1176: Byzantium is losing against the Seljuks.
1185: Byzantium is losing against the Normans.

1187: Byzantium is losing against Hungary and is losing Dalmatia, Croatia and Bosnia to Hungary. Bulgaria is getting stronger again because Byzantium is getting weaker.

1203/04: Bulgaria becomes a "kingdom" again
Byzantium has to recognize the 2nd Bulgarian Empire.

1204: [Jesus Fantasy] crusaders plunder Greek Constantinople
The empire of Byzantium is divided into [Jesus fantasy] crusader states.

Mongolian massacres in China

1206: Mongol meeting at Lake Baikal
All Mongolian, Turkish and Tatar peoples hold a general meeting ("Reichstag") on Lake Baikal. Temujin is appointed Genghis Khan and a readiness for war to conquer the world is invoked.

1205-9: Mongols against China: Subjugation of the empire of Hsi-Hsia, which now serves as a deployment base against China.

[In those times the Chinese Wall is built, there are several of them].

1211-15: Mongols against China: Occupation of China
Devastation of the Chinese Empire. The Mongols organize 2 campaigns against China per year. Adoption of Chinese engineering technology (artillery, signaling systems, siege art).

1219-25: Subjugation of all flourishing cultures in Central Asia, but the Mongol upper class is too small to govern the vast area from northern China to the Black Sea [overextension of borders].

Subjugation of the Khorezm Empire and the Georgians.

The Turks (=Seljuks) evade to Asia Minor [Turkey] and threaten the [Jesus fantasy] "Occident".

1223: Mongols against Russia: The Mongols (called Tatars by the Russians) win against Russia
in the Battle of the Kalka.

since 1224: Transylvania forms its own government from 1224
The rights granted by the “Privilegium Andreanum” can gradually be extended to territorial, political and ecclesiastical [Jesus fantasy] autonomy.

1227: Death of Genghis Chan. The Mongol Empire is divided among 4 sons
This means that the Mongol victory against Russia has no consequences for Russia. The 4 sons are: Dschöti, Tschagatai, Tului and Ügedei.

1229-41: Mongols against China and Persia
The Great Khan Ügedei completes the subjugation of northern China and Persia.

Mongolian massacres in Europe

Batü (grandson of Genghis Khan) conquers Eastern Europe with Sübütei.

1236: The Mongols subjugate the Kamabulgars (Volga Bulgars).

1239/40: The Mongols subdue the Cumans.
The Cumans flee west to Hungary and are incorporated by Béla IV.
The defeated Cumans migrate to Hungary and other areas, mixing in part with Mongols and Nogais. The Cumans found Small Cumania in Hungary (unga.: Kiskunság, between the Danube and the Tisza, with Kiskunfelegyháza as its capital) and Greater Cumania (Hungarian: Nagykunság, east of the Tisza near Szolnik, with Karcag as its capital).
The complete hungarianization [and loss of the Cuman language] does not take place until the 18th century [probably for “military reasons”, because no other languages were accepted in the new mass armies].

1240: The Mongols occupy Kiev.

1241: The Mongols defeat the German-Polish army of knights of Poland
in the Battle of Liegnitz, but the Mongols retreat despite their victory.

The Mongols defeat the army of Hungary
Hungary under Béla IV collapses in the Battle of the Saja River. But then the Great Khan Ügedei dies suddenly and the Mongols retreat.

1242: Mongols invade Bulgaria

1245: Mongol rule in whole Russia
The seat of the Great Khan widow of Ügedei is Karakorum (today (2025) a ruined city in Mongolia [web02]).

1251: “Golden Horde”
Batü founds the rule of the Golden Horde (Kipchak Empire) in 1251.

1251-65: Hülägü conquers Persia and establishes the Il-Khan Empire.

1258: Destruction of Baghdad

1260: Mamelukes defeat the “Golden Horde” at Ain Jalut

The Il-Chane Empire is Islamized [in solidarity against the highly criminal Jesus-fantasy crusaders], the conquerors are absorbed by the culturally superior population (around 1300).

1260: Hungary loses parts to Slovakia.

[1291: The criminal Jesus fantasy crusaders lose their last city in the Middle East against the Muhammad fantasy Muslims: Defeat at Acre (Accon) - terror in Eastern Europe
-- the high Jesus fantasy knight sects retreat to Corfu and Scotland, where criminal Freemasonry is then founded
-- other knight sects move to Central Europe and are given the “Christian” mission to destroy all cultures in Eastern Europe and carry out forced “Christianizations” there with a fantasy god and a fantasy Jesus
-- the Fantasy Jesus Bishops from Avignon are now changing to the little town of Rome in Italy for their Vatican project installing a new "Vatican" as a center for the Fantasy Cross and the Fantasy Jesus as a Fantasy Son of a Fantasy God inventing a Roman Empire and with the project for a world domination].

