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Norbert G. Pressburg: Good bye Muhammad - Muhammad never existed

5. During 200 years not present: historic Muhammad

5b. The word "muhamad" = "the praised one" / "who has to be praised"

Prayer and praising for a fantasy
Prayer and praising for a fantasy [1]

5.4. Reign of Abd al-Malik: Who was "the praised" / "the praised one" (the word "muhamad")? The inscription in the Dome of the Rock -- 5.5. The origin of the word "Muhammad" since the 13th century BC. - the word transformation -- 5.6. The longing of the Arab Jesus Fantasy Christians for their own Fantasy prophet - Fantasy Muhammad was invented

presented by Michael Palomino (2015 - translation 2017) - p.86-97

-- "muhamad" / Muhammad = "the praised one" / "who has to be praised" - referring to a Fake Fantasy Jesus (!) [chapter 5a - p.87]

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5.4. Reign of Abd al-Malik: Who was "the praised" / "the praised one" (the word "muhamad")? The inscription in the Dome of the Rock

[[During]] Abd al-Malik worshiped [[the population]] a "muhamad," [[in Syro-Aramaic]] a "praised." [S.86]

[The indication in the Dome of the Rock about the "who has to be praised" ("muhamad") - the translation by linguist Luxenberg]
But who was the "muhamad" to be praised? The answer can be found, among other things, in a building in which no one would suspect: in the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina the third holiest place of Muslims, built according to their tradition over the place, from which Muhammad is said having risen to the sky (ascended to heaven) with a gray horse called Buraq which had wings and a human face.
[Supplement: Of course this "gray horse" is a spaceship, the wings are only a symbol for the capacity to fly, and the human head is the symbol that there was a voice from this spaceship].
Abd al-Malik completed the Dome of the Rock according to his inscription in the year 72 of the Arabs, that is, in the year of 694 of our era. Construction and layout correspond to a Byzantine-Syrian church, equipped with Roman columns and a dome, the typical element of Roman-Byzantine big buildings. The innermost remains are largely conserved in original, especially the writing, which extends twice around the octagon on a length of 240 meters.

The Islamic doctrin states that in this inscription would be given the Islamic basic formulas, although reading just this text - without indoctrination - should come doubts. But it seems that for a long time, nobody was reading this text without indoctrination. The linguist Mr. Christoph Luxenberg triggered a tsunami in Islamic research when he read the inscriptions in the language of those times [[in Syro-Aramaic]], and when he thus found out the meanings of words of those times. In the language of the founder, including Syro-Aramaic, he came to a reading that differs in central points from the traditional translation.

[The inscription of Abd al-Malik in the Dome of the Rock (694 AD) according to the Muslim "traditional fairy tale doctrine"]

Here is the traditional doctrine translation:

"In the name of the gracious and merciful God. There is no god but God alone, he has no partner, he owns the rule and he deserves the praise. He brings back to life and lets die. He has power over all things.

Muhammad, son of Abd Allah, is his Messenger. God and his angels are giving blessings over the prophet. You, the believers, are asking for blessings for [p.86] him and you greet him dignified. Blessing and peace of God be upon him and God have mercy on him.

You, the people of the book, do not exaggerate in your faith and speak of God only the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, Son of Mary, is only the Messenger of God and of his Word, which he laid in Mary, and a Spirit of him.

So [[you, the people of the book, have to]] believe in God and His Messenger and do not say Three. Stop it, it's better for you. God is only one God, His supernatural Majesty does not need a son. He owns all in heaven and on Earth, and God is enough as a protector.

The Messiah is not too proud to be a servant of God, nor are the close-by angels. And he who is too hilarious and proud, he will take him gatherin him in his group.

God, bless your Messenger and servant Jesus, the son of Mary. Peace be upon him on the day of his birth, his death and his resurrection. This is Jesus, son of Mary, that is the truth that you doubt. It is not up to the greatness of God to create a son, praise him! When he decides to do something, so he only speaks to him: Let it be! And it is.

God is my Lord and your Lord. So, serve him, that's the right way.

God has testified that there is no god but him. And the angels and wise men can testify that. He provides justice, he is the only powerful and wise God.

Look, the religion of Allah is Islam. And those who received the Scripture developped different traditions by disobedience after the knowledge came to them. And who denies the signs of God, God is acting fast with a payoff."

