<The Postwar Period.
[The next anti-Semitism waves
after the foundation of racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl
As a result of mass murder in world War II and of the
emigration that resulted from the heightened tensions with the
Arab world attending the creation of the [[racist Zionist Free
Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel, Jewish residence in the
classic centers of anti-Semitism, Christian Europe and the
Islamic Middle East, was enormously reduced. the primary
centers of Jewish population are now in the [[criminal
racist]] United States, the [[criminal Gulag]] Soviet Union,
and [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel.
[Anti-Semitism in the
criminal racist "USA" and the emancipation of the blacks]
In the post-World War II era, the Jews of America rose rapidly
to very close to the top of American economic, political, and
intellectual life. This has been attended by remarkably few
conflicts. Some social anti-Semitism does remain, for, as
repeated studies have shown, the Jews are the only white group
in the [[criminal racist]] United States for whom social rank
is consistently lower than economic status. Nonetheless,
quotas in the colleges and universities and in certain
professions, and exclusion from the highest posts of political
life, have well-nigh [[in fact]] ended. The visible
difficulties that exist are noticeable in the Negro community.
The Jew has generally been the last occupant of the
neighborhoods in which Negroes now live in the large cities
and Jews are therefore still quite visible as landlords and
storekeepers in the Negro neighborhoods. Paradoxically, there
are also resentments because Jews have been among the leading
proponents of the integration of Negroes into American society
and have given much of the money and the main power for these
efforts. Jews are therefore often resented as being too
prominent in what some Negroes would like to regard thier own
revolution, which other people are taking away from them in
the very act of participating in it. Whatever the future may
hold for anti-Semitism in America, its present temper is such
that it is generally regarded as a minor problem.
[[Racism and destruction of the First Nations (natives,
"Indians") are not mentioned in the article]].
[How the racist "Christians"
manage post-Holocaust times - some revisions]
The mood of [[racist]] Christians in the aftermath of World
War II was overwhelmingly that of contrition. World
Protestantism in its international meeting immediately after
World War II, at Amsterdam and New Delhi (1948, 1961), was at
great pains to condemn anti-Semitism and to express contrition
for not having acted more strongly during the Nazi era. It was
in this mood, despite ongoing theological problems with the
question of whether the church continues to need to convert
Jews in order to be true to itself, and the further problems
of understanding, from the perspective of Christian theology,
the right of the Jews to the Holy Land [[against all Arabs]],
that there was substantial Christian support in the late
(anti-Semitism, col. 136)
1940s, especially among Protestants, for [[racist]] Zionist
efforts toward the creation of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason
CIA Herzl]] State of Israel. In Catholic circles, Pius XII
began the process of dissociating himself from Nazism after
World War II by maintaining public neutrality during the
battle for the creation of the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA
Herzl]] State of Israel and insisting only on the
internationalization of Jerusalem. The radical changes in
Catholic-Jewish relations took place in the reign of John
XXIII, with his excision of certain objectionable anti-Jewish
references from the Good Friday liturgy and with his setting
into motion the revision of the church's basis attitude on the
Jews. This crystallized in the declaration on the subject at
the Vatican Council of 1965. These revisions of attitude have
made necessary further rethinking on the part of Catholics on
a whole host of theological doctrines, a process of review
that is still going on. A document in which the religious
significance of the Holy Land for Judaism, if it be understood
in its own terms, is warmly hailed, was discussed within the
highest instances of the Catholic Church. There have been
since the 1950s cooperative efforts between Jews and
Christians of many persuasions toward the removal of
anti-Semitic elements in church textbook material.
Nonetheless, the significance of the "ecumenical age" can be
overestimated. Christianity is no longer the dominant
spiritual power in the West that it was two centuries ago, nor
has the anti-Semitism of the last modern age been primarily
Christian. Therefore Christian ecumenism is less than an
absolute deathblow to anti-Semitism. The increased friendship
and understanding between Jews and Christians has involved the
most western, modern, and intellectual elements: yet large
parts of the Christian community remain unaffected.
![Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971):
Anti-Semitism, vol. 3, col. 157-158: graffiti
"Death to the Jews" [[Mueran los
Judios]] smeared on the walls of a Buenos Aires
synagogue in 1961 [[probably in connection with
the capture of Eichmann by Mosad]]. The Hebrew
inscription reads: "And thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself" [[but this phrase was
never put into action by the racist Zionist Jews
in Palestine to the Arabs...]] Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971):
Anti-Semitism, vol. 3, col. 157-158: graffiti
"Death to the Jews" [[Mueran los
Judios]] smeared on the walls of a Buenos Aires
synagogue in 1961 [[probably in connection with
