ontent="One slice of white bread per day -- mass murder by criminal "Americans" provoking that any "education" is beyond belief -- the lies of the allies with their propaganda - and reality in the allied hunger camp -- One slice of bread per day -- Philosophy about "U.S." Army and the Wehrmacht - re-education is only a mass murder and is no "education" at all -- The wrong propaganda of the criminal allies with the lies about "humanity", "freedom", "human dignity" - after starving in the hunger camp and after the mass murder nobody believes anything anymore -- 10 years of waiting time until the book was written- the reasons -- The criminal "Americans" mean that mass murder would be "education" - they copy the mass murder of the NS regime against the Russians -- Criminal "Americans" with their death camps along the Rhine committing the same crimes like the Nazi leaders --" name="description">  

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Josef Nowak: Rhine meadow camp of Rheinberg

Chapter 11: Education in Rheinberg

One slice of white bread per day -- mass murder by criminal "Americans" provoking that any "education" is beyond belief -- the lies of the allies with their propaganda - and reality in the allied hunger camp

from: Josef Nowak: Seeded on the field. War prisoner in the home land.
(German: Mensch auf den Acker gesät. Kriegsgefangen in der Heimat)

translated by Michael Palomino (2013)
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[One slice of bread per day]

The question how long Rheinberg was projected basically for being a killing camp for German prisoners of war and when it was loosing this purpose can only be decided when the American archives will be opened - if there are any documents about it. But there are certain indications that this crisis of the camp was beginning after five weeks about. In our memory the day of the turn around is ineradicably present. It was the 35th day of the imprisonment for one part, the 34th for others, and the 33th day for the rest of our big gang. On this day every man got a slice of white bread of five millimeters - - -

[Philosophy about "U.S." Army and the Wehrmacht - re-education is only a mass murder and is no "education" at all]

Without any doubt Rheinberg should be an education center for the German population. Here the "Education" began. And for sure we learnt some things. We were wondering with open mouths the American kind of living. One soldier was laying on his belly in front of the wire fence. He was smoking a cigarette and was bored and was glancing around watching the territory. Then a camp commander came who was ordering some words to his subordinate. This subordinate was not at all standing up. He was not even turning his head to his chief. He was not even taking his cigarette [p.109] out of his beak. With a slight grumble he was declaring to the officer that he was working with the new order mentally. That such an army had won the war was incomprehensible for our petit bourgeois. [It had been just the superior number, nothing more].

But honoring the German officers it has to be mentioned that also with them one could get along with them the better the higher rank they had. From the regiment's commander upwards there was a good living with them mostly. My regiment's commander in Hanover had no doubt to distinguish me calling me a "Mr." during our conversations. Well, we were both members of the secret society of the Humanists. When I was speaking with the main command post with the commander and was putting my foot on a box in a simply little bit relaxing way, the battery chief and bourgeois was suffering cramps in his face as if he was suffering lethal torture on his trigeminal nerve. I was asking the men afterwards what the reason for the bad feeling had been. I was told then that the regiment's commander - not speaking of me - should be without any doubt one of the main culprits when the war would be lost because he he would be in an implacable contradiction with Clausewitz and with other apocryphal [secret] military writers. And all this was only because of one reason because I had not a rigid position concerning the future of this occidental tragedy when I was talking with my lieutenant colonel [p.110]. Without honoring the barrack yard and the drill work there I had been able to get up in any case when the regiment's commander had honored me with a salutation. We also could see only a little part of the American army discipline. Our education was giving us other surprises. The merciful God wanted it that the educators on Earth have seldom any luck, seldom any success. If the Rheinberg Education had had the expected results - no, let it be. It's sufficient that Europe was at the edge of it's last catastrophe and had been bewared of it [atomic bombs were only missed by 4 months].

[The wrong propaganda of the criminal allies with the lies about "humanity", "freedom", "human dignity" - after starving in the hunger camp and after the mass murder nobody believes anything anymore]

When the hosts of the allies were coming over Germany then we were expecting the holy ghost of humanity, of freedom, of human dignity. The coming of the allies was like the coming of a prophet which was announced in the London radio being presented by the voice boxes of the radio "Voice of America". But what we were given was a penal workhouse which had the difference to normal penal workhouses that there was no housing, that we were helpless dying on the ground, that we were envious for the real inmates of penal workhouses because they got real meals.

