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Norbert G. Pressburg: Good bye Mohammed - Muhammad never existed

10. "Who did this to us?" - memories of reality

Catastrophic conditions in countries with an Islamic fantasy - reform is only possible in the diaspora

10a. Islamic Muhammad Fantasy states: Oil profit, mental poverty, illiteracy, censorship and poetry in politics and history

Islamic Muhammad Fantasy world is socially weak despite oil profits - mental poverty and no research -- Islamic Muhammad Fantasy world without education - high proportion of illiterates - hardly any printing - scapegoats "USA" and Israel (!) and no self-reflection -- Suez Canal - Israel - Oil - secretly growing poverty in the Muhammad Fantasy states since 1873 -- The memory of the "Golden Years", which come from the Arab-Christian culture -- Jihad Islam destroys the humanism of the Arab-Christian culture -- The Islamic claim that Arab Christian culture was destroyed by the plague, the Mongols or the Jesus Fantasy crusades - Jesus Fantasy Byzantium is being destroyed and the Muslim Muhammad Fantasy religion is founded -- Islam with desert law from Bronze Age destroys any enlightened culture - the camel, narrow cities -- Muhammad Fantasy Islam with censorship against everything - only one book counts: cultural destruction in the Arab world and in India - mental standstill -- Heavy discrimination against other believers - forced conversion or emigration - science and agriculture are destroyed -- The invented year of 622 as the beginning of an Islamic calendar - the lie of the "Year of the Arabs" -- The Ottoman Empire and its collapse by backwardness, unwillingness to travel to Europe -- The Muslim Muhammad Fantasy world denies the sciences from the Ottomans: earth = carpet, trade by positions, propaganda of fake faith -- The new sea routes from 1491 break the Muslim trade monopoly between Europe and Asia - colonial products replace Muslim products - Muhammad Fantasy Islam remains mentally blocked -- The arrogance of Muhammad Fantasy Islam blocks any further education

presented by Michael Palomino (2015 / 2019 / translation 2019) - p.217-225

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10. "Who did this to us?" - memories of reality

Catastrophic conditions in countries with an Islamic Muhammad fantasy - reform is only possible in the diaspora

Muhammad Fantasy Muslim propaganda says:

"We only pay them back a small part of what they did to us!"
Osama bin Laden to his terror actions
[[Everything related to Osama bin Laden is a fake by the CIA. On Sept. 11, 2001, the WTC towers were blown up by 70m underground atomic bombs, provoking earthquakes of 2.8 and 3.1, with white radioactive powder as ashes, and with over 2700 deaths by the Illuminati Freemasons, and these killed persons were used as a reason for war against Muhammad Fantasy Islam in general]].

10a. Islamic Muhammad Fantasy states: Oil profit, mental poverty, illiteracy, censorship and poetry in politics and history

[Islamic Muhammad Fantasy world is socially weak despite oil profits - mental poverty and no research]

Islamic [[Muhammad Fantasy]] world is in bad shape. Especially its core, the Arab countries. For all sociological data, they rank at the bottom of the world ranking, surpassed only by some African countries. And that despite the oil income.

Contrary to clichéd public opinion [[being presented by the CIA media]], the Arab states as a whole are poor. The production of all of them together is - omitting oil production - just as much as the little Spain is producing. Production of the own countries has it's base essentially with foreign licenses. Therefore, there is hardly no own product invention. From 1908 to 2000, the complete Arab world was reaching 370 patents, compared with 7650 patents in Israel and in South Korea 16,300, which is a good temporal comparison for it's parallel development. Korean workers are earning in those years - when oil production is left out of the statistics - four times as much all in all as the whole Arab world.

Why should we work, they may argue, we just have oil. This seems obvious, but is also a part of the problem. Oil brings really enormous profits, but wealth does not arrive. Arab billionaires with wastefulness and exuberance are already legends. But also a country like Iran which is not known for it's pompous upper class, is not advancing economically. Only the Emirates, some little Golf states and exotic states like Brunei are exceptions.