[Archeology: Facts about the inscription in the Dome of the Rock]
The inscriptions in the Dome of the Rock are older than any of the Quran editions known to us. The writing is an early form of the Arabic script and therefore has only a minimal set of reading aids. The reading of even the traditional version arouses amazement. The speech is essentially about Mary, Jesus and the one God. If there were not, for once, the word "Muhammad" and "Islam" - one would not even remotely think [S.87] of the idea of having an Islamic creed here.

[Linguist Luxenberg with Syro-Aramaic in the Dome of the Rock]
Now Mr. Christoph Luxenberg comes on the scene. He does nothing more than translating the words finding the meaning that they had in those times of the construction [[of the dome]]. Again, as we have already seen in some Quran passages, his translation suddenly gives a coherent sense.

The core passages in comparison:

Traditional translation: "In the name of the gracious and merciful God ..."
Scientific translation - here Luxenberg makes it only more precise: "In the name of the loving and beloved God"

But then comes the first key point.
Traditional translation: "Muhammad, son of Abd Allah, is his Messenger ..."
Scientific translation: "Blessed be the servant of God and his Messenger ..."

[Luxenberg: "muhamad" = Syro-Aramaic = gerundiv verb form = ruler title - nobody is called "Mohamed" at this time]
Luxenberg is proving in details [36]
[36] Christoph Luxenberg: New interpretation of the Arabic inscription in the Dome of the Rock at Jerusalem (original German: Neudeutung der arabischen Inschrift im Felsendom zu Jerusalem); In: The dark beginnings (original German: Die dunklen Anfänge); Berlin 2005
that "muhamad" is a gerund and not a first personal name, that would be a grammatical impossibility. The semantic impossibility of the name Muhammad is also supported by historians of other disciplines, stating clearlty that this proper name cannot be found anywhere in those times. Although numerous coin are proving the title, but not the name of "Muhammad". The same counts for "abd Allah", the "servant of God". This was an attribute, but not a name. And there are also numerous references to [[fantasy]] Jesus with this attribute dating back to early Christianity.

[Jesus in the Quran also uses the title "abd Allah"]
A very clear assignment is made in the sura 19:30, in which the [[fantasy]] baby Jesus in the cradle says about himself: "I am the servant of God ["abd Allah"], he has given me the scriptures and made me a prophet."

No one will suppose that [[fantasy]] Jesus said of himself that his name was Abh Allah [p.88].

"Muhamad abdallah" was at the time of putting down this text nor the [[Fantasy]] "Muhamad, son of the abd Allah" - that came much later - but [[he was]] "the praising servant of God".

[Who is the "who should be praised"?]
But who is the "servant of God who shoud be praised"?

The explanation is immediately given in the inscription: It is [[fantasy]] "Isda bin Maryam", [[fantasy]]Jesus, the [[fantasy]] son of [[fantasy]] Mary.

"The Messiah called Jesus, Son of Mary, is the Messenger of God."

According to Luxenberg, the traditional translation (namely: "The Messiah Jesus, son of Mary, was only an Messenger of God") is not only an absolute misreading, it is a linguistically unjustifiable manipulation. A wrong sentence!

Of particular interest is the continuation of the sentence in the inscription:
"So believe in God and His messengers and do not say Three ... because God is the only one ... How should he have a child, since everything belongs to him in heaven and on earth."

Here, the author Malik is turning against the Trinity ("Three"), and because of this also Jesus is only considered as a messenger, but not as a son of God.

[The word of "Din" comes from Persian "Den" = "the true, the right" and not "religion"]
The second key passage of the inscription is the following sentence word by word:
"in (na) d-din (a) llah (i) l-islam ..."

In the traditional Islamic translation, the sentence reads:
"See here, the religion of Allah is Islam ..."

"Din" is interpreted as "religion" and "Islam" as the name of this religion.

Now Luxenberg and many others say that this translation is considered a typical misinterpretaiton of the latter centuries. The Arabic "din" derives formally and meaningfully from the Persian "den". And this "din" means in the understanding of those times the "true, the right", in contrast to the Latin "religio", the religion. While the "religio" describes a formal relationship with God, "din" is the spirit of faith which makes it possible to recognize the right, even the right [p.89] religion. Therefore this "Din" is not religion itself, but religion is a function of the "din".

