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The Rhine meadow camps in summer 1945 (part 4)
Part 4: German bodies shown as Jewish bodies for Hitchcock's films about German concentration camps: wrong bodies from Rhine meadow camps, wrong lorries, showers and crematories etc.
Hitchcock, portrait 1956, he likes betraying and laughing at Germans [0a]
Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished Jewish detainees with German striped detainee suits and caps on a cold day in wet and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945 [5]; other web sites state that this photo would be from Dachau.
Dead bodies torn by SS men on the way to the mass grave 01, the clothes are NO striped uniforms of detainees in German ccs, and there are NO tattooed numbers, and there are NO remnants of earth on the bodies (23min. 14sec.) [30]
by Michael Palomino (2013)
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Part 4: German bodies shown as Jewish bodies for Hitchcock's films about German concentration camps: wrong bodies from Rhine meadow camps, wrong lorries, showers and crematories etc.
Master liar Hitchcock was in Germany together with mass murderer and Zionist Eisenhower. Mass murderer Eisenhower had organized the Rhine meadow camps with 5 million German prisoners of war, and within 6 months 1 million died (750,000 on the "American" side and 250,000 on the French side). Since 1942 Zionists made propaganda on and on in the whole world that Jews would be "gassed" in German concentration camps. Well, but all this was a big lie because the German concentration camps were under control of the Red Cross AND of the Zionists themselves who could move freely everywhere! But Eisenhower wanted a "confirmation" for the propaganda. Eisenhower gave the order to Hitchcock: Make some films thus people will believe that the rumors about the German mass murder against the Jews are right. They should believe it really. This was simple: Hitchcock was filming in the Rhine meadow camps and simply said in the films that the emaciated Germans and the German bodies would be Jewish bodies - and the film was ready. They were also driving piles of German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps through Germany showing the bodies in German concentration camps stating that these would be Jewish bodies. And these lies were established by force of arms and were spread in the whole world.
Well, the principle faults one can detect these lies of Eisenhower and Hitchcock are the following ones:
-- German dead bodies from the Rhine meadow camps - when they wear clothes - are NOT wearing the German striped "zebra" prison uniforms but are mostly wearing remnants of the German gray soldier uniforms of the German army "Wehrmacht"
-- German bodies have no tattooed number of detainees
-- and there are no remnants of earth on the bodies and thus these bodies never were excavated before but these bodies are "fresh" bodies.
Journalists were never watching precisely and since 1945 they mean that the NS regime had murdered millions of Jews. But it was just the other way round: Criminal allied murdered 1 million German soldiers in the Rhine meadow camps and then were presenting the dead bodies as Jewish dead bodies. And for making the lie even more perfect the allies also invented epidemics in the German concentration camps having been the "cause" for the bodies.
Point 1: Rhine meadow camps with emaciated German soldiers and with piles of German bodies
The Rhine meadow camps of 1945 with 5 million detained German soldiers in Germany were deliberately concealed. Eisenhower - a hater of the Germans - had not enough having murdered in Dresden over 230,000 Germans. In the Rhine meadow camps Eisenhower let die deliberately 750,000 German soldiers, and 250,000 more were murdered by hunger in the French zone which was installed in July 1945 taking over Eisenhower's death camps there. But this was not published because there were no newspapers in Germany in 1945 and the Red Cross had no good press spokesman as it seems. Even "U.S." president Truman was not informed what was going on in Germany in the "American" zone but the Morgenthau plan was fulfilled killing as many Germans as possible after the war - and the Rhine meadow camps were only the beginning because the deliberately installed starvation which was installed by Zionist Eisenhower was killing even 5 million more Germans in remaining Germany from 1945 to 1950. During 1945 "American" soldiers had a paradise life and were making holidays in criminal Nazi Switzerland and Swiss press - whereas the International Red Cross has it's seat in Switzerland in Geneva - is concealing until today (2013) the mass murder in the Rhine meadow camps under mass murderer Eisenhower...
