressure and
extortion methods, but this is a very strange measure and
the sense would not be anyone then. Finally this letter was
written to Jewish Agency in Geneva, and it is shown that the
National Socialists were collaborating perfectly with them
concerning the emigration of Jews to Palestine. (4min.
(orig. German: der noch am 20. März, also 14
Tage vor der Befreiung von Bergen-Belsen, also einem
anderen KZ, sich bedankt für die Zulieferung von 4700
Lebensmittelpaketen, 500 Wolldecken, und er bittet noch um
20.000 Reichsmark für die anstehenden Zollgebühren, weil
das KZ ja kurze Zeit darauf befreit werden sollte. Zwar
wird behauptet, dass dieser Brief unter
Erpressungsmethoden oder so zustande kam, aber das ist
doch eine sehr einzigartige Massnahme, und der Sinn lässt
sich auch nicht ganz erschliessen. Schliesslich war dieser
Brief an die Jewish Agency in Genf gerichtet, und es wird
noch gezeigt, dass die Nationalsozialisten hervorragend
mit diesen Leute zusammengearbeitet haben, bezogen auf die
Aussiedlung von Juden nach Palästina. (4min. 5sek.)
[This letter is a clear indication that the German
concentration camps did NOT collapse at the end of the war,
but all piles of dead bodies which were shown there were
German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps transported there
- and also the epidemics are a lie of the Zionist allies
against Germany].
Lies about a Holocaust are denied by Jews
themselves more and more
But this letter is not so important. Because the lies can be
seen more and more on Youtube videos (4min. 13 sec.)
(orig. German: Aber auf diesen Brief kommt es
gar nicht an. Es wird allgemein viel gelogen, wie in
diesen Videos auf YouTube hier zu sehen ist (4min.

Videos "Holocaust, my mom lied" ("Holocaust, meine Mutter
log") [10]
Truth can be investigated also by other indications (4min.
(orig. German: Die Wahrheit kann man sich durch
andere Hinweise erschliessen (4min. 16sek.)

Videos: Holocaust lies of Rosenblat family [11]
Dismissed captives from German concentration camps
were very well nourished - and could swim for kilometers
- Cap Arcona case
as one can see with this example with [the ship of] "Cap
Arcona". here one can really see how the bodily estate of
captives of German concentration camps has been (4min.
(orig. in German: wie zum Beispiel im Cap
Arcona. Hier wird sehr deutlich, in welchem körperlichen
Zustand die KZ-Häftlinge gewesen sein müssen (4min.
May 3, 1945: English Royal
Air Force was murdering over 7,000 Jewish
people coming from German concentration camps

Refugee ship "Cap Arcona" was shot on May 3,
1945 [12]
(orig. in German:
<1945, am 3. Mai: Hitler war schon tot, Hamburg
und Berlin hatten kapituliert, doch die Royal Air
Force [englische Luftwaffe] startete zum letzten
grossen Luftangriff. Ziel waren
Schiffsansammlungen in der Kieler und Lübecker
Bucht. Die grössten Schiffe, die schwimmenden
KZ-Transporter Cap Arcona und Thielbeck, waren
Ziel der Bomber und Tiefflieger: Dieser fatale
Irrtum kostete über 7000 Häftlinge das Leben - die
grösste Schiffskatastrophe aller
Zeiten.> |
<On May 3, 1945, Hitler was already dead
[officially], Hamburg and Berlin had capitulated,
but Royal Air Force was starting the last big
attack. The target were groups of ships in the bay
of Kiel and Lubeck. The biggest ships, swimming
transporter Cap Arcona and Thielbeck were the
target of the bombs and of the hedge hoppers. The
fatal error cost over 7,000 lives - the biggest
ship catastrophe ever seen.>
A few days before the end of the war the ships with the
former detainees from German concentration camp of
Neuengamme, with other captives from other concentration
camps, were shot by Royal Air Force, bombed and drowned.
Survivors were even shot by hedge hoppers. This is a war
crime of first rank when humans in a distress at sea are
shot, that really takes the biscuit (4min. 44sec.).
Erwin Geschonnek is really the most prominent victim
respectively survivor of this catastrophe (4min. 50sec.).
(orig. in German: Wenige Tage vor Kriegsende
wurden die Schiffe mit den KZ-Häftlingen aus Neuengamme,
einem weiteren, anderen KZ, von der Royal Air Force
angegriffen, gebombt, versenkt, und die Überlebenden
wurden sogar noch von Tieffliegern beschossen. Das ist ein
Kriegsverbrechen ersten Ranges, denn Menschen in Seenot zu
beschiessen, ist so ziemlich das Allerletzte (4min.
Erwin Geschonnek ist so ziemlich das prominenteste Opfer
bzw. der Überlebende dieser Katastrophe (4min. 50sek.)
3.5.1945: After 6 years in
German concentration camps he had to swim
kilometers for saving his life

