Under the
circumstances, the various autonomous organizations
affiliated with ZA started a large-scale program of
vocational training directed largely toward
agriculture, gardening, domestic science (for girls),
and crafts, mainly carpentry and metal work.
[3.7.2. Job training programs for
[Zionist job training
programs by Hechalutz for emigration to Palestine]
Part of these courses were organized by Hechalutz, the
Zionist organization training pioneers for Palestine,
which increased its membership from abaut 500 prior to
Hitler's rise to some 10,000 after he came to power.
In 1933 approximately 2,300 youngsters, just slightly
below half the total, were receiving training (largely
agricultural) at Hechalutz centers; but some of the
others made it to Palestine too, even though their
training was not directed specifically toward any
country of immigration.
Table 3:
Vocational [Job] Training in Germany for
young Jews
Jan. 1934
July 1934
Dec. 1934
No. of
(End note 33:
Based on Nathan Reich: Primer, p.98; draft
report for 1936-R13; and: Hyman's report to
the National Council of JDC, 4/13/35 [13
April 1935]). |
[Non-Zionist job
training in farming in Neuendorf for Avigdor in
Argentina since 1931]
A number were directed specifically to South America.
For instance, a farm at Neuendorf had been founded as
early as 1931 by non-Zionist groups such as Jüdische
Wanderfürsorge (Care of Jewish Migrants) - which was
later to engage in the repatriation of East Europeans
- to train farmers for the ICA project at Avigdor in
Argentina, where many of the trainees eventually went.
[Non-Zionist job
training in farming in Gross-Breesen since 1936]
In early 1936 RV established another large farm,
Gross-Breesen, under Dr. Kurt Bondy, for 125 trainees.
While the Zionists opposed the principle of its
establishment, some Zionists (for example, Dr. Georg
Lubinski) acted as special advisers. Gross-Breesen was
a Jewish estate in Silesia, and after it opened in May
1936 it trained people for agricultural and carpentry
work. The leaders of RV, men like Otto Hirsch and
Julius Seligsohn and other liberal leaders, saw
Gross-Breesen as a ray of hope for liberal Jewry in
The inspired leadership of a great educator like Bondy
gave a measure of excellence to character training at
the farm, besides its real technical achievements. By
the spring of 1938 Gross-Breesen was actually
self-supporting. But emigration plans lagged, and in
1938 plans for group settlement had to be abandoned,
despite JDC attempts to settle the groups in Virginia
with the help of a generous Jewish citizen of
Richmond, William B. Thalheimer. (Ultimately, a small
settlement was founded there at Hyde Farmlands, which
lasted until 1941).
[Since Nov 1938:
Non-Zionist job training in farming in Holland and
After the November 1938 pogrom most of the trainees,
including Bondy, went to Holland and England.
(End note 34: Werner T. Angress: Auswandererlehrgut
Gross-Breesen; In: Leo Baeck Yearbook (1965), 10:168
[Zionist job training
in farming in Holland and other countries for
Palestine since 1918]
The Zionists, on the other hand, concentrated a great
deal of their efforts on taking German Jewish
youngsters out of Germany and training them for
Palestine in other European countries, away from the
Nazi atmosphere. There was one such center in
existence prior to 1933, namely, the one at Deventer,
Holland, which had been established in 1918. By 1936
there were 1,248 youngsters who were being trained in
26 centers. These also included some that were not
exclusively Palestine-orientated, such as Wieringen in
Holland took 378 of these young people, Czechoslovakia
141, France 124, Denmark 213, Fascist Italy 137, and
little Luxembourg 88; the rest were sent to various
other countries.
Among the problems that were never solved was the lack
of girls and of professions to train them in.
[The job training in
Most of the training was agricultural, which accounted
for over 80 % of the work done abroad. Hechalutz
usually tried to lease farms where the people could
live communally, but sometimes this did not work out,
as in Denmark and Czechoslovakia, and the trainees
were forced to live with individual peasants - which
of course limited the possibilities for cultural and
religious activities. There were certain places, as in
Luxembourg, where only the fittest were sent, because
work was especially hard in the vineyards of that
country. Nevertheless, the vast majority withstood
these trials, and many of them did go to Palestine and
other countries in the end. In the towns, communal
centers were set up for those who were learning a
trade or a craft, some of them with aid of ORT (as in
(End note 35:
-- David J. Schweitzer at Board of Directors, 1/4/36
[4 January 1936];
-- Training and Retraining outside Germany, 8-1; and:
-- Statement of Reconstructive and Emigration
Activities Carried on in Germany; no date, 14-64)
All this activity, known as Auslands-hachsharah
(Foreign Training), was largely organized by Shalom
Adler-Rudel, a Zionist expert in the training field,
and by the German Hechalutz, with some JDC supervision
and financial support.