Point 2: Hitchcock presenting emaciated German soldiers and piles with German bodies as Jewish victims
Eisenhower was a racist Zionist and Bible Jehova racist. His bosses were the Zionists Baruch (financier and stock exchange guru) and Zionist Morgenthau. Morgenthau wanted to have all Germans killed having a powerless or even a Germany without population. Zionist Eisenhower wanted to kill as many Germans as possible, and he had a "friend" with him, film maker Hitchcock. There should be films made supporting the claim "Germans" had gassed "6 million Jews". Now German dead bodies in the Rhine meadow camps were filmed and the German dead bodies were driven around in whole Germany and they were presented in the German concentration camps claiming that the dead bodies would be dead Jews.
Analysis of Hitchcock's films: some fakes and some proofs
Controlling the Hitchcock films one can detect the fake, see the following details. German helmets had an ear protection and a neck protection, but "American" helmets were round like a circle without protection of ear and neck.
Eisenhower and Hitchcock were bringing the fake to a head. German bodies were partly driven around in whole Germany, were shown on the trailers or piled on the ground and presented to the population as "Jewish bodies". But the mass fraud was clear
Different forms of helmets of the Wehrmacht and the "U.S." Army
Helmets of the Wehrmacht with the protection of ears and neck, example during Barbarossa campaign [1]
German helmets of the Wehrmacht with the protection of ears and neck, example of a hand grenade course [2]
"American" soldiers with round "American" helmets and with rows of German bodies in a Rhine meadow camp [3]
"American" soldiers with round "American" helmets piling German bodies on a trailer in a Rhine meadow camp [4]
-- there were no tattooed numbers of detainees on the bodies
-- when the bodies had clothes on then these were German uniforms and not striped zebra uniforms from German concentration camps which had Jewish detainees
-- and the bodies could not be digged out either because the bodies were so clean and new that there were no rests of earth on them.
"American" occupation forces claimed that Auschwitz had been the "center" of the murder of the Jews whereas NEVER ANY "American" soldier was in Auschwitz in the concentration camp. Well, Eisenhower just copied the cc of Auschwitz in a Rhine meadow camp and thus Hitchcock made his Auschwitz films. But all these fakes can be detected easily with the "American" helmets.
Examples of fakes from Bergen Belsen
Liberation of Bergen Belsen, well nourished Jewish detainees with German striped detainee suits and caps on a cold day in wet and cold April 1945, April 15, 1945 [5]; other web sites state that this photo would be from Dachau.
Photos from the faked cc film by Hitchcock: "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust" (53min.1sec.)
When the links are not working, go to http://www.youtube.com looking for the title "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust", so you get the actual links of the film. Always look for the film of 53 min. 1 sec.
Let's see the fakes about Bergen-Belsen
<There were more than 200 children under 12 years old still alive in Belsen camp.>
Hitchcock made some little mistakes: In the film he is saying himself that the prisoners are "soldiers". And there are also women greeting the detainees - thus German women greeting German soldiers - and these are not women greeting Jews. And there are allied lorries with a five pointed star of the "American" army on the hood. And all detainees have dark gray clothes. Thus these are GERMAN PRISONERS OF WAR, above all those with a white "turban" on the head. These are white massive head bandages after having suffered head injuries in the fight. In Bergen Belsen there were allegedly dead bodies by typhus and these bodies are said having been buried only 9 days after the liberation, and these dead bodies of typhus only partly show irregular dark spots, but often no one. In the film is also a medical doctor presented without medical white coat calling himself Mr. Little (Mr. Klein). And at the end the English are claiming that there had been typhus in Bergen Belsen concentration camp installing a warning sign in English "Typhus" and the film is inventing a laboratory of "London students". Hitchcock is inventing that typhus came from getting too less soup and too less water - word by word. Well, when there had been a typhus epidemic in Bergen Belsen then the German camp leadership had installed an own warning sign - in German - and in coordination with the Red Cross!
According to the Baron of the Lies Hitchcock even Jewish children survived Bergen-Belsen in a good estate of health, even a new born baby.:
Children in Bergen-Belsen (22min.37sek.) [6]
New born baby in Bergen-Belsen (22min.5sek.) [7]
Some children were born in the camp.
