How child Adolf got no orientation by father or mother -- how annexation propaganda and anti-Semitic propaganda in German-speaking Austria determinated his soul -- how this past was not overcome -- Hitler is rejected as a painter two times in Vienna -- Hitler fighting in Germany and finding "family" in the political party -- Hitler's rage on democracy is interpreted as a high quality -- psychopath Hitler is wanted for "leader" ("Führer"), mass murderer and ev. suicide -- the forced actions among others by "US" sponsors and Hitler's illness (Parkinson).
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The edition of 2007 has got pictures and has got many important supplements as the financing connections of Hitler's regime with stupid "USA", and Parkinson symptoms of the "Führer", who in fact had no leadership any more with this illness.
Michael Palomino October 2007, translation in 2010
Hitler's family from Austria from Waldviertel district
Hitler's family was from father's and from mother's side from the region of "Waldviertel" between Danube and Bohemian frontier[1], so, this was the same territory where in 1879 Schönerer and Fürnkranz had been elected as "Two Men's Party" against the Emperor's policy. There are variations of the name as Hiedler or also Hüttler. The name is said to be of Czech (!) origin from Hidlar resp. Hidlarcek[2].
Another website http://www.doellersheim.at/doellersheim/Das_Buch/Dollersheim/dollersheim.HTM
looks for the ancestors of Adolf Hitler's origin at Mrs. Schickelgruber and a Mr. Hiedler in Döllersheim, without Czech origin. Well, all we know, Hitler had black hair and not blond hair, and this was not very Germanic...
Adolf Hitler's father, Alois Schickelgruber, had an adoptive child, an illegitimate child of Johann Nepomuk Hüttler. By a "little illegality" and some "provincial pride" this foster-son Alois was called legitimate - after an uncompleted shoemaker apprenticeship he was now working in financial service of the monarchy and was "Mayor Customs Official" (German: "Zollamtsoberoffizial") and had married. And by this manipulation he received the name "Hitler"[3]. But Alois Hitler could not overcome his small farmer's character. He was an upright and a strict person for ever.
Map 01: Lower Austria with Vienna (Wien) and Waldviertel ("Forest quarter")
Schönerer, portrait 1880 appr.
Alois Hiedler-Schickelgruber, portrait
Hitler's family in Braunau, Gross-Schönau, Passau, and Linz
Adolf Hitler, was born on 20 April 1889 in frontier town of Braunau on the Inn River (Braunau am Inn). He was the fourth child in his third marriage with the servant Klara Pölzl who was 23 years younger than he was. The three brothers and sisters before had died as little children already. Some more brothers and sisters are the two half sisters from second marriage, Alois and Angela, and the younger sister Paula.[4]
Hitler should get to know many places of Austria as he writes:
<Just the fate of an Austrian Customs Officer was in connection with much "migrating".> (orig. German: <Allein das Los eines österreichischen Zollbeamten hiess damals häufig "wandern".>[5]
The discussion about Hitler's descent gets no end until today because Hitler himself never was clearing up the thing, resp. any clarity about his descent had meant an end of his carrier in NS state. Either he was a child with a Jewish grandfather (Hitler's grandmother Anna Schickelgruber got aliments of her Jewish employer Frankenberger for over 14 years), or the spouse of his father was his niece (but Johann Hiedler (Hüttler) always denied being Hitler's grandfather).
(Jewish descent: Döllersheim; incest: Hitler's family tree; http://sauber.50webs.com/kapital/index.html)
Well, in some sense it's not sooo important how de descent was, but the manipulation of the child and of the adolescent child, tis is important, to get to know how manipulation functions to prevent more Hitlers.
In 1890 father Alois Hitler was redeployed to Gross-Schönau in Lower Austria, in 1892 to Passau, and in 1894 to Linz where the father is purchasing a territory in Lambach near Linz in 1895, almost four hectares. In the same year yet in 1895 he gets his early pensioned[6], is giving up his property and is purchasing a house with landslide in Leonding before Linz, and he is cultivating it. [7] So, Hitler's father has got his dream: He has got a safe pension and will have a safe "evening of life". But now there are other problems: The father is always present in the house, and this has a bad effect on the family which feels narrowed. And during his leisure times he also is a friend of alcoholic beverages. So he dies in a Leonding tavern Wiesinger already in 1903. So, the father dies with 66 years already. This was a short "evening of life" in alcohol, and for the son Adolf this had not been a model for sure... [8]
Map 03: Linz and Leonding
Leonding, the house of the Hitler Schickelgruber family 1895-1903
Hitler's church in Leonding 1895-1903
Adolf Hitler's school time: The effect of National propaganda in school and in the countryside
Adolf Hitler's school time and his growing up was in Linz. The key models in his teen years are Schönerer, Karl Lueger and Richard Wagner.[9] In school Hitler is dreaming of history teacher Dr. Leopold Pötsch who was not telling only details but also was showing the bigger connections:
<Only few teachers get it that the aim of historic lessons never can be memorizing and depicting historic data and events; it's not important if a boy knows when precisely a battle had happened, when precisely a general was born, or even a (mostly not so important) monarch has been crowned. No, my God, this is not so important.
To "learn" history this means to look for and to find the forces, the causes of the effects in which we are living and see them before our eyes.
The art of reading and of learning is also here: T o k e e p t h e e s s e n t i a l, t o f o r g e t t h e u n e s s e n t i a l. [...]
My luck was great when this teacher understood to take present events and could explain the past with it, and took the consequences of the past for the present times.>
(orig. German:
<Wenige Lehrer begreifen, dass das Ziel gerade des geschichtlichen Unterrichtes nie und nimmer im Auswendiglernen und Herunterhaspeln geschichtlicher Daten und Ereignisse liegen kann; dass es nicht darauf ankommt, ob der Junge nun genau weiss, wann diese oder jene Schlacht geschlagen, ein Feldherr geboren wurde, oder gar ein (meistens sehr unbedeutender)[10] Monarch die Krone seiner Ahnen auf das Haupt gesetzt erhielt. Nein, wahrhaftiger Gott, darauf kommt es wenig an.
Geschichte "lernen" heisst die Kräfte suchen und finden, die als Ursachen zu jenen Wirkungen führen, die wir dann als geschichtliche Ereignisse vor unseren Augen sehen.
Die Kunst des Lesens wie des Lernens ist auch hier: Wesentliches behalten, Unwesentliches vergessen.[...]
Das Glück war um so grösser, als dieser Lehrer es verstand, aus Gegenwart Vergangenes zu erleuchten, aus Vergangenheit aber die Konsequenzen für die Gegenwart zu ziehen.>[11]
It seems that in history lessons of Dr. Leopold Pötsch was predicted the "ruin" of the monarchy, and above all the "unfair" financial distribution was discussed:
<It was perverse how the cares ware taken by the German part, they payed with high taxes and with blood [...]
The greatest pain was the fact that the whole system was morally protected by the coalition with Germany [coalition of Emperors between Vienna and Berlin], so the slow going down of Germanity in the old monarchy was even permitted by Germany itself [for example by czechization in Bohemia and in Prag].
I realized in my earliest youth already - and I could not give up this cognition, but it was always deeper:
t h a t s a f e t y f o r G e r m a n i t y r e q u i r e s t h e r u i n o f A u s t r i a , a n d t h a t n a t i o n a l f e e l i n g s c a n n o t b e t h e s a m e t h i n g l i k e d y n a m i c p a t r i o t i s m ; t h a t a b o v e a l l t h e H a b s b u r g E m p i r e w a s t h e h a r m f o r G e r m a n N a t i o n .
I had torn the consequences of these cognitions; a hot love for German Austrian homeland, and a deep hatred against the Austrian state.>
(orig. German:
<Ungeheuer waren die Lasten, die man dem deutschen Volke zumutete, unerhört seine Opfer an Steuern und an Blut [...]
Was uns dabei am meisten schmerzte, war noch die Tatsache, dass dieses ganze System moralisch gedeckt wurde durch das Bündnis mit Deutschland [Kaiserbündnis zwischen Wien und Berlin], womit der langsamen Ausrottung des Deutschtums in der alten Monarchie auch noch gewissermassen von Deutschland aus selber die Sanktion erteilt wurde [z.B. durch fortschreitende Tschechisierungen in Böhmen und Prag].
Es genügt hier nur festzustellen, dass ich im Grunde genommen schon in der frühesten Jugend zu einer Einsicht kam, die mich niemals mehr verliess, sondern sich nur noch vertiefte:
dass nämlich die Sicherung des Deutschtums die Vernichtung Österreichs voraussetzte, und dass weiter Nationalgefühl in nichts identisch ist mit dynastischem Patriotismus; dass vor allem das habsburgische Erzhaus zum Unglück der deutschen Nation bestimmt war.
Ich hatte schon damals die Konsequenzen aus dieser Erkenntnis gezogen; heisse Liebe zu meiner deutschösterreichischen Heimat, tiefen Hass gegen den österreichischen Staat.>[12]
And in this manner whole parts of schools ware "infected" and polarized in a national way:
<We were sitting there, often in an absolute euphoria, sometimes with tears in our eyes [...] Luck was bigger when this teacher was capable to show the past by present events, or to show from the past the consequences for the present. And he had an understanding for all the daily problems we had in these times. Our little national fanaticism was an education element of this teacher. More than one time he called for national honor feeling ordering the boys - which had not been possible by other measures.
This teacher turned history subject into my favorite subject. Of course I was a young revolutioner in these times - which was not wanted by him. It was hardly possible studying German history with such a teacher and not become an enemy of the state, which was damaging the fate of nation by it's dynasty.>
(orig. German:
<Wir sassen da, oft zu heller Glut begeistert, mitunter sogar zu Tränen gerührt [...] Das Glück ward um so grösser, als dieser Lehrer es verstand, aus Gegenwart Vergangenes zu erleuchten, aus Vergangenheit aber die Konsequenzen für die Gegenwart zu ziehen. So brachte er denn auch mehr als sonst einer, Verständnis auf für alle die Tagesprobleme, die uns damals in Atem hielten. Unser kleiner nationaler Fanatismus ward ihm ein Mittel zu unserer Erziehung, indem er, öfter als einmal, an das nationale Ehrgefühl appellierend, dadurch allein uns Rangen schneller in Ordnung brachte, als dies durch andere Mittel je möglich gewesen wäre.