Erwin Geschonnek, survivor of Cap Arcona
catastrophe of May 3, 1945 [13]
(orig. in German:
<1939 geriet er in die Hände der Gestapo und
musste sechs Leidensjahre in verschiedenen
Konzentrationslagern überstehen.
Mit den Häftlingen des Konzentrationslagers
Neuengamme wurde Geschonnek Anfang Mai 1945 auf
das Schiff "Cap Arkona" verladen, das als
schwimmendes KZ präpariert worden war. Das
Bombardement der Royal Air Force am 3. Mai 1945
überlebten nur wenige - 350 von 4500 Häftlingen,
unter ihnen auch Erwin Geschonnek.> |
Translation: <In
1939 he was in the hands of Gestapo and had to
stand through 6 years in different German
concentration camps.
In the beginning of May 1945 Mr. Geschonnek was
brought to the ship "Cap Arcona" with the captives
of the concentration camp of Neuengamme. This ship
was prepared as a swimming concentration camp.
Then Royal Air Force was bombing the ship on May 3
1945 and only a few survived - 350 of 4,500
captives, also Erwin Geschonnek.> |
and the ships were in the bay of Kiel respectively in the
bay of Lubeck kilometers from the coast line (4min. 57sec.).
(orig. in German: und die Schiffe befanden sich
in der Kieler Bucht beziehungsweise in der Lübecker Bucht
kilometerweit von der Küste entfernt (4min. 57sek.).

The refugee ship "Cap Arcona" before drowning [14]
Thus people had to swim kilometers for reaching land. And it
cannot be admitted that bones can swim so far (5min 4sec.).
(orig. in German: Die Leute mussten also an Land
schwimmen, kilometerweit. Und es ist ja wohl nicht
anzunehmen, dass Knochen schwimmen (5min. 4sek.).

Emaciated German captive on the ground in a Rhine meadow
camp in summer 1945 with dark gray clothes around [15]
is living topless. Now one has to know that carectic human
beings will cool down very fast. That's why one can admit
that this photo was not taken in April [1945] but more in
July or in August 1945. Additionally there is the question
what's up with all these clothes on the ground and why he is
not wearing clothes. And why the man has got a cap of a
women on his head? What's up with all this?
(orig. in German: hat einen blossen Oberkörper.
Und nun muss man wissen, dass karektische Menschen sehr
schnell auskühlen. Deswegen ist anzunehmen, dass diese
Fotografie nicht aus dem April stammt sondern eher im Juli
oder August 1945 angefertigt wurde. Des weiteren muss man
mal fragen, was die ganzen Klamotten, die da rumliegen,
sollen, und wieso zieht er sich nichts an. Wieso hat der
Mann ein Damenkäppi auf dem Kopf? Was soll das? (5min.
[Interpretation of the photo with the emaciated
German captive on the ground
-- the clothes on the ground
are from dead German prisoners being undressed
here being shifted to the lorries
-- the emaciated man is searching the clothes of
the deads because he wants to find something,
and other captives are doing the same in the
-- summer 1945 was a hot summer and the man
could be topless perhaps also because of lice he
wanted to evade
-- a women's cap seems to be a present from a
woman soldier or is from a dead woman soldier].

German jackets from captives from German concentration
camps in the "U.S.A.", how did they get there? [4]
"Americans" NEVER were in Auschwitz - all photos
with "American" soldiers claiming sceneries of Auschwitz
are made in other locations
Searching the topic precisely one can find many fakes, also
on the official web sites. Always one mistake is committed,
that is (6min. 2sec.)
(orig. in German: Wer zum Thema recherchiert,
der wird so einiges finden, auch in offiziellen Webseiten.
Da passiert denen immer wieder ein Fehler.
Nämlich: (6min. 2sek.):

Faked Auschwitz photo with "American" soldiers and rows of
German dead bodies from the Rhine meadow camps [17]
"U.S." American soldiers are said having been in Auschwitz.
But this is really IMPOSSIBLE. These photos were never made
in Auschwitz (6min. 11sec.)
(orig. in German: "US"-amerikanische Soldaten
sollen in Auschwitz gewesen sein. Das ist so ziemlich
UNMÖGLICH. In Auschwitz können diese Aufnahmen nicht
angefertigt worden sein (6min. 11sek.)

Auschwitz fake: photo with "American" soldiers and German
dead bodies on a lorry in a Rhine meadow camp. Auschwitz
was liberated by the Red Army [18].
and again there is the question: Who are the emaciated and
carectic dead bodies next to the "U.S." soldiers? (6min.
(orig. in German: und wieder stellt sich die
Frage: Wer sind diese zu Tode abgemagerten, karektischen
Leichen, neben denen die "US"-Soldaten stehen? (6min.
78,000 "Americans" were taken to the Gulag and
have NEVER seen Auschwitz
Here one has to recapitulate that "U.S.A." respectively many
people from the "U.S.A." are missing family members since
the Second World War (6min. 28sec.)
(orig. German: An dieser Stelle sei mal kurz
drauf verwiesen, dass die "USA", beziehungsweise Leute aus
den "USA" Angehörige aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg vermissen
(6min. 28sek.).