Bergen-Belsen camp (11min.1sek.) [8]
Here the mass murderer Eisenhower and film maker Hitchcock were organizing a huge fraud and calumny against Germany.
"American" lorries with a five pointed star on the hood coming with German prisoners of war (1min. 49sec.) [9]
Thus this is not a German lorry but an "American" or British lorry. And here do not come Jews but here come German detainees being greeted by German women and children.
Such people are NOT Jewish detainees but GERMAN soldiers in gray coats and with head injuries with white head bandages. Here they are standing allegedly around a "water lorry". (2min. 9sec.) [10]
This is NO Jew but this is a German soldier in his gray army uniform of the Wehrmacht. He is eating bread at a barbed wire fence (2min. 23sec.) [11]
German soldiers under the allied command had to "arrange" themselves on a meadow.
Women sector, women meadow (4min. 22sec.) [12]
Also these women are NOT wearing the striped German zebra uniform for detainees in German ccs as Jewish detainees had, but these are German assistant staff members from the camp being forced under allied command to arrange on the meadow. Additionally there were no "women's meadows" in German concentrations camps but there were "women's camps". "Women's meadows" only existed under mass murderer Eisenhower from 1945 to 1946...
German prisoners of war in a queue (11min. 6sec.), many have white bandages on their head because of head injuries [13]. Jews in German concentration camps had NO head bandages for sure.
Thus here are NO Jews but GERMAN soldiers - in the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen under allied English administration.
Water pipes and in the back ground a car of the Red Cross can be seen (11min. 50sec.) [14]
A car of the Red Cross is closed (18min. 37sec.) [15]
When pictures with a car from the Red Cross are shown then it can be admitted that the camp was well managed and there were no or hardly any epidemics, but all cases of illnesses were brought to hospitals as long it was possible.
Water supply in the camp (11min. 33sec.) [16]
When films are claiming that German administration had blocked the water supply leaving Jewish detainees suffering without water then this is just a normal propaganda fake to destroy the reputation of the Germans.
Water supply in the camp 03 with washing possibility (11min. 39sec.) [17]
Additionally there cannot be seen any striped Jewish zebra detainee's uniform in this film, but these detainees are women from SS.
Here is a German prisoner of war topless in summer 1945 searching clothes on the ground, and in the background there is a dead German detainee in a gray uniform (3min. 7sec.) [18]
This scenery cannot be from April 145 because April 1945 was cold and wet with much rain and even snow. Nobody was walking topless in April 1945. But liar Hitchcock claims this would be a Jewish detainee during the liberation of the camp in April 1945...
The ground is full of German bodies or full of helpless dying German prisoners of war in gray uniforms starving and suffering in their own excrements (3min. 23sec.) [19]
There CANNOT BE SEEN ANY striped zebra uniform of German concentration camps. All clothes come from dead German soldiers. These are NO Jews FOR SURE.
Male emaciated dead bodies without clothes and without spots and without tattooed numbers of detainees (4min. 54sec.) [20].
These dead bodies are German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps.
Woman's dead body with big breast and with irregular spots on her body with an open mouth (4min. 8sec.) [21]
The irregular spots are never explained. Some bodies have spots, others not. Nothing is clear about it. Thus there is the suspicion that the spots are painted.
Region of Bergen-Belsen: SS has to dig out a mass grave and allies are helping with a bulldozer (6min. 48sec.) [22]
When a mass grave is digged out with sun shine and dry earth this scenery cannot be from cold and wet April 1945 but this scene was taken more at the end of May or in June 1945.
Faked board in English with the claim "Typhus" at the concentration camp of Bergen-Belsen AFTER the liberation (18min. 4sec.) [23]
When an "occupation power" claims that there had been an epidemic in a German concentration camp this is mostly a lie. In the case of Bergen-Belsen a board in English was installed. But when Bergen-Belsen had had typhus then the German administration had installed an own board with a warning in German. Thus the English occupation power has invented this epidemic justifying the masses of dead bodies which were brought to the camp later. Inventing an epidemic concealing the own crimes is a standard maneuver of the Anglo-Saxon psychological warfare...