1269: Hungary loses Carinthia and Carniola

1301: Hungary: The dynasty of the Arpads comes to an end and there is crown turmoil [civil wars].

1307: Hungary is ruled “by the Jesus Fantasy West” and has a “golden age” [may be invented?]
Renewal and assumption of crown power by the House of Anjou (France). Louis I the Great (of the House of Anjou-Naples) disempowers the Hungarian nobility. [It is claimed]: The bourgeoisie and the cities flourish. Under him, Hungary expands to its greatest extent: in the south, a belt of Hungarian borderlands is created, the Hungarian Banat (Moldavia, Wallachia).

1365: Moldavia and Wallachia separate for forming an independent principality.

1370: Poland and Hungary are forming a personal union under Louis I the Great.
Louis's son-in-law Sigismund is the younger son of Emperor Charles IV [in Spain].

1387: Sigismund wins the Hungarian crown

Now comes the Muslim revenge against the "Christian" crusaders:

from 1393: Turkish invasions with the Muhammad fantasy in the Balkans as far as Vienna

1393: Turkey in the Balkans: Bulgaria falls into Ottoman dependence
1394: Turkey in the Balkans: Wallachia falls into Ottoman dependence

1396: Jesus fantasy crusade to Byzantium against the Muhammad fantasy Turks fails
A Jesus fantasy crusade to liberate Byzantium from the Muhammad fantasy Turks fails. The Turks stop the crusade at Nicopolis.

1402: Victory of Tumur against the Turks in Constantinople

1419: Sigismund becomes King of Bohemia.

1433: Sigismund is crowned “Emperor” in Rome

The projects for a Slavic Empire are always destroyed by Turkey

Now for about 500 years, the town of Belgrade is a hot spot between Hungary and Turkey:

1433: Belgrade becomes a fortress for Hungary against the Turks.

1444: Johann Hunyadis, voivode in Transylvania, becomes imperial administrator for the minor Ladislaus Posthumus. Fight against the Muhammad Fantasy Turks.

1444: Defeat at Varna on the Amsfeld

1453: Reconquest of Constantinople
Serbia and Bosnia become Ottoman provinces.

1456: Defense of the fortress of Belgrade
Victory of the [Jesus Fantasy] Christians against the [Muhammad Fantasy] Turks. After this, John Hunyadis dies.

Moldavia 1457-1504 independent
Stephen III the Great, Romanian Stefan cel Mare, Prince of Moldavia, secures its independence against Hungary, the Turks and Poland by playing them off against each other.

1459: Turks win Serbia with Belgrade: Serbia is incorporated into the Ottoman [Muhammad Fantasy] Empire

1465: Matthias I Corvinus, son of Hunyadis, becomes king of Hungary.
1468: Albania is occupied by the Turks.
1469: Corvinus also becomes King of Bohemia.

from 1477: Attacks by Hungary against Austria - attacks on Austria against Frederick III.
Against Frederick III: Lower Austria, Carinthia, Styria and Vienna are temporarily occupied.

1485: Matthias against Frederick III: occupation of Lower Austria with Vienna, large parts of Styria and Carinthia. Vienna becomes his new residence.

1490: Death of Matthias - he is succeeded by Wladislaw II, who is also King of Bohemia and Poland. Vienna goes back to the Habsburgs.

1491: Peace of Pressburg (Bratislava): The Habsburg hereditary claims must be recognized.

1515: Vienna inheritance treaty between the Habsburgs and Hungary

[from 1519: France with Turkey against Austria with Habsburgs
-- Emperor of the "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation (HRR)" becomes Charles V in 1519, whereby the German merchant family of the Fuggers helped with bribes
-- the French candidate Francis I is rejected - and out of revenge France supports the Turks against Austria-Habsburg. Therefore, in the following time the Turkish occupations of Hungary and up to Vienna take place and the whole Balkans has to suffer Turkish rule for about 300 years and Hungary then changes the "owner" to Austria with the KuK monarchy - the whole thing is just a game of intrigue, because there is an "emperor"].