Mir hat dieser Lehrer Geschichte zum Lieblingsfach gemacht. Freilich wurde ich wohl ungewollt von ihm, auch damals schon zum jungen Revolutionär. Wer konnte auch unter einem solchen Lehrer deutsche Geschichte studieren, ohne zum Feinde des Staates zu werden, der durch sein Herrscherhaus in so unheilvoller Weise die Schicksale der Nation beeinflusste?>[13]
When Schönerer was confessing himself to his pride, and when he was defamed by "Jewish press" in Vienna and his speeches were pulled to pieces, so Hitler's middle school in Linz was politically a field with the same energies seeded against "Czechs", "Jews" and the "monarchy":
<Linz around the turn of the century was not only a center of nationalist groups and movements, but also especially in Hitler's middle school there was a very special national atmosphere. The pupils showed proudly their German ethnic blue corn flower in the buttonhole, they had a preference to use the colors of the German unity movement black, red, and gold, they were greeting with a German "Heil!", or they did not sing the Hapsburg Emperor song, but they sang the German National anthem with the same melody; their nationalism in the opposition was headed above all against the dynasty, and youth resistance was refusing even school divine service and Corpus Christi processions in a "Protestant" Empire.>
(orig. German:
<Linz war um die Jahrhundertwende nicht nur eines der Zentren nationalistischer Gruppen und Bestrebungen, vielmehr herrschte gerade auch an der von Hitler besuchten Realschule eine entschieden nationalgesinnte Atmosphäre. Ostentativ steckten sich die Schüler die deutschvölkische blaue Kornblume ins Knopfloch, mit Vorliebe verwendeten sie die Farben der deutschen Einheitsbewegung schwarz-rot-gold, grüssten mit deutschen "Heil!" oder sangen statt der habsburgischen Kaiserhymne das auf die gleiche Melodie lautende Deutschlandlied; ihr oppositioneller Nationalismus wandte sich vor allem gegen die Dynastie und identifizierte sich sogar in der jugendlichen Resistenz gegen Schulgottesdienste und Fronleichnamsprozessionen mit dem "protestantischen" Reich.>[14]
Hitler seems to be trustworthy describing the following school sceneries referring to the years of 1900 to 1905 about. Primarily there was not the "Jewish question", but there was the fight against "slavification", there was the fight of languages, and the result of this fight was a new revival of "nationhood":
<There were only a few Germans from Empire knowing about the eternal unforgiving fight about German language, about German school and about German character [...] As it's in every fight and always there were three groups in this fight of languages in Austria: t h e f i g h t e r s , t h e l u k e - w a r m s , a n d t h e t r a i t o r s .
These groups were formed in our school already. Because it's very remarkable in this fight of languages that it's waves got it's biggest effect in the schools where is planted the coming generation. And this fight was performed with the child, and there were the first calls at the children:
'German boy, don't forget that you are a German!' and 'Girl, please remember that you should become a German mother!'
Who knows the soul of youth will understand that just the youth has ears for such a call of fight. They [the teenage souls] were fighting this fight in hundreds of variations, in their manners and with their arms. It [the teenage soul trained for Germanity] rejects singing non-German songs, is dreaming more of German heroes the more they were trying to estrange them; [it] is collecting the cents spared from daily food to found a fund for fighting of the heroes; it [the teenage soul trained for Germanity] is absolutely sensitive when there is a non-German teacher, and there is also resistance; [the child manipulated in a German way] shows the forbidden badges of their ethnic group and is happy to be punished or even to be beaten for it. It's also a mirror for the big world, but with a better and very upright character.>
(orig. German:
<Von dem ewigen unerbittlichen Kampfe um die deutsche Sprache, um deutsche Schule und deutsches Wesen hatten nur ganz wenige Deutsche aus dem Reiche eine Ahnung [...] Wie überall und immer, in jeglichem Kampf, gab es auch im Sprachenkampf des alten Österreichs drei Schichten: die Kämpfer, die Lauen und die Verräter.
Schon in der Schule begann diese Siebung einzutreten. Denn es ist das Bemerkenswerte des Sprachenkampfes wohl überhaupt, dass seine Wellen vielleicht am schwersten gerade die Schule, als Pflanzstätte der kommenden Generation, umspülen. Um das Kind wird dieser Kampf geführt, und an das Kind richtet sich der erste Appell dieses Streites:
'Deutscher Knabe, vergiss nicht, dass Du ein Deutscher bist!' und 'Mädchen, gedenke, dass Du eine deutsche Mutter werden sollst!'
Wer der Jugend Seele kennt, der wird verstehen können, dass gerade sie am freudigsten die Ohren für einen solchen Kampfruf öffnet. In hunderterlei Formen pflegt sie [die jugendliche Seele] diesen Kampf dann zu führen, auf ihre Art und mit ihren Waffen. Sie [die jugendliche, auf das Deutschtum dressierte Seele] lehnt es ab, undeutsche Lieder zu singen, schwärmt um so mehr für deutsche Heldengrösse, je mehr man versucht, sie dieser zu entfremden; [sie] sammelt an vom Munde abgesparten Hellern zum Kampfschatz der Grossen; sie [die jugendliche, auf das Deutschtum dressierte Seele] ist unglaublich hellhörig dem undeutschen Lehrer gegenüber und widerhaarig zugleich; [das deutsch verhetzte Schulkind] trägt die verbotenen Abzeichen des eigenen Volkstums und ist glücklich, dafür bestraft oder gar geschlagen zu werden. Sie ist also im kleinen ein getreues Spiegelbild der Grossen, nur oft in besserer und aufrichtigerer Gesinnung.>[15]
Hitler is presenting here in a very precise form his own orientation in the fight against the czechization activities of the Emperor. He is giving more details about activities how he was active for the German national movement, and punishments were not important, and he indicates how he was "trained" politically:
<Once also I had the possibility to take part in the nationality fight in old Austria, already in relatively early youth times. There were collections for South March and for school association, and by corn flowers and by the colors black, red, and gold the orientation was stressed, there were greetings with "Heil", and instead of Emperor song one sang more "Adored Germany" (German: Deutschland über alles), in spite of warnings and punishments. The boy got a political education in a time when the members of the so called national states mostly only knew the language and not more. Already in these times of course I was not a member of the luke-warms. In a relative short time I had turned into a fanatic "German national".>
(orig. German:
<Auch ich hatte so einst die Möglichkeit, schon in verhältnismässig früher Jugend am Nationalitätenkampf des alten Österreichs teilzunehmen. Für Südmark und Schulverein wurde da gesammelt, durch Kornblumen und schwarzrotgoldne Farben die Gesinnung betont, mit "Heil" gegrüsst, und statt des Kaiserliedes lieber "Deutschland über alles" gesungen, trotz Verwarnung und Strafen. Der Junge ward dabei politisch geschult in einer Zeit, da der Angehörige eines sogenannten Nationalstaates meist noch von seinem Volkstum wenig mehr als die Sprache kennt. Dass ich damals schon nicht zu den Lauen gehört habe, versteht sich von selbst. In kurzer Zeit war ich zum fanatischen "Deutschnationalen" geworden.>[16]
And there was another factor for Adolf Hitler - as for Schönerer - this factor was the model of Bismarck's victory of 1871 and "heroism", with persistence and will to win:
<Searching my father's library I detected some books with military content, one of it was a popular edition of German French war of 1870/71. These were two volumes of an illustrated review from these years, and these books was my favorite reading now. It did not need much time and the big fight of heroes had turned into an inner event of mine. From now on I adored more and more all what had a connection with war or with soldierdom.
But there was also another point of view for me. It was the first time coming up the question - in some way unclear yet - there was the question what was the difference between the Germans and the others? Why Austria had not fighted with the Germans in this war, and why my father and the others had not fighted also?
Are we not the same like all other Germans?
Don't we belong together? It was the first time when this problem was working in my little brain. When I asked in a shy way I had to accept the answers with an inner envy that not every German should have the luck to be member of Bismarck's Reich.
I could not believe this.>
(orig. German:
<Beim Durchstöbern der väterlichen Bibliothek war ich über verschiedene Bücher militärischen Inhalts gekommen, darunter eine Volksausgabe des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges 1870/71. Es waren zwei Bände einer illustrierten Zeitschrift aus diesen Jahren, die nun meine Lieblingslektüre wurden. Nicht lange dauerte es, und der grosse Heldenkampf war mir zum grössten inneren Erlebnis geworden. Von nun an schwärmte ich mehr und mehr für alles, was irgendwie mit Krieg oder doch mit Soldatentum zusammenhing.
Aber auch in anderer Hinsicht sollte dies von Bedeutung für mich werden. Zum ersten Male wurde mir, wenn auch in noch so unklarer Vorstellung, die Frage aufgedrängt, ob und welch ein Unterschied denn zwischen den diese Schlachten schlagenden Deutschen und den anderen sei? Warum hat denn nicht auch Österreich mitgekämpft in diesem Kriege, warum nicht der Vater und nicht all die anderen auch?
Sind wir denn nicht auch dasselbe wie eben alle anderen Deutschen?
Gehören wir denn nicht alle zusammen? Dieses Problem begann zum ersten Male in meinem kleinen Gehirn zu wühlen. Mit innerem Neide musste ich auf vorsichtige Fragen die Antwort vernehmen, dass nicht jeder Deutsche das Glück besitze, dem Reich Bismarcks anzugehören.
Ich konnte dies nicht begreifen.>[17]
By these connections it's coming up clearly that Adolf Hitler must have been a very sensitive boy who was ready immediately to fight for the concerns of his homeland which were presented by his teachers: He gets involved with the great "fight of four" between "Germans" - "Czechs" - "Jews", and the "Emperor", and he is leader of a school's gang.[18]
Hitler as a school boy, 10 years old in 1899, portrait
Hitler's class photo of 1901 as a 12 years old school boy. He was with Ludwig Wittgenstein in the same school desk.
At the same time his father is a psychologically unreliable alcoholic and dies in 1903, just in Adolf's very important youth years when Adolf is 14 years old. Hitler never mentions his brothers or sisters. It seems that they don't be important for him. His school achievements become bad, and the mental base to manage all his problems in a useful way is missing. Adolf is so bad in behavior that he has to leave his school. His mother has no idea of politics, but she undertakes a last trial and and sends Adolf to the middle school at Steyr. There is achievements don't become better. In autumns of 1905 his mother permits Adolf to leave the school. Hitler is 16 years old.[19]
Considering psychology there can be seen a repetition of actions of the young Adolf Hitler: Hitler's homeland is - according to his words - a "Hapsburg simulation" (German: habsburgische Heuchelei")[20], the state is a "dead body" (German: Leichnam) [21]. The activity as "nationalist" and "political revolutioner" [22] becomes his duty for ever and his task of life: to prevent the "ruin" of German Austria. So, a peaceful existence would be a treason for this young man. He is joining with "fighting" people to learn from them and to learn analyzing. Psychopath is meeting psychopath. Adolf cannot separate from the events of his teen times. He cannot develop a supranational authority - but he keeps stuck in polarized fight of nationalism.
Map of Austria-Hungary, a political dead body, democratic and anti-democratic at the same time, with extensions up to Ukraine, a colossus for German Austria which the Emperor of Vienna wants to keep as long as possible.
The mansion of Hitler's family under leadership of Klara Pölzl since 1903 in Linz, Adolf Hitler's home from 1903 to 1907
Hitler's family without father in Linz: Adolf living freely in arts and "science"
After the death of the father mother Klara Hitler (-Pölzl) sells the house in Leonding living in a flat in Linz. The family lives of the big father's pension. Now Adolf is in a "phase of orientation" in the art's element in Linz resp. in the elements which are classified as "art" by the society there: He is searching "scientific" tendency literature (anti-Semitism, racism), is searching architecture, and is hanging in musics (above all Richard Wagner as "the" German national composer). In these times Hitler's first architect studies are coming out of bridges, buildings of museums and theaters. His wish to have a piano is fulfilled by his mother, but after four months of instruction he give it up already. He does not communicate with young girls - although Hitler seems to be a smart person. It seems he is too nervous, not stable enough. But love story and opera are his daily life. A visit in Vienna gets more "imperial" impressions. He writes about Ring Road (German: Ringstrasse) as a "magic thing of thousand and one night", and he describes the feeling of "majesty" consuming an opera like "Tristan" or "Flying Dutchman" in Vienna Court Theater (German: Wiener Burgtheater).[23] It seems that feelings are more important for him than rationality.