List with missed "Americans" from Second World War, from
Korean War and from South East Asia [19]
Missed "Americans" from the Second World War: 78,000, from
Korean War: 8,200, from South East Asia: 1948 "Americans"
These are soldiers who were in the German camps of prisoners
of war. These camps were in the east, and were "liberated"
more or less by the Soviets. But the prisoners of war, and
the inmates, the "U.S." Americans, British, and French did
not come home. And here is placed the number of 78,000. It
could [also] be more. They landed in the Gulag camps, in the
Soviet Gulag (6min. 50sec.).
This is known and therefore it cannot be admitted that it
had been possible that "U.S." soldiers have seen Poland and
Auschwitz (7min. 2sec.) [but since April 1945 the Auschwitz
concentration camp was administered by the Red Army and
German prisoners of war were sheltered there - and many
witnesses have seen the quality of this Auschwitz camp].
And now there re war crimes and people always speak with me
that I would be "good" in pointing to others when the case
is about war crimes (7min. 10sec.).
Das sind Soldaten, die in deutschen
Kriegsgefangenenlagern waren. Diese Lager befanden sich im
Osten, und sind von Sowjets sozusagen "befreit" worden.
Nur, die Kriegsgefangenen, die "US"-Amerikaner, Briten und
Franzosen sind NICHT nach Hause gekommen. Und hier wird
die Zahl 78.000 genannt. Es können [auch] mehr sein. Die
sind in den Gulags, in sowjetischen Gulags gelandet.
(6min. 50sek.)
Das ist bekannt, und deswegen ist es nicht anzunehmen,
dass es möglich gewesen sein soll, dass die "US"-Soldaten
in Polen in Auschwitz gewesen sein können (7min. 2sek.)
[sondern es war sogar ab April 1945 so, dass die Rote
Armee das Lager Auschwitz übernahm und dort deutsche
Kriegsgefangene unterbrachte - und diese Zeugen haben die
Qualität des Lagers Auschwitz dann selbst gesehen].
Nun geht es hier um Kriegsverbrechen, und ich werde immer
darauf angesprochen, ich wäre "gut" darin, auf andere zu
deuten, wenn's um Kriegsverbrechen geht (7min. 10sek.)

Faked Auschwitz photo with "American" soldiers and rows of
German dead bodies in a Rhine meadow camp [17]
Always the loser is blamed for war crimes -
example partisan warfare between Ukrainians and Poles
One thing has to be clear: The longer a war is lasting the
more war crimes are happening, on all sides with
armies (7min. 15sec.)
(orig. in German: Eines muss klar sein: Je
länger ein Krieg dauert, desto mehr Kriegsverbrechen
passieren, und zwar bei allen Armeen (7min.

Report about Warsaw Uprising and penalties for German war
crimes [21].
The origin is at the end with brigade leader Kaminski, a
(orig. German: Dies geht zurück auf den
Brigadeführer Kaminski, im Generalsrang, schlussendlich,
Borislav Kaminsky in a uniform [20]
These war crimes were judged by German military courts.
Kaminsky was shot in 1944 because of this. And now one can
say that all had been war criminals, this Kaminski brigade.
But one has also to know that this was happening withing the
partisan warfare in the east (8min. 13sec.).
German troops were at the front, and behind the front in the
"communication zone" - the space between the front and the
home land - there were the required troops like this
Kaminski brigade (8min. 14sec.).
(orig. in German: Diese Kriegsverbrechen sind
von deutschen Militärgerichten geahndet worden. Kaminski
wurde 1944 deswegen erschossen. Nun kann man natürlich
sagen, dass das alles Kriegsverbrecher waren, diese
Kaminski-Brigade. Man muss aber auch wissen, dass dieses
im Zuge des Partisanenkrieges im Osten stattfand (8min.
Die deutschen Truppen befanden sich an der Front, und in
der "Etappe", also im ganzen Raum hinter der Front bis zur
Heimat, befanden sich diese requirierten Truppen wie die
Kaminski-Brigade (8min. 14sek.)

Google search for Kaminski brigade, screen shot [22] - and
the Kaminski brigade in real (POA) [23]
within the partisan warfare. Otherwise there had been a
mixture of languages at the front. This was not possible to
perform. Additionally one has to know that the Wehrmacht had
no interest for sure to shoot any farmer because the front
had to be fed from the occupied countries. Food production
in Germany was just enough for the civilians during the war.
A simple conclusion says: "Without food no fight". And just
this was the reason that the Soviets were installing
partisans in this communication zone for destroying the food
production (8min. 50sec.).
(orig. in German: im Zuge des Partisanenkrieges.
Ansonsten hätte es ein Sprachgewirr gegeben an der Front.
Das war nicht durchführbar. Des Weiteren muss man wissen,
dass die Wehrmacht mit Sicherheit kein Interesse gehabt
hatte an der Erschiessung von Bauern, denn sie mussten
sich aus dem besetzten Land ernähren. Die
Nahrungsmittelerzeugung in Deutschland reichte gerade mal
zur Ernährung der Zivilbevölkerung in Kriegszeiten. Eine
simple Erkenntnis besagt: "Ohne Mampf, kein Kampf". Und
genau aus diesem Grund wurden in den besetzten Gebieten
von der Wehrmacht Partisanen von den Sowjets eingesetzt,
um diese Nahrungsmittelproduktion zu stören. (8min.

Russian partisans [24]
Partisans leave no eye witnesses who could inform about how
many partisans it were and in which direction they left the
location. That's why many shoot farmers in the communication
zone are crimes by
Soviet partisans (9min.
Furthermore other partisan groups were fighting making
facts, for example Ukrainian partisans from Ukrainian
liberation army. They had the goal to reoccupy territories
which were occupied by Poland in the 1920s - wars and
expulsion - rolling back the expulsion (9min. 20sec.)
(orig. in German: Partisanen hinterlassen keine
Augenzeugen, die darüber Auskunft geben können, wie viele
Partisanen es waren und in welcher Richtung sie
davongezogen sind. Deswegen gehen viele Erschiessungen von
Bauern aus den Gebieten auf das Konto von sowjetischen
Partisanen. (9min, 7sek.)
Des Weiteren wurden Fakten geschaffen von ukrainischen
Partisanen beziehungsweise von der ukrainischen
Befreiungsarmee. Diese wollten die Gebietsgewinne Polens
in den 1920er Jahren - Kriege und Vertreibung - rückgängig
machen (9min. 20sek.).