Bergen-Belsen: task force with an alleged action on April 24, 1945, dead bodies arriving in a trailer (12min. 33sec.) [24]
German bodies from a Rhine meadow camp were brought to Bergen-Belsen in a trailer and German SS men have to push the trailer.
Bergen-Belsen, hips of dead bodies on a trailer (12min. 54sec.) [25]
The dead bodies on the trailer have NO tattooed numbers of detainees and the bodies are absolutely clean and have NO remnants of earth or other contamination by earth. Thus these are German bodies from Rhine meadow camps. But the British occupation power with it's weapons is ordering here in Bergen-Belsen that these would be Jews...
Corpse pit in the region of Bergen-Belsen (13min. 30sec.) [26]
The bodies in the mass grave have - when they have clothes yet - no striped German detainee's uniform as Jews had in German concentration camps but they mostly have remnants of German gray Wehrmacht uniforms. And not one single body has a detainee's number which would have been shown at once by the journalists. Thus these bodies are German bodies from the Rhine meadow camps being buried here in Bergen-Belsen.
Public with emotions watching the lorry full of emaciated dead bodies coming probably from the Rhine meadow camps (12min. 48sec.) [27]
British occupation power organized a public booing SS men. By force of arms SS men were ordered to believe that these bodies would be Jewish bodies. And the local German public cannot detect the lie that these are German bodies because they don't know that the Rhine meadow camps exist...
A cameraman filming SS men how they take dead bodies to the pit (15min. 12sec.) [28]
When there had been tattooed numbers then the media staff had shown these tattoos with zooms at once.
SS men have to take the dead bodies from the trailer to the pit, the bodies have no spots (14min. 30sec.) [29]
Not one single dead body has got a tattooed number as Jewish captives had in German concentration camps.
These dead bodies are totally clean and there is no earth on them, thus these bodies NEVER were buried and NEVER have been digged out
Not one single body has got a tattooed number as Jewish detainees had in German concentration camps. There is no striped German zebra uniform for detainees in German concentration camps as Jews had. And the dead bodies show no remnants of earth or other contamination by earth. Thus these bodies were not buried and not digged out. These bodies mostly have dark clothes and remnants of German army uniforms. Thus these are German dead bodies in Bergen-Belsen being taken to the mass grave by force of arms of the criminal occupation forces. Hitchcock simply indicates that these would be Jewish bodies. And the stupid journalists are not aware of the fraud spreading it in the whole world, also in "neutral" Switzerland where the Red Cross has got it's seat and where the documents show how the German concentration camps really were...
Dead bodies torn by SS men on the way to the mass grave 01, the clothes are NO striped uniforms of detainees in German ccs, and there are NO tattooed numbers, and there are NO remnants of earth on the bodies (23min. 14sec.) [30]
Thus these dead bodies are NOT Jewish detainees but very probably German victims from Eisenhower's Rhine meadow camps.
Dead bodies torn by SS men on the way to the mass grave 02, the clothes are NO striped uniforms of detainees in German ccs, and there are NO tattooed numbers, and there are NO remnants of earth on the bodies (23min.21sec.) [31]
Thus these dead bodies are NOT Jewish detainees but very probably German victims from Eisenhower's Rhine meadow camps.
An SS group in a mass grave under the order of British machine guns (23min. 55sec.) [32]
The machine gun of the criminal allies is dictating the allied meaning here. In Germany there is developing a submissive mentality concerning the persecution of the Jews and at the end any free research is prohibited.
SS men with a medical doctor in white (5min. 31sec.) [33]
Medical doctors of the allies also have got the white dress as one can see here in this scene.
