9f. Split into
princedoms (taifas) - jihad terrorism - and more
The Principalities in the Iberian
Peninsula from 1031
[Fight without end everyone against everyone]
The Empire did not split into 1000 pieces, but in some
dozen: the "taifas" [[this means]] the "little
kingdoms". The central power of the "Omayyads" was
doing down and this gave the possibility for the
creation of many little and tiny kingdoms and
princedoms. During the best times, there were 60 of
them, but the number and the size were changing
permanently. The regents were Arabs of different
clans, there were berbers of different tribes, there
were Romanics, Normans, Goths, pirates and many more.
There were also all [p.195] possible religious
variaties. This makes it clear that there were no
"natural" alliances. Everyone was making pacts with
everyone, and everyone was against everyone. The
little kingdoms probed to survive and to enlarge their
territories with permanent wars
[El Cid]
In this chaos was acting a Castilian knight, Mr.
Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, being known under the name "El
Cid" becoming a Spanish national hero. He was changing
the sides many times between Spaniards, Arabs,
Berbers, [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christians and [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslims. These changings were best taifa
tradition, and from time to time he made his own wars
for his own account.
[The northern principalities are getting stronger,
the southern ones getting weaker]
While the small empires of al-Andalus were steadily
weakening each other, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christian
empires in the north were steadily gaining power. A
number of taifas could no longer exist without the
assistance from the north, but this assistance or
non-aggression pact was not to have for nothing. The
north cashed the southern territories with protection
money and tributes. And the little not important
regents had a very costful living and court life as a
compensation for not being important. This provoked an
artistic boom, but ended in ruin. Al-Andalus was
bleeding, and the focus shifted imperceptibly, but
steadily north. But that was only one part of the
whole problem.
[Jesus Fantasy princes in southern Spain are
engaging Muhammad Fantasy Muslim killer gangs from
Africa: al-Mutamid is sterilizing Seville]
One of the little princes with the great name
al-Mutamid [115]
[115] Muhammad al-Mutamid bin
Abbad (Abbad = the Ibadite)
from Seville was calling the rulers from North Africa.
These were Almoravids, a dynasty of militant
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims from the Sahara. They
were fighting everything which did not correspond to
their ideas of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] religion. They
were fighting [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christiands of course,
but they also eliminated among their [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslim allied. The two princes Mutamid and
Mutawakkil were just killed when tendencies were shown
that they would rather change to the [[Jesus Fantasy]]
Spanish faith enemies than to cooperate with their
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] faith brothers from the desert.
Thus the festival life with wine and dance
performances in Cordoba, Seville and elsewhere was
[Almoravids occupy Andalusia 1090-1094 - the brutal
Allah-Mohammed fantasy from North Africa destroys
Now it was the second time: the ghosts they called
were installing themselves. The Spaniards of Andalusia
could not get rid of them any more.The Almoravids were
not only interested to help, but they wanted
al-Andalus [p.196] to be their territory, and the
neighboring [[Jesus Fantasy]] kingdoms just inclusive.
During the years from 1090 to 1094 al-Andalus was
subjugated by the Almoravids.
Let's be precise: This was the end of al-Andalus
already, and it seems that some contemporaries were
aware of it.
Fundamentalists from North Africa were introducing a
completely new quality of fight to Spain: religious
war, "jihad", and the Andalusian [[Muhammad Fantasy]]
Islam was africanized now. Pacting between territories
with different religions which was normal during the
taifa times became the exception now; all what counted
was the conquest in the name of [[a Fantasy]] Allah.
Crusades in the "Holy Land" - and
jihad in the Iberian Peninsula
[Extremists on the Jesus Fantasy Christian side
with crusades and "mission" in the Iberian Peninsula
- Muhammad Fantasy Muslim occupations in the south
of the peninsula - Conquista and Reconquista]
But also on the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christian side a lot
had happened. In 1071 the Cluny Movement [116]
[116] The movement goes back to the
[[Jesus Fantasy]] Benedictine monastery of Cluny in
France. Cluny stood for a tight organization of
[[Jesus fantasy]] monasticism and was one of the
most influential religious centers in Europe until
the 12th century.
could install itself in Spain, which meant that the
Spanish [[Jesus Fantasy]] church came under the direct
influence of Rome (since 1076 the Gothic rite was
replaced by the Roman one).
[[According to new research, Rome between
1000 and 1300 was only a field of ruins and was
devastated by many severe earthquakes. The cr..ped.
Vatican did not exist until 1300, and 500 years of
cr. Church history were falsified, which never
existed, to claim territories. See the work of
historian Zillmer: Columbus came last - original
German: Kolumbus kam als Letzter - Index]]..
In 1095 the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Pope [[bishop]] Urban II
called for a [[Jesus Fantasy]] crusade, in 1099
Jerusalem was conquered [[by "Christian" extremists
and rapists]] when almost at the same time Granada,
Seville, Valencia and Mallorca fell into the hands of
the jihadists from North Africa [[this could have been
a revenge action]].
The turn of the century from the eleventh to the
twelfth century was marked by a serious conflict
between East and West in the Orient and South against
North in the Iberian Peninsula.
During these big fights [[the religions in the Iberian
Peninsula were extremized]]: Spanish [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Islam was africanized, and Spanish [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Christiandom was europeanized. These two
mega trends were both imported from abroad so the
special path of Spain was ended. On one side were
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] jihad extremists, and on the
other side were [[Jesus Fantasy]] crusader extremists.
In fact, one can speak only from no on of a
"Conquista" and of a "Reconquista" in the sense of a
[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic "conquest" and a [[Jesus
Fantasy]] Christian "reconquest".
New fragmentation - the revenge for
the Jesus Fantasy crusader states: The fantasy of
the "Old Islam" of the Almohads in the Iberian
Peninsula - 40 years of wars
The Almoravidian crazyness lasted not even half a
century and ended again in numerous small
principalities, the second wave of [p.197] Taifas. In
North Africa, however, another movement gained power:
that of the Almohads. Their name was program, the
defenders of the "belief in a [[Fantasy]] god"
(al-muwahidun, from wahd, one). They represented the
often associated with them "Old Islam" insofar as the
fanatical [[Fantasy]] monotheism of early Islamic
expression was also their central concern and the
[[Fantasy]] Prophet Muhammad played no role.
[Almohad terrorism in the Iberian Peninsula 1147 to
The year 1147 marked the final takeover of [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] power of the Almohads in North Africa, 1161
they first transferred to Spain. They ruled as the
Almoravids of Marrakech and had to fight with constant
revolts and resistances. Although they were able to
crush the great uprisings of Ibn Mardanisch (an
Arabized "Martinez") and Geraldo sem Pavor ("Gerhard
without fear"), but on July 16, 1212, there was the
big showdown, the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa.
Under the leadership of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] kings of
Castile, Navarre and Aragon, a vast force of knights
from across [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europe marched on. The
other side offered a Pan-Muslim force about the same
size with jihadists from North Africa to Central Asia.
Overall, rumors say, that half a million warriors were
meeting there for war. The Islamic armies suffered a
total defeat, the Alhambad [[Muhammad Fantasy]] caliph
fled to North Africa, the power of [[Muhammad
Fantasy]] Muslims in Spain was broken. But it took
another 40 years before most of the Spanish peninsula,
including the Balearics and Portugal, was under the
rule of [[Jesus Fantasy] Christian kings.