Israel Finkelstein / Neil A. Silberman:
The Bible unearthed. Archeology's New Vision of
Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts; The
Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.,
2001; German edition has got the title "No trombones
before Jericho" (orig. German: "Keine Posaunen vor
Jericho"): edition C.H.Beck oHG, Munich 2002;
Here in this analysis is used the German version "Keine
Posaunen vor Jericho" of DTV, Munich 2004, second
edition of 2005. All page indications refer to the
German version. I hope the page numbers are not very
Moses is said having been the
only survivor of a murder action of Egypt pharaoh against
AT claims:
-- Pharaoh is said having ordered to murder all Jewish boys
by drowning interrupting all descendancy of the Jews in
Egypt (p.62)
-- there is said that a Jewish boy in a little basket was
put on the Nile river and was adopted by one of the
daughters of the Pharaoh (p.62-63), a "Moses" (the name
comes from the Hebrew word "draw out", drawing out from the
water) (p.63)
-- Moses is said having observed the lashing of a Jewish
slave and then having murdered the Egypt culprit and having
buried the dead body in the sand, then Moses is said having
fled to the desert to Midian and having lived there as a
nomad, and near Horeb (the "Mount of God") he is said having
received the revelation from the burning thorn bush which
never stops burning (p.63).
Now Moses is said having been the liberator of the Jews from
Egypt (p.20):
OT claims:
-- God is said having claimed by the thorn bush that he
would be God JHWH and Moses together with his brother Aaron
in Egypt should demand the liberty for the Jews
-- the first reaction of the Pharaoh to the demand of Moses
of freedom for the Jews who suffered allegedly of slavery
was negative: Pharaoh is said having worsened the situation
for the Jews yet (p.63)
-- as next step God JHWH is said having ordered to Moses
threatening the Pharaoh with plagues when he would not give
free the enslaved Jews
-- after the alleged new refusal of the Pharaoh giving free
the alleged enslaved Jews, there is said that plagues
affected Egypt: Nile is said having converted into blood,
and frogs, mosquitoes and flies are said having grown to
plagues, all cattle is said having died of a strange
illness, and the population and the surviving cattle is said
having suffered of smallpox and ulcers (p.63)
-- but the Pharaoh is said having been stubborn not freeing
the Jews yet, so other plagues are said having come:
grasshoppers, a darkness, and the death of all first born of
all families and animals are said having happened, but the
Jews in Egypt are said having excepted from the dead of all
first born children by a special sacrifice rite with
sacrificial blood (p.63)
-- Pharaoh is said having lost his first born son by this
God's murder action (p.64)
-- only now the Pharaoh is said having freed the enslaved
-- the enslaved Jews are said having left Egypt with their
cattle heading to the Red Sea allegedly for reaching Judah
passing the desert, allegedly evading wars with the
Philistines (p.64)
-- now the Pharaoh is said having got anxiety with the fear
that the Jews would conspire with the enemies of Egypt
against Egypt and would attack Egypt (p.81)
-- now the Pharaoh is said having ordered that the Jews
should be captured and enslaved again, and he is said having
sent 600 military cars for capturing them again
-- now there is said that Red Sea parted ant the Jews are
said having been capable passing the Red Sea, and the Egypt
troops were devoured by the Red Sea which came back (p.64).
the documents and archeology say: There are many
contradictions with the alleged "exodus"
General contradictions with
-- four of five books of Moses are dedicated to the exodus
from Egypt which is said having lasted 40 years, with all
kinds of miracles (p.61)
-- it seems a great manipulation that for 40 years 4 of the
5 books are written, is seems a great manipulation against
-- God is said having been the universal divinity
-- the data stated by 200 years of intensive excavations in
Egypt do not fit with the data of Moses in the invented
Pentateuch (p.61).
The big contradiction is that after the alleged liberation
leaving Egypt is said having followed another alleged
surrender with the harsh Moses laws (p.62).
More contradictions with Moses:
-- it's not possible that Moses has described his own death
-- the events describe old places, and there is claimed
several times that the proofs can for the events are visible
"until today"
-- so, the Moses books at least were edited after Moses
again (p.22)
-- in Pentateuch exist several versions of the same tale
-- creation exists in two versions (1st book of Moses 1,1-3
and 2,4-25)
-- there exist two different family trees for Adam's
descendants (4,17-26 and 5,1-28)
-- the migration of the patriarchs, the exodus from Egypt
and the rule have two or even three different versions:
doubled versions can mainly be found in Genesis (1st book),
Exodus (2d book) and Numeri (4th book) (p.23).
Expulsion of the Hyksos
according to Egypt historian Manetho
-- Manetho describes how a very good Egypt king is expelling
the Hyksos allegedly pursuing them up to the Syrian border
-- and Manetho indicates a little bit that these Hyksos
found Jerusalem and have built a temple there (p.69).
Expulsion of the Hyksos
according to other Egypt sources
-- in the Egypt source of 16th century B.C. there are
described the heroic actions of Pharaoh Ahmose of 18th
dynasty (p.69)
-- Pharaoh Ahmose let plunder Avaris and let pursue the
fleeing Hyksos up to the main fortress of southern Canaan up
to Sharuhen in Gaza which was besieged and taken by storm
about the Hyksos, 1570 B.C.
-- according to mid of 16th century in 1570 B.C. Avaris
(Tell ed-Daba) was given up by the Canaanites (p.70)
-- the name of "Israel" is never mentioned in Avaris, and
there is also no Israelite or Jewish national feeling or
identity (p.70)
-- archeology can confirm the existence of the town of
Avaris, the expulsion from Avaris in about 1570 B.C., and
the destruction of the Canaanite towns in Canaan in about
the same time. So, this is a strong indication for a violent
persecution or a persecution campaign (p.70).