[The word "Islam" means "conformity" - there is no religion of "Islam" at that time]
"Islam" did not exist in Malik's time as the name of a religion as we know it today. Nowhere in contemporary accounts, of whatever origin, can be found "islam" identifiable as a denomination of religion. In Malik's time, "Islam" meant the "conformity": that is, the conformity of scriptures, and with these the Old Testament and the Gospels are meant. In order to work out the conformity with the Holy Scriptures, that is, "to recognize the right and don't permit to be confused," the "din" is needed. The "religio" is forming only as a consequence of this.

When the singular scriptures were composed to an Arab gospel forming an independent Quran provoking an own religion, only then one can speak of "islam" when it was Islam. But in the times of Malik this is not the case yet.

In the message of Malik the current understanding of "religion" and "Islam" is not included, so the sentence is translated correctly according to the understanding of that time like this:
"As the right is rated with God the conformity with the Scripture ..."
And further:
"... because those who were given the Scriptures have first come into contradictions with the revealed knowledge - by discussing..."

This expresses the rejection of the numerous interpretations and constructions on the councils, which had watered down the original message - whereby [[on these councils]] the doctrine of the imperial church was always dominating.

[The word "Three" - does God need a son to reach people? - Abd al-Malik means: No]
"So don't three" - this is the big topic of the time [37]:
[37] The basic question was: Is [[fantasy]] Jesus a human, a god, or both?
[[Supplement: The curriculum vitae of the Fantasy Jesus corresponds to that of the Horus of Egypt
The curriculum vitae of the Fantasy Jesus is almost exactly the same like the one of Horus of Egypt. Any Jewish patriarchal group (mostly gays) have stolen the curriculum vitae of Horus replacing the name for presenting a "great story" to reinforce their own power over the illiterate population. According to Pressburg the Church itself does not precisely know who this fantasy Jesus was]].
The Monophysites ([[stating that Jesus had only]] "one nature") saw in Jesus a person who had only one, namely a divine nature. This is the position of the Coptic Church. While the Dyophysimus (Dyo = two) attributed two natures to Jesus, one divine and one human, Monotheletism limited the human nature of Christ insofar as his will was completely governed by God. The monarchists, however, saw in Jesus a person [p.90] who, although close to God, is not divine. This is the concept of a prophet (rasul) and herald for God (kalifat Allah). This, however, in the view of most of them, described the nearness of Jesus to God too little, and was therefore rejected as heresy. Greek Orthodoxy and others also saw in Jesus a divine and a human nature, but as mediators between the divine and the human realm, they postulated a spiritual force, the "Holy Spirit". This "Trinity", a construction that was possible from an ancient point of view, solved logical problems and at the same time conserved the One God. The whole discussion was essentially about semantic issues, where the content was blurred and was taken out from a precise definition. These differences scarcely play a role in contemporary theology, but over the centuries they determined the theological discussion.
What is the nature of Jesus? Was he the son of God? Or only ambassador? Was he [p.90] man or god? Or was he both? How could the "logos", the divine Word, get into a human body? Questions about questions! In this way the construction of Trinity was born which was in the Greek way of thinking logical and progressive. Several councils [38]

    [38] Nicaea (325), Constantinople (381), Ephesus (431), Chalcedon (451)

argued about it and split the oriental Christianity. The Byzantine imperial church as well as the Roman church took over this dogma, but not the Arab and the Egyptian church. Therefore, Abd al-Malik warns in his confession from the "Three". God does not need a son nor any mediating spirit for reaching people.

The following sentence completes the creed of Abd al-Malik with the well-known [[fantasy]] depiction of Jesus of birth, death, and resurrection:
"Lord, bless your [[fantasy]] Messenger and [[fantasy]] servant Jesus, son of [[fantasy]] Mary, salvation for him on the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he is raised to life ..."

Completely this confession of Abd al-Malik from the year 694 reads now [[in Aramaic translation]] like this:
[[Supplement: fantasy Jesus with an age of 33, home straight etc.
With all this has to be considered that this fantasy Jesus with his Freemasonry age of 33 and his home straight in Jerusalem was fixed as a Freemasonry fairy tale even BEFORE Jerusalem was built - therefore this is all a Luzifer fantasy of the Freemasons betraying the masses, nothing more]].

[The inscription of Abd al-Malik in the Dome of the Rock (694 AD) according to the translation of Luxenberg with Aramaic knowledge]

"In the name of the loving and beloved God. There is no God but God alone, he has no partner, he owns the rule and he deserves praise, he gives life and he lets die, he is almighty.