Report about Ukrainian partisans and the elimination of
Polish farmers [25]
Polish authorities in those times had settled Polish farmers
there, and then Ukrainian patriots were fighting against
Wehrmacht first, but then in July 1942 they made an
armistice and Wehrmacht was delivering weapons for the
Ukrainian patriots, light infantry weapons, and uniforms
(9min. 38sec.).
(orig. in German: Die Polen hatten seinerzeit
polnische Bauern dort angesiedelt, und während die
Ukrainischen Patrioten zunächst gegen die Wehrmacht
gekämpft hatten, so kam es im Juli 1942 zu einem
Waffenstillstand, und die Wehrmacht belieferte die
Ukrainischen Patrioten mit Waffen, also leichten
Infanteriewaffen, und Uniformen (9min. 38sek.).

Ukrainian patriots armed by Wehrmacht since 1942 [26]
And these Ukrainian patriots should fight Soviet partisans
then. But the Ukrainian patriots had another goal: They
wanted to cleanse the territories from Poles who had been
settled there because they wanted to claim certain
territories for themselves after the war (9min. 57sec.).
(orig. in German: Und diese Ukrainischen
Patrioten sollten dann gegen sowjetische Partisanen
kämpfen. Die ukrainischen Patrioten hatten aber vor, die
Gegend völkisch zu säubern von irgendwelchen Polen, die
dort angesiedelt wurden, weil sie nach einem Kriege dieses
Gebiet für sich beanspruchen wollten (9min. 57sek.).
 |
Shooting commando in Eastern Europe
[These can be Germans, but
also can be SS commands of Ukrainians, Baltes,
or Belorussians. The victims can be Jews or
other criminals being shoot under the martial
law - or it can also be a show only for the
photo without killings].
is not credible because there was no or hardly any Jew in
the East.>
(orig. in German: ist unglaubwürdig, weil keine
Juden, oder kaum Juden im Osten vorhanden waren.>
[This statement is wrong respectively there are the
following details about Jews in Eastern Europe]:
[Details about Jews in
Eastern Europe from 1920 to 1941: reduction of
the Jewish population by 50 to 80& by
emigration and Stalin deportations and Big
Flight from Barbarossa
-- since 1920 there was a constant emigration to
Palestine or to other countries because Eastern
Europe was economically very bad after Russia
fell into communism and many markets broke off
for the east European countries
-- Jews in the Gulag Soviet Union were
systematically russified by discriminations in
the job
-- since 1939 since the partition of Poland
Stalin organized deportation of capitalist
orientated Jews to central Russia
-- since 1940 after the occupation of the Baltic
states and Bessarabia Stalin organized more
deportations of capitalist orientated Jews to
central Russia
-- in 1940 also Polish Jews who had fled from
western Poland to eastern Poland were deported
to central Russia because these Jews rejected to
the Russian passport
-- in 1941 Stalin organized the dismantling of
important industries in eastern Europe shifting
them to central Russia, and many communist
orientated Jews who were workers in these
important industries could flee to central
Russia (Big Flight from Barbarossa)
-- in 1941 many Jews were also in the Red Army
and they could retreat (Big Flight from
All in all in 1941 remained only half or one
third of the original Jews of 1920 in Eastern
Europe. These were above all elder Jews who did
not work any more or families with ill persons
who could not organize a flight or Jewish
families which did not expect harsh
anti-Semitism under NS law. But some pogroms and
mass killings against Jews were already
organized by the local population itself withing
the two or three days when the Red Army had gone
and Wehrmacht was not coming yet!
Then Nazi rule was installing a reward system
for denunciations, and "Christian" population
was partly making crosses on the doors or walls
of "Jewish houses" denouncing the remaining Jews
or also hidden Jews and partly getting rewards
by the NS administration. Mass shootings were
organized which were organized partly by the
population itself without the organization or
intervention by the NS occupation forces. Then
the "Christians" could distribute the Jewish
houses and on flea markets "Jewish belongings"
were sold. Jews partly also survived in ghettos,
in forests, on farms etc., but they always were
in danger being denounced. For Jews the law was
harsher than for "Christians". Baltic people
were rated "Aryans of first grade", Ukrainians
of "second grade", and Belorussians of "third
Deported Jews in central Russia were partly
integrated into the Red Army, others died
because of hunger and Siberian cold, above all
since 1942 when no parcels came any more from
Poland. In the Red Army many Jews died because
they were ordered to fight in the first lines -
on the order of the communist commanders].
The film says:
<Also the official authorities of Federal Republic of
Germany are informing, here for example in a memorial book
of the Federal Archives indicating the measures which were
taken in those times getting the Jews out of Eastern Europe,
and then they landed in masses in the Reich and in Austria
(11min. 0sec.).
(orig. in German: <Selbst die offiziellen
Stellen der BRD legen dieses nahe, hier zum Beispiel im
Gedenkbuch des Bundesarchivs auf die Massnahmen, die
seinerzeit ergriffen wurden, um Juden aus dem Osten zu
vertreiben, die dann in Massen im Reich und in Österreich
landeten (11min. 0sek.).