[Since 1936: Job
training farms abroad going down]
Nach 1936 the Foreign Training program declined,
because it became more and more difficult to place
German Jewish youngsters in training abroad.
By 1937 only 774 were in training.
(End note 36: Statistics, R43)
Nevertheless, many hundreds of youngsters had found
their emigration prospects enhanced by participation
in these programs.
[3.7.3. Children help programs]
[Since 1932: Programs
for children by Recha Freier]
Connected with problems of training was the larger
question of the future of German Jewish children
generally. Owing to the great emphasis Jewish
tradition placed on children and their education,
stress was laid on programs that dealt with solutions
for the younger generation. As early as 1932 Recha
Freier, wife of a Berlin rabbi, a wonderful and
immensely strong-willed woman, foresaw the need to
save the Jewish children. She set up an umbrella
organization composed of the following groups:
representatives of the Ahavah home, a famous
children's institution in Germany, which was then in
the process of moving to Palestine; representatives
of the Palestine children's village, Ben Shemen, which
was under the direction of a great German Jewish
teacher, Ernst Lehman; and a unified body representing
all the Zionist youth movements in Germany. On July
14, 1933, the umbrella organization, the Working Body
for Children and Youth Aliyah, submitted a plan to ZA
for settling 600 children in Palestine by 1934, at a
cost of 293,300 German marks.
(End note 37: Memo of Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Kinder-
und Jugendalijah to ZA, 7/14/33 [14 July 1933], 14-48)
It would accept children between the ages of 13 and
16, who would be sent to institutions like Ahavah or
Ben Shemen or to kibbutzim, or placed with individual
[1933: Copy of Recha
Freier's children's program: Youth Aliyah for
The program was adopted, and in Palestine a central
organization known as Youth Aliyah (immigration to
Palestine) was set up [in 1933], headed by the veteran
American Zionist Henrietta Szold. After a six-month
training course in Germany, the children, who had been
very carefully screened, were sent to Palestine. It
was only in 1936, however, when 630 Youth Aliyah
children had reached in Palestine, that the original
1933 goal was finally met. But the adjustment made by
the children was very successful, and the JDC funds
were well used through this program to pay for part of
the cost both of training and of transportation.
[1933-1939: JDC
founds the German Jewish Children's Aid for 433
children brought to the "USA"]
From the inner circle of the JDC leadership in
America, too, there was a response to the need to save
children. In October 1933 Dr. Solomon Lowenstein and
Jacob Billikopf, head of the National Conference of
Jewish Social Workers, were instrumental in setting up
a committee known as the German Jewish Children's Aid
to deal with the transfer of children from Germany to
the United States. It was difficult for the liberal
Jews of America to accept the need for the emigration
of German Jewry, especially that of unaccompanied
children. It was doubted that German Jewish parents
would consent to the procedure.
Hyman told Billikopf that it was preferable to send
the children to German-speaking countries on the
Continent rather than overseas, and that it would be
even better to keep them in Germany altogether.
(End note 38: Hyman to Billikopf, 1/18/34 [18 January
1934], 14-54)
There were great legal and financial difficulties. A
guarantee of $ 500 per year for each child had
to be given and the placement of children with
families "had encountered a great many difficulties."
Nevertheless, a first group (p.122)
of 53 children arrived in America in November 1934.
But Dr. Lowenstein declared in May 1935 that "the
expenditure would seem out of proportion to the amount
actually required for general relief in Germany for
tremendously large numbers of persons and projects. We
have, therefore, regretfully, come to the conclusion
that we could not bring over any other children."
(End note 39:
-- Dr. Lowenstein at Executive Committee, 5/22/35;
-- 24 - German Jewish children's aid, 1934-44)
By that time about 150 had been brought here.
After the fall of 1935 [Nuremberg race laws] the
immigration of children became feasible again, and by
early 1937 the committee had filled its original quota
of 250 children (actually 235) and continued to accept
them at a rate of 10 to 12 a month. The total number
of children who came to the United States under this
program until the outbreak of the war in 1939 was 433.
(End note 40: Executive Committee, 4/14/37 [14 April
[18 children placed
in England and Switzerland]
A beginning was also made in children's emigration to
England and Switzerland, where 18 children were placed
in 1933 and 1934.
All these efforts made very little difference
statistically to the estimated 101,000 [Jewish]
children under 15 who lived in Germany in 1934.
Psychologically, however, parental consent to the
emigration of about 1,000 unaccompanied youngsters by
1938 made a significant difference to the climate of
exodus that was swiftly engulfing German Jewry. People
began to be willing, especially after 1935, to send
away their most precious possession - their children -
to more hospitable lands.