Here a person is speaking presenting himself as a medical doctor Mister Fed Little (Fritz Klein), and he says that this day would be April 24, 1945 standing before the mass grave (15min. 54sec.) [34]
This person is speaking German perfectly claiming to be a "medical doctor" from Romania being working in concentration camps since 1 1/2 years already. But he does not even have a doctor's white dress on and he is not stating any cause of death in his speech. Thus this is probably no doctor but is is a background artist making a statement in this film for a pocket money stating being a medical doctor and stating that this day would be April 24, 1945 (but April 1945 was very cold and wet...
German mayors and pastors have to see the piles of bodies (13min. 9sec.) [35]
Also these mayors are going into the trap that these would be Jewish bodies. British occupation force is operating with force of arms and personal meanings contradicting the official one is punished by shooting.
Wrong telling-off at the mass grave with wards with machine guns (17min. 35sec.) [36]
With the constant extortion of being shot the criminal occupation forces (here the British) are asserting the meaning that the bodies would be Jews...
The commander of Bergen-Belsen, Josef Kramer, portrait (6min. 19sec.) [37]
He was the victim of the criminal Western Allies - in his case by the British occupation forces - they made the calumny blaming Mr. Kramer for being responsible for 70,000 Jewish deads which have never been...
Women wards in Bergen-Belsen (6min. 5sec.) [38]
They were also victims of the criminal Western allies, in this case of the British occupation forces. They were blamed for having caused the death of 70,000 Jews...
An English operations manager speaking with revolver to the camera "We actually don't know what has been going on in these camps" (24min. 6sec.) [39]
At the end of his speech he is confessing that he did not know what was going on precisely in this camp. He only knew what he was fighting for: <We actually don't know, what has been going on in these camps. I know personally what I am fighting for.> (24min.28-35sek.)
An English reporter with Hebrew accent is installed before the mass grave from allegedly April 24, 1945 filled with dead bodies (24min. 44sec.) - stating he "does not know where the dead bodies are coming from"... [40]
Thus the reporter does not know where the bodies are coming from, and there is no medical investigation either!!!
Here is the statement of the English Hebrew reporter:
<I am T. D. Tredges, attached as partway to controlling this camp. [...] I have been here 8 days. And never in my life I have seen such damnable gustiness. This morning they brought about 5,000 bodies. We don't know from where they are. Behind me you can see the pit which contain another 5,000. There were two others like it in preparation. All these deaths have been caused by systematic starvation and typhus and disease - it has been splead - because of the treatment meeted out for this poor people by the SS guards and their SS chief.> (24min.35sek.-25min.23sek.)
Hitchcock also lying about typhus
And another lie is spread by Hitchcock stating that there were lice in Bergen Belsen and not enough soup and water causing typhus [?!] (18min. 16-19sec.).
Quotation of the lies:
<Lack of soup and water brought lice to the inmates, and lice carried typhus.>
Well, typhus does not come from lice, and lice do not come from too less soup or water, but typhus is a fever with belly aches and constipation caused by intestine bacteria when people are not washing their hands after the toilet having remnants of excrements under their finger nails eating these remnants by food or otherwise entering their mouth. Wikipedia says:
<[...] rise of fever, belly aches, constipation and higher body temperature, slower heart beat. Cause of typhus is the bacterium Salmonella Typhi (Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica Serovar Typhi) [...] There is paratyphus with not so strong symptoms than typhus, not caused by Salmonella Typhi but by Salmonella Paratyphi. [...] The agent is a typhus bacterium (Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Typhi), a feces bacteria transmitted orally for example by contaminated food or water. Today typhus is more the problem of development countries. In industrial countries it's an exception. Big parts of typhus illnesses is in connection with journeys to far countries with low hygienic standard. Immunization should be done for journeys to tropical areas like India also when it's only a partial protection. World wide typhus disease is affecting 32 million people every year.>