1521: Muhammad Fantasy Turks conquer Jesus Fantasy Belgrade

1522: Muhammad Fantasy Turks occupy Rhodes and thus control the trade of Venice and Genoa with Asia Minor

1526: Muhammad Fantasy Turks against Hungary
In 1526, the Jesus Fantasy King of Hungary Louis II falls in battle at Mohács against the Muhammad Fantasy Turks. Hungary loses its independence until the dissolution of the KuK monarchy in 1918.

Ferdinand I of Habsburg now becomes King of Bohemia and Hungary, but a section of the Hungarian nobility - supported by the Turks - elects the voivode Johann Zápollya from Transylvania as anti-king: he is appointed anti-king of Ferdinand I of Habsburg by the Hungarian nobility.

1529: Muhammad-Fantasy-Turks besiege Vienna for the first time

1533: Armistice and partition of Hungary
The Muhammad Fantasy Turks agree to the partition of Hungary.
The Ottoman vassal, the voivode Johann Zapollya, Prince of Transylvania, receives the East.

1541: Death of Zapollya

1541: Turks in Ofen (Buda of Budapest)
The Muhammad Fantasy Turks occupy Ofen (Buda of Budapest) and the central part of Hungary, which becomes an Ottoman province. The western part with the capital Pressburg (Bratislava) remains Habsburg.

Creation of the Grand Duchy of Transylvania under its own rulers from Hungarian noble families (Transylvanian princes Gábor Bethlen and George I Rákóczi).

1663-1699: 2nd Turkish attack on Central Europe

1664: The 1st Turkish war breaks out in Transylvania
-- Battle of St. Gotthard / Raab. Peace of Vasvar. Partition of Hungary with tribute payment from Jesus Fantasy Austria to Muhammad Fantasy Turkey
-- Harsh persecution of the Hungarian [Jesus Fantasy] Protestants by Leopold I (dragonnades (forced military accommodation [web01]), executions and galley punishments).
-- There is a conspiracy of magnates of the Hungarian high nobility.

1669-71: Uprising under Count Imre Töhöly, call for help to the Muhammad Fantasy Turks. Kwuzzen uprising against Leopold I.

2nd Turkish War 1683-99: against Vienna
Advance and siege of Vienna. Only a German-Polish reserve army defeats the Muhammad Fantasy Turks on the Kahlenberg.

1684: Foundation of a holy alliance (Austria, Poland, Venice, from 1686 appr. with Russia). Imperial offensive against the Ottoman [Muhammad Fantasy] Empire.

1686-1697: Liberation of Hungary
1686: Jesus Fantasy Conquest of Buda (part of Budapest)
1687: The Diet ("Reichstag") of Pressburg recognizes the Hungarian crown to the male line of the House of Habsburg
1688: Jesus Fantasy conquest of Belgrade
1691: Jesus Fantasy victories at Nisch and Slankamen - Transylvania becomes Habsburg crown land
1696: Jesus Fantasy Tsar Peter I conquers Azov on the Sea of Azov - access to the Black Sea is now almost successful
1697: Jesus Fantasy conquest of Sarajevo.
Sarajevo becomes Jesus Fantasy Austrian and the Muhammad Fantasy Turks are driven out.

1699: Peace of Karlowitz: Austria becomes a great power
Austria gains all of Hungary and Transylvania through an inheritance treaty (except the Temes Banat).

1711-1740: Charles VI - uprisings against Austrian supremacy
He resolves the aristocratic uprisings in the Peace of Sathmár. Hungary is allowed to govern itself according to its own laws passed by the Diet.

1716-1718: 3rd Turkish War
The Muhammad Fantasy Turks are defeated by the Jesus Fantasy armies of Austria under Prince Eugene at Peterwardrein (village on the Danube [web06]) and at the town of Temesvár (today western Romania [web07]).

1717: The Jesus fantasy armies of Austria-Hungary occupy Belgrade
The Muhammad Fantasy Turks have to flee.

1718: Peace of Passarowitz (today Serbia: Po¸arevac [web08]): Largest expansion of the Habsburg Empire
The Banat (today divided into Serbia, Romania and Hungary [web10]), northern Bosnia, Serbia and Little Wallachia (today southern Romania [web11]) fall to the Habsburgs. The Peloponnese in Greece falls to Venice.

from 1718: The House of Habsburg decides resettlements
-- There must be the repopulation of the areas that had been deserted during the Turkish wars
-- A resettlement is performed with South German peasants from Swabia to the Batschka (today southern Hungary and northern Serbia [web09]) and the Banat.
[in order to install “loyal Germans” there, where the populations always rebell against the dictates from Austria].