Blessed be the servant of God and his messenger. God and his angels speak blessings on the prophet. You, the believers, speak blessings and salvation to him. God bless him, salvation over him and God's love [p.91].

Members of the Scripture, do not make a fales judgment and say about God only the right thing. Because [[fantasy]] Jesus Christ, Son of [[fantasy]] Mary, is the [[fantasy]] Messenger of God and his Word, which he has given to [[fantasy]] Mary and his [[fantasy]] Spirit from him. So believe in God and His [[fantasy]] Messenger and do not say Three, stop it, it would be better for you. Because God is the only one - he shall be blessed - how could he have a child, since everything belongs to him in heaven and on earth. And God alone is enough as a help.

Lord, bless your [[fantasy]] Messenger and [[fantasy]] Servant Jesus, Son of [[fantasy]] Mary, Word of [[fantasy]] Truth that you quarrel about. God does not deserve to adopt a [[fantasy]] child, he is praised: if he decides anything, all he has to do is to say: Be, and it will. God is my Lord and is your Lord, so serve Him, that is a straight line.

God has warned that there is no God but Him and the angels, as the Scripture scholars affirm truthfully: There is no God except Him, the mighty and wise.

As the right with God counts the conformity with the Scripture: because those who have been given the Scriptures developped only contradictions to it by disputing among themselves. But [[people]] who denies the words of God will be quickly brought to justice by God."

[The Creed of Abd al-Malik in the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem counters the creed of Heraclius in Byzantium]
This inscription is the creed of Abd al-Malik - namely the typical monarchical, that is, strictly monotheistic creed of the Christian-Arab Church. It turns against the creed of the Byzantine state church. Heraclius had made and installed his confession of the Trinity in his basilica, the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. Abd al-Malik now fixed his profession of faith in his basilica, in the church on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

[Abd al-Malik was an Arab Christian - NEVER a caliph]
Abd al-Malik was an Arab Christian, no caliph and no "Omayade" [p.92].

[The correct translation of "muhamad abd Allah" = "praised servant of God"]
Alone the proof that the word of "muhamad" is a gerund and not a proper name, which can also be proved by coins and other texts, is a recognition with enormous consequences.

"Muhamad the Praised" is nothing but the Arabic version of the Greek "Krästos" and the Latin "Christ the Anointed":

"Krestos, Christ, muhamad": the same thing, the same person, namely a [[fantasy]] Jesus.

"muhamad abd Allah" is the "blessed servant of God".

The reading "Muhammad is the servant of God" would be as erroneous as the reading "benedictus qui venit in nomine domini" ("Blessed is who came in the name of the Lord") as "Benedict who came in the name of the Lord."

["Narrative tradition" with Islam fantasy: The inscription in the Dome of the Rock are said to be Quran verses]
According to the Islamic doctrine these inscriptions are verses from the Quran. Right is just the opposite. They are older than any previously known Quran or fragment of it. They were taken as verses into the Quran - unless one assumes with Luxenberg the existence of an Aramaic original Quran, in which these texts were already included.

[Archeology: Muhammad does NOT exist in the 7th century]
This chapter is actually dedicated to the historical Muhammad, but so far there has been nothing to tell of his person. The reason is that he is historically not existing in this time. We don't know absolutely anything about him.

["Narrative fairy tale" with Islam Fantasy: Muhammad fills complete libraries since the 9th century AD]
On the other hand, there are complete libraries of religious scriptures in the sense of the chapter "The Prophet Mohamed according to traditional accounts". The earliest mentions of Muhammad appear 150 years after the rumored death, most of them 200-300 years later. The base are oral traditions. Even if one has to be content with evidences rather than proofs with persons who lived long ago, oral tradition coming from the religios sector is too little for being an evidence. In the Quran, Muhammad is practically nonexistent. It counts the doctrine that the hadiths and the sira (the life story) based on them are rated as authentic sources almost withou any discussion permitted.

[Archeology: Muhammad is missing in the sources - Heraclios never mentions any Muhammad nor Islam - no monuments, no papyri, no inscriptions, no original books]
We have numerous archaeological remains of this epoch. There are coins, inscriptions, buildings, literature. But nowhere [p.93] a little trace of a prophet Muhammad from Mecca can be found. Muhammad's troops take Heraclius away his holy Jerusalem during his lifetime yet. But he does not notice it. His successors, of whom Muhammad takes away Syria and Egypt, obviously do not know who they are dealing with, nor do the Spaniards and all the others later. The millions of subjugated people of different religions don't us tell anything either about a prophet Muhammad. There is one single mention of a "Mamahd" which date is uncertain - that's all what we know about the prophet.