By this Hitler is keeping in an emotional nationalism. Also with 16 years he cannot separate from pride and from national thoughts and cannot develop a tolerant point of view referring to all nations in his thinking. He is increasing the German national thought of Schönerer into a wild energy. He is connecting this energy with magic elements and with irrationality. There is enough money from his mother's side and he never has to think about his political orientation, and he cannot see his manipulation. He omits any relationship because artistic or political contents begin dominating him. It seems that Hitler is exposed to political movements and cannot resist any more because this political thinking was planted during his childhood already, and he never allows mental contact to his mother and his brothers or sisters. Self reflexion in meditation of in analyze does not happen.
Adolf's decision to study arts - and the schools of Vienna do not want him - and developing a shame from himself and from the mother's death
Hitler took the resolution for a creative profession early already: He wanted to carry out his art's dreams. When he was 11 years old his father suggested an official career as he was. But Hitler did not want to be a servant of the monarchy at all because Adolf boy had heart in school that it's ruin would be the base of the "Germans in Austria". One year later - as a 12 years old boy - Adolf presented his wish to be a "painter" to his father. This again was not acceptable for the father who doubted of his son's mind. [24]
Vienna, academy of "fine arts", gallery
Now, as a youth in his later years Hitler takes a second trip to Vienna and in 1907 he applies at the art academy (German: Kunstakademie) as an art student. He does not pass the drawing entrance exam (German: Probezeichnen). Speaking with the academy's director Hitler gets the confirmation that he was "not qualified to be a painter". But the director suggests Hitler an architect study for which a school leaving examination is required. But Hitler's aversion against school is too big yet in Hitler's mind. So, 18 years old Adolf lets block his dream to be an artist by the missing school leaving examination and - hiding the failure before his family - is going in Vienna underground. [25]
With all this it's absolutely not understandable why Hitler did not want to pass another academy than Vienna academy. Hitler got afraid of his own failure, and this is an indication of an absolute undeveloped mind, by punishments by bad school certificates as it seems. It seems that his alcoholic father had bashed him up several times because of bad achievements, or had punished him badly in another kind. By this came up in Adolf an absolute fear from failure in his whole life. It seems that Hitler is absolutely missing reality of life, and there is no help. It seems that his national subconsciousness and his trained national pride are that strong that there is no other solution for Adolf to go "underground". His shame to confess a failure in his "favorite occupation" is that big that he does not come back to Linz. He only comes back to Linz shortly after his sick mother's death which was on 21 December 1907, and in the flat he is giving a last good bye to his dead mother. According to a doctor's statement he is said having wept there.[26]
Tombstone of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Poelzl in Leonding (01)
Tombstone of Alois Schickelgruber 1903 and Klara Pölzl (12 August 1860-21 December 1907)
Hitler's unsuccessful trial to be a scene painter in Vienna - and waiting for another test at the art academy
Hitler, with 18 years, has got a heritage now, but is responsible for his own life. His mind is stuck in the idea to go to Vienna. It has to be Vienna, another town is not possible for him. The landlady in Vienna is writing recommendation letters for a friend, the scene painter of Vienna opera house Alfred Roller who is also a teacher of Vienna art academy:
<He is as honest and an ambitious young man, is 19 years old, adult, earnest for his age, kind and solid, from very decent family [...] He has taken the firm resolution to learn something a regular subject! As far I know him he will not "idle away" because he has got an earnest aim; I hope you will not put in a good word for an unworthy person! Perhaps you will do a good deed.>
(orig. German:
<Er ist ein ernster, strebsamer junger Mensch, 19 Jahre alt, reifer, gesetzter über sein Alter, nett und solid, aus hochanständiger Familie [...] Er hat den festen Vorsatz, etwas Ordentliches zu lernen! Soweit ich ihn jetzt kenne, wird er sich nicht "verbummeln", da er ein ernstes Ziel vor Augen hat; ich hoffe, Du verwendest Dich für keinen Unwürdigen! Tust vielleicht ein gutes Werk.>[27]
Hitler also is received by Alfred Roller: The dream to connect a political statement with painting, with music and with opera almost seemed to become reality. But at the moment the meeting had no result.[28] In Linz itself Hitler is giving the impression as if he would be studying - for getting the orphan's rent. But at the same time he disposes of high sums of money from his father's and his mother's heritage.[29] But see here, Hitler is deploring himself in his autobiography:
Alfred Roller, * 2 October 1864 in Brünn (Brno, Czech Republic), died on 21 June 1935 in Vienna, scene designer, painter, graphic artist
<Five years misery and sorrow I stayed in the name of this lotus-eater town. Five years during these I first was working and winning my bread as an unskilled laborer, then as a little painter; this was really my scanty bread which never was enough, and it was only possible to appease normal hunger. This (hunger) of these times was a faithful guard, the only one almost never leaving me.>
(orig. German:
<Fünf Jahre Elend und Jammer sind im Namen dieser Phäakenstadt für mich enthalten. Fünf Jahre, in denen ich erst als Hilfsarbeiter, dann als kleiner Maler mir mein Brot verdienen musste; mein wahrhaft kärglich Brot, das doch nie langte, um auch nur den gewöhnlichen Hunger zu stillen. Er (der Hunger) war damals mein getreuer Wächter, der mich als einziger fast nie verliess.>[30]
This "hunger" can be understood as a mental hunger: Because during hi parts a "comfortless and poor room" with a music student August Kubizek in Vienna, he is going on swarming around in his art dreams creating theaters and castles and planning projects to change the world in a positive way. He never mentions to Kubizek that he failed the entrance exam, but he is diverting himself: with a tobacco substitute, with a "German Ideal State", or he is occupied with amateurish theater drafts about Germanic myths, and he is asking himself how the solution for flat misery in Vienna should be.[31]
So, to the outer world Hitler is a "dreamer", but in his inner world he es absolutely disorientated and he is a helpless man by his shame of his failure. There are attacks of rage and despair instead of finishing school. In 1908 he is applying another time at art academy, but this time he is even excluded from the entrance exam. Hatred against classification system is getting more profound now. He is a product of a system, but does not fit into this system, this is the biggest humiliation for him - and he will not forget this up to his death. His mental ideas and his positive and constructive energies - which were taught in German Austria - they are classified worthless, and he will never forget this.
On 27 March 2010 there were presented Hitler's application drawings in official news because these application drawings were auctioned. Rate yourself the quality of Hitler's application drawings. They should have let him draw...
from: Männerhintern und Kerzenständer; 26 March 2010;
<Hitler's nudes auctioned
Drawings from Adolf Hitler which were unknown until today will be auctioned in April [2010]. Whith these the later Fuehrer had applied for Vienna Arts Academy without success.>
The article of Swiss newspaper "20 minuten online" rated Hitler's drawings very badly, in reference to "professors":
<Before his carreer as dictator and mass murderer Adofl Hitler tried to be an artist.
In autumn 1909 20 years old Adolf Hitler tried a last time to be accepted for a professional formation. As two years before he presented his drawings in a workbook to Vienna Arts Academy.
Most of the drawings presented at the auction of British Auction House Mullocks in Ludlow come from this workbook of later Fuehrer and are offered for a minimal price of 6,700 Euros (about 9,500 Swiss Franks) per piece.
Absolutely not qualified
But to the contrary to September 1907 Hitler now was not even accepted for an exam drawing - and by this the academic carreer of artist Hitler had ended before it had begun. The professors attested him an "absolute no qualification to be a painter".
This rebuff hurt the egocentric young man very hard, and he had failed at secondary school in Linz allready. Hitler saw himself as an underestimated artist for his whole life. Especially the fact that it was a Jewish professor who rebuffed him was a special point - this stated Hitler himself. Some historians mean that this is one of the reasons for later destructive antisemitism of later dictator Hitler. [...]
Hitler's minimal existence - influence of politics, economy, propaganda, and communism
Karl Marx, portrait
There is always the question why Adolf Hitler did not try a painter formation in another town or privately. Up to 1914 with it's outbreak of First World War Adolf Hitler is living in asylums for street persons and in rooms. But street life is taking him again, now as a young man: politics, economy, propaganda and communism are coming into him, whereby he considers himself always as a student with the task to learn something new yet.[32] Marxism is called "mental pestilence"[33] and as a "Jewish doctrine"[34], members of parliament are called "blockheads" (German: "Hohlköpfe")[35]. He is watching the parliament with it's politic realities, maneuvers, and intrigues - in all details. And he always gets confirmed his points of view of his youth: Mass and common right to vote of 1907 are only contributing to a "stultification of parliament" because German representatives of the monarchy are a minority group since then. Genius men had "no chance" in a democracy.[36]
At the same time Hitler is influenced by anti-Semitic forces. There are polemicist articles and cartoons against "Romanics" (German: Römlinge, meaning the clerics as servants of Vatican), Jews, the parliament, woman emancipation, "moral decline", and alcoholism. All this is exponentiating old youth ideas of rebellion.[37] Jörg Lanz of Liebenfels is distributing a racist magazine "Ostara" (the name of a Germanic spring goddess) with an edition up to 100,000, and has it's cover with following title:
<Are you blond? Then you are in dangers! Read for this blond's and men's right library!>
(orig. German:
<Sind Sie blond? Dann drohen Ihnen Gefahren! Lesen Sie daher die Bücherei der Blonden und Mannesrechtler!>[38]
Jörg Lanz of Liebenfels, profile
Jörg Lanz of Liebenfels: review Ostara, an edition of 1909
There is hardly any integration of Hitler's personality into society, or not any one. Polarizing forces in the society have a too dominant effect to his sensible soul. Emperor of Vienna does not take any measures but suppression and censorship in his favor. The model for Hitler is Karl Lueger's work. Hitler was an outsider in Linz - and also in Vienna he becomes an outsider, and again he rejects relationships to women by his fear, but is developing sexual envy complexes to Jews:
<The black haired Jewish boy is watching for hours, with a satanic joy in his face, for an innocent girl that he will desecrate with his blood and with this action he is robbing the girl from it's folk.>
(orig. German:
<Der schwarzhaarige Judenjunge lauert stundenlang, satanische Freude in seinem Gesicht, auf das ahnungslose Mädchen, das er mit seinem Blute schändet und damit seinem, des Mädchens Volke raubt.>[39]
Karl Lueger, portrait with coin
Emperor Franz-Joseph I. of Vienna
Karl Lueger, Memorial Church ("Gedächtniskirche") in Vienna
Vienna, Wien, Emperor's ovation procession in 1908
Hitler is not capable to love, and that's why he has got a big envy to the love of others. And he even does not realize that he is not blond at all and therefore principally not at all is allowed making racist Germanic politics.