Invasions of the Assyrians, Babylonians and Persians
provoking states of fear in Egypt with reproaches of
espionage against Canaan
OT claims:
The Jews beginning allegedly an exodus from Egypt under
Moses are said having been reproached by the Pharaoh that
they would make an alliance with the enemies of Egypt and
attack Egypt at the end (p.81).
documents speak: Such reproaches of espionage have
no base before 7th century B.C. But after the invasions of
Assyria, Babylonia and Persia in Egypt and in Middle East in
7th and 6th century B.C. such reproaches of espionage would
have their base (p.81).
documents and archeology speak: There was a decline in
Canaan after the Egypt expulsion campaign
After the expulsion campaign against the Hyksos in Canaan in
the latter Bronze Age from 15th to 11th century B.C. Canaan
is only a shadow of it's wealth of before in the mid of
Bronze Age of 16th century B.C. (p.91).
According to Egypt Amarna letters to the Pharaohs in 14th
century B.C. there are more events:
-- many towns in Canaan are given up or at least are
-- the whole resident population of Canaan includes perhaps
100,000 inhabitants yet - according to archaeological field
research, and other parts of the population have changed to
be nomads
-- according to the documents tiny military units are enough
for protection of Egypt occupations, for example 100 Egypt
soldiers are enough for the protection of Megiddo against
the attack of the king of Sichem (p.91).
But now comes a first forming of identity: Since the
expulsion of Hyksos in 1570 B.C. there probably is a common
memory (p.82), whereas details probably have been lost
documents and archeology speak: the new chain of
fortresses in Egypt Reich along the coastal road
The emotion against the Hyksos and their
expulsion in about 1570 B.C. probably provokes the
construction of the chain of manned fortresses along the
eastern frontier of the Nile Delta between Egypt and Canaan.
This chain of fortresses is detected by archeology, and
probably was constructed supervising immigration
respectively reducing or blocking it (p.72).
According to archaeological excavations in the 1970s under
the leadership of archeologist Eliezer Oren from Ben Gurion
University (Tel Aviv) the fortresses erected in the
following time are places in distances of daily marches and
include corn deposits and wells resp. water deposits. It's a
real system of fortresses (p.74).
In outdated Bible the Egypt fortresses are mentioned as
"migdol". The Jews under Moses are said having installed
their camp between the migdol and the sea (2d book of Mose
(Exodus), 14,2) (p.73).
In 13th century B.C. the Egyptians even built some
fortresses even in Canaan, and Egypt is the dominating power
in Canaan with administration points. Egypt armies occupy
the region up to Euphrates in Syria. The well fortified road
between Egypt and Canaan becomes one of the strategically
most important roads of Egypt (p.73). The road from Egypt to
Gaza (250 km) is also called the "way of Horus" (p.73).
[Horus is a main god of Egyptian mythology].
Egypt ruler Thutmosis III reports having passed these 250 km
with his troops in 10 days (p.74).
Considering that also First Book of Moses is invoking a
frontier line with Euphrates river (in 1st Moses, chapter
15, phrase 18), frontier of Euphrates river in Middle and
Mid East seems to have be a magic strategic significance
like Rhine river in Europe or Mississippi river in
documents speak: There was a new town Pi-Ramesse under
ruler Ramesses II after the Hyksos were driven out

Map of
Avaris and Pi-Ramesse on Nile river

Pi-Ramesse, excavations
Now, after the
expulsion of the Hyksos, Ramesses II lets build a
big town dedicated to him, the town Pi-Ramesse ("house of
Ramesses", "temple of Ramesses"), near the ruins of Avaris
For the time of Ramesses II archeology can prove many
migrant workers in eastern Nile Delta. They come from many
different regions, but not from Canaan (their immigration
was blocked by a chain of fortresses along the coastal
road). So, according to sure archeology not Canaanites, but
workers from other regions built Ramesses town (p.73).
Mass flight under Moses was not
possible because of the chain of fortresses - Hyksos mass
flight was not an Israeli flight - no Jewish slaves for
Ramesses town
A mass flight from Egypt under Ramesses in
Moses times considering the chain of fortresses at the
eastern border seems absolutely improbable. Also a migration
passing the desert and an entrance to Canaan by the eastern
side seems to be impossible because also Canaan was under
Egypt rule (p.73). Egypt El-Amarna letters of 12th century
say that 50 Egypt soldiers were enough to "pacify" upheavals
in Canaan (p.73).
There can be admitted an expulsion of the
Hyksos (Canaanites) in 1570 B.C. by some reason which is not
mentioned, but the expelled surely had no Israeli identity.
Despite a good documentation about the New
Reich of Egypt in 13th
century B.C. there is no indication of a mass flight
from Egypt under a certain Moses. About Israelites in Egypt is
not said anything, neither on the temple walls, nor in gave
inscriptions, nor in papyrus.
Israel is not mentions during the dynasty of
Ramesses, and there are no Canaanite findings in Egypt for
this time of 13th century B.C. either. But there are findings
of other foreign workers. By this it seems absolutely
improbable that Jews have built Ramesses town in slavery
All this is an indication that an exodus
under Moses of 600,000 persons from Egypt has not happened but
it's clear fake. According to archeology there was an
expulsion of Canaanites from Egypt in about 1570 B.C. Exodus
under Moses 200 years later has not happened because such a
great event was not possible because of the fortification
chain at the border, and because such an event would have been
mentioned in the inscriptions of the Ramesses dynasty].