All this is too little and incomprehensible for a personality who in a few years should have changed the entire existing order of the Orient politically and religiously. How do you want to explain that to me please?

[Muhammad as a personal name is common only since the 9th century AD]
The personified Muhammad emerges only in the literature of the 9th century. According to Dr. Abdullah Moussa of the Sorbonne University [[in Paris]] the name of Muhammad is nowhere to be found as a proper name before Islamization. He considers the existence of a proper name of Muhammad until then as unlikely [39].
[39] Claude Gilliot: On the Origin of the Prophets' Prophets (original German: Zur Herkunft der Gewährsmänner des Propheten); In: The dark beginnings (original German: Die dunklen Anfänge); Berlin 2005

5.5. The origin of the word "Muhammad" since the 13th century BC. - the word transformation

[Archeology: the word Muhammad in consonant writing: Already in the 13th century BC: pure, chosen, praised - words "muhamad" and "ahmad"]
The root MHMD is already found on clay tablets from the 13th century BC in Ugarit. "Muhamad (un)" signified the highest purity for gold. Then was derived the meaning "chosen, praised" from it, which thus remained valid for centuries. Also "Ahmad" goes back to the same root. The Quran also uses "muhamad" and "ahmad" synonymously.

[Archeology: The word Muhammad as "the praised one": In Persia, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan - not in Arabia]
The first religious manifestation of the title can be seen in the east of the Persian Empire, where around the year of 660 coins with a "muhamad" logo appear. There, in today's Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, the person being called "muhamad" was the "praised one", the "servant of God" (abd Allah) and the "spokesman of God" (kalifat Allah). And there is no trace at all of a presence of a person called "Muhamad" on the Arabian Peninsula at the same time. We can say with great certainty that the "muhamad", the "praised one", had been created far in the east of the Persian Empire.

[Archeology: The word "the praised" was for [[fantasy]] Jesus]
And [p.94] according to the overwhelming evidence this "praised" was [[fantasy]] Jesus. Abd al-Malik brought this "muhamad abd Allahi", the praised servant of God, to the west of his kingdom and built him a monument in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount, where the rumor was spread that he should come back there as a "mahdi", savior, on the Last Day for having justice. There are many coins with depictions of this (more about this will be told in a later chapter).

"Muhamad" was a title - before it became a name, and Islamic scriptures reflect this awareness. According to Ibn Saad [40]

     [40] Ibn Saad (died 845): Annals

the original name of the Prophet was Qutham. Later he had 6 different nicknames: Muhammad (the praised one), Ahmad (the praised one), Kahtim (the seal), Hashir (the awakener), Akib (the last of the prophets), Machiy (the redeemer of sins). This is a very clear title concept. Mr. Alois Sprenger already writes in 1869 [41]:

[41] Alois Sprenger: The Life and Teaching of Muhammad According to Hitherto Mostly Unused Sources (original German: Das Leben und die Lehre des Mohammed nach bisher grösstenteils unbenutzten Quellen); Berlin 1869
"In these traditions, 'Muhamad' just appears as the other nicknames as an epithet [attribute] of the Prophet and not as a proper name." [text01]
[Thesis: MHMD becomes [[fantasy]] "Muhamad"]
According to Mr. Volker Popp, the attribute concept also includes the [[prophet replacer being called a]] "Paraclete" of the New Testament. This is the "comforter", derived from the Greek "Parakletos". [[Fantasy, probably gay]] Jesus had repeatedly promised his [[fantasy, probably gay]] disciples a paraclete as a consolation for his temporary absence. The Paraclete in Aramaic in the language of [[fantasy]] Jesus means the "mhamda". Based on the same consonant root MHMD, the Aramaic "mhamda" in Arabic is easily read as "muhamad". The "muhamad" could also be personified and have integrated without problems into Gospels and be understood as a prophecy. That would be like this:

John 14:16. "... and he (my father) will send you another "Muhamad"..."
14:26, "The spirit, the "Muhamad", which my Father will send in my name, will teach you everything ..."
John 16:13: "... It is good that I go, because if I won't go, the "Muhamad" will not come to you. But as soon as I have gone I will send you the "Muhamad"." [p.95]

Although in Christian theology the paraclete refers to the Holy Spirit, but in a "heretical" environment the step from "mhamda" to "muhamad" is rapidly performed. Especially in a time that was waiting for the predicted Arab prophet.