Liebenfels himself proclaims an own doctrine of a fight of Asing people (German: Asinge, also Heroe people, German: Heldlinge) against the monkey peoples (German: Äfflinge or Schrättlinge).[40] Meanwhile swastika flag has become a standard symbol of Germanic myth, a "fire swizzle stick" swizzling the basics of World's creation. [41]
1907: Templar Order swastika flag according to Daim without frame
1907: Templar Order swastika flag with yellow frame on blue base with 4 red lilies in the corners
Liebenfels is stating that there will be an "extermination of animal humans", and there will be the "development of the higher new humans": by measures like sterilization, deportations to the "monkey's forest" and by liquidation by forced labor or by murder. "Monkey children" should be sacrificed for a new creation of man...[42]
Houston Stewart Chamberlain, portrait, looks well-behaved, but is swarming of "noble races"
Meanwhile there is an Englishman who has become a German, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, stating in his book "The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century" that Germans and Prussians would be of a "noble race", and Prusia had won against "mixed raced" Rome already.[43]
Now already Hitler becomes a little demagogue. His model is the leader of Christian Social Party, Dr. Karl Lueger. Instead of finishing school Hitler develops a combination with the German ethnic ideas of Schönerer from Waldviertel. Instead of applying for another art academy in another town, he is analyzing the ruin of Schönerer movement and becomes a member of Anti-Semitic Association (German: Antisemitenbund). But when changing his domicile he indicates "academic painter" or "writer".[44]
His dream is to connect arts and politics with a combined statement. His ideas are very strong for this. But overcoming of some external obstacles seems unpossible for him.
Change to Munich - Hitler's flight from military emplacement and his disablement - Hitler's fight for Germany
Munich, old town hall, 1900 about
In 1913 Hitler gets his patrimony [60] - and in the same year yet he is turning off from Vienna chaning his domicile to Munich. In this moment subconsciousness is steering according to the art's feeling. If he had thought in a political way, so he had changed to Berlin. [45] To cover his existence before the authorities and to prevent any search because of his flight from military emplacement, he says that he would be a "stateless person" and changes the data of his change by one year into the the year of 1912. [46]
But Austrian authorities are "successful". On 18 January 1914 Hitler is detained by Criminal Investigation Department and is presented to the Austrian consulate the following day. Hitler is writing a justification of several pages now for the authorities of Linz who have projected a last-minute citation with the effect that the citation has to be prorogued:
<In your citation you call me a painter. Well, I have this title rightly, but it is only one of several truths. Well, I am earning my living with independent paintings, but only - because I have no income (my father was a state's official) to facilitate my further education. I can afford only a fractional part of my time earing my living because I am in a formation of architect painter at this moment. So, also my income is very small, just as big to have a living, not more [...]>
(orig. German:
<Ich werde in der Vorladung als Kunstmaler bezeichnet. Führe ich auch diesen Titel zu Recht, so ist er aber dennoch nur bedingt richtig. Wohl verdiene ich mir meinen Unterhalt als selbständiger Kunstmaler jedoch nur, um mir, da ich gänzlich vermögenslos bin, (mein Vater war Staatsbeamter) meine weitere Fortbildung [zu] ermöglichen. Nur einen Bruchteil meiner Zeit kann ich zum Broterwerb verwenden, da ich mich als Architektur Maler noch immer erst ausbilde. So ist den[n] auch mein Einkommen nur ein sehr bescheidenes, gerade so gross dass ich eben mein Auskommen finde [...]>[47]
Hitler declares his failure for emplacement in 1909 (!):
<Referring to my sin of omission in autumn 1909 this was an absolute bitter time for me. I was a young inexperienced man without financial help and also too proud to accept any help from anyone, much less to beg. Without any help I was shift for myself, and the few Crowns and Cents from my work just were enough to have a sleeping spot. For two years I had no other girlfriend than sorrow and misery, no other companion than the eternal unappeasable hunger. The beautiful word youth I never got to know. Today after 5 years I have frostbites on my fingers yet, on hands and on feet. But there were also joyful events in this time, now when I have overcome the worst. Despite of my misery amidst a more than doubtful environment, I always kept my name in order, I am absolutely blameless referring to law and having a poor conscience [...]>
(orig. German:
<Was meine Unterlassungssünde im Herbst 1909 anlangt, so war dies eine für mich unendlich bittere Zeit. Ich war ein junger unerfahrener Mensch, ohne jede Geldhilfe und auch zu stolz eine solche auch nur von irgend jemand anzunehmen geschweige den[n] zu erbitten. Ohne jede Unterstützung nur auf mich selbst gestellt, langten die wenigen Kronen oft auch nur Heller aus dem Erlös meiner Arbeiten kaum für meine Schlafstelle. Zwei Jahre lang hatte ich keine andere Freundin als Sorge und Not, keinen anderen Begleiter als ewigen unstillbaren Hunger. Ich habe das schöne Wort Jugend nie kennengelernt. Heute noch nach 5 Jahren sind die Andenken in Form von Frostbeulen an Fingern, Händen und Füssen. Und doch kann ich nicht ohne gewisse Freude mich dieser Zeit erinnern, jetzt da ich doch über das Ärgste empor bin. Trotz grösster Not, inmitten einer oft mehr als zweifelhaften Umgebung, habe ich meinen Namen stets anständig erhalten, bin ganz unbescholten vor dem Gesetz und rein vor meinem Gewissen [...]>[48]
Well, on 5 February 1914 Hitler is coming to Salzburg presenting himself at army examination commission. It seems that Hitler's writing had well impressed the imperial and royal (k&k) monarchy authorities. Adolf was 25 years old, and he may sign himself that he was unfit for service:
<Unfit for service with arms and for subordinated services, too weak. Unfit to bear arms.>
(orig. German:
<Zum Waffen- und Hilfsdienst untauglich, zu schwach. Waffenunfähig.>[49]
Well, this is a dream for Hitler: He never will be obliged to fight for Austrian Hungarian monarchy in a possible war which is damned to ruin by it's diverse nationalities and ethnic parts.
Hitler watercolor with a triumphal arch in Munich, 1913 appr.
Hitler oil painting: mother Maria, 1913
Hitler watercolor, court of the old residence in Munich, 1914
In the same year outbreak of war is coming which has been longed for a long time by the masses to eliminate and to reform the conditions in the states felt unsustainable. The evidence of incapacity could not be bigger that so many political forces only can wish reforms by a war: the monarchists, the commons (bourgeois), the Marxists, the German nationals etc. The aim of the populations of imperial and royal (k&k) monarchy is the foundation of national states, but the aim of Berlin is a Germanization of whole Central Europe with Western Europe with England.
Now Adolf Hitler is touched by "war energy" and gets registered for "German Fatherland", a dream of his school times, as a volunteer: On 3 August 1914 he is addressing an urgent application (German: "Immediatgesuch") to Bavarian King (!) with the request having been accepted as a volunteer in a Bavarian regiment despite of his Austrian nationality. The war is promising liberation from compulsions. That's why Hitler wants absolutely to be a part of this war. Add to this there is waiting a victory as it was in 1870/71. Propaganda says that the war will be finished on Christmas already. Already the following day the written reply is coming with the request to be registered in 16th Bavarian Reserve Infantry Regiment, named Regiment List after it's commander. By this finally Hitler can realize the fraternization with his "German brothers". At least this childhood dreams got real for Hitler.[50]
All in all Hitler does not realize that a release from military service also would be a base for nonviolence and would be the base for arts. It seems that his soul is stuck in violence of his childhood so he cannot steer his energies in another way. At the same time it seems that he had time for painting even during the war, and these paintings have even survived the war...
In this regiment "List" Hitler was considered as a histeric "queer fellow". Add to this he was a military postman in the "rows in the back", so basically he never had to do something with the front and was qualified by the soldiers at the front as a "pig of the back" [61], but it seems this did not bother him much, but he had much time for painting, also during the war. This means: Hitler was enjoying more the "German friends" than the war. And he never got the real impression what a "front" means...
Finally Hitler was hit by gas poisoning with provisional blindness, and after his dismissal from base hospital he found himself in a democratic Germany.
Add to this there are indications that Hitler had homosexual tendencies in the army. A court martial convicted Hitler of a homosexual relationship with an officer, and because of this Hitler had not been promoted.[50a]
In these times homosexuality was a punishable affair, and in military affairs it was punished the lower rank of course. sexual disorientation with homosexual tendencies is fitting well into Hitler's character because Hitler was beaten and filled with hatred a lot as a child, could not acquire necessary knowledge of life and was demonstrably not capable for relationships. It's really possible that this condemnation had not only provoked a further feeling of failure in Hitler, but also provoked a primitive will of revenge to be a dictator in later times. The habit of suppressing the truth in reference to his own basic mental forces had been repeated after 1941 with the war's events which also were suppressed in Hitler's mind. This is a normal scheme of behavior for a not treated idiot. But Hitler did not want any therapy, but after 1918 he was wanted in German national groups for speeches...
The times between 1918 and 1933
After German defeat of 1918 (which had been provoked by a communist ammunition strike in Germany), after gas experience, blindness and base hospital, and after socialist revolution Adolf Hitler is keeping on his view of life. He is analyzing the defeats of Austria Hungary and of Germany. He is pointing out the faults also of the nationals and of the Christian Social parties, and in whole Europe there is a propaganda: "Jew" = "Communist" or reverse because Russia is governed by a Jewish communist clique now. After his dismissal from base hospital he is performing German national propaganda in soldiers regiments, becomes member of a national party and is managing immediately it's national propaganda. It's the first time he is also making speeches.
The Treaty of Versailles of 1919 and the ever lasting negotiations or reparations always give an occasion for energetic speeches and mass events. Communists become the fierce enemy now and there are some little civil wars in Germany, e.g. Kapp coup in 1920, or there are some "communist republics" as Bavaria. In 1923 French troops are occupying Ruhr Area which is the last treason of Germany for Hitler when the communists are taking part of the strike and get payed by strike fund. Inflation determines the "ruin" of the Reichsmark. Now - following Mussolini's "March on Rome" (in 1922) - Hitler wants to start a "March on Munich" with a projected continuation to Berlin. But instead of a success there is a massacre before Field Marshall's Hall (Feldherrnhalle) which Hitler can survive. During imprisonment Hitler is dictating "My Struggle" (German: "Mein Kampf") to his secretary Rudolf Hess.Also after this defeat Hitler is loyal to his ideas. After stock market crash of 1929 hope for his party (NSDAP) is coming up for government participation. After stock market crash Stalin's communism is only laughing in it's sleeve: In communism stock market crash and economical crises are not known (officially) in these dimensions. Now, communists and right extreme parties are wanted in the masses at the same time. The political situation is absolutely polarizing with misery and unemployment. German masses are following Hitler's propaganda in big parts. "My Struggle" (German: "Mein Kampf") is showing on page no. 1 unification of Germany with Austria, and in it's second volume in chapter14 there is presented a victory against France and then a "German Move" against Russia (German: "Germanenzug"). This book is always better sold. Hitler becomes a hope for the nation, although it's proved that the book "My Struggle" is hardly read. Considerable parts of the masses believe in "Hitler" now without knowing him. This person is not even blond and has no German passport until 1932... [59]
My Struggle (German: Mein Kampf) 1925 (01), cover
My Struggle (German: Mein Kampf) 1925 (02), title with Hitler's portrait
"My Struggle" is an absolute political book. Painting is never mentioned, not one single letter. It's as if Hitler would deny his soul. It seems he is mentally absolutely blocked.