German Federal Archives: Polish Jews landing in other
countries [29] - Polish Jews in Austria 1938 forced to go
back to Poland [30]
Birobidzhan - Zionist massacre after 1945
For Jews in the Soviet Union there was another special spot
which Stalin had installed, this was the creation of an
autonomous Jewish republic far in the east. This republic
was called Birobidzhan (11min. 13sec.).
(orig. in German: Für die Juden in der
Sowjetunion gab es noch was ganz besonderes, denn Stalin
hatte ein Prestigeprojekt in Angriff genommen, nämlich die
Schaffung einer autonomen, jüdischen Republik ganz im
Osten. Diese Republik hiess Birobidschan (11min. 13sek.).

Map with Russia and the republic of Birobidzhan [31]
After Second World War there were indeed massacres against
Jews here, and the murderers were Zionists. They did not
want to know about any Birobidzhan as an alternative for
Palestine or Israel (11min. 27sec.).
These topics can only be mentioned shortly here but show
very well that the truth is another one - really another one
- than is often stated in the official media (11min.
(orig. German: Hier kam es übrigens nach dem
zweiten Weltkrieg tatsächlich zu Massakern an Juden, und
zwar deswegen, weil die Zionisten nichts wissen wollten
von Birobidschan als Alternative zu Palästina
beziehungsweise Israel (11min. 27sek.).
Diese Themen können immer nur kurz angeschnitten werden
und zeigen sehr deutlich, dass die Wirklichkeit deutlich
anders aussieht, und zwar deutlich anders aussieht als von
den offiziellen Medien dargestellt (11min. 38sek.).
Collaboration of criminal Zionists with the
strategists of NSDAP
Also the collaboration of the Zionists with the National
Socialists shifting the Jews to other countries is not
denied officially. Amidst in Berlin at Meineke Street Nº 10
there is a memorial plate of the Palestine Office (11min.
(orig. in German: Auch die Zusammenarbeit der
Zionisten mit den Nationalsozialisten beim Abtransport von
Juden nach wird nicht geleugnet. Mitten in Berlin an der
Meinekestrasse 10 gibt es eine Gedenktafel des
Palästinaamts (11min. 49sek.),

Memorial plate of the Palestine Office at Meineke
Street Nº 10 in Berlin [32]
and in this house there were more Zionist organizations as
also the already mentioned Jewish Agency. These
organizations were selecting the Jews who was a rich Jew, or
a healthy Jew and were allowed to go to Palestine, and the
rest came to Auschwitz [respectively were used for tunnel
constructioning or were shifted even to the Gulag to the
Stalin's side, children and elder people were distributed to
the farms etc.]. (12min. 8sec.)
(orig. in German: und in diesem Haus waren
weitere zionistische Organisationen, wie auch die eben
schon erwähnte Jewish Agency. Diese haben die Selektion
vorgenommen, welche Juden reich waren, bzw. gesund waren
und nach Palästina durften, und der Rest kam nach
Auschwitz [bzw. wurde dann in den Bunkerbau oder in den
Gulag auf die Seite Stalins weiterverteilt, Kinder und
ältere Menschen wurden auch auf Bauernhöfe verteilt].
(12min. 8sek.)
since 1920: Eastern Jews making queue coming to
Vienna on their way to Palestine