[Archeology: There was NEVER a Prophet Muhammad - but the word conversion is well possible]
The question about the historical [[fantasy]] prophet "Muhammad" has answered itself in the detour via the "muhamad". The hadiths and the life of the Prophet [[described in the Quran]] cannot be considered as a historical source nor as a proof of a [[fantasy]] Muhammad. There is big conformity about this topic in the search outside of the religion. The Quran says almost nothing about the Prophet. But to cite the Quran as a proof of [[fantasy]] Muhammad is against any scientific, logical, and methodological method.

[Archeology: Islam leader [[fantasy]] Muhammad cannot be found nowhere - is just a symbol of a false historical fantasy]
There are no non-religious sources about Muhammad. And this with a personality who should have changed the religious and political order of half the world in a period of only a few years. Millions of affected and contemporary witnesses tell us nothing about it? How do you imagine that? Believing this, one has to adore wonders as do Islam historians just normally. And that brings us back to hadith qualities. [[ALL is fantasy in Islam - as in the Bible and in Talmud]]. .

We have no evidence for the existence of a prophet named Muhammad, who lived from 570 to 632 (or similar) and proclaimed the Quran. In contrast, the concept of a "muhamad Jesus" [[substitute]] can be proved in many ways.

It can be that there was a religious personality, a preacher, in the Arabian desert. But he simply was not [[fantasy]] Muhammad, and had not the invented life of the Prophet. It's well possible that he shows his handwriting from time to time, for example in the suras of Medina, but we do not get to know this person despite of all. Therefore it could also be a team, even a sect presenting texts under the label of [[fantasy]] "Muhammad", or it could be simply an invented symbolic figure.

Rejecting the physical existence of the [[fantasy]] Prophet of Muhammad can provoke the effect of a shock first. But this shock is relativating fast [p.96] considering the historry of creation of the Quran: One single person is the exclusive presentator and just this persons fails. Without any doubt this Quran had a manifold history of development over a long time, and thus there are "many fathers".

Of course we can not prove a person's nonexistence. But we can test the evidence of a person's existence. And in the case of Muhammad this test is negative. Also today we have nothing of him in our hands which could be fixed by scientests - from Weil passing Goldziher and Blachere ending with Luxenberg. In the non-religious documents not the slightest trace of the real life of this [[fantasy]] Prophet can be seen.

The prophet is not failing with an axe as some are meaning, but the [[fantasy]] Prophet is failing when the chaos of Jewish, Christian and Islamic cultures - short: semitic cultures - is analyzed for a savior, about a redeemer, about a judge or prophet. It's always the same waiting scenery - being camouflaged in different names and traditions.

The person of [[fantasy]] "Muhammad" is not at all essencial for the creation of a book or doctrine. Manay (very) old and modern Muslims see this proceedure also like this.

First ofa all the development of Islam has to be considered as a process and not being triggered by a person, although in the course of religious formation people seem to be unavoidable as message carriers and identification figures.

5.6. The longing of the Arab Christians for their own prophet - [[fantasy]] "Muhammad" was invented

[Mohammed is "born" 200 years after his [[fantasy]] birth]
The yearning of the Arab Christians for having their own scripture developed the long creation history of Quran. At the same time there was the transformation from "muhamad" [[as a gerund] to the person of "Muhammad". This was a necessity because there were own revelations which had to be justified. And additionally there was the prophecy that there will be an own Arab prophet from the family tree of Abraham, that means, it was affirmed from the top. the entire tradition being connected with this was shifting with it's fairy tales to the desert of Arabia, Muhammad, the [[phantasy]] prophet of the Arabs from the tribe of Quraish was born - but only 200 years after his [[fantasy]] "birth" [p.97].

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[text01] Alois Sprenger about the word "muhamad": "In diesen Traditionen erscheint 'Muhamad' geradeso, wie die übrigen Benennungen, als Epithet [Attribut] des Propheten und nicht als Eigenname."

Photo sources

[1] Prayer and praising for a fantasy: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/293719206938464221/