My Struggle 1925 (03), the Hitler portrait, zoom
Hitler drawing of a dog, 1927
Stock market crash of 1929, standing in queue before the banks
Stock market crash of 1929, standing in queue purchasing cabbage and potatoes
Stalin in 1929, 50 years old, portrait
Stalin is laughing about the crises of capitalism. Such crises are "not" existing officially in communism, but he has Gulag concentration camp system...
Hitler after the elections of 1930 leaving the house of Brown company
Hitler as head of government - buildup and failed strategy of lightning wars - mass killing, breeding of humans and ev. suicide (?)
Hitler portrait with folded arms, in 1932
In 1933 Hitler is taking over political power and is realizing in Germany all the ideas from Austria having developed there[51]: against Jews, against communism, against church, against "impure" and homosexuals, against speculation, against usury etc. Economy is "serving" the "folk" now following the idea of Georg von Schönerer 30 years before. Hitler's war projects are well accepted of the outside world or not taken earnest. By the help of foreign bankers (Switzerland, "USA") Hitler installs new armament. The governments of England and France are only watching what is doing the black haired corporal with strange little black beard who believes of himself being a Germanic... [51a]
Hitler's bowing before Hindenburg, January 1933
Adolf Hitler with Hitler salute before Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche) at Nuremberg, September 1934. His left hand is hanging at the belt buckle so trembling of his arm cannot be seen.
Stamps with Hitler's profile. Stamps are a typical propaganda instrument of any state, also in criminal "USA" helping with much money and armament (Henry Ford, Rockefeller, Morgan, Warburg Bank, Foster Dulles etc., see in: Hitler's financiers)
Since 1933 Austrian government is dissociating from any annexation, and Mussolini gives guarantees for Austrian independence until 1935.
Germany's national rise (German: "Deutschlands nationale Erhebung"), photo edited volume of 1933
This means the counter movement against French dictation which dictates the frontiers for Germany and Austria since 1919, and France also armed Czech Republic (CSR) and Romania (Rumania) forcing through the new frontier lines. But now is clear that a rise is following another one, this means, that after a German "rise" will be another nation with another "rise" and always on and on like this. In 1933 Hitler was made the central figure of the "German rise", and until 1938 all revisions of Versailles dropped into his lap.
Germany's pride. Uniforms of the Army before the War (before First World War; German: Deutschlands Stolz. Uniformen der Vorkriegsarmee), cover of a photo edited volume, of 1933
Thinking of these times was generally a military one. This book should not be a special one, and France and England will have similar books conjuring a similar pride.
German rise (German: "Deutscher Aufstieg"), cover of an edited volume about Hitler, 1934
"Rise" of Germany within world powers is connected directly with Hitler, and the persons who have financed him are hardly or never mentioned.
Fight for Upper Silesia (German: "Kampf um Oberschlesien"), photo edited collection of 1934, cover
Now also all the little fights and little wars since 1918 are glorified, e.g. the fight about Upper Silesia (Oberschlesien).
Children are our Spring of Nations ("Kinder sind der Völkerfrühling"), cover of a photo edited volume, 1934
This book is an example for "ethnic" mentality which was transformed into government program since 1933 and was headed against other populations. So the government program was also a war's declaration, or a defense not being destroyed by other peoples.
German Folk has to become a folk of pilots (German: "Das deutsche Volk muss ein Volk von Fliegern werden"), photo edited collection of 1934, cover
The regime has painted here a map with the frontiers of Bismarck's Empire of 1871. This symbols the revision of Versailles Treaty. But Bismarck's Reich also was very racist and at the end had the project germanizing half of Europe. So, with this map martial projects of Hitler regime are shown also very clearly.
But there are missing some German territories yet: Austria, Sudetenland, and the colonies which were robbed in 1919.
Hitler with Parkinson disease since 1934
Since 1934 Hitler has symptoms of Parkinson disease by trembling in his left arm, later also in his left leg. Hitler has always to suppress the trembling of his left arm keeping his left hand on the belt buckle or holding his left hand in trouser pocket, or holding his left hand by his right hand. Media can show Hitler's left arm only rarely. Since 1944 Hitler hardly can move or speak, and both arms are trembling now, with a crouched posture. [51b]
By this illness Hitler gets a "last minute panic" meaning that he had to fulfill his "mission" for Europe rapidly with a victory against Russia eliminating communism for ever. It's possible that constant concealing of the Führer's illness cost a part of his nerves. At the same time Hitler surely got a "mercy bonus" and this was one more reason for his invulnerability, whereas this man was not even blond. It can be admitted that international diplomatic circles knew of Hitler's illness, and corresponding to this German regime could be manipulated from outside. All in all childish characters of Hitler with profit seeking and revenge and recompense are only enforced yet by his illness. It even could be possible that Hitler had recognized that he is not an appropriate leader any more, but he thought that he should be "sacrifice himself" for his sponsors instead of his illness, with his principle "Together we will do it against Russia". This would be the culmination point of a helper syndrome which is part of tortured children. With his illness Hitler gave definitively away his leadership and his generals and in the following time also Himmler were operating more and more independently. So, megalomania of world domination did not come from Hitler alone. And at the same time has to be put the question why ill Hitler was not removed from power since 1940 after successful France campaign (fall of France, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg). The population did not know anything of this...
Since the occupations in Abyssinia Italian government changes on Hitler's side because England is blocking coal delivery to Italy, so Germany is taking over coal delivery for Italy, and the new alliance is cooperating well in Spain since 1936 against the communists.[51c]
In 1936 Hitler lets occupy the Rhineland, and in 1938 he is performing annexation of Austria and Sudetenland. Childhood dreams of masses are fulfilled with the "Germanic masses" against the will of the Austrian government which does not want be connected with Hitler's dictatorship.
Benito Mussolini, portrait, with Hitler since 1936
Remilitarization of Rhineland, Hitler taking the salute of the guard of honor, 28 April 1936
Olympic games in Berlin in 1936, cover
These were Olympic games against communism...
Hitler speech before a fighting formation of NSDAP: Hitler would be Germany' "luck", Hitler states, 13 September 1936
Citation of Hitler's speech of 13 September 1936:
"This is the wonder of our times that you have found me, that you have found me among so many millions! And that I have found you, this is Germany's luck!"
(orig. German:
"Das ist das Wunder unserer Zeit, dass ihr mich gefunden habt, dass ihr mich gefunden habt unter so vielen Millionen! Und dass ich euch gefunden habe, das ist Deutschlands Glück!")
Kings of the air space. War pilots 1914-1918 (German: "Könige der Luft. Kriegsflieger 1914-1918"), cover of a photo edited volume of 1936
It can be admitted that in "democratic" neighboring countries there were also such manipulative books calling war pilots as "kings".
German men - German deeds, cover of a photo edited volume of 1937
Nationalism with the word "German" ("deutsch") is clearly expressed here, and war energy is clearly depicted with the knife and the riot stick on the picture.
Well, it can be admitted that also the democratic states had such books with "English Men" or with "French Men", and showing it's weapons.
Expositions and conference of Munich in 1938
It can be admitted that the exhibition "Degenerated Art" (German: "Entartete Kunst") of 1937 was the final revenge of Hitler to his experience in Vienna that had rejected him twice at the art academy. Art academy of Vienna had surely been a kind of family substitution. Well, now he got his family substitution in militarist NSDAP, and "fine arts" of these time who had rejected him were punished. Art of complementary colors, of development of colors, and of abstractions and development of forms are denounced here. The term "degenerated" (German: "entartet") could be from his Vienna times. Of course the whole revenge action against the established arts is an event of Hitler's subconsciousness, and above all Hitler's revenge never comes to an end. It seems that the exhibition was well visited. It can be admitted that there had been a big collective compulsion.
1937: Hitler visiting the art exhibition "degenerated art"
Exhibition "Degenerated Art" in Munich, queue in 1937
We are driving through Germany (German: "Wir fahren durch Deutschland"), photo edited volume of 1938, cover
This book celebrated the first freeway network with it's bold viaducts and inclines. At the same time one can see clearly that a freeway to East Prusia is not possible, and this will be one of the causes of war because Polish government never admits an exterritorial freeway to East Prusia.
Annexation of Austria, cheering of 1938
Hitler in Vienna in 1938
Hitler at Braunau during the annexation of Austria, stamp of 1939. Hitler visited the grave of his parents there. Of course, this was another propaganda instrument...
English Prime Minister Chamberlain does not see Hitler's character, or he is speculating with a Russian campaign already which Hitler should perform for whole Europe against communism. Munich Conference of 1938 is celebrated as a peace bringing moment for whole Europe and ethnic German Sudeten are annexed to Third Reich. But in spring 1939 the Czechs are taken by surprise. Also this is a childhood dream of Hitler and the Austrian masses (fight of languages and "slavification"). The Jews were blamed on as the general "cause" for communism and speculation at the stock exchange. Now they are definitely eliminated and their bank accounts are plundered also in "neutral" Switzerland.[52] Another childhood dream of Hitler is fulfilled: against speculation with stock market crashes with impoverishment of middle class and lower class which had happened in Austria since 1873 after the stock exchange collapse in 1873.
September 1938: Chamberlain (left) and Hitler (right) at Conference of Munich (Munich Conference with Munich agreement of 1938).
Here one can see clearly that Hitler is holding frantically his left trembling hand to get control over it.
By occupation of Sudetenland the Treaty of Versailles principally is revised - only missing the revision with Poland. When Hitler had died now he had been one of the "greatest" politicians of Europa in European history.[52a] Political "elite" of Western world was celebrating Hitler on highest levels.
Sudetenland 1938: Church with shield "God save Adolf Hitler" (German: "Gott schütze Adolf Hitler"). Federal archive of Koblenz. It can be admitted that there were several shields like this. But it seems Sudeten Germans did not want to know who had "liberated" them...
Luther church honoring Hitler on a cover of 1939
Russian campaign ("German move") in My Struggle is clearly announced. But nobody requests omitting of martial text passages of My Struggle. And Hitler regime is financed also now from abroad, and also communism is financed from abroad. And although big parts of German population don't want any war at all Hitler regime is capable to lead whole Germany into destruction.