Between 1939 to 1945 I had often listened to the London Radio, really enough, thus one cannot say that I would not be competent for this. I remember me very, very well about what were telling the British propaganda speakers like Safton Delmer, Lindley Frazer, Richard Crossman and others [p.111]. They were predicting us not only that after the fall of Hitler would be a democratic age with a bright light over us, thus we should hardly be capable to close our eyes any more, but they were predicting also real advantages. Every prisoner of war - they promised us - would have the same food as allied soldiers up to every gram. Now there were not many having surrendered to be a prisoner of war because of the food. But it must be permitted to make the right rating for these messages of the London Radio and for those who were announcing them. Perhaps they will conceive at last why they lost any credibility, why they are advised best when they will leave their interest according to the German population once and for all. They can, when they are speaking and writing, only bring danger and destruction where they are coming. They can only bring shame to their own population. There is nothing useful and credible they can do any more.

[10 years of waiting time until the book was written- the reasons]

There could come someone asking why I had written this book about Rheinberg only now [1956]. Well, until now there was an occupation law which was blocking everything a little bit. Already in winter 1945/46 I was telling to Canadian and British Secret Service staff people some experience about Rheinberg drinking some Gin and Whiskey. The Canadians were very thrilled to bits stating that I should put down everything of it [p.112] so the scandal could be published by the Canadian press. I did not do it. From 1933 until 1943 when I became a soldier I had been on the list of candidates for a longer stay or a stay for life in Dachau or in Buchenwald. I was really glad that my fate was another one sparing out such a bad luck with God's help and with helping and decent national socialists. Then I did not want to give the British and American camp commanders any chance.

In remaining zoned Germany I never had got a license for my book, as my editor never got any paper for my books in the Third Reich. It is also well with it that I had to wait ten years before working the stuff out in a literary way. Distance brings more objectivity. Cognition is growing slowly like a tree. The sense of the events is conceived after years only. Therefore politics are also such a problematic trade.

[The criminal "Americans" mean that mass murder would be "education" - they copy the mass murder of the NS regime against the Russians]

Perhaps the education in Rheinberg was rated as a representative expiation. But then one of the basic Christian thoughts is faked, deformed and abused. Christ was giving voluntarily the representative expiation for the guilt of the human being. But here a forced expiation without condemnation of the guilty persons and not guilty persons was imposed. It was imposed by ambitious politicians, by revengeful enemies. Therefore there was no expiation in Rheinberg. The stronger was rioting nothing else [p.113].

And this kind of education the humans did not need any more having suffered actively or passively with the brown dictator.

Of course any one of us was guilty. We had become Hitler's soldiers, but only a part of them. In Rheinberg also big quantities of civilists and women were detained. For sure we could resign to the military service. We could rebel. We could desert. There were enough possibilities for being shot. We had taken no one. Was this the guilt for being expiated? What the English or Americans had said when all enemies of Hitler - and there were millions of them! - had emigrated? They had been accepted, had been housed and given work and bread?

No, I was not ready for being shot by the SS commandos of Himmler. Should I die of hunger in Rheinberg for it? And when I would not die of hunger, then I should suffer an existence to which the existence of a vagabond would be a paradise yet? And what goal this power politics and this education with military violence should have when thousands and many thousands were taken prisoner for it who had been members of the resistance against the NS system and any trial of NS education had failed with them? The damage being committed to the souls and bodies here will not be forgotten in a whole generation, and will not be forgiven either [p.114].

[Criminal "Americans" with their death camps along the Rhine committing the same crimes like the Nazi leaders]

Until today [the year of the edition of the book, 1956] the enigma of Rheinberg could not be solved. Only the Americans can solve it themselves. Innumerable Germans had fallen into their hands, and they will not stop to honor this fair enemy. They were given much food. They were sent home as fast as they could be sent. They were treated as comrades. America cannot wish more brilliant testimonies of humanity. But aside of this there are other dark horrible shameful testimonies from Rheinberg, from Wickrath, and from Remagen. Were mad persons working there, driven by the Devil? Or were there political orders to fulfill? Who had given these orders? Who did fulfill these orders? The responsibles should confess their deeds. The deads of Rheinberg and with them the survivors are not calling for a tribunal. But the names of the offenders will remain, when they are known, in the criminal records of world history, together with the names of Himmler, Kaltenbrunner, Heydrich and all other torturers of the 20th century, and there are so many of them [p.115].

[The answer is simple: A clique of criminal Zionists were executing the Morgenthau Plan secretly against the German population, with Baruch, Morgenthau, Lehman, Frankfurter, and Roosevelt (until April 1945), and Eisenhower was the willing executor, a Zionist and half Jew and above all a Jehovah racist preparing "Armageddon" for Germany, the "Last Days". The aim was to kill 20 million Germans after the war, they succeeded in killing about 12

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