Antisemitismus /
- Anti-Semitism
321-800 (Encyclopaedia Judaica

Racist "Christian" elimination strategy
against Jewry - minority rights in Muslim
territories - Jewish and "Christian" tax -
Byzantium "Christians" become Muslims -
Crusades and the effects of the
elimination of the "Christians"
- Anti-Semitism
European Middle Ages 800-1400
(Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)

Criminal racist Church splits "Christian"
and Jewish life - Crusades and massacres
and suicides - guilds without Jews -
criminal racist Church demonizing the Jews
- secret collaboration - Lateran Council
with mark regulation since 1215 -
expulsion wave since 1290 - anti-Semitic
Passion plays - tolerant Spain and Poland
- anti-Semitic habit in "Christian"
prayers and services
- Anti-Semitism
1492-1700 (Encyclopaedia Judaica

Inquisition in Spain against
Crypto-Judaism - reformation with
Calvinists, Lutherans with heavy
anti-Semitism, and Catholicism with
- Anti-Semitism
in Europe (Encyclopaedia Judaica

Enlightenment - roots and writers -
observances questions - economic envy -
Jews as a national enemy in the new
national states - emancipation and
"Christian" hatred against emancipated
Jews - "capitalist spirit" against
"national spirit" - German anti-Semitic
spirit with Wagner and Chamberlain -
French anti-Semitism with scapegoat manner
and Dreyfus affair - Romania -
Austro-Hungarian Empire
- Anti-Semitism
in Russia (Encyclopaedia Judaica

Racist Czar and his measures against
revolutionary tendencies - Jews in the
revolution movements - riots of 1881 -
Lenin's assimilation doctrine
- Anti-Semitism
"USA" 1776-1970 (Encyclopaedia
Judaica 1971)

"Emancipation" since 1776 - immigration
waves and anti-Semitic reaction 1881-1914
- depression 1929 - economic expansion
hindering an anti-Semitic movement
- Anti-Semitism
1870-1939 (Encyclopaedia Judaica

Legal Darwinism and racism - anti-Semitic
political parties - Nazi power combining
the different anti-Semitic lines - the
move westward - Lueger and Hitler -
restrictions in England of 1906 -
Pan-Germanism and Pan-Slavism against
Pan-Jewry - anti-Semitic movement since
1900 - Dreyfus case - economic crisis of
the 1930s
- Anti-Semitism
"Soviet Union" 1917-1970
(Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971)

Anti-Semitism with allusions and
criminalizations - the "cosmopolitan" -
1917 revolution - Stalin's NEP - purges -
liquidations after 1948 - trials -
Khrushchev times with propaganda, trials
against economic crimes, and elimination
of synagogue institutions - Brezhnev times
with release and new anti-Semitism after
Six-Day War
- Anti-Semitism:
1945-1970 (Encyclopaedia Judaica

Next anti-Semitism waves after the
foundation of racist Zionist Free Mason
CIA Herzl Israel without borderlines -
some revisions in the habit of the
criminal anti-Semitic Church - Six-Day War
and reactions