Emancipation of the Moses Fantasy Jews 08: First World War 1914-1918
Hated Russians - encounter between German and East European Moses Fantasy Jews - expulsions from the borderline - prayers against the anti-Semitic Jesus Fantasy czar
[Mosad] Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: History, vol. 8, col. 755: "The Water-Carrier at the Town Well", typical scenery in East European shtetls,
painted by Maurycy Minkowski in 1927. En Harod, Mishkan Le'Omanut Museum of Art. Photo Z. Efron.
from: History; In: [Mosad] Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 8
presented by Michael Palomino (2007 / 2019)
3 fantasies - but Mother Earth is REAL - here comes FULL emancipation!
Moses is a fantasy - nothing could be found of him. The proofs are in the book: The Bible unearthed - link. So, [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewry is a fantasy, and also the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish calendar is a fantasy. Also Jesus is a fantasy: nothing could be found, but it's a code fantasy with the numbers 3,12,13 and 33 - link. Therefore, Christiandom is a fantasy, and also the Christian calendar is a fantasy - and the Vatican is a criminal pedophile satanic drug money laundering bank mafia - link with videos - link with news. Also Muhammad is a fantasy: nothing could be found, and the name "Muhammad" was used only since 850, not in 600 - link. Therefore also the Muslim calendar is a fantasy. Peace and healings and instructions how to handle the planet are with Mother Earth - Mother Earth is REAL and everybody can learn it: http://www.med-etc.com - have a good day. - Michael Palomino, May 12, 2019
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[The hated Jesus Fantasy Russians]
[[Moses Fantasy]] Jews everywhere found themselves in a similar predicament. Culturally they admired [[Jesus Fantasy]] Germany; the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Austro-Hungarian Emperor *Francis Joseph was considered a friend and protector of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews. [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russia and the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russians were hated and feared, in particular by the great mass of the recent immigrants from Russia, who now formed the great centers (col. 753)
of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish population in the [[Jesus Fantasy]] United States and [[Jesus Fantasy]] England. On the other hand, the Western democracies, and in particular [[Jesus Fantasy]] England, were traditionally considered the states and societies most favorably inclined toward [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews. The [[Muhammad Fantasy]] Turks, who became the allies of [[Jesus Fantasy]] Germany in 1914, were considered cruel and unreliable.
[Parts of the Moses Fantasy Pale of Settlement under Jesus Fantasy German rule - Jesus Fantasy Germans are like Jesus Fantasy Russians - Moses Fantasy Jewish officers assisting - new links between German Jews and Eastern Jews]
When [[Jesus Fantasy]] German successes in the East brought great areas of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Pale of Settlement under German rule, the attitude of the Germans and the Austro-Hungarians toward the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews compared favorably with that of the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russians.
[[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish officers in the German and Austro-Hungarian [[Jesus Fantasy]] army, in particular army chaplains, came in touch with the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish society in the conquered territories, and did much to assist it. This encounter also brought important results for the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish consciousness of the German [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews themselves. Many of these German [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews made the acquaintance of "Ostjuden" [[Eastern [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews]] life and culture in its home and began to respect and even to admire it. Much of the later understanding between these two sections of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewry in the period between the two world wars stemmed from this encounter.
[Russian expulsion of the Moses Fantasy Jews from the borderline - the prayer against the anti-Semitic Jesus Fantasy czar - military experience of Moses Fantasy Jews is leading to self-defense groups against anti-Semitism after 1918]
The [[Jesus Fantasy]] Russians, on the other hand, often maltreated [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews during their retreat, and expelled many of them eastward, suspecting them of spying for the [[Jesus Fantasy]] Germans. They thus broke up on their own initiative - as they thought temporarily - the structure of the [[Moses Fantasy]] Pale of Settlement.
[[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in the West, in [[Jesus Fantasy]] Germany, and [[in Jesus Fantasy]] Austria-Hungary, were well (col. 754)
informed about the various aspects of the situation in the [[Jesus Fantasy]] East. Left-wing radicals, both [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish and non-Jewish, wished for the downfall of all autocratic rulers, but in particular prayed for the downfall of the arch-autocrat in [[Jesus Fantasy]] Europe, the [[anti-Semitic Jesus Fantasy]] czar.
Most [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews served in the armies of their respective countries, and did not feel obliged to form a specific [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish policy and attitude, but for scattered reflections and sentiments influenced by the considerations mentiones. Army service had an important result for [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish society, as at least one million [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews received a sound military trianing under conditions of war. This served to good effect after the war, when [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish ex-servicement took over the self-defense of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish communities in many places in Eastern Europe (see *Military Service).> (col. 755)
Supplement: Rothschild installs Communism in 1917 - the repeated revolution of 1905[1917: No Jesus Fantasy czar any more - flight to overseas - new minority rights]
Satanic Rothschild mafia is organizing the Communist revolution against the Jesus Fantasy Czar with Lenin and Trotzki, then with Stalin. See the book with MI6 data of ex MI6 agent Coleman "The Committee of 300". Lenin and Trotzki and their groups get their passports and a safe travel. The revolution of 1905 is repeated in 1917 and money for the Red Army is given by Rockefeller etc.
<The years 1917 to 1921 were decisive from many aspects in [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish history. In 1917 the [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in Russia acquired full emancipation and the [[Moses Fantasy]] Pale of Settlement there was abolished by the democratic Provisional Government. Legal emancipation was eventually attained by [[Moses Fantasy]] Jews in all of Europe. Despite the sufferings and confusion caused by the civil war, and the Communist policies with regard to [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish society and culture, this achievement still formally remains in force, though with the terrible interlude of the years of Nazi domination.
The institution of *minority rights and treaties seemed to ensure, in countries to which they applied, the right of [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish self-government, cultural hegemony, and a means of maintaining [[Moses Fantasy]] Jewish identity and cohesion on the basis of international guarantees. No longer pertinent, they were important between the two (col. 756)
world wars.> (col. 757)