Jewish Agency describing
housing for Jews from Eastern Europe in Vienna
Since 1920 Jews from Poland and from other East
European countries were constantly emigrating,
and a big quantity was first arriving in Vienna,
or they went directly to the Black Sea and got
to Palestine with a ship.
[from the book of Frank Stern and Barbara
Eichinger: Vienna and the Jewish experience
1900-1938. Acculturation - anti-Semitism -
Zionism; Edition 2010, p.74-75 (orig. in German:
Wien und die jüdische Erfahrung 1900-1938.
Akkulturation - Antisemitismus - Zionismus,
Böhlau-Verlag 2010, S.74-75]
(see here
the passage in the Internet:
Gründung des Palästinaamts 1920]
1920 wurde in Palästina eine
Zivilverwaltung unter dem ersten "High
Commissioner" (Hochkommissar), Sir Herbert
Samuel, eingerichtet, im selben Jahr in
London auf einem weltweiten
Zionistenkongress die Gründung einer
Einwanderungszentrale in Palästina
beschlossen> (S.73)
[Die Zertifikate beim Palästinaamt ab
1920 und ab 1933]
<Es gab verschiedene Kategorien von
Zertifikaten. Für jene der Kategorie "A"
waren bestimmte Mindestkapitalien
erforderlich. Sie wurden an Angehörige
freier Berufe, Handwerker sowie Personen
mit gesichertem Einkommen vergeben. Der
grösste Betrag - tausend Palästina-Pfund -
war für die sogenannten
"Kapitalistenzertifikate" erforderlich.
Unter die Kategorie "B" fielen Rabbiner,
Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie
Studentinnen und Studenten, deren
Unterhalt in Palästina gesichert war,
sowie ab 1933 die Mitglieder der
"Jugend-Alija". Die "C"-Zertifikate wurden
an Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter vergeben,
die eine entsprechende Vorbildung in
handwerklichen oder landwirtschaftlichen
Berufen vorweisen konnten, jene der
Kategorie "D" an Personen, die von bereits
im Lande Ansässigen erhalten werden
konnten.> (p.74)
[Ungewollte, jüdische Aufenthalte in
Wien ab 1920]
<Wegen der wiederholten Sperrung von
Grenzen sowie der Land- und Seewege
aufgrund von Streiks, politischen Unruhen
und Quarantänebestimmungen stauten sich in
Wien manchmal Hunderte Personen, deren
eigentliches Ziel Palästina war. Die
einheimische Bevölkerung im
Nachkriegsösterreich, wo Hunger und
Arbeitslosigkeit herrschten, reagierte
misstrauisch und feindselig auf die
Präsenz dieser "Ostjuden". Diese wurden
bis zur Fortsetzung ihrer Reise in
leerstehenden Kasernen, Fabriken und
Gasthäusern einquartiert.
Einer für das Palästina-Amt tätigen
Ärztegruppe oblag die Auswahl der
Einwanderer für Palästina nach
körperlichen und gesundheitlichen
Kriterien. In dem vom Palästina-Amt
herausgegebenen Handbuch war - den
Denkmustern und dem Sprachgebrauch (S.74)
[der damaligen Zeit entsprechend, aus
heutiger Sicht irritierend - von einer
"Auswahl des Menschenmaterials in
beruflicher, sanitärer und moralischer
Hinsicht" die Rede.> (S.75) |
of the Palestine office in 1920]
<In 1920 under the High Commissioner
Sir Herbert Samuel a civil administration
was installed in Palestine, and in the
same year the world wide Zionist Congress
in London was founding an Immigration
Center in Palestine.> (p.73)
[Certificates at the Palestine Office
since 1920 and since 1933]
<There were different categories of
certificates. Category "A" meant rich Jews
with a certain amount of money. These were
people of free professions, craftsmen and
persons with safe income. The biggest
amount - thousand Palestine Pound - was
wanted for the "Capitalist Certificate".
Category "B" were rabbis, pupils and
students who had safe lodging and food in
Palestine, and since 1933 also members of
"Youth Alija" were category "B".
Certificates of "C" were given to workers
who had a good schooling in handicrafts or
agricultural professions. Category "D" was
given to persons who had relatives or
familiars in Palestine already getting
housing and food from them.> (p.74)
[Stay in Vienna since 1920 without
wanting it]
<Because of repeated closures of the
borders and because of strikes on the way
through the continent or on the sea, also
because of political unrests and because
of quarantine laws Jews were held in
Vienna by hundreds sometimes on their way
to Palestine. The local population in
Vienna after the First world War was
confronted with hunger and unemployment
and was reacting with distrust and
animosities to this presence of
the"Eastern Jews". They got housing in
empty military barracks, in factories and
in guest-houses until their journey was
The Palestine Office had dispatched a
group of medical doctors and these doctors
were making the selection who was bodily
fit and healthy fulfilling the criteria
for Palestine. There was a handbook of the
Palestine Office - with the patterns and
uses of the language of these days (p.74)
indicating Nazi vocabulary like "selection
of human material concerning professions,
clean life and moral".> (p.75)
There is no doubt about the fact that also National
Socialists - organizing themselves - were bringing Jews to
Israel, here for example is the story about Angel family
(orig. German: Engel). National Socialists were organizing a
big emigration of Jews to Israel leaving the British out of
the play (12min. 24sec.).
(orig. in German: Es wird ja auch kein Hehl
daraus gemacht, dass die Nationalsozialisten - in eigener
Regie - Juden zum Beispiel nach Israel brachten, hier zum
Beispiel die Geschichte der Familie Engel. An den Briten
vorbei haben die Nationalsozialisten in grossen Aktionen
Juden nach Israel gebracht. (12min. 24sek.)
[NSDAP was organizing the
ship from Bratislava to Palestine - and the
British did everything to hinder the landing]

Emaciated German captive topless sitting on the ground in
a Rhine meadow camp with masses of dark gray clothes
around [15]
this is a German prisoner of war which is described as a
"Jewish victim" of National Socialism. And this is the first
giant lie.
Some of these persons [German prisoners of war of the Rhine
meadow camps] were arriving with the same clothes to the
"U.S.A." in fact, as prisoners of war, and thus there is a
storage of such clothes of German concentration camps in the
"U.S.A." (13min. 42sec.).
(orig. in German: deutsche Kriegsgefangene
gewesen sind, die uns als "jüdische Opfer" des
Nationalsozialismus verkauft werden. Und das ist die grosse
Einige von denen hier dargestellten Leuten [deutsche
Kriegsgefangene der Rheinwiesenlager] sind tatsächlich in
denselben Klamotten bis in die "USA" gekommen, als
Kriegsgefangene, und so kommt es, dass heute ein Nachlass
verwaltet wird in den "USA" (13min. 42sek.)

My Lai massacre of "U.S." army in Vietnam [37] - John
Kerry at a hearing at the "U.S." senate in 1971 [38]
1865: Holocaust and mass murder during civil war
in "U.S.A." in Andersonville
Unfortunately it's a tradition of the British and also of
the "U.S." army to let starve and die people
the war (14min. 2sec.).
(orig. in German: Das ist leider Tradition, bei
der britischen Armee als auch bei der "US"-Armee, Menschen
verhungern zu lassen nach dem Krieg.
(14min. 2sek.)