Hitlers financers and helpers from the "USA"
Hitler would have had a brilliant exit in 1938 or in 1939. But Hitler did not retreat, and unfortunately he did not die soon. His childish play instinct to be loved for his deeds and his militarized character combined now with manipulations from abroad installing a infernal war machinery. The "American" militarist and racist bankers and industrials of Wall Street were governing Germany since 1919. They had installed their trusts and their groups working well for war economy. Partly the racist industrials and bankers of "USA" had seats directly in supervisory board. [52b] Hitler with his regime was in an ideological compulsion to win and had never prevented a war, but had only promoted wars, among others also because there were forces from outside (tsarists and "US" bankers) who wanted victories. The illness of "war" was hardly recognize until these days, and also racist bankers of "USA" who financed war industry, could not recognize this illness called "war". At the same time the defeat of the Russian army in Finland provoked another arrogance in Europe and in "USA" with the assumption that Russia could be defeated militarily within 8 to 12 weeks, and oil fields of Caucasus could be occupied. [52c]
Finally in the following campaigns should be saved the "existence" of "Arian race". Polish government does not know for a long time what would be useful, an alliance with Hitler, or with Stalin.[53] At the end there comes a "German move" and the beginning of "breeding of men as animals or horses are bred" (orig. German: "Menschenzucht, so wie man Tiere und Pferde züchtet".[54] The "American" president Roosevelt also has to consider Nazi movements in his circle. "American" workers and ammunition workers are demonstrating against war, and Chamberlain rejected any "American" intervention in Europe. That's why Roosevelt cannot do anything in Europe until 1941 but military assistance.[55]
Air raid protection in speech and writing, photo edited volume 1940
With such books war is absolutely foreseeable, and almost all collaborated, and resistance was answered by SS torture or concentration camp...
Stamp with Hitler and Mussolini of 1941, Text: "Two Folks, one Fight. German Empire" (German: "Zwei Völker - ein Kampf. Deutsches Reich")
Lightning war strategy failing against Russia - defeit
Everybody knows the result: The projected lightning war against Russia of 8 to 12 weeks found a nightmarish end under grenades and bombs. Hitler was more and more blockheaded, a well known element of Parkinson disease. Berlin was new "Carthage". Also here Hitler cannot confess his defeat: He was forced to make ev. suicide. Other sources say he had fled with a submarine.
Generally there must be put the question why Hitler - with heavy Parkinson disease - had not been removed in 1940, or at least in 1943. In his last times Parkinson was so heavy that both hands trembled, that he could not eat any more without spilling, that he could not get up without help, that his voice was a whispering voice etc. [55a]
It can be that Hitler has not committed ev. suicide but has suffered a natural death by rapidly developing Parkinson disease. There were no medicaments at this time to retard Parkinson. So a ev. suicide had been only a fiction to conceal the illness and to avoid public anger against his "first assistants". And the dead body had been removed rapidly to avoid an autopsy. It seems generally excluded that Hitler with heavy Parkinson disease had lived more than five years yet. Esoterics are wrong in this case, also when they state that Hitler had fled with a submarine to Argentina. Also in Argentina Hitler had not lived for a long time any more with his heavy Parkinson. But the myth had to live on so the "first assistants" were not punished because of their silentness. All in all it is a wonder that the atomic bomb did not fall over Germany...
Stamp of the "american" OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in Rome with Hitler in profile, the chin has converted into a skeleton already, and there is the title "Liquidated Reich" (German: "Futsches Reich"), 1944. The picture is showing the right impression of Parkinson...
OSS was military secret service of the "United States". Since 1944 Hitler is made the main culprit in the allied propaganda whereas NS regime is supported by many international anti-Semites: by Mussolini, by racist bankers of Wall Street from "USA" by tsarist Russians who wanted to install their tsarist Empire again etc.[55a] All these persons wanted to hear nothing any more from Hitler after 1945, and up to Perestroika any collaboration was hardly presented in public. And stupid journalists simply do not take earnest corresponding research because they cannot leave the trained schemes which they had to learn in their journalist schools and in their universities.
The time after 1945
With 1945 "Germanic madness" from Austria did not find an end yet. By the support of Swiss Nazi banks (above all Swiss Credit Bank (German: "Schweizerische Kreditanstalt) were shifted the funds of the biggest Nazis - united under Heinrich Himmler - to Argentina and to other South "American" countries. The project was to reestablish a Fourth Reich there. In South "America" dictatorships were installed to counter these forces and to cover them at the same time. Fled Jews and fled Nazis met together in South "America" again... It was a painful procedure of the local population to free themselves from the dictators (who mostly were supported by CIA) who have again their main bank accounts in Switzerland, all headed against Socialism. The trials of old Nazis to destabilize Europe from South "America" by economic maneuvers had no success.[56]
Braunau on Inn River in 2007
Braunau, birthplace of Hitler is a home for disabled persons with a monument before
Braunau, monument before Hitler's birthplace, close shot of 2007
"For peace freedom and democracy. Never against fascism. Millions of deads are warning."
(German: "Für Frieden Freiheit und Demokratie. Nie wieder Faschismus. Millionen Tote mahnen.")
Sight on Inn river with Braunau (left) and Simbach (right), one road bridge and one railway bridge, 2007
In the meantime medical research is indicating that Hitler's signature had a development similar to Parkinson: His signature was always more and more narrow. The population did not know anything of this and followed the ill "Führer" till death. [57]
Hitler's signature with a development similar to Parkinson: 1919, 1934, 1944, 1945
Nephew William Patrick Hitler in "US" navy since 10 February 1944
The nephew William Patrick Hitler lived first in England, then wanted to make it's career with it's uncle or wanted to present Hitler's Jewish decent, then went to England and to the "USA", and after war declaration in 1941 presented himself as a pacifist against his uncle, and then after long waiting time got a job in the "US" navy. Since 1945 he lived in an unobtrusive way as a manager of a blood laboratory and died in 1987. [58]
Final words: Plight as a cause of over reaction - signification of models and education for mankind
It should be proved by this work that plight for years caused for Germans in Austria had caused an over reaction. Since the uprising of nationalism and above all after the stock exchange crash of 1873 the government and the Emperor were not willing to converse in a honest way with the Germans of Austria Hungary. The parties played with maneuvers about power and money instead promoting any understanding.
Education is a decisive factor in a human's life, and this is also proved here with Hitler. Hitler could never develop a sovereign personality which had corresponded to his function. He did not use the charter to be released from any military service. His inner energy wanted a war as he had war experience during his childhood. At the same time forces from abroad used these forces of Adolf Hitler for their manipulations. Hitler also let himself use, be it by the army in First World War, or by English politics, or by racist sponsors and industrials of "USA", or by his generals in Second World War.
So for any human being should be possible a free and politically independent self-feeding education. For Hitler's ambition to be a dictator can be considered as reasons the bad education with his father who was alcohol addicted, the history teacher, and the sedition in the school of Linz, and also the prohibition for art academy in Vienna. All this provoked in his soul a feeling of wish for revenge, and Hitler were given the instruments into his hands to perform this revenge, up to his own ruin.
So, it can be hoped that humans are definitively learning to solve problems without weapons, that humans are taking earnest each other, and that no one will let himself seduce by sensational or racist elements. War is an illness. And: There are needed always the persons making the war, and the persons financing the war. To notice this would be a milestone in history of mankind. War is an illness: Until now not one judge did codified this, also not one single health insurance, not one single journalist, and not one single psychologic association. It seems that the responsibles are sleeping and are sleeping on and let bleeding world to death.
Until now "USA" are not capable to consider their racist deeds and their wars. And the journalists and the government in Europe are not capable to recognize the "USA" absolutely as war bankers and to insist on an accounting of the past and on a compensation.
There is the wish that the governments will not abuse whole populations any more for surviving e.g. for old doctrines of a k&k monarchy, and speculations and stock exchange crashes also seem to be a harmful element in society.
Michael Palomino November 2007
(The situation did not change in 2010 when the translation was written).
Literature (selection)
Berthold, Willy: 42 assassination attempts on Hitler (German: "42 Attentate auf Hitler"), cover
There was over 40 times a trial to kill Adolf Hitler. Well known attempts was the bomb attacks in Common Beer Cellar (Bürgerbräukeller) in Munich of 1939 and at Führer Headquarter "Wolf's lair" (German: "Wolfsschanze") in 1944 - they could not be concealed by NS propaganda. The many other attempts to eliminate the killing center of Third Reich were unknown for years and for decades. But they existed, these attempts, with different motives, but with the same aim, to kill the man who had lead Europe into Second World War. Author: Will Berthold. Edition: Vma-Vertriebsges. Ma Mbh ISBN: 3928127705, year of edition: 2004; cover: GEB; pages: 255(http://www.yatego.com/buch24/p,45b9c1632aa8d,428b84fecc19b0_4, die-42-attentate-auf-adolf-hitler)
Conradi, Peter: Hitlers Piano Player Hanfstaengl
Fest, Joachim: Hitler. A biography (German: Hitler. Eine Biographie), cover
Fest/Hoffmann: Hitler. History of a dictator (German: "Hitler. Geschichte eines Diktators"), cover
Hamann, Brigitte: Hitler's Vienna. Years of study of a dictator (German: "Hitlers Wien. Lehrjahre eines Diktators"), cover
Hoffmann, Peter: Resistance against Hitler (German: "Widerstand gegen Hitler"), Buchdeckel
Literatur: Kubizek, August: Adolf Hitler, my friend of my youth. An authentic document in new pictures (German: "Adolf Hitler, mein Jugendfreund. Ein authentisches Dokument mit neuen Bildern"). 1953; 2002
The author is writing his memories from his personal point of view, the time of their friendship from 1904 to 1908 in Linz and in Vienna, common experiences, points of views and meanings. One can see Hitler's mental development, but also forming by outer factors. There are also letters and drawings from Hitler's hands, and much new photo material. The book is historically recognized and edited also in America, in England, France, and in Spain. 294 pages, 50 photos.(http://www.fortuna-buchservice.de/index.php?cPath=38)
Helmut Schmidt u.a.: Childhood and youth under Hitler (German: "Kindheit und Jugend unter Hitler"), cover
Hitler's international helpers and financiers
Zdral, Wolfgang: Financed rise of Adolf H. (German: "Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H.") (2002)
see also:
See here a summary: Hitlers Financiers.
This book is required reading for the whole world. "USA" are unmasked clearly with it's racist Wall Street bankers without moral financing Hitler's war machine, organizing the industrial trusts in Germany, administrating them and provoking war production, yes, partly they have even seats in German supervisory boards. Thank you stupid "USA"... and stupid journalists and jurists in Europa simply don't want to notice this, and detectives playing better computer games than making further studies, they simply will not notice it at all.
