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Josef Nowak: Rhine meadow camp of Rheinberg

Chapter 12: Farewell of an old man

Falling on the head -- "American" mass murder and field of dead bodies with German prisoners of war -- the "old man" forgets to leave an address

from: Josef Nowak: Seeded on the field. War prisoner in the home land.
(German: Mensch auf den Acker gesät. Kriegsgefangen in der Heimat)

translated by Michael Palomino (2013)
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[Vitamin deficiency and falls on the head]

It was lasting some time until hunger was damaging every part of the human body. There were stomach pains, head pains, there was a dizziness, but these are just bearable things yet. Somewhere are some reserves stored yet, even in a not fattened body, and then these deposits are consumed slowly. But one day there is nothing left. Vitamin supply is coming down to almost zero. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are left out. Now you can make your biological and physiological studies with your own mortal casing. And you will conceive with all clearness that this hunger which was imposed against you is a mean crime against human nature. Whereas you give only a little part of the daily need to your stomach and intestine you suffer of chronic digestion disorder. Fresh food is never given at all. The first indications of scurvy are coming. Stomach illnesses of all kind are occurring with their first symptoms. All this is only strange in the beginning, an enigma, not conceivable. But soon you come behind it that here is a big crime against your life.

One morning I am waking up in the sun, sleepy, tired, without any will. But nature pleads for it's [p.116] right. I have to look for the place for it. I am standing up fast as I am accustomed to it. Some seconds later I get aware of what had happened. I was falling into the sand with my head, headfirst. There is a little cavity in the ground now, this is the testimony of it. I am smiling in a little bit an embarrassed way, I am almost ashamed that I am such a weakling. But nobody is noticing anything. The glances hitting me are not because of me. I could also be in a museum full of Egyptian or Gothic statues.

[Mass murder of criminal "Americans" - the field of dead bodies]

I am standing up one more time, this time in a slowly way, in a deplorable way step by step. First I am prostrating, and then I am erecting myself as it wold be a procession like a very old patriarch who had fallen in the street. I am walking with little humble steps passing the camp, not straight, but on a path like a snake passing the arms of the people lying there. I had not the force for a march any more because I was always fighting for the balance. The humans are on the ground as if there had been an artillery fire, on their belly, on their back, on the side, with stiff limbs like deads, but also in deformed positions, stretched out, curled up, with closed eyes or with half opened eyes, not being part of the world any more and probably not at all seeing anything. Like the trees in the High Black Forest (Hochschwarzwald) after a storm, broken, crushed, in this manner they are lying there. There was no mean any more to cause them to be part of life (p.117] than this: holding them some bread, some meat, something eatable in front of their teeth.

Just before my feet there is a lean body. It seems having been stiffly frozen despite of the warm spring air. The tendons of his feet are without force now. The tips of the feet have fallen to both sides and are almost touching the ground. The eyes are in a fixed position gazing to the sun. They are not suffering any damage any more. They are belonging to a dead person. Nobody has found the time to close his eyes yet. I am not doing this either. I am glad to be upright. I don't want to suffer one more fall on my head. Therefore I am passing by going on my way. I just have something to do. Only that's why I was standing up.

[Hardly control of the own legs by the hunger torture and undernourishment]

Coming back from the latrine I am deciding to evade this dead person. I don't want to see him any more. I can give him neither a coffin nor a funeral car nor a priest. But with me it's going on like a beginner on the bicycle now. Like the person ramming an obstacle with the safety of a night walk whereas he is seeing the obstacle from fifty meters already. In this way I am almost falling over the man who has laid himself to rest there. the brain has nothing to order any more anyway. The legs are moving without control in their own way and they are ordered by an unsearchable mechanism.

[Blackout of the memory by hunger torture and undernourishment]

I remember me of a custom that I had [p.118] got to know as a child already in a little town in Upper Swabia. When there is a person dying on the deathbed the Christian person has to pray a Lord's Prayer. Let's pray thus, a Lord's Prayer who You are in the sky, holy is your name - let the devil take it, I am not remembering the whole thing. The seven pleas do not want to be composed any more. The memory is on strike. It is not working any more. It is protesting against the undernourishment. I try to cite it in Latin, in Greek, in Gothic, in French, in Italian, in Spanish, I can find there a rag, there a rag of the Christian Western world, but a Lord's Prayer cannot be formed of it. Misery is teaching praying. I am catching myself in a way so I am loudly laughing. Some people around on the ground are looking at me, not blaming me, but knowing. They have already an idea that my life will soon be ended. Misery is teaching praying - when this would be true then we had had more prayers than in any Trappist convent.