[Islamic Muhammad Fantasy world without education - high proportion of illiterates - hardly any printing - scapegoats "USA" and Israel (!) and no self-reflection]

Concerning learning, all Arab countries are absolutely on a low level, and learning is a key sector for future developments. The high - and with women dramatically high - percentage of illiteracy has also it's consequence in book production: with 5% of the world's population [p.217] the world wide book production rated only 1% in the Arab countries, and from this the big majority were religious [[Muhammad Fantasy]] titles. These figures can be controlled in the "Arab Human Development Report" (AHDR). This is a regular report about the situation of Arab states being edited by Arab authors. It's a report of considerable openness, but not free of stereotypes either. So, for problems in the Arab world the "US" Middle East policy and [[Moses Fantasy]] Israel are blamed. For sure, [[this Moses Fantasy]] Israel is a psychological trauma for the region. But one has to ask: Was the situation better before the founding of [[Moses Fantasy]] Israel? Not really.
[[Suez Canal - Israel - Oil - secretly growing poverty in the Muhammad Fantasy states since 1873
Jesus Fantasy Europe built the Suez Canal and as a result, the Arab world was losing great trade profits - at the same time, profits were increasing among the European upper classes. And with the founding of Moses Fantasy Israel almost all the Mediterranean ports of the Middle East changed the side to the Jesus-Moses Fantasy West again, so that once again trade profits from the Muhammad Fantasy Arab world were redirected to Moses Jesus Fantasy Europe. So, the Muslim world was castrated twice between 1873 and 1948 within 70 years, which is compensated by oil profits, which are not distributed to the entire population, or which are also bunkered by the Jesus Fantasy oil companies on bank accounts. For this reason, since 1873, poverty is been gradually spreading in the Muhammad Fantasy States, and this never stops - despite oil profits]].
It is obvious that the Arab as well as the entire Islamic [[Muhammad Fantasy]] world is in deep crisis, even for those affected. If something went so wrong, the next questions should be:

"What went wrong?"
"Why did that go wrong?"
"What did we do wrong?"

Not so in the Islamic [[Muhammad Fantasy]] world. Because they the central question is like this: "Who did this to us?"

The answers are the same to this day: the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Franks, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Crusaders, the Mongols, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] French, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] English, the missionaries, the [[Communist Gulag]] Soviets; and currently the [[Jesus Fantasy]] "US", the [[Moses Fantasy]] Israelis, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] West.

Read in any publication of an Islamic [[Muhammad Fantasy]] country.

[The memory of the "Golden Years", which come from the Arab-Christian culture]

At the same time, the glorious time, the Golden Years of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam, is invoked.

How could there be a crash from a Golden Past to the sad present? This is the Muslim question. Has [[Fantasy]] Allah turned away, and if so, why?

The time of the Arab empires, starting from the [[invented]] years 622 [[the first 200 years are invented]], are the conjured and much cited "golden years of Islam". As we know, the times of the [[Fantasy]] Prophet with their detailed accounts are nothing more than pious legends, as well as the explosive expansion of religion. The real political development of the 7th century [p.218] ended in an [[Jesus Fantasy]] Arab empire, not in any Islamic one, and had absolutely nothing to do with the person of the [[Fantasy]] Prophet and with the legendary dynastic dynasties of the early [[Muhammad Fantasy]] caliphs artificially grafted upon him. The cultural diversity in this [[Jesus Fantasy]] Arab empire, with its various ethnicities and religions, led to an impressive flowering of culture and science in the courts of Baghdad, Samarra, Damascus, Tehran and even those in present-day Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan.

With the collapse of Rome [[Greece with soldiers abroad called "Romans"]] not only ancient civilization had disappeared in Europe, but also its spiritual heritage. The Occident sank into the "dark Middle Ages". Quite different the Orient. Here, the [[Jewish Fantasy]] Arab scientists took up the Greek philosophers, discussed them and tried to develop them further. In the field of astronomy, medicine, physics and especially in optics new territory was entered. Antiquity continued much longer in the East, and along with Buddhism, brought the Central Asian countries into a cultural bloom; the "mutazilism" of an al-Mamun had been nothing less than an Arab humanism. Already his time had the preconditions for a "renaissance".