1737-1739: 4th Turkish War
The Muhammad fantasy Muslims still do not give up.

1739: Peace of Belgrade: Serbia and Wallachia become Muhammad Fantasy Turkish again
Now the rivalry between Jesus Fantasy Austria and Jesus Fantasy Russia begins in the Balkans.

1739: Jesus Fantasy Russia comes to the Black Sea: occupies the Crimea etc.
The Russian army is victorious in the Crimea, in the port city of Ochakov (Black Sea) and in Khotin (Kharkov region). Russia thus gains access to the Black Sea.

1740: Jesus Fantasy Austria: Maria Theresa takes over the regency

[Now the colonies in "America" are developing independence - and this provokes new rebellions in Eastern Europe. Therefore, the KuK Monarchy is taking new measures for installing a "German KuK Empire"].

1784: Jesus-Fantasy-Austria-Hungary: Introduction of German as an administrative language

[German as an administrative language does not gain acceptance in Hungary, but German is a requirement for all universities, and only German is taught in universities.
This decision marks the beginning of Austria's German terror in the Balkans and Eastern Europe. And because German is the most complicated language in the world with 3 partly irregular articles and case harmonization in every case, just like the damn complicated Latin, all German is HATED in all peoples in Eastern Europe who live under the thumb of Austria-Hungary. The German-speaking countries are also incapable of making German simpler, e.g. by simply using the feminine article “die”.
The “nobles” from Vienna are also not afraid to deploy foreign troops from the Balkans in Austria itself against Austrian uprisings that propagate a separate Austria without the eastern countries. So there are just stinking political games being played. From 1850 onwards, this stinking Austria-Hungary provided the socialists and communists with new arguments for abolishing the monarchy. Hitler also argued against the colossus in "My Fight" ("Mein Kampf"). However, the Austro-Hungarian monarchy only collapsed in 1918 and the Austrian “nobility” with its center in Vienna and the Hungarian “nobility” with its center in Budapest were then sent into the desert by the “democratic parties”].

[Ungarn erfährt also noch ein viel schlimmeres Schicksal als Italien, wo das Königreich Neapel ab 1848 20 Jahre lang die Gründung von Italien verhindert - mittels schweizer Soldaten gegen die ganze Bevölkerung Süditaliens!].

1785: Total dictatorship in Austria-Hungary: abolition of the autonomy of the counties.
The uprising of the Hungarian “nobility” is successful and the Emperor of Vienna has to withdraw his “reforms”.

[But the universities have as a precondition: German language].

Revolution of 1848: NO independence for Hungary with Ludwig Kosuth: Austria organizes Russian troops against Budapest (!)
In 1848, Hungary is close to gaining independence from the House of Habsburg. Following the liberation of the peasants and the abolition of aristocratic privileges, Ludwig Kosuth is driven to break with Austria, which is unable to restore calm even through military intervention. Following the decision to remove the House of Habsburg from the throne, the declaration of independence and the installation of Kossuth as imperial administrator in Debrezin (Debrecen), the Hungarian army recaptures Budapest in April, but is forced to capitulate to the two Russian armies that rush to Austria's aid after the imperial meeting in Warsaw in August. After a period of military dictatorship (the freedom fighters, including Batthyány, were shot), Hungary is calmed but remains the vassal of Vienna.

[Hungary thus suffers a much worse fate than Italy, where the Kingdom of Naples is blocking the foundation of Italy for 20 years from 1848 - using Swiss soldiers against the entire population of southern Italy - who have to go in 1870 when Italy is formed].

from 1875
From 1875, new nationalist endeavors set in in Hungary,
-- with a consistent Hungarianization [language bans against all other languages?]
-- with the abolition of self-government in Transylvania [autonomies can no longer be granted in times of great wars]
-- with an anti-Serbian trade policy [whereas in North Serbia also Hungarians live].

1914: Hungary is forced into war by Austria
[and the Hungarians hate Austria because of this always and forever].

1918: Hungary finally becomes independent of German terror of Austria
The connection of the Slavs between Serbia and Slovakia does not succeed.

Zoltán Kodály: The rescue of folk songs in Hungary
And now Zoltán Kodály's work begins to save the old folk songs that survived all the Turkish terror and the German Austrian terror and the Hungarianization of 1875.

-- Quotes of Zoltán Kodáy about folk songs and children's choir Link
-- The different peoples of Cheremisses - Chuvashes - Tatars - Magyars Link