the capture of Eichmann by Mosad]]. The Hebrew
inscription reads: "And thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself" [[but this phrase was
never put into action by the racist Zionist Jews
in Palestine to the Arabs...]]](d/EncJud_anti-semitism-band3-kolonne157-158-graffiti-Argentinien1961-28pr.jpg)
Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3, col.
157-158: graffiti "Death to the Jews" [[Mueran los
Judios]] smeared on the walls of a Buenos Aires
synagogue in 1961 [[probably in connection with
the capture of Eichmann by Mosad]]. The Hebrew
inscription reads: "And thou shalt love thy
neighbor as thyself" [[but this phrase was never
put into action by the racist Zionist Jews in
Palestine to the Arabs...]]
[Six-Day War and the
reactions against racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl
More important, in the last few years, especially since the
Six-Day War of 1967 between [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA
Herzl]] Israel and its Arab neighbors, the [[racist]]
Christian churches, and most especially the Protestant ones,in
many places in the world, have shown evidence o fan increasing
hospitality to Arab anti-Israel propaganda. Much of this has
emanated from the Christian churches of the Arab world. Such
material has often been careful to make a distinction between
anti-Semitism, which is ruled out, and anti-Zionism and
opposition to [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]]
Israel,which is affirmed. Nonetheless this distinction is not
always maintained. In place of the old stereotype of the Jews
as accursed of God for rejecting or killing Jews, the weak and
cringing figure held in contempt, a new stereotype became
prevalent in some Christian circles of the Jews as arrogantly
victorious and ruthless [[reckless]] toward the Arabs.
In the aftermath of June 1967, General de Gaulle, then
president of France, angered by the support the Jews of France
had given to Israel, which was contrary to his political line
and wishes, pronounced the Jews to be an "elitist,
self-confident, and domineering people". Here and there older
anti-Semitic stereotypes were used in reaction to the newest
phenomena, the appearance of the Israel Jew and his effect on
the Jewish mentality throughout the Diaspora.
In the course of the short period of its existence, [[racist
Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel has produced for the
world the Jews who is unconcerned with what opinions others
hold of him and who insists on his personal and national
autonomy and sovereignty. This has changed the older
mentalities of the majority-minority relationships to those of
equality. This "new Jew" has elicited admiration, but also
resentment. The newest forms of anti-Semitism have responded
to the new Jewish stance by attacking what is in their eyes
the elements of power. In the late 1960s considerable
left-wing opinion in the world was strongly opposed to
[[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] Israel and to the
Jewish involvement in it. There is within this movement the
paradox, but not an unprecedented one, of the presence of
considerable numbers of young Jewish people who are
(anti-Semitism, col. 137)
indifferent to all forms of contemporary Jewish identity and
survival (see *New Left).
the existence of Jews, the Jewish community, Judaism, and
Jewish identity - whatever may be their self-definitions - as
a people apart inevitably carries with it the prospect of that
attack upon them which is termed anti-Semitism. The hatred of
the unlike is an all too human phenomenon. Add to it
dimensions of supposedly demonic powers; of many centuries of
damnation of Jews by Christianity as the enemies of God; of
the need for scapegoats in times of turmoil or defeat - and
there then appears anti-Semitism, the most lasting expression
in western history of the hatred of the man who is regarded as
alien, and therefore even possibly inhuman. Have that alien
maintain, or have once maintained, or be believed to maintain,
his own religious or cultural superiority - and thus appear to
be a threat in the midst of elements of the majority -
and the "great hatred" has arisen. Anti-Semitism has been less
fashionable after the horror of Hitler, but it would be too
hopeful to believe that its day is over.
[AR.H.]> (anti-Semitism, col. 138)
[Cartoons about the racist Jewish Zionist army in
Palestine since 1945]
Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3, col. 150,
[[Jew with a Nazi boot]], a cartoon from "Judaism
without Embellishment", published by the Ukrainian
Academy of Sciences in Kiev, 1963
[[The cartoon shows the Nazi boot which is more
and more the element of the racist Zionist Jewish
army against the Arabs in Palestine]].
Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3, col. 135:
cartoon about the racist Jewish Zionist appetite
of Moshe Dayan since the Six-Day War of 1968
Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3, col. 155:
cartoon [["Heil Dayan"]] in the Soviet newspaper
"Kazakhstanskaya Pravda", after the Six-Day War,
1967: "Dayan to Hitler: Move on!. Kazakhstanskaya
Pravda, June 21, 1967" [[showing that Dayan with
his racist dreams of a Jewish Empire from Nile to
Euphrates (see 1st Mose, chapter 15, phrase 18) is
following Hitler's Empire dreams]].
Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3, col.
155-156: [[cartoon of Moshe Dayan being Hitler's
pupil]]: "You are an able pupil, Colleague Dayan!
"Berliner Zeitung", Berlin - ZA RUBEZHOM,
September 29-October 5, 1967". A post-Six-Day War
cartoon in the East German Berliner Zeitung
[Anti-Semitism 1945-1970: Arab states - Communist
states - black societies in the criminal racist "USA"]
All over the world emancipation is formally in force for Jews,