[Jihad Islam destroys the humanism of the Arab-Christian culture]

However, things turned out differently: Al-Ghazali succeeded in outlawing the ratio and free thinking: Mutazilism was defeated, the ultra-religious won, [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam became state religion. Any spiritual occupation beyond religious books was criminalized - and the Renaissance took place in Europe with some delay [[in Italy with the money from the transports to the Crusader States and selling weapons to both sides (!)]]. The spiritual flowering of the Middle Ages was Arabic [[Christian]] but not [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic. Even more: The establishment of [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam ended this Arab [[Christian]] flowering in just a short time [[with prohibition of thinking and book burnings etc.]].

The decline of the Arab [[Christian]] Empire began with restrictions concerning spiritual life and was spreading in all life sectors. Three centuries later the Arab Empire had changed completely. The towns were decaying, the fertile countryside was unproductive, the people had left in masses from the former cultural centers.

How could this happen?

[The Islamic claim that Arab Christian culture was destroyed by the plague, the Mongols or the Jesus Fantasy crusades - Jesus Fantasy Byzantium is being destroyed and the Muslim Muhammad Fantasy religion is founded]

A popular explanation is the plague. But this plague affected  also whole Europe. Then, there were Mongols in 1258. Well, the Mongols destroyed [p.219] much, but they were left soon - just as [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims.

The [[Jesus Fantasy]] Crusades? The first [[Jesus Fantasy]] Crusade of 1096 was a naive and rather idealistic movement of a new entry into the [[Fake]] Promised Land, where milk and honey should flow. The region was dominated by [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Arab and particularly Turkish tribes, the central power in Baghdad was in decline. Jerusalem was mostly inhabited by [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christians and [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews and also defended by the latter along with [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Egyptian troops, who by no means must have been Muslims. The [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews were the main victims of the bloodbaths reported.

In 1106, a returnee from the [[Fake]] Holy Land, [[Jesus Fantasy]] Prince Normandy Bohemond, met with [[Fake]] Pope Paschal II and explained to him who the real enemy was: Byzantium. The [[Fake]] Pope promptly issued instructions to preach against Byzantium: this was the early turning point in the history of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Crusades.

The following [[Jesus Fantasy]] crusades developed into a strange mixture of religion, politics and business with the main purpose of destroying Byzantium, the great enemy of faith. [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam was perceived only marginally. The capture of Byzantium finally succeeded in April 1204 with the help of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Venetian fleet. The destruction of the Byzantine Empire was the basis for the rise of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Ottomans, and if the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Crusades had an effect beyond that, then it was a unifying effect for the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims, who according to Morozow only now found their identity.

The [[Jesus Fantasy]] Crusades are also completely inadequate as an explanation of the decline of the Arab empires. The phenomenon of decline is evident everywhere in the once flourishing countries from Central Asia to Morocco. Syria, Mesopotamia, Egypt, North Africa were once granaries and cultural leaders of the world at that time. There are no external influences that would provide a reasonable explanation for the Arab "crash". The explanation is inside.

[Islam with desert law from Bronze Age destroys any enlightened culture - the camel, narrow cities]

[[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islam was a sprout of [[Jesus Fantasy]] Christianity and established in today's Iraq and Syria. At the end [p.220] the desert Arab elements were dominating the religion. Bedouin tradition was dominating Hellenic life and with that also the desert laws came up which were believed to be overcome, from a bronze age tradition.

European [[Jesus Fantasy]] travelers reported again and again astonished from their observations that the Orient had no wheel - which had been a normal element in ancient Arabia. There were hardly cars, hardly carts, but only pack animals. In fact, when desert culture was installed in the rich agrarian countries between Tigris River and Nile River, the camel was installed and got a central importance [125].
[125] For 3000 years, the camel was the epitome of wealth for the desert dwellers. Since 2 decades, it is the symbol of poverty, replaced by pick-ups from Asian production.
This remained so until the introduction of cars and railways came - which were all Western [[Jesus Fantasy]] engineering performances. [[After the occupation of Byzantium, after the reintroduction of the camel]] one can measure the crash, which alone must have caused this regression in transport. The ancient road network collapsed, the spacious colonnades and wide streets of the ancient cities were narrowed to the point where, in line with Islamic jurisprudence, just two pack animals could stay side by side. The generous Greek city, the "polis", become the "medina".