orig. in German: <[...] Fieberanstieg, Bauchschmerzen, Darmverstopfung (Obstipation) und für die hohe Körpertemperatur eher langsamem Herzschlag (relative Bradykardie) gekennzeichnet ist. Die Krankheit wird durch das Bakterium Salmonella Typhi (Salmonella enterica ssp. enterica Serovar Typhi) hervorgerufen. [...] Als Paratyphus bezeichnet man ein abgeschwächtes Krankheitsbild des Typhus, dessen Erreger nicht Salmonella Typhi, sondern Salmonella Paratyphi ist. [...] Erreger ist das Typhusbakterium (Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica Serovar Typhi), ein gram-negatives, begeißeltes Bakterium, das fäkal-oral übertragen wird, also beispielsweise durch verunreinigte Nahrungsmittel oder verschmutztes Wasser. Heutzutage ist Typhus vor allem ein Problem der Entwicklungsländer. Fälle in Industrienationen sind die Ausnahme; ein Großteil der hier auftretenden Typhuserkrankungen hängt mit Fernreisen der Betroffenen in Länder mit geringem hygienischem Standard zusammen. Bei Reisen in tropische Gebiete (z. B. Indien) sollte eine Immunisierung erwogen werden, auch wenn diese nur einen partiellen Schutz bietet. Weltweit erkranken jährlich etwa 32 Millionen Menschen.>
(from Wikipedia: Typhus: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhus)
Divine service at the mass grave - and the text of Hitchcock - the German text is not permitted
A pastor speaking the divine service at the mass grave (25min. 38sec.) [41]
A pastor speaking the divine service at the mass grave, view on the book (25min. 42sec.) [42]
Hitchcock is saying his own sarcastic text not allowing the speech of the German pastor:
<We should never know who they were, or for pot holms [?] they were torn, whether they were catholics, Lutherans, or Jews: We only know they were born, they suffered, and they died - in agony in Belsen camp.> (25min.30sek.-26min.12sek.)
The mass graves of Bergen-Belsen are marked with boards but there is not written if there are Jews, Germans, English or French buried.
Alleged mass grave in Bergen Belsen Nº 6 with about 800 deads [43]
This data of 26 April 1945 for the mass grave is not probable because April 1945 was wet and cold in Germany even with snow. Therefore installing this mass grave could have been in June 1945.
When a camp is even burnt down by the allies then it's clear that any proof is destroyed which could be a proof for the German side.
British allies invented a typhus epidemic and by this invented reason they burnt down the Bergen Belsen camp (26min. 50sec.) [44]
And then the whole camp was flattened and nothing was left of it. Thus there is even a bigger suspicion that the allies have to conceal something. And just in this procedure the only real striped German detainee's uniform is shown in the film. Thus it's clear what ware the dead bodies in the film: German bodies, most probably from the Rhine meadow camps.
A bulldozer flattening Bergen Belsen camp cutting the barbed wire fence (27min. 58sec.) [45]
A bulldozer "taking" a striped detainee's uniform of German concentration camps which was NEVER seen in the film before (28min. 4sec.) [46]
More photos from the faked Hitchcock film about German concentration camps "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust"
When the links are not working, go to http://www.youtube.com looking for the title "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust", so you get the actual links of the film. Always look for the film of 53 min. 1 sec.
Faked scenes about cc Dachau
Hitchcock's lies about undernourished detainees
Most of the detainees in German concentration camps were well nourished considering the testimonies of original detainees after the war. Here are some examples from the German concentration camp of Dachau:
Detainees in the concentration camp of Dachau 01 sitting in the window (30min. 30sec.) [47]
Concentration camp of Dachau, portrait of a detainee 02 830min. 40sec.) [48]
And one has to know: German concentration camps were under the control of the Red Cross like herein Bergen Belsen (11min. 50sec.) [49]
German concentration camps were under the control of the Red Cross AND of the Zionists. People affected by heavy illnesses were brought to hospitals by cars of the Red Cross or to military hospitals.
Lies of Hitchcock about shower rooms as "gas chambers"
Washer nozzle in a shower room in the concentration camp of Dachau (34min. 25sec.) [50]
There is this clear proof: granulate of "Cyclone B" cannot pass the little holes of this washer nozzle. All gassing in shower rooms is a criminal fantasy of Zionist mass murderers Eisenhower, Baruch, Morgenthau, Roosevelt, and Hitchcock. It's a normal war propaganda with a giant calumny against the enemy.