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Photo sources[57]
Waldviertel - Hitler's family in Braunau
-- 1880 appr.: Schönerer portrait: http://aeiou.iicm.tugraz.at/aeiou.encyclop.s/s337483.htm
-- 1880 appr.: Alois Hiedler-Schickelgruber, Hitler's father: http://www.dittatori.it/hitleralois.htm
-- 1889: Braunau, place of birth of Adolf Hitler: http://www.dittatori.it/hitlerbraunau.htm
-- 1890: Hitler as a baby: http://www.bloggers.nl/nielsklaassen12345; http://www.parkinsonresearchfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=357&Itemid=104
-- 1890 appr.: Hitler's parents Schickelgruber and Klara Pölzl: http://www.knerger.de/Die_Personen/sonstige_19/sonstige_20/sonstige_21/hauptteil_sonstige_21.html
-- Bismarck with Hotzenplotz helmet: http://portrait.kaar.at/Verschiedene%2019.Jhd%20Teil%202/image12.html
Leonding 1895-1903
-- 1895-1903: house of Hitler-Schickelgruber family in Leonding: http://www.dittatori.it/hitlerbraunau.htm
-- 1899: Hitler 10 years old, portrait: http://www.bloggers.nl/nielsklaassen12345
-- 1899 appr.: Hitler's court: http://www.nazis.de/hitler_1889_hinterhof.htm
-- 1899 appr.: Hitler's church in Leonding, Austria: http://www.nobeliefs.com/mementoes.htm
Linz 1903-1907 without father
-- 1903 house of Hitler-Schickelgruber family at Humboldtstrasse: http://smoter.com/highscho.htm
-- Linz, storefront: http://www.allerstorfer.net/deutsch/freizeit_deutsch.htm
-- Wagner profile, cartoon: http://solomonsmusic.net/WagHit.htm
-- 1904: Hitler in middle school, class photo: http://www.answers.com/topic/the-jew-of-linz
-- 1905 appr.: Hitler sketch: house for August Kubizek: http://residence.aec.at/rax/KUN_POL/POLITIK/LINZ/ah-linz.html
-- 1907 appr.: Hitler sketch for new bridge in Linz: http://residence.aec.at/rax/KUN_POL/POLITIK/LINZ/kubizek.html
-- 1907: August Kubizek, portrait: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Kubizek
-- 1907 appr.: Hitler profile, drawing of a school mate: http://solomonsmusic.net/WagHit.htm; http://residence.aec.at/rax/KUN_POL/POLITIK/LINZ/ah-linz.html
or self portrait: http://www.shoah.dk/Hitler/new_page_20.htm
-- 1907: grave stone of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Pölzl in Leonding 01: http://www.nobeliefs.com/mementoes.htm
-- 1907: grave stone of Alois Schickelgruber and Klara Pölzl in Leonding 02: http://www.knerger.de/Die_Personen/sonstige_19/sonstige_20/sonstige_21/hauptteil_sonstige_21.html
Application drawings
-- male act (01):
-- male act (02):
-- town district of about 1905:
-- woman, profile of 1908:
-- candlestick with candle:
-- stew pot 1909:
-- amphora 1909:
Wien 1907-1913 without parents
-- art academy (today academy of fine arts), art gallery: http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/museums/museum-profile/Gem%C3%A4ldegalerie+Der+ Akademie+Der+Bildenden+K%C3%BCnste/1042.html
-- Alfred Roller, portrait: http://aeiou.iicm.tugraz.at/aeiou.encyclop.r/r759515.htm
-- Hitler postcard: Vienna parliament: http://residence.aec.at/rax/KUN_POL/POLITIK/LINZ/ah-linz.html
-- 1908: Vienna, Emperor's procession: http://www.wischau.de/galerie/alte_bilder.html
-- Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels, profile: http://ww.viennablog.at/
-- 1909: Liebenfels, review Ostara: http://www.gegendenantisemitismus.at/service/ausstellung/1938/17/17_1.html
-- first swastika flags since 1907: http://peter-diem.at/Buchtexte/hakenkreuz.htm
Rudolf J. Mund: Jörg Lanz v. Liebenfels und der Neue Templer Orden, Spieth Verlag, Stuttgart, 1976, 77
Wilfrid Daim: "Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab", Böhlau, 2. Auflage, Wien, 1985., S.81
-- Wien Memorial Church (Gedächtniskirche): http://www.luegerkirche.at/geschichte.html
-- Karl Lueger portrait with coin: http://www.austrian-mint.com/motive_teil5?l=de
-- Kaiser Franz-Josef I. of Vienna, portrait: http://www.nexusboard.net/archiv/index_b6365_f54325_t271865_p2.htm
-- Housten Steward Chamberlain, portrait: http://www.hschamberlain.net/briefe/briefe2.html
-- anti-Semitic association, flyer: http://www.doew.at/service/ausstellung/1938/18/18_5.html
-- 1910 appr.: Hitler watercolor: man with smoking stick: http://www.radio.cz/pictures/obrazy/hitler_akvarel.jpg
-- 1910 appr.: Vienna, theater (Burgtheater): http://www.andreas-praefcke.de/carthalia/austria/a_wien_burgtheater.htm
-- 1911 appr.: Hitler watercolor castle church Perchtoldsdorf: http://www.snyderstreasures.net/pages/hartworks.htm
-- Karl Marx, portrait: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/2554/karlmarx.html
-- 1912 appr.: Hitler on a demonstration in Vienna, portrait: http://www.militaria-house.com/imagesbuch/gross/bild448-gross.jpg
-- 1912: Hitler watercolor: St. Charles Church (Karlskirche) in Vienna: http://www.nobeliefs.com/mementoes.htm
-- 1912 appr.?: Hitler watercolor: row of houses with oriel: http://art-maniac.over-blog.com/article-4481146.html, house in Lambach: http://www.bloggang.com/viewdiary.php?id=soubirous&month=08-2007&date=09&group=1&gblog=63
Munich 1913-1914
-- 1900 appr.: Munich, old town hall: http://www.oppisworld.de/morgen/morgauto.html
-- 1913appr.: Hitler watercolor triumph arc in Munich: http://www.cynical-c.com/archives/2004_04.html
-- 1913: Hitler oil painting, mother Maria: http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/NSChristianity.html
-- 1914: Hitler watercolor: court of old residence of Munich: http://www.bytwerk.com/gpa/hitlerpaintings.htm
-- 1914, 1 August: Hitler on Odeon Square in Munich, portrait: http://www.weltchronik.de/dch/dch_2283.htm#; http://www.firstworldwar.com/features/munich_one.htm
First World War 1914-1918
-- 1914, 6 August, call for war of Wilhelm II. to the German people: http://www.scienappr.de/wiki/1._Weltkrieg
-- 1914, August: madness for war at a railway wagon: http://www.regionalgeschichte.net/rheinhessen/aktive/gymnasium-am-kurfuerstlichen-schloss- mainz/erster-weltkrieg/kriegsbegeisterung.html
-- 1914: Emperor Wilhelm II.: http://www.deutsches-reich.info/
-- 1914: Hitler watercolor ruins of Messines / Mesen: http://www.bytwerk.com/gpa/hitlerpaintings.htm
-- 1915 appr.?: Hitler watercolor, little castle: http://www.ksta.de/html/artikel/1159334142020.shtml
-- 1915 appr.: Hitler painting church of Preux-au-Bois: http://www.stern.de/unterhaltung/ausstellungen/:Versteigerung-Hitler-Kunst-Wirbel/571182.html
-- 1915 appr.: Hitler picture: church of Bousies: http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/0,1518,439398,00.html
-- 1916 Hitler as a corporal, portrait: http://tweede-wereldoorlog.klup.nl/?art=253
-- 1916 Hitler watercolor church of Roeselaere: http://www.greatwar.nl/remarque/hitlerpainting.html
-- 1916 appr.: Hitler in uniform: http://www.parkinsonresearchfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=357&Itemid=104
-- 1917 appr.: bombed forest near Ypres: http://www.scienappr.de/wiki/1._Weltkrieg
-- 1917: Ypres, infantry with gas masks in a ditch: http://www.solarnavigator.net/world_war_one.htm
-- 1917: Hitler drawing of church of Ardoye in Flanders: http://www.bytwerk.com/gpa/hitlerpaintings.htm
1919-1923: Munich
-- 1919 Hitler portrait: http://www.bytwerk.com/gpa/hitler2.htm
-- 1919: Hitler watercolor of town wall of Laon: http://www.mcsweeneys.net/books/everythingthatrises.contest33.html; http://www.solarnavigator.net/history/adolf_hitler.htm
-- Kapp coup of 1920: http://resistanceallemande.online.fr/weimar.htm
-- 1920? Hitler' flat in Munich: http://www.denkmaeler-muenchen.de/bilder/presse/g/wohnung%20hitler.jpg
-- 1920? former party center at Schellingstrasse 50 in Munich: http://www.denkmaeler-muenchen.de/presse.php
-- 1922 appr.: Mussolini, portrait: http://www.inidia.de/faschismus.htm
-- 1923 Hitler-Ludendorff proclamation: http://www.bwbs.de/bwbs_biografie/Hitlers_Putschversuch_in_Muenchen_B591.html
-- 1923 Hitler with followers in Munich during his coup attempt: http://www.bwbs.de/bwbs_biografie/Hitlers_Putschversuch_in_Muenchen_B591.html
-- 1923-1925: Hitler watercolor mountain scene: http://www.nobeliefs.com/mementoes.htm
-- 1923 appr.: prohibition of speaking for Hitler, poster: http://www.calvin.edu/academic/cas/gpa/posters1.htm
1924-1925: imprisonment at Landsberg - My Struggle (Mein Kampf)
-- 1924 appr. Hitler imprisoned in Landsberg 01: http://www.mahnung-gegen-rechts.de/pages/staedte/Zittau/pages/weimarerZeiten.htm
-- 1924 Hitler imprisoned in Landsberg 02: http://www.der-untergang.de/adolf-hitler.php3
-- 1924 Hitler imprisoned in Landsberg 03: http://www.nexusboard.net/showthread.php?siteid=6365&threadid=264356
-- 1925: My Struggle cover 1925: http://www.der-untergang.de/adolf-hitler.php3
-- 1925: My Struggle page no.1 with Hitler's photo: http://www07.wdr.de/themen/kultur/stichtag/2005/07/18.jhtml?pbild=1
-- 1925: Hitler, portrait from My Struggle, close-up: http://www.der-untergang.de/adolf-hitler.php3
-- 1925: Hitler in shirt with swastika buttons: http://www.biografiasyvidas.com/monografia/hitler/fotos3.htm
-- Hitler leaving the fortress Landsberg: http://www.welt.de/kultur/article9090884/Die-Lieblingsbuecher-der-Deutschen-im-Dritten-Reich.html
1926-1929: Munich - stock market crash
-- 1927: Hitler drawing of a dog: http://www.der-untergang.de/adolf-hitler.php3
-- 1929: stock market crash, queues before banks: http://teacher.scholastic.com/pearl/timeline/time4.htm
-- 1929: stock market crash, queues for cabbage and potatoes: http://teacher.scholastic.com/pearl/timeline/time4.htm
-- 1929: Stalin, portrait: http://www.circe-film.de/produktion/stalin/stalin2.html
1930-1933: Hitler's rise and on power - Third Reich
-- 1930: Hitler after election leaving the house of Brown company: http://www.solarnavigator.net/history/adolf_hitler.htm
-- 1932: Hitler portrait with folded arms: http://www.parkinsonresearchfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=357&Itemid=104
-- 1933: Hitlers bow before Hindenburg: http://widerstandsausstellung.m-o-p.de/ausstellung/verfassung_ausser_kraft_ernennung_hitlers.htm
-- 1933: Germany's national rise, cover: http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1933-1945: Briefmarken mit Hitler im Profil: http://sammler.com/stamps/hitler_stamps.htm
-- 1933 Deutschlands Stolz Uniformen Buchdeckel: http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1934 September: Hitler with Hitler salute before Church of Our Lady (Frauenkirche) in Nürnberg: http://www.nobeliefs.com/nazis.htm
