The Islam fantasy of 800 years of
Muslim rule in the Iberian Peninsula
[Muhammad Fantasy Islam did not exist in Andalusia
until the 9th century]
Normally historians claim a 800 years long [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslim rule in Spain where was a tremendous
booming life with science and arts, with religious
tolerance and love, piece, and harmony. From time to
time also 900 years are claimed and certain [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslim circles are deriving real ownership
claims from this [119].
[119] The terrorists who massacred 191
people in Madrid on March 11, 2004, referred to the
demand that Spain should be reintegrated to
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Dar al-Islam. [[Also this
attack was staged by the CIA to tighten the laws in
Spain, as later also in England]].
But this logic would provoke another logic: [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Christians could claim possession in Turkey,
Syria, Palestine, Egypt, North Africa. Therefore, we
will not analyze this nonsense.
But how do they reach 800 years of [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslim rule in Spain? South of Spain was
conquered by Berbers and Arabs [p.201] in the early
8th century without religious motivation. There was
not existing any "Islam" in those times in the East
yet. The occupants in Spain were Arianic Berbers and
Ibadit Arabs of [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christian faith that
integrated Spain in the sphere of power of the
"Omayyads" with it's capital of Damascus. When this
dynasty in the Orient was destroyed, a familiar of the
ruler's family fled to Spain continuing the [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Christian Syrian tradition. When the
development in the East began in the middle of the 9th
century, also in al-Andalus began a religious process:
Arab [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christianity was developing
itself to an own religion. In al-Andalus, this process
came to the formation of an own [[Muhammad Fantasy]]
"Islam" only in the 9th century.
There are reports of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]]
Caliphate against persons of other belief, but during
the time of Taifas [[Principalities]] (1031-1086) the
religion had only a subordinate role as a separating
element [[in the society]].
[Muhammad Fantasy Islam extremism 1090-1248]
The fact that there could be other views on the right
faith was brought to the Andalusian [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslims very soon with the emergence of the
North African dynasties of the Almoravids and Almohads
(1090-1248). These fundamentalist movements not only
fought the infidels, but also taught the native
Muslims the tradition. They brought the [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] jihad to al-Andalus, who clashed with the
[[Jesus Fantasy]] crusade idea which developed in
parallel. The religiously motivated "conquista"
opposed the religiously motivated "reconquista". Until
now, clashes had only provoked the shift of borders,
but from now on the clashes got a new quality.
[The Muhammad Fantasy Muslim collapse 1248-1491]
The [[Jesus Fantasy]] "reconquista" was so successful
that in the middle of the 13th century only Granada
remained as the only [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim
empire in Spain. It was a vassal existence of graces
of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Catholic rulers of the north.
In 1482 [[Jesus Fantasy]] King Ferdinand initiated the
gradual liquidation of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Granada,
which he completed in 1492 with the triumphal entry
into the Alhambra.
One can see therefore, history is anything but
continuously going on, and there are not at all 800
years of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim rulership, and
not at all any dominance. Analyzing history it becomes
clear that [p.202] the political defeat of [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslim Spain began with the death of Hakam
II (976) already, thus this was only a short time
after [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam had been installed.
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim rulership in al-Andalus is
reduced to about 250 years, namely the short time of
the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Omayyad caliphate and the
time of the North African foreign rule.
Granada was a territorial and significant ever
shrinking enclave, which in the end consisted only of
the city itself. It's meaning was inversely
proportional to today's usual consideration.
Lies about cultural-Muslim high
achievements: The Roman-architecturally influenced
Iberian peninsula
[Muslim culture of lies: cultural-Muslim high
performance in the Iberian peninsula is a lie]
The popular literature is full of praise of Moorish
cultural achievements. Accordingly, the conquering
[[Jesus Fantasy Christian]] Arabs would have invaded
virtually in an under developed country and would have
awakened the backward Spaniards culturally and
civilizationally. The desert sons, known for their
agrarian and water management prosperity, would have
implanted a field economy without equal. The bathing
culture, completely unknown in the Roman provinces,
would have imported by Arab Bedouins as well.