The lies of Hitchcock about crematories: single muffle furnaces are not made for masses of bodies
This crematory is shown in the film to be in Dachau, with single muffle furnaces (35min. 20sec.) [51]
There is the following principle: Such single muffler furnaces in crematories are made for single burning of dead bodies getting the ashes for the family of the dead. When there would be masses of dead bodies then a bigger oven had been built for burning about 20 bodies in one. Obviously such a mass death has NOT happened ant there were only some singular burnings of deads bodies. Additionally one has to know that in these German cc - as investigations by Faurisson showed - many crematories were built only AFTER the war by the criminal Zionists - as a propaganda and nothing more!
A train with detainees at the cc Dachau in February 1945
There was this train with detainees allegedly at the cc Dachau in February 1945 about (36min. 20sec.) [52]
At the end of the Third Reich the whole infrastructure was collapsing. The remaining camps were overcrowded and the trains with the detainees had last priority. Thus a transport was not 3 days but 30 days. Such trains with detainees came to Dachau and the SS leadership of the cc Dachau had not the spirit any more to build a military hospital for the deads and half deads of this train and had not the spirit to install a cemetery. This omission was exploited by the criminal "Americans". Instead of helping and helping the survivors and honoring the many 1,000s surviving detainees in the concentration camp of Dachau the SS leadership was killed and executed because of this neglected train with detainees.
Point 3: The principle of the cut in the films of criminal Mr. Hitchcock
First one can see well nourished detainees, mostly with striped zebra detainee's uniforms, and then comes the cut showing the emaciated German prisoners of war from summer 1945 on the meadows or in the mud of the Rhine meadow camps in the contaminated gray uniforms WITHOUT the typical striped zebra uniforms of detainees from German concentrations camps in the Third Reich. The title of the film "Documentary" sounds well but this is a film where practically everything is a fake:
Gas chamber scenery has been taken after May 1945 for presenting this fantasy to the whole world provoking a bad mood against Germans. And in this way the English "American" and Zionist propaganda hast manipulated the brains in the world during more than 50 years and placed their Zionist slaves in the media in the whole world spreading this propaganda on and on. The truth about the German concentrations camps can be seen here for example:
Point 4: Jews telling from German concentration camps: music, theater, soccer
Original Jewish testimonies from German concentration camps report regularly about work and music and theater and even soccer in the camps. Here are examples from Shoa Foundation "Survivors who tell the truth":
Video: Holohoax: Survivors who Tell the Truth
Point 5: Effect of the faked Hitchcock films about German concentration camps on the Nuremberg Process - where is the war tribunal for criminal "U.S.A."?
And now one has to know that the regime of Eisenhower against Germans was not only with the Rhine meadow camps causing 1 million Germans deads and the hunger regime during the post-war era in Germany from 1945 to 1950 provoking 5 million more German deads - but by these faked Hitchcock films the "U.S.A." have influenced the Nuremberg Process in a way so Germany was convicted with a faked 6 million murder against Jews and had to pay for this, and the allies were exempted from any guilt and the mass murderer Eisenhower was not detected until 1989 when historian James Bacque came with his research. These criminal "U.S.A." have to be torn to a war tribunal for being convicted for their wars, fakes and manipulations not only concerning the "American" war crimes in Germany 1943-1950 (also the destruction of towns had not to be and the war could have been finished in 1943 already), but also concerning Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. "U.S.A." are the most destructive state in the world destroying all other states by bombs and propaganda - and the proofs are very distinct concerning Germany of 1945 here on this web site. And perhaps the criminal Zionists have to pay money back which was payed for a mass murder of millions which was NEVER COMMITTED - pay money back to Germany.