-- 1934: German rise (German: Deutscher Aufstieg), cover http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1934: Children are Spring of Nations (German: Kinder sind der Völkerfrühling), cover http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1934: Fight about Upper Silesia (German: Kampf um Oberschlesien), cover http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1934: German people has to become a people of pilotes (German: Das deutsche Volk muss ein Volk von Fliegern werden), cover: http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1935 appr.: Benito Mussolini, portrait: http://www.haisentito.it/articolo/ecco-i-diari-di-benito-mussolini/3901/
-- 1936, 28 March: occupation of Rhineland, Hitler with guard of honour in Cologne: http://members.aol.com/gbgym03/ldhaus/texte/koeln.htm
-- 1936, summer: Olympic games of Berlin, cover: http://www.ghwk.de/sonderausstellung/sport/sport4.htm
-- 1936, 13 September: Hitler's speech: Hitler would be Germany's luck: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~odsjgroe/hilda/hitler.htm
-- 1936: Kings of Air Space (German: Könige der Luft) 1914-1918: http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1937: German men - German deeds (German: Deutsche Männer - deutsche Taten), cover: http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1937: Hitler visiting the exhibition "Degenerated Art" (German: "Entartete Kunst"): http://art-maniac.over-blog.com/article-4481146.html
-- 1937: exhibition "Degenerated Art" (German: "Entartete Kunst"), waiting queue: http://www.muenchen.de/Stadtleben/Kultur_Unterhaltung/kulturreferat/museen/ nsdokumentationszentrum/141066/hintergrund.html
-- 1938: annexation cheering in Austria: http://www.viewimages.com/Search.aspx?mid=2658872&epmid=1&partner=Google
-- 1938 Hitler in Vienna: http://www.vienna.cc/d/argentinia.htm
-- 1938: Driving through Germany (German: Wir fahren durch Deutschland), cover: http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1938: Sudetenland, shield at a church: God save Adolf Hitler (German: Gott schütze Adolf Hitler): http://www.wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/articles/NSChristianity.html
-- 1938: Hitler-Chamberlain: http://www.parkinsonresearchfoundation.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=357&Itemid=104
-- 1939: Hitler in Braunau, stamp: http://blackbull418.uboot.com/blog/braunau/2007/05/13/beitrag; http://sammler.com/stamps/hitler_stamps.htm
-- 1939 April: Luther church honoring Hitler, cover: http://www.nobeliefs.com/mementoes.htm
-- 1940: Air raid protection in speech and writing, photo edited volume 1940: http://www.sammelbilder-web.de/40801.html?*session*id*key*=*session*id*val*
-- 1941: stamp with Hitler and Mussolini: http://sammler.com/stamps/hitler_stamps.htm
-- 1944: stamp of OSS with Hitler and "Liquidated Reich" (German: "Futsches Reich"): http://sammler.com/stamps/hitler_stamps.htm
-- 2007: place of birth of Hitler in Braunau is home for handicaped children with monument: http://blackbull418.uboot.com/blog/braunau/2007/05/13/beitrag
-- place of birth in Braunau, monument, close-up: http://blackbull418.uboot.com/blog/braunau/2007/05/13/beitrag
-- sight on Braunau with two bridges: http://blackbull418.uboot.com/blog/braunau/2007/05/13/beitrag
-- Vienna-Waldviertel: http://www.reise-urlaub-zimmer.at/data/landkarte.htm
-- Vienna-Braunau at Inn River: http://www.merkur.at/kontakt/adressen.htm
-- Germany of 1871: http://www.weyer-neustadt.de/content/DesktopDefault.aspx?tabid=171
-- map of Austria Hungary 1907: http://www.schule.provinz.bz.it/ms-st-ulrich/homep0607/web1907/geschichtlicheinfos/seiteprobe02.html
-- Treaty of Versailles, losses of territories of 1919: http://www2.ilch.uminho.pt/kultur/Phasen%20der%20Weimarer%20Republik.htm
-- map of Sudetenland 1938: http://www.sdz-online.com/
-- Berthold, Willy : The 42 assassination attempts (German: Die 42 Attentate auf Hitler): http://www.yatego.com/buch24/p,45b9c1632aa8d,428b84fecc19b0_4,die-42-attentate-auf-adolf-hitler
-- Conradi, Peter: Hitlers Piano Player Hanfstaengl: http://www.history.ucsb.edu/faculty/marcuse/projects/hitler/hitler.htm
-- Fest, Joachim: Hitler. A Biography: http://www.militaria-house.com/buecher-neu.php
-- Fest-Hoffmann: Hitler. History of a dictator (German: Hitler. Geschichte eines Diktators): http://www.militaria-house.com/buecher-neu.php
-- Hamann, Brigitte: Hitler's Vienna: http://www.das-weisse-pferd.com/de/main/dwp/99_04/9904hitler_luther.htm
-- Hoffmann, Peter: Resistance against Hitler (German: Widerstand gegen Hitler): http://www.arts.mcgill.ca/history/faculty/hoffmann/widerstand_gegen_hitler.html
-- Kubizek, August : Adolf Hitler, my school day friend (German: Adolf Hitler, mein Jugendfreund): http://www.fortuna-buchservice.de/index.php?cPath=38
-- Schmidt, Helmuth: childhood and youth under Hitler (German: Kindheit und Jugend unter Hitler): http://www.militaria-house.com/buecher-neu.php
-- Zdral, Wolfgang: "Financial rise of Adolf H." (German: "Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H."): http://sauber.50webs.com/kapital/index.html
Sources were:
-- Hitler: Mein Kampf, Ausgabe 1936
-- Joachim C. Fest: Hitler. Eine Biographie, Taschenbuchausgabe
-- Joachim C. Fest: Hitler. Eine Biographie, gebundene Ausgabe 1973 (speziell vermerkt)
-- Weissensteiner, Friedrich: Der ungeliebte Staat. Österreich zwischen 1918 und 1938. Österreichischer Bundesverlag Gesellschaft m.b.H. Wien 1990
-- Ziegler, Jean: Die Schweiz, das Gold und die Toten
-- Zdral, Wolfgang: Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H. (2002)
-- Heiniger, Markus: 13 Gründe. Wieso die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde
-- Eitner: Hitlers Deutsche
-- Valentin Falin: Zweite Front
-- web sites
[1] Joachim C.Fest: Hitler. Eine Biographie p.31
[2] same place: p.31
[3] same place: p.33
[4] same place: p.34
[5] Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf, volume 1 (edition 1936), p.2
[6] Fest (hardcover edition of 1973), p.34; In My Struggle (Mein Kampf) Hitler indicates for the pension of his father an age of 56 years. p.3
[7] Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf, p.3
[8] Fest: Hitler, Eine Biographie p.34, 39
[9] Fest: Hitler p.65
[10] brackets in the original
[11] Hitler: Mein Kampf, volume 1 (edition 1936), p.12
[12] Hitler: Mein Kampf, volume 1 (edition 1936), p.13-14
[13] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.12-13
[14] Fest: Hitler p.61
[15] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.9-10
[16] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.10-11
[17] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.4-5
[18] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.3
[19] Fest: Hitler p.39-40
[20] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.14
[21] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.14
[22] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.8,15
[23] Fest: Hitler p.41-43
[24] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.6-7
[25] Fest: Hitler p.49
[26] Fest: Hitler p.50
[27] Fest: Hitler p.50-51
[28] Fest: Hitler p.51
[29] Fest: Hitler p.52
[30] Fest: Hitler p.52; Hitler; Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.20
[31] Fest: Hitler p.52-53
[32] Fest: Hitler p.79
[33] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.61-62
[34] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.69
[35] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.89
[36] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.96
[37] Fest: Hitler p.62
[38] Fest: Hitler p.59
[39] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 1 (edition 1936), p.357
[40] Fest: Hitler p.59
[41] Fest: Hitler p.59, 62
[42] Fest: Hitler p.59-60
[43] Fest: Hitler p.82
[44] Fest: Hitler p.69-70
[45] Fest: Hitler p.90-91
[46] Fest: Hitler p.94
[47] Fest: Hitler p.95
[48] Fest: Hitler p.95-96
[49] Fest: Hitler p.96
[50] Fest: Hitler p.96
-- http://sauber.50webp.com/kapital/index.html (2007)
-- Lothar Machtan: Hitlers Geheimnis - Hitler war homosexuell
-- Ian Kershaw: The stright way - doubtful testimonies (German: Der gerade Weg - Zweifelhafte Zeugen)[51] The following indications have their base on: Weissensteiner, Friedrich: Der ungeliebte Staat. Österreich zwischen 1918 und 1938. Österreichischer Bundesverlag Gesellschaft m.b.H. Wien 1990
-- the calculated financial aid of Switzerland to the Third Reich: Ziegler, Jean: Die Schweiz, das Gold und die Toten
-- the calculated financial aid of Wall Street bankers from "USA" to the Third Reich: Zdral, Wolfgang: Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H. (2002); summary on: http://sauber.50webp.com/kapital/index.html (2007)
Dr. A. Lieberman: Parkinson Disease: Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer, Nazi Germany; 31 August 2006;
[51c] Heiniger, Markus: 13 reasons why Switzerland was not occupied during Second World WAr (German: 13 Gründe. Wieso die Schweiz im Zweiten Weltkrieg nicht erobert wurde)
[52] Jean Ziegler: Die Schweiz, das Gold und die Toten
[52a] Eitner: Hitlers Deutsche
[52b] Zdral, Wolfgang: Der finanzierte Aufstieg des Adolf H.
[52c] Valentin Falin: Zweite Front
[53] Valentin Falin: Zweite Front
[54] Hitler: Mein Kampf volume 2
[55] Valentin Falin: Die Zweite Front
Dr. A. Lieberman: Parkinson Disease: Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer, Nazi Germany; 31.8.2006;
[56] Jean Ziegler: Die Schweiz, das Gold und die Toten
Dr. A. Lieberman: Parkinson Disease: Adolf Hitler, the Fuhrer, Nazi Germany; 31.8.2006;
The photo of William Pattrick Hitler is from: http://www.nexusboard.net/archiv/index_b6365_f54325_t296437.htm (2008)
Biography of the nephew: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Patrick_Hitler (2008)
http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Einb%C3%BCrgerung_Adolf_Hitlers (2010)
http://www.20min.ch/wissen/history/story/Hitlers-Aktbilder-unter-dem-Hammer-27350306 (2010)
Thomas Weber: "Hitler's First War" (2010); In: 20 minuten online: Hitler war ein Etappenschwein; 18.8.2010;
Vocabulary English-German / Wortschatz Englisch-Deutsch
the Conference of Munich (die Konferenz von Munich)
the Antisemitic Association, Anti-Semitic Association (der Antisemitenbund).
the sin of omission (die Unterlassungssünde)
the cent (der Heller)
imperial and royal (königlich-kaiserlich, k.u.k.)
the scheme of behavior (das Verhaltensschema)
the Ruhr Area (das Ruhrgebiet)
the March on Rome (der Marsch auf Rom)
the family substitution (der Familienersatz)
the collective compulsion (der Kollektivzwang)
the slavification (die Slawisierung)
the German move (der Germanenzug)