Bathrooms and houses, according to a travel guide,
were also covered with the "typical Arabian roof
tiles" (those pan-Mediterranean tiles, as you can see
in Pompeii and older cities, for example). The
architectural substance found in Spain seems to have
been a mud-building culture, and it was not until the
Moorish splendor buildings, such as the Alhambra,
which had recently been stamped out of the ground that
appeared to be able to manifest culture in Spain. As
the UNESCO website tells us, the conquerors also had
tolerance and rationalism in their luggage. So the
Spaniards must have had a great moment in their
[The truth about architecture in Spain: Roman
(Greek) and Persian]
In reality, the conquerors came from Africa, from the
edge of the Roman [[Greek]] world, to Spain [[Latin:
Hispania]], into a heartland of the Roman [[Greek]]
world with all infrastructural achievements of
antiquity, such as the best road network and water
supply system in the world, temples, palaces, baths,
theaters, generous cities with fresh and sewage
systems [p.203]. There were lots of objects which
could be used, also after the official end of the
Roman [[Greek]] Empire (the first mosque (Spanish:
mezquita) consists almost exclusively of ancient
robbery, from "second-hand use", as it is called
Oleg Grabar, an excellent connoisseur of [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Islamic architecture and architectural
history, points to the similarities of Andalusian
palaces to ancient architecture. The dream patterns
were not ominous [[Muhammad Fantasy]] "Islamic"
palaces, but Nero's dome (domus aurea) or Hadrian's
mansion (villa). Immediate architectural models were
the palaces of Roman provinces in Spain and North
Africa. These, with their arcades, arches, double
windows and courtyards, give the elements that were
typical for the Andalusian palaces. The element of the
water gardens, like the Generalife, is very Persian.
The walled courtyards with their gardens and water
features are to be regarded as miniature images of
paradise, a rather extravagant, pre-Islamic Persian
paradise. These "Paradise Gardens" were widespread
from Syria to Afghanistan and found their way via the
"Omayyads" from Persia to Spain.
The quality of the Andalusian stone carvings does not
match those of Gothic or antiquity. Instead of
elaborate treatment of the stone itself, the
supporting substructure was covered with stucco. The
typical ornamental forms, the "Muqarnas"
("stalactites", "honeycombs" etc.), are also of
Persian origin.
[The Alhambra in Granada is Arabic-Christian
from the 8th century - when Muhammad Fantasy Islam
did not even exist]
The Andalusian splendor and monumental architecture
goes back primarily to Roman [[Greek]]-antique and to
a lesser extent to Persian models. "Islamic"
predecessors - whatever that may be - do not exist.
Today's Alhambra, in the eyes of many the most
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic of all Islamic buildings,
was built in a time when Spain can not be called
Islamic anymore [p.204].
The oldest part of the mosque (Spanish: mezquita),
Córdoba, from the 8th century. It was not a mosque,
but a "masjid", a [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christian-Arabic
place of worship in Syrian [[Jesus Fantasy]] church
style [p.205].
A similar picture arises in the religious buildings.
As we know, North African invaders made a peaceful use
of the San Vicente church in Córdoba with the
inhabitants before Abd-Rahman, a Syrian refugee, built
his sanctuary above it. This was a church in the style
of his homeland, with arches resting on ancient
columns as a formative element. The arches were
typically segmented ocher / red, given the color of
the original materials, brick and stone. More than
[p.204] 100 years long this mosque (Spanish:
"mezquita") in Cordoba served as the Arabic [[Jesus
Fantasy]] church until it was gradually transformed
into a mosque. Outwardly, there was little difference,
except for the placement of a prayer niche ("mihrab"),
which made the difference between [[Jesus Fantasy]]
churches and early [[Muhammad Fantasy]] mosques. The
building was constantly expanded, but the basic
elements remained the same. The construction of
Abd-er-Rahman I (756-788) and the extension of
Abd-er-Rahman II (822-852) are large halls with a
forest of ancient columns and red and white double
arches above.
The cultivation of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Hakam II
(961-976), the first [[Muhammad Fantasy]] caliph,
shows a completely new style and an artistically
incomparably higher level. The prayer niche is
especially impressive, but it provokes also
astonishment because it's roof is a glorious Byzantine
dome which is known to have the cross pattern as it's
base. This expansion is a gift of the Byzantine
emperor Nikephoros II Phokas, who sent the artists
with their tools and all the material to Córdoba. What
could have been the reason for this? Probably the
reason was relationship maintenance: because
Byzantium, which was once present in Spain (Latin:
Hispania), sought to win the caliphate repeatedly as
an ally [p.206].
The mosque (mezquita), Cordoba. Mihrab and dome of the
extension of Al Hakam II around 965. The work
including materials and execution is a gift of the
Byzantine emperor Nikephoros II Phokas. It represents
a completely new stylistic direction [p.205].
Then soon followed the final expansion of Al Mansur
which is a return to the pillar forest, but in much
worse execution. Probably for lack of alternative,
inferior and damaged antique columns were often used,
the arches were no longer made of stone and brick
joined, but simply painted in brick style. The styles
of the mosque (mezquita), the Syrian arch architecture
and the Byzantine expansion by Hakam II, are not
[[In short words]]: There is absolutely nothing
"Islamic" about the origin of the sacral architecture
of Islamic Spain because there were no Islamic models.