Point 6: No mass murder against the Jews in German concentration camps - but other sites with mass death
With all these data there is absolutely safe: There was no mass murder in German concentration camps against the Jews in the dimension of 100,000s or millions. The real sites with many deads in the persecution of the Jews were
-- Auschwitz with epidemics because the camps was in a marsh and bodies were buried contaminating the ground and the drinking water
-- behind the Eastern Front the remaining Jews who were not deported by Stalin to Russia in 1940 and 1941 and who were not taken by industries or the Red Army in 1941 were shot partly from 1941 to 1943 in mass shootings partly by the Wehrmacht or by SS commands (with Germans, Ukrainians, Baltic people and Belorussians etc.) or also by local anti-Semitic population themselves. Zionists did not protect the Jews from Eastern Europe because they did not want them to have in Palestine for the colonization in Israel.
-- the same mass murder for Jews counts for the Red Army where Stalin and his commanders let fight many Jews in the first rows as "cannon fodder"
-- since 1943 detainees were taken back from Eastern Europe to the Reich to building sites of the tunnel constructioning and fell sick and died there
-- at the same time Hitler and Stalin organized in common the clandestine deportation of European Jews to the GULAG
-- in 1944 and in 1945 there were some 1,000 Jewish victims in the remaining overcrowded camps because of hunger and epidemics, in trains and in death marches as a "penalty" for the defeat of Germany in the war
-- since 1945 many Jewish women who had suffered hunger a long time during years could not recover well and had no fertility any more
-- Jewish children being safe on "Christian" farms were often not given back because nobody knew where the Jewish parents were and because many men were missing on the farms and there was a general lack of staff
-- many Jews also separated from Jewry in general for not being persecuted any more.
-- from 1945 to 1946 Stalin let come back 100,000s of Jews from central Russia to Eastern Europe and this provoked new pogroms in Poland. Kiev in the Ukraine became a broad Jewish center and in 1946 Kiev had more Jews than in 1939. At the same time the "American" President Truman was bribed by the Zionists with 2 million Dollars permitting a racist "Jewish State" in Palestine against all Muslims...
-- and when in 1948 this bribed and criminal "U.S.A." bribed by Zionists was "opening" the new "satellite" of Israel in the Middle East, Stalin felt encircled and betrayed and he shut the Iron Curtain for Jews and all Jews in Russia could not leave the country until Gorbachev until 1986. Stalin let russify the Jews by discriminations in professions
-- and Stalin's direct answer to the foundation of the racist Zionist state of Israel under the patronage of the criminal racist "U.S.A." was the blockage of Berlin.
We thank to the criminal Zionist bribed and undermined "U.S.A." for their destructive and terrorist "cultural contribution".
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[1] Video: Jüdisch-zionistisch-rassistische Morgenthau-Fraktion: "Die schönen Rheinwiesenlager der Alliierten"; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5PULzOrIaI
[2] Video: "Die Rheinwiesenlager - Unglaublichkeiten"; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3bmKhBKZO8
[3] Video: "Die ganze Wahrheit über die grosse Lüge"; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmIXTmt7kP4
[0a] Hitchcock, portrait of 1956: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Hitchcock
[1] German helmets of Wehrmacht protecting ears and neck, example Barbarossa campaign:
http://einestages.spiegel.de/static/entry/als_den_vaetern_die_seele_erfror/10986/kampfpause.html?s=5&r=1&a=560&c=1, Foto Nr. 6
[2] German helmets of Wehrmacht protecting ears and neck, example hand granade course:
http://einestages.spiegel.de/static/entry/als_den_vaetern_die_seele_erfror/10984/grundausbildung.html?s=7&r=1&a=560&c=1, Foto Nr. 8
[3] "American" soldiers with round "American" helmets and rows of German bodies: Video: Die ganze Wahrheit über die grosse Lüge:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmIXTmt7kP4, 6min. 0sek.
[4] "American" soldiers with round helmets with pile of German dead bodies on a trailer: Video: Die ganze Wahrheit über die grosse Lüge:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmIXTmt7kP4, 6min. 9sek.
[5] liberation of Bergen Belsen camp with well nourished detainees with caps, April 15, 1945: BBC: Überlebende von Bergen-Belsen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es4YLI2mFnQ
[6-94] Video: "An Alfred Hitchcock Documentary On The Nazi Holocaust ": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0wA4rDuG58