9g. Granada
[Yusuf Ibn Nasr in Granada - with an alliance with
Ferdinand III. in Cordoba]
In the year of 1236, [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Yusuf Ibn
Nasr, minor ruler from Arjona, had supported the
Castilian [[Jesus Fantasy]] king Ferdinand III. for
taking Cordoba and as a compensation, he got a free
hand in Granada, which he brought into his possession.
After all, the kingdom included the coast from Almería
to Tarifa and thus included the important Gibraltar.
In 1246, Ferdinand officially recognized [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Ibn Nasr as ruler of Granada - the beginning
of the last chapter of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim
rulers in Spain, which was to be closed 250 years
For [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Ibn Nasr it was perfectly
clear that there could be no meaningful resistance
against the superior [[Jesus Fantasy]] empires from
the north and signed a vassal contract, because the
agreement of 1246 was nothing else than that [p.198].
The [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim enclave of Granada
bought its existence by tribute payments and services,
being completely dependent on the favor of the [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Christian feudal lords.
Despite all the enormous external difficulties, the
gentlemen of Granada were affording constant internal
quarrels, which were not brought to an early end
because the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christian rulers were
not doing it much better either at this time. And the
latter were in no hurry to slaughter the cow called
Granada, as long as it gave plenty of milk.
[Granada's swing policy with Jesus Fantasy
Ferdinand and Muhammad Fantasy Islamists in Africa
at the same time]
Granada became more and more in danger and was looking
for allies in North Africa, in Egypt and in Istanbul,
and was performing a daring swing policy. In the
meantime Hafsids were ruling Tunis and they controlled
the lucrative trade from Inner Africa to Spain, and
they had close trade relations with Castile and
Barcelona. They did not want to risk these trade
connections by any adventure - Granada was just
[The end of Muhammad Fantasy Muslim Granada and the
reasons: swing politics, pirates and Muhammad
Fantasy Turkish Ottomans]
For the end of the last [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim
Empire in Spain, the marriage of [[Jesus Fantasy]]
Ferdinand of Aragon with [[Jesus Fantasy]] Isabel of
Castilia was decisive - in 1469, so 10 years later
their kingdoms were merged and this was a base for a
unification of Spain.
After this the conquest of fortresses and towns of the
kingdom of Granada began, and after all the [[Jesus
Fantasy]] troops of Ferdinand and Isabella were
standing before the gates of Granada in 1491.
[[That same year, Columbus was on his way
to seek "new land." It is speculated that he was a
Moses Fantasy Jew persecuted by Queen Isabella]].
According to traditional opinion, the devout [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Catholic Isabel had driven [[the Jesus
Fantasy]] Ferdinand to religious conquest of Granada.
In fact, Ferdinand saw the situation from a point of
view of power politics and had delayed a decision for
a long time also for financial reasons - that is,
there were tributes, which accounted for up to 50% of
the state budget. His reasons for the liquidation of
the enclave were sober: Granada had continued to
provide shelter to [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim pirates
in its ports, and tribute payments were also becoming
increasingly sluggish. But the most disturbing thing
was the repeated contact with the new terror in the
East, the [[Muhammad Fantasy Ottoman]] Turks. The
"Turkish danger" was the big issue of the time, and it
seemed quite immanent, because when a [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Ottoman expedition landed in southern Italy
in 1481, the panic was so great that the [[Jesus
Fantasy]] pope fled [p.199] from Italy. The [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Turks became a serious threat and one could
not afford an alliance case in Spain on their own
territory. That's why Granada came to an end.
But this end was an end without many parallels in
history: The conditions of [[Jesus Fantasy]] Ferdinand
were so favorable that [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Emir Abu
Abdullah had no choice but to accept them. On January
2, 1492, he handed the keys of the city to the [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Spanish royal couple.
To him and to the inhabitants of Granada, who in the
end consisted almost exclusively of [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslims, Ferdinand promised respect for the
acquits and personal integrity. Those who wanted to
move away could do so unhindered, take their
possessions or sell them without restriction within 2
years. Almost all rich people opted for the latter
option and left [[Jesus Fantasy]] Spain as wealthy
people in the direction of [[Muhammad Fantasy]]
Morocco. [117]
[117] The legend says that the last
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim ruler of Spain made a
"sigh of the Moor" on a little hill south of Granada
having a last glance to the town. A highway sign is
appointing to the location.
Granada remains intact -
Constantinople was destroyed - edict on forced
conversion in Granada, crypto-Muslims and escape
Historians are praising many times Granada with it's
architecture, culture and with it's art of Alhambra
which was reaching the present time unharmed. 39 years
before a town with much higher architecture level,
cultural level and of much more art's significance
suffered just another bad luck: In 1453 [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Sultan Mehmed II. conquered Constantinople.
Emperor Constantine XI. was not granted similar
conditions as [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Emir Abdallah of
Granada had received, but he ended unknown in a mass
grave. The troops of Mehmed committed a blood shed and
destruction of incredible dimensions and only some
walls and a building which was appropriate for being
converted into a big [[Muhammad Fantasy]] mosque
remained until today. The whole world was terrified
about this action and Abdallah [[in Granada]] had
these events in mind giving in handing over the city
[[of Granada]].
With the capitulation of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Granada,
the Islamic Empire's time on Spanish soil was finally
over, but not yet the history of [S.200] [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslims. Therefore, already in 1507 an edict
was issued on forced conversion: All adult [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslims had only the choice between baptism
and emigration. Complications occurred, however,
because [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam provides for its
followers the "taqiyya", the purposeful disguise. So
how should one differentiate between a real convert
and the one who just pretended to be a "crypto Muslim"
among the remaining [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims?
[[The same tactic of dissimulation applies
to persecuted Moses Fantasy crypto Jews]].
[[Thus, now the fake Muslim converted had to be found
out, and Jesus Fantasy Spain installed the defamation
system with criminal torture and inquisition]]:
This task was proceeded in [[Jesus Fantasy]] Spain
since 1529 by the installation of "Holy Office"
[["Santo Oficio"]], that is: holy [[Jesus Fantasy]]
inquisition. And this this work was not to cruel
compared with it's time [118],
[118] 10 percent of the charges were
opened. 30% of the cases ended with acquittals, and
less than 2% were sentenced to death. Imprisonment
could mean galley service, but just as well house
arrest and was usually limited to three years. The
notorious burns on the so-called stakes ("autodafé")
were only rare cases and mostly "in effigie", ie
burning of straw dolls. In torture, fractures and
permanent mutilations were prohibited. The Spanish
Inquisition was committed to a comprehensive set of
rules, government agencies were far more radical.
[[Reality may have been another one than the rules:
brutal killings by defamations and pogroms etc.]].
and additionally it was remarkably ineffective. As a
consequence, the last 100,000 [[Muhammad Fantasy]]
Moriscos (Muslims) were expelled from [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Spain in 1609. It is controversially
discussed what damage [[Jesus Fantasy]] Spain has
suffered with this or not. Conversely, one can say
that North Africa did not benefit significantly from