[Poland with Gomulka -
returning Jews from criminal Gulag Soviet Union - emigration
to Palestine]
Popular expression of anti-Semitism in Poland became overt
once more when Gomulka's government rose to power in October
1956. One of its sources was hatred of the overthrown
Stalinist higher echelon [[hierarchy]], which in Poland
included a number of Jews in key positions (e.g., Jacob
*Berman and Hilary *Minc). However, Gomulka's regime was
expressly opposed to anti-Semitism. In the framework of
repatriation of former Polish citizens, it made possible the
return of many Jews from the [[criminal Gulag]] U.S.S.R. and
their further migration to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA
Herzl]] Israel [[into the next war trap]].
[[There were about 25,000
repatriated Jews, and other hundreds of thousands were not
repatriated and stayed in central Soviet Union]]:
<In Poland it was once more possible to foster [[make
tradition of]] Jewish literature and to reestablish contact
with Jewish organizations abroad. The JDC [[Joint]] and ORT
returned to devote themselves primarily to the approximately
25,000 Polish Jews who were being repatriated from the
U..S.S.R., under an agreement between Gomulka's government
and the Soviet Union (along with hundreds of thousands of
people who had been Polish citizens in 1939 but for some
reason had not been repatriated after the war).>
(from: Poland; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 13, col.
It did not interfere with the exodus of the remnant of Polish
Jewry to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and
other countries. However, its policy underwent a marked change
following the Six-Day War in June 1967, becoming extremely
anti-Israel, in line with Soviet policy.
Gomulka even went a step further, when he publicly warned the
Jews in Poland against becoming a "fifth column" by
expressions of sympathy for [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA
Herzl]] Israel. Following this stand, a number of books and
articles appeared that sharply attacked [[racist Zionist Free
Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and [[racist]] Zionism, with
distinctly anti-Semitic overtones. This paved the way for wide
anti-Jewish purges in the ranks of the government,
universities, and other fields in the spring of 1968, when
government circles blamed "Zionists" for mass demonstrations
held by students and professors in the universities.
The anti-Jewish pure and propaganda campaign was directed and
exploited by one of the party factions for political ends.
This faction, known as the "Partisans", was headed by the
minister of the interior and head of the security police,
Mieczyslaw (Mieczysław) Moczar.
[CSSR - Prague Spring of 1968
and allegations]
In Czechoslovakia, where traditional anti-Semitism has no deep
roots, as in the Ukraine and in Poland, Antonin Novotny,
president of the republic and secretary of the Communist
Party, ruled continuously from the period of the Slansky Trial
until early in 1968. When he was ousted by the liberal wing of
the Communist Party, there was a general improvement in the
atmosphere. Jewish cultural and religious life was favorably
affected. But, during the sharp controversy between the
[[criminal Gulag]] Soviet government and the liberal regime in
Prague that led to the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the
Soviet army in August 1968, Soviet and Polish propaganda used
anti-Jewish allusions (e.g., that "Zionists" had pulled the
strings of the "counterrevolution" in Czechoslovakia).
[[This is probably true because the contacts to the criminal
racist "USA" and to it's satellites in western Europe were
close, and the liberal regime in Prague felt betrayed when
western army did not come to help against the "Soviet"
Communist troops. Criminal racist "USA" and all western
European satellites stuck together with the racist Zionists in
Following the invasion, Jewish figures in the liberal
Czechoslovak regime,such as Eduard *Goldstuecker, Ota Sik
(¦ik), and others, were forced to disappear or even to leave
the country. In the Czechoslovak crisis, as in the anti-Jewish
purges in Poland that year, anti-Semitism, mostly disguised as
"anti-Zionism", was one of the prime elements in the influence
exerted by Soviet agencies in Soviet block countries; it
naturally served even (col. 159)
more the needs of the anti-Israel campaign conducted by the
[[criminal Gulag]] Soviet government and propaganda media in
Arab countries.
See also *Anti-Semitic Political Parties and Organizations;
*Fascist Movements, 1918-45; *Holocaust; Theory of *Race; *France,
anti-Semitism; *United
States, anti-Semitism.
[B.E.]> (col. 160)

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3,
col. 159-160

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Poland, vol. 13, col.
783-784 |