[3.7.4. JDC schools]
No matter how large the special emigration programs
for children might be, a large majority of them had to
remain in Germany. As these children were slowly
forced out of the general school system, the need
arose to give them a Jewish and humanist education in
special Jewish schools. Because of the small funds JDC
had at its disposal at the beginning of what was
inappropriately called "the German emergency", Kahn
was at first against founding new institutions, for
which large capital investments would have to be made.
(End note 41: Kahn to Baerwald, 2/23/34 [23 February
He was in favor of increasing the number of children
in the existing schools by enlarging them, and he
vigorously defended the need to provide funds for
Jewish education. The British Jews, mostly Zionists,
argued that no money should be given for schools
in Germany, as the children would soon be brought out
in any case. However, reality soon made this
discussion academic.
In early 1933 only 6,000 out of some 50,000 Jewish
children went to Jewish schools, but the numbers [of
Jewish children who went to school] grew by leaps and
bounds each year.
(End note 42: Primer, p. 98; see also 1934 annual
This tremendous effort to absorb children who were
driven out of schools by the attitude of classmates
and teachers and the general hate-filled atmosphere
(End note 43: An ordinance against the attendance of
Jewish children in German schools was published on
April 1, 1936, but was not rigidly enforced for quite
some time after that).
was made possible by the resolution on the part of the
German Jewish educational and spiritual leadership,
men like Leo Baeck, Martin Buber, Ernst Simon, and
others, to build a better spiritual world for Jewry by
returning to Jewish and humanist values and
traditions. There probably were few eras in German
Jewish history when there was such a flowering of
Jewish education and thought as in those short years
prior to the catastrophe.
JDC, unlike the British organizations, insisted
on aiding and supporting these activities. Kahn
especially was a convinced believer in the value of
spiritual resistance, and he encouraged the German
leaders to use the funds they had for purposes such as
[3.7.5. JDC relief work - Jewish welfare
An area of activity that had to be included in ZA
[Central Committee, Zentral-Ausschuss] work, which JDC
strived to avoid as much as possible in Eastern
Europe, was relief. In Germany there was little
choice: JDC understood the need and supported large
expenditures for relief. The number of welfare
recipients prior to 1938 usually averaged about 20 %
of the Jewish population. For example, in 1935/6 the
number was 83,761; this increased somewhat in 1937. In
addition, funds were
Table 4: Jewish
Schools in Germany
No. of schools
No. of pupils
Total Jewish children of school age
given to the Jewish Winter Help, though during the
first years of the German regime some aid was still
received from the German government. (Indeed, the
Germanic mind operated so efficiently that until the
outbreak of war, even those Jewish recipients of
government pensions who lived abroad received them
[Since 1936:
Impoverishment of the Jewish communities - more
concentration of the Jews in towns]
However, the continual decline of the Jewish
population expressed itself in the impoverishment of
the local communities where most people in need had
been receiving help without recourse to the central
organizations, and in the parallel population movement
from small towns to large urban centers.
In 1937, of the 1,400 or so communities (Gemeinden),
309 were classified by ZA as being in need and 303 as
partly in need; 120 more asked to be placed in that
category. Berlin itself had 15 soup kitchens, where
large numbers of free meals were given out, and about
one-third of the total public Jewish funds in Germany
were spent on welfare in 1935.
(End note 44: Kahn: Report and Bulletin; January 1936,
R15; out of the total amount collected in Germany by
all Jewish organizations, Kahn estimated that 8
million marks were given to "welfare", presumably
child care, medical care, old age care, and relief).
[JDC fund raising for
relief work]
German Jewish welfare was efficient and followed
modern practice - a whole generation of Jewish welfare
workers had, after all, been trained in Germany prior
to Hitler, although with quite different prospects in
view. JDC reacted to the German situation with great
speed. The sum of $ 40,000 was sent to Germany
immediately after Hitler's assumption of power; and
after Jonah B. Wise's trip, $ 254,000 was sent.
(End note 45: Memo on JDC activities in behalf of
German Jewry, 10/24/33 [24 October 1933], 14-47)
[May 1933: The Joint
offices are searched - existence until 1939]
The JDC offices in Berlin were searched by the Nazis
in May 1933, whereupon Hyman spoke to the U.S. State
Department, and the American consul in Berlin
intervened "energetically and effectively", as did the
British consul.
(End note 46: Executive Committee, 5/25/33 [25 May
After that, the JDC office in Berlin was maintained
only formally, under Prof. Eugen Mittwoch, who was
responsible for it until 1939.