Emaciated captives in the "U.S.A." in
Andersnoville after civil war of 1865 [39,40]
(see the text on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/pin/39476934204299048/)
<An American Concentration Camp. This is in
AMERICA. During the Civil War [1862-1865 with
the pretext having a quarrel about slavery]
"Camp Sumter" as it was officially known was
built east of Andersonville in February of 1864
& received roughly 45,000 Union prisoners.
Nearly 13,000 soldiers died. (I had heard 'Camp
Sumter' mentioned in movies but never knew this
is what it was. There were 'camps' like this in
the north also). kn>
This was done with the people from the southern states after
the secession war (14min. 7sec.).
(orig. in German: Das haben sie getan mit den
Südstaatlern nach dem Sezessionskrieg (14min. 7sek.).

Emaciated people from the southern state in
"U.S.A." after the civil war of 1865 02 [41] -
mass grave in Andersonville in Tennessee, "U.S.A."
in 1865 [42]
<Regarding the
treatment of the Prisoner of War: “For the
Northern side there is no excuse; for the Southern
side there is one--and but one. The Union
prisoners were starved, as I have said before,
because we were starving ourselves; our children
were crying for bread, and our Confederate
soldiers were fighting on half-rations of parched
corn and peas. The North had plenty of food,
clothing, and provisions, but they intentionally
withheld every provision from the Confederate
prisoner… And it was done with calculated cruelty
that has gone unmatched in any civilized society.”
[Wrong, the Rhine meadow camps were repeating it].
Statistics reflect that the U.S. Government
exchanged and paroled 329,963 "Rebels" and the
Confederacy exchanged and paroled 152,015
"Federals." Once Total War was implemented,
however, the exchanges halted abruptly; the North
recognized that the paroled, or exchanged,
prisoners were being recycled into the Confederate
army. While the North had no shortage of troops,
the South, however, could not afford to lose a
single soldier. It was now simply a war of
attrition, but, on the other hand, although it
favored the Union on the battlefield, it had
strong ramifications for the Federal
1860-1909: mass murder and Holocaust in India by
English colonial forces
Also the population in India had to suffer this hunger
tactics after the Sepoi uprisings in the middle of the 19th
century (14min. 13sec.)
(orig. in German: Das haben die Inder zu spüren
bekommen nach den Sepoi-Aufständen Mitte des 19.
Jahrhunderts (14min. 13sek.).

Cartoon with an emaciated family of India and
English tourists 1860-1909 [43]
(orig. German:
<Das ausgemergelte Volk als "Motiv" für die
Kamera der reisenden Lady. Allein in den Jahren
1860-1909 starben 30 Millionen Menschen in Indien
den Hungertod.>) |
<The emaciated population was a "photo subject"
for the camera of the traveling lady. From 1860 to
1909 30 million people died by hunger in
India.> |

In the British colonial empire over 20 genocides
were organized [44]
(orig. in German:
<Kein Land der Welt hat es so gut verstanden,
seine Völkermorde zu leugnen wie Grossbritannien.
Im britischen Kolonialreich fanden über 20
Genozide statt.>
< - schreibt Mike Davis von künstlich erzeugten
Hungernöten, die in Indien zwischen 12 und 29
Millionen Menschen umbrachten.> |
<No country of the world was organizing and
denying genocides as well as Great Britain. In the
British colonial empire over 20 genocides were
<- writes Mike Davis about deliberately caused
starvation causing between 12 to 29 million deaths
in India.> |
This list should be extended then with the Primary Nations
being shifted to reservations with starvation and mass death
(orig. in German: Diese Liste müsste dann noch
erweitert werden um die Indianer, die in Reservaten dem
Hungertod anheim fielen,

India, mass murder against Sepoy with
canons [45]
<Execution of uprising
Sepoys. The convicted were bound at the mouth of
canons and were "blasted into the air".>
(orig. in German: <Hinrichtung aufständischer
Sepoys. Die Verurteilten wurden vor Kanonen
gebunden und so "in die Luft geblasen".>

"USA", white racist commanders after the civil
war since 1945 with Custer etc. murdering the
Primary Nations [46]
as also the Boers were put into many concentration camps
under General Kitchener and his British troops and so on and
son on. The list is long (14min. 30sec.).
(orig. German: genauso wie den Buren, die viel
in Konzentrationslagern von General Kitchener und seinen
britischen Truppen landeten, und so weiter und so fort.
Die Liste wird lang (14min. 30sek.).

Mike Davis, book:
"Late Victorian Holocausts" about the mass murder
against the Boers in South Africa in
concentrations camps with the deliberate tactic of
starvation and death by hunger [47]
This book is even described on a Wikipedia web
<Overview: This book explores the impact of
colonialism and the introduction of capitalism
during the El
Niño-Southern Oscillation related famines of
1876–1878, 1896–1897,
and 1899–1902,
in India, China, Brazil, Ethiopia, Korea, Vietnam, the Philippines and
New Caledonia. It
focuses on how colonialism and capitalism in British
India and elsewhere increased rural poverty
& hunger and how economic policies exacerbated
famine. The book's main conclusion is that the
deaths of 30–60 million people killed in
famines all over the world during the later part
of the 19th century were caused by laissez
faire and Malthusian
economic ideology of the colonial
governments.>) |
German dead bodies of the Rhine meadow camps of
Summer 1945 are systematically prescribed as Jewish
piles of dead bodies with the calumny of a million mass
murder against the Jews
That's why also these photos are not a wonder any more with
German prisoners of war having precisely the same fate,
(orig. in German: Deswegen nimmt es auch nicht
Wunder, dass den deutschen Kriegsgefangenen genau dieses
Schicksal zuteil wurde,