[Muhammad Fantasy Islam with censorship against everything - only one book counts: cultural destruction in the Arab world and in India - mental standstill]

With the establishment of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran, censorship followed promptly suppressing other books, and this suppression was rising to a total prohibition. Al-Mamun lat destroy antique works after their translation into Arab. Later his successors were destroying all rigorously which was non-Islamic. Tolerance fairy tales are pure legend. Over centuries, elimination of non-Islamic manner of thinking and of aberrant cultures was an essential point of politics, namely in India cultural objects of unimaginable value were destroyed. But also works of Arab authors reached Europe only in pieces at the end, well, also this was sufficient for becoming an element of European Renaissance.

For a long time the reading of non-Islamic books was punishable by death, in the best case the possession of other books was despised. Quran propaganda said that [[the Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran would be the word of [[a Fantasy]] God and contained answered to all questions [p.221] in perfection. All further knowledge was rated as harmful and blasphemy. Without new input of wisdom, an extinction of wisdom followed, and from then on, the Islamic [[Muhammad Fantasy]] is in a mental standstill.

[Heavy discrimination against other believers - forced conversion or emigration - science and agriculture are destroyed]

Non-Muslim subjects, the "infidels," became second-class citizens. Unless they were forcibly converted, they often had to pay exorbitant special taxes, leaving them only with the option of conversion or emigration, especially as they were denied many professions that were open only to [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims.

So, this desert-specific ideology is degrading all other culture and wisdom, but just this ideology what dominating Quran now, and became the living element. Within a few generations, this new ideology provoked that productive trade and even The only thing left was trading.

Where were the agricultural areas that provided the world at that time? Where did the boom of the Roman-Greco-Arab Orient disappear? What unimaginable descent has ancient Bactria suffered being converted into Afghanistan of today? The cause was no climate change that brought about this complete change - it was the desert mentality of the new religion [126].
[126] The taboo of pork has no rational reasons, but is more in the ideological complex of a nomadic culture versus the despised peasant culture.
As soon as the existing infrastructure was used up, the cultural and economic standstill began.

[The invented year of 622 as the beginning of an Islamic calendar - the lie of the "Year of the Arabs"]

Nothing clarifies the Islamic return more than their calendar. 622, "the [[Fantasy]] Year of the Arabs", "kata Araba", as the inscription of Gadara says with the cross as an introduction. It was the [[Fantasy]] year in which the [[Fantasy]] independence of the Arabs began. This [[Fantasy]] year was set as the beginning of an Arabian era, it naturally followed the usual solar calendar. Suddenly we find this date to be the year of the "hijra," the exodus of the [[Fantasy]] prophet from [[Fantasy]] Mecca! It was the legends-based beginning of an [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic calendar, in the Bronze Age tradition of Inner Arabia there was a lunar calendar. So the moon goddess Allat came back to her ancestral calendar [p.222].

This is a completely useless calendar. For example, anyone born in June celebrates his next and next birthday in May, the following in April and so on. The difference finally adds up to years. [[Fantasy]] Muhammad's birthday or the fasting month of [[Fantasy]] Ramadan is celebrated every year at a different time. Because with a lunar calendar recurring dates are not definable and therefore it is useless for a state administration of developed states, it had been given up in Roman [[Greek]] times already [127].
[127] Under Julius Caesar the "Julian calendar" was introduced, which was slightly modified in 1582 under [[Jesus Fantasy]] Pope Gregory XIII. and is used until today as "Gregorian calendar".
The [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims have got it again, although they have no choice but to use the usual solar calendar in everyday life which is often demonized as a [[Jesus Fantasy]] "Christian calendar".

[The Ottoman Empire and its collapse by backwardness, unwillingness to travel to Europe]

The largest [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic empire was that of the Ottomans. Founded in 1299, it expanded steadily. In 1453 Constantinople was taken. In the further course, the Ottomans conquered the entire Arabian Peninsula, parts of Russia, the Balkans, Romania, Hungary and finally twice before Vienna.
[[The Muhammad Fantasy Muslims were standing in front of Vienna only because the Jesus Fantasy French king, out of jealousy, made a pact with the Muhammad Fantasy Muslims against the Spanish-Austrian emperor. The Jesus Fantasy French King also wanted to be an emperor but had not been elected, so the Jesus Fantasy French King made a pact with the Muhammad Fantasy Muslims against Charles V. threatening Vienna...]].