[Philosophy about an "old man" a short time before dying]

-- Old man, now I remained guilty not having given you the last will and I will have a bad consciousness for my life. What should the farmers from Upper Swabia think of me where I learnt so beautiful popular customs? Old man, your face is as if it had been formed out of a gray stone. Death is the first sculptor on Earth. He is forming of the most simple material, from the most empty face a honorful form yet. Old man, you are looking like an old man from the last defense from Volkssturm, sixty years old. Now [p.119] the big storm tide brought you to Rheinberg. Somewhere you just had to die. Why not here? Are you a Silesian, or from the Marc, or a man from Eastern Prussia? Who should I see this in your gray hair, in your almost white beard? Where you were living around, old man? here on the Lower Rhine? Or the hunger was converting you into such an old man and you perhaps passed the polar sea until Rowaniemi [town in northern Finland]? Have you fled from Prague and you were at the eastern front until the western front was melting down? Was it your fate being given to the Americans in Saxony or in Turingia or you have succeeded to take the flight over Elbe River in the last minute passing the modern river of fate?

[More prisoners of war falling on their heads]

Oh, well, like this it is, I think then. There at the other side was another person falling on his head. Now he is just in a disorder and stupid as I had been before. Next time when he is standing up he will also take more care.

[Familiar members thinking that the "old man" had died in Russia]

-- Old man without name, now they will take you away soon and then they will bury you. No one knows your name. Nobody can ask you any more. Asking others would be without sense. And after all it's just not important if you are buried with an alien name or with no name at all. You are de-registered, you are logged out. Perhaps your children will think, your grandchildren, will think some years yet that you had remained in Russia. But [p.120] when you don't write at all - - -

Russia is big. Russia is wide. Who should have the perverse thought that you, a fighter of the eastern front having passed half of Russia with his boots, would be the unknown dead of the Lower Rhine? When some day somebody is pleading for your body, then he will plea for it certainly at the wrong location.

[More falls on the head]

Once more another one is falling there. Hunger is doing it's proper work. As if there would be a stick and everyone having the courage for standing up would be beaten on the skull. Thus I am not the only moan bag here in the camp. It's strange how hunger is making us equal making falls on the head on the same day as if there would be an order. This can heal you from any vanity. You are just nothing special on this cemetery of illusions. You are just a normal poor devil and you have fallen on the head just like other thousands of poor devils.

[The "old man's" farewell]

-- When you are never writing then, old man of the last defense of Volkssturm, then your wife will think - with whom you had had the celebration of golden wedding - that you had died in Courland or on Moldova River. I can understand you very well, old man, you simply had no will any more, you simply rejected to wake up. What for? For suffering more hunger? No, no, this cannot be called a suicide. But confess, you finished with your life very consciously by tiredness and hopelessness, you stopped your own [p.121] heart. Isn't it, it has was like this? You were coming down to the original art of an animal and of a primitive human being dying at the right time without noise. And now you got such a head of a majesty thus one is becoming almost dignified. Perhaps I should give you not a Lord's Prayer but a tear. But I have to spare everything. There is nothing to drink here for replacing wasted liquids. And why should there be something crying at all?  You did perform your farewell from Rheinberg in a way expressing the highest distance. For the Americans it's not just flattering how you are thinking about them. And one cannot eliminate the despite again which is fixed in your face.

[More falls on the heads]

As I want to go home at least to my earth hole and to my neighborhood I am looking over the camp a little bit. There has come some movement into the mass. It's time to get food. All is getting up. But my God, search for your original memory which is older than the watch of the oldest ancestors. Search if you had seen such a theater once in your life. It is as if hundreds of thousands are suffering epilepsy (falling sickness) from the same night on. Everywhere I see nothing but falls on the head. It's a horrible cabaret show which is produced here. It is a falling army of acrobats or of jumping jacks making trouble here. When Edvard Grieg had seen it before [p.122] he had composed the dance of trolls in the hall of the mountain king, then this music had been more dreadful yet, even wilder yet.

[The "old man" did not leave any address]

-- Old man, you did not accept it any more. You don't have any idea, you inconsiderate died person how much life is in such a heap died of hunger. You did sneak away too early. Not even documents you left, not even an address of your family. You have no name, dead body. But who knows if one had put it on your grave. Some days ago on the other side a person was suffocating in a hole. This person did not have any name either. He looked like as if aunts were pulling another aunt from the building. The dead person was dragged to the gate. There will be hands to drag you there. Have a good trip to the Last Judgement. When I can compose the Lord's Prayer I will think of you with pleasure whereas you did retire into your stiffness without vacation and we were loosing the balance performing the hunger ballet in the wire cage [p.123].

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