Meadow death camp of Andersonville in 1865 [48] - and
Rhine meadow camps in Germany with German prisoners of war
in Summer 1945 [49,50]
and the specialty [is]: photos were taken,
(orig. in German: und die Besonderheit [ist]:
Sie wurden fotografiert,
and then such photos are described as victims of the
Holocaust [against the Jews blaming that millions of Jews
had been killed from the Germans which never has occurred in
these dimensions]. (14min. 43sec.)
(orig. in German: und uns werden heute die
Fotografien verkauft als Opfer des Holocausts [an den
Juden, der in Millionenhöhe durch die deutsche Seite nicht
oder nur indirekt stattgefunden hat]. (14min. 43sek.).

Pile with dead bodies of carectic, emaciated humans,
criminal "Americans" say these are Jews, but research says
that these are dead Germans of summer 1945 [5]
[Supplement: What really
happened with the Jews under Hitler, the
Zionists, and Stalin
Faked photos with German dead bodies described
as Jewish bodies were not only made in the Rhine
meadow camps but German bodies were also taken
from bombed German towns, well piled and
described as Jewish bodies, for example in films
about the concentration camp of Dachau etc.
where German uniforms are the clear evidence
that the deads are Germans. These maneuvers of
photo fakes with wrong bodies had a tradition in
the Jewish Zionist "U.S." military propaganda
warfare under mass murderer Eisenhower and film
faker Hitchcock.
Now one has to see precisely who was pursuing
the Jews. Mainly the pursuing forces were SA and
SS. But the German population was starting their
own maneuvers partly evading SA and SS. After
the boycott day for example there was purchased
the double the next day in the Jewish shop etc.
But SA and SS urged for the persecution of the
Jews extorting German Jewish organizations. This
persecution of the Jews
-- was coordinated with the criminal Zionists
rising anti-Semitism driving Jews to an
emigration to Palestine as it is described in
the book "The Jewish State" of criminal Zionist
Theodor Herzl
-- but Hitler planned to occupy also Palestine
and thus all Jews had fallen into his hands
Jewish victims of the persecution of the Jews
have to be - in short words - parted into the
German and the Russian side because Hitler and
Stalin did it in common (see also the table
about the 6 million affected Jews of the
persecution of the Jews):
-- on the German side there is the mass death of
the Jews in Ghettos, on transports, during
deportations and in camps during special
situations (e.g. ground water was contaminated
in Auschwitz), or there was tunnel
constructioning since 1942 and above all since
-- on Stalin's side there was mass death of Jews
in the Gulag camps and in the Red Army
-- and after 1945 there were three factors
reducing the birth rate of the Jews:
no. 1: Jewish children were not given back from
no. 2: Jewish women had starved hunger without
menstruation thus the reproduction could not
install itself any more after 1945
no. 3: many Jews were leaving Jewry and were
non-believers being protected from any further
Until today digging is forbidden in Germany
because Germany is no sovereign state
Should Germany become a sovereign state just this point
[faked photos and German bodies] would be investigated ant
the complete degeneration of the western allies would be
(orig. in German: Sollte Deutschland souverän
werden, würde genau dieses [falsche Fotos und deutsche
Leichen] erforscht werden, und die ganze Verkommenheit der
Westalliierten würde zutagetreten.

Headline of a German newspaper: Letters discover:
Hemingway shoot 122 German prisoners of war in Summer 1945
And there are strong doubts if this investigation will be
(orig. in German: Und es sind starke Zweifel
anzubringen, ob die das zulassen werden.
of mass murders against Germans in 1945
also in Czechia

Mass grave with dead Germans in Postelberg after
the Second world War in Bohemia, today Czechia
(orig. in German:
Der Film "Töten auf tschechische Art" - und das
rechtfertigt nach Ansicht des Regisseurs Vondrácek
den Titel, dokumentiert auch andere
Massentötungen, an denen Tschechen nach Kriegsende
beteiligt waren. Eines der bekanntesten Beispiele
ist der Massenmord an deutschen Zivilisten im
nordböhmischen Postoloptry / Postelberg. Über 760
Männer zwischen 15 und 60 Jahren wurden
Vondrácek, stellt Postelberg und weitere
tschechische Massenmorde an deutschen Zivilisten
in einen grösseren Kontext.> |
Text (translated)
<The Film "Killing in a Czech way" ("Töten auf
tschechische Art") and the film maker Vondrácek is
really meaning that this is true - is documenting
also other mass killings at the end of the war
committed by Czechs. One of the known examples is
the mass murder against German civilians in
northern Bohemia in Postoloptry / Postelberg. Over
760 men between 15 and 60 years were executed
Vondrácek is putting Postelberg and other Czech
mass murders against German civilians in a bigger
context.> |
This is enough for today, I wish you all the best.>
(15min. 0sec.)
(orig. in German: Bisher hier erst mal, ich wünsch' euch
alles Gute und gehabt euch wohl (15min. 0sek.).
Real events of the persecution of the Jews 1933-1945 are
presented in the
about the persecution of the Jews 1933-1945.