In 1683 they were defeated there, and from then on it only went downwards [[with corruption and state bankruptcies in Egypt and Turkey, etc.]]. The Habsburgs conquered almost the entire Balkans [[with the racism that the German language would be the "common language" in the Austrian Hungarian Empire]], the Russians took away the Ottomans all areas beyond the Black Sea, Yemen and all Arabia were lost [[to the racist English and Zionists - the Saudis are crypto-Jews]]. In 1918, "the sick man on the Bosphorus" was reduced to its core area, today's Turkey [[then after a "peace treaty" and a Greek invasion, the last remnants of the Greek population were driven out from Turkey to Greece]].

How could such a complete collapse occur? One reason was the overstretching of the forces. The real reasons are in turn deeper. The military and the economy were no longer up to the technical development of the Europeans. Although cannons, muskets and the clocks that drove the Orient crazy were bought from the non-believers, their own production only came about with a time delay, mostly as copies on the standard of the previous century. This was the case in every field of economics, science and technology [p.223].

Traveling in those times always took place from west to east, hardly ever in the other direction.

[[Jesus Fantasy]] Europeans traveled the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Orient, but [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims almost never traveled [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europe. The [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world was not interested in conquest at all for the Occident, in fact, nothing was known about it but that non-believers were living there.

[The Muslim Muhammad Fantasy world denies the sciences from the Ottomans: earth = carpet, trade by positions, propaganda of fake faith]

[[Jesus Fantasy European developments like]] the renaissance, the new ideas of the state, the scientific advances, the new image of the earth and of the sky remained completely unnoticed in the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world. According to the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Quran, the earth is like a spreading carpet, with seven skies above it. This image has not changed officially until today, in times of Google Earth. The evolution theory is taboo.

The mediating trade between Asia and Europe was a rich source of income for the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic countries - and soon the only one. The discovery of America, the sea route around the Cape of Good Hope, the push to East Asia remained almost unnoticed in the following years and were worthy of any comment, except that the newly discovered people may soon find the right faith. The only surviving copy of the map of Columbus was in Ottoman possession, but until its discovery in 1920 in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, no one knew of its existence.

[The new sea routes from 1491 break the Muslim trade monopoly between Europe and Asia - colonial products replace Muslim products - Muhammad Fantasy Islam remains mentally blocked]

This centuries-old arrogance and the feeling of superiority, which had long ceased to be valid for a long time, soon avenged themselves bitterly. Because, without being registered in Constantinople and the Islamic world at all, the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europeans had developed their own trade routes at sea: to the New World, but also to South and East Asia. The trade monopoly of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world as an interface between Europe and Asia had collapsed. With tremendous consequences.

This can be illustrated by a simple cup of coffee. The coffee, originally from Ethiopia, was cultivated in Yemen and found its way to Europe via Arabia and Turkey. The coffee was sweetened with sugar from Mesopotamia or Egypt, which was also exported to [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europe. When the Europeans bought both cheaper from Latin America, times were changing now. As a consequence [p.224] Arabs, like Turks, drank imported overseas coffee from [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europe and sweetened it with likewise imported sugar. Only the water was still from them, and even this is only partially so today.

In all areas the development was like this.

There were warnings from the few [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslims who knew [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europe - mostly diplomats - but they were not heard. As a remedy for overcoming the well-recognized weaknesses, the return to the old Ottoman and Islamic values ​​was preached. At that time like today.

Even the few attempts to transplant [[Jesus Fantasy]] European technology into the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world, for example from the Egyptian Khedive Muhamad Ali at the beginning of the 19th century, failed because at that time, as today, it was limited to consumption and reproduction and produced little to nothing original.

[The arrogance of Muhammad Fantasy Islam blocks any further education]

Nevertheless, the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world still felt far superior and refused even to appraise the knowledge of the non-believers. The printing of letters found its way into the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world, with a delay of at least 300 years, and even then the development was extremely hesitant. And it was a [[Jesus Fantasy]] European who installed the first printing press of the [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Islamic world by force - Napoleon. The [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Muslim countries have not been able to catch up on this backlog until now, as the "Arab Human Development Report" makes clear.

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