with a few unimportant exceptions (Saudi Arabia; Yemen). In
practice Jews are severely persecuted in most Arab countries,
and suffer governmental harassment and total denial of rights
to develop (History, col. 773)
their own culture in all communist countries.
[[There were taken all kinds of measures to stop the
development of a "Jewish Empire" from Nile to Euphrates which
would be a satellite of the criminal racist "USA" against
There is proof, however, that the cultural activity and
consciousness continues as always, even under persecution. The
open fight of Soviet Jews for links with their brethren
outside the country and for
to Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]] has become one
of the focal phenomena in Jewish life the world over and their
redemption a central challenge for the entire Jewish people
(see *Russia, Struggle for Soviet Jewry). In many communist
countries the number of Jews is diminishing to vanishing point
(Poland; *Czechoslovakia).
In the western world Jews everywhere are active in parties of
all shades and occupied with the problems that face the
societies to which they feel allegiance. At the same time
their ties with other Jews, and in particular with the
[[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]] State of Israel, are
strong. The tense atmosphere in the Diaspora during the weeks
preceding the Six-Day War showed their devotion at a time of
On the other hand, Jews in the [[criminal racist]] United
States are facing, as many Jewish societies have done in
modern times, an imponderable problem from without in the
emergence of "black" anti-Semitism among Negro society. Inside
their own camp Jews are facing strong manifestations of Jewish
"self-hate", in particular among intellectuals of the New
Left, often in the guise of anti-Zionism, so that there now
exists not only "left-wing anti-Semitism" - an old phenomenon
dating from the times of Marx and *Bakunin - but also "Jewish
anti-Semitism". Conversely, many Jews now contribute to
general culture with a conscious and articulate stress on and
expression of their Jewishness, as they understand it (like
Arnold *Wesker in England, or Bernard *Malamud and Saul
*Bellow among many in the [[criminal racist]] United States).
Some have even elevated Jewish existence in exile to the
status of a paradigm and symbol of the alienation of modern
In many respects the Jewish nation stands at present in a
similar situation to that at the time of the Second Temple
[[according to Jewish archaeologists the "Second Temple" was
the only one]]. It has its independent and creative center in
Erez Israel (Ereẓ Israel) [[Land of Israel]]. It has (History,
col. 774)
great and creative centers in the Diaspora, especially in the
[[criminal racist]] United States which has been compared in
this connection with those of Hellenistic Alexandria or
ancient Babylonia with their roles in the development of
Jewish culture.
Cultural hostility toward Jews, and certainly vulgar
anti-Semitism, is far from disappearing. Despite Pope *John
XXIII's great humanist attempt to sever the old Christian
attitude to the Jews, this has not disintegrated. The phrases
used by Arnold Toynbee designating the Jew and his culture as
a "fossil of the Syriac civilization" making the Arab refugees
"the new Jews" form but one striking instance of modern
"Salonantisemitismus" [["saloon anti-Semitism"]]. (History,
col. 779)
[[Encyclopaedia Judaica makes the mistake that all statements
against racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel are called
"anti-Semitic". By this tactics Encyclopaedia Judaica combines
all Jews worldwide with the racist State of Israel which is
absolutely wrong]].
[Economic activity]
Jews are economically active in many specific spheres; while
in Jewish society the trend to megapolization and
intellectualization continues and even sharpens, this activity
has established in the [[racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl]]
State of Israel a flourishing modern agriculture and a full
range of modern social stratification. The number of Jews in
the professions is constantly rising. With the present
importance of science, sociology, and psychology for immediate
military, industrial, and social needs the service of Jews to
society in these fields has become of increasing importance,
and their standing is becoming more assured and rewarding,
socially and spiritually, both in regard to the society of the
environment and in their own estimation. The problems facing
Jews have not disappeared. Many of the old dangers,
opportunities, tasks, and ideals remain under a change of
Each and every chapter in the long history of our people and
each and every real point of our historical reality embodies
the mystery of old periods, past and future ... They are
planted in the heart of every man, through them the place of
Israel amongst the nations will be marked in the future (Y.
Baer: Yisrael ba-Amimi (1955), 117).
[H.H.B-S.]> (History, col. 779)
[[Structures of organized European anti-Semitism (political
parties, university programs etc.) were stopped since 1945,
but at the same time Arab anti-Semitism was organized. The sum
of anti-Semitism in the world stayed the same...]]

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3,

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3,

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3,
col. 149-150
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3,
col. 155-156 |

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Anti-Semitism, vol. 3,
col. 157-158 |

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): History, vol. 8, col.
773-774 |

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): History, vol. 